<?php $get = _get($_GET); $lang = _getLang(); # Count query for the pager $rowCount = db_count('post')->where()->condition('deleted', null)->fetch(); # Prerequisite for the Pager $pager = _pager()->set('itemsPerPage', $lc_itemsPerPage)->set('pageNumLimit', $lc_pageNumLimit)->set('total', $rowCount)->set('ajax', true)->calculate(); $qb = db_select('post', 'p')->join('category', 'c', 'p.catId = c.catId')->join('user', 'u', 'p.uid = u.uid')->fields('p', array('postId', 'created', 'postTitle', 'postBody', array('postTitle_' . $lang, 'postTitle_i18n'), array('postBody_' . $lang, 'postBody_i18n')))->fields('c', array('catName', array('catName_' . $lang, 'catName_i18n')))->fields('u', array('fullName'))->where()->condition('p.deleted', null)->orderBy('p.created', 'DESC')->orderBy('u.fullName')->limit($pager->get('offset'), $pager->get('itemsPerPage')); $lang = _urlLang($lang); if ($qb->getNumRows()) { ?> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="list news"> <tr class="label"> <td class="tableLeft" colspan="2"><?php echo _t('Actions'); ?> </td> <td> <span><?php echo _t('Title'); ?> </span> <label class="lang">(<?php echo _langName($lang); ?> )</label> </td> <td><?php echo _t('Author'); ?>
} } include 'query.php'; ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="<?php echo _lang(); ?> "> <head> <title><?php echo _title($pageTitle); ?> </title> <?php include _i('inc/tpl/head.php'); ?> <?php _css('base.' . _getLang() . '.css'); ?> </head> <body> <?php include 'view.php'; ?> </body> </html> <script type="text/javascript"> LC.Page.Post.Setup.init(); </script>
require $sLangPath; } if (file_exists($sModLangPath)) { require $sModLangPath; } if (file_exists($sModFilePath)) { require $sModFilePath; //Kiem tra va goi function $sFuncName = $page . '_' . TYPE . '_' . $func; if (function_exists($sFuncName)) { $data = call_user_func($sFuncName); } } $_layout = 'layout.tpl'; if (function_exists($mod . '_' . TYPE . '_' . 'layout')) { if ($name = call_user_func($mod . '_' . TYPE . '_' . 'layout')) { $_layout = $name; } } $_mod_layout = ''; //news_user_mod_layout if (function_exists($page . '_' . TYPE . '_' . 'mod_layout')) { if ($name = call_user_func($page . '_' . TYPE . '_' . 'mod_layout')) { $_mod_layout = $name; } } $presenter = new Presenter($mod, $page, TYPE, $data, $_layout, $_mod_layout, false, $func); //Dua va o template $presenter->setLang(_getLang(), $_lang, $_mod_lang); $presenter->display(); }
<html lang="<?php echo _lang(); ?> "> <head> <title><?php echo _title($pageTitle); ?> </title> <?php include _i('inc/tpl/head.php'); ?> <?php _css('base.' . _getLang() . '.css'); ?> </head> <body> <?php include 'view.php'; ?> </body> </html> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { LC.Page.Post.List.init('<?php echo _getLang(); ?> '); }); </script>