Exemplo n.º 1
  * See if there's a course to export based on $_POST variables. If so, trigger the export and XML download.
  * @param Boolean $triggerFileDownload If true, trigger a file download rather than just XML output as a page.
 public static function tryExportCourse($triggerFileDownload = true)
     // See if course is being exported
     if (isset($_POST["update"]) && $_POST["update"] == 'wpcw_export' && current_user_can('manage_options')) {
         // Now check course is valid. If not, then don't do anything, and let
         // normal form handle the errors.
         $courseID = WPCW_arrays_getValue($_POST, 'export_course_id');
         $courseDetails = WPCW_courses_getCourseDetails($courseID);
         if ($courseDetails) {
             $moduleList = false;
             // Work out what details to fetch and then export
             $whatToExport = WPCW_arrays_getValue($_POST, 'what_to_export');
             switch ($whatToExport) {
                 // Just the course title, description and settings (no units or modules)
                 case 'just_course':
                     // Just the course settings and module settings (no units)
                 // Just the course settings and module settings (no units)
                 case 'course_modules':
                     $moduleList = WPCW_courses_getModuleDetailsList($courseDetails->course_id);
                     // Basically case 'whole_course' - The whole course, modules and units
                 // Basically case 'whole_course' - The whole course, modules and units
                     $moduleList = WPCW_courses_getModuleDetailsList($courseDetails->course_id);
                     if ($moduleList) {
                         // Grab units for each module, in the right order, and associate with each module object.
                         foreach ($moduleList as $module) {
                             // This might return false, but that's OK. We'll check for it later.
                             $module->units = WPCW_units_getListOfUnits($module->module_id);
             // If true, trigger a file download of the XML file.
             if ($triggerFileDownload) {
                 $exportFile = "wp-courseware-export-" . date("Y-m-d") . ".xml";
                 header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
                 header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$exportFile}");
             header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset'), true);
             // When debugging, comment out the line above, and use the following line so that you can see
             // any error messages.
             // header('Content-Type: text/plain');
             $export = new WPCW_Export();
             echo $export->exportCourseDetails($courseDetails, $moduleList);
     // If get here, then normal WPCW processing takes place.
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Delete a module and disassociating of the units that it contains.
 * @param Object $moduleDetails The details of the module to delete.
function WPCW_modules_deleteModule($moduleDetails)
    if (!$moduleDetails) {
    global $wpdb, $wpcwdb;
    // Remove association with all units for this module
    $unitList = WPCW_units_getListOfUnits($moduleDetails->module_id);
    if ($unitList) {
        // Unassociate units from this module
        $SQL = $wpdb->prepare("\n\t\t\tUPDATE {$wpcwdb->units_meta}\n\t\t\t   SET unit_order = 0, parent_module_id = 0, parent_course_id = 0, unit_number = 0\n\t\t\tWHERE parent_module_id = %d\n\t\t", $moduleDetails->module_id);
        // Update database with new association and ordering.
        foreach ($unitList as $unitID => $unitObj) {
            // Update post meta to remove associated module detail
            update_post_meta($unitID, 'wpcw_associated_module', 0);
            // Remove progress for this unit, since unit is now unassociated.
            $SQL = $wpdb->prepare("\n\t\t\t\tDELETE FROM {$wpcwdb->user_progress}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE unit_id = %d\n\t\t\t", $unitID);
    // Perform module deletion here.
    $wpdb->query($SQL = $wpdb->prepare("\n\t\t\t\tDELETE FROM {$wpcwdb->modules}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE module_id = %d\n\t\t\t", $moduleDetails->module_id));
    // Modules have changed for this course, update numbering
    do_action('wpcw_modules_modified', $moduleDetails->parent_course_id);
    // Course has been updated, update the progress details
    $courseDetails = WPCW_courses_getCourseDetails($moduleDetails->parent_course_id);
    if ($courseDetails) {
        do_action('wpcw_course_details_updated', $courseDetails);
    // Trigger event that module has been deleted
    do_action('wpcw_module_deleted', $moduleDetails);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * See if there's a course to export based on $_POST variables. If so, trigger the export and XML download.
  * @param Boolean $triggerFileDownload If true, trigger a file download rather than just XML output as a page.
 public static function tryExportCourse($triggerFileDownload = true)
     // See if course is being exported
     if (isset($_POST["update"]) && $_POST["update"] == 'wpcw_export' && current_user_can('manage_options')) {
         // Now check course is valid. If not, then don't do anything, and let
         // normal form handle the errors.
         $courseID = WPCW_arrays_getValue($_POST, 'export_course_id');
         $courseDetails = WPCW_courses_getCourseDetails($courseID);
         if ($courseDetails) {
             $moduleList = false;
             $questionList = false;
             // Work out what details to fetch and then export
             $whatToExport = WPCW_arrays_getValue($_POST, 'what_to_export');
             switch ($whatToExport) {
                 // Course Settings: Yes
                 // Module Settings: No
                 // 			 Units: No
                 // 	 	   Quizzes: No
                 case 'just_course':
                     // Course Settings: Yes
                     // Module Settings: Yes
                     // 			 Units: No
                     // 	 	   Quizzes: No
                 // Course Settings: Yes
                 // Module Settings: Yes
                 // 			 Units: No
                 // 	 	   Quizzes: No
                 case 'course_modules':
                     $moduleList = WPCW_courses_getModuleDetailsList($courseDetails->course_id);
                     // Course Settings: Yes
                     // Module Settings: Yes
                     // 			 Units: Yes
                     // 	 	   Quizzes: No
                 // Course Settings: Yes
                 // Module Settings: Yes
                 // 			 Units: Yes
                 // 	 	   Quizzes: No
                 case 'course_modules_and_units':
                     $moduleList = WPCW_courses_getModuleDetailsList($courseDetails->course_id);
                     if ($moduleList) {
                         // Grab units for each module, in the right order, and associate with each module object.
                         foreach ($moduleList as $module) {
                             // This might return false, but that's OK. We'll check for it later.
                             $module->units = WPCW_units_getListOfUnits($module->module_id);
                     // Basically the whole course
                     // Course Settings: Yes
                     // Module Settings: Yes
                     // 			 Units: Yes
                     // 	 	   Quizzes: Yes
                 // Basically the whole course
                 // Course Settings: Yes
                 // Module Settings: Yes
                 // 			 Units: Yes
                 // 	 	   Quizzes: Yes
                     $questionList = WPCW_questions_getAllQuestionsforCourse($courseDetails->course_id);
                     $moduleList = WPCW_courses_getModuleDetailsList($courseDetails->course_id);
                     if ($moduleList) {
                         // Grab units for each module, in the right order, and associate with each module object.
                         foreach ($moduleList as $module) {
                             // This might return false, but that's OK. We'll check for it later.
                             $module->units = WPCW_units_getListOfUnits($module->module_id);
                             // See if we have any units, and then check each for the associated quiz data.
                             // Update the unit objects with details of the quizzes
             // TODO ZZZ - DEBUG Tool - To enable debugging, comment this in so that the download is not triggered.
             $triggerFileDownload = true;
             // If true, trigger a file download of the XML file.
             if ($triggerFileDownload) {
                 $exportFile = "wp-courseware-export-" . sanitize_title($courseDetails->course_title) . '-' . date("Y-m-d") . ".xml";
                 header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
                 header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$exportFile}");
                 header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset'), true);
             } else {
                 // When debugging, comment out the line above, and use the following line so that you can see
                 // any error messages.
                 header('Content-Type: text/plain');
             $export = new WPCW_Export();
             echo $export->exportCourseDetails($courseDetails, $moduleList, $questionList);
     // If get here, then normal WPCW processing takes place.
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Shows a detailed summary of the user progress.
function WPCW_showPage_UserProgess_load()
    global $wpcwdb, $wpdb;
    $page = new PageBuilder(false);
    $page->showPageHeader(__('Detailed User Progress Report', 'wp_courseware'), '75%', WPCW_icon_getPageIconURL());
    // Check passed user ID is valid
    $userID = WPCW_arrays_getValue($_GET, 'user_id');
    $userDetails = get_userdata($userID);
    if (!$userDetails) {
        $page->showMessage(__('Sorry, but that user could not be found.', 'wp_courseware'), true);
        return false;
    printf(__('<p>Here you can see how well <b>%s</b> (Username: <b>%s</b>) is doing with your training courses.</p>', 'wp_courseware'), $userDetails->data->display_name, $userDetails->data->user_login);
    // #### 1 - Show a list of all training courses, and then list the units associated with that course.
    $SQL = "SELECT * \n\t\t\tFROM {$wpcwdb->courses}\n\t\t\tORDER BY course_title ASC \n\t\t\t";
    $courseCount = 0;
    $courses = $wpdb->get_results($SQL);
    if ($courses) {
        foreach ($courses as $course) {
            $up = new UserProgress($course->course_id, $userID);
            // Skip if user is not allowed to access the training course.
            if (!WPCW_courses_canUserAccessCourse($course->course_id, $userID)) {
            printf('<h3 class="wpcw_tbl_progress_course">%s</h3>', $course->course_title);
            printf('<table class="widefat wpcw_tbl wpcw_tbl_progress">');
            printf('<th>%s</th>', __('Unit', 'wp_courseware'));
            printf('<th class="wpcw_center">%s</th>', __('Completed', 'wp_courseware'));
            printf('<th class="wpcw_center wpcw_tbl_progress_quiz_name">%s</th>', __('Quiz Name', 'wp_courseware'));
            printf('<th class="wpcw_center">%s</th>', __('Quiz Status', 'wp_courseware'));
            printf('<th class="wpcw_center">%s</th>', __('Actions', 'wp_courseware'));
            // #### 2 - Fetch all associated modules
            $modules = WPCW_courses_getModuleDetailsList($course->course_id);
            if ($modules) {
                foreach ($modules as $module) {
                    // #### 3 - Render Modules as a heading.
                    printf('<tr class="wpcw_tbl_progress_module">');
                    printf('<td colspan="3">%s %d - %s</td>', __('Module', 'wp_courseware'), $module->module_number, $module->module_title);
                    // Blanks for Quiz Name and Actions.
                    // #### 4. - Render the units for this module
                    $units = WPCW_units_getListOfUnits($module->module_id);
                    if ($units) {
                        foreach ($units as $unit) {
                            $showDetailLink = false;
                            printf('<tr class="wpcw_tbl_progress_unit">');
                            printf('<td class="wpcw_tbl_progress_unit_name">%s %d - %s</td>', __('Unit', 'wp_courseware'), $unit->unit_meta->unit_number, $unit->post_title);
                            // Has the unit been completed yet?
                            printf('<td class="wpcw_tbl_progress_completed">%s</td>', $up->isUnitCompleted($unit->ID) ? __('Completed', 'wp_courseware') : '');
                            // See if there's a quiz for this unit?
                            $quizDetails = WPCW_quizzes_getAssociatedQuizForUnit($unit->ID, false, $userID);
                            // Render the quiz details.
                            if ($quizDetails) {
                                // Title of quiz
                                printf('<td class="wpcw_tbl_progress_quiz_name">%s</td>', $quizDetails->quiz_title);
                                // No correct answers, so mark as complete.
                                if ('survey' == $quizDetails->quiz_type) {
                                    $quizResults = WPCW_quizzes_getUserResultsForQuiz($userID, $unit->ID, $quizDetails->quiz_id);
                                    if ($quizResults) {
                                        printf('<td class="wpcw_tbl_progress_completed">%s</td>', __('Completed', 'wp_courseware'));
                                        // Showing a link to view details
                                        $showDetailLink = true;
                                        printf('<td><a href="%s&user_id=%d&quiz_id=%d&unit_id=%d" class="button-secondary">%s</a></td>', admin_url('users.php?page=WPCW_showPage_UserProgess_quizAnswers'), $userID, $quizDetails->quiz_id, $unit->ID, __('View Survey Details', 'wp_courseware'));
                                    } else {
                                        printf('<td class="wpcw_center">%s</td>', __('Pending', 'wp_courseware'));
                                } else {
                                    $quizResults = WPCW_quizzes_getUserResultsForQuiz($userID, $unit->ID, $quizDetails->quiz_id);
                                    // Show the admin how many questions were right.
                                    if ($quizResults) {
                                        // -1% means that the quiz is needing grading.
                                        if ($quizResults->quiz_grade < 0) {
                                            printf('<td class="wpcw_center">%s</td>', __('Awaiting Final Grading', 'wp_courseware'));
                                        } else {
                                            printf('<td class="wpcw_tbl_progress_completed">%d%%</td>', number_format($quizResults->quiz_grade, 1));
                                        // Showing a link to view details
                                        $showDetailLink = true;
                                        printf('<td><a href="%s&user_id=%d&quiz_id=%d&unit_id=%d" class="button-secondary">%s</a></td>', admin_url('users.php?page=WPCW_showPage_UserProgess_quizAnswers'), $userID, $quizDetails->quiz_id, $unit->ID, __('View Quiz Details', 'wp_courseware'));
                                    } else {
                                        printf('<td class="wpcw_center">%s</td>', __('Pending', 'wp_courseware'));
                                // end of if survey
                            } else {
                                printf('<td class="wpcw_center">-</td>');
                                printf('<td class="wpcw_center">-</td>');
                            // Quiz detail link
                            if (!$showDetailLink) {
            // Track number of courses user can actually access
        // Course is not allowed to access any courses. So show a meaningful message.
        if ($courseCount == 0) {
            $page->showMessage(sprintf(__('User <b>%s</b> is not currently allowed to access any training courses.', 'wp_courseware'), $userDetails->data->display_name), true);
    } else {
        printf('<p>%s</p>', __('There are currently no courses to show. Why not create one?', 'wp_courseware'));
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Function that creates a list of units.
 * @param Integer $courseID The ID of the course to show.
 * @param Array $options The list of options to show.
function WPCW_courses_renderCourseList($courseID, $options)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('module' => 0, 'module_desc' => false, 'show_title' => false, 'show_desc' => false, 'widget_mode' => false, 'show_toggle_col' => false, 'show_modules_previous' => 'all', 'show_modules_next' => 'all', 'toggle_modules' => 'expand_all'), $options));
    // Check settings to to see if they are true
    $module_desc = $module_desc == 'true';
    $show_title = $show_title == 'true';
    $show_desc = $show_desc == 'true';
    $courseDetails = false;
    $parentData = false;
    global $post;
    // Show course based on current location for user. Use the currently shown post
    // to work out which course to show using the associated parent data.
    if ('current' == $courseID) {
        $parentData = WPCW_units_getAssociatedParentData($post->ID);
        if ($parentData) {
            $courseDetails = WPCW_courses_getCourseDetails($parentData->parent_course_id);
            $courseID = $parentData->parent_course_id;
        } else {
            return false;
    } else {
        // Check course ID is valid
        $courseDetails = WPCW_courses_getCourseDetails($courseID);
        if (!$courseDetails) {
            return __('Unrecognised course ID.', 'wp_courseware');
        // Course ID is fine, get associated parent data for
        // hiding aspects of the widget
        $parentData = WPCW_units_getAssociatedParentData($post->ID);
    $moduleList = false;
    // Do we just want a single module?
    if ($module > 0) {
        // Get module by module number within course (not the module ID)
        $moduleDetailsSingle = WPCW_modules_getModuleDetails_byModuleNumber($courseDetails->course_id, $module);
        if (!$moduleDetailsSingle) {
            return __('Could not find module.', 'wp_courseware');
        // Create module list of 1 using single module
        $moduleList[$moduleDetailsSingle->module_id] = $moduleDetailsSingle;
    } else {
        // Check there are modules
        $moduleList = WPCW_courses_getModuleDetailsList($courseID);
        if (!$moduleList) {
            return __('There are no modules in this training course.', 'wp_courseware');
    $html = false;
    // #### Show course title/description
    if ($show_title) {
        $html .= sprintf('<div class="wpcw_fe_course_title">%s</div>', $courseDetails->course_title);
    if ($show_desc) {
        $html .= sprintf('<div class="wpcw_fe_course_desc">%s</div>', $courseDetails->course_desc);
    $html .= '<table id="wpcw_fe_course" cellspacing="0" cellborder="0">';
    $showUnitLinks = false;
    // If true, show links to the units
    $colCount = 2;
    // Number of columns in the table
    // UP Object to determine what to show to the user.
    $userProgress = false;
    // Check user is logged in, and if they can access this course
    $user_id = get_current_user_id();
    if ($user_id != 0) {
        $userProgress = new UserProgress($courseID, $user_id);
        // Show links for user if they are allowed to access this course.
        if ($userProgress->canUserAccessCourse()) {
            // User is logged in and can do course, so show the stuff they can do.
            $showUnitLinks = true;
            // Got an extra column to show progress
            $colCount = 3;
    // If we're showing a widget, and we have the parent data based on the
    // currently viewed unit, then change what's in the widget in terms
    // of previous/next units.
    $hideList = array();
    if ($widget_mode && $module == 0 && $parentData) {
        // Build a list of the modules before and after the current
        // module, so that we can more easily control what's visible,
        // and what's not.
        $modulesBefore = array();
        $modulesAfter = array();
        $currentList =& $modulesBefore;
        foreach ($moduleList as $moduleID => $moduleObj) {
            // Switch lists, we've found the current module
            if ($moduleID == $parentData->parent_module_id) {
                $currentList =& $modulesAfter;
            } else {
                $currentList[] = $moduleID;
        // Handle showing previous modules
        switch ($show_modules_previous) {
            // All all items in the before list to be hidden
            case 'none':
                $hideList = array_merge($hideList, $modulesBefore);
            case 'all':
                // Keep a specific number of modules to show.
            // Keep a specific number of modules to show.
                $show_modules_previous += 0;
                $modulesToPickFrom = count($modulesBefore);
                // Remove the modules at the start of the list, leaving the right number of
                // $show_modules_previous modules in the list.
                if ($show_modules_previous > 0 && $modulesToPickFrom > $show_modules_previous) {
                    $hideList = array_merge($hideList, array_slice($modulesBefore, 0, $modulesToPickFrom - $show_modules_previous));
        // end switch
        // Handle showing the next modules.
        switch ($show_modules_next) {
            // All all items in the after list to be hidden
            case 'none':
                $hideList = array_merge($hideList, $modulesAfter);
            case 'all':
                // Keep a specific number of modules to show.
            // Keep a specific number of modules to show.
                $show_modules_next += 0;
                $modulesToPickFrom = count($modulesAfter);
                // Remove the modules at the start of the list, leaving the right number of
                // $show_modules_previous modules in the list.
                if ($show_modules_next > 0 && $modulesToPickFrom > $show_modules_next) {
                    $hideList = array_merge($hideList, array_slice($modulesAfter, $show_modules_next));
        // end switch
    // Columns for marking item as being pending or complete.
    $progress_Complete = '<td class="wpcw_fe_unit_progress wpcw_fe_unit_progress_complete"><span>&nbsp;</span></td>';
    $progress_Pending = '<td class="wpcw_fe_unit_progress wpcw_fe_unit_progress_incomplete"><span>&nbsp;</span></td>';
    $progress_Blank = '<td class="wpcw_fe_unit_progress"><span>&nbsp;</span></td>';
    // Show modules
    foreach ($moduleList as $moduleID => $moduleObj) {
        // See if we're skipping this module
        if (in_array($moduleID, $hideList)) {
        // If $collapseTitleArea is set to true, then the module will be collapsed. So just check what to hide
        // based on the contents of $toggle_modules
        $collapseTitleArea = false;
        if ($widget_mode && $parentData) {
            switch ($toggle_modules) {
                case 'contract_all':
                    $collapseTitleArea = true;
                    // See if the currently visible unit module is the one being rendered.
                // See if the currently visible unit module is the one being rendered.
                case 'contract_all_but_current':
                    $collapseTitleArea = $moduleID != $parentData->parent_module_id;
                    // Default is not to collapse.
        // We're showing the toggle section, so add it.
        if ($show_toggle_col) {
            $moduleTitleArea = false;
            $moduleTitleArea = sprintf('<td>%s</td><td class="wpcw_fe_toggle">%s</td>', $moduleObj->module_title, $collapseTitleArea ? '+' : '-');
        } else {
            $moduleTitleArea = sprintf('<td colspan="%d">%s</td>', $colCount - 1, $moduleObj->module_title);
        // Render final title bit
        $html .= sprintf('<tr class="wpcw_fe_module %s" id="wpcw_fe_module_group_%d">
							<td>%s %d</td>
							' . $moduleTitleArea . '			
						</tr>', $collapseTitleArea ? 'wpcw_fe_module_toggle_hide' : '', $moduleObj->module_number, __('Module', 'wp_courseware'), $moduleObj->module_number, $moduleTitleArea);
        // ### Showing the module descriptions?
        if ($module_desc) {
            $html .= sprintf('<tr class="wpcw_fe_module_des"><td colspan="%d">%s</td></tr>', $colCount, $moduleObj->module_desc);
        // Add the class for the row that matches the parent module ID.
        $moduleRowClass = ' wpcw_fe_module_group_' . $moduleObj->module_number;
        // ### No Units Line
        $units = WPCW_units_getListOfUnits($moduleID);
        if (!$units) {
            $extraColSpan = 0;
            if ($show_toggle_col) {
                $extraColSpan = 1;
            $html .= sprintf('<tr class="wpcw_fe_unit wpcw_fe_unit_none %s">
						<td colspan="%d">%s</td>
					  </tr>', $moduleRowClass, $colCount + $extraColSpan, __('There are no units in this module.', 'wp_courseware'));
        } else {
            // Render each unit
            foreach ($units as $unit) {
                $progressRow = false;
                $progressCol = false;
                // Show links for units
                if ($showUnitLinks) {
                    // Yes we are showing progress data... see what state we're at.
                    if ($userProgress) {
                        if ($userProgress->isUnitCompleted($unit->ID)) {
                            $progressCol = $progress_Complete;
                            $progressRow = 'wpcw_fe_unit_complete';
                        } else {
                            $progressCol = $progress_Pending;
                            $progressRow = 'wpcw_fe_unit_pending';
                        //$progressCol = ($userProgress->isUnitCompleted($unit->ID) ? $progress_Complete : $progress_Pending);
                    // See if the user is allowed to access this unit or not.
                    if ($userProgress->canUserAccessUnit($unit->ID)) {
                        // Main unit title, link and unit number
                        $html .= sprintf('
							<tr class="wpcw_fe_unit ' . $progressRow . $moduleRowClass . '">
								<td>%s %d</td>
								<td class="wpcw_fe_unit"><a href="%s">%s</a></td>
								' . $progressCol . '
							</tr>', __('Unit', 'wp_courseware'), $unit->unit_meta->unit_number, get_permalink($unit->ID), $unit->post_title);
                    } else {
                        // If we're not allowed to access the unit, then it's always marked as pending.
                        $html .= sprintf('
							<tr class="wpcw_fe_unit ' . $progressRow . $moduleRowClass . '">
								<td>%s %d</td>
								<td class="wpcw_fe_unit">%s</td>
								' . $progress_Pending . '
							</tr>', __('Unit', 'wp_courseware'), $unit->unit_meta->unit_number, $unit->post_title);
                } else {
                    $colspan = 1;
                    if ($show_toggle_col) {
                        $colspan = 2;
                    $html .= sprintf('
					<tr class="wpcw_fe_unit ' . $progressRow . $moduleRowClass . '">
						<td>%s %d</td>
						<td colspan="%d" class="wpcw_fe_unit">%s</td>
					</tr>', __('Unit', 'wp_courseware'), $unit->unit_meta->unit_number, $colspan, $unit->post_title);
        // end show units
    $html .= '</table>';
    // Add powered by link
    $settings = TidySettings_getSettings(WPCW_DATABASE_SETTINGS_KEY);
    $html .= WPCW_generatedPoweredByLink($settings);
    return $html;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Page where the modules of a course can be ordered.
function WPCW_showPage_CourseOrdering_load()
    $page = new PageBuilder(false);
    $page->showPageHeader(__('Order Course Modules &amp; Units', 'wp_courseware'), '75%', WPCW_icon_getPageIconURL());
    $courseDetails = false;
    $courseID = false;
    // Trying to edit a course
    if (isset($_GET['course_id'])) {
        $courseID = $_GET['course_id'] + 0;
        $courseDetails = WPCW_courses_getCourseDetails($courseID);
    // Abort if course not found.
    if (!$courseDetails) {
        $page->showMessage(__('Sorry, but that course could not be found.', 'wp_courseware'), true);
    // ###ÊGenerate URLs for editing
    $modifyURL_quiz = admin_url('admin.php?page=WPCW_showPage_ModifyQuiz');
    $modifyURL_module = admin_url('admin.php?page=WPCW_showPage_ModifyModule');
    $modifyURL_unit = admin_url('post.php?action=edit');
    // Title of course being editied
    printf('<div id="wpcw_page_course_title"><span>%s</span> %s</div>', __('Editing Course:', 'wp_courseware'), $courseDetails->course_title);
    // Overall wrapper
    printf('<div id="wpcw_dragable_wrapper">');
    printf('<div id="wpcw_unassigned_wrapper" class="wpcw_floating_menu">');
    // ### Show a list of units that are not currently assigned to a module
    printf('<div id="wpcw_unassigned_units" class="wpcw_unassigned">');
    printf('<div class="wpcw_unassigned_title">%s</div>', __('Unassigned Units', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<ol class="wpcw_dragable_units_connected">');
    // Render each unit so that it can be dragged to a module. Still render <ol> list
    // even if there are no units to show so that we can drag units into unassociated list.
    $units = WPCW_units_getListOfUnits(0);
    if ($units) {
        foreach ($units as $unassUnit) {
            // Has unit got any existing quizzes?
            $existingQuiz = false;
            $quizObj = WPCW_quizzes_getAssociatedQuizForUnit($unassUnit->ID, false, false);
            if ($quizObj) {
                $existingQuiz = sprintf('<li id="wpcw_quiz_%d" class="wpcw_dragable_quiz_item">
								<div><a href="%s&quiz_id=%d" target="_blank" title="%s">%s (ID: %d)</a></div>
								<div class="wpcw_quiz_des">%s</div>
							</li>', $quizObj->quiz_id, $modifyURL_quiz, $quizObj->quiz_id, __('Edit this quiz...', 'wp_courseware'), $quizObj->quiz_title, $quizObj->quiz_id, $quizObj->quiz_desc);
            printf('<li id="wpcw_unit_%d" class="wpcw_dragable_unit_item">						
						<div><a href="%s&post=%d" target="_blank" title="%s">%s (ID: %d)</a></div>
						<div class="wpcw_dragable_quiz_holder"><ol class="wpcw_dragable_quizzes_connected wpcw_one_only">%s</ol></div>
					</li>', $unassUnit->ID, $modifyURL_unit, $unassUnit->ID, __('Edit this unit...', 'wp_courseware'), $unassUnit->post_title, $unassUnit->ID, $existingQuiz);
    // ### Show a list of quizzes that are not currently assigned to units
    printf('<div id="wpcw_unassigned_quizzes" class="wpcw_unassigned">');
    printf('<div class="wpcw_unassigned_title">%s</div>', __('Unassigned Quizzes', 'wp_courseware'));
    printf('<ol class="wpcw_dragable_quizzes_connected">');
    // Render each unit so that it can be dragged to a module. Still render <ol> list
    // even if there are no units to show so that we can drag units into unassociated list.
    $quizzes = WPCW_quizzes_getListOfQuizzes(0);
    if ($quizzes) {
        foreach ($quizzes as $quizObj) {
            printf('<li id="wpcw_quiz_%d" class="wpcw_dragable_quiz_item">
								<div><a href="%s&quiz_id=%d" target="_blank" title="%s">%s (ID: %d)</a></div>
								<div class="wpcw_quiz_des">%s</div>
							</li>', $quizObj->quiz_id, $modifyURL_quiz, $quizObj->quiz_id, __('Edit this quiz...', 'wp_courseware'), $quizObj->quiz_title, $quizObj->quiz_id, $quizObj->quiz_desc);
    // end of printf('<div class="wpcw_unassigned_wrapper">');
    // ### Show list of modules and current units
    $moduleList = WPCW_courses_getModuleDetailsList($courseID);
    if ($moduleList) {
        printf('<ol class="wpcw_dragable_modules">');
        foreach ($moduleList as $item_id => $moduleObj) {
            // Module
            printf('<li id="wpcw_mod_%d" class="wpcw_dragable_module_item">
							<a href="%s&module_id=%d" target="_blank" title="%s"><b>%s %d - %s (ID: %d)</b></a>
						</div>', $item_id, $modifyURL_module, $item_id, __('Edit this module...', 'wp_courseware'), __('Module', 'wp_courseware'), $moduleObj->module_number, $moduleObj->module_title, $item_id);
            // Test Associated Units
            printf('<ol class="wpcw_dragable_units_connected">');
            $units = WPCW_units_getListOfUnits($item_id);
            if ($units) {
                foreach ($units as $unassUnit) {
                    $existingQuiz = false;
                    // Has unit got any existing quizzes?
                    $quizObj = WPCW_quizzes_getAssociatedQuizForUnit($unassUnit->ID, false, false);
                    $existingQuiz = false;
                    if ($quizObj) {
                        $existingQuiz = sprintf('<li id="wpcw_quiz_%d" class="wpcw_dragable_quiz_item">
								<div><a href="%s&quiz_id=%d" target="_blank" title="%s">%s (ID: %d)</a></div>
								<div class="wpcw_quiz_des">%s</div>
							</li>', $quizObj->quiz_id, $modifyURL_quiz, $quizObj->quiz_id, __('Edit this quiz...', 'wp_courseware'), $quizObj->quiz_title, $quizObj->quiz_id, $quizObj->quiz_desc);
                    printf('<li id="wpcw_unit_%d" class="wpcw_dragable_unit_item">						
						<div><a href="%s&post=%d" target="_blank" title="%s">%s (ID: %d)</a></div>
						<div class="wpcw_dragable_quiz_holder"><ol class="wpcw_dragable_quizzes_connected wpcw_one_only">%s</ol></div>
					</li>', $unassUnit->ID, $modifyURL_unit, $unassUnit->ID, __('Edit this unit...', 'wp_courseware'), $unassUnit->post_title, $unassUnit->ID, $existingQuiz);
    } else {
        _e('No modules yet.', 'wp_courseware');
	<div id="wpcw_sticky_bar" style="display: none">
		<div id="wpcw_sticky_bar_inner">
			<a href="#" id="wpcw_dragable_modules_save" class="button-primary"><?php 
    _e('Save Changes to Ordering', 'wp_courseware');
			<span id="wpcw_sticky_bar_status" title="<?php 
    _e('Ordering has changed. Ready to save changes?', 'wp_courseware');
    // Close overall wrapper
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Display the percentage of the course that the user has completed
  * @param INT $course_id for the users course
  * @param Object $modules the users modules for their course
  * @param INT $user_id the users ID
 function i4_lms_percent_course_completed($course_id, $modules, $user_id)
     global $wpcwdb, $wpdb;
     $num_units = 0;
     $num_units_completed = 0;
     //Get the number of completed units for the course by the user
     $num_units_completed = $this->i4_get_num_completed_units($course_id, $user_id);
     if ($modules) {
         foreach ($modules as $module) {
             //Get the units for the module
             $units = WPCW_units_getListOfUnits($module->module_id);
             foreach ($units as $unit) {
     //Do some Math here to get the percentage of the course completion.
     $percent_completed = $num_units_completed / $num_units * 100;
     //Let's keep the percentage to 2 decimal points.
     $percent_completed = number_format($percent_completed, 2, '.', '');
     return $percent_completed;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Function that allows a module to be created or edited.
function WPCW_showPage_ModifyModule_load()
    $page = new PageBuilder(true);
    $moduleDetails = false;
    $moduleID = false;
    $adding = false;
    // Trying to edit a course
    if (isset($_GET['module_id'])) {
        $moduleID = $_GET['module_id'] + 0;
        $moduleDetails = WPCW_modules_getModuleDetails($moduleID);
        // Abort if module not found.
        if (!$moduleDetails) {
            $page->showPageHeader(__('Edit Module', 'wp_courseware'), '75%', WPCW_icon_getPageIconURL());
            $page->showMessage(__('Sorry, but that module could not be found.', 'wp_courseware'), true);
        } else {
            $page->showPageHeader(__('Edit Module', 'wp_courseware'), '75%', WPCW_icon_getPageIconURL());
    } else {
        $page->showPageHeader(__('Add Module', 'wp_courseware'), '75%', WPCW_icon_getPageIconURL());
        $adding = true;
    global $wpcwdb;
    $formDetails = array('module_title' => array('label' => __('Module Title', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_module_title', 'desc' => __('The title of your module. You <b>do not need to number the modules</b> - this is done automatically based on the order that they are arranged.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 150, 'minlen' => 1, 'regexp' => '/^[^<>]+$/', 'error' => __('Please specify a name for your module, up to a maximum of 150 characters, just no angled brackets (&lt; or &gt;). Your trainees will be able to see this module title.', 'wp_courseware'))), 'parent_course_id' => array('label' => __('Associated Course', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'select', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_associated_course', 'desc' => __('The associated training course that this module belongs to.', 'wp_courseware'), 'data' => WPCW_courses_getCourseList(__('-- Select a Training Course --', 'wp_courseware'))), 'module_desc' => array('label' => __('Module Description', 'wp_courseware'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => true, 'cssclass' => 'wpcw_module_desc', 'desc' => __('The description of this module. Your trainees will be able to see this module description.', 'wp_courseware'), 'validate' => array('type' => 'string', 'maxlen' => 5000, 'minlen' => 1, 'error' => __('Please limit the description of your module to 5000 characters.', 'wp_courseware'))));
    $form = new RecordsForm($formDetails, $wpcwdb->modules, 'module_id');
    $form->customFormErrorMsg = __('Sorry, but unfortunately there were some errors saving the module details. Please fix the errors and try again.', 'wp_courseware');
    // Useful place to go
    $directionMsg = '<br/></br>' . sprintf(__('Do you want to return to the <a href="%s">course summary page</a>?', 'wp_courseware'), admin_url('admin.php?page=WPCW_wp_courseware'));
    // Override success messages
    $form->msg_record_created = __('Module details successfully created.', 'wp_courseware') . $directionMsg;
    $form->msg_record_updated = __('Module details successfully updated.', 'wp_courseware') . $directionMsg;
    $form->setSaveButtonLabel(__('Save ALL Details', 'wp_courseware'));
    // See if we have a course ID to pre-set.
    if ($adding && ($courseID = WPCW_arrays_getValue($_GET, 'course_id'))) {
        $form->loadDefaults(array('parent_course_id' => $courseID));
    // Call to re-order modules once they've been created
    $form->afterSaveFunction = 'WPCW_actions_modules_afterModuleSaved_formHook';
    // Editing a module?
    if ($moduleDetails) {
        // ### Include a link to delete the module
        $page->openPane('wpcw-deletion-module', __('Delete Module?', 'wp_courseware'));
        printf('<a href="%s&action=delete_module&module_id=%d" class="wpcw_delete_item" title="%s">%s</a>', admin_url('admin.php?page=WPCW_wp_courseware'), $moduleID, __("Are you sure you want to delete the this module?\n\nThis CANNOT be undone!", 'wp_courseware'), __('Delete this Module', 'wp_courseware'));
        printf('<p>%s</p>', __('Units will <b>not</b> be deleted, they will <b>just be disassociated</b> from this module.', 'wp_courseware'));
        // #### Show a list of all sub-units
        $page->openPane('wpcw-units-module', __('Units in this Module', 'wp_courseware'));
        $unitList = WPCW_units_getListOfUnits($moduleID);
        if ($unitList) {
            printf('<ul class="wpcw_unit_list">');
            foreach ($unitList as $unitID => $unitObj) {
                printf('<li>%s %d - %s</li>', __('Unit', 'wp_courseware'), $unitObj->unit_meta->unit_number, $unitObj->post_title);
        } else {
            printf('<p>%s</p>', __('There are currently no units in this module.', 'wp_courseware'));
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Generate a course list for resetting the progress for a user.
 * @param $fieldName String The name to use for the name attribute for this dropdown.
 * @param $courseIDList Array If specified, this is a list of IDs to determine which courses to use in the reset box.
 * @param $blankMessage String the message to show if there are no courses.
 * @param $addBlank String Use this string as the first item in the dropdown.
 * @param $cssID String The CSS ID to use for the select box.
 * @param $cssClass String The CSS class to use for the select box.
 * @return String The course reset dropdown box.
function WPCW_courses_getCourseResetDropdown($fieldName, $courseIDList = false, $blankMessage, $addBlank, $cssID, $cssClass)
    $selectDetails = array('' => $addBlank);
    // Need all courses
    $courseList = WPCW_courses_getCourseList();
    if (!empty($courseList)) {
        $blankCount = 2;
        foreach ($courseList as $courseID => $aCourse) {
            // Filter out unwanted courses.
            if (is_array($courseIDList) && !in_array($courseID, $courseIDList)) {
            // Have sentinel of course_ to identify a course.
            $selectDetails['course_' . $courseID] = $aCourse;
            // Now we add the modules for this course
            $moduleList = WPCW_courses_getModuleDetailsList($courseID);
            if (!empty($moduleList)) {
                foreach ($moduleList as $moduleID => $moduleDetails) {
                    // Now we add the units for this course
                    $units = WPCW_units_getListOfUnits($moduleID);
                    if (!empty($units)) {
                        // Only add a module if it has units, to make resetting easier.
                        $selectDetails['module_' . $moduleID] = sprintf('&nbsp;&nbsp;- %s %d: %s', __('Module', 'wp_courseware'), $moduleDetails->module_number, $moduleDetails->module_title);
                        foreach ($units as $unitID => $unitDetails) {
                            $selectDetails['unit_' . $unitID] = sprintf('&nbsp;&nbsp;-- %s %d: %s', __('Unit', 'wp_courseware'), $unitDetails->unit_meta->unit_number, $unitDetails->post_title);
                    // end of unit list check
                // end of foreach module
            // end of module list check
            // Add a blank sentinel to space out courses.
            $paddingKey = str_pad(false, $blankCount++, ' ');
            $selectDetails[$paddingKey] = '&nbsp';
    // No courses... show meaningful message to the trainer.
    if (count($selectDetails) == 1) {
        $selectDetails[' '] = $blankMessage;
    // Generate the select box. Use the $cssID as the name of the field too.
    return WPCW_forms_createDropdown($fieldName, $selectDetails, false, $cssID, $cssClass);