Exemplo n.º 1
 public function adminGenerator()
     $xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
     $xml->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
     $xml->formatOutput = true;
     $root = $xml->createElement('backups');
     $root->appendChild($xml->createElement('suggest'))->nodeValue = date('YmdHis');
     $list = scandir(__DIR__ . '/data/');
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     foreach ($list as $filename) {
         if (pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'zip') {
             $zip->open(__DIR__ . '/data/' . $filename);
             $description = $zip->getArchiveComment();
             $desc_node = $xml->createElement('backup');
             $desc_node->appendChild($xml->createElement('filename'))->nodeValue = iconv('windows-1251', 'utf-8', $filename);
             $desc_node->appendChild($xml->createElement('filesize'))->nodeValue = $this->fileSizeDynamic(filesize(__DIR__ . '/data/' . $filename));
             $desc_node->appendChild($xml->createElement('description'))->nodeValue = $description;
     return XSLTransform($xml->saveXML($root), __DIR__ . '/form.xsl');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Here generated data for module configuration dialog
 public function AJAXHandler()
     if (!user_allowed_to('manage modules')) {
         terminate('Forbidden', '', 403);
     // фильтруем вход
     $input_filter = array('target' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-]+$~ui')), 'action' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-]+$~ui')), 'value' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[\\sa-zA-Zа-яА-Я0-9\\_\\-%!@$^*\\(\\)\\[\\]&=.,/\\\\]+$~ui')), 'hash' => array('filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, 'options' => array('regexp' => '~^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$~ui')));
     $_INPUT = get_filtered_input($input_filter);
     switch ($_INPUT['action']) {
         case 'get_settings':
             if (($module_name = $_INPUT['target']) == '') {
                 terminate('Unknown module [from:admin]', '', 404);
             // get config XML, mark nodes, transform and return
             $xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
             if ($module_name == self::CMS_SETTINGS_MODULE_PHANTOM) {
             } else {
             return XSLTransform($xml->saveXML($xml->documentElement), __DIR__ . '/settings_box.xsl');
         case 'save_setting':
             if (($module_name = $_INPUT['target']) == '') {
                 terminate('Unknown module [from:admin]', '', 404);
             // first, get right XML
             $xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
             if ($module_name == self::CMS_SETTINGS_MODULE_PHANTOM) {
             } else {
                 $filename = get_module_config_filename($module_name);
             // traverse and find the node to change
             $config_xml_path = $this->config_xml_path;
             $found = false;
             // means that node found
             $this->iterateXMLFromNode($xml->documentElement, function ($element) use(&$found, $_INPUT, $config_xml_path) {
                 $node_path = $element->getNodePath();
                 if (md5($node_path) == $_INPUT['hash'] && substr($node_path, 0, strlen($config_xml_path)) == $config_xml_path) {
                     $found = $element->nodeName;
                     $element->nodeValue = htmlspecialchars($_INPUT['value']);
             // if all OK, update file and return good
             if ($found) {
                 if ($module_name == self::CMS_SETTINGS_MODULE_PHANTOM) {
                     if (!$this->updateConstInFile('./userfiles/_data_common/conf.php', $found, $_INPUT['value'])) {
                         terminate('Error updating file', '', 500);
                 } else {
                     if (!$xml->save($filename)) {
                         terminate('Error updating file', '', 500);
                 return 'OK';
             } else {
                 terminate('Config file changed', '', 403);
             terminate('Unknown action [from: admin]', '', 404);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Admin!
 function adminGenerator()
     if (($table = get_array_value($this->CONFIG, 'table', false, '~^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$~')) == false) {
         popup_message_add('[ NEWS ] table not defined or configuration error', JCMS_MESSAGE_ERROR);
         return false;
     // get all news
     $query = CMS::$DB->query("select stamp, id, caption, link, page, streams, summary from `{$table}`");
     if ($query == false) {
         popup_message_add('Query error: ' . get_array_value(CMS::$DB->errorInfo(), 2), JCMS_MESSAGE_ERROR);
         return false;
     // format all items at a time into XML and then transform to HTML
     $xml = array_to_xml($query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC), array('all-news-list', 'news'));
     return XSLTransform($xml->saveXML($xml->documentElement), __DIR__ . '/list.xsl');
Exemplo n.º 4
        return $response;
    function adminGenerator()
        $userfiles_dirs = $this->getDirectoriesDescription();
        // default directory if not set - either "Main files" or just the first.
        $r = array_keys($userfiles_dirs);
        $category = in_array('special', $r) ? 'special' : $r[0];
        if (isset($_GET['category']) && $_GET['category'] > '') {
            $category = $_GET['category'];
        // init
        $xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
        $xml->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
        $xml->formatOutput = true;
        $root = $xml->createElement('root');
        // category - single for all files
        $root->appendChild($xml->createElement('category'))->nodeValue = $category;
        $root->appendChild($xml->createElement('full-path'))->nodeValue = $userfiles_dirs[$category]['dir'];
        // directory list
        $root->appendChild($directories_node = $xml->createElement('directories'));
        foreach ($userfiles_dirs as $alias => $dir) {
            $directories_node->appendChild($dir_node = $xml->createElement('directory'));
            if ($alias == $category) {
                $dir_node->setAttribute('selected', 'selected');
            $dir_node->appendChild($xml->createElement('caption'))->nodeValue = $dir['caption'];
            $dir_node->appendChild($xml->createElement('alias'))->nodeValue = $alias;
        // if folder selected and exists, output its files
        if (isset($userfiles_dirs[$category])) {
            $dir = $userfiles_dirs[$category];
            if (file_exists($dir['dir']) && is_dir($dir['dir'])) {
                $root->appendChild($filelist_node = $xml->createElement('files'));
                $d = scandir($dir['dir']);
                foreach ($d as $filename) {
                    $filename = iconv(filesystem_encoding(), 'utf-8', $filename);
                    if (preg_match('~^' . $dir['regexp_filename'] . '$~ui', $filename) > 0) {
                        // only matched files
                        $filelist_node->appendChild($file_node = $xml->createElement('file'));
                        $file_node->appendChild($xml->createElement('filename'))->nodeValue = $filename;
                        $file_node->appendChild($xml->createElement('path'))->nodeValue = $dir['dir'] . $filename;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function requestParser($template)
     if (!user_allowed_to('search')) {
         return $template;
     if (!isset($_GET['module']) || $_GET['module'] != 'search' || !isset($_GET['search'])) {
         return $template;
     // generated HTML will be here
     // some init
     $this->chars_to_include = get_array_value($this->CONFIG, 'chars_to_include', 60);
     $wrap_tag = get_array_value($this->CONFIG, 'wrap_tag', 'b');
     $xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
     $xml->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
     $xml->formatOutput = true;
     $root_node = $xml->createElement('search-results');
     // parse search string
     $search_pattern = preg_replace('~[.,:;\\(\\)\\-\\\\/\'\\"]+~', ' ', $_GET['search']);
     if (preg_match_all('~[^\\s]{2,}~smui', $search_pattern, $matches) == 0) {
         $template = preg_replace(macro_regexp('content'), 'Некорректный запрос', $template);
         return $template;
     $search = $matches[0];
     // enumarate all user pages if content module exists
     if (module_get_config('content', $content_module_config) === true) {
         $files = scandir('userfiles/pages/');
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             // skip some files (".", "..", .htaccess)
             if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '.') {
             // skip generator pages
             if (pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'php') {
             // ok, let's test this
             $content = file_get_contents('userfiles/pages/' . $file);
             if ($highlighted = $this->highlightPatternsItTheString($search, $content, $wrap_tag)) {
                 // get title and link, skip if filename is not in the base (possibly means corrupted database)
                 $query = CMS::$DB->query("select alias, title from `{$content_module_config['config']['table']}` where filename = '{$file}'");
                 if ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                     $root_node->appendChild($more_node = $xml->createElement('result'));
                     $more_node->appendChild($xml->createElement('alias'))->nodeValue = $row['alias'];
                     $more_node->appendChild($xml->createElement('title'))->nodeValue = $row['title'];
     // also look up at news
     if (module_get_config('news', $news_module_config) === true) {
         $query = CMS::$DB->query("select * from `{$news_module_config['config']['table']}` order by stamp desc");
         while ($data = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
             // ok, let's test this
             $content = $data['summary'];
             if ($highlighted = $this->highlightPatternsItTheString($search, $content, $wrap_tag)) {
                 // get title and link, skip if filename is not in the base (possibly means corrupted database)
                 $root_node->appendChild($more_node = $xml->createElement('result'));
                 $more_node->appendChild($xml->createElement('alias'))->nodeValue = $data['page'];
                 $more_node->appendChild($xml->createElement('title'))->nodeValue = $data['caption'];
     $root_node->appendChild($xml->createElement('pattern'))->nodeValue = implode($search, ' ');
     // final HTML
     $result = XSLTransform($xml->saveXML($root_node), __DIR__ . '/output.xsl');
     // replace content with search results
     $template = preg_replace(macro_regexp('content'), $result, $template);
     // replace page title
     $template = preg_replace(macro_regexp('page_title'), 'Поиск: ' . implode($search, ' '), $template);
     return $template;
Exemplo n.º 6

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
require '_init.php';
require 'lib/xslt.cls.php';
require 'lib/errors.cls.php';
// first, get album ID to show, try firt from GET, then from session, then root
if (($id = get_album_id(@$_GET['id'])) > '') {
    $_SESSION['gallery_' . DB_PREFIX]['folder_id'] = $id;
} else {
    $id = isset($_SESSION['gallery_' . DB_PREFIX]['folder_id']) ? $_SESSION['gallery_' . DB_PREFIX]['folder_id'] : $root_guid;
    $_SESSION['gallery_' . DB_PREFIX]['folder_id'] = $id;
$_ = '';
///// error reporting and other messaging /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if (isset($_SESSION['gallery_' . DB_PREFIX]['message']) && $_SESSION['gallery_' . DB_PREFIX]['message'] > '') {
    $_ .= '<message>' . $_SESSION['gallery_' . DB_PREFIX]['message'] . '</message>';
    unset($_SESSION['gallery_' . DB_PREFIX]['message']);
///// folder list (for moving ability) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$_ .= '<folderlist>';
$query = $DB->query('select id, caption from ' . $tab_files . ' where type = 1 order by caption');
while ($data = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    $_ .= '<folder id="' . $data['id'] . '">' . $data['caption'] . '</folder>';
$_ .= '</folderlist>';
///// ok, generate ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$_ .= create_list_xml();
$_ .= create_path_xml();
echo XSLTransform('<root>' . $_ . '</root>', 'main.xsl');
Exemplo n.º 7
 function adminGenerator()
     if (!user_allowed_to('manage pages')) {
         terminate('Forbidden', '', 403);
     $q = CMS::$DB->query('select * from `' . $this->CONFIG['table'] . '`');
     $data = $q->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     foreach ($data as $index => $row) {
         $data[$index]['file_status'] = file_exists(CMS::$R['USERFILES_DIRS']['pages']['dir'] . $row['filename']) ? 'OK' : 'файл отсутствует';
         $data[$index]['default-page'] = $data[$index]['alias'] == DEFAULT_PAGE_ALIAS ? 'yes' : 'no';
     $xml = array_to_xml($data, array('pages-list', 'page-data'));
     //echo $xml->saveXML($xml->documentElement); exit;
     return XSLTransform($xml->saveXML($xml->documentElement), __DIR__ . '/list.xsl');
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Generates complete HTML for catalog page
  * @param mixed $id node ID or alias to show catalog
  * @param array $params parameters to use. Usually directly from macros
  * @return string HTML markup
 private function generateCatalogPageHTML($alias, $params)
     // create catalog XML
     $xml = $this->generateCatalogPageXML($alias);
     if (is_string($xml)) {
         return '[ MENU ] error creating catalog: ' . $xml;
     // determine mode
     if ($xml->documentElement->getAttribute('catalog-mode') == 'short') {
         $catalog_dir = 'catalog_short';
     } else {
         $catalog_dir = 'catalog_full';
     // check XSL. Try userland file location first, then default
     // just filename, without path
     $xsl = get_array_value($params, 'catalog-template', 'default');
     // now test with path
     $xsl_filename = __DIR__ . '/../../userfiles/_data_modules/menu/templates/' . $catalog_dir . '/' . $xsl . '.xsl';
     if (!file_exists($xsl_filename)) {
         $xsl_filename = __DIR__ . '/templates/' . $catalog_dir . '/' . $xsl . '.xsl';
     return XSLTransform($xml->saveXML($xml->documentElement), $xsl_filename);
Exemplo n.º 9
 function adminGenerator()
     // init
     $xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
     $xml->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
     $xml->formatOutput = true;
     $root = $xml->createElement('root');
     $dir = __DIR__ . '/templates/';
     if (file_exists($dir) && is_dir($dir)) {
         $root->appendChild($filelist_node = $xml->createElement('files'));
         $d = scandir($dir);
         foreach ($d as $filename) {
             if (substr($filename, 0, 1) == '.') {
             $content = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/templates/' . $filename);
             $title = preg_match('~<title>([^<]*)</title>~ui', $content, $match) ? $match[1] : '*** no title ***';
             $filename = iconv(filesystem_encoding(), 'utf-8', $filename);
             $filelist_node->appendChild($file_node = $xml->createElement('file'));
             $file_node->appendChild($xml->createElement('filename'))->nodeValue = $filename;
             $file_node->appendChild($xml->createElement('title'))->nodeValue = $title;
     return XSLTransform($xml->saveXML($root), __DIR__ . '/list.xsl');
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Creates dialog HTML for editing (either creating or updating) the record
 public static function recordEdit($input, &$return_metadata, $DB)
     if (!isset(CMS::$R['db_api_reports'][$input['report_id']])) {
         $return_metadata = array('status' => 'ERROR');
         return 'bad report index';
     $report_id = $input['report_id'];
     $report_definition = CMS::$R['db_api_reports'][$report_id];
     // determine XSL filename
     if (!isset($report_definition['editor'])) {
         $xsl_filename = 'xsl/editorial.xsl';
     } else {
         $xsl_filename = $report_definition['editor'];
     // now call XML generator
     $params = $input;
     $params['method'] = 'generate_editorial_xml';
     // yeah we get data XML, now transform it
     $xml = J_DB::callAPI($params, $return_metadata, $DB);
     // transform if exists, fail elsewhere
     $return_metadata['type'] = 'html';
     if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/' . $xsl_filename)) {
         $result = XSLTransform($xml, __DIR__ . '/' . $xsl_filename);
     } else {
         $return_metadata['sratus'] = 'ERROR';
         $result = '<b>[JuliaCMS][db module] error</b> : XSL stylesheet "' . $xsl_filename . '" not found';
     return $result;