Exemplo n.º 1
    function print_item($item, $value = false, $readonly = false, $edit = false, $highlightrequire = false)
        global $USER, $DB;
        $align = get_string('thisdirection') == 'ltr' ? 'left' : 'right';
        $presentation = $item->presentation;
        if ($highlightrequire and $item->required and strval($value) == '') {
            $highlight = 'bgcolor="#FFAAAA" class="missingrequire"';
        } else {
            $highlight = '';
        $requiredmark = $item->required == 1 ? '<span class="feedback_required_mark">*</span>' : '';
        <td <?php 
        echo $highlight;
 valign="top" align="<?php 
        echo $align;
        if ($edit or $readonly) {
            echo '(' . $item->label . ') ';
        echo format_text($item->name . $requiredmark, true, false, false);
        <td valign="top" align="<?php 
        echo $align;
        if ($readonly) {
            // print_simple_box_start($align);
            print_box_start('generalbox boxalign' . $align);
            echo $value ? UserDate($value) : '&nbsp;';
            // print_simple_box_end();
        } else {
            $feedback = $DB->get_record('feedback', array('id' => $item->feedback));
            $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $feedback->course));
            $coursecategory = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('id' => $course->category));
            switch ($presentation) {
                case 1:
                    $itemvalue = time();
                    $itemshowvalue = UserDate($itemvalue);
                case 2:
                    $itemvalue = $course->shortname;
                    $itemshowvalue = $itemvalue;
                case 3:
                    $itemvalue = $coursecategory->name;
                    $itemshowvalue = $itemvalue;
            <input type="hidden" name="<?php 
            echo $item->typ . '_' . $item->id;
            echo $itemvalue;
" />
            echo $itemshowvalue;
Exemplo n.º 2
$worksheet1->set_header("&\"Arial," . get_string('bold', 'feedback') . "\"&14" . $feedback->name);
$worksheet1->set_footer(get_string('page', 'feedback') . " &P " . get_string('of', 'feedback') . " &N");
$worksheet1->set_column(0, 0, 30);
$worksheet1->set_column(1, 20, 15);
//Tabellenkopf schreiben
$rowOffset1 = 0;
$worksheet1->setFormat("<f>", 12, false);
$worksheet1->write_string($rowOffset1, 0, UserDate(time()));
//Uebersicht darstellen
//ausgefuellte feedbacks holen
$completedscount = get_completeds_group_count($feedback, $mygroupid);
if ($completedscount > 0) {
    //Anzahl der Ausgefuellten feedbacks eintragen
    $worksheet1->write_string($rowOffset1, 0, get_string('modulenameplural', 'feedback') . ': ' . strval($completedscount));
//fragen holen
$items = get_records_select('feedback_item', 'feedback = ' . $feedback->id . ' AND hasvalue = 1', 'position');
if (is_array($items)) {
    $worksheet1->write_string($rowOffset1, 0, get_string('questions', 'feedback') . ': ' . strval(sizeof($items)));
        echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
        echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
/// Print the responses of the given user
if ($do_show == 'showoneentry') {
    echo $OUTPUT->heading(format_text($feedback->name));
    //print the items
    if (is_array($feedbackitems)) {
        $align = right_to_left() ? 'right' : 'left';
        $usr = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid));
        if ($feedbackcompleted) {
            echo $OUTPUT->heading(UserDate($feedbackcompleted->timemodified) . ' (' . fullname($usr) . ')', 3);
        } else {
            echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('not_completed_yet', 'feedback'), 3);
        echo $OUTPUT->box_start('feedback_items');
        $itemnr = 0;
        foreach ($feedbackitems as $feedbackitem) {
            //get the values
            $value = $DB->get_record('feedback_value', array('completed' => $feedbackcompleted->id, 'item' => $feedbackitem->id));
            echo $OUTPUT->box_start('feedback_item_box_' . $align);
            if ($feedbackitem->hasvalue == 1 and $feedback->autonumbering) {
                echo $OUTPUT->box_start('feedback_item_number_' . $align);
                echo $itemnr;
                echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
Exemplo n.º 4
// $worksheet1->pear_excel_worksheet->set_paper(9);
// $worksheet1->pear_excel_worksheet->center_horizontally();
// $worksheet1->pear_excel_worksheet->set_header("&\"Arial," . $fstring->bold . "\"&14".$feedback->name);
// $worksheet1->pear_excel_worksheet->set_footer($fstring->page." &P " . $fstring->of . " &N");
$worksheet1->set_column(0, 0, 10);
$worksheet1->set_column(1, 1, 30);
$worksheet1->set_column(2, 20, 15);
// $worksheet1->set_margins_LR(0.10);
// $worksheet2->pear_excel_worksheet->set_landscape();
// $worksheet2->pear_excel_worksheet->set_paper(9);
// $worksheet2->pear_excel_worksheet->center_horizontally();
//writing the table header
$rowOffset1 = 0;
// $worksheet1->setFormat("<f>",12,false);
$worksheet1->write_string($rowOffset1, 0, UserDate(time()), $xlsFormats->head1);
//print the analysed sheet
//get the completeds
$completedscount = feedback_get_completeds_group_count($feedback, $mygroupid, $coursefilter);
if ($completedscount > 0) {
    //write the count of completeds
    $worksheet1->write_string($rowOffset1, 0, $fstring->modulenameplural . ': ' . strval($completedscount), $xlsFormats->head1);
if (is_array($items)) {
    $worksheet1->write_string($rowOffset1, 0, $fstring->questions . ': ' . strval(sizeof($items)), $xlsFormats->head1);
$rowOffset1 += 2;
if (!isset($formdata->completedid)) {
    $formdata = null;
//Elemente ausgeben
if (isset($formdata->showanonym) && $formdata->showanonym == feedback_ANONYMOUS_YES) {
    //get the feedbackitems
    $feedbackitems = get_records('feedback_item', 'feedback', $feedback->id, 'position');
    $feedbackcompleted = get_record('feedback_completed', 'id', $formdata->completedid);
    if (is_array($feedbackitems)) {
        if ($feedbackcompleted) {
            echo '<p align="center">' . UserDate($feedbackcompleted->timemodified) . '<br />(' . get_string('anonymous', 'feedback') . ')</p>';
        } else {
            echo '<p align="center">' . get_string('not_completed_yet', 'feedback') . '</p>';
        print_simple_box_start("center", '50%');
        echo '<form>';
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="' . $USER->sesskey . '" />';
        echo '<table>';
        $itemnr = 0;
        foreach ($feedbackitems as $feedbackitem) {
            //value holen
            $value = get_record_select('feedback_value', 'completed =' . $feedbackcompleted->id . ' AND item=' . $feedbackitem->id);
            echo '<tr>';
            if ($feedbackitem->hasvalue == 1) {
                echo '<td valign="top">' . $itemnr . '.)&nbsp;</td>';
Exemplo n.º 6
        echo '</td></tr></table>';
        // print_simple_box_end();
/// Print the responses of the given user
if ($do_show == 'showoneentry') {
    //print the items
    if (is_array($feedbackitems)) {
        $usr = get_record('user', 'id', $formdata->userid);
        if ($feedbackcompleted) {
            echo '<p align="center">' . UserDate($feedbackcompleted->timemodified) . '<br />(' . fullname($usr) . ')</p>';
        } else {
            echo '<p align="center">' . get_string('not_completed_yet', 'feedback') . '</p>';
        // print_simple_box_start("center", '50%');
        print_box_start('generalbox boxaligncenter boxwidthnormal');
        echo '<form>';
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="' . $USER->sesskey . '" />';
        echo '<table width="100%">';
        $itemnr = 0;
        foreach ($feedbackitems as $feedbackitem) {
            //get the values
            $value = get_record_select('feedback_value', 'completed =' . $feedbackcompleted->id . ' AND item=' . $feedbackitem->id);
            echo '<tr>';
            if ($feedbackitem->hasvalue == 1 and $feedback->autonumbering) {
Exemplo n.º 7
  * print the item at the complete-page of feedback
  * @global object
  * @param object $item
  * @param string $value
  * @return void
 function print_item_show_value($item, $value = '')
     global $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT;
     $align = right_to_left() ? 'right' : 'left';
     $presentation = $item->presentation;
     $requiredmark = $item->required == 1 ? '<span class="feedback_required_mark">*</span>' : '';
     if ($presentation == 1) {
         $value = $value ? UserDate($value) : '&nbsp;';
     //print the question and label
     echo '<div class="feedback_item_label_' . $align . '">';
     echo '(' . $item->label . ') ';
     echo format_text($item->name . $requiredmark, true, false, false);
     echo '</div>';
     //print the presentation
     echo $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox boxalign' . $align);
     echo $value;
     echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
Exemplo n.º 8
$data->sid = NULL;
if (has_capability('mod/quickfeedback:viewresponses', $context)) {
    $link = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/mod/quickfeedback/view.php', array('id' => $cm->id, 'action' => 'showresponse')), format_string("View Responses"), $linkcss);
    echo "<div align='right'>" . $link . "</div>";
echo $OUTPUT->box_start('boxaligncenter boxwidthwide');
echo $groupselect . '<div class="clearer">&nbsp;</div>';
echo $OUTPUT->heading(format_text($quickfeedback->name));
if ($quickfeedback->timeopen) {
    echo $OUTPUT->box_start('feedback_info');
    echo '<span class="feedback_info">' . get_string('quickfeedbackopen', 'quickfeedback') . ': </span><span class="feedback_info_value">' . UserDate($quickfeedback->timeopen) . '</span>';
    echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
if ($quickfeedback->timeclose) {
    echo $OUTPUT->box_start('feedback_info');
    echo '<span class="feedback_info">' . get_string('quickfeedbackclose', 'quickfeedback') . ': </span><span class="feedback_info_value">' . UserDate($quickfeedback->timeclose) . '</span>';
    echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
if (has_capability('mod/quickfeedback:postfeedback', $context) || has_capability('mod/quickfeedback:viewresponses', $context)) {
    echo $OUTPUT->box_start('feedback_info');
    echo '<br/><span class="feedback_info">Question: </span><span class="feedback_info_value">' . strip_tags(format_string($quickfeedback->intro, true)) . '</span>';
    echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
if ($action == "showresponse") {
    if (has_capability('mod/quickfeedback:viewresponses', $context)) {
        //echo "Responses";
        $responses = $DB->get_records_sql("Select * from {quickfeedback_response} where quickfeedbackid= {$cm->id}");
        foreach ($responses as $response) {
            $full_text .= $response->response;
Exemplo n.º 9
    $SiteList = implode(",", $IdArr);
if (ValidId($SiteId)) {
    $Query = "SELECT * FROM " . PFX . "_tracker_site WHERE ID = {$SiteId}";
    $Site = $Db->Select($Query);
    $PageTitle = $Site->HOST;
    $SiteList = $SiteId;
$PageTitle .= " : " . $Lang['Title'];
$ProgPath[0]['Name'] = $Lang['MLogs'];
$ProgPath[0]['Url'] = getUrl("reports", "CpId={$CpId}&SiteId={$SiteId}", "admin");
$ProgPath[1]['Name'] = $Lang['Compare'];
$ProgPath[1]['Url'] = getUrl("compare", "CpId={$CpId}&SiteId={$SiteId}", "report");
if (!$StartDate && !$EndDate && !$ViewDate && !$FormClicked) {
    $ViewDate = UserDate();
$MenuSection = "logs";
//$SubMenu[0]['Link']=getURL("reports", "CpId=$CpId&SiteId=$SiteId", "admin");
///////// call any process functions
///////// display section here
$WhereArr = array();
$WhereStr = "";
if ($StartDate) {
    $StartDay = $StartDate . " 00:00:00";
if ($EndDate) {
    $EndDay = $EndDate . " 00:00:00";
Exemplo n.º 10
///////// require libraries here
require_once SYS . "/system/lib/validate.func.php";
require_once SYS . "/system/lib/sql.func.php";
require_once SELF . "/class/report_parent.class.php";
require_once SELF . "/class/paid_v2.class.php";
require_once SELF . "/class/natural_v2.class.php";
///////// prepare any variables
if (!ValidId($CurrentCompany->ID)) {
    $nsProduct->Redir("default", "", "admin");
$PageTitle = $Lang['Title'];
$ProgPath[0]['Name'] = $Lang['Home'];
$ProgPath[0]['Url'] = $nsProduct->SelfAction("CpId={$CpId}");
$Today = UserDate();
$Settings = GetSettings();
$OnlinePeriod = $Settings['All']->ONLINE_PERIOD;
if (!$OnlinePeriod || $OnlinePeriod < 0) {
    $OnlinePeriod = 600;
///////// call any process functions
///////// display section here
if ($nsUser->Columns->HITS || $nsUser->Columns->ACTIONS || $nsUser->Columns->CLICKS || $nsUser->Columns->SALES) {
    $Stamp = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
    $Query = "\n\tSELECT \n\t\tS_LOG.SITE_ID,\n\t\tCOUNT(DISTINCT S_LOG.VISITOR_ID) AS CNT\n\t\tFROM " . PFX . "_tracker_" . $CpId . "_stat_log S_LOG\n\t\tWHERE S_LOG.STAMP >= DATE_ADD('{$Stamp}', INTERVAL -{$OnlinePeriod} SECOND)\n\t\tGROUP BY S_LOG.SITE_ID\n";
    $Sql = new Query($Query);
    $OnlineArr = array();