function SB_Writer_search() { parent::__construct(); $this->switches['flat'] = 1; $this->tree->sortMode = 'hits'; $this->search = SB_safeVal($_COOKIE, 'SB3SEARCH'); if (SB_reqChk('q') != '') { $this->search = SB_reqVal('q'); } $this->type = $this->um->getParam('user', 'default_search'); // Check search pattern if (preg_match("/^(url|desc|name|all):(.*)\$/i", $this->search, $matches)) { $this->type = $matches[1]; // If we have pattern then use it if ($this->type == 'url' || $this->type == 'desc' || $this->type == 'name' || $this->type == 'all') { $this->search = $matches[2]; } } $url = $this->um->getParamB64('user', 'search_engine_url'); $url = str_replace('%SEARCH%', $this->search, $url); $url = str_replace('%BASEURL%', urlencode(SB_Page::absBaseUrlShort()), $url); $url = str_replace('%LOGO%', urlencode(SB_Page::absBaseUrl() . SB_Skin::imgsrc('logo')), $url); $this->engineURL = $url; // We would not get here if no engine is specified if ($this->um->getParam('user', 'hide_xslt') || SB_reqVal("web") == 1) { header('Location: ' . $this->engineURL); exit; } }
function SB_reqValInt($name, $mandatory = false, $default = '') { $is = SB_reqChk($name); if ($mandatory && !$is) { die('Expected field "' . $name . '" was not filled!'); } return $is ? intval($_REQUEST[$name]) : $default; }
function Messenger() { $this->ajax = SB_reqChk('ajax'); $this->um = SB_UserManager::staticInstance(); SB_Skin::set($this->um->getParam('user', 'skin')); $this->db =& $this->um->db; if (SB_reqChk('folder')) { $this->folder = SB_reqVal('folder'); } }
function commandLogIn() { if (!$this->checkCookie()) { $this->goBack(); return; } $expires = min(SB_reqVal('expires'), $this->um->getParam('config', 'max_session_time')); if (!$this->um->login(SB_reqVal('username'), SB_reqVal('pass'), $expires)) { $this->goBack(); return; } // This should handle login from translator.php, we should avoid external redirect if (SB_reqChk('forward') && strpos(SB_reqVal('forward'), '/') === false) { header('Location: ' . SB_reqVal('forward')); exit; } if (SB_reqChk('bookmarklet')) { $this->command = 'Add Bookmark'; $this->fields = $this->buildAddBookmark(); } else { $this->reload = true; $this->close = true; } }
function buildFolderProperties() { $node = $this->tree->getNode(SB_reqValInt('nid_acl', true)); $fields = $this->buildAddFolder(); if ($node->id_parent && !$node->parentHasRight('update')) { foreach ($fields as $name => $param) { if ($name[0] != '-') { $fields[$name]['disabled'] = null; } } } $fields['Custom Order'] = array('type' => 'addbutton'); $fields['Delete Folder'] = array('type' => 'addbutton'); $fields['Import Bookmarks'] = array('type' => 'addbutton'); $fields['Export Bookmarks'] = array('type' => 'addbutton'); $fields['Validate Bookmarks'] = array('type' => 'addbutton'); $fields['Folder Sharing'] = array('type' => 'addbutton'); if ($node->id_parent == 0 && $this->um->isAdmin()) { if ($this->um->useUserFilter() && !SB_reqChk('uregexp')) { $fields['Filter User RegExp'] = array('name' => 'uregexp'); $fields['-hidden-'] = array('name' => 'forward', 'value' => 'Folder Properties'); $fields['Filter Users'] = array('type' => 'button'); } if (!$this->um->useUserFilter() || SB_reqChk('uregexp')) { $fields['Tree Owner'] = array('name' => 'uid', 'type' => 'select', '_options' => '_buildUserList', '_select' => SB_reqVal('uid')); } } return $fields; }
function commandAddBookmark() { $nid = SB_reqValInt('nid_acl', true); $node = $this->tree->getNode($nid); if (!$node) { return; } if (SB_reqChk('bookmarklet')) { if (strlen(SB_reqVal('newfolder')) > 0) { $newnode = $this->tree->addNode($nid, SB_reqVal('newfolder')); if ($this->hasErrors()) { return; } $nid = $newnode; } } // Get values entered by the user $url = SB_reqVal('url'); $favicon = SB_reqVal('favicon'); $name = SB_reqVal('name'); $is_feed = SB_reqVal('is_feed'); // If we have bookmarklet we have already received the icon if (!SB_reqChk('bookmarklet') && !$favicon && $this->um->getParam('user', 'auto_retrieve_favicon')) { $this->ignoreWarnings(); require_once './inc/'; $page = new SB_PageParser($url, array('FAVURL')); $page->getInformation(array('FAVURL')); $this->ignoreWarnings(false); if (!$page->isDead && $page->errorCode['FAVURL'] < PP_ERR) { $favicon = $page->info['FAVURL']; $favurl = 'favicon.php?' . md5($favicon) . '=' . SB_reqValInt('lid_acl'); $this->message = SB_T('Favicon <img src="%s"> found at url %s.', array($favurl, $url)); } else { $this->message = SB_T('Favicon not found!'); } } $insert = array('name' => $name, 'url' => $url, 'favicon' => $favicon, 'target' => SB_reqVal('link_target'), 'private' => SB_reqVal('private') ? 1 : 0, 'is_feed' => SB_reqVal('is_feed') ? 1 : 0, 'comment' => SB_reqVal('comment'), 'validate' => SB_reqVal('novalidate') ? 0 : 1); $this->tree->addLink($nid, $insert); $this->markHasLink(); if (SB_reqChk('bookmarklet')) { if (SB_reqChk('default_folder')) { $this->um->setParam('user', 'default_folder', $nid); } $this->um->saveUserParams(); $this->bookmarklet = true; $this->nobuttons = true; $this->message = SB_T("Link has been added.<p>You must reload your SiteBar in order to see added link!"); } }
function commandSendMessagetoAll() { $to = $this->um->getUsers(); if (SB_reqChk('gids')) { foreach (SB_reqVal('gids') as $gid) { foreach ($this->um->getMembers($gid) as $uid => $rec) { if (isset($to[$uid])) { unset($to[$uid]); } } } } $this->_commandMessengerCommon($to); }
function _commandSendEmail($to, $subject, $group = null) { // Prefetch to have it in our language $okStr = SB_T('%s - ok.'); $errorStr = SB_T('%s - error!'); $message = stripslashes(SB_reqVal('message')); foreach ($to as $uid => $user) { $userparams = $user['params']; $this->um->explodeParams($userparams, 'tmp'); if (SB_reqVal('checkrcpt')) { if (SB_reqChk('respect') && !$this->um->getParam('tmp', 'allow_info_mails')) { continue; } if (SB_reqChk('verified') && !$user['verified']) { continue; } } SB_SetLanguage($this->um->getParam('tmp', 'lang')); $body = ''; if ($group) { $body = SB_P('command::contact_group', array($group, $message, SB_Page::absBaseUrl())); } else { $body = SB_P('command::contact', array($message, SB_Page::absBaseUrl())); } if (!$this->um->email || !$this->checkEmailCorrectness($this->um->email)) { continue; } $ret = $this->um->sendMail($user, SB_T($subject), $body, $this->um->name, $this->um->email); // No translation here if ($ret) { $this->warn('%s', sprintf($okStr, $user['completenamehtml'])); } else { $this->error('%s', sprintf($errorStr, $user['completenamehtml'])); } } SB_SetLanguage($this->um->getParam('user', 'lang')); }
function buildShowFeedURL() { $fields = array(); $url = $this->_buildExportUrl(); $fields['Copy'] = array('name' => 'copy', 'value' => str_replace('&', '&', $url)); $fields['-label1-'] = SB_T('Open in New Window'); $fields['-raw1-'] = "<a href='{$url}' target='_blank'>{$url}</a>"; $url .= '&mode=plain'; $fields['-label2-'] = SB_T('Open as Plain Text'); $fields['-raw2-'] = "<a href='{$url}' target='_blank'>{$url}</a>"; if (!SB_reqChk('doall')) { $fields['-hidden1-'] = array('name' => 'nid_acl', 'value' => SB_reqValInt('nid_acl')); } else { $fields['-hidden1-'] = array('name' => 'doall', 'value' => 1); } $fields['Export Bookmarks'] = array('type' => 'button'); return $fields; }
$writerObj->tree->maxLevel = 0; } foreach ($writerObj->switches as $key => $value) { if (SB_reqChk($key) && strlen(SB_reqVal($key))) { $writerObj->switches[$key] = SB_reqVal($key); } } if (SB_reqChk('user')) { $user = $writerObj->switches['user']; if (strlen($user)) { $writerObj->um->setCookie('SB3USER', $user, 0); } else { $writerObj->um->setCookie('SB3USER'); } } else { if (isset($_COOKIE['SB3USER'])) { $writerObj->switches['user'] = $_COOKIE['SB3USER']; } } if (SB_reqChk('cp')) { $writerObj->setCharset(SB_reqVal('cp')); } $writerObj->run(); exit; } } header('Content-Type: text/html'); echo "Unknown SiteBar writer was selected!"; if (SB_ErrorHandler::hasErrors()) { SB_ErrorHandler::writeErrors(); }