Exemplo n.º 1
 function actionEdit()
     // Get the list of categories
     $categories = $this->weblog->getCategoriesAsAssoc();
     // Create the edit form
     $form = new YDWeblogForm('itemForm', 'POST', YD_SELF_SCRIPT . '?do=edit');
     $form->addElement('text', 'title', t('item_title'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('textarea', 'body', t('item_body'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('textarea', 'body_more', t('item_body_more'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('select', 'category_id', t('category'), array('class' => 'tfM', 'style' => 'width: 100%'), $categories);
     $form->addElement('datetimeselect', 'created', t('created_on'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('datetimeselect', 'modified', t('last_modified_on'), array('class' => 'tfM'));
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'is_draft', t('is_draft'), array('style' => 'border: none;'));
     $form->addElement('hidden', 'id');
     $form->addElement('submit', '_cmdSubmit', t('OK'), array('class' => 'button'));
     // Add the form rules
     $form->addRule('title', 'required', t('err_item_title'));
     $form->addRule('body', 'required', t('err_item_body'));
     // Add the filters
     $form->addFilters(array('title'), 'strip_html');
     // Get the ID from the query string
     $id = $this->getIdFromQS();
     // If there is something, set the defaults
     if ($id != -1) {
         // Get the comment by ID
         $defaults = $this->weblog->getItemById($id);
         $defaults['body'] = YDTemplate_modifier_bbcode($defaults['body']);
         $defaults['body_more'] = YDTemplate_modifier_bbcode($defaults['body_more']);
         $defaults['modified'] = gmmktime();
         // Add delete button with existing items
         $form->addElement('button', '_cmdDelete', t('delete'), array('class' => 'button', 'onClick' => 'return YDConfirmDeleteAndRedirect( \'' . addslashes($defaults['title']) . '\', \'' . YD_SELF_SCRIPT . '?do=delete&id=' . $defaults['id'] . '\' );'));
         // Assign the values to the template
         $this->tpl->assign('item', $defaults);
         // Set the defaults
     } else {
         // Get the defaults
         $defaults = array();
         $defaults['is_draft'] = YDConfig::get('dflt_is_draft', false);
         // Set the form defaults
     // Process the form
     if ($form->validate() === true) {
         // Get the form values
         $values = $form->getValues();
         // Update the datetimes
         $values['created'] = $values['created']['timestamp'];
         $values['modified'] = $values['modified']['timestamp'];
         // Set the user
         $values['user_id'] = $this->user['id'];
         // Check if we need to publish or not
         $needs_publish_email = false;
         // If there is an ID, we do an edit
         if ($values['id']) {
             // Get the item by ID
             $item = $this->weblog->getItemByID($values['id']);
             // Check if the item changes from draft to published
             if ($item['is_draft'] && !$values['is_draft']) {
                 // Remember this
                 $needs_publish_email = true;
                 // Update the created timestamp
                 $values['created'] = time();
                 $values['modified'] = time();
             // Update the database
         } else {
             // Check if the item is draft or not
             if (!$values['is_draft']) {
                 // Remember this
                 $needs_publish_email = true;
                 // Update the created timestamp
                 $values['created'] = time();
                 $values['modified'] = time();
             // Add it to the database
         // Check if we need to send an email
         if ($needs_publish_email) {
             // Send an email if configured
             if (YDConfig::get('email_new_item', true)) {
                 // Add the item ID
                 $values['id'] = $this->weblog->db->getLastInsertID();
                 // Include the YDEmail library
                 // Get the list of subscriptions
                 $subscribers = $this->weblog->getUsers();
                 // Add the comment to the email template
                 $this->tpl->assign('item', $values);
                 $this->tpl->assign('weblog_link', YDUrl::makeLinkAbsolute('../index.php'));
                 $this->tpl->assign('item_link', YDTplModLinkWithID('../item.php', $values['id']));
                 // Create the email and send it
                 $eml = new YDEmail();
                 if (!empty($item['user_email'])) {
                     $eml->setFrom($item['user_email'], YDConfig::get('weblog_title', 'Untitled Weblog'));
                 } else {
                     $eml->setFrom('*****@*****.**', YDConfig::get('weblog_title', 'Untitled Weblog'));
                 foreach ($subscribers as $subscriber) {
                     $eml->addBcc($subscriber['email'], $subscriber['name']);
                 $eml->setSubject(t('new_item') . ': ' . strip_tags($values['title']));
                 $eml->setHtmlBody($this->fetch(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../' . $this->dir_skins . $this->skin . '/item_email.tpl'));
         // Redirect to the default action
         if ($values['is_draft']) {
             $this->redirect(YD_SELF_SCRIPT . '?filter=drafts');
         } else {
     // Add the form to the template
     $this->tpl->assignForm('form', $form);
     // Display the template
function YDTplModLinkLink($id)
    return YDTplModLinkWithID('link.php', $id);