public static function save() { if (!isset($_POST['_zoop_form_id']) || !$_POST['_zoop_form_id']) { return; } $formId = $_POST['_zoop_form_id']; $sessionId = session_id(); // IMPORTANT SECURITY NOTE: // even though is going to be a unique identifier we still need to check to make sure that it // has the correct session_id to prevent spoofing $fieldString = SqlFetchCell("select fields from session_form where session_id = :sessionId and id = :formId", array('sessionId' => $sessionId, 'formId' => $formId)); if (!$fieldString) { trigger_error("session_form row {$formId} not found. Possible attempt to spoof session data."); } $objects = array(); foreach (explode(',', $fieldString) as $thisFieldString) { list($class, $id, $field) = explode(':', $thisFieldString); if (!isset($_POST['_zoop_form_element'][$class][$id][$field])) { continue; } $objectId = "{$class}:{$id}"; if (!isset($objects[$objectId])) { $objects[$objectId] = new $class($id); } $objects[$objectId]->{$field} = $_POST['_zoop_form_element'][$class][$id][$field]; } foreach ($objects as $thisObject) { $thisObject->save(); } }
function getOpenEntry() { // there should be a method in DbObject for doing lookups like this $entryInfo = SqlFetchCell("select * from entry where person_id = :id and starttime is not null and endtime is null", array('id' => $this->id)); if (!$entryInfo) { return NULL; } return new Entry($entryInfo); }
public static function auth($username, $password) { $id = SqlFetchCell("select id from person where username = :username and password = :password", array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password)); if (!$id) { return false; } $_SESSION['personId'] = $id; session::saveChangesUnsafe(); return true; }
public function postSetField($p, $z) { $id = $_POST['id']; $field = $_POST['field']; $request = new Request($id); if ($field == 'completed') { $request->completed = $_POST['update_value']; } else { if ($field == 'priority') { $request->priority_id = SqlFetchCell("select id from priority where name = :name", array('name' => $_POST['update_value'])); } else { trigger_error("undefined field: {$field}"); } } $request->save(); // this is sent back and thus placed in the table cell echo $_POST['update_value']; }
public function bumpTableSequenceToEnd($tableName) { $nextVal = SqlFetchCell("SELECT max(id) from :tableName:identifier", array('tableName' => $tableName)) + 1; $this->query("ALTER SEQUENCE :sequenceName:identifier RESTART WITH :nextVal:int", array('sequenceName' => "{$tableName}_id_seq", 'nextVal' => $nextVal)); }
public static function getMaxPages() { return SqlFetchCell("SELECT ceil((max(published_order)-1)/10) FROM entry", array()); }
// print_r($message); // echo "$i {$message->from} {$message->to} {$message->subject}\n"; echo "{$message->from} {$message->to} {$message->subject}\n"; $res = preg_match('/([\\w ]+)<(\\w+)@([\\w.]+)>/', $message->from, $matches); $name = trim($matches[1]); $parts = explode(' ', $name); $firstname = array_shift($parts); $lastname = array_pop($parts); $user = trim($matches[2]); $domain = trim($matches[3]); $username = $email = "{$user}@{$domain}"; $sender = DbObject::_getOne('Person', array('username' => $username), array('firstname' => $firstname, 'lastname' => $lastname, 'email' => $email)); // print_r($sender); preg_match('/<([^>]+)>/', trim($message->messageId), $matches); $messageId = $matches[1]; if (SqlFetchCell("SELECT count(*) from request where message_id = :messageId", array('messageId' => $messageId))) { continue; } $request = new Request(); $request->owner_id = $sender->id; $request->name = trim($message->subject); $request->message_id = $messageId; // deal with the headers // foreach ($message->getHeaders() as $name => $value) // { // if(is_string($value)) // { // echo "$name: $value\n"; // continue; // } // else
public function getWords() { $words = array(); for ($row = 1; $row <= self::size; $row++) { $word = ''; for ($col = 1; $col <= self::size; $col++) { $letter = $this->cells[$row][$col]->getLetter(); if ($letter) { $word .= $letter; } else { if ($word) { $words[$word] = 1; $word = ''; } } } if ($word) { $words[$word] = 1; $word = ''; } } for ($col = 1; $col <= self::size; $col++) { $word = ''; for ($row = 1; $row <= self::size; $row++) { $letter = $this->cells[$row][$col]->getLetter(); if ($letter) { $word .= $letter; } else { if ($word) { $words[$word] = 1; $word = ''; } } } if ($word) { $words[$word] = 1; $word = ''; } } // SqlEchoOn(); foreach ($words as $thisWord => $thing) { SqlBeginTransaction(); $word = strtoupper($thisWord); $len = strlen($word); if ($len < 2) { continue; } $id = SqlFetchCell("select id from word where word = :word", array('word' => $word)); if (!$id) { echo "inserting word: {$word}<br>"; SqlInsertRow("insert into word (word, len) values (:wordwrap, :len)", array('word' => $word, 'len' => $len)); Learn::generateWordLetters($word); } SqlCommitTransaction(); } }