Exemplo n.º 1
 function _init()
     $shop = module('shop');
     $shop->_shop_cats = _class('cats')->_get_items_names('shop_cats');
     $shop->_shop_cats_all = _class('cats')->_get_items_array('shop_cats');
     $shop->_shop_cats_for_select = _class('cats')->_prepare_for_box('shop_cats');
     $sql_man = 'SELECT * FROM ' . db('shop_manufacturers') . ' ORDER BY name ASC';
     $shop->_manufacturer = db()->query_fetch_all($sql_man);
     $shop->_man_for_select['none'] = '--NONE--';
     foreach ((array) $shop->_manufacturer as $k => $v) {
         $shop->_man_for_select[$v['url']] = $v['name'];
     $shop->_man_id = 'none';
     $shop->products_img_dir = INCLUDE_PATH . SITE_UPLOADS_DIR . $shop->PROD_IMG_DIR;
     $shop->products_img_webdir = WEB_PATH . SITE_UPLOADS_DIR . $shop->PROD_IMG_DIR;
     if (!file_exists($shop->products_img_dir)) {
     $shop->_boxes = ['ship_type' => 'select_box("ship_type", $shop->_ship_types_names, $selected, false, 2, "", false)', 'pay_type' => 'radio_box("pay_type", $shop->_pay_types, $selected, 1, 2, "", false)'];
     $shop->_ship_types_names = [];
     foreach ((array) $shop->_ship_types as $_id => $_info) {
         $_price_text = ' (' . ($_info['price'] < 0 ? '-' : '+') . $shop->_format_price(abs($_info['price'])) . ')';
         $shop->_ship_types_names[$_id] = $_info['name'] . ($_info['price'] ? $_price_text : '');
     // Override pay type for group
     $force_group_pay_type = $shop->FORCE_GROUP_PAY[main()->USER_GROUP];
     if ($force_group_pay_type) {
         $shop->FORCE_PAY_METHOD = $force_group_pay_type;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function _init()
     if (!extension_loaded('imagick')) {
         $this->ALLOW_IMAGICK = false;
     if ($this->COLLECT_BAD_IMAGES) {
         $bad_images_path = APP_PATH . $this->BAD_IMAGES_DIR;
         if (!file_exists($bad_images_path)) {
             _mkdir_m($bad_images_path, 0777);
     if (empty($this->LIBS_PRIORITY)) {
         $this->LIBS_PRIORITY = ['gd'];
     if (!empty($this->WATERMARK_POSITION)) {
         if (strpos($this->WATERMARK_POSITION, '-')) {
             $position = explode('-', $this->WATERMARK_POSITION);
             $this->WATERMARK_ALIGN_X = $position[0];
             $this->WATERMARK_ALIGN_Y = $position[1];
         if ($this->WATERMARK_POSITION == 'random') {
             $this->WATERMARK_ALIGN_X = $this->IMAGE_ALIGN_X[rand(0, 2)];
             $this->WATERMARK_ALIGN_Y = $this->IMAGE_ALIGN_Y[rand(0, 2)];
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Contructor
 function _init()
     $this->BASE_PATH = YF_PATH . 'libs/phpids/';
     // set the include path properly for PHPIDS
     set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $this->BASE_PATH);
     $this->config = ['General' => ["filter_type" => "xml", "base_path" => $this->BASE_PATH, "use_base_path" => false, "filter_path" => $this->BASE_PATH . "IDS/default_filter.xml", "tmp_path" => INCLUDE_PATH . "uploads/tmp/", "scan_keys" => false, "html" => ["__wysiwyg"], "json" => ["__jsondata"], "exceptions" => ["__utmz", "__utmc"]], 'Logging' => ["path" => INCLUDE_PATH . "phpids_log.txt"], 'Caching' => ["caching" => "none"]];
Exemplo n.º 4
 function go()
     if (!db()->QUERY_LOG) {
         return false;
     $logs_dir = INCLUDE_PATH . 'logs/';
     if (!file_exists($logs_dir)) {
     $IP = is_object(common()) ? common()->get_ip() : false;
     if (!$IP) {
         $IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $log_header = '## ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '; ' . 'SITE_ID: ' . conf('SITE_ID') . '; ' . 'IP = ' . $IP . '; ' . 'QUERY_STRING = ' . WEB_PATH . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '; ' . (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? 'URL: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '; ' : '') . (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? 'REFERER = ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '; ' : '') . "##\r\n";
     if (db()->LOG_ALL_QUERIES && !empty(db()->FILE_NAME_LOG_ALL)) {
         $c = 0;
         $h = fopen($logs_dir . db()->FILE_NAME_LOG_ALL, 'a');
         fwrite($h, $log_header);
         foreach ((array) db()->QUERY_LOG as $id => $text) {
             if (substr($text, 0, strlen('EXPLAIN')) == 'EXPLAIN' || substr($text, 0, strlen('SHOW SESSION STATUS')) == 'SHOW SESSION STATUS') {
             $log_entry = ++$c . ') ' . common()->_format_time_value(db()->QUERY_EXEC_TIME[$id]) . ";\t" . $text . '; ' . (isset(db()->QUERY_AFFECTED_ROWS[$text]) ? ' # affected_rows: ' . intval(db()->QUERY_AFFECTED_ROWS[$text]) . ';' : '') . "\r\n";
             fwrite($h, $log_entry);
         fwrite($h, "####\r\n");
     // Slow queries
     if (db()->LOG_SLOW_QUERIES && !empty(db()->FILE_NAME_LOG_SLOW)) {
         $c = 0;
         foreach ((array) db()->QUERY_LOG as $id => $text) {
             if (db()->QUERY_EXEC_TIME[$id] < (double) db()->SLOW_QUERIES_TIME_LIMIT) {
             // Get explain info about queries
             $_explain_result = [];
             if (substr(db()->DB_TYPE, 0, 5) == 'mysql' && preg_match('/^[\\(]*select/ims', $text)) {
                 $_explain_result = db()->query_fetch_all('EXPLAIN ' . $text);
             $_cur_trace = db()->QUERY_BACKTRACE_LOG[$id];
             $add_text = '' . (isset(db()->QUERY_AFFECTED_ROWS[$text]) ? ' # affected_rows: ' . intval(db()->QUERY_AFFECTED_ROWS[$text]) . '; ' : '') . (!empty($_cur_trace) ? '# ' . $_cur_trace['file'] . ' on line ' . $_cur_trace['line'] . ' (db->' . $_cur_trace['function'] . (!empty($_cur_trace['inside_method']) ? ' inside ' . $_cur_trace['inside_method'] : '') . '; ' : '') . (!empty($_explain_result) ? $this->_format_db_explain_result($_explain_result) : '');
             $slow_queries[] = ++$c . ') ' . common()->_format_time_value(db()->QUERY_EXEC_TIME[$id]) . ";\t" . $text . '; ' . ($add_text ? "\r\n" . $add_text : '') . "\r\n";
         if (!empty($slow_queries)) {
             $h = fopen($logs_dir . db()->FILE_NAME_LOG_SLOW, 'a');
             fwrite($h, $log_header);
             foreach ((array) $slow_queries as $text) {
                 fwrite($h, $text);
             fwrite($h, "####\r\n");
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Extract files from tar archive (local)
 function _local_extract_tar($archive_path = '', $extract_path = '')
     if (empty($archive_path) || empty($extract_path)) {
         return false;
     $archive_path = _class('ssh')->_prepare_path($archive_path);
     $extract_path = _class('ssh')->_prepare_path($extract_path);
     $destination_folder = dirname($extract_path);
     if (!file_exists($destination_folder)) {
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
 function _copy($id, $par)
     $dir = $this->_path($id);
     $par = $this->_path($par);
     $new = explode('/', $dir);
     $new = array_pop($new);
     $new = $par . '/' . $new;
     if (is_file($new) || is_dir($new)) {
         throw new Exception('Path already exists: ' . $new);
     if (is_dir($dir)) {
         foreach (glob(rtrim($dir, '/') . '/*') as $f) {
             $this->_copy($this->_id($dir . '/' . basename($f)), $this->_id($new));
     if (is_file($dir)) {
         copy($dir, $new);
     return ['id' => $this->_id($new)];
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Save debug log
 function _save_debug_log($text = '', $log_level = E_NOTICE, $trace = [], $simple = false)
     if (empty($log_level) || !isset($this->_error_levels_names[$log_level])) {
         $log_level = E_NOTICE;
     if (empty($this->CUR_LOG_LEVEL) || $log_level > $this->CUR_LOG_LEVEL) {
         return false;
     $LOGS_DIR = APP_PATH . 'logs/';
     $log_data = '';
     $log_data .= !$simple ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' [' . $this->_error_levels_names[$log_level] . '] ' : '';
     $log_data .= $text;
     //		$log_data .= !$simple ? '  ('.$trace['file'].' on line '.$trace['line'].')' : '';
     $log_data .= !$simple ? ' | ' . str_replace("\n", ' ', main()->trace_string()) : '';
     $log_data .= "\n";
     file_put_contents($LOGS_DIR . 'debug_logs.log', $log_data, FILE_APPEND);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Compile given template into pure PHP code
 function _compile($name, $replace = [], $string = "")
     $_time_start = microtime(true);
     // For later check for templates changes
     if (_class('tpl')->COMPILE_CHECK_STPL_CHANGED) {
         $_md5_string = md5($string);
     $compiled_dir = STORAGE_PATH . _class('tpl')->COMPILED_DIR;
     // Do not check dir existence twice
     if (!isset($this->_stpl_compile_dir_check)) {
         $this->_stpl_compile_dir_check = true;
     $file_name = $compiled_dir . 'c_' . MAIN_TYPE . '_' . urlencode($name) . '.php';
     $start = '<' . '?p' . 'hp ';
     $end = ' ?' . '>';
     $string = $this->_process_patterns($name, $replace, $string);
     // Images and uploads paths compile
     $web_path = MAIN_TYPE_USER ? 'MEDIA_PATH' : 'ADMIN_WEB_PATH';
     $images_path = $web_path . '._class(\'tpl\')->TPL_PATH. _class(\'tpl\')->_IMAGES_PATH';
     $to_replace = ['"images/' => '"' . $start . 'echo ' . $images_path . ';' . $end, '\'images/' => '\'' . $start . 'echo ' . $images_path . ';' . $end, '"uploads/' => '"' . $start . 'echo MEDIA_PATH. _class(\'tpl\')->_UPLOADS_PATH;' . $end, '\'uploads/' => '\'' . $start . 'echo MEDIA_PATH. _class(\'tpl\')->_UPLOADS_PATH;' . $end, 'src="uploads/' => 'src="' . $start . 'echo ' . $web_path . '._class(\'tpl\')->_UPLOADS_PATH;' . $end];
     $string = str_replace(array_keys($to_replace), $to_replace, $string);
     $string = '<' . '?p' . 'hp if(!defined(\'YF_PATH\')) exit(); /* ' . 'date: ' . gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' GMT; ' . 'compile_time: ' . common()->_format_time_value(microtime(true) - $_time_start) . '; ' . 'name: ' . $name . '; ' . ' */ ' . '?' . '>' . PHP_EOL . $string;
     file_put_contents($file_name, $string);
     return $string;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * AJAX-based method edit selected template for the current locale
 function edit_locale_stpl()
     if (!DEBUG_MODE || !tpl()->ALLOW_INLINE_DEBUG) {
         return print 'Access denied';
     // Prepare template name to get
     $STPL_NAME = trim($_GET['id']);
     // Some security checks
     $STPL_NAME = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\\-\\/]/i', '', $STPL_NAME);
     $STPL_NAME = trim($STPL_NAME, '/');
     $STPL_NAME = preg_replace('#[\\/]{2,}#', '/', $STPL_NAME);
     if (empty($STPL_NAME)) {
         return print 'STPL name required!';
     // Path to the lang-based theme
     $_lang_theme_path = INCLUDE_PATH . tpl()->_THEMES_PATH . conf('theme') . '.' . conf('language') . '/';
     // Try to get template
     $text = tpl()->_get_template_file($STPL_NAME . tpl()->_STPL_EXT);
     $text = str_replace("\r", '', $text);
     // Determine used source
     $_source = tpl()->CACHE[$STPL_NAME]['storage'];
     // Try to save template
     if (isset($_POST['text'])) {
         // Compare source and result
         $result = 'Nothing changed';
         if ($_POST['text'] != $text) {
             $locale_stpl_path = $_lang_theme_path . $STPL_NAME . tpl()->_STPL_EXT;
             // First try to create subdir
             if (!file_exists(dirname($locale_stpl_path))) {
             // Save file
             file_put_contents($locale_stpl_path, $_POST['text']);
             // Save revision
             db()->INSERT('revisions', ['user_id' => intval(MAIN_TYPE_USER ? main()->USER_ID : main()->ADMIN_ID), 'object_name' => _es('locale_stpl'), 'object_id' => _es($STPL_NAME), 'old_text' => _es($text), 'new_text' => _es($_POST['text']), 'date' => time(), 'ip' => common()->get_ip(), 'comment' => _es('saved into file: ' . $locale_stpl_path)]);
             // Success output
             $result = 'Saved successfully';
         return print $result;
     // Show template contents by default
     return print $text;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Copy remote dir structure into local one (bulk method)
 function download_dir($server_info = [], $remote_dir = "", $local_dir = "", $pattern_include = "", $pattern_exclude = "", $level = null)
     $local_dir = _class('ssh')->_prepare_path($local_dir);
     $remote_dir = _class('ssh')->_prepare_path($remote_dir);
     if (!_class('ssh')->_INIT_OK || !$server_info || !strlen($local_dir) || !strlen($remote_dir)) {
         return false;
     if (!_class('ssh')->file_exists($server_info, $remote_dir)) {
         trigger_error('SSH: ' . __FUNCTION__ . ': remote dir ' . $remote_dir . ' not exist', E_USER_WARNING);
         return false;
     $cutoff_len = strlen($remote_dir);
     if (!_class('ssh')->file_exists($server_info, $remote_dir)) {
         return false;
     $completed = false;
     // Try this one if previous method failed or not allowed
     if (!$completed) {
         $dir_contents = _class('ssh')->scan_dir($server_info, $remote_dir, $pattern_include, $pattern_exclude, $level);
         if (!$dir_contents) {
             return false;
         foreach ((array) $dir_contents as $_path => $_info) {
             $remote_file = $_path;
             $local_file = $local_dir . substr($_path, $cutoff_len);
             if ($_info['type'] == 'd') {
             } elseif ($_info['type'] == 'f') {
                 _class('ssh')->read_file($server_info, $remote_file, $local_file);
             } elseif ($_info['type'] == 'l') {
                 // Resolve link target and download it
                 $_target_path = _class('ssh')->realpath($server_info, $_path);
                 $_target_info = _class('ssh')->file_info($server_info, $_target_path);
                 if ($_target_info['type'] == 'f') {
                     _class('ssh')->read_file($server_info, $_target_path, $local_file);
     _class('ssh')->_log($server_info, __FUNCTION__, 'remote_dir: ' . $remote_dir . ', local_dir: ' . $local_dir . '');
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Do save
 function go()
     if (!$this->LOGGING || MAIN_TYPE_USER) {
         return false;
     if (main()->NO_GRAPHICS && !$this->LOG_NO_GRAPHICS_PAGES) {
         return false;
     if ($GLOBALS['task_not_found'] && !$this->LOG_NOT_FOUND_PAGES) {
         return false;
     if ($this->USE_STOP_LIST) {
         foreach ((array) $this->STOP_LIST as $_cur_pattern) {
             if (preg_match('/' . $_cur_pattern . '/i', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
                 return false;
     if ($this->FILTER_BOTS && !main()->USER_ID) {
         $SPIDER_NAME = common()->_is_spider($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
         if ($SPIDER_NAME) {
             return false;
     if ($this->EXCLUDE_IPS) {
         $ip = common()->get_ip();
         if ($ip && (isset($this->EXCLUDE_IPS[$ip]) || in_array($ip, $this->EXCLUDE_IPS))) {
             $checks['exclude_ip'] = true;
     if ($this->EXCLUDE_USER_AGENTS) {
         $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
         foreach ((array) $this->EXCLUDE_USER_AGENTS as $pattern) {
             if (preg_match('~' . $pattern . '~i', $ua)) {
                 $checks['exclude_ua'] = true;
     $this->checks = $checks;
     foreach ((array) $checks as $name => $is_denied) {
         if ($is_denied) {
             $this->log_denied_because = $name;
             return false;
     $exec_time = str_replace(',', '.', common()->_format_time_value($GLOBALS['time_end'] ?: microtime(true) - main()->_time_start));
     $query_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
     // TODO: use parse_url here
     		list($object, $action) = explode('&action=', $query_string);
     		if ($action == 'realtime') {
     			return false;
     if (main()->is_console()) {
         $query_string = http_build_query($_GET);
     $data = ['admin_id' => (int) main()->ADMIN_ID, 'admin_group' => (int) main()->ADMIN_GROUP, 'date' => time(), 'ip' => common()->get_ip(), 'user_agent' => (string) $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'referer' => (string) $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'query_string' => (string) $query_string, 'request_uri' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'exec_time' => $exec_time, 'num_dbq' => (int) db()->NUM_QUERIES, 'page_size' => (int) tpl()->_output_body_length, 'site_id' => (int) conf('SITE_ID'), 'server_id' => (int) conf('SERVER_ID')];
     if ($this->LOG_DRIVER == 'db') {
         $sql = db()->insert_safe('log_admin_exec', $data, $as_sql = true);
     } elseif ($this->LOG_DRIVER == 'file') {
         $data['output_cache'] = '0';
         // mean: exec full mode (not from output cache)
         $log_file_path = INCLUDE_PATH . $this->LOG_DIR_NAME . gmdate('Y-m-d') . '.log';
         $log_dir_path = dirname($log_file_path);
         if (!file_exists($log_dir_path)) {
         file_put_contents($log_file_path, implode('#@#', $data) . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Show given array as RSS page
 function show_rss_page($data = [], $params = [])
     $rss = new UniversalFeedCreator();
     if (!isset($params['use_cached']) || !empty($params['use_cached'])) {
     $rss->title = _prepare_html(!empty($params['feed_title']) ? $params['feed_title'] : 'Site feed title');
     $rss->description = _prepare_html(!empty($params['feed_desc']) ? $params['feed_desc'] : 'Site feed description');
     // optional feed params
     $rss->descriptionTruncSize = !empty($params['feed_trunc_size']) ? intval($params['item_trunc_size']) : 500;
     $rss->descriptionHtmlSyndicated = isset($params['feed_insert_html']) ? (bool) $params['feed_insert_html'] : true;
     $rss->link = _prepare_html(process_url($params['feed_url'] ?: './?object=' . $_GET['object']));
     $this->self_link = $rss->link;
     $rss->syndicationURL = _prepare_html(process_url($params['feed_source'] ?: './?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=' . $_GET['action'] . (!empty($_GET['id']) ? '&id=' . $_GET['id'] : '')));
     if (!empty($this->SHOW_RSS_ENCODING)) {
         $rss->encoding = $this->SHOW_RSS_ENCODING;
     foreach ((array) $data as $A) {
         $item = new FeedItem();
         if (isset($A['date'])) {
             $A['date'] = intval($A['date']);
         if (isset($A['link'])) {
             $A['link'] = process_url($A['link']);
         // Process known fields
         foreach ((array) $this->avail_item_fields as $field_name) {
             if (isset($A[$field_name])) {
                 $item->{$field_name} = $A[$field_name];
         if (!isset($item->guid)) {
             $item->guid = $A['link'] . '#' . md5($params['feed_source'] . '&' . $A['date'] . '&' . $A['title'] . '&' . $A['author']);
         // optional params
         $item->descriptionTruncSize = !empty($params['item_trunc_size']) ? intval($params['item_trunc_size']) : $this->DESC_TRUNC_SIZE;
         $item->descriptionHtmlSyndicated = isset($params['item_insert_html']) ? (bool) $params['item_insert_html'] : true;
         // optional (enclosure)
         // Sample: $A['enclosure'] = array('url'=>'http://lh3.ggpht.com/smoliarov/Rwygj8ucrbE/AAAAAAAABIA/UkNlwQ7eniw/_200708.jpg','length'=>'65036','type'=>'image/jpeg');
         if (!empty($A['enclosure']) && is_array($A['enclosure'])) {
             $E = $A['enclosure'];
             $item->enclosure = new EnclosureItem();
             $item->enclosure->url = _prepare_html($E['url']);
             $item->enclosure->length = intval($E['length']);
             $item->enclosure->type = _prepare_html($E['type']);
     // Set format of the resulting feed
     $feed_format = isset($params['feed_format']) && in_array($params['feed_format'], $this->avail_formats) ? $params['feed_format'] : 'RSS2.0';
     $feed_file_name = $params['feed_file_name'];
     if (!strlen($feed_file_name)) {
         $feed_file_name = md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '_' . $rss->title . $rss->description . $this->self_link);
     $feed_file_name = common()->_propose_url_from_name($feed_file_name);
     $feed_cache_path = $this->FEEDS_CACHE_PATH . $feed_file_name . '.xml';
     $feed_cache_dir = dirname($feed_cache_path);
     if (!file_exists($feed_cache_dir)) {
     $feed_redirect = $params['return_feed_text'] ? false : true;
     $body = $rss->saveFeed($feed_format, $feed_cache_path, $feed_redirect);
     if (!empty($params['return_feed_text'])) {
         if ($body) {
             return $body;
         } elseif (file_exists($feed_cache_path)) {
             return file_get_contents($feed_cache_path);
     } else {
         main()->NO_GRAPHICS = true;
         echo $body;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Sitemap format generator (compatible with Google, Yahoo, MSN etc)
  * https://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/docs/en/about.html
  * XML-Specification: https://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/docs/en/protocol.html
  * You can use the gzip feature or compress your Sitemap files using gzip. 
  * Please note that your uncompressed Sitemap file may not be larger than 10MB.
  * No support for more the 50.000 URLs at the moment. See
  * http://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/docs/en/protocol.html#sitemapFileRequirements
 function _generate_sitemap()
     main()->NO_GRAPHICS = true;
     if (!$this->SITE_MAP_ENABLED) {
         return false;
     // !! Important !!
     // Turn off rewrite adding url params into sitemap urls
     _class('rewrite')->URL_ADD_BUILTIN_PARAMS = false;
     $_sitemap_base_name = $this->SITEMAP_FILE_NAME;
     // Check if needed to recreate sitemap files
     $_path = $this->SITEMAP_STORE_FOLDER . $this->SITEMAP_FILE_NAME . '_index' . $this->_file_extension;
     if (file_exists($_path) && filemtime($_path) + $this->SITEMAP_LIVE_TIME > time() && !$this->TEST_MODE) {
         // send headers
         $this->_redirect_sitemap($this->SITEMAP_WEB_PATH . $this->SITEMAP_FILE_NAME . '_index' . $this->_file_extension);
         return false;
     if (!file_exists($_path)) {
         $_path = $this->SITEMAP_STORE_FOLDER . $this->SITEMAP_FILE_NAME . '1' . $this->_file_extension;
         if (file_exists($_path) && filemtime($_path) + $this->SITEMAP_LIVE_TIME > time() && !$this->TEST_MODE) {
             // send headers
             $this->_redirect_sitemap($this->SITEMAP_WEB_PATH . $this->SITEMAP_FILE_NAME . '1' . $this->_file_extension);
             return false;
     // Start generate sitemap
     if ($this->USE_LOCKING) {
         if (file_exists($this->LOCK_FILE_NAME)) {
             if (time() - filemtime($this->LOCK_FILE_NAME) > $this->LOCK_TIMEOUT) {
             } else {
                 return false;
         file_put_contents($this->LOCK_FILE_NAME, time());
     $this->_sitemap_file_counter = 1;
     _class('dir')->delete_files($this->SITEMAP_STORE_FOLDER, '/' . $_sitemap_base_name . '.*/i');
     $this->_fp = fopen($this->SITEMAP_STORE_FOLDER . $this->SITEMAP_FILE_NAME . $this->_sitemap_file_counter . $this->_file_extension, 'w+');
     $this->_total_length = 0;
     $this->_entries_counter = 0;
     $this->_total_length = strlen($header_text);
     foreach ((array) $this->MODULES_TO_INCLUDE as $module_name) {
         $module_obj = module_safe($module_name);
         if ($this->LIMIT_REACHED || !is_object($module_obj)) {
         $hook_name = '';
         foreach ((array) $this->HOOK_NAMES as $_hook_name) {
             if (method_exists($module_obj, $_hook_name)) {
                 $hook_name = $_hook_name;
         if ($hook_name) {
             $items = $module_obj->{$hook_name}($this);
             if (is_array($items)) {
                 foreach ((array) $items as $item) {
     if (!$this->LIMIT_REACHED) {
     $files = _class('dir')->scan($this->SITEMAP_STORE_FOLDER);
     foreach ((array) $files as $file_name) {
         if (false !== strpos($file_name, '.svn') || false !== strpos($file_name, '.git')) {
         $path_info = pathinfo($file_name);
         $_sitemap_filename_pattern = '/^(' . $this->SITEMAP_FILE_NAME . ')([0-9]{1,3})(\\.xml)$/';
         if (!preg_match($_sitemap_filename_pattern, $path_info['basename'])) {
         } else {
             $sitemaps[$file_name] = $file_name;
     if ($sitemaps) {
         foreach ((array) $sitemaps as $filename) {
     $this->_file_for_google = str_replace(PROJECT_PATH, WEB_PATH, $this->SITEMAP_STORE_FOLDER) . $this->SITEMAP_FILE_NAME . '1' . $this->_file_extension;
     if ($sitemaps && count($sitemaps) > 1) {
         // Create sitemap index
         $this->_fp = fopen($this->SITEMAP_STORE_FOLDER . $this->SITEMAP_FILE_NAME . '_index' . $this->_file_extension, 'w+');
         foreach ((array) $sitemaps as $sitemap_file) {
             $string = "\t<sitemap>\n";
             $string .= "\t\t<loc>" . str_replace(PROJECT_PATH, WEB_PATH, $sitemap_file) . "</loc>\n";
             $last_mod = $this->_iso8601_date(filemtime($sitemap_file));
             if ($last_mod) {
                 $string .= "\t\t<lastmod>" . $last_mod . "</lastmod>\n";
             $string .= "\t</sitemap>\n";
             // Store entry data to file
         $this->_file_for_google = str_replace(PROJECT_PATH, WEB_PATH, $this->SITEMAP_STORE_FOLDER) . $this->SITEMAP_FILE_NAME . '_index' . $this->_file_extension;
     // Release lock
     if ($this->USE_LOCKING) {
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Do save
 function go()
     if (!$this->allow()) {
         return false;
     $is = $this->is;
     $data = ['user_id' => (int) $_SESSION['user_id'], 'user_group' => (int) $_SESSION['user_group'], 'date' => time(), 'user_agent' => (string) $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'referer' => (string) $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'query_string' => (string) $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'request_uri' => (string) $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'exec_time' => str_replace(',', '.', common()->_format_time_value($GLOBALS['time_end'] ?: microtime(true) - main()->_time_start)), 'num_dbq' => (int) db()->NUM_QUERIES, 'page_size' => (int) tpl()->_output_body_length, 'memory' => (int) memory_get_peak_usage(), 'site_id' => (int) conf('SITE_ID'), 'ip' => (string) common()->get_ip(), 'country' => (string) (conf('country') ?: $_SERVER['GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE']), 'lang' => (string) conf('language'), 'utm_source' => strval($_GET['utm_source'] ?: ($_POST['utm_source'] ?: $_SESSION['utm_source'])), 'is_common_page' => (int) $is['is_common_page'], 'is_https' => (int) $is['is_https'], 'is_post' => (int) $is['is_post'], 'is_no_graphics' => (int) $is['is_no_graphics'], 'is_ajax' => (int) $is['is_ajax'], 'is_spider' => (int) $is['is_spider'], 'is_redirect' => (int) $is['is_redirect'], 'is_console' => (int) $is['is_console'], 'is_unit_test' => (int) $is['is_unit_test'], 'is_dev' => (int) $is['is_dev'], 'is_debug' => (int) $is['is_debug'], 'is_banned' => (int) $is['is_banned'], 'is_403' => (int) $is['is_403'], 'is_404' => (int) $is['is_404'], 'is_503' => (int) $is['is_503'], 'is_cache_on' => (int) $is['is_cache_on']];
     if (in_array('db', $this->LOG_DRIVER)) {
         $sql = db()->insert_safe('log_exec', $data);
     if (in_array('file', $this->LOG_DRIVER)) {
         $data['output_cache'] = '0';
         // mean: exec full mode (not from output cache)
         $log_file_path = STORAGE_PATH . $this->LOG_DIR_NAME . 'log_exec_' . gmdate('Y-m-d') . '.log';
         $log_dir_path = dirname($log_file_path);
         if (!file_exists($log_dir_path)) {
         file_put_contents($log_file_path, implode('#@#', $data) . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
Exemplo n.º 15
 function edit_stpl()
     $theme_name = $_GET['theme'];
     $stpl_name = $_GET['name'];
     if (!validate([$theme_name, $stpl_name], 'trim|required')) {
         return _e('Template name and theme required!');
     if (main()->is_post()) {
         if (false !== strpos($_GET['location'], 'framework')) {
             // TODO: use readonly mode with message and ability to save changed file inside project
             return $this->_framework_warning();
         $lib_stpl_path = $this->_dir_array[$_GET['location']] . $theme_name . '/' . $stpl_name . tpl()->_STPL_EXT;
         foreach (glob($lib_stpl_path) as $path) {
             $lib_stpl_path = $path;
         $text = $_POST['stpl_text'] ?: $_POST['stpl_text_hidden'];
         if (!file_exists($lib_stpl_path)) {
         file_put_contents($lib_stpl_path, $text);
         return js_redirect('./?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=show_stpls_in_theme&theme=' . $theme_name . '&location=' . $_GET['location']);
     if (substr($_GET['location'], -strlen('_user')) == '_user' && $theme_name == 'admin') {
         $theme_name = 'user';
     $stpl_path = $this->_dir_array[$_GET['location']] . $theme_name . '/' . $stpl_name . tpl()->_STPL_EXT;
     foreach (glob($stpl_path) as $path) {
         $stpl_path = $path;
     if (!file_exists($stpl_path)) {
         return _e('Cannot find template: ' . $stpl_path);
     $stpl_text = file_get_contents($stpl_path);
     $stpl_text = _prepare_html($stpl_text, 0);
     $replace = ['form_action' => './?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=' . $_GET['action'] . '&name=' . $stpl_name . '&theme=' . $theme_name . '&location=' . $_GET['location'], 'theme_name' => $theme_name, 'stpl_name' => $stpl_name, 'stpl_text' => $stpl_text, 'back_url' => './?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=show_stpls_in_theme&theme=' . $theme_name . '&location=' . $_GET['location'], 'location' => $_GET['location']];
     $div_id = 'editor_html';
     $hidden_id = 'stpl_text_hidden';
     return '<h4>edit: ' . $replace['stpl_name'] . ' for theme: ' . $replace['theme_name'] . ', inside: ' . $replace['location'] . '</h4>' . form($replace, ['data-onsubmit' => '$(this).find("#' . $hidden_id . '").val( $("#' . $div_id . '").data("ace_editor").session.getValue() );'])->container('<div id="' . $div_id . '" style="width: 90%; height: 500px;">' . $stpl_text . '</div>', '', ['id' => $div_id, 'wide' => 1, 'ace_editor' => ['mode' => 'html']])->hidden($hidden_id)->save_and_back();
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Prepare path for the cache file (current page)
 function _prepare_cache_path($cur_cache_name = "")
     // Get name of the cache file
     if (empty($cur_cache_name)) {
         return false;
     // Memcached code
     if ($this->USE_MEMCACHED) {
         return $cur_cache_name;
     // Base cache dir
     $cache_dir = $this->CACHE_DIR;
     // Create subdir (a/b/c)
     $cache_sub_dir = $cur_cache_name[0] . "/" . $cur_cache_name[1] . "/" . $cur_cache_name[2] . "/";
     $cache_dir .= $cache_sub_dir;
     _mkdir_m($cache_dir, 0777);
     return $cache_dir . $this->_file_prefix . $cur_cache_name . $this->_file_ext;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Try quick export with mysqldump
 function _quick_export_with_mysqldump($tables_to_export = [])
     if (count($tables_to_export) == 1) {
         $SINGLE_TABLE = current($tables_to_export);
     // Prepare temp name
     $_temp_file_name = 'db_export' . ($SINGLE_TABLE ? '__' . $SINGLE_TABLE : '') . '_' . date('YmdHis', time()) . '.sql';
     $_temp_file_path = INCLUDE_PATH . 'uploads/tmp/' . $_temp_file_name;
     $mysql_path = defined('OS_WINDOWS') && OS_WINDOWS ? $this->MYSQL_CLIENT_PATH : '';
     $cmd = $mysql_path . 'mysqldump --host=' . DB_HOST . ' --user='******' --password='******' ' . '--opt --comments=false --quote-names ' . DB_NAME . ' ' . implode(' ', array_keys($tables_to_export)) . ' > ' . $_temp_file_path;
     return $_temp_file_path;
Exemplo n.º 18
 function image_resize()
     $body .= '<h3>Testing image upload and resize</h3>';
     $img_src = 'uploads/tmp/test_resized_image.jpg';
     if (file_exists(INCLUDE_PATH . $img_src)) {
         unlink(INCLUDE_PATH . $img_src);
     // Do upload and resize to 500 x 500 px
     if (main()->is_post()) {
         $img_dir = INCLUDE_PATH . dirname($img_src);
         $upload_result = common()->upload_image(INCLUDE_PATH . $img_src);
         $body .= "<b>UPLOAD:</b> " . ($upload_result ? "<b style='color:green;'>success</b>" : "<b style='color:red;'>failed</b>") . "<br />";
         if ($upload_result) {
             $thumb_result = common()->make_thumb(INCLUDE_PATH . $img_src, INCLUDE_PATH . $img_src, 500, 500);
         $body .= "<b>MAKE_THUMB:</b> " . ($thumb_result ? "<b style='color:green;'>success</b>" : "<b style='color:red;'>failed</b>") . "<br />";
         if (file_exists(INCLUDE_PATH . $img_src)) {
             $body .= "<img src='" . WEB_PATH . $img_src . "'><br /><br />";
     $body .= _e();
     $body .= "<form action='./?object=" . $_GET["object"] . "&action=" . $_GET["action"] . "' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'><input type='file' name='image'><input type='submit' name='go' value='GO'></form>";
     return $body;
Exemplo n.º 19
    return $parents;
_mkdir_m($packed_dir, 0777);
_mkdir_m($compiled_dir, 0777);
// Get files array
$files_to_compress = scan_dir($source_dir, 1, "#.*\\.(php)\$#");
foreach ((array) $files_to_compress as $cur_file_path) {
    $compressed_file_path = $packed_dir . substr($cur_file_path, strlen($source_dir));
    $compressed_file_dir = dirname($compressed_file_path);
    if (!file_exists($compressed_file_dir)) {
        _mkdir_m($compressed_file_dir, 0777);
    // Do compress
    _do_compress_php_file($cur_file_path, $compressed_file_path);
// Get classes names and paths
$new_files_to_compile = [];
foreach ((array) scan_dir($packed_dir, 1, "#.*\\.(php)\$#", $exclude_pattern_user) as $cur_file_path) {
    $class_name = str_replace("/", "_", str_replace("\\/", "/", substr($cur_file_path, strlen($packed_dir), -4)));
    $GLOBALS['CLASSES'][$class_name] = $class_name;
    $GLOBALS['CLASSES_PATHS'][$class_name] = $cur_file_path;
// Build inheritance tree
foreach ((array) $GLOBALS['CLASSES'] as $class_name) {
    $text = substr(file_get_contents($GLOBALS['CLASSES_PATHS'][$class_name]), 6) . "\r\n";
    $text = preg_replace($pattern_require, "", $text);