Exemplo n.º 1
function CetakLaporan($prevtahun, $tahun, $nexttahun, $urutan, $gel)
    include_once "../fpdf.php";
    require_once "../phplot.php";
    $lbr = 190;
    // Buat Graph dan dimasukkan ke file dulu
    $piepath = '../tmp/data_fakta_pmb_pie_graph.png';
    BuatPieGraph($piepath, $prevtahun, $tahun, $urutan, $gel);
    // *** Cetak ***
    $pdf = new FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4');
    $pdf->SetTitle("LAPORAN SUMBER INFORMASI PMB TAHUN AJARAN {$tahun}/{$nexttahun} GELOMBANG " . UbahKeRomawiLimit99($urutan));
    BuatHeaderLap($prevtahun, $tahun, $pdf);
    TampilkanGraph($piepath, 20, 30, 144, 96, $pdf);
    TampilkanSumberInformasi(30, 150, $prevtahun, $tahun, $urutan, $gel, $pdf);
Exemplo n.º 2
function TampilkanIsinya($prevtahun, $tahun, $arrStatusAplikan, $arrGelombang, $p)
    $t = 3;
    $lebar = 9;
    $arrCurTotal = array();
    $arrPrevTotal = array();
    BuatHeaderTabel($arrStatusAplikan, $lebar, $prevtahun, $tahun, $p);
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arrGelombang); $i++) {
        $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 6);
        $p->Cell($lebar, $t, UbahKeRomawiLimit99($arrGelombang[$i]), 1, 0, 'C');
        $p->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 6);
        BuatEntry($arrGelombang[$i], $arrStatusAplikan, $arrPrevTotal, $arrCurTotal, $t, $lebar, $prevtahun, $tahun, $p);
    BuatTotal($arrStatusAplikan, $arrPrevTotal, $arrCurTotal, $lebar, $tahun, $p);
    return $arrTotal;
function BuatHeaderTabel($arrPejabatID, $arrGelombang, $lebar, $prevtahun, $tahun, $p)
    $t = 6;
    $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 8);
    // Baris 1
    $p->Cell(8, $t, "", 'LT', 0);
    $p->Cell($lebar, $t, '', 'LTR', 0);
    $p->Cell(sizeof($arrGelombang) * $lebar, $t, 'TGL UJIAN', 'T', 0, 'C');
    $p->Cell($lebar + 4, $t, "", 'LT', 0);
    $p->Cell($lebar + 4, $t, "", 'LT', 0);
    $p->Cell($lebar + 4, $t, "TOTAL", 'LTR', 0, 'C');
    // Baris 2
    $p->Cell(8, $t, "NO", 'L', 0);
    $p->Cell($lebar, $t, 'NAMA', 'LR', 0, 'C');
    foreach ($arrGelombang as $stat) {
        $p->Cell($lebar, $t, UbahKeRomawiLimit99($stat), 1, 0, 'C');
    $p->Cell($lebar + 4, $t, "WAWANCARA", 'L', 0, 'C');
    $p->Cell($lebar + 4, $t, "SUPPORTING", 'L', 0, 'C');
    $p->Cell($lebar + 4, $t, "SEMUA", 'LR', 0, 'C');
    //Baris 3
    $p->Cell(8, $t, "", 'L', 0);
    $p->Cell($lebar, $t, '', 'LR', 0);
    foreach ($arrGelombang as $stat) {
        $tglujian = GetaField('pmbperiod', "Tahun='{$tahun}' and Urutan='{$stat}' and KodeID", KodeID, "date_format(UjianMulai, '%d-%b-%Y')");
        $p->Cell($lebar, $t, $tglujian, 1, 0, 'C');
    $p->Cell($lebar + 4, $t, "", 'L', 0);
    $p->Cell($lebar + 4, $t, "", 'L', 0);
    $p->Cell($lebar + 4, $t, "KEHADIRAN", 'LR', 0, 'C');
Exemplo n.º 4
function Isinya($pmbformulir, $p)
    $t = 3.8;
    $lettersize = 8;
    //$style = array('width' => 0.5, 'cap' => 'round', 'join' => 'round', 'dash' => '0, 10', 'color' => array(0, 0, 0));
    //SetLineStyle($style, $p);
    $arrBaris = array();
    // I. Indentifikasi Pendaftaran
    $arrBaris[] = array('R', 'Indentifikasi Pendaftaran');
    $arrBaris[] = array();
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'No. Formulir', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Nama Calon Mahasiswa', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Alamat Lengkap', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('', '', '', '=LINES=', 'RT =LINES=', 'RW =LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('', '', '', 'Kota =LINES=', 'Propinsi =LINES=', 'Kode Pos =LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Telepon Rumah / HP', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Alamat Email', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Khusus untuk calon dari luar kota');
    $arrBaris[] = array('', 'Alamat yang bisa dihubungi', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('', '', '', '=LINES=', 'RT=LINES=', 'RW=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('', '', '', 'Kota=LINES=', 'Propinsi=LINES=', 'Kode Pos=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Tempat Tinggal', ':', 'Asrama/Sendiri/Keluarga/Indekos/Lain-lain *)');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Status', ':', 'Belum Menikah/Menikah/Janda/Duda *)');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Jenis Kelamin', ':', 'Pria/Wanita *)');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Agama', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Kewarganegaraan', ':', 'WNI/WNA *)');
    $arrBaris[] = array();
    // II . Data Otang Tua/ Wali
    $arrBaris[] = array('R', 'Data Orang Tua/Wali');
    $arrBaris[] = array();
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Nama Orang Tua/Wali', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Alamat Lengkap', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('', '', '', '=LINES=', 'RT=LINES=', 'RW=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('', '', '', 'Kota=LINES=', 'Propinsi=LINES=', 'Kode Pos=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Telepon Rumah/HP', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Pekerjaan Orang Tua/Wali', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Pendidikan Orang Tua/Wali', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Keadaan Ayah/Ibu', ':', 'Ayah', ': Masih Hidup/Sudah Meninggal *)');
    $arrBaris[] = array('', '', '', 'Ibu', ': Masih Hidup/Sudah Meninggal *)');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Biaya Studi', ':', 'Orang Tua/Wali/Ikatan Dinas/Sendiri/Beasiswa/Lain2 *)');
    $arrBaris[] = array();
    // III. Data Ijazah Terakhir
    $arrBaris[] = array('R', 'Data Ijazah Terakhir');
    $arrBaris[] = array();
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Nama Asal Sekolah', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Alamat Sekolah', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Nilai UAN', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Tahun Ijazah', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array();
    $arrBaris[] = array('R', 'Detail Pekerjaan (Bila sudah bekerja)');
    $arrBaris[] = array();
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Nama Perusahaan', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Alamat Perusahaan', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'No. Telepon dan Fax', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array('N', 'Jabatan Saat Ini', ':', '=LINES=', '=LINES=', '=LINES=');
    $arrBaris[] = array();
    $Kolom1 = 50;
    $IndenKolom1 = 5;
    $Kolom2 = 5;
    $Kolom3 = 45;
    $Kolom4 = 45;
    $Kolom5 = 45;
    $n = 0;
    $nr = 0;
    foreach ($arrBaris as $baris) {
        $type = @$baris[0];
        if ($type == 'R') {
            $style = 'B';
            $Kolom1x = $Kolom1;
            $numbering = UbahKeRomawiLimit99($nr) . '.';
        } else {
            if ($type == 'N') {
                $style = '';
                $Kolom1x = $Kolom1 - $IndenKolom1;
                $p->Cell($IndenKolom1, $t, '', 0, 0);
                $numbering = $n . '.';
            } else {
                $style = '';
                $Kolom1x = $Kolom1 - $IndenKolom1;
                $p->Cell($IndenKolom1, $t, '', 0, 0);
                $numbering = '';
        $p->SetFont('Helvetica', $style, $lettersize);
        // Print kolom 1
        $p->Cell($Kolom1x, $t, $numbering . ' ' . @$baris[1], 0, 0);
        // Print kolom 2
        $p->Cell($Kolom2, $t, @$baris[2], 0, 0);
        // Print kolom 3
        $arrLines = array();
        $baris[3] = isset($baris[3]) ? $baris[3] : '';
        if ($baris[3] == '=LINES=') {
            $arrLines[] = array($p->GetX(), $Kolom3);
        } else {
            if (strpos($baris[3], '=LINES=') > 0) {
                $stringwidth = $p->GetStringWidth(TRIM(str_replace('=LINES=', '', $baris[3])));
                $arrLines[] = array($p->GetX() + $stringwidth, $Kolom3 - $stringwidth);
        $p->Cell($Kolom3, $t, str_replace('=LINES=', '', $baris[3]), 0, 0);
        // Print kolom 4
        $baris[4] = isset($baris[4]) ? $baris[4] : '';
        if (TRIM($baris[4]) == '=LINES=') {
            $arrLines[] = array($p->GetX(), $Kolom4);
        } else {
            if (strpos($baris[4], '=LINES=') > 0) {
                $stringwidth = $p->GetStringWidth(TRIM(str_replace('=LINES=', '', $baris[4])));
                $arrLines[] = array($p->GetX() + $stringwidth, $Kolom4 - $stringwidth);
        $p->Cell($Kolom4, $t, TRIM(str_replace('=LINES=', '', $baris[4])), 0, 0);
        $baris[5] = isset($baris[5]) ? $baris[5] : '';
        if (TRIM($baris[5]) == '=LINES=') {
            $arrLines[] = array($p->GetX(), $Kolom5);
        } else {
            if (strpos($baris[5], '=LINES=') > 0) {
                $stringwidth = $p->GetStringWidth(TRIM(str_replace('=LINES=', '', $baris[5])));
                $arrLines[] = array($p->GetX() + $stringwidth, $Kolom5 - $stringwidth);
        // Print kolom 5
        $p->Cell($Kolom5, $t, TRIM(str_replace('=LINES=', '', $baris[5])), 0, 0);
        // Print garis
        if (!empty($arrLines)) {
            $Y = $p->GetY();
            $count = count($arrLines);
            foreach ($arrLines as $line) {
                $p->SetXY($line[0] + 1, $Y);
                $p->Cell($line[1], $t - 1.3, '', 'B', 0);
    // Tambahkan Pas Foto dann Tanda Tanda Tangan di bagian paling bawah
    $p->Cell(10, $t, '', 0, 0);
    $p->Cell(30, 40, '4X6', 1, 0, 'C');
    $p->Cell(100, $t, '', 0, 0);
    $p->Cell(20, $t, GetaField('identitas', 'Kode', KodeID, 'Kota') . ', ______________');
    $p->Cell(140, $t, '', 0, 0);
    $p->Cell(20, $t, 'Tanda Tangan Pendaftar', 0, 0);
    $p->Cell(140, $t, '', 0, 0);
    $p->Cell(20, $t, '(______________________)', 0, 0);
    $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', $lettersize);
    $p->Cell(0, $t, 'Keterangan : *) : Lingkari pilihan anda', 0, 0);
    $arrLampirkan = array();
    if ($pmbformulir['Prasyarat'] == 'Y') {
        $arrPrasyarat = explode('|', $pmbformulir['PrasyaratExtra']);
        foreach ($arrPrasyarat as $persyarat) {
            $arr = explode('~', $persyarat);
            // $arr[0] adalah PMBFormSyaratID, $arr[1] adalah 'Y' atau 'N' digunakan, $arr[2] adalah Tambahan input untuk prasyarat
            $pmbformsyarat = GetFields('pmbformsyarat', "PMBFormSyaratID='{$arr['0']}' and KodeID", KodeID, "*");
            if ($arr[1] == 'Y') {
                if ($pmbformsyarat['AdaScript'] == 'N') {
                    $arrLampirkan[] = $pmbformsyarat['Nama'];
    $p->Cell(20, $t, 'Lampirkan :', 0, 0);
    $n = 0;
    foreach ($arrLampirkan as $lampirkan) {
        if ($n == 1) {
            $p->Cell(0, $t, $lampirkan, 0, 0);
        } else {
            $p->Cell(20, $t, '', 0, 0);
            $p->Cell(0, $t, $lampirkan, 0, 0);