function feedimport_article_authors() { $result = _dbGet('phpwcms_user', 'usr_id, usr_name, usr_login, usr_admin', 'usr_aktiv=1', '', 'usr_admin DESC, usr_name'); if (!isset($result[0]['usr_id'])) { return array(0 => $GLOBALS['BL']['be_cnt_default']); } $users = array(); foreach ($result as $user) { $users[$user['usr_id']] = $user['usr_name'] ? $user['usr_name'] : $user['usr_login']; if ($user['usr_admin']) { $users[$user['usr_id']] .= ' (' . $GLOBALS['BL']['be_article_adminuser'] . ')'; } } return $users; }
function replace_glossary_tag($matches) { global $content; $inner = trim($matches[2]); // search keyword in glossary table $keyword = trim($matches[1]); if ($keyword !== '') { $keyword = html_entity_decode($keyword, ENT_QUOTES, PHPWCMS_CHARSET); // check against cache if (!isset($content['glossary_cache'][$keyword])) { $like = aporeplace($keyword); $where = 'glossary_status=1 AND glossary_highlight=1 AND ('; $where .= "glossary_keyword LIKE '" . $like . "' OR "; $where .= "glossary_keyword LIKE '" . $like . ",%' OR "; $where .= "glossary_keyword LIKE '%, " . $like . ",%' OR "; $where .= "glossary_keyword LIKE '%, " . $like . "'"; $where .= ')'; // retrieve only single keyword that matches best $entry = _dbGet('phpwcms_glossary', 'glossary_title, glossary_keyword, glossary_text, COUNT(glossary_id) AS count_all', $where, 'glossary_id', 'count_all DESC', '1'); if (isset($entry[0])) { // get keywords to store each in cache $keywords = convertStringToArray($entry[0]['glossary_keyword']); $title = empty($entry[0]['glossary_title']) ? $inner : html($entry[0]['glossary_title']); $text = trim(clean_slweg($entry[0]['glossary_text'])); // store glossary item in cache foreach ($keywords as $key) { $content['glossary_cache'][$key] = array('title' => $title, 'text' => $text); } } } // create ABBR if (isset($content['glossary_cache'][$keyword])) { $inner = '<abbr class="glossary" title="' . $content['glossary_cache'][$keyword]['title'] . ' :: ' . $content['glossary_cache'][$keyword]['text'] . '">' . $inner . '</abbr>'; } } return $inner; }
echo $BL['be_subnav_admin_groups']; ?> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="3"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="6"></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="3" bgcolor="#92A1AF"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="3"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="6"></td></tr> <?php $bg_color1 = "#FFFFFF"; $bg_color2 = "#F3F5F8"; $zaehler = 0; if (empty($new_group_id)) { $new_group_id = 0; } //Liste aller Gruppen erzeugen $result = _dbGet('phpwcms_usergroup', '*', 'group_active != 9', '', 'group_name'); if (isset($result[0])) { foreach ($result as $grouplist) { $bg_color = $zaehler % 2 ? $bg_color2 : $bg_color1; if ($grouplist["group_id"] == $new_group_id) { $bg_color = "#FFCC00"; } $goto = "phpwcms.php?do=admin&p=1&s=2&u=" . $grouplist["group_id"]; ?> <tr><td colspan="3"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td></tr> <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $bg_color; ?> " onmouseover="bgColor='#DBFF48'" onmouseout="bgColor='<?php echo $bg_color; ?>
// check for selections in $_POST // the session var is now prod id|opt1 id|opt2 id // addings with no options result in: prod id|0|0 $opt_1 = isset($_POST['prod_opt1']) ? intval($_POST['prod_opt1']) : 0; $opt_2 = isset($_POST['prod_opt2']) ? intval($_POST['prod_opt2']) : 0; // Test against product options if (!isset($_POST['prod_opt1']) && !isset($_POST['prod_opt2'])) { $shop_prod_cartadd = true; } elseif (isset($_POST['prod_opt1']) && isset($_POST['prod_opt2']) && $opt_1 && $opt_2) { $shop_prod_cartadd = true; } elseif (isset($_POST['prod_opt1']) && !isset($_POST['prod_opt2']) && $opt_1) { $shop_prod_cartadd = true; } elseif (isset($_POST['prod_opt2']) && !isset($_POST['prod_opt1']) && $opt_2) { $shop_prod_cartadd = true; } else { $data = _dbGet('phpwcms_shop_products', 'shopprod_size,shopprod_color', 'shopprod_status=1 AND shopprod_id=' . $shop_prod_id); if (isset($data[0]['shopprod_size'])) { $data[0]['shopprod_size'] = trim($data[0]['shopprod_size']); $data[0]['shopprod_color'] = trim($data[0]['shopprod_color']); if ($data[0]['shopprod_size'] === '' && $data[0]['shopprod_color'] === '') { $shop_prod_cartadd = true; } } } if ($shop_prod_cartadd) { // add product to shopping if (isset($_SESSION[CART_KEY]['products'][$shop_prod_id][$opt_1][$opt_2])) { $_SESSION[CART_KEY]['products'][$shop_prod_id][$opt_1][$opt_2] += $shop_prod_amount; $_SESSION[CART_KEY]['options1'][$shop_prod_id][$opt_1][$opt_2] = $opt_1; $_SESSION[CART_KEY]['options2'][$shop_prod_id][$opt_1][$opt_2] = $opt_2; } else {
$shop_api_data['message'] = 'Set or see the API key setting in the shop preferences.'; } /** * Possible Actions * ================ * * getorders * Will return all orders with status new (at the moment only) * * setstatus * Set order status of a specific order * */ if ($shop_api_access) { if ($shop_api_action === 'getorders') { $data = _dbGet('phpwcms_shop_orders', '*', "order_status='NEW-ORDER'", '', 'order_date ASC'); foreach ($data as $row) { $row['order_data'] = @unserialize($row['order_data']); // fallback for additional fields $row['order_data']['address'] = array_merge(array('INV_SALUTATION' => '', 'INV_TITLE' => '', 'INV_COMPANY' => '', 'INV_ADDRESS2' => ''), $row['order_data']['address']); $row_data = array('id' => md5($row["order_id"] . $row['order_number']), 'number' => _convert_charset($row['order_number']), 'date' => $row['order_date'], 'lang' => empty($row['order_data']['lang']) ? '' : _convert_charset($row['order_data']['lang']), 'email' => _convert_charset($row['order_email']), 'salutation' => _convert_charset($row['order_data']['address']['INV_SALUTATION']), 'title' => _convert_charset($row['order_data']['address']['INV_TITLE']), 'firstname' => _convert_charset($row['order_firstname']), 'name' => _convert_charset($row['order_name']), 'company' => _convert_charset($row['order_data']['address']['INV_COMPANY']), 'address' => _convert_charset($row['order_data']['address']['INV_ADDRESS']), 'address2' => _convert_charset($row['order_data']['address']['INV_ADDRESS2']), 'postcode' => _convert_charset($row['order_data']['address']['INV_ZIP']), 'city' => _convert_charset($row['order_data']['address']['INV_CITY']), 'region' => _convert_charset($row['order_data']['address']['INV_REGION']), 'country' => _convert_charset($row['order_data']['address']['INV_COUNTRY']), 'phone' => _convert_charset($row['order_data']['address']['PHONE']), 'custom_fields' => null, 'payment' => _convert_charset(strtolower($row['order_payment'])), 'total' => array('total_net' => floatval($row['order_net']), 'total_vat' => floatval($row['order_gross']) - floatval($row['order_net']), 'total_gross' => floatval($row['order_gross'])), 'subtotal' => isset($row['order_data']['subtotal']) ? $row['order_data']['subtotal'] : null, 'shipping' => isset($row['order_data']['shipping']) ? $row['order_data']['shipping'] : null, 'discount' => isset($row['order_data']['discount']) ? $row['order_data']['discount'] : null, 'loworder' => isset($row['order_data']['loworder']) ? $row['order_data']['loworder'] : null, 'weight' => isset($row['order_data']['weight']) ? $row['order_data']['weight'] : null, 'distance' => isset($row['order_data']['distance']) ? $row['order_data']['distance'] : null, 'positions' => array()); if ($row_data['shipping']) { $row_data['shipping']['shipping_vat'] = $row_data['shipping']['shipping_gross'] - $row_data['shipping']['shipping_net']; } if (isset($row_data['distance']['label'])) { foreach ($row_data['distance'] as $key => $value) { $row_data['distance'][$key] = _convert_charset($row_data['distance'][$key]); } $row_data['shipping']['shipping_zone'] = $row_data['distance']['label']; } if ($row_data['subtotal']) {
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2002-2015, Oliver Georgi * @license GNU GPL-2 * @link * **/ session_start(); $phpwcms = array(); require_once '../../include/config/'; require_once '../inc_lib/'; require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT . '/include/inc_lib/'; require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT . '/include/inc_lib/'; checkLogin(); require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT . '/include/inc_lib/'; if ($_SESSION["wcs_user_admin"] == 1) { list($do, $id) = explode('|', $_GET['do']); $do = intval($do); $id = intval($id); if ($id) { if ($do === 1) { _dbUpdate('phpwcms_pagelayout', array('pagelayout_default' => 0, 'pagelayout_trash' => 9), 'pagelayout_id=' . $id); } elseif ($do === 2) { $result = _dbUpdate('phpwcms_template', array('template_default' => 0, 'template_trash' => 9), 'template_id=' . $id); // Update article categories with new default template ID or to 0 if no default template is defined if ($result) { $default = _dbGet('phpwcms_template', 'template_id, template_default', 'template_trash=0 AND template_default=1', '', '', 1); _dbUpdate('phpwcms_articlecat', array('acat_template' => isset($default[0]['template_id']) ? $default[0]['template_id'] : 0), 'acat_trash=0 AND acat_template=' . $id); } } } } headerRedirect($_SESSION['REFERER_URL']);
break; case 'url_unsubscribe': $form_newletter_setting['url_unsubscribe'] = $form_value_nl[1]; break; case 'subject': $form_newletter_setting['subject'] = $form_value_nl[1]; break; case 'double_optin': $form_newletter_setting['double_optin'] = intval($form_value_nl[1]) ? 1 : 0; break; case 'optin_template': $form_newletter_setting['optin_template'] = $form_value_nl[1]; break; default: if ($form_value_nl[0] = intval($form_value_nl[0])) { $query = _dbGet('phpwcms_subscription', '*', 'subscription_id=' . $form_value_nl[0] . ' AND subscription_active=1'); if (isset($query[0])) { if ($form_value_nl[1] == '') { $form_value_nl[1] = $query[0]['subscription_name']; } $form_value[$form_value_nl[0]] = $form_value_nl[1]; } else { continue; } } else { continue; } } } } $form_newletter_setting['subscriptions'] = $form_value;
<input type="hidden" name="csubtitle" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="cpaginate_title" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="cpaginate_page" value="" /> <?php // normal contentpart edit mode } else { // Detect Template if (!empty($content['article']['acat_template'])) { $content['current_template'] = _dbGet('phpwcms_template', '*', 'template_trash=0 AND template_id=' . _dbEscape($content['article']['acat_template']), '', '', 1); } if (!isset($content['current_template'][0])) { $content['current_template'] = _dbGet('phpwcms_template', '*', 'template_trash=0 AND template_default=1', '', '', 1); } if (!isset($content['current_template'][0])) { $content['current_template'] = _dbGet('phpwcms_template', '*', 'template_trash=0', '', 'template_default DESC', 1); } $content['blocks'] = array(); if (isset($content['current_template'][0]['template_var'])) { $content['template_name'] = html($content['current_template'][0]['template_name']); if ($content['current_template'][0]['template_default']) { $content['template_name'] .= ' (' . $BL['be_admin_tmpl_default'] . ')'; } $content['current_template'] = unserialize($content['current_template'][0]['template_var']); if (!empty($content['current_template']['customblock'])) { $content['current_template'] = explode(',', $content['current_template']['customblock']); if (count($content['current_template'])) { $content['blocks'][] = '<optgroup label="' . $BL['be_admin_page_blocks'] . ', ' . $BL['be_admin_page_customblocks'] . '">'; foreach ($content['current_template'] as $value) { $value = trim($value); if ($value !== '') {
if ($aktion[1]) { $_uri_alias = 'aid=' . $aktion[1]; } elseif ($content['struct'][0]['acat_alias']) { $_uri_alias = $content['struct'][0]['acat_alias']; } else { $_uri_alias = 'id=' . $content['cat_id']; } } else { $_uri_alias = ''; } switch ($fe_action) { case '{FE_USER_MANAGE}': $_uri = rel_url(array('profile_manage' => 'edit'), array('profile_register', 'profile_reminder'), $_uri_alias); // at the moment it is only possible to edit user data of "real" FRONTEND users // all BACKEND users should login to backend and edit their data there $result = _dbGet('phpwcms_userdetail', '*', "detail_filter='" . aporeplace(FEUSER_REGKEY) . "' AND detail_id=" . intval($_SESSION[$_loginData['session_key'] . '_userdata']['id']), '', '', '1'); if (isset($result[0])) { $fe_data = $result[0]; $fe_data['detail_password'] = ''; } break; case '{FE_USER_REGISTER}': $_uri = rel_url(array('profile_register' => 'create'), array('profile_manage', 'profile_reminder'), $_uri_alias); break; } if (isset($_POST['detail_login'])) { $udata['user_login'] = clean_slweg($_POST['user_login']); $udata['user_password'] = slweg($_POST['user_password']); $udata['user_password2'] = slweg($_POST['user_password2']); $udata['user_company'] = clean_slweg($_POST['user_company']); $udata['user_title'] = clean_slweg($_POST['user_title']);
/** * get the geocode lat/lon points from cache for given address * * @param string $address * @return bool|array False if no cache, array of data if has cache */ function getCache($address) { $_ret = array(); $_row = _dbGet($this->_db_cache_table, 'lon,lat', 'address=' . _dbEscape($address)); if (isset($_row[0])) { $_ret['lon'] = $_row[0]['lon']; $_ret['lat'] = $_row[0]['lat']; } elseif ($_row === false && $this->_db_cache_table && !$this->_db_cache_table_created) { $sql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `' . DB_PREPEND . $this->_db_cache_table . '` ('; $sql .= " `address` varchar(1000) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', "; $sql .= '`lon` double DEFAULT NULL, '; $sql .= '`lat` double DEFAULT NULL, '; $sql .= 'PRIMARY KEY (`address`), '; $sql .= 'KEY `lon` (`lon`), '; $sql .= 'KEY `lat` (`lat`) '; $sql .= ')'; $result = _dbQuery($sql, 'CREATE'); if ($result) { $this->_db_cache_table_created = true; } } return isset($_ret['lon']) ? $_ret : false; }
// Back to module listing if (isset($_POST['save'])) { headerRedirect(MODULE_HREF_DECODE); } // set ID if (!empty($result['INSERT_ID'])) { $plugin['data']['id'] = $result['INSERT_ID']; $plugin['id'] = $result['INSERT_ID']; } } else { set_status_message(implode(LF, $plugin['error']), 'warning'); } } // try to read entry from database if ($plugin['id'] && !isset($plugin['error'])) { $plugin['data'] = _dbGet('phpwcms_content', '*', 'cnt_status!=9 AND cnt_module=' . _dbEscape(MODULE_KEY) . ' AND cnt_id=' . $plugin['id']); if (isset($plugin['data'][0])) { $plugin['data'] = $plugin['data'][0]; $plugin['data']['cnt_object'] = @unserialize($plugin['data']['cnt_object']); $plugin['data']['id'] = $plugin['data']['cnt_id']; if (count($plugin['data']['cnt_object'])) { foreach ($plugin['data']['cnt_object'] as $key => $value) { $plugin['data']['cnt_object-' . $key] = $value; } } $plugin['fields']['cnt_object-feed_import_trigger_url'] = 'TEXTAREA-DISABLED'; $plugin['data']['cnt_object-feed_import_trigger_url'] = PHPWCMS_URL . 'index.php?feedimport=' . md5($plugin['data']['cnt_id'] . $plugin['data']['cnt_text']); } else { $plugin['data'] = false; set_status_message(sprintf($BLM['error_false_id'], $plugin['id']), 'warning'); headerRedirect(MODULE_HREF_DECODE);
echo $BLM['create_new']; ?> </span></a> </div> <!-- No Pagination or filter --> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary=""> <tr><td colspan="4"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="3" /></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="4" bgcolor="#92A1AF"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1" /></td></tr> <?php // loop listing available rates $row_count = 0; $data = _dbGet('phpwcms_content', '*', 'cnt_status!=9 AND cnt_module=' . _dbEscape(MODULE_KEY)); foreach ($data as $row) { $url = parse_url($row['cnt_text'], PHP_URL_HOST); echo '<tr style="cursor:pointer"' . ($row_count % 2 ? ' bgcolor="#F3F5F8"' : ''); echo ' onclick="document.location=\'' . MODULE_HREF . '&edit=' . $row["cnt_id"] . '\';">' . LF; echo '<td width="25" style="padding:2px 3px 2px 4px;">'; echo '<img src="img/famfamfam/rss.png" alt="' . $BLM['backend_menu'] . '" /></td>' . LF; echo '<td class="dir" width="55%" style="padding-left:3px" nowrap="nowrap">' . html($row['cnt_name']) . "</td>\n"; echo '<td class="dir" width="35%" nowrap="nowrap"> ' . $url . " </td>\n"; echo '<td width="10%" align="right" nowrap="nowrap" class="button_td">'; echo '<a href="' . MODULE_HREF . '&edit=' . $row["cnt_id"] . '">'; echo '<img src="img/button/edit_22x13.gif" border="0" alt="" /></a>'; echo '<a href="' . MODULE_HREF . '&editid=' . $row["cnt_id"] . '&active='; echo ($row["cnt_status"] ? '0' : '1') . '">'; echo '<img src="img/button/aktiv_12x13_' . $row["cnt_status"] . '.gif" border="0" alt="" /></a>'; echo '<a href="' . MODULE_HREF . '&delete=' . $row["cnt_id"];
function edit() { $this->newsId = intval($_GET['cntid']); $this->data = array(); if (isset($_GET['status'])) { $status = intval($_GET['status']); switch ($status) { case 0: case 1: case 9: _dbUpdate('phpwcms_content', array('cnt_status' => $status), 'cnt_id=' . $this->newsId); set_status_message($status == 9 ? $this->BL['be_action_deleted'] : $this->BL['be_action_status'], 'success', array('ID' => $this->newsId)); break; default: set_status_message($this->BL['be_action_notvalid'], 'warning'); } headerRedirect($this->base_url_decoded); } $start_date = 0; $end_date = 0; $this->data = array('cnt_id' => 0, 'cnt_pid' => 0, 'cnt_status' => intval($this->phpwcms['set_news_active']), 'cnt_livedate' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'cnt_killdate' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'cnt_archive_status' => 1, 'cnt_alias' => '', 'cnt_name' => '', 'cnt_title' => '', 'cnt_subtitle' => '', 'cnt_editor' => '', 'cnt_place' => '', 'cnt_teasertext' => '', 'cnt_text' => '', 'cnt_duplicate' => 0, 'cnt_lang' => '', 'cnt_prio' => 0, 'cnt_readmore' => 1, 'cnt_image' => array('id' => 0, 'name' => '', 'zoom' => 0, 'lightbox' => 0, 'caption' => '', 'link' => ''), 'cnt_files' => array('id' => array(), 'caption' => '', 'gallery' => 0, 'gallery_download' => 0), 'cnt_link' => '', 'cnt_linktext' => '', 'cnt_category' => '', 'cnt_livedate' => '', 'cnt_killdate' => '', 'cnt_sort' => 0, 'cnt_opengraph' => empty($this->phpwcms['set_sociallink']['news']) ? 0 : 1, 'cnt_textformat' => 'plain', 'cnt_searchoff' => 0); // check form post if (isset($_POST['cnt_name'])) { $post = $this->getPostData(); $post_error = false; if (!empty($_POST['cnt_duplicate'])) { $this->newsId = 0; $duplicate = 1; $post['cnt_created'] = now(); } else { $duplicate = 0; } // 1st check if we have a name because it's mandatory if ($post['cnt_name'] == '') { $post_error = true; set_status_message($this->BL['be_news_name_mandatory'], 'warning'); $post['cnt_duplicate'] = $duplicate; } // do db work if ($post_error === false) { $values = $post; $values['cnt_object'] = serialize($values['cnt_object']); $success = false; // store new dataset if ($this->newsId == 0) { $result = _dbInsert('phpwcms_content', $values); if (isset($result['INSERT_ID'])) { $this->newsId = $result['INSERT_ID']; $success = true; set_status_message($this->BL['be_successfully_saved'] . LF . $post['cnt_name'], 'success'); } // update existing dataset } else { $result = _dbUpdate('phpwcms_content', $values, 'cnt_id=' . $this->newsId); if ($result != false) { $success = true; set_status_message($this->BL['be_successfully_updated'] . LF . $post['cnt_name'], 'success'); } } // if success if ($success) { // save categories if ($this->newsId) { _dbSaveCategories($post['cnt_object']['cnt_category'], 'news', $this->newsId, ','); } // redirect to form again if ($this->newsId && isset($_POST['submit'])) { headerRedirect($this->base_url_decoded . '&cntid=' . $this->newsId . '&action=edit'); // back to listing } else { headerRedirect($this->base_url_decoded); } // error while storing data } else { set_status_message($BL['be_error_while_save'] . trim(html(' ' . mysql_errno() . ': ' . mysql_error())), 'warning'); } } $this->data = array_merge($this->data, $post); } elseif ($this->newsId > 0) { $result = _dbGet('phpwcms_content', '*', 'cnt_status!=9 AND cnt_id=' . $this->newsId, '', '', '1'); if (isset($result[0])) { $result[0]['cnt_object'] = @unserialize($result[0]['cnt_object']); if (is_array($result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_image'])) { $result[0]['cnt_image'] = array_merge($this->data['cnt_image'], $result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_image']); } if (is_array($result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_files'])) { $result[0]['cnt_files'] = array_merge($this->data['cnt_files'], $result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_files']); } if (isset($result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_link'])) { $result[0]['cnt_link'] = $result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_link']; } if (isset($result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_linktext'])) { $result[0]['cnt_linktext'] = $result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_linktext']; } if (isset($result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_category'])) { $result[0]['cnt_category'] = $result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_category']; } if (isset($result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_readmore'])) { $result[0]['cnt_readmore'] = $result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_readmore']; } if (isset($result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_textformat'])) { $result[0]['cnt_textformat'] = $result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_textformat']; } if (isset($result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_searchoff'])) { $result[0]['cnt_searchoff'] = $result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_searchoff']; } $this->data = array_merge($this->data, $result[0]); } else { set_status_message($this->BL['be_data_select_failed'], 'warning'); headerRedirect($this->base_url_decoded); } } $start_date = strtotime($this->data['cnt_livedate']); $end_date = strtotime($this->data['cnt_killdate']); $sort_date = intval($this->data['cnt_sort']); if ($start_date <= 0) { $this->data['cnt_livedate'] = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; $this->data['cnt_date_start'] = ''; $this->data['cnt_time_start'] = ''; } else { $this->data['cnt_date_start'] = date($this->BL['default_date'], $start_date); $this->data['cnt_time_start'] = date($this->BL['default_time'], $start_date); } if ($end_date <= 0) { $this->data['cnt_killdate'] = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; $this->data['cnt_date_end'] = ''; $this->data['cnt_time_end'] = ''; } else { $this->data['cnt_date_end'] = date($this->BL['default_date'], $end_date); $this->data['cnt_time_end'] = date($this->BL['default_time'], $end_date); } // sort date if ($sort_date <= 0) { $this->data['cnt_sort'] = 0; $this->data['cnt_sort_date'] = ''; $this->data['cnt_sort_time'] = ''; } else { $this->data['cnt_sort_date'] = date($this->BL['default_date'], $sort_date); $this->data['cnt_sort_time'] = date($this->BL['default_time'], $sort_date); } }
// Dates $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_date($news['entries'][$key], $value['cnt_changed'], $value['cnt_ts_livedate'], $value['cnt_ts_killdate']); $news['entries'][$key] = render_date($news['entries'][$key], $value['cnt_ts_sortdate'], 'SORTDATE'); $news['files_result'] = ''; // Files if (isset($value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['id']) && is_array($value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['id']) && count($value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['id'])) { // should image files used for gallery if (!empty($value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['gallery']) && strpos($news['entries'][$key], '/GALLERY')) { if (!$news['config']['gallery_allowed_ext']) { $value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['gallery'] = false; // Get Image files } else { $value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['where'] = 'f_id IN (' . implode(',', $value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['id']) . ') AND '; $value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['where'] .= 'f_public=1 AND f_aktiv=1 AND f_kid=1 AND f_trash=0 AND '; $value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['where'] .= 'f_ext IN(' . $news['config']['gallery_allowed_ext'] . ')'; $value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['images'] = _dbGet('phpwcms_file', 'f_id,f_hash,f_name,f_ext,f_longinfo,f_copyright,f_vars', $value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['where']); if (!isset($value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['images'][0])) { $value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['gallery'] = false; // create gallery } else { $value['gallery_id'] = array(); // just to have relation between file ID and query result foreach ($value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['images'] as $ikey => $ivalue) { $value['gallery_id'][$ivalue['f_id']] = $ikey; } // Need to parse file list caption too if (!$news['config']['gallery_filecenter_info']) { // check if info for the file is available // [0] = normal file description like before // [1] = name the file (it's not the file name) // [2] = title
echo '<img src="img/button/aktiv_12x13_' . $data['active'] . '.gif" alt="" border="0" height="13" width="12" />'; echo $data['enable_switch_suffix']; echo '</td>' . LF . ' </tr>' . LF; $x++; } ?> </table> <?php // Edit Redirects } else { $rid = empty($_GET['rid']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['rid']); // now retrieve selected item if ($rid) { $data = _dbGet('phpwcms_redirect', '*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(changed) AS timestamp', 'rid=' . $rid, '', 'changed DESC, views DESC'); } if (isset($data[0])) { $data = $data[0]; } else { $data = array('rid' => 0, 'alias' => '', 'id' => '', 'aid' => '', 'type' => '', 'active' => 0, 'shortcut' => 0, 'views' => 0, 'timestamp' => now(), 'target' => '', 'code' => ''); } if (count($data_result['data'])) { $data = array_merge($data, $data_result['data']); } ?> <h1 class="title"><?php echo ($data['rid'] ? $BL['be_cnt_guestbook_edit'] : $BL['be_article_cnt_button2']) . ': ' . $BL['be_link'] . ' & ' . $BL['be_redirect']; ?> </h1> <form action="phpwcms.php?do=admin&p=14&rid=<?php
function search() { $this->now = now(); if (empty($this->search_words)) { return NULL; } $cnt_ts_livedate = 'IF(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(pc.cnt_livedate) > 0, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(pc.cnt_livedate), pc.cnt_created)'; $cnt_ts_killdate = 'IF(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(pc.cnt_killdate) > 0, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(pc.cnt_killdate), pc.cnt_created + 31536000)'; $sql = 'SELECT pc.*, '; $sql .= $cnt_ts_livedate . ' AS cnt_ts_livedate, '; $sql .= $cnt_ts_killdate . ' AS cnt_ts_killdate '; $sql .= 'FROM ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_content pc '; $sql_where = 'WHERE '; $sql_where .= 'pc.cnt_status=1 AND '; $sql_where .= "pc.cnt_module='news' AND "; $sql_where .= $cnt_ts_livedate . ' < ' . $this->now . ' AND '; $sql_where .= '(' . $cnt_ts_killdate . ' > ' . $this->now . ' OR cnt_archive_status = 1) '; $sql_group = ''; // choose by category if (count($this->search_category)) { $cat_sql = array(); // and/or/not mode switch ($this->search_andor) { case 'AND': $news_andor = ' AND '; $news_compare = '='; break; case 'NOT': $news_andor = ' AND '; $news_compare = '!='; break; default: //OR $news_andor = ' OR '; $news_compare = '='; } foreach ($this->search_category as $value) { $cat_sql[] = 'pcat.cat_name' . $news_compare . _dbEscape($value); } $sql .= "LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_categories pcat ON (pcat.cat_type='news' AND pcat.cat_pid=pc.cnt_id) "; $sql_where .= 'AND (' . implode($news_andor, $cat_sql) . ') '; $sql_group = 'GROUP BY pc.cnt_id '; } // language selection if (count($this->search_language)) { $sql_where .= "AND pc.cnt_lang IN ('" . str_replace('#', "','", _dbEscape(implode('#', $this->search_language), false)) . "') "; } $sql .= $sql_where; $sql .= $sql_group; $sql = trim($sql); $data = _dbQuery($sql); $search_target_url_test = strtolower(substr($this->search_target_url, 0, 4)); if ($search_target_url_test !== 'http' && $search_target_url_test !== '{sit') { // expected alias here or aid=123 or id=123 if ($this->search_highlight) { $this->search_target_url = rel_url(array('newsdetail' => '___NEWSDETAIL__', 'highlight' => '___HIGHLIGHT__'), array('searchstart', 'searchwords'), $this->search_target_url); } else { $this->search_target_url = rel_url(array('newsdetail' => '___NEWSDETAIL__'), array('highlight', 'searchstart', 'searchwords'), $this->search_target_url); } $search_replace_newsdetail = true; } else { $search_replace_newsdetail = strpos($this->search_target_url, '___NEWSDETAIL__') !== false ? true : false; $this->search_target_url = html_specialchars($this->search_target_url); } if ($this->search_highlight_words && is_array($this->search_highlight_words)) { $s_highlight_words = rawurlencode(implode(' ', $this->search_highlight_words)); } else { $s_highlight_words = ''; } foreach ($data as $value) { $s_result = array(); $s_text = $value['cnt_text'] . ', ' . $value['cnt_teasertext'] . ', ' . $value['cnt_place'] . ', '; $s_text .= $value['cnt_subtitle'] . ', ' . $value['cnt_title']; if ($this->search_username) { $s_text .= ', ' . $value['cnt_editor']; } $value['cnt_object'] = @unserialize($value['cnt_object']); if (!empty($value['cnt_object']['cnt_searchoff'])) { continue; } if (isset($value['cnt_object']['cnt_category'])) { if ($this->search_keyword) { $s_text .= ' ' . $value['cnt_object']['cnt_category']; } if ($this->search_caption) { $s_text .= ' ' . $value['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['caption']; $s_text .= ' ' . $value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['caption']; } } $s_text = preg_replace('/<script[^>]*>.*?<\\/script>/is', '', $s_text); // strip all <script> Tags $s_text = str_replace(array('~', '|', ':', 'http', '//', '_blank', ' '), ' ', $s_text); $s_text = clean_search_text($s_text); preg_match_all('/' . $this->search_words . '/is', $s_text, $s_result); $s_count = count($s_result[0]); //set search_result to 0 if ($s_count && SEARCH_TYPE_AND) { $s_and_or = array(); foreach ($s_result[0] as $svalue) { $s_and_or[strtolower($svalue)] = 1; } $s_and_or = count($s_and_or); if ($s_and_or != $this->search_word_count) { $s_count = 0; } } if ($s_count) { $id = $this->search_result_entry; $this->search_results[$id]["id"] = $value['cnt_id']; $this->search_results[$id]["cid"] = 0; $this->search_results[$id]["rank"] = $s_count; if ($this->search_highlight) { $this->search_results[$id]["title"] = highlightSearchResult(html($value['cnt_title']), $this->search_highlight_words); $this->search_results[$id]["subtitle"] = highlightSearchResult(html($value['cnt_subtitle']), $this->search_highlight_words); } else { $this->search_results[$id]["title"] = html($value['cnt_title']); $this->search_results[$id]["subtitle"] = html($value['cnt_subtitle']); } $this->search_results[$id]["date"] = $value['cnt_ts_livedate']; $this->search_results[$id]["user"] = html($value['cnt_editor']); $value['detail_link'] = date('Ymd', $value['cnt_ts_livedate']) . '-' . $value['cnt_id'] . '_'; //$crow['acontent_aid'] $value['detail_link'] .= empty($value['cnt_alias']) ? $value['cnt_id'] : urlencode($value['cnt_alias']); if (strpos($this->search_target_url, '___NEWSDETAIL__') !== false) { $this->search_results[$id]['link'] = str_replace(array('___NEWSDETAIL__', '___HIGHLIGHT__'), array($value['detail_link'], $s_highlight_words), $this->search_target_url); } else { $this->search_results[$id]['link'] = $this->search_target_url . '&newsdetail=' . $value['detail_link']; if ($this->search_highlight) { $this->search_results[$id]['link'] .= '&highlight=' . $s_highlight_words; } } $s_text = trim(trim(str_replace(', ,', ',', $s_text)), ' ,'); $s_text = html(getCleanSubString($s_text, $this->search_wordlimit, $this->ellipse_sign, 'word'), false); if ($this->search_highlight) { $s_text = highlightSearchResult($s_text, $this->search_highlight_words); } $this->search_results[$id]["text"] = $s_text; $this->search_results[$id]["image"] = false; if ($this->image_render && !empty($value['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['id'])) { $value['cnt_object']['cnt_image'] = _dbGet('phpwcms_file', 'f_id AS `id`, f_hash AS `hash`, f_ext AS `ext`, f_name AS `name`', 'f_id=' . _dbEscape($value['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['id']) . ' AND f_trash=0 AND f_aktiv=1 AND f_public=1'); if (isset($value['cnt_object']['cnt_image'][0]['id'])) { $this->search_results[$id]["image"] = $value['cnt_object']['cnt_image'][0]; } } $this->search_result_entry++; } } }
function make_cloud($matches) { global $phpwcms, $content; // use $matches for // $rendermode,$which_ID,$setLP,$landing $rendermode = trim($matches[1]); $which_ID = trim($matches[2]); $setLP = trim($matches[3]); $landing = isset($matches[4]) ? intval($matches[4]) : 0; $conf =& $content['tagcloud']; // check integrity of user_settings --- else use defaults +++ OG new style if (empty($conf['min'])) { $conf['min'] = 4; } if (empty($conf['min_chars'])) { $conf['min_chars'] = 4; } if (!isset($conf['sort'])) { $conf['sort'] = false; } if (empty($conf['inc_or_ex'])) { $conf['inc_or_ex'] = 0; } // avoid php notice: undefined variable if (empty($allmyhds)) { $allmyhds = ''; } if (empty($allmycps)) { $allmycps = ''; } if (empty($at)) { $at = ''; } if (empty($ast)) { $ast = ''; } if (empty($asm)) { $asm = ''; } // avoid php notice: undefined index //if(isset($conf['add_t'])) {$auswert_t = $conf['add_t'];} // NOW, FINALLY IT'S TIME TO LET A FRESH BREEZE BLOWING UP PRETTY CLOUDS if (!empty($landing)) { // check if landing page has an article alias ( only versions > 1.3.5 else use fallback ) // original code has been deleted because +++ o-ton OG: "so geht es schneller" $landalias = _dbGet('phpwcms_article', 'article_alias', "article_id=" . $landing . " AND article_alias != ''"); // "So muss weitermachen...". Hey, here we are: if (!empty($landalias[0]['article_alias'])) { $aliasfound = $landalias[0]['article_alias']; } // second BREEZE BLOWING if (!empty($setLP)) { switch ($setLP) { case 'L': if (isset($aliasfound)) { $landing = 'index.php?' . $aliasfound . '#'; } else { $landing = 'index.php?aid=' . $landing . '#'; //fallback for older versions //$old_style $landing = 'index.php?id=0,'. $landing . ',0,0,1,0#'; //much older versions } break; case 'S': if (isset($aliasfound)) { $landing = 'index.php?' . $aliasfound . '&searchwords='; } else { $landing = 'index.php?aid=' . $landing . '&searchwords='; //fallback for older versions //$old_style $landing = 'index.php?id=0,'. $landing . ',0,0,1,0&searchwords='; //much older versions } break; } } else { $landing = 'index.php#'; echo "TagCloud ERROR: Wrong setup of RT! MISSING --> (L) = Landing page OR --> (S) = Search page"; } } else { //die("TagCloud ERROR: Article_ID of your (L)Landing Page or your (S)Search Page is missing!"); echo "TagCloud ERROR: Wrong setup of RT! Article ID of (L) = Landing Page or (S) = Search Page MISSING!"; $landing = 'index.php#'; } switch ($rendermode) { case 'E': //exclude array stuff by marcus@localhorst $excludeid = explode(',', $which_ID); $struct = array_keys($content['struct']); $only_cat_id = array_diff($struct, $excludeid); break; case 'I': $only_cat_id = explode(',', $which_ID); break; default: echo "TagCloud ERROR: Rendermode not defined! (I) = match all articles withIN named categories or vice versa (E) = exclude categories!"; break; } if (is_array($only_cat_id)) { foreach ($only_cat_id as $slid) { $sql = "SELECT SQL_CACHE article_id"; if ($conf['add_t']) { $sql .= ",article_title"; } if ($conf['add_st']) { $sql .= ",article_subtitle"; } if ($conf['add_sm']) { $sql .= ",article_summary"; } $sql .= " FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_article WHERE article_cid={$slid}"; $sql .= " AND article_public=1 AND article_aktiv=1 AND article_deleted=0"; $sql .= " AND article_begin < NOW() AND article_end > NOW()"; $result = _dbQuery($sql); foreach ($result as $row) { $ai = $row['article_id']; if ($conf['add_t']) { $at = $row['article_title']; } if ($conf['add_st']) { $ast = $row['article_subtitle']; } if ($conf['add_sm']) { $asm = $row['article_summary']; } $allmyhds .= $at . ' ' . $ast . ' ' . $asm . ' '; $sec_sql = "SELECT SQL_CACHE acontent_html"; if ($conf['add_cpt']) { $sec_sql .= ",acontent_title"; } if ($conf['add_cpst']) { $sec_sql .= ",acontent_subtitle"; } if ($conf['add_cptximg']) { $sec_sql .= ",acontent_text"; } $sec_sql .= " FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_articlecontent WHERE acontent_aid={$ai}"; $sec_sql .= " AND acontent_visible=1 AND acontent_trash=0"; $scd_result = _dbQuery($sec_sql); foreach ($scd_result as $scd_row) { $allmycps .= $scd_row['acontent_html'] . ' '; if ($conf['add_cpt']) { $allmycps .= $scd_row['acontent_title'] . ' '; } if ($conf['add_cpst']) { $allmycps .= $scd_row['acontent_subtitle'] . ' '; } if ($conf['add_cptximg']) { $allmycps .= $scd_row['acontent_text'] . ' '; } } } } /***************************************************************** * JOIN ALL the text of content --> Titles, Summary, CPs *****************************************************************/ $tagtext = $allmyhds . $allmycps; /***************************************************************** * add NEWS when set =1 *****************************************************************/ if ($conf['news_to_cloud'] == 1) { $news_sql = "SELECT SQL_CACHE cnt_title, "; $news_sql .= "cnt_subtitle, cnt_teasertext, cnt_text"; $news_sql .= " FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_content WHERE cnt_status=1"; $news_sql .= " AND cnt_livedate < NOW() AND cnt_killdate > NOW()"; $news_result = _dbQuery($news_sql); foreach ($news_result as $news_row) { $newscontent .= $news_row['cnt_title'] . ' '; $newscontent .= $news_row['cnt_subtitle'] . ' '; $newscontent .= $news_row['cnt_teasertext'] . ' '; $newscontent .= $news_row['cnt_text'] . ' '; } //article content plus news $tagtext = $tagtext . $newscontent; } /***************************************************************** and do some convertions *****************************************************************/ $tagtext = clean_replacement_tags($tagtext); $tagtext = stripped_cache_content($tagtext); //delete not wantend and then str_all to lower if (phpwcms_seems_utf8($tagtext)) { $tagtext = strtolower_utf8(str_replace($conf['del_signs'], '', $tagtext)); } else { $tagtext = strtolower(str_replace($conf['del_signs'], '', $tagtext)); } $tagtext = explode(' ', $tagtext); //split in separate words $anzahl = array_count_values($tagtext); //count the words -- into new array $tags = array(); switch ($conf['inc_or_ex']) { case '0': foreach ($anzahl as $key => $tagword) { if ($tagword >= $conf['min'] && !in_array($key, $conf['exclude'])) { //look if the word counts the required minimum and is not in the exclude list if (strlen($key) >= $conf['min_chars']) { //ignore words on web site that are NOT longer than (chief inspector even longer) defined in: var min_chars $tags[$key] = $tagword; //put them in a new array } // else { $this_word_out[$key] = $tagword; } } } break; case '1': foreach ($anzahl as $key => $tagword) { if ($tagword >= $conf['min'] && in_array($key, $conf['include'])) { //look if the word counts the required minimum and is not in the exclude list if (strlen($key) >= $conf['min_chars']) { //ignore words on web site that are NOT longer than (chief inspector even longer) defined in: var min_chars $tags[$key] = $tagword; //now put them in a new array } // else { $this_word_out[$key] = $tagword; } } } break; default: break; } if (!empty($tags)) { //unset($tags['phpwcms']); //if you want to override the value of words (in this case 'phpwcms'), uncomment it and put in your word //$weight = count($tags); $max_hits = max($tags); //tag with most hits if (!empty($max_hits)) { //$tags['phpwcms']=8; // put in again your deleted word and value from 4 lines above switch ($conf['sort']) { case 'asc': ksort($tags); //sort them alphabetically break; case 'desc': krsort($tags); //sort them reverse alphabetically break; case 'random': $keys = array_keys($tags); shuffle($keys); $random_words = array(); foreach ($keys as $key) { $random_words[$key] = $tags[$key]; } $tags = $random_words; break; default: break; } // FULL BLOWN CLOUDS LIKE HORNBLOWER $tag_cloud = '<div class="' . $conf['class'] . '">'; foreach ($tags as $key => $tagword) { $key = html_specialchars($key); // new maths by Heiko H. $percent = round(100 * $tagword / $max_hits, 0); $size = ceil($percent / 10); // prepare TC font size for CSS $tag_cloud .= '<a class="tcfs' . $size . '" href="' . PHPWCMS_URL . $landing . urlencode($key) . '">' . $key . '</a>'; if ($conf['showCount']) { $tag_cloud .= $conf['SC_before'] . $tagword . $conf['SC_after']; } $tag_cloud .= ' ' . LF; } $tag_cloud .= '</div>'; } } } return $tag_cloud; }
$where .= "cat_name LIKE '%" . _dbEscape(preg_replace('/[^\\w\\- ]/', '', $value), false) . "%'"; $result = _dbGet('phpwcms_categories', 'cat_name', $where, 'cat_name', 'cat_name', 20); if (isset($result[0])) { if ($jquery) { $data = $result; } else { foreach ($result as $value) { $data[] = utf8_encode($value['cat_name']); } } } break; case 'newstags': $where = "cat_status=1 AND cat_type='news' AND "; $where .= "cat_name LIKE '%" . _dbEscape(preg_replace('/[^\\w\\- ]/', '', $value), false) . "%'"; $result = _dbGet('phpwcms_categories', 'cat_name', $where, 'cat_name', 'cat_name', 20); if (isset($result[0])) { if ($jquery) { $data = $result; } else { foreach ($result as $value) { $data[] = utf8_encode($value['cat_name']); } } } break; case 'lang': $data = is_array($phpwcms['allowed_lang']) && count($phpwcms['allowed_lang']) ? $phpwcms['allowed_lang'] : array($phpwcms['default_lang']); sort($data); break; case 'flush_image_cache':
} if ($result) { update_cache(); // set cache timeout = 0 _dbSaveCategories($article["article_keyword"], 'article', $article["article_id"], ','); $update = isset($_POST['updatesubmit']) ? '&aktion=1' : ''; headerRedirect(PHPWCMS_URL . 'phpwcms.php?do=articles&p=2&s=1' . $update . '&id=' . $article["article_id"]); } } else { set_status_message($BL['be_admin_usr_err'] . ': ' . implode(', ', $article_err), 'warning'); } } // check if it is recommend to overwrite template defaults if (!isset($article["acat_overwrite"])) { if ($article['article_catid']) { $article["acat_overwrite"] = _dbGet('phpwcms_articlecat', 'acat_overwrite', 'acat_trash != 9 AND acat_id = ' . $article['article_catid'], '', '', 1); $article["acat_overwrite"] = empty($article["acat_overwrite"][0]['acat_overwrite']) ? '' : $article["acat_overwrite"][0]['acat_overwrite']; } elseif ($article['article_catid'] === 0 && !empty($indexpage['acat_overwrite'])) { $article["acat_overwrite"] = $indexpage['acat_overwrite']; } else { $article["acat_overwrite"] = ''; } } // include template defaults which should be overwritten by custom settings if ($article["acat_overwrite"] && is_file(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE . 'inc_settings/template_default/' . $article["acat_overwrite"])) { @(include PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE . 'inc_settings/template_default/' . $article["acat_overwrite"]); } // list mode if ((!isset($_GET["aktion"]) || !intval($_GET["aktion"])) && !isset($_GET['struct'])) { include_once PHPWCMS_ROOT . "/include/inc_tmpl/articlecontent.list.tmpl.php"; $phpwcms['be_parse_lang_process'] = true;
define('PHPWCMS_ALIAS', $alias); $content['404error']['status'] = false; } } } if ($content['404error']['status']) { // ToDo: maybe Check against structure/article alias and redirect $content['404error']['where'] = sprintf('alias LIKE %s', _dbEscape($content['404error']['alias'])); $content['404error']['alias'] = $content['404error']['redirect_url']; } } else { $content['404error']['where'] = sprintf('id=%d AND aid=%d AND alias LIKE %s', $content['404error']['id'], $content['404error']['aid'], _dbEscape($content['404error']['alias'])); } if ($content['404error']['status']) { // does the combination still exists in the database $content['404error']['result'] = _dbGet('phpwcms_redirect', '*', $content['404error']['where']); if (isset($content['404error']['result'][0])) { $content['404error']['result'] = $content['404error']['result'][0]; _dbUpdate('phpwcms_redirect', array('views' => intval($content['404error']['result']['views']) + 1), 'rid=' . $content['404error']['result']['rid']); // Test for redirect if ($content['404error']['result']['active'] == 1) { // HTTP Status // 301, 302 (default), 307, 401, 404, 503 $content['404error']['result']['code'] = empty($content['404error']['result']['code']) ? 302 : intval($content['404error']['result']['code']); // Redirect to Home // home (empty), alias, id, aid, link if (empty($content['404error']['result']['type'])) { $content['404error']['result']['target'] = getStructureChildEntryHref($content['struct'][0]); $content['404error']['result']['target'] = PHPWCMS_URL . $content['404error']['result']['target']['link']; headerRedirect($content['404error']['result']['target'], $content['404error']['result']['code']); } elseif ($content['404error']['result']['target']) {
case 'url_unsubscribe': $newletter_array['url_unsubscribe'] = $newsletter[1]; break; case 'double_optin': $newletter_array['double_optin'] = intval($newsletter[1]) ? 1 : 0; break; case 'optin_template': $newletter_array['optin_template'] = $newsletter[1]; break; case 'subject': $newletter_array['subject'] = $newsletter[1]; break; default: if (intval($newsletter[0])) { $newsletter[0] = intval($newsletter[0]); $query = _dbGet('phpwcms_subscription', '*', 'subscription_id=' . $newsletter[0] . ' AND subscription_active=1'); if (isset($query[0])) { if ($newsletter[1] == '') { $newsletter[1] = $query[0]['subscription_name']; } $newletter_array[$newsletter[0]] = $newsletter[1]; } else { continue; } } else { continue; } } } } $content['form']["fields"][$field_counter]['value'] = '';
if (!empty($feedimport_result['cnt_object']['image_url_replace'])) { $feedimport_result['cnt_object']['image_url_replace'] = explode('>', $feedimport_result['cnt_object']['image_url_replace']); $feedimport_result['cnt_object']['image_url_replace'][0] = trim(trim($feedimport_result['cnt_object']['image_url_replace'][0]), '"'); if (isset($feedimport_result['cnt_object']['image_url_replace'][1])) { $feedimport_result['cnt_object']['image_url_replace'][1] = trim(trim($feedimport_result['cnt_object']['image_url_replace'][1]), '"'); } } else { $feedimport_result['cnt_object']['image_url_replace'] = array(0 => '', 1 => ''); } if (empty($feedimport_result['cnt_object']['image_folder_id'])) { $feedimport_result['cnt_object']['image_folder_id'] = 0; } // need some additional functions include_once PHPWCMS_ROOT . '/include/inc_lib/'; // set import sort counter $article_sort_counter = _dbGet('phpwcms_article', 'article_sort', 'article_cid=' . _dbEscape($feedimport_result['cnt_object']['structure_level_id']), '', 'article_sort DESC', 1); if (isset($article_sort_counter[0])) { $article_sort_counter = $article_sort_counter[0]['article_sort'] + 10; } else { $article_sort_counter = 100; } foreach ($rss_obj->get_items() as $rssvalue) { $article_unique_hash = md5($feedimport_result['cnt_text'] . $rssvalue->get_title() . $rssvalue->get_date('U')); // check against crossreference table $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_crossreference c '; $sql .= 'LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_article a '; $sql .= 'ON c.cref_rid=a.article_id '; $sql .= "WHERE c.cref_type='feed_to_article_import' AND c.cref_str=" . _dbEscape('feedimport_' . $article_unique_hash) . ' AND '; $sql .= 'a.article_deleted=0 LIMIT 1'; if (_dbQuery($sql, 'COUNT') > 0) { continue;
function phpwcms_revision_r514() { $status = true; // do former revision check – fallback to r509 if (phpwcms_revision_check_temp('509') !== true) { $status = phpwcms_revision_check('509'); } // Delete // empty temp images table _dbQuery('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_imgcache', 'DROP'); // empty temp images directory $thumbnails = returnFileListAsArray(PHPWCMS_THUMB, 'jpg,jpeg,gif,png'); if (is_array($thumbnails) && count($thumbnails)) { foreach ($thumbnails as $thumbnail) { @unlink(PHPWCMS_THUMB . $thumbnail['filename']); } } // Set file hash $result = _dbQuery("SHOW FIELDS FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file WHERE Field='f_hash'"); if ($status && !empty($result[0])) { // Remove unused fields but only when file storage upgrade from earlier update is done $count = _dbQuery("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file LIKE 'f_thumb_%'", 'COUNT_SHOW'); if ($count === 2) { $count = _dbCount("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file WHERE f_thumb_list != '' OR f_thumb_preview != ''"); if ($count === 0) { _dbQuery("ALTER TABLE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file DROP f_thumb_list", 'ALTER'); _dbQuery("ALTER TABLE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file DROP f_thumb_preview", 'ALTER'); $status = true; } else { $status = false; } } $result = array_change_key_case($result[0], CASE_LOWER); if ($status && $result['type'] == 'varchar(50)') { $status = _dbQuery("ALTER TABLE " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file CHANGE f_hash f_hash VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''", 'ALTER'); // ensure all went well if ($status) { $result = _dbQuery("SHOW FIELDS FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_file WHERE Field='f_hash'"); $status = false; if (!empty($result[0])) { $result = array_change_key_case($result[0], CASE_LOWER); if ($result['type'] == 'varchar(255)') { $status = true; } } } } // Rename Hash and files if ($status) { // Cleanup first — Check all files trashed or deleted and not yet physical accessible anymore $files = _dbGet('phpwcms_file', '*', 'f_trash IN (8,9) AND f_kid=1'); if (isset($files[0]['f_id'])) { write_textfile(PHPWCMS_STORAGE . 'phpwcms-filestorage.log', date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ': Prepare removing non-existing, trashed or deleted files from phpwcms_file database table' . LF, 'a'); $file_id = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $file['storage_name'] = $file['f_hash']; if ($file['f_ext']) { $file['storage_name'] .= '.' . $file['f_ext']; } if (!is_file(PHPWCMS_STORAGE . $file['storage_name'])) { write_textfile(PHPWCMS_STORAGE . 'phpwcms-filestorage.log', date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ': ' . json_encode($file) . LF, 'a'); $file_id[] = $file['f_id']; } } $file_id = implode(',', $file_id); write_textfile(PHPWCMS_STORAGE . 'phpwcms-filestorage.log', date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ': File IDs to be deleted (' . $file_id . ')', 'a'); if ($file_id) { $result = _dbQuery('DELETE FROM ' . DB_PREPEND . 'phpwcms_file WHERE f_trash IN (8,9) AND f_kid=1 AND f_id IN (' . $file_id . ')', 'DELETE'); if (!empty($result['AFFECTED_ROWS'])) { write_textfile(PHPWCMS_STORAGE . 'phpwcms-filestorage.log', ' // DONE: ' . $result['AFFECTED_ROWS'] . ' deleted', 'a'); } else { write_textfile(PHPWCMS_STORAGE . 'phpwcms-filestorage.log', ' // DONE: None deleted', 'a'); } } write_textfile(PHPWCMS_STORAGE . 'phpwcms-filestorage.log', LF . LF . '---' . LF . LF, 'a'); } // ToDo: implement new naming } } else { $status = false; } return $status; }