Exemplo n.º 1
         $_SESSION['cal_ui'] = $tqvar;
 //END (CHEMED) Calendar UI preference
 if (isset($_GET['default_warehouse'])) {
     sqlStatement("UPDATE users SET default_warehouse = '" . formData('default_warehouse', 'G') . "' WHERE id = '" . formData('id', 'G') . "'");
 if (isset($_GET['irnpool'])) {
     sqlStatement("UPDATE users SET irnpool = '" . formData('irnpool', 'G') . "' WHERE id = '" . formData('id', 'G') . "'");
 if ($_GET["newauthPass"] && $_GET["newauthPass"] != "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e") {
     // account for empty
     $tqvar = formData('newauthPass', 'G');
     // When the user password is updated and the password history option is enabled, update the password history in database. A new password expiration is also calculated
     if ($GLOBALS['password_history'] != 0) {
         $updatepwd = UpdatePasswordHistory($_GET["id"], $tqvar);
     } else {
         sqlStatement("update users set password='******' where id={$_GET["id"]}");
         if ($GLOBALS['password_expiration_days'] != 0) {
             $exp_days = $GLOBALS['password_expiration_days'];
             $exp_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+{$exp_days} days"));
             sqlStatement("update users set pwd_expiration_date='{$exp_date}' where id={$userid}");
 // for relay health single sign-on
 if ($_GET["ssi_relayhealth"]) {
     $tqvar = formData('ssi_relayhealth', 'G');
     sqlStatement("update users set ssi_relayhealth = '{$tqvar}' where id = {$_GET["id"]}");
 $tqvar = $_GET["authorized"] ? 1 : 0;
Exemplo n.º 2

$update_pwd_failed = 0;
if ($_GET["mode"] == "update") {
    if ($_GET["authPass"] && $_GET["authPass2"] && $_GET["authPass"] != "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709") {
        // account for empty
        $tqvar = addslashes($_GET["authPass"]);
        $tqvar2 = addslashes($_GET["authPass2"]);
        if ($tqvar == $tqvar2) {
            // Validating the password
            if ($GLOBALS['password_history'] != 0) {
                $updatepwd = UpdatePasswordHistory($_SESSION["authId"], $tqvar);
            } else {
                sqlStatement("update users set password='******' where id={$_SESSION["authId"]}");
                $updatepwd = 1;
            if ($updatepwd == 1) {
                echo "<span class='alert'>" . xl("Password change successful.", '', '', ' ') . xl("Click") . "<a href='{$rootdir}/logout.php?auth=logout' class=link_submit>" . xl("here", '', ' ', ' ') . "</a>" . xl("to login again") . ".<br><br></span>";
            } else {
                $update_pwd_failed = 1;
        } else {
            echo "<span class=alert>" . xl("Error: passwords don't match. Please check your typing.") . "</span><br><br>\n";
$res = sqlStatement("select * from users where id={$_SESSION["authId"]}");