Exemplo n.º 1
 * Creates the column columns of data.
 * @param String $colContent The content of the column.
 * @param String $column_name The name of the column we're changing.
 * @param Integer $user_id The ID of the user we're rendering.
 * @return String The formatted HTML code for the table.
function WPCW_users_addCustomColumnContent($colContent, $column_name, $user_id)
    switch ($column_name) {
        // #### Basically condense user details.
        case 'wpcw_col_user_details':
            // Format nice details of name, email and role to save space.
            $userDetails = get_userdata($user_id);
            // Ensure role is valid and it exists.
            $roleName = false;
            if (!empty($userDetails->roles)) {
                $roleName = $userDetails->roles[0];
            $colContent = sprintf('<span class="wpcw_col_cell_name">%s</span>', $userDetails->data->display_name);
            $colContent .= sprintf('<span class="wpcw_col_cell_email"><a href="mailto:%s" target="_blank">%s</a></span>', $userDetails->data->user_email, $userDetails->data->user_email);
            $colContent .= sprintf('<span class="wpcw_col_cell_role">%s</span>', ucwords($roleName));
            // ####ÊThe training course statuses.
        // ####ÊThe training course statuses.
        case 'wpcw_col_training_courses':
            // Got some associated courses, so render progress.
            $courseData = WPCW_users_getUserCourseList($user_id);
            if ($courseData) {
                foreach ($courseData as $courseDataItem) {
                    $colContent .= WPCW_stats_convertPercentageToBar($courseDataItem->course_progress, $courseDataItem->course_title);
            } else {
                $colContent = __('No associated courses', 'wp_courseware');
            // #### Links to change user access for courses.
        // #### Links to change user access for courses.
        case 'wpcw_col_training_courses_access':
            $colContent = sprintf('<span><a href="%s&user_id=%d" class="button-primary">%s</a></span>', admin_url('users.php?page=WPCW_showPage_UserProgess'), $user_id, __('View Detailed Progress', 'wp_courseware'));
            // View the full progress of the user.
            $colContent .= sprintf('<span><a href="%s&user_id=%d" class="button-secondary">%s</a></span>', admin_url('users.php?page=WPCW_showPage_UserCourseAccess'), $user_id, __('Update Course Access Permissions', 'wp_courseware'));
    return $colContent;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Creates widget that shows off the user's progress on their respective courses.
 *  e.g. [wpcourse_progress courses="2" user_progress="true" user_grade="true" /]
function WPCW_shortcodes_showTrainingCourseProgress($atts, $content)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('courses' => 'all', 'user_progress' => true, 'user_grade' => true), $atts));
    // Check flags to see what we're showing
    $showUserProgress = 'true' == strtolower($user_progress);
    $showUserGrade = 'true' == strtolower($user_grade);
    // Show a message to the user if they are not logged in.
    $user_id = get_current_user_id();
    if (!$user_id) {
        return sprintf('<div class="wpcw_fe_progress_box_wrap"><div class="wpcw_fe_progress_box wpcw_fe_progress_box_error">%s</div></div>', apply_filters('wpcw_front_shortcode_wpcourse_progress_notloggedin', __('You need to be logged in to see your course progress.', 'wp_courseware')));
    // Get a list of all of the courses that the user is subscribed to.
    $courseList = WPCW_users_getUserCourseList($user_id);
    $selectedCourseList = array();
    // Filter the list of courses to remove the ones that the trainer doesn't
    // want the user to see. 'all' means show all courses with no filtering.
    // Only do this check if we have any courses to check, to save time.
    if (!empty($courseList) && 'all' != strtolower($courses)) {
        $selectedCourseList = explode(',', $courses);
        // This is the list of courses we'll actually use.
        $chosenListOfCourses = array();
        // We've got courses that have been specified, so we need to go through them now.
        if (!empty($selectedCourseList)) {
            foreach ($selectedCourseList as $potentialItem) {
                $potentialItem = trim($potentialItem);
                // Got a potential ID here.
                if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+)$/', $potentialItem)) {
                    // Check each course we still have to see if the ID matches.
                    // I know it's O(N), but it's simple at least.
                    foreach ($courseList as $idx => $aSingleCourse) {
                        // Got a match...
                        if ($potentialItem == $aSingleCourse->course_id) {
                            // Move the chosen course to the selected list. Doing
                            // so makes subsequent searches faster.
                            $chosenListOfCourses[] = $aSingleCourse;
                            // Stop searching, we found it.
                    // end foreach
                // end ID check
            // end foreach of potential IDs in list.
        // Overwrite the list of courses to use.
        $courseList = $chosenListOfCourses;
    // Handle when the list is empty
    if (empty($courseList)) {
        // Change message slightly based on how many courses are selected.
        $messageToShow = __('You are not currently enrolled on any courses.', 'wp_courseware');
        if (!empty($selectedCourseList)) {
            $messageToShow = __('You are not currently enrolled on any of these courses.', 'wp_courseware');
        return sprintf('<div class="wpcw_fe_progress_box_wrap"><div class="wpcw_fe_progress_box wpcw_fe_progress_box_error">%s</div></div>', apply_filters('wpcw_front_shortcode_wpcourse_progress_no_courses', $messageToShow, count($courseList)));
    // Used to determine how many columns we have in the table for showing the course details.
    $columnCount = 1;
    // Show the list of courses
    $html = '<table id="wpcw_fe_course_progress" class="wpcw_fe_table wpcw_fe_summary_course_progress">';
    // The title bar for the course.
    $html .= '<thead><tr>';
    // Course name
    $html .= sprintf('<th class="wpcw_fe_course_progress_course">%s</th>', __('Course', 'wp_courseware'));
    // Course progress
    if ($showUserProgress) {
        $html .= sprintf('<th class="wpcw_fe_course_progress_pc">%s</th>', __('Your Progress', 'wp_courseware'));
    // Overall grade so far
    if ($showUserGrade) {
        $html .= sprintf('<th class="wpcw_fe_course_progress_grade">%s</th>', __('Your Overall Grade', 'wp_courseware'));
    $html .= '</tr></thead><tbody>';
    // The main body of the course information.
    foreach ($courseList as $aSingleCourse) {
        $html .= '<tr class="wpcw_fe_course_progress_row">';
        // Course name
        $html .= sprintf('<td class="wpcw_fe_course_progress_course"><a href="#" data-toggle="wpcw_fe_course_progress_detail_%d">%s</a></td>', $aSingleCourse->course_id, $aSingleCourse->course_title);
        // Course progress
        if ($showUserProgress) {
            $html .= sprintf('<td class="wpcw_fe_course_progress_pc">%s</td>', WPCW_content_progressBar($aSingleCourse->course_progress));
        // Show the Overall grade so far
        if ($showUserGrade) {
            $html .= sprintf('<td class="wpcw_fe_course_progress_grade">%s</td>', WPCW_courses_getCourseCumulativeGrade($aSingleCourse->course_id, $user_id));
        $html .= '</tr>';
        // Show full course details. This might be a setting at some point.
        $html .= sprintf('<tr><td class="wpcw_fe_course_progress_detail" id="wpcw_fe_course_progress_detail_%d" colspan="%d">', $aSingleCourse->course_id, $columnCount);
        $html .= WPCW_courses_renderCourseList($aSingleCourse->course_id, array('hide_credit_link' => true));
        $html .= '</td></tr>';
    $html .= '</tbody></table>';
    // end .wpcw_fe_summary_course_progress
    return $html;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Creates the column columns of data.
 * @param String $colContent The content of the column.
 * @param String $column_name The name of the column we're changing.
 * @param Integer $user_id The ID of the user we're rendering.
 * @return String The formatted HTML code for the table.
function WPCW_users_addCustomColumnContent($colContent, $column_name, $user_id)
    switch ($column_name) {
        // #### Basically condense user details.
        case 'wpcw_col_user_details':
            // Format nice details of name, email and role to save space.
            $userDetails = get_userdata($user_id);
            // Ensure role is valid and it exists.
            $roleName = false;
            if (!empty($userDetails->roles)) {
                $roleName = $userDetails->roles[0];
            $colContent = sprintf('<span class="wpcw_col_cell_name">%s</span>', $userDetails->data->display_name);
            $colContent .= sprintf('<span class="wpcw_col_cell_email"><a href="mailto:%s" target="_blank">%s</a></span>', $userDetails->data->user_email, $userDetails->data->user_email);
            $colContent .= sprintf('<span class="wpcw_col_cell_role">%s</span>', ucwords($roleName));
            // ####ÊThe training course statuses.
        // ####ÊThe training course statuses.
        case 'wpcw_col_training_courses':
            // Got some associated courses, so render progress.
            $courseData = WPCW_users_getUserCourseList($user_id);
            if ($courseData) {
                foreach ($courseData as $courseDataItem) {
                    $colContent .= WPCW_stats_convertPercentageToBar($courseDataItem->course_progress, $courseDataItem->course_title);
            } else {
                $colContent = __('No associated courses', 'wp_courseware');
            // #### Links to change user access for courses.
        // #### Links to change user access for courses.
        case 'wpcw_col_training_courses_access':
            $colContent = sprintf('<span><a href="%s&user_id=%d" class="button-primary">%s</a></span>', admin_url('users.php?page=WPCW_showPage_UserProgess'), $user_id, __('View Detailed Progress', 'wp_courseware'));
            // View the full progress of the user.
            $colContent .= sprintf('<span><a href="%s&user_id=%d" class="button-secondary">%s</a></span>', admin_url('users.php?page=WPCW_showPage_UserCourseAccess'), $user_id, __('Update Course Access Permissions', 'wp_courseware'));
            // Allow the user progress to be reset
            $courseData = WPCW_users_getUserCourseList($user_id);
            $courseIDList = array();
            if (!empty($courseData)) {
                // Construct a simple list of IDs that we can use for filtering.
                foreach ($courseData as $courseDetails) {
                    $courseIDList[] = $courseDetails->course_id;
            // Construct the mini form for resetting the user progress.
            $colContent .= '<span>';
            $colContent .= '<form method="get">';
            // Using this method of the user ID automaticallyed added the first user to any bulk action, which is clearly a bug.
            // So the field had to be renamed.
            //$colContent .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="users[]" value="%d" >', $user_id);
            $colContent .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="wpcw_users_single" value="%d" >', $user_id);
            // The dropdown for this.
            $colContent .= WPCW_courses_getCourseResetDropdown('wpcw_user_progress_reset_point_single', $courseIDList, __('No associated courses.', 'wp_courseware'), __('Reset this user to beginning of...', 'wp_courseware'), '', 'wpcw_user_progress_reset_select wpcw_user_progress_reset_point_single');
            $colContent .= '</form>';
            $colContent .= '</span>';
    return $colContent;