function txPageTemplateWizard() { global $DB, $C; $intermix = $_REQUEST['submitted_percent'] > 0 && $_REQUEST['permanent_percent'] > 0; $rss_feed = strpos($_REQUEST['display'], 'xml') === 0; $sections = array(); $template = ''; if ($rss_feed) { $_REQUEST['inrows'] = 'no'; } if ($_REQUEST['submitted_percent'] > 0) { $sections[] =& $_REQUEST['s']; } if ($_REQUEST['permanent_percent'] > 0) { $sections[] =& $_REQUEST['p']; } $_REQUEST['s']['amount'] = round($_REQUEST['amount'] * ($_REQUEST['submitted_percent'] / 100)); $_REQUEST['p']['amount'] = $_REQUEST['amount'] - $_REQUEST['s']['amount']; foreach ($sections as $section) { $options = array('type=' . $section['type'], 'format=' . $section['format'], 'getnew=' . ($section['getnew'] == 'allowused' ? 'true' : $section['getnew']), 'allowused=' . ($section['getnew'] == 'allowused' ? 'true' : 'false'), 'description=' . $section['description'], 'preview=' . $section['preview'], 'amount=' . $section['amount']); if ($section['preview'] == 'true') { if (empty($section['previewsize']) && !empty($section['customsize']) || !empty($section['previewsize'])) { $options[] = 'previewsize=' . (empty($section['previewsize']) ? $section['customsize'] : $section['previewsize']); } } if (!empty($section['weight'])) { $options[] = 'weight="' . $section['weight'] . $section['weight_value'] . '"'; } switch ($section['agetype']) { case 'exact': $options[] = 'age=' . $section['age']; break; case 'atleast': $options[] = 'minage=' . $section['age']; break; case 'atmost': $options[] = 'maxage=' . $section['age']; break; case 'between': $options[] = 'minage=' . $section['age']; $options[] = 'maxage=' . $section['endage']; break; } if (in_array('MIXED', $section['categories'])) { $categories = array('MIXED'); foreach ($section['exclude_categories'] as $exclude) { if (empty($exclude)) { continue; } $categories[] = "-{$exclude}"; } $options[] = 'category=' . join(',', $categories); } else { $categories = array(); foreach ($section['categories'] as $category) { $categories[] = $category; } $options[] = 'category=' . join(',', $categories); } if (in_array('', $section['sponsors'])) { $sponsors = array('any'); foreach ($section['exclude_sponsors'] as $exclude) { if (empty($exclude)) { continue; } $sponsors[] = "-{$exclude}"; } $options[] = 'sponsor=' . join(',', $sponsors); } else { $sponsors = array(); foreach ($section['sponsors'] as $sponsor) { $sponsors[] = $sponsor; } $options[] = 'sponsor=' . join(',', $sponsors); } if ($section['getnew'] == 'false') { $section['order'] = $section['reorder']; } $options[] = 'order=' . join(', ', $section['order']); if ($section['getnew'] != 'false') { $options[] = 'reorder=' . join(', ', $section['reorder']); } $template .= "{* PULL THE " . strtoupper($section['type']) . " GALLERIES FROM THE DATABASE *}\n" . "{galleries\n" . "var=" . ($intermix ? "\${$section['type']}_gals\n" : "\$galleries\n") . join("\n", $options) . "}\n"; } $code = array('text' => '{$|tdate} <a href="{$gallery.gallery_url|htmlspecialchars}" target="_blank">{$gallery.thumbnails|htmlspecialchars} {$gallery.category|htmlspecialchars}</a><br />', 'thumbs' => '<a href="{$gallery.gallery_url|htmlspecialchars}" target="_blank"><img src="{$gallery.preview_url|htmlspecialchars}" border="0" alt="Thumb"></a>', 'xml' => "<item>\n" . "<title>{\$gallery.thumbnails|htmlspecialchars} {\$gallery.category|htmlspecialchars} {\$gallery.format|htmlspecialchars}</title>\n" . "<link>{\$gallery.gallery_url|htmlspecialchars}</link>\n" . "<description>{\$gallery.description|htmlspecialchars}</description>" . "<pubDate>{\$|tdate::'D, d M Y H:i:s " . RssTimezone() . "'}</pubDate>\n" . "</item>", 'xmlthumbs' => "<item>\n" . "<title>{\$gallery.thumbnails|htmlspecialchars} {\$gallery.category|htmlspecialchars} {\$gallery.format|htmlspecialchars}</title>\n" . "<link>{\$gallery.gallery_url|htmlspecialchars}</link>\n" . "<description>\n" . "<a href="{\$gallery.gallery_url|htmlspecialchars}" title="Thumb"><img src="{\$gallery.preview_url|htmlspecialchars}" alt="Thumb" border="0" /></a>\n" . "<br /><br />\n" . "{\$gallery.description|htmlspecialchars}\n" . "</description>\n" . "<pubDate>{\$|tdate::'D, d M Y H:i:s " . RssTimezone() . "'}</pubDate>\n" . "</item>"); if ($intermix) { $location = 'random'; switch ($_REQUEST['mix_method']) { case 'interval': $_REQUEST['mix_value'] = preg_replace('~[^0-9]~', '', $_REQUEST['mix_value']); $location = "+{$_REQUEST['mix_value']}"; break; case 'locations': $location = $_REQUEST['mix_value']; break; } $template .= "{* MIX THE PERMANENT AND SUBMITTED GALLERIES TOGETHER *}\n" . "{intermix var=\$galleries from=\$submitted_gals,\$permanent_gals location={$location}}\n\n"; } if ($_REQUEST['inrows'] == 'yes') { $template .= "<table align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"5\" border=\"0\">\n" . "<tr>\n"; $code['thumbs'] = '<td>' . $code['thumbs'] . '</td>'; $code['text'] = '<td>' . $code['text'] . '</td>'; } $template .= "{* DISPLAY ALL OF THE GALLERIES *}\n" . "{foreach var=\$gallery from=\$galleries counter=\$counter}\n" . $code[$_REQUEST['display']] . "\n"; if ($_REQUEST['inrows'] == 'yes' && $_REQUEST['amount'] > $_REQUEST['perrow']) { $template .= "{insert counter=\$counter location=+{$_REQUEST['perrow']} max=" . ($_REQUEST['amount'] - $_REQUEST['perrow']) . "}\n" . "</tr><tr>\n" . "{/insert}\n"; } $template .= "{/foreach}\n"; if ($_REQUEST['inrows'] == 'yes') { $template .= "</tr>\n" . "</table>\n"; } if ($rss_feed) { $template = "{define name=globaldupes value=true}\n" . "{define name=pagedupes value=false}\n" . "{php} echo '<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>'; {/php}\n" . "<rss version=\"2.0\">\n" . " <channel>\n" . " <title>Your Site Title</title>\n" . " <description>Your site description</description>\n" . " <link></link>\n" . $template . " </channel>\n" . "</rss>"; } include_once 'includes/header.php'; echo "<div style=\"padding: 10px;\">\n"; echo "Here is your generated template code:<br /><br />\n<textarea rows=\"40\" cols=\"140\" wrap=\"off\">"; echo htmlspecialchars($template); echo "</textarea>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>"; }
function tlxPageTemplateWizard() { global $DB, $C; $template = ''; $replacements = array('%%RANKS%%' => "{$_REQUEST['ranks_start']}-{$_REQUEST['ranks_end']}", '%%RSSTIMEZONE%%' => RssTimezone()); IniParse("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/admin/includes/pages-templates-wizard-code.php", TRUE, $code); if (in_array('MIXED', $_REQUEST['categories'])) { $categories = array('MIXED'); foreach ($_REQUEST['exclude_categories'] as $exclude) { if (empty($exclude)) { continue; } $categories[] = "-{$exclude}"; } $replacements['%%CATEGORY%%'] = join(',', $categories); } else { $categories = array(); foreach ($_REQUEST['categories'] as $category) { $categories[] = $category; } $replacements['%%CATEGORY%%'] = join(',', $categories); } $replacements['%%ORDER%%'] = trim("{$_REQUEST['order']} {$_REQUEST['direction']}"); $replacements['%%MINHITS%%'] = $_REQUEST['minhits']; $template = $code[$_REQUEST['display']]; $template = str_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $template); include_once 'includes/header.php'; echo "<div style=\"padding: 10px;\">\n"; echo "Here is your generated template code:<br /><br />\n<textarea rows=\"40\" cols=\"140\" wrap=\"off\">"; echo htmlspecialchars($template); echo "</textarea>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>"; }