Exemplo n.º 1
 public function show()
     global $LANG;
     $show = beginTable("{$LANG['Details']} {$LANG['Domain']}: {$this->id}, {$this->name}");
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['ID'], $this->id);
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['Title'], $this->name);
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['Description'], $this->description);
     $show .= endTable();
     return $show;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function show()
     global $LANG;
     $show = beginTable("{$LANG['Details']} {$LANG['Note']}: {$this->id}, {$this->title}");
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['Title'], $this->title);
     $show .= StaticField('Категория', $this->category);
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['Content'], html_entity_decode($this->content, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['CreateDate'], $this->opentime);
     $show .= StaticField('Автор', $this->autor);
     $show .= endTable();
     return $show;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function show()
     $show = beginTable(Pool::$LANG['Pool'] . ' ID ' . $this->id, '100%');
     $show .= StaticField('action', $this->description);
     $show .= StaticField('time', $this->lastrenty);
     $show .= StaticField('status', $this->status);
     $show .= StaticField('statusinfo', '<pre>' . htmlentities($this->statusinfo) . '</pre>');
     $show .= StaticField('request', '<pre>.' . $this->request . '</pre>');
     $show .= StaticField('ServerID', $this->ServerID);
     $show .= StaticField('AccountID', '<a href="?object=account&action=show&AccountID=' . $this->AccountID . '">' . $this->AccountID . '</a>');
     $show .= StaticField('UserID', '<a href="?object=user&action=show&UserID=' . $this->UserID . '">' . $this->UserID . '</a>');
     $show .= endTable();
     return $show;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function show()
     global $LANG;
     $show = beginTable("{$LANG['Details']} {$LANG['Letter']}: {$this->title}");
     $show .= '<tr><td colspan="2"><table><tr><td><a href="?object=letter&amp;action=edit&amp;LetterID=' . $this->id . '"><img src="images/edit.png">' . $LANG['Edit'] . ' </a></td>';
     $show .= '<td><a href="?object=letter&amp;action=delete&amp;LetterID=' . $this->id . '"><img src="images/delete.png">' . $LANG['Delete'] . ' </a></td>';
     $show .= '<td><a href="?object=letter&amp;action=list"><img src="images/list.png">' . $LANG['List'] . ' ' . $LANG['Letters'] . '</a></td></tr></tr></table></td></tr>';
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['Title'], $this->title);
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['ID'], $this->name);
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['ResellerID'], $this->ResellerID);
     $show .= StaticField('From', $this->from);
     $show .= StaticField('Subject', $this->subject);
     $show .= StaticField('Body', '<pre>' . $this->body . '</pre>');
     $show .= endTable();
     return $show;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function show()
     //if(!$this->id) return '';
     global $LANG, $lInfo, $DB;
     list($amount, $bonustime, $closetime) = $this->getBalance();
     //list($amount2,$bonustime2,$closetime2) = $this->getBalance_old();
     $whois = new Whois($this->domain);
     if (!empty($this->domain)) {
         $result = $DB->make_select('Domains', '*', "`username`='{$this->username}' AND `ServerID`='{$this->ServerID}'");
         if (!($row = $DB->row($result))) {
             $DB->make_insert('Domains', array('name' => $this->domain, 'username' => $this->username, 'ServerID' => $this->ServerID));
             $result = $DB->make_select('Domains', '*', "`username`='{$this->username}' AND `ServerID`='{$this->ServerID}'");
             $row = $DB->row($result);
         $domain = new Domain();
         if (!empty($domain->expirate)) {
             $domain_str = "<a href='http://{$this->domain}' target='_blank'>{$this->domain}</a>" . '<br />Истекает: ' . $domain->expirate;
         } else {
             //if($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != 'localhost') {
             if ($whois->is_available()) {
                 $domain_str = "<a href='http://{$this->ServerID}/~{$this->username}/' target='_blank'>{$this->domain} [Not Delegeted]</a>";
             } else {
                 $whois_parsed = $whois->parsed_info();
                 $domain_str = "<a href='http://{$this->domain}' target='_blank'>{$this->domain}</a>" . '<br />Истекает: ' . $whois_parsed['expirate'];
                 $domain->expirate = $whois_parsed['expirate'];
                 $DB->make_update('Domains', '`DomainID`=' . $domain->id, array('expirate' => $domain->expirate));
             //}else $domain_str = "<a href='http://$this->domain' target='_blank'>$this->domain</a>";
     } else {
         $domain_str = "<a href='http://{$this->domain}' target='_blank'>{$this->domain}</a>";
     $show = beginTable("{$LANG['AccountDetails']} c ID {$this->id} , {$this->reseller->label}", '100%');
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['Domain'], $domain_str);
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['Server'], $this->ServerID);
     if (!empty($this->ServerID)) {
         $show .= StaticField('Проверить', '<a href="http://' . $this->ServerID . '/~' . $this->username . '/">' . $this->ServerID . '/~' . $this->username . '</a>');
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['Username'], $this->username);
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['Password'], $this->password);
     $show .= StaticField('Дата Создания', date('d.m.Y H:i:s', strtotime($this->opentime)));
     $show .= '<tr><td colspan="2">Биллинг:</td></tr>';
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['Status'], Account::show_status($this->status));
     if ($this->status == 'Suspend' || $this->status == 'Deleted') {
         $show .= StaticField('Остановлен', '<b>' . date('d.m.Y H:i', strtotime($this->closetime)) . '</b>');
     } else {
         $show .= StaticField('Оплачен по', date('d.m.Y H:i', $closetime));
         if ($this->billing_opts['credit_days'] > 0) {
             $show .= StaticField('Проработает до', date('d.m.Y H:i', $closetime + iDAY * $this->billing_opts['credit_days']));
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['Amount'], '<b>' . round($amount, 2) . ' руб.</b>');
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['Bonus'], '<b>' . round($bonustime / iDAY, 1) . '</b> дн.');
     //$show .= StaticField('OLD | Оплачен по', date('d.m.Y H:i', $closetime2));
     //$show .= StaticField('OLD | '.$LANG['Amount'], '<b>'.round($amount2,2).' руб.</b>');
     //$show .= StaticField('OLD | '.$LANG['Bonus'], '<b>'.round($bonustime2/iDAY,1).'</b> дн.');
     $show .= StaticField('Макс. глубина минуса', $this->billing_opts['negativ_days'] . ' дн.');
     $show .= StaticField('Возможный кредит', $this->billing_opts['credit_days'] . ' дн.');
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['Package'], '<a href="' . iSELF . '?object=package&amp;action=show&amp;PackageID=' . $this->package->id . '">' . $this->package->title . ' (' . round($this->package->price, 2) . ' руб.)</a>');
     $show .= '<tr><td colspan="2">Доп. информация:</td></tr>';
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['Client_type'], $lInfo[$this->contype]);
     $show .= StaticField('RUCenter Anketa', $this->info['ruanketa']);
     $show .= StaticField('<a href="?object=account&amp;action=edit_comment&amp;AccountID=' . $this->id . '">' . Account::$LANG['comment'] . '</a>', '<pre>' . $this->info['comment'] . '</pre>');
     $show .= StaticField('Последний вход', $this->lastlogin == '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? 'никогда' : date('d.m.Y H:i', strtotime($this->lastlogin)));
     if ($this->itsResellerID) {
         $show .= StaticField('Система управления бизнесом', '<font color="blue"><b>' . $this->itsResellerID . '</b></font>');
     $show .= endTable();
     $show .= '<br />' . $this->contact->show();
     return $show;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function add_form($AccountID, $OrderID = null)
     global $LANG, $lInfo, $PAYMETHOD, $PAYTARGET, $DomainPrice;
     $show = openForm(iSELF);
     $show .= HiddenField('object', 'payment');
     $show .= HiddenField('action', 'add2');
     $show .= HiddenField('AccountID', $AccountID);
     $show .= HiddenField('OrderID', $OrderID);
     $show .= beginTable($LANG['Payment']);
     if (!empty($OrderID)) {
         $order = new Order($OrderID);
         $show .= StaticField($LANG['OrderID'], $order->id);
         if ($order->service == 'hosting') {
             // Calculate hosting price
             //$serv = new Service_hosting(array('opentime'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s', iNOW_UNIX - $order->count*iMON), 'closetime'=>iNOW_TEXT, 'mod'=>$order->package->id));
             $hosting_price = $order->count * $order->package->price;
             $show .= '<tr><td class="nob">' . HiddenField('item', 'hosting') . '</td></tr>';
             $pack_array = array();
             foreach ($PAYMETHOD as $index => $val) {
                 $pack_array[] = $index;
                 $pack_array[] = $val;
             $show .= ArrayDropBox($LANG['Paymethod'], 'method', $order->paymethod, $pack_array);
             $show .= TextField($LANG['Amount'] . ', руб.', 'amount', round($hosting_price, 2));
             if ($order->domaininfo['action'] == 'reg') {
                 $domain_price = $DomainPrice[zone($order->domain)][0];
                 if ($DomainPrice[zone($order->domain)][3]) {
                     foreach ($order->package->bonusdomain as $time => $bonus) {
                         if ($order->count >= $time) {
                             $domain_price = 0.0;
                 $show .= CheckBox($lInfo['reg'] . ' ' . $order->domain, 'domain', true);
                 $show .= TextField($LANG['Domain'] . ' ' . $LANG['Amount'] . ', руб.', 'domain_amount', round($domain_price, 2));
         } elseif ($order->service == 'domain' || $order->service == 'domain_cont') {
             $amount = $order->amount;
             $show .= StaticField('Назаначение', "<input type='radio' name='item' value='{$order->service}' checked='checked' />" . $PAYTARGET[$order->service]['name'] . '<br />(регистрация/продление домена и добавление услуги)<br />' . "<input type='radio' name='item' value='hosting' />" . $PAYTARGET['hosting']['name'] . '<br />(продление хостинга)');
             $pack_array = array();
             foreach ($PAYMETHOD as $index => $val) {
                 $pack_array[] = $index;
                 $pack_array[] = $val;
             $show .= ArrayDropBox($LANG['Paymethod'], 'method', $order->paymethod, $pack_array);
             $show .= TextField($LANG['Amount'], 'amount', round($amount, 2));
         } else {
             $amount = $order->amount;
             $pack_array = array();
             foreach ($PAYTARGET as $index => $val) {
                 $pack_array[] = $index;
                 $pack_array[] = $val['name'];
             $show .= ArrayDropBox($LANG['Service'], 'item', $order->service, $pack_array);
             $pack_array = array();
             foreach ($PAYMETHOD as $index => $val) {
                 $pack_array[] = $index;
                 $pack_array[] = $val;
             $show .= ArrayDropBox($LANG['Paymethod'], 'method', $order->paymethod, $pack_array);
             $show .= TextField($LANG['Amount'], 'amount', round($amount, 2));
     } else {
         $amount = 0.0;
         $Service = 'hosting_cont';
         $PayMethod = '';
         $show .= TextField($LANG['OrderID'], 'OrderID', '');
         $pack_array = array();
         foreach ($PAYTARGET as $index => $val) {
             $pack_array[] = $index;
             $pack_array[] = $val['name'];
         $show .= ArrayDropBox($LANG['Service'], 'item', $Service, $pack_array);
         $pack_array = array();
         foreach ($PAYMETHOD as $index => $val) {
             $pack_array[] = $index;
             $pack_array[] = $val;
         $show .= ArrayDropBox($LANG['Paymethod'], 'method', $PayMethod, $pack_array);
         $show .= TextField($LANG['Amount'], 'amount', round($amount, 2));
     if (!empty($OrderID) && ($order->service == 'hosting' || $order->service == 'hosting_cont')) {
         $show .= CheckBox('Отправить уведомление', 'Note', true);
     } else {
         $show .= CheckBox('Отправить уведомление', 'Note', false);
     $show .= Submitter('new_pay', $LANG['Add']);
     $show .= endTable();
     $show .= closeForm();
     return $show;
Exemplo n.º 7
 function show()
     global $LANG;
     $show = beginTable("{$LANG['Details']} {$LANG['Company']}: {$this->id} , {$this->title}");
     $show .= StaticField($LANG['Title'], $this->title);
     $show .= StaticField("ИНН", $this->inn);
     $show .= StaticField("КПП", $this->kpp);
     $show .= StaticField("Счёт в банке для юр.лиц", $this->c_rasschet);
     $show .= StaticField("Банк для юр.лиц", $this->c_bankname);
     $show .= StaticField("Бик банка для юр.лиц", $this->c_bik);
     $show .= StaticField("Корр. счёт банка для юр.лиц", $this->c_k_rasschet);
     $show .= StaticField("Счёт в банке для физ.лиц", $this->p_rasschet);
     $show .= StaticField("Банк для физ.лиц", $this->p_bankname);
     $show .= StaticField("Бик банка для физ.лиц", $this->p_bik);
     $show .= StaticField("Корр. счёт банка для физ.лиц", $this->p_k_rasschet);
     $show .= StaticField("Главный директор", $this->general_manager);
     $show .= StaticField("Главный бухгалтер", $this->chief_accountant);
     $show .= StaticField("Ставка НДС", $this->nds);
     $show .= StaticField("Изображение Печати", $this->stamp);
     $show .= endTable();
     return $show;