Exemplo n.º 1
  * The default controller
  * @return void
 public function index()
      * Load the helper file
      * Create the new form
     $form = new TINA_MVC\form('my_form');
      * Open a fieldset
     $fset_open = $form->fieldset_open('fset_name_pw', 'Name and password please');
      * Adds a text field
     $f_name = $form->add_field('your_name', $type = 'TEXT');
     $f_name->add_validation(array('required' => NULL));
      * Adds a password field
     $f_password = $form->add_field('the_password', $type = 'PASSWORD');
      * Close a fieldset
      * This is optional. If you do not close a fieldset, it is closed whenever you open a new one or
      * when you render the form
     $fset_close = $form->fieldset_close();
      * add_field() and all field methods return a field object so you can use method chaining
     $f_hidden = $form->add_field('a_hidden_field', 'hidden')->set_value('Hidden field value');
      * Some sample data for the select type
     $options = array(array('1', 'dog'), array('21', 'cat'), array('1234', 'mouse'), array('3', 'cake'), array('4', 'house'), array('5', 'meh'));
      * Adds the select field
     $f_select = $form->add_field('select_field', 'SELECT')->set_options($options);
      * Adds the radio field using the same options as for the select field above
     $f_radio = $form->add_field('radio_field', 'RADIO')->set_options($options);
      * A checkbox field
     $f_check = $form->add_field('check_field', $type = 'CHECKBOX', $caption = 'This is the checkbox caption');
      * A textarea field
     $f_textarea = $form->add_field('textarea_field', $type = 'TEXTAREA', $caption = 'This is the textarea caption');
     $f_textblock = $form->add_text('textblock_field', 'This is a block of text included in the form using the "textblock" field type.');
      * A Googlemap location field
      * You must enter your API key into app_settings.php
     if (TINA_MVC\get_tina_mvc_setting('google_api_key_v3')) {
         $f_map = $form->add_field('map_field', 'GOOGLEMAP');
          * Sets the height and width of the page in CSS units
     } else {
         $f_gmap_note = $form->add_text('gmap_note', 'You must enter your Google API key (v3) into app_settings.php to use the Google Map location field type.');
      * A reCaptcha field
      * The recaptcha field type requires your API keys to be set in app_settings.php
      * @see http://www.reCaptcha.net
     if (TINA_MVC\get_tina_mvc_setting('recaptcha_pub_key') and TINA_MVC\get_tina_mvc_setting('recaptcha_pri_key')) {
         $f_recaptcha = $form->add_field('recaptcha_field', $type = 'RECAPTCHA', $caption = 'Are you human?');
     } else {
         $f_recaptcha_note = $form->add_text('recaptcha_note', 'You must enter your reCaptcha API keys into app_settings.php to use the reCaptcha field type.');
      * A file upload field
     $f_file_upload = $form->add_field('a_file_upload', 'file');
      * A second file upload field
     $f_second_file_upload = $form->add_field('a_second_file_upload', 'file');
      * A submit button
     $f_submit = $form->add_field('submit_field', $type = 'SUBMIT', $caption = 'This is the submit caption');
      * A reset button
     $f_reset = $form->add_field('reset_field', $type = 'RESET', $caption = 'This is the reset caption');
      * Some data to pre-load into the form.
      * This could come from a database query for example.
     $data = array('name' => 'Joe Bloggs', 'textarea_field' => "Some multiline\r\ntext", 'radio_field' => 3);
      * Loads the data into the form, overriding any default values previously set
      * You would use this function to load a recordset from (for example a database query) into
      * the form. First, any keys in the $data array will match field names. After this any 'db_field' 
      * values matching keys in $data have their values set too.
      * Returns an array of posted data, FALSE if the form has not been posted.
     if ($posted_data = $form->get_posted_data()) {
         $content = "Posted Data<br />";
         $content .= "<pre>" . print_r($posted_data, TRUE) . "</pre>";
          * Generally you process your form here and finish off with a wp_redirect() and exit()
         // wp_redirect( 'wherever' );
         // exit();
     } else {
          * Returns the HTML required to disply the form
         $content = $form->render();
      * Assign as template data
     $this->add_var('view_html', $content);
      * Set the post (page) title and contents.
     $this->set_post_title('Tina MVC New Form Helper Example');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Displays the widget on the screen.
  * @param array $args Wordpress widget arguments
  * @param array $instance Arguments from the Tina MVC Widget
 function widget($args, $instance)
     // Our variables from the widget settings are in $instance
     $controller = $instance['controller'];
     $role_to_view = TINA_MVC\get_tina_mvc_setting('default_role_to_view');
     if (!$instance['no_role_to_view']) {
         // we have a non FALSE default
         $role_to_view = TINA_MVC\merge_permissions($role_to_view, $instance['role_to_view']);
     $capability_to_view = TINA_MVC\get_tina_mvc_setting('default_capability_to_view');
     if ($instance['capability_to_view']) {
         $capability_to_view = TINA_MVC\merge_permissions($capability_to_view, $instance['capability_to_view']);
     $APP = new TINA_MVC\tina_mvc_page_class($controller, $role_to_view, $capability_to_view, $called_from = 'WIDGET');
     // content is empty is permissions checks fail
     $content = $APP->get_post_content();
     if ($content) {
         // Before widget (defined by themes)
         echo $args['before_widget'];
         // Display the widget title if one was input (before and after defined by themes)
         if (!($tina_mvc_title = $APP->get_post_title())) {
             $tina_mvc_title = $instance['title'];
         $tina_mvc_title = apply_filters('widget_title', $tina_mvc_title);
         echo $args['before_title'] . $tina_mvc_title . $args['after_title'];
         echo $content;
         // After widget (defined by themes)
         echo $args['after_widget'];
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Trashes any pages set up as front end page controllers and removes the Tina MVC options
 * @package    Tina-MVC
 * @subpackage Core
function plugin_remove()
    $pages_done = array();
    // each page is listed twice
    $tina_pages = \TINA_MVC\get_tina_mvc_setting('tina_mvc_pages');
    foreach ($tina_pages as $p) {
        if (!in_array($p['page_id'], $pages_done)) {
            if ($page = get_page($p['page_id'])) {
                $page = array('ID' => $p['page_id'], 'post_status' => 'trash');
                $_ok = wp_update_post($page);
            $pages_done[] = $p['page_id'];
    // the cron event...
    if (wp_next_scheduled('tina_mvc_cron_hook')) {
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 4
 <li><a href="?page=tina_mvc_code_hooks">Code &amp; Cron Hooks</a></li>
 <li><a href="?page=tina_mvc_file_locations">File Locations</a></li>
 <li><a href="?page=tina_mvc_widgets_shortcodes">Widgets, Shortcodes, call_controller()</a></li>
 <li><a href="?page=tina_mvc_custom_login">Custom Login Functionality</a></li>
 <li><a href="?page=tina_mvc_helper_functions">Helper Functions</a></li>
 <li><a href="?page=tina_mvc_form_helper_intro">Form Helper - Introduction</a></li>
 <li><a href="?page=tina_mvc_form_helper_advanced">Form Helper - Advanced Use</a></li>
 <li><a href="?page=tina_mvc_form_helper_fields_and_validation">Form Helper - Fields and Validation</a></li>
 <li><a href="?page=tina_mvc_table_pagination_helpers">Table and Pagination Helpers</a></li>
 <li><a href="?page=tina_mvc_todo_list">Todo List</a></li>

<h3>Current Tina MVC pages</h3>

foreach (TINA_MVC\get_tina_mvc_setting('tina_mvc_pages') as $n => $p) {
    if (is_int($n)) {
        foreach ($p as $key => $val) {
            echo $key;
:</strong> <?php 
            echo $val;
<br />
<br />