public function decode_route() { $this->params = new _hx_array(array()); if (system_base_Router::$regexp->match($this->query_string)) { throw new HException(new system_base_Http_exception("Illegal character(s) in URI: " . _hx_string_or_null($this->query_string), 400, _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "Router.hx", "lineNumber" => 119, "className" => "system.base.Router", "methodName" => "decode_route")))); } if (strlen($this->query_string) === 0) { $this->controller = system_base_Router::$FRONT_CONTROLLER; $s = strtolower($this->controller); $this->controller = _hx_string_or_null(strtoupper(_hx_substr($s, 0, 1))) . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substr($s, 1, null)); $this->method = strtolower(system_base_Router::$DEFAULT_METHOD); $this->query_string = _hx_string_or_null($this->controller) . "/" . _hx_string_or_null($this->method); return true; } if (_hx_index_of($this->query_string, "/", null) === -1) { $this->params->push(strtolower($this->query_string)); } else { $this->params = _hx_explode("/", strtolower($this->query_string)); } if ($this->params[0] !== null && strlen($this->params[0]) > 0) { $s1 = $this->params[0]; $this->controller = _hx_string_or_null(strtoupper(_hx_substr($s1, 0, 1))) . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substr($s1, 1, null)); } else { $this->controller = system_base_Router::$FRONT_CONTROLLER; } if ($this->params[1] !== null && strlen($this->params[0]) > 0) { $this->method = $this->params[1]; } else { $this->method = system_base_Router::$DEFAULT_METHOD; } if ($this->controller === "_load") { return false; } return true; }
static function getPublicAndProtectedVars($fileData) { $results = (new _hx_array(array())); $searchIndex = 0; while($searchIndex < strlen($fileData)) { $searchIndex = _hx_index_of($fileData, "public \$", $searchIndex); if($searchIndex === -1) { break; } $semiColonIndex = _hx_index_of($fileData, ";", $searchIndex); $varName = _hx_substring($fileData, $searchIndex + 8, $semiColonIndex); $results->push(_hx_anonymous(array("varName" => $varName, "isPublic" => true))); $searchIndex = $semiColonIndex; unset($varName,$semiColonIndex); } $searchIndex = 0; while($searchIndex < strlen($fileData)) { $searchIndex = _hx_index_of($fileData, "protected \$", $searchIndex); if($searchIndex === -1) { break; } $semiColonIndex1 = _hx_index_of($fileData, ";", $searchIndex); $varName1 = _hx_substring($fileData, $searchIndex + 11, $semiColonIndex1); $results->push(_hx_anonymous(array("varName" => $varName1, "isPublic" => false))); $searchIndex = $semiColonIndex1; unset($varName1,$semiColonIndex1); } return $results; }
public function addStats($url) { $saveMode = $this->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$SAVE_MODE, "xml"); $version = null; try { $version = com_wiris_system_Storage::newResourceStorage("VERSION")->read(); } catch (Exception $»e) { $_ex_ = $»e instanceof HException ? $»e->e : $»e; $ex = $_ex_; $version = "Missing version"; } $tech = null; try { $tech = com_wiris_system_Storage::newResourceStorage("tech.txt")->read(); } catch (Exception $»e) { $_ex_ = $»e instanceof HException ? $»e->e : $»e; $ex2 = $_ex_; $tech = "Missing tech"; } if (_hx_index_of($url, "?", null) !== -1) { return $url . "&stats-mode=" . $saveMode . "&stats-version=" . $version . "&stats-scriptlang=" . $tech; } else { return $url . "?stats-mode=" . $saveMode . "&stats-version=" . $version . "&stats-scriptlang=" . $tech; } }
public function quote($s) { if (_hx_index_of($s, "", null) >= 0) { return "x'" . $this->base16_encode($s) . "'"; } return "'" . (sqlite_escape_string($s) . "'"); }
public function render($format, $mml, $latex, $properties, $outProperties) { $servicesClass = Type::resolveClass(""); $getInstance = Reflect::field($servicesClass, "getInstance"); $publicServices = Reflect::callMethod($servicesClass, $getInstance, null); $args = new _hx_array(array()); $args->push($mml); $args->push($latex); $args->push($properties); $args->push($outProperties); try { if (_hx_index_of($format, "png", null) !== -1) { $renderPngMethod = Reflect::field($publicServices, "renderPng"); $pngObject = Reflect::callMethod($publicServices, $renderPngMethod, $args); $pngBytes = $pngObject; return haxe_io_Bytes::ofData($pngBytes); } else { if (_hx_index_of($format, "svg", null) !== -1) { $renderSvgMethod = Reflect::field($publicServices, "renderSvg"); $svgObject = Reflect::callMethod($publicServices, $renderSvgMethod, $args); $svgString = $svgObject; return haxe_io_Bytes::ofString($svgString); } else { throw new HException("Unexpected image format."); } } } catch (Exception $»e) { $_ex_ = $»e instanceof HException ? $»e->e : $»e; $e = $_ex_; throw new HException($e->getMessage()); } }
public function getMathML($digest, $latex) { if ($digest !== null) { $content = $this->plugin->getStorageAndCache()->decodeDigest($digest); if ($content !== null) { if (StringTools::startsWith($content, "<")) { $breakline = null; $breakline = _hx_index_of($content, "\n", 0); return _hx_substr($content, 0, $breakline); } else { $iniFile = com_wiris_util_sys_IniFile::newIniFileFromString($content); $mathml = $iniFile->getProperties()->get("mml"); if ($mathml !== null) { return $mathml; } else { return "Error: mathml not found."; } } } else { return "Error: formula not found."; } } else { if ($latex !== null) { return $this->latex2mathml($latex); } else { return "Error: no digest or latex has been sent."; } } }
public function external_status($param) { $status = $param->get("dispo"); $url = ""******"&pass="******"&function=external_status&value=" . _hx_string_or_null($status) . "&agent_user="******"agent_user")); haxe_Log::trace($url, _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "AgcApi.hx", "lineNumber" => 71, "className" => "model.AgcApi", "methodName" => "external_status"))); $agcResponse = haxe_Http::requestUrl($url); return $this->json_response(_hx_index_of($agcResponse, "SUCCESS", null) === 0 ? "OK" : $agcResponse); }
public function appendElement2JavascriptArray($array, $value) { $arrayOpen = _hx_index_of($array, "[", null); $arrayClose = _hx_index_of($array, "]", null); if ($arrayOpen === -1 || $arrayClose === -1) { throw new HException("Array not valid"); } return "[" . "'" . $value . "'" . com_wiris_plugin_impl_ConfigurationImpl_0($this, $array, $arrayClose, $arrayOpen, $value); }
static function systemName() { $s = php_uname("s"); $p = null; if (($p = _hx_index_of($s, " ", null)) >= 0) { return _hx_substr($s, 0, $p); } else { return $s; } }
static function get_ROOT_URL() { if (zcale_core_path_targets_ServerPath::$rootUrl === null) { $protocol = "http://"; $localhost = sys_net_Host::localhost(); $protocol = $_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]; $protocol = _hx_string_or_null(strtolower(_hx_substr($protocol, 0, _hx_index_of($protocol, "/", null)))) . "://"; zcale_core_path_targets_ServerPath::$rootUrl = _hx_string_or_null($protocol) . _hx_string_or_null($localhost) . _hx_string_or_null(zcale_core_path_targets_ServerPath::get_FILE_DIR()); } return zcale_core_path_targets_ServerPath::$rootUrl; }
static function searchString($data, $s) { $_g = 0; while ($_g < $data->length) { $d = $data[$_g]; ++$_g; if (_hx_index_of($s, $d->subString, null) >= 0) { return _hx_anonymous(array("app" => $d->identity, "versionString" => ufront_web_UserAgent_0($_g, $d, $data, $s))); } unset($d); } return null; }
public function insert_before($needle, $text) { $start = null; if (strlen($this->body) === 0) { return false; } $start = _hx_index_of($this->body, $needle, null); if ($start === -1) { return false; } $this->body = _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substr($this->body, 0, $start)) . _hx_string_or_null($text) . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substr($this->body, $start, null)); return true; }
public function getValueForType($type, $name = null) { $mapping = $this->findMappingForType($type, $name); if ($mapping !== null) { return $mapping->getValue($this); } $index = _hx_index_of($type, "<", null); if ($index > -1) { $mapping = $this->findMappingForType(_hx_substr($type, 0, $index), $name); } if ($mapping !== null) { return $mapping->getValue($this); } return null; }
public function loadPropertiesLine($line, $count) { $line = trim($line); if (strlen($line) === 0) { return; } if (StringTools::startsWith($line, ";") || StringTools::startsWith($line, "#")) { return; } $equals = _hx_index_of($line, "=", null); if ($equals === -1) { throw new HException("Malformed INI file " . $this->filename . " in line " . _hx_string_rec($count, "") . " no equal sign found."); } $key = _hx_substr($line, 0, $equals); $key = trim($key); $value = _hx_substr($line, $equals + 1, null); $value = trim($value); if (StringTools::startsWith($value, "\"") && StringTools::endsWith($value, "\"")) { $value = _hx_substr($value, 1, strlen($value) - 2); } $backslash = 0; while (($backslash = _hx_index_of($value, "\\", $backslash)) !== -1) { if (strlen($value) <= $backslash + 1) { continue; } $letter = _hx_substr($value, $backslash + 1, 1); if ($letter === "n") { $letter = "\n"; } else { if ($letter === "r") { $letter = "\r"; } else { if ($letter === "t") { $letter = "\t"; } } } $value = _hx_substr($value, 0, $backslash) . $letter . _hx_substr($value, $backslash + 2, null); $backslash++; unset($letter); } $this->props->set($key, $value); }
public function updateConfiguration(&$configuration) { $configuration = $configuration; $confClass = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($configuration, com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$CONFIGURATION_CLASS, null); if ($confClass !== null && _hx_index_of($confClass, "com.wiris.plugin.servlets.configuration.ParameterServletConfigurationUpdater", null) !== -1) { return; } if ($confClass !== null) { $cls = Type::resolveClass($confClass); if ($cls === null) { throw new HException("Class " . $confClass . " not found."); } $obj = Type::createInstance($cls, new _hx_array(array())); if ($obj === null) { throw new HException("Instance from " . Std::string($cls) . " cannot be created."); } $cu = $obj; $this->config->initialize($cu); $cu->updateConfiguration($configuration); } }
public function updateFolderStructure($dir) { $folder = com_wiris_util_sys_Store::newStore($dir); $files = $folder->hlist(); if ($files !== null) { $i = null; $_g1 = 0; $_g = $files->length; while ($_g1 < $_g) { $i1 = $_g1++; $digest = $this->isFormulaFileName($files[$i1]); if ($digest !== null) { $newFolder = $this->getFolderStore($dir, $digest); $newFolder->mkdirs(); $newFile = $this->getFileStoreWithParent($newFolder, $digest, _hx_substr($files[$i1], _hx_index_of($files[$i1], ".", null) + 1, null)); $file = com_wiris_util_sys_Store::newStoreWithParent($folder, $files[$i1]); $file->moveTo($newFile); unset($newFolder, $newFile, $file); } unset($i1, $digest); } } }
public function load_view_object($view, $vars = null) { $base = isset(system_base_Wet_base::$get_instance) ? system_base_Wet_base::$get_instance : array("system_base_Wet_base", "get_instance"); $viewpath = _hx_string_or_null(system_base_Wet_base::$views_path) . _hx_string_or_null($view) . ".wtv"; $view1 = null; $pos = 0; $left = null; $right = null; $uservar = null; $fieldname = null; try { $view1 = sys_io_File::getContent($viewpath); } catch (Exception $__hx__e) { $_ex_ = $__hx__e instanceof HException ? $__hx__e->e : $__hx__e; $e = $_ex_; throw new HException(new system_base_NoFileError(_hx_string_or_null($viewpath) . " does not exist or cannot be opened for reading")); } if ($vars !== null) { $fields = Reflect::fields($vars); $_g = 0; while ($_g < $fields->length) { $fieldname1 = $fields[$_g]; ++$_g; $uservar = Std::string(Reflect::field($vars, $fieldname1)); $pos = 0; while (($pos = _hx_index_of($view1, "::" . _hx_string_or_null($fieldname1) . "::", $pos)) !== -1) { $left = _hx_substr($view1, 0, $pos); $right = _hx_substr($view1, $pos + strlen($fieldname1) + 4, null); $view1 = _hx_string_or_null($left) . _hx_string_or_null($uservar) . _hx_string_or_null($right); $pos += 1; } unset($fieldname1); } } $this->cache->append($view1); }
public function run($args, $io = null) { if ($io === null) { $io = new coopy_TableIO(); } if ($io === null) { haxe_Log::trace("No system interface available", _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "Coopy.hx", "lineNumber" => 693, "className" => "coopy.Coopy", "methodName" => "run"))); return 1; } $this->init(); $this->io = $io; $more = true; $output = null; $inplace = false; $git = false; $this->flags = new coopy_CompareFlags(); $this->flags->always_show_header = true; while ($more) { $more = false; $_g1 = 0; $_g = $args->length; while ($_g1 < $_g) { $i = $_g1++; $tag = $args[$i]; if ($tag === "--output") { $more = true; $output = $args[$i + 1]; $args->splice($i, 2); break; } else { if ($tag === "--css") { $more = true; $this->fragment = true; $this->css_output = $args[$i + 1]; $args->splice($i, 2); break; } else { if ($tag === "--fragment") { $more = true; $this->fragment = true; $args->splice($i, 1); break; } else { if ($tag === "--plain") { $more = true; $this->pretty = false; $args->splice($i, 1); break; } else { if ($tag === "--all") { $more = true; $this->flags->show_unchanged = true; $this->flags->show_unchanged_columns = true; $args->splice($i, 1); break; } else { if ($tag === "--all-rows") { $more = true; $this->flags->show_unchanged = true; $args->splice($i, 1); break; } else { if ($tag === "--all-columns") { $more = true; $this->flags->show_unchanged_columns = true; $args->splice($i, 1); break; } else { if ($tag === "--act") { $more = true; if ($this->flags->acts === null) { $this->flags->acts = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); } $this->flags->acts->set($args[$i + 1], true); true; $args->splice($i, 2); break; } else { if ($tag === "--context") { $more = true; $context = Std::parseInt($args[$i + 1]); if ($context >= 0) { $this->flags->unchanged_context = $context; } $args->splice($i, 2); break; unset($context); } else { if ($tag === "--inplace") { $more = true; $inplace = true; $args->splice($i, 1); break; } else { if ($tag === "--git") { $more = true; $git = true; $args->splice($i, 1); break; } else { if ($tag === "--unordered") { $more = true; $this->flags->ordered = false; $this->flags->unchanged_context = 0; $this->order_set = true; $args->splice($i, 1); break; } else { if ($tag === "--ordered") { $more = true; $this->flags->ordered = true; $this->order_set = true; $args->splice($i, 1); break; } else { if ($tag === "--color") { $more = true; $this->flags->terminal_format = "ansi"; $args->splice($i, 1); break; } else { if ($tag === "--no-color") { $more = true; $this->flags->terminal_format = "plain"; $args->splice($i, 1); break; } else { if ($tag === "--input-format") { $more = true; $this->setFormat($args[$i + 1]); $args->splice($i, 2); break; } else { if ($tag === "--output-format") { $more = true; $this->output_format = $args[$i + 1]; $this->output_format_set = true; $args->splice($i, 2); break; } else { if ($tag === "--id") { $more = true; if ($this->flags->ids === null) { $this->flags->ids = new _hx_array(array()); } $this->flags->ids->push($args[$i + 1]); $args->splice($i, 2); break; } else { if ($tag === "--ignore") { $more = true; $this->flags->ignoreColumn($args[$i + 1]); $args->splice($i, 2); break; } else { if ($tag === "--index") { $more = true; $this->flags->always_show_order = true; $this->flags->never_show_order = false; $args->splice($i, 1); break; } else { if ($tag === "--www") { $more = true; $this->output_format = "www"; $this->output_format_set = true; $args->splice($i, 1); } else { if ($tag === "--table") { $more = true; $this->flags->addTable($args[$i + 1]); $args->splice($i, 2); break; } else { if ($tag === "-w" || $tag === "--ignore-whitespace") { $more = true; $this->flags->ignore_whitespace = true; $args->splice($i, 1); break; } else { if ($tag === "-i" || $tag === "--ignore-case") { $more = true; $this->flags->ignore_case = true; $args->splice($i, 1); break; } else { if ($tag === "--padding") { $more = true; $this->flags->padding_strategy = $args[$i + 1]; $args->splice($i, 2); break; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } unset($tag, $i); } unset($_g1, $_g); } $cmd = $args[0]; if ($args->length < 2) { if ($cmd === "version") { $io->writeStdout(_hx_string_or_null(coopy_Coopy::$VERSION) . "\n"); return 0; } if ($cmd === "git") { $io->writeStdout("You can use daff to improve git's handling of csv files, by using it as a\ndiff driver (for showing what has changed) and as a merge driver (for merging\nchanges between multiple versions).\n"); $io->writeStdout("\n"); $io->writeStdout("Automatic setup\n"); $io->writeStdout("---------------\n\n"); $io->writeStdout("Run:\n"); $io->writeStdout(" daff git csv\n"); $io->writeStdout("\n"); $io->writeStdout("Manual setup\n"); $io->writeStdout("------------\n\n"); $io->writeStdout("Create and add a file called .gitattributes in the root directory of your\nrepository, containing:\n\n"); $io->writeStdout(" *.csv diff=daff-csv\n"); $io->writeStdout(" *.csv merge=daff-csv\n"); $io->writeStdout("\nCreate a file called .gitconfig in your home directory (or alternatively\nopen .git/config for a particular repository) and add:\n\n"); $io->writeStdout(" [diff \"daff-csv\"]\n"); $io->writeStdout(" command = daff diff --git\n"); $io->writeStderr("\n"); $io->writeStdout(" [merge \"daff-csv\"]\n"); $io->writeStdout(" name = daff tabular merge\n"); $io->writeStdout(" driver = daff merge --output %A %O %A %B\n\n"); $io->writeStderr("Make sure you can run daff from the command-line as just \"daff\" - if not,\nreplace \"daff\" in the driver and command lines above with the correct way\nto call it. Add --no-color if your terminal does not support ANSI colors."); $io->writeStderr("\n"); return 0; } $io->writeStderr("daff can produce and apply tabular diffs.\n"); $io->writeStderr("Call as:\n"); $io->writeStderr(" daff [--color] [--no-color] [--output OUTPUT.csv] a.csv b.csv\n"); $io->writeStderr(" daff [--output OUTPUT.html] a.csv b.csv\n"); $io->writeStderr(" daff [--output OUTPUT.csv] parent.csv a.csv b.csv\n"); $io->writeStderr(" daff [--output OUTPUT.ndjson] a.ndjson b.ndjson\n"); $io->writeStderr(" daff [--www] a.csv b.csv\n"); $io->writeStderr(" daff patch [--inplace] [--output OUTPUT.csv] a.csv patch.csv\n"); $io->writeStderr(" daff merge [--inplace] [--output OUTPUT.csv] parent.csv a.csv b.csv\n"); $io->writeStderr(" daff trim [--output OUTPUT.csv] source.csv\n"); $io->writeStderr(" daff render [--output OUTPUT.html] diff.csv\n"); $io->writeStderr(" daff copy in.csv out.tsv\n"); $io->writeStderr(" daff git\n"); $io->writeStderr(" daff version\n"); $io->writeStderr("\n"); $io->writeStderr("The --inplace option to patch and merge will result in modification of a.csv.\n"); $io->writeStderr("\n"); $io->writeStderr("If you need more control, here is the full list of flags:\n"); $io->writeStderr(" daff diff [--output OUTPUT.csv] [--context NUM] [--all] [--act ACT] a.csv b.csv\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --act ACT: show only a certain kind of change (update, insert, delete)\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --all: do not prune unchanged rows or columns\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --all-rows: do not prune unchanged rows\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --all-columns: do not prune unchanged columns\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --color: highlight changes with terminal colors (default in terminals)\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --context NUM: show NUM rows of context\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --id: specify column to use as primary key (repeat for multi-column key)\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --ignore: specify column to ignore completely (can repeat)\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --index: include row/columns numbers from original tables\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --input-format [csv|tsv|ssv|json]: set format to expect for input\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --no-color: make sure terminal colors are not used\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --ordered: assume row order is meaningful (default for CSV)\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --output-format [csv|tsv|ssv|json|copy|html]: set format for output\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --padding [dense|sparse|smart]: set padding method for aligning columns\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --table NAME: compare the named table, used with SQL sources\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --unordered: assume row order is meaningless (default for json formats)\n"); $io->writeStderr(" -w / --ignore-whitespace: ignore changes in leading/trailing whitespace\n"); $io->writeStderr(" -i / --ignore-case: ignore differences in case\n"); $io->writeStderr("\n"); $io->writeStderr(" daff render [--output OUTPUT.html] [--css CSS.css] [--fragment] [--plain] diff.csv\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --css CSS.css: generate a suitable css file to go with the html\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --fragment: generate just a html fragment rather than a page\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --plain: do not use fancy utf8 characters to make arrows prettier\n"); $io->writeStderr(" --www: send output to a browser\n"); return 1; } $cmd1 = $args[0]; $offset = 1; if (!Lambda::has(new _hx_array(array("diff", "patch", "merge", "trim", "render", "git", "version", "copy")), $cmd1)) { if (_hx_index_of($cmd1, ".", null) !== -1 || _hx_index_of($cmd1, "--", null) === 0) { $cmd1 = "diff"; $offset = 0; } } if ($cmd1 === "git") { $types = $args->splice($offset, $args->length - $offset); return $this->installGitDriver($io, $types); } if ($git) { $ct = $args->length - $offset; if ($ct !== 7 && $ct !== 9) { $io->writeStderr("Expected 7 or 9 parameters from git, but got " . _hx_string_rec($ct, "") . "\n"); return 1; } $git_args = $args->splice($offset, $ct); $args->splice(0, $args->length); $offset = 0; $old_display_path = $git_args[0]; $new_display_path = $git_args[0]; $old_file = $git_args[1]; $new_file = $git_args[4]; if ($ct === 9) { $io->writeStdout($git_args[8]); $new_display_path = $git_args[7]; } $io->writeStdout("--- a/" . _hx_string_or_null($old_display_path) . "\n"); $io->writeStdout("+++ b/" . _hx_string_or_null($new_display_path) . "\n"); $args->push($old_file); $args->push($new_file); } $parent = null; if ($args->length - $offset >= 3) { $parent = $this->loadTable($args[$offset]); $offset++; } $aname = $args[$offset]; $a = $this->loadTable($aname); $b = null; if ($args->length - $offset >= 2) { if ($cmd1 !== "copy") { $b = $this->loadTable($args[1 + $offset]); } else { $output = $args[1 + $offset]; } } $this->flags->diff_strategy = $this->strategy; if ($inplace) { if ($output !== null) { $io->writeStderr("Please do not use --inplace when specifying an output.\n"); } $output = $aname; return 1; } if ($output === null) { $output = "-"; } $ok = true; if ($cmd1 === "diff") { if (!$this->order_set) { $this->flags->ordered = $this->order_preference; if (!$this->flags->ordered) { $this->flags->unchanged_context = 0; } } $this->flags->allow_nested_cells = $this->nested_output; $this->runDiff($parent, $a, $b, $this->flags, $output); } else { if ($cmd1 === "patch") { $patcher = new coopy_HighlightPatch($a, $b, null); $patcher->apply(); $this->saveTable($output, $a, null); } else { if ($cmd1 === "merge") { $merger = new coopy_Merger($parent, $a, $b, $this->flags); $conflicts = $merger->apply(); $ok = $conflicts === 0; if ($conflicts > 0) { $io->writeStderr(_hx_string_rec($conflicts, "") . " conflict" . _hx_string_or_null($conflicts > 1 ? "s" : "") . "\n"); } $this->saveTable($output, $a, null); } else { if ($cmd1 === "trim") { $this->saveTable($output, $a, null); } else { if ($cmd1 === "render") { $this->renderTable($output, $a); } else { if ($cmd1 === "copy") { $this->saveTable($output, $a, null); } } } } } } if ($ok) { return 0; } else { return 1; } }
static function formatPartial($dti, $format) { $result = new _hx_array(array()); $pos = 0; $str = ""; $_g1 = 0; $_g = $format->length; while ($_g1 < $_g) { $f = $_g1++; $pos = _hx_index_of($format[$f], "%", null); if ($pos >= 0) { $_g2 = ord(substr($format[$f], $pos + 1, 1)); switch ($_g2) { case 89: if ($dti->getYears() === 0) { continue 2; } $str = _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], 0, $pos)) . _hx_string_or_null(datetime_utils_DateTimeIntervalUtils_0($_g, $_g1, $_g2, $dti, $f, $format, $pos, $result, $str)) . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], $pos + 2, null)); break; case 121: if ($dti->getYears() === 0) { continue 2; } $str = _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], 0, $pos)) . _hx_string_rec($dti->getYears(), "") . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], $pos + 2, null)); break; case 77: if ($dti->getMonths() === 0) { continue 2; } $str = _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], 0, $pos)) . _hx_string_or_null(datetime_utils_DateTimeIntervalUtils_1($_g, $_g1, $_g2, $dti, $f, $format, $pos, $result, $str)) . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], $pos + 2, null)); break; case 109: if ($dti->getMonths() === 0) { continue 2; } $str = _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], 0, $pos)) . _hx_string_rec($dti->getMonths(), "") . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], $pos + 2, null)); break; case 98: if ($dti->getTotalMonths() === 0) { continue 2; } $str = _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], 0, $pos)) . _hx_string_rec($dti->getTotalMonths(), "") . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], $pos + 2, null)); break; case 68: if ($dti->getDays() === 0) { continue 2; } $str = _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], 0, $pos)) . _hx_string_or_null(datetime_utils_DateTimeIntervalUtils_2($_g, $_g1, $_g2, $dti, $f, $format, $pos, $result, $str)) . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], $pos + 2, null)); break; case 100: if ($dti->getDays() === 0) { continue 2; } $str = _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], 0, $pos)) . _hx_string_rec($dti->getDays(), "") . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], $pos + 2, null)); break; case 97: if ($dti->getTotalDays() === 0) { continue 2; } $str = _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], 0, $pos)) . _hx_string_rec($dti->getTotalDays(), "") . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], $pos + 2, null)); break; case 72: if ($dti->getHours() === 0) { continue 2; } $str = _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], 0, $pos)) . _hx_string_or_null(datetime_utils_DateTimeIntervalUtils_3($_g, $_g1, $_g2, $dti, $f, $format, $pos, $result, $str)) . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], $pos + 2, null)); break; case 104: if ($dti->getHours() === 0) { continue 2; } $str = _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], 0, $pos)) . _hx_string_rec($dti->getHours(), "") . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], $pos + 2, null)); break; case 99: if ($dti->getTotalHours() === 0) { continue 2; } $str = _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], 0, $pos)) . _hx_string_rec($dti->getTotalHours(), "") . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], $pos + 2, null)); break; case 73: if ($dti->getMinutes() === 0) { continue 2; } $str = _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], 0, $pos)) . _hx_string_or_null(datetime_utils_DateTimeIntervalUtils_4($_g, $_g1, $_g2, $dti, $f, $format, $pos, $result, $str)) . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], $pos + 2, null)); break; case 105: if ($dti->getMinutes() === 0) { continue 2; } $str = _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], 0, $pos)) . _hx_string_rec($dti->getMinutes(), "") . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], $pos + 2, null)); break; case 101: if ($dti->getTotalMinutes() === 0) { continue 2; } $str = _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], 0, $pos)) . _hx_string_rec($dti->getTotalMinutes(), "") . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], $pos + 2, null)); break; case 83: if ($dti->getSeconds() === 0) { continue 2; } $str = _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], 0, $pos)) . _hx_string_or_null(datetime_utils_DateTimeIntervalUtils_5($_g, $_g1, $_g2, $dti, $f, $format, $pos, $result, $str)) . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], $pos + 2, null)); break; case 115: if ($dti->getSeconds() === 0) { continue 2; } $str = _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], 0, $pos)) . _hx_string_rec($dti->getSeconds(), "") . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], $pos + 2, null)); break; case 102: if (_hx_equal($dti->getTotalSeconds(), 0)) { continue 2; } $str = _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], 0, $pos)) . _hx_string_rec($dti->getTotalSeconds(), "") . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_substring($format[$f], $pos + 2, null)); break; default: continue 2; break; } unset($_g2); $result->push($str); } unset($f); } return $result; }
public function serviceText($serviceName, $param) { $servicesClass = Type::resolveClass(""); $getInstance = Reflect::field($servicesClass, "getInstance"); $publicServices = Reflect::callMethod($servicesClass, $getInstance, null); $serviceMethod = Reflect::field($publicServices, $serviceName); $args = new _hx_array(array()); try { if (_hx_index_of($serviceName, "mathml2accessible", null) !== -1) { $mml = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, "mml", null); if ($mml === null) { throw new HException("Missing mml"); } else { $args->push($mml); } $lang = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, "lang", "en"); $args->push($lang); $args->push($param); $serviceText = Reflect::callMethod($publicServices, $serviceMethod, $args); return $serviceText; } else { if (_hx_index_of($serviceName, "mathml2latex", null) !== -1) { $mml = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, "mml", null); if ($mml === null) { throw new HException("Missing mml"); } else { $args->push($mml); } $keepMathml = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, "keepMathml", "false"); if (_hx_index_of($keepMathml, "true", null) !== -1) { $args->push(true); } else { $args->push(false); } $args->push($param); $serviceText = Reflect::callMethod($publicServices, $serviceMethod, $args); return $serviceText; } else { if (_hx_index_of($serviceName, "latex2mathml", null) !== -1) { $latex = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, "latex", null); if ($latex === null) { throw new HException("Missing LaTeX"); } else { $args->push($latex); } $keepLatex = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, "saveLatex", "false"); if (_hx_index_of($keepLatex, "false", null) !== -1) { $args->push(false); } else { $args->push(true); } $args->push($param); $serviceText = Reflect::callMethod($publicServices, $serviceMethod, $args); return $serviceText; } else { throw new HException("Unknow service " . $serviceName); } } } } catch (Exception $»e) { $_ex_ = $»e instanceof HException ? $»e->e : $»e; $e = $_ex_; throw new HException($e->getMessage()); } }
public function applyRow($r) { $this->currentRow = $r; $code = $this->actions[$r]; $done = false; if ($r === 0 && $this->rcOffset > 0) { $done = true; } else { if ($code === "@@") { $this->preambleRow = $this->headerRow = $r; $this->applyHeader(); $this->applyAction("@@"); $done = true; } else { if ($code === "!") { $this->preambleRow = $this->headerRow = $r; $this->applyMeta(); $done = true; } else { if (_hx_index_of($code, "@", null) === 0) { $this->flags->addWarning("cannot usefully apply diffs with metadata yet: '" . _hx_string_or_null($code) . "'"); $this->preambleRow = $r; $this->applyMetaRow($code); if ($this->process_meta) { $codes = _hx_explode("@", $code); if ($codes->length > 0) { $code = $codes[$codes->length - 1]; } } else { $this->meta_change = true; $done = true; } $this->meta_change = true; $done = true; } } } } if ($this->process_meta) { return; } if (!$done) { $this->finishColumns(); if ($code === "+++") { $this->applyAction($code); } else { if ($code === "---") { $this->applyAction($code); } else { if ($code === "+" || $code === ":") { $this->applyAction($code); } else { if (_hx_index_of($code, "->", null) >= 0) { $this->applyAction("->"); } else { $this->lastSourceRow = -1; } } } } } }
static function cleanPath($path, $delimiter = null) { if ($delimiter === null) { $delimiter = "/"; } $doubleDelimiter = _hx_string_or_null($delimiter) . _hx_string_or_null($delimiter); while (_hx_index_of($path, $doubleDelimiter, null) > -1) { if ($doubleDelimiter === "") { $path = implode(str_split($path), $delimiter); } else { $path = str_replace($doubleDelimiter, $delimiter, $path); } } return $path; }
static function indentXml($xml, $space) { $depth = 0; $opentag = new EReg("^<([\\w-_]+)[^>]*>\$", ""); $autotag = new EReg("^<([\\w-_]+)[^>]*/>\$", ""); $closetag = new EReg("^</([\\w-_]+)>\$", ""); $cdata = new EReg("^<!\\[CDATA\\[[^\\]]*\\]\\]>\$", ""); $res = new StringBuf(); $end = 0; $start = null; $text = null; while ($end < strlen($xml) && ($start = _hx_index_of($xml, "<", $end)) !== -1) { $text = $start > $end; if ($text) { $res->add(_hx_substr($xml, $end, $start - $end)); } $end = _hx_index_of($xml, ">", $start) + 1; $aux = _hx_substr($xml, $start, $end - $start); if ($autotag->match($aux)) { $res->add("\n"); $i = null; $_g = 0; while ($_g < $depth) { $i1 = $_g++; $res->add($space); unset($i1); } unset($_g); $res->add($aux); unset($i); } else { if ($opentag->match($aux)) { $res->add("\n"); $i = null; $_g = 0; while ($_g < $depth) { $i1 = $_g++; $res->add($space); unset($i1); } unset($_g); $res->add($aux); $depth++; unset($i); } else { if ($closetag->match($aux)) { $depth--; if (!$text) { $res->add("\n"); $i = null; $_g = 0; while ($_g < $depth) { $i1 = $_g++; $res->add($space); unset($i1); } unset($_g); unset($i); } $res->add($aux); } else { if ($cdata->match($aux)) { $res->add($aux); } else { haxe_Log::trace("WARNING! malformed XML at character " . _hx_string_rec($end, "") . ":" . $xml, _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "WXmlUtils.hx", "lineNumber" => 583, "className" => "com.wiris.util.xml.WXmlUtils", "methodName" => "indentXml"))); $res->add($aux); } } } } unset($aux); } return trim($res->b); }
static function greek2Latin($g) { $index = -1; if ($g < 100) { $index = _hx_index_of(com_wiris_util_xml_WCharacterBase::$greekLetters, "@00" . _hx_string_rec($g, "") . "@", null); } else { if ($g < 1000) { $index = _hx_index_of(com_wiris_util_xml_WCharacterBase::$greekLetters, "@0" . _hx_string_rec($g, "") . "@", null); } else { $index = _hx_index_of(com_wiris_util_xml_WCharacterBase::$greekLetters, "@" . _hx_string_rec($g, "") . "@", null); } } if ($index !== -1) { $s = _hx_substr(com_wiris_util_xml_WCharacterBase::$latinLetters, $index + 1, 4); return Std::parseInt($s); } return $g; }
function _hx_string_call($s, $method, $params) { if (!is_string($s)) { return call_user_func_array(array($s, $method), $params); } switch ($method) { case 'toUpperCase': return strtoupper($s); case 'toLowerCase': return strtolower($s); case 'charAt': return substr($s, $params[0], 1); case 'charCodeAt': return _hx_char_code_at($s, $params[0]); case 'indexOf': return _hx_index_of($s, $params[0], count($params) > 1 ? $params[1] : null); case 'lastIndexOf': return _hx_last_index_of($s, count($params) > 1 ? $params[1] : null, null); case 'split': return _hx_explode($params[0], $s); case 'substr': return _hx_substr($s, $params[0], count($params) > 1 ? $params[1] : null); case 'toString': return $s; default: throw new HException('Invalid Operation: ' . $method); } }
static function getMultiValueMapFromString($s) { $map = new haxe_ds_StringMap(); $_g = 0; $_g1 = _hx_explode("&", $s); while ($_g < $_g1->length) { $part = $_g1[$_g]; ++$_g; $index = _hx_index_of($part, "=", null); if ($index > 0) { $name = _hx_substr($part, 0, $index); $val = _hx_substr($part, $index + 1, null); ufront_core__MultiValueMap_MultiValueMap_Impl_::add($map, $name, $val); unset($val, $name); } unset($part, $index); } return $map; }
public function getSeparator($t, $t2, $root) { $sep = $root; $w = $t->get_width(); $h = $t->get_height(); $view = $t->getCellView(); $_g = 0; while ($_g < $h) { $y = $_g++; $_g1 = 0; while ($_g1 < $w) { $x = $_g1++; $txt = $view->toString($t->getCell($x, $y)); if ($txt === null) { continue; } while (_hx_index_of($txt, $sep, null) >= 0) { $sep = "-" . _hx_string_or_null($sep); } unset($x, $txt); } unset($_g1); unset($y); } if ($t2 !== null) { $w = $t2->get_width(); $h = $t2->get_height(); $_g2 = 0; while ($_g2 < $h) { $y1 = $_g2++; $_g11 = 0; while ($_g11 < $w) { $x1 = $_g11++; $txt1 = $view->toString($t2->getCell($x1, $y1)); if ($txt1 === null) { continue; } while (_hx_index_of($txt1, $sep, null) >= 0) { $sep = "-" . _hx_string_or_null($sep); } unset($x1, $txt1); } unset($_g11); unset($y1); } } return $sep; }
public function buildLimit($limitParam, $sb) { $sb->add(" LIMIT " . _hx_string_or_null(_hx_index_of($limitParam, ",", null) > -1 ? _hx_explode(",", $limitParam)->map(array(new _hx_lambda(array(&$limitParam, &$sb), "Model_17"), 'execute'))->join(",") : Std::string(Std::parseInt($limitParam)))); return true; }
public function customRequest($post, $api, $sock = null, $method = null) { $url_regexp = new EReg("^(https?://)?([a-zA-Z\\.0-9-]+)(:[0-9]+)?(.*)\$", ""); if (!$url_regexp->match($this->url)) { $this->onError("Invalid URL"); return; } $secure = $url_regexp->matched(1) === "https://"; if ($sock === null) { if ($secure) { $sock = new php_net_SslSocket(); } else { $sock = new sys_net_Socket(); } } $host = $url_regexp->matched(2); $portString = $url_regexp->matched(3); $request = $url_regexp->matched(4); if ($request === "") { $request = "/"; } $port = $portString === null || $portString === "" ? $secure ? 443 : 80 : Std::parseInt(_hx_substr($portString, 1, strlen($portString) - 1)); $data = null; $multipart = _hx_field($this, "file") !== null; $boundary = null; $uri = null; if ($multipart) { $post = true; $boundary = Std::string(Std::random(1000)) . Std::string(Std::random(1000)) . Std::string(Std::random(1000)) . Std::string(Std::random(1000)); while (strlen($boundary) < 38) { $boundary = "-" . $boundary; } $b = new StringBuf(); if (null == $this->params) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $»it = $this->params->keys(); while ($»it->hasNext()) { $p = $»it->next(); $b->add("--"); $b->add($boundary); $b->add("\r\n"); $b->add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\""); $b->add($p); $b->add("\""); $b->add("\r\n"); $b->add("\r\n"); $b->add($this->params->get($p)); $b->add("\r\n"); } $b->add("--"); $b->add($boundary); $b->add("\r\n"); $b->add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\""); $b->add($this->file->param); $b->add("\"; filename=\""); $b->add($this->file->filename); $b->add("\""); $b->add("\r\n"); $b->add("Content-Type: " . "application/octet-stream" . "\r\n" . "\r\n"); $uri = $b->b; } else { if (null == $this->params) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $»it = $this->params->keys(); while ($»it->hasNext()) { $p = $»it->next(); if ($uri === null) { $uri = ""; } else { $uri .= "&"; } $uri .= rawurlencode($p) . "=" . rawurlencode($this->params->get($p)); } } $b = new StringBuf(); if ($method !== null) { $b->add($method); $b->add(" "); } else { if ($post) { $b->add("POST "); } else { $b->add("GET "); } } if (_hx_field(_hx_qtype("haxe.Http"), "PROXY") !== null) { $b->add("http://"); $b->add($host); if ($port !== 80) { $b->add(":"); $b->add($port); } } $b->add($request); if (!$post && $uri !== null) { if (_hx_index_of($request, "?", 0) >= 0) { $b->add("&"); } else { $b->add("?"); } $b->add($uri); } $b->add(" HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " . $host . "\r\n"); if ($this->postData !== null) { $b->add("Content-Length: " . _hx_string_rec(strlen($this->postData), "") . "\r\n"); } else { if ($post && $uri !== null) { if ($multipart || $this->headers->get("Content-Type") === null) { $b->add("Content-Type: "); if ($multipart) { $b->add("multipart/form-data"); $b->add("; boundary="); $b->add($boundary); } else { $b->add("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); } $b->add("\r\n"); } if ($multipart) { $b->add("Content-Length: " . _hx_string_rec(strlen($uri) + $this->file->size + strlen($boundary) + 6, "") . "\r\n"); } else { $b->add("Content-Length: " . _hx_string_rec(strlen($uri), "") . "\r\n"); } } } if (null == $this->headers) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $»it = $this->headers->keys(); while ($»it->hasNext()) { $h = $»it->next(); $b->add($h); $b->add(": "); $b->add($this->headers->get($h)); $b->add("\r\n"); } $b->add("\r\n"); if ($this->postData !== null) { $b->add($this->postData); } else { if ($post && $uri !== null) { $b->add($uri); } } try { if (_hx_field(_hx_qtype("haxe.Http"), "PROXY") !== null) { $sock->connect(new sys_net_Host(haxe_Http::$PROXY->host), haxe_Http::$PROXY->port); } else { $sock->connect(new sys_net_Host($host), $port); } $sock->write($b->b); if ($multipart) { $bufsize = 4096; $buf = haxe_io_Bytes::alloc($bufsize); while ($this->file->size > 0) { $size = haxe_Http_4($this, $api, $b, $boundary, $buf, $bufsize, $data, $host, $method, $multipart, $port, $portString, $post, $request, $secure, $sock, $uri, $url_regexp); $len = 0; try { $len = $this->file->io->readBytes($buf, 0, $size); } catch (Exception $»e) { $_ex_ = $»e instanceof HException ? $»e->e : $»e; if (($e = $_ex_) instanceof haxe_io_Eof) { break; } else { throw $»e; } } $sock->output->writeFullBytes($buf, 0, $len); $this->file->size -= $len; unset($size, $len, $e); } $sock->write("\r\n"); $sock->write("--"); $sock->write($boundary); $sock->write("--"); } $this->readHttpResponse($api, $sock); $sock->close(); } catch (Exception $»e) { $_ex_ = $»e instanceof HException ? $»e->e : $»e; $e = $_ex_; try { $sock->close(); } catch (Exception $»e) { $_ex_ = $»e instanceof HException ? $»e->e : $»e; $e1 = $_ex_; } $this->onError(Std::string($e)); } }
public function findClient($param, $dataOnly = null) { $sql = new StringBuf(); $phValues = new _hx_array(array()); $cond = ""; $limit = $param->get("limit"); if (!Util::any2bool($limit)) { $limit = _hx_array_get(S::$conf->get("sql"), "LIMIT"); if (!Util::any2bool($limit)) { $limit = 15; } } $globalCond = ""; $reasons = ""; $where = $param->get("where"); if (strlen($where) > 0) { $where1 = _hx_explode(",", $where); $whereElements = $where1->filter(array(new _hx_lambda(array(&$cond, &$dataOnly, &$globalCond, &$limit, &$param, &$phValues, &$reasons, &$sql, &$where, &$where1), "model_ClientHistory_2"), 'execute')); $_g = 0; while ($_g < $where1->length) { $w = $where1[$_g]; ++$_g; $wData = _hx_string_call($w, "split", array("|")); $_g1 = $wData[0]; switch ($_g1) { case "reason": $reasons = $wData->slice(1, null)->join(" "); break; } unset($_g1); unset($wData, $w); } if ($whereElements->length > 0) { $globalCond = $this->addCond($whereElements, $phValues); } } $sql->add("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM("); $first = true; if (_hx_index_of($reasons, "AC04", null) > -1) { if ($first) { $first = false; } $sql->add("(SELECT d, e AS amount, SUBSTR(j,17,8) AS m_ID, z AS IBAN, \"AC04\" AS reason FROM `konto_auszug` WHERE i LIKE \"%AC04 KONTO AUFGELOEST%\" " . _hx_string_or_null($cond) . " LIMIT 0,10000)"); $sql->add("UNION "); $sql->add("(SELECT d, e AS amount, SUBSTR(k, 17, 8) AS m_ID, z AS IBAN, \"AC04\" AS reason FROM `konto_auszug` WHERE j LIKE \"%AC04 KONTO AUFGELOEST%\" " . _hx_string_or_null($cond) . " LIMIT 0, 10000)"); } if (_hx_index_of($reasons, "AC01", null) > -1) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { $sql->add("UNION "); } $sql->add("(SELECT d, e AS amount, SUBSTR(j,17,8) AS m_ID, z AS IBAN, \"AC01\" AS reason FROM `konto_auszug` WHERE i LIKE \"%AC01 IBAN FEHLERHAFT%\" " . _hx_string_or_null($cond) . " LIMIT 0,10000)"); $sql->add("UNION "); $sql->add("(SELECT d, e AS amount, SUBSTR(k, 17, 8) AS m_ID, z AS IBAN, \"AC01\" AS reason FROM `konto_auszug` WHERE j LIKE \"%AC01 IBAN FEHLERHAFT%\" " . _hx_string_or_null($cond) . " LIMIT 0, 10000)"); } if (_hx_index_of($reasons, "MD06", null) > -1) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { $sql->add("UNION "); } $sql->add("(SELECT d, e AS amount, SUBSTR(j,17,8) AS m_ID, z AS IBAN, \"MD06\" AS reason FROM `konto_auszug` WHERE i LIKE \"%MD06 WIDERSPRUCH DURCH ZAHLER%\" " . _hx_string_or_null($cond) . " LIMIT 0,10000)"); $sql->add("UNION "); $sql->add("(SELECT d, e AS amount, SUBSTR(k, 17, 8) AS m_ID, z AS IBAN, \"MD06\" AS reason FROM `konto_auszug` WHERE j LIKE \"%MD06 WIDERSPRUCH DURCH ZAHLER%\" " . _hx_string_or_null($cond) . " LIMIT 0, 10000)"); } if (_hx_index_of($reasons, "MS03", null) > -1) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { $sql->add("UNION "); } $sql->add("(SELECT d, e AS amount, SUBSTR(j,17,8) AS m_ID, z AS IBAN, \"MS03\" AS reason FROM `konto_auszug` WHERE i LIKE \"%MS03 SONSTIGE GRUENDE%\" " . _hx_string_or_null($cond) . " LIMIT 0,10000)"); $sql->add("UNION "); $sql->add("(SELECT d, e AS amount, SUBSTR(k, 17, 8) AS m_ID, z AS IBAN, \"MS03\" AS reason FROM `konto_auszug` WHERE j LIKE \"%MS03 SONSTIGE GRUENDE%\" " . _hx_string_or_null($cond) . " LIMIT 0, 10000)"); } $sql->add(" )_lim " . _hx_string_or_null($globalCond) . " LIMIT " . _hx_string_rec($limit, "")); S::$my->select_db("fly_crm"); $rows = $this->execute($sql->b, $phValues); if ($dataOnly) { return $rows; } $this->data = _hx_anonymous(array("count" => _hx_array_get($this->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()"), 0)["FOUND_ROWS()"], "page" => $param->exists("page") ? Std::parseInt($param->get("page")) : 1, "rows" => $rows)); return $this->json_encode(); }