Exemplo n.º 1
 * Render the output of the link-library shortcode
 * @param $LLPluginClass    Link Library main plugin class
 * @param $generaloptions   General Plugin Settings
 * @param $libraryoptions   Selected library settings array
 * @param $settings         Settings ID
 * @return                  List of categories output for browser
function RenderLinkLibrary($LLPluginClass, $generaloptions, $libraryoptions, $settings, $onlycount = 'false')
    global $wpdb;
    $generaloptions = wp_parse_args($generaloptions, ll_reset_gen_settings('return'));
    $libraryoptions = wp_parse_args($libraryoptions, ll_reset_options(1, 'list', 'return'));
    /* This case will only happen if the user entered bad data in the admin page or if someone is trying to inject bad data in SQL query */
    if (!empty($categorylist)) {
        $categorylistarray = explode(',', $categorylist);
        if (true === array_filter($categorylistarray, 'is_int')) {
            return 'List of requested categories is invalid. Please go back to Link Library admin panel to correct.';
    if (!empty($excludecategorylist)) {
        $excludecategorylistarray = explode(',', $excludecategorylist);
        if (true === array_filter($excludecategorylistarray, 'is_int')) {
            return 'List of requested excluded categories is invalid. Please go back to Link Library admin panel to correct.';
    $validdirections = array('ASC', 'DESC');
    $linkeditoruser = current_user_can('manage_links');
    $output = "\n<!-- Beginning of Link Library Output -->\n\n";
    $currentcategory = 1;
    $categoryname = '';
    $mode = 'normal';
    if ($showonecatonly && 'AJAX' == $showonecatmode && isset($AJAXcatid) && empty($AJAXcatid)) {
        $AJAXnocatset = true;
    } else {
        $AJAXnocatset = false;
    if ($showonecatonly && 'AJAX' == $showonecatmode && isset($AJAXcatid) && !empty($AJAXcatid) && (!isset($_GET['searchll']) || empty($_GET['searchll']))) {
        $categorylist = $AJAXcatid;
    } elseif ($showonecatonly && 'HTMLGET' == $showonecatmode && isset($_GET['cat_id']) && (!isset($_GET['searchll']) || isset($_GET['searchll']) && empty($_GET['searchll']))) {
        $categorylist = intval($_GET['cat_id']);
        $AJAXcatid = $categorylist;
    } elseif ($showonecatonly && 'HTMLGETSLUG' == $showonecatmode && isset($_GET['cat']) && (!isset($_GET['searchll']) || isset($_GET['searchll']) && empty($_GET['searchll']))) {
        $categorysluglist = $_GET['cat'];
    } elseif ($showonecatonly && 'HTMLGETCATNAME' == $showonecatmode && isset($_GET['catname']) && (!isset($_GET['searchll']) || isset($_GET['searchll']) && empty($_GET['searchll']))) {
        $categorynamelist = $_GET['catname'];
    } elseif ($showonecatonly && 'HTMLGETPERM' == $showonecatmode && empty($_GET['searchll'])) {
        global $wp_query;
        $categoryname = $wp_query->query_vars['cat_name'];
        $AJAXcatid = $categoryname;
    } elseif ($showonecatonly && (!isset($AJAXcatid) || empty($AJAXcatid)) && !empty($defaultsinglecat) && (!isset($_GET['searchll']) || isset($_GET['searchll']) && empty($_GET['searchll']))) {
        $categorylist = $defaultsinglecat;
        $AJAXcatid = $categorylist;
    } elseif ($showonecatonly && (!isset($AJAXcatid) || empty($AJAXcatid)) && empty($defaultsinglecat) && empty($_GET['searchll'])) {
        $catquery = 'SELECT distinct t.name, t.term_id ';
        $catquery .= 'FROM ' . $LLPluginClass->db_prefix() . 'terms t ';
        $catquery .= 'LEFT JOIN ' . $LLPluginClass->db_prefix() . 'term_taxonomy tt ON (t.term_id = tt.term_id) ';
        $catquery .= 'LEFT JOIN ' . $LLPluginClass->db_prefix() . 'term_relationships tr ON (tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id) ';
        $catquery .= 'LEFT JOIN ' . $LLPluginClass->db_prefix() . 'links l ON (tr.object_id = l.link_id) ';
        $catquery .= 'LEFT JOIN ' . $LLPluginClass->db_prefix() . 'links_extrainfo le ON (l.link_id = le.link_id) ';
        $catquery .= 'WHERE tt.taxonomy = "link_category" ';
        if ($hide_if_empty) {
            $catquery .= 'AND l.link_id is not NULL AND l.link_description not like "%LinkLibrary:AwaitingModeration:RemoveTextToApprove%" ';
        if (!empty($categorylist)) {
            $catquery .= ' AND t.term_id in (' . $categorylist . ')';
        if (!empty($excludecategorylist)) {
            $catquery .= ' AND t.term_id not in (' . $excludecategorylist . ')';
        if (false == $showinvisible && (false == $showinvisibleadmin || true == $showinvisibleadmin && !$linkeditoruser)) {
            $catquery .= ' AND l.link_visible != "N"';
        $mode = 'normal';
        $catquery .= ' ORDER by ';
        if (!$combineresults) {
            if ('name' == $order) {
                $catquery .= ' name ' . (in_array($direction, $validdirections) ? $direction : 'ASC');
            } elseif ('id' == $order) {
                $catquery .= ' t.term_id ' . (in_array($direction, $validdirections) ? $direction : 'ASC');
            } elseif ('order' == $order) {
                $catquery .= ' t.term_order ' . (in_array($direction, $validdirections) ? $direction : 'ASC');
            } elseif ('catlist' == $order) {
                $catquery .= ' FIELD(t.term_id,' . $categorylist . ') ';
            $catquery .= ', ';
        if (true == $featuredfirst) {
            $catquery .= ' le.link_featured DESC, ';
        if ('name' == $linkorder) {
            $catquery .= 'link_name ' . (in_array($linkdirection, $validdirections) ? $direction : 'ASC');
        } elseif ('id' == $linkorder) {
            $catquery .= 'link_id ' . (in_array($linkdirection, $validdirections) ? $direction : 'ASC');
        } elseif ('order' == $linkorder) {
            $catquery .= 'link_order ' . (in_array($linkdirection, $validdirections) ? $direction : 'ASC');
        } elseif ('date' == $linkorder) {
            $catquery .= 'link_updated ' . (in_array($linkdirection, $validdirections) ? $direction : 'ASC');
        $catitems = $wpdb->get_results($catquery);
        if ($debugmode) {
            $output .= "\n<!-- AJAX Default Category Query: " . print_r($catquery, TRUE) . "-->\n\n";
            $output .= "\n<!-- AJAX Default Category Results: " . print_r($catitems, TRUE) . "-->\n\n";
        if ($catitems) {
            $categorylist = $catitems[0]->term_id;
            $AJAXcatid = $categorylist;
    $searchterms = '';
    if (isset($_GET['searchll']) && !empty($_GET['searchll']) && empty($singlelinkid)) {
        $searchterms = array();
        $searchstring = $_GET['searchll'];
        $offset = 0;
        while (false !== strpos($searchstring, '"', $offset)) {
            if (0 == $offset) {
                $offset = strpos($searchstring, '"');
            } else {
                $endpos = strpos($searchstring, '"', $offset + 1);
                $searchterms[] = substr($searchstring, $offset + 1, $endpos - $offset - 2);
                $strlength = $endpos + 1 - ($offset + 1);
                $searchstring = substr_replace($searchstring, '', $offset - 1, $endpos + 2 - $offset);
                $offset = 0;
        if (!empty($searchstring)) {
            $searchterms = array_merge($searchterms, explode(" ", $searchstring));
        if (!empty($searchterms)) {
            $mode = 'search';
    $currentcatletter = '';
    if ($cat_letter_filter != 'no') {
        require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'render-link-library-alpha-filter.php';
        $result = RenderLinkLibraryAlphaFilter($LLPluginClass, $generaloptions, $libraryoptions, $settings, $mode);
        $currentcatletter = $result['currentcatletter'];
        if ('beforelinks' == $cat_letter_filter || 'beforecatsandlinks' == $cat_letter_filter) {
            $output .= $result['output'];
    $linkquery = 'SELECT distinct *, l.link_id as proper_link_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(l.link_updated) as link_date, ';
    $linkquery .= 'IF (DATE_ADD(l.link_updated, INTERVAL 120 MINUTE) >= NOW(), 1,0) as recently_updated ';
    $linkquery .= 'FROM ' . $LLPluginClass->db_prefix() . 'terms t ';
    $linkquery .= 'LEFT JOIN ' . $LLPluginClass->db_prefix() . 'term_taxonomy tt ON (t.term_id = tt.term_id) ';
    $linkquery .= 'LEFT JOIN ' . $LLPluginClass->db_prefix() . 'term_relationships tr ON (tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id) ';
    $linkquery .= 'LEFT JOIN ' . $LLPluginClass->db_prefix() . 'links l ON (tr.object_id = l.link_id) ';
    $linkquery .= 'LEFT JOIN ' . $LLPluginClass->db_prefix() . 'links_extrainfo le ON (l.link_id = le.link_id) ';
    $linkquery .= 'WHERE tt.taxonomy = "link_category" ';
    if ($hide_if_empty) {
        $linkquery .= 'AND l.link_id is not NULL AND l.link_description not like "%LinkLibrary:AwaitingModeration:RemoveTextToApprove%" ';
    if (!empty($currentcatletter) && $cat_letter_filter != 'no') {
        $linkquery .= ' AND substring(t.name, 1, 1) = "' . $currentcatletter . '" ';
    if ((!empty($categorylist) || isset($_GET['cat_id'])) && empty($singlelinkid)) {
        $linkquery .= ' AND t.term_id in (' . $categorylist . ')';
    if ((!empty($categorysluglist) || isset($_GET['cat'])) && empty($singlelinkid)) {
        $linkquery .= ' AND t.slug in ("' . $categorysluglist . '")';
    if ((!empty($categorynamelist) || isset($_GET['catname'])) && empty($singlelinkid)) {
        $linkquery .= ' AND t.name in ("' . urldecode($categorynamelist) . '")';
    if (isset($categoryname) && !empty($categoryname) && 'HTMLGETPERM' == $showonecatmode && empty($singlelinkid)) {
        $linkquery .= ' AND t.slug = "' . $categoryname . '"';
    if (!empty($excludecategorylist) && empty($singlelinkid)) {
        $linkquery .= ' AND t.term_id not in (' . $excludecategorylist . ')';
    if (!empty($singlelinkid) && intval($singlelinkid)) {
        $linkquery .= ' AND l.link_id = ' . $singlelinkid . ' ';
    if (false == $showinvisible && (false == $showinvisibleadmin || true == $showinvisibleadmin && !$linkeditoruser)) {
        $linkquery .= ' AND l.link_visible != "N"';
    if (!empty($searchterms)) {
        $mode = 'search';
        $termnb = 1;
        foreach ($searchterms as $searchterm) {
            if (!empty($searchterm)) {
                $searchterm = str_replace('--', '', $searchterm);
                $searchterm = str_replace(';', '', $searchterm);
                $searchterm = esc_html(stripslashes($searchterm));
                if (true == $searchterm) {
                    if (1 == $termnb) {
                        $linkquery .= ' AND (link_name like "%' . $searchterm . '%" ';
                    } else {
                        $linkquery .= ' OR link_name like "%' . $searchterm . '%" ';
                    if (false == $hidecategorynames) {
                        $linkquery .= ' OR name like "%' . $searchterm . '%" ';
                    if ($shownotes) {
                        $linkquery .= ' OR link_notes like "%' . $searchterm . '%" ';
                    if ($showdescription) {
                        $linkquery .= ' OR link_description like "%' . $searchterm . '%" ';
                    if ($showlargedescription) {
                        $linkquery .= ' OR link_textfield like "%' . $searchterm . '%" ';
        $linkquery .= ')';
    $linkquery .= ' ORDER by ';
    if (!$combineresults) {
        if ('name' == $order) {
            $linkquery .= ' name ' . (in_array($direction, $validdirections) ? $direction : 'ASC');
        } elseif ('id' == $order) {
            $linkquery .= ' t.term_id ' . (in_array($direction, $validdirections) ? $direction : 'ASC');
        } elseif ('order' == $order) {
            $linkquery .= ' t.term_order ' . (in_array($direction, $validdirections) ? $direction : 'ASC');
        } elseif ('catlist' == $order) {
            $linkquery .= ' FIELD(t.term_id,' . $categorylist . ') ';
        $linkquery .= ', ';
    if ($featuredfirst) {
        $linkquery .= ' link_featured DESC, ';
    if ('name' == $linkorder || 'random' == $linkorder) {
        $linkquery .= 'l.link_name ' . (in_array($linkdirection, $validdirections) ? $linkdirection : 'ASC');
    } elseif ('id' == $linkorder) {
        $linkquery .= 'l.link_id ' . (in_array($linkdirection, $validdirections) ? $linkdirection : 'ASC');
    } elseif ('order' == $linkorder) {
        $linkquery .= 'l.link_order ' . (in_array($linkdirection, $validdirections) ? $linkdirection : 'ASC');
    } elseif ('date' == $linkorder) {
        $linkquery .= 'l.link_updated ' . (in_array($linkdirection, $validdirections) ? $linkdirection : 'ASC');
    if ($pagination && 'search' != $mode) {
        $linkitemsforcount = $wpdb->get_results($linkquery);
        $numberoflinks = count($linkitemsforcount);
        $quantity = $linksperpage + 1;
        if (isset($_POST['linkresultpage']) || isset($_GET['linkresultpage'])) {
            if (isset($_POST['linkresultpage'])) {
                $pagenumber = $_POST['linkresultpage'];
            } elseif (isset($_GET['linkresultpage'])) {
                $pagenumber = $_GET['linkresultpage'];
            $startingitem = ($pagenumber - 1) * $linksperpage;
            $linkquery .= ' LIMIT ' . $startingitem . ', ' . $quantity;
        } else {
            $pagenumber = 1;
            $linkquery .= ' LIMIT 0, ' . $quantity;
    if (true == $debugmode) {
        $linkquerystarttime = microtime(true);
    $linkitems = $wpdb->get_results($linkquery, ARRAY_A);
    if ($debugmode) {
        $output .= "\n<!-- Link Query: " . print_r($linkquery, TRUE) . "-->\n\n";
        $output .= "\n<!-- Link Results: " . print_r($linkitems, TRUE) . "-->\n\n";
        $output .= "\n<!-- Link Query Execution Time: " . (microtime(true) - $linkquerystarttime) . "-->\n\n";
    if ($pagination) {
        if ($linksperpage == 0 || empty($linksperpage)) {
            $linksperpage = 5;
        if (count($linkitems) > $linksperpage) {
            $nextpage = true;
        } else {
            $nextpage = false;
        if (isset($numberoflinks)) {
            $preroundpages = $numberoflinks / $linksperpage;
            $numberofpages = ceil($preroundpages * 1) / 1;
    if ('random' == $linkorder) {
    if (!empty($maxlinks)) {
        if (is_numeric($maxlinks)) {
            array_splice($linkitems, $maxlinks);
    if ($debugmode) {
        echo '<!-- showonecatmode: ' . $showonecatonly . ', AJAXnocatset: ' . $AJAXnocatset . ', nocatonstartup: ' . $nocatonstartup . '-->';
    // Display links
    if ($linkitems && $showonecatonly && $AJAXnocatset && $nocatonstartup && !isset($_GET['searchll']) || empty($linkitems) && $nocatonstartup && empty($_GET['searchll'])) {
        $output .= "<div id='linklist" . $settings . "' class='linklist'>\n";
        $output .= '</div>';
    } elseif ($linkitems && $onlycount) {
        return count($linkitems);
    } elseif ($linkitems && !$onlycount) {
        $output .= "<div id='linklist" . $settings . "' class='linklist'>\n";
        if ($pagination && $mode != "search" && 'BEFORE' == $paginationposition) {
            $previouspagenumber = $pagenumber - 1;
            $nextpagenumber = $pagenumber + 1;
            $pageID = get_the_ID();
            if (empty($AJAXcatid) && !empty($categorysluglist)) {
                $AJAXcatid = $categorysluglist;
            if (empty($AJAXcatid) && !empty($categorynamelist)) {
                $AJAXcatid = $categorynamelist;
            $output .= link_library_display_pagination($previouspagenumber, $nextpagenumber, $numberofpages, $pagenumber, $showonecatonly, $showonecatmode, $AJAXcatid, $settings, $pageID, $currentcatletter);
        if ('search' == $mode) {
            $output .= '<div class="resulttitle">' . __('Search Results for', 'link-library') . ' "' . esc_html(stripslashes($_GET['searchll'])) . '"</div>';
        $currentcategoryid = -1;
        $xpath = $LLPluginClass->relativePath(dirname(__FILE__), ABSPATH);
        $linkcount = 0;
        foreach ($linkitems as $linkitem) {
            if (true == $debugmode) {
                $linkstarttime = microtime(true);
            if ($currentcategoryid != $linkitem['term_id']) {
                if (-1 != $currentcategoryid && $showonecatonly && empty($_GET['searchll']) && !$combineresults) {
                if (-1 != $currentcategoryid && !$combineresults) {
                    // Close the last category
                    if ($displayastable) {
                        $output .= "\t</table>\n";
                    } else {
                        $output .= "\t</ul>\n";
                    if (!empty($catlistwrappers)) {
                        $output .= '</div>';
                    if (!empty($beforefirstlink)) {
                        $output .= stripslashes($afterlastlink);
                    if ($showlinksonclick) {
                        $output .= '</div>';
                    $output .= '</div>';
                    $currentcategory = $currentcategory + 1;
                if (!$combineresults) {
                    $currentcategoryid = $linkitem['term_id'];
                    $output .= '<div class="LinkLibraryCat LinkLibraryCat' . $currentcategoryid . '">';
                    $linkcount = 0;
                    $catlink = '';
                    $cattext = '';
                    $catenddiv = '';
                    if (1 == $catlistwrappers) {
                        $output .= '<div class="' . $beforecatlist1 . '">';
                    } else {
                        if ($catlistwrappers == 2) {
                            $remainder = $currentcategory % $catlistwrappers;
                            switch ($remainder) {
                                case 0:
                                    $output .= '<div class="' . $beforecatlist2 . '">';
                                case 1:
                                    $output .= '<div class="' . $beforecatlist1 . '">';
                        } else {
                            if (3 == $catlistwrappers) {
                                $remainder = $currentcategory % $catlistwrappers;
                                switch ($remainder) {
                                    case 0:
                                        $output .= '<div class="' . $beforecatlist3 . '">';
                                    case 2:
                                        $output .= '<div class="' . $beforecatlist2 . '">';
                                    case 1:
                                        $output .= '<div class="' . $beforecatlist1 . '">';
                    // Display the category name
                    if (!$hidecategorynames || empty($hidecategorynames)) {
                        $caturl = get_metadata('linkcategory', $linkitem['term_id'], 'linkcaturl', true);
                        if ($catanchor) {
                            $cattext = '<div id="' . $linkitem['slug'] . '">';
                        } else {
                            $cattext = '';
                        if (!$divorheader) {
                            if ('search' == $mode) {
                                foreach ($searchterms as $searchterm) {
                                    $linkitem['name'] = link_library_highlight_phrase($linkitem['name'], $searchterm, '<span class="highlight_word">', '</span>');
                            $catlink = '<div class="' . $catnameoutput . '">';
                            if ('right' == $catdescpos || empty($catdescpos)) {
                                if (!empty($caturl)) {
                                    $catlink .= '<a href="' . link_library_add_http($caturl) . '" ';
                                    if (!empty($linktarget)) {
                                        $catlink .= ' target="' . $linktarget . '"';
                                    $catlink .= '>';
                                $catlink .= $linkitem['name'];
                                if (!empty($caturl)) {
                                    $catlink .= '</a>';
                            if ($showcategorydesclinks) {
                                $catlink .= '<span class="linklistcatnamedesc">';
                                $linkitem['description'] = str_replace('[', '<', $linkitem['description']);
                                $linkitem['description'] = str_replace(']', '>', $linkitem['description']);
                                $catlink .= $linkitem['description'];
                                $catlink .= '</span>';
                            if ('left' == $catdescpos) {
                                if (!empty($caturl)) {
                                    $catlink .= '<a href="' . link_library_add_http($caturl) . '" ';
                                    if (!empty($linktarget)) {
                                        $catlink .= ' target="' . $linktarget . '"';
                                    $catlink .= '>';
                                $catlink .= $linkitem['name'];
                                if (!empty($caturl)) {
                                    $catlink .= '</a>';
                            if ($showlinksonclick) {
                                $catlink .= '<span class="expandlinks" id="LinksInCat' . $linkitem['term_id'] . '">';
                                $catlink .= '<img src="';
                                if (!empty($expandiconpath)) {
                                    $catlink .= $expandiconpath;
                                } else {
                                    $catlink .= plugins_url('icons/expand-32.png', __FILE__);
                                $catlink .= '" />';
                                $catlink .= '</span>';
                            $catlink .= '</div>';
                        } else {
                            if ($divorheader) {
                                if ('search' == $mode) {
                                    foreach ($searchterms as $searchterm) {
                                        $linkitem['name'] = link_library_highlight_phrase($linkitem['name'], $searchterm, '<span class="highlight_word">', '</span>');
                                $catlink = '<' . $catnameoutput . '>';
                                if ('right' == $catdescpos || empty($catdescpos)) {
                                    if (!empty($caturl)) {
                                        $catlink .= '<a href="' . link_library_add_http($caturl) . '" ';
                                        if (!empty($linktarget)) {
                                            $catlink .= ' target="' . $linktarget . '"';
                                        $catlink .= '>';
                                    $catlink .= $linkitem['name'];
                                    if (!empty($caturl)) {
                                        $catlink .= '</a>';
                                if ($showcategorydesclinks) {
                                    $catlink .= '<span class="linklistcatnamedesc">';
                                    $linkitem['description'] = str_replace('[', '<', $linkitem['description']);
                                    $linkitem['description'] = str_replace(']', '>', $linkitem['description']);
                                    $catlink .= $linkitem['description'];
                                    $catlink .= '</span>';
                                if ('left' == $catdescpos) {
                                    if (!empty($caturl)) {
                                        $catlink .= '<a href="' . link_library_add_http($caturl) . '" ';
                                        if (!empty($linktarget)) {
                                            $catlink .= ' target="' . $linktarget . '"';
                                        $catlink .= '>';
                                    $catlink .= $linkitem['name'];
                                    if (!empty($caturl)) {
                                        $catlink .= '</a>';
                                if ($showlinksonclick) {
                                    $catlink .= '<span class="expandlinks" id="LinksInCat' . $linkitem['term_id'] . '">';
                                    $catlink .= '<img src="';
                                    if (!empty($expandiconpath)) {
                                        $catlink .= $expandiconpath;
                                    } else {
                                        $catlink .= plugins_url('icons/expand-32.png', __FILE__);
                                    $catlink .= '" />';
                                    $catlink .= '</span>';
                                $catlink .= '</' . $catnameoutput . '>';
                        if ($catanchor) {
                            $catenddiv = '</div>';
                        } else {
                            $catenddiv = '';
                    $output .= $cattext . $catlink . $catenddiv;
                    if ($showlinksonclick) {
                        $output .= '<div class="LinksInCat' . $currentcategoryid . ' LinksInCat">';
                if ($displayastable && (!$combineresults || $combineresults && $linkcount == 0)) {
                    $catstartlist = "\n\t<table class='linklisttable'>\n";
                    if ($showcolumnheaders) {
                        $catstartlist .= '<div class="linklisttableheaders"><tr>';
                        if (!empty($linkheader)) {
                            $catstartlist .= '<th><div class="linklistcolumnheader">' . $linkheader . '</div></th>';
                        if (!empty($descheader)) {
                            $catstartlist .= '<th><div class="linklistcolumnheader">' . $descheader . '</div></th>';
                        if (!empty($notesheader)) {
                            $catstartlist .= '<th><div class="linklistcolumnheader">' . $notesheader . '</div></th>';
                        $catstartlist .= "</tr></div>\n";
                    } else {
                        $catstartlist .= '';
                } elseif (!$combineresults || $combineresults && $linkcount == 0) {
                    $catstartlist = "\n\t<ul>\n";
                } else {
                    $catstartlist = '';
                $output .= $catstartlist;
                if (!empty($beforefirstlink)) {
                    $output .= stripslashes($beforefirstlink);
            $between = "\n";
            if ($rssfeedinline) {
                include_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/feed.php';
            if ($showuserlinks || strpos($linkitem['link_description'], 'LinkLibrary:AwaitingModeration:RemoveTextToApprove') == false) {
                $linkcount = $linkcount + 1;
                if ($linkaddfrequency > 0) {
                    if (($linkcount - 1) % $linkaddfrequency == 0) {
                        $output .= stripslashes($addbeforelink);
                if (!isset($linkitem['recently_updated'])) {
                    $linkitem['recently_updated'] = false;
                $output .= stripslashes($beforeitem);
                if ($showupdated && $linkitem['recently_updated']) {
                    $output .= get_option('links_recently_updated_prepend');
                $the_link = '#';
                if (!empty($linkitem['link_url'])) {
                    $the_link = esc_html($linkitem['link_url']);
                $the_second_link = '#';
                if (!empty($linkitem['link_second_url'])) {
                    $the_second_link = esc_html(stripslashes($linkitem['link_second_url']));
                $rel = $linkitem['link_rel'];
                if (!empty($rel) && !$nofollow && !$linkitem['link_no_follow']) {
                    $rel = ' rel="' . $rel . '"';
                } elseif (!empty($rel) && ($nofollow || $linkitem['link_no_follow'])) {
                    $rel = ' rel="' . $rel . ' nofollow"';
                } elseif (empty($rel) && ($nofollow || $linkitem['link_no_follow'])) {
                    $rel = ' rel="nofollow"';
                if ($use_html_tags) {
                    $descnotes = $linkitem['link_notes'];
                    $descnotes = str_replace('[', '<', $descnotes);
                    $descnotes = str_replace(']', '>', $descnotes);
                    $desc = $linkitem['link_description'];
                    $desc = str_replace("[", "<", $desc);
                    $desc = str_replace("]", ">", $desc);
                    $textfield = stripslashes($linkitem['link_textfield']);
                    $textfield = str_replace('[', '<', $textfield);
                    $textfield = str_replace(']', '>', $textfield);
                } else {
                    $descnotes = esc_html($linkitem['link_notes'], ENT_QUOTES);
                    $desc = esc_html($linkitem['link_description'], ENT_QUOTES);
                    $textfield = stripslashes($linkitem['link_textfield']);
                $cleandesc = $desc;
                $cleanname = esc_html($linkitem['link_name'], ENT_QUOTES);
                if ('search' == $mode) {
                    foreach ($searchterms as $searchterm) {
                        $descnotes = link_library_highlight_phrase($descnotes, $searchterm, '<span class="highlight_word">', '</span>');
                        $desc = link_library_highlight_phrase($desc, $searchterm, '<span class="highlight_word">', '</span>');
                        $name = link_library_highlight_phrase($linkitem['link_name'], $searchterm, '<span class="highlight_word">', '</span>');
                        $textfield = link_library_highlight_phrase($textfield, $searchterm, '<span class="highlight_word">', '</span>');
                } else {
                    $name = $cleanname;
                if ('linkname' == $linktitlecontent) {
                    $title = $cleanname;
                } elseif ('linkdesc' == $linktitlecontent) {
                    $title = $cleandesc;
                if ($showupdated) {
                    if (substr($linkitem['link_updated'], 0, 2) != '00') {
                        $title .= ' (' . __('Last updated', 'link-library') . '  ' . date_i18n(get_option('links_updated_date_format'), strtotime($linkitem['link_updated'])) . ')';
                if (!empty($title)) {
                    $title = ' title="' . $title . '"';
                $alt = ' alt="' . $cleanname . '"';
                $target = $linkitem['link_target'];
                if (!empty($target)) {
                    $target = ' target="' . $target . '"';
                } else {
                    $target = $linktarget;
                    if (!empty($target)) {
                        $target = ' target="' . $target . '"';
                if (empty($dragndroporder)) {
                    $dragndroporder = '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10';
                $dragndroparray = explode(',', $dragndroporder);
                if ($dragndroparray) {
                    foreach ($dragndroparray as $arrayelements) {
                        switch ($arrayelements) {
                            case 1:
                                //------------------ Image Output --------------------
                                $imageoutput = '';
                                if ($show_images && !$shownameifnoimage || ($show_images && $shownameifnoimage && !empty($linkitem['link_image']) || $usethumbshotsforimages)) {
                                    $imageoutput .= stripslashes($beforeimage);
                                    if (!empty($linkitem['link_image']) || $usethumbshotsforimages) {
                                        if (true == $debugmode) {
                                            $starttimeimage = microtime(true);
                                        $imageoutput .= '<a href="';
                                        if (!$enable_link_popup) {
                                            if ('primary' == $sourceimage || empty($sourceimage)) {
                                                $imageoutput .= $the_link;
                                            } elseif ('secondary' == $sourceimage) {
                                                $imageoutput .= $the_second_link;
                                        } else {
                                            $imageoutput .= admin_url('admin-ajax.php' . '?action=link_library_popup_content&linkid=' . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . '&settings=' . $settings . '&height=' . (empty($popup_height) ? 300 : $popup_height) . '&width=' . (empty($popup_width) ? 400 : $popup_width) . '&xpath=' . $xpath);
                                        $imageoutput .= '" id="link-' . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . '" class="' . ($enable_link_popup ? 'thickbox' : 'track_this_link') . ' ' . ($linkitem['link_featured'] ? 'featured' : '') . '" ' . $rel . $title . $target . '>';
                                        if ($usethumbshotsforimages && (!$uselocalimagesoverthumbshots || empty($uselocalimagesoverthumbshots) || $uselocalimagesoverthumbshots && empty($linkitem['link_image']))) {
                                            if ($thumbnailgenerator == 'robothumb') {
                                                $imageoutput .= '<img src="http://www.robothumb.com/src/?url=' . $the_link . '&size=' . $generaloptions['thumbnailsize'] . '"';
                                            } elseif ($thumbnailgenerator == 'thumbshots') {
                                                if (!empty($thumbshotscid)) {
                                                    $imageoutput .= '<img src="http://images.thumbshots.com/image.aspx?cid=' . rawurlencode($thumbshotscid) . '&v=1&w=120&url=' . $the_link . '"';
                                        } else {
                                            if (!$usethumbshotsforimages || $usethumbshotsforimages && $uselocalimagesoverthumbshots && !empty($linkitem['link_image'])) {
                                                if (strpos($linkitem['link_image'], 'http') !== false) {
                                                    $imageoutput .= '<img src="' . $linkitem['link_image'] . '"';
                                                } else {
                                                    // If it's a relative path
                                                    $imageoutput .= '<img src="' . get_option('siteurl') . $linkitem['link_image'] . '"';
                                        if (!$usethumbshotsforimages || $usethumbshotsforimages && !empty($thumbshotscid) || $usethumbshotsforimages && $uselocalimagesoverthumbshots && !empty($linkitem['link_image'])) {
                                            $imageoutput .= $alt . $title;
                                            if (!empty($imageclass)) {
                                                $imageoutput .= ' class="' . $imageclass . '" ';
                                            $imageoutput .= '/>';
                                            $imageoutput .= '</a>';
                                        if (true == $debugmode) {
                                            $output .= '<!-- Time to render image section of link id ' . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . ': ' . (microtime(true) - $starttimeimage) . " --> \n";
                                    $imageoutput .= stripslashes($afterimage);
                                    if ((!empty($imageoutput) || $usethumbshotsforimages && !empty($thumbshotscid)) && $show_images) {
                                        $output .= $imageoutput;
                            case 2:
                                //------------------ Name Output --------------------
                                if ($showname && 2 == $arrayelements || $show_images && $shownameifnoimage && empty($linkitem['link_image']) && !$usethumbshotsforimages && 1 == $arrayelements) {
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $starttimename = microtime(true);
                                    $output .= stripslashes($beforelink);
                                    if ('primary' == $sourcename && $the_link != '#' || 'secondary' == $sourcename && $the_second_link != '#') {
                                        $output .= '<a href="';
                                        if (!$enable_link_popup) {
                                            if ('primary' == $sourcename || empty($sourcename)) {
                                                $output .= $the_link;
                                            } elseif ('secondary' == $sourcename) {
                                                $output .= $the_second_link;
                                        } else {
                                            $output .= admin_url('admin-ajax.php' . '?action=link_library_popup_content&linkid=' . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . '&settings=' . $settings . '&height=' . (empty($popup_height) ? 300 : $popup_height) . '&width=' . (empty($popup_width) ? 400 : $popup_width) . '&xpath=' . $xpath);
                                        $output .= '" id="link-' . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . '" class="' . ($enable_link_popup ? 'thickbox' : 'track_this_link') . ' ' . ($linkitem['link_featured'] ? ' featured' : '') . '" ' . $rel . $title . $target . '>';
                                    $output .= $name;
                                    if ('primary' == $sourcename && $the_link != '#' || 'secondary' == $sourcename && $the_second_link != '#') {
                                        $output .= '</a>';
                                    if ($showadmineditlinks && $linkeditoruser) {
                                        $output .= $between . '<span class="editlink"><a href="' . esc_url(add_query_arg(array('action' => 'edit', 'link_id' => $linkitem['proper_link_id']), admin_url('link.php'))) . '">(' . __('Edit', 'link-library') . ')</a></span>';
                                    if ($showupdated && $linkitem['recently_updated']) {
                                        $output .= get_option('links_recently_updated_append');
                                    $output .= stripslashes($afterlink);
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $output .= "\n<!-- Time to render name section of link id " . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . ': ' . (microtime(true) - $starttimename) . " --> \n";
                            case 3:
                                //------------------ Date Output --------------------
                                if ($showdate) {
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $starttimedate = microtime(true);
                                    $formatteddate = date_i18n(get_option('links_updated_date_format'), $linkitem['link_date']);
                                    $output .= $between . stripslashes($beforedate) . $formatteddate . stripslashes($afterdate);
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $output .= "\n<!-- Time to render date section of link id " . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . ': ' . (microtime(true) - $starttimedate) . " --> \n";
                            case 4:
                                //------------------ Description Output --------------------
                                if ($showdescription) {
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $starttimedesc = microtime(true);
                                    $output .= $between . stripslashes($beforedesc) . $desc . stripslashes($afterdesc);
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $output .= "\n<!-- Time to render description section of link id " . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . ': ' . (microtime(true) - $starttimedesc) . " --> \n";
                            case 5:
                                //------------------ Notes Output --------------------
                                if ($shownotes) {
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $starttimenotes = microtime(true);
                                    $output .= $between . stripslashes($beforenote) . $descnotes . stripslashes($afternote);
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $output .= "\n<!-- Time to render notes section of link id " . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . ': ' . (microtime(true) - $starttimenotes) . " --> \n";
                            case 6:
                                //------------------ RSS Icons Output --------------------
                                if ($show_rss || $show_rss_icon || $rsspreview) {
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $starttimerssicon = microtime(true);
                                    $output .= stripslashes($beforerss) . '<div class="rsselements">';
                                    if ($show_rss && !empty($linkitem['link_rss'])) {
                                        $output .= $between . '<a class="rss" href="' . $linkitem['link_rss'] . '">RSS</a>';
                                    if ($show_rss_icon && !empty($linkitem['link_rss'])) {
                                        $output .= $between . '<a class="rssicon" href="' . $linkitem['link_rss'] . '"><img src="' . plugins_url('icons/feed-icon-14x14.png', __FILE__) . '" /></a>';
                                    if ($rsspreview && !empty($linkitem['link_rss'])) {
                                        $output .= $between . '<a href="' . home_url() . '/?link_library_rss_preview=1&keepThis=true&linkid=' . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . '&previewcount=' . $rsspreviewcount . 'height=' . (empty($rsspreviewwidth) ? 900 : $rsspreviewwidth) . '&width=' . (empty($rsspreviewheight) ? 700 : $rsspreviewheight) . '&xpath=' . urlencode($xpath) . '" title="' . __('Preview of RSS feed for', 'link-library') . ' ' . $cleanname . '" class="thickbox"><img src="' . plugins_url('icons/preview-16x16.png', __FILE__) . '" /></a>';
                                    $output .= '</div>' . stripslashes($afterrss);
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $output .= "\n<!-- Time to render RSS Icon section of link id " . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . ': ' . (microtime(true) - $starttimerssicon) . " --> \n";
                                if ($rssfeedinline && $linkitem['link_rss']) {
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $starttimerssfeed = microtime(true);
                                    $rss = fetch_feed($linkitem['link_rss']);
                                    if (!is_wp_error($rss)) {
                                        $maxitems = $rss->get_item_quantity($rssfeedinlinecount);
                                        $rss_items = $rss->get_items(0, $maxitems);
                                        if ($rss_items) {
                                            $output .= '<div id="ll_rss_results">';
                                            foreach ($rss_items as $item) {
                                                $output .= '<div class="chunk" style="padding:0 5px 5px;">';
                                                $output .= '<div class="rsstitle"><a target="feedwindow" href="' . $item->get_permalink() . '">' . $item->get_title() . '</a> - ' . $item->get_date('j F Y | g:i a') . '</div>';
                                                if ($rssfeedinlinecontent) {
                                                    $output .= '<div class="rsscontent">' . $item->get_description() . '</div>';
                                                $output .= '</div>';
                                                $output .= '<br />';
                                            $output .= '</div>';
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $output .= "\n<!-- Time to render RSS Feed section of link id " . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . ': ' . (microtime(true) - $starttimerssfeed) . " --> \n";
                            case 7:
                                //------------------ Web Link Output --------------------
                                if ('false' != $displayweblink) {
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $starttimerweblink = microtime(true);
                                    if ('addressonly' == $displayweblink) {
                                        $output .= $between . stripslashes($beforeweblink);
                                        $output .= $the_link;
                                        $output .= stripslashes($afterweblink);
                                    } else {
                                        $output .= $between . stripslashes($beforeweblink) . '<a href="';
                                        if ('primary' == $sourceweblink || empty($sourceweblink)) {
                                            $output .= $the_link;
                                        } elseif ('secondary' == $sourceweblink) {
                                            $output .= $the_second_link;
                                        $output .= '" id="link-' . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . '" class="track_this_link" ' . $target . '>';
                                        if ('address' == $displayweblink) {
                                            if (('primary' == $sourceweblink || empty($sourceweblink)) && !empty($the_link)) {
                                                $output .= $the_link;
                                            } elseif ('secondary' == $sourceweblink && !empty($the_second_link)) {
                                                $output .= $the_second_link;
                                        } elseif ('label' == $displayweblink && !empty($weblinklabel)) {
                                            $output .= $weblinklabel;
                                        $output .= '</a>' . stripslashes($afterweblink);
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $output .= "\n<!-- Time to render web link section of link id " . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . ': ' . (microtime(true) - $starttimerweblink) . " --> \n";
                            case 8:
                                //------------------ Telephone Output --------------------
                                if ('false' != $showtelephone) {
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $starttimertelephone = microtime(true);
                                    $output .= $between . stripslashes($beforetelephone);
                                    if ('plain' != $showtelephone) {
                                        $output .= '<a href="';
                                        if (('primary' == $sourcetelephone || empty($sourcetelephone)) && !empty($the_link)) {
                                            $output .= $the_link;
                                        } elseif ('secondary' == $sourcetelephone && !empty($the_second_link)) {
                                            $output .= $the_second_link;
                                        $output .= '" id="link-' . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . '" class="track_this_link" >';
                                    if ('link' == $showtelephone || 'plain' == $showtelephone) {
                                        $output .= $linkitem['link_telephone'];
                                    } elseif ('label' == $showtelephone) {
                                        $output .= $telephonelabel;
                                    if ('plain' != $showtelephone) {
                                        $output .= '</a>';
                                    $output .= stripslashes($aftertelephone);
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $output .= "\n<!-- Time to render telephone section of link id " . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . ': ' . (microtime(true) - $starttimertelephone) . " --> \n";
                            case 9:
                                //------------------ E-mail Output --------------------
                                if ('false' != $showemail) {
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $starttimeremail = microtime(true);
                                    $output .= $between . stripslashes($beforeemail);
                                    if ('plain' != $showemail) {
                                        $output .= '<a href="';
                                        if ('mailto' == $showemail || 'mailtolabel' == $showemail) {
                                            $output .= 'mailto:' . $linkitem['link_email'];
                                        } elseif ('command' == $showemail || 'commandlabel' == $showemail) {
                                            $newcommand = str_replace('#email', $linkitem['link_email'], $emailcommand);
                                            $cleanlinkname = str_replace(' ', '%20', $linkitem['link_name']);
                                            $newcommand = str_replace('#company', $cleanlinkname, $newcommand);
                                            $output .= $newcommand;
                                        $output .= '">';
                                    if ('plain' == $showemail || 'mailto' == $showemail || 'command' == $showemail) {
                                        $output .= $linkitem['link_email'];
                                    } elseif ('mailtolabel' == $showemail || 'commandlabel' == $showemail) {
                                        $output .= $emaillabel;
                                    if ('plain' != $showemail) {
                                        $output .= '</a>';
                                    $output .= stripslashes($afteremail);
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $output .= "\n<!-- Time to render e-mail section of link id " . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . ': ' . (microtime(true) - $starttimeremail) . " --> \n";
                            case 10:
                                //------------------ Link Hits Output --------------------
                                if ($showlinkhits) {
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $starttimerhits = microtime(true);
                                    $output .= $between . stripslashes($beforelinkhits);
                                    $output .= $linkitem['link_visits'];
                                    $output .= stripslashes($afterlinkhits);
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $output .= "\n<!-- Time to render link hits section of link id " . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . ': ' . (microtime(true) - $starttimerhits) . " --> \n";
                            case 11:
                                //------------------ Link Rating Output --------------------
                                if ($showrating) {
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $starttimerrating = microtime(true);
                                    $output .= $between . stripslashes($beforelinkrating);
                                    $output .= $linkitem['link_rating'];
                                    $output .= stripslashes($afterlinkrating);
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $output .= "\n<!-- Time to render link rating section of link id " . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . ': ' . (microtime(true) - $starttimerrating) . " --> \n";
                            case 12:
                                //------------------ Link Large Description Output --------------------
                                if ($showlargedescription) {
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $starttimerlargedesc = microtime(true);
                                    $output .= $between . stripslashes($beforelargedescription);
                                    $output .= $textfield;
                                    $output .= stripslashes($afterlargedescription);
                                    if (true == $debugmode) {
                                        $output .= "\n<!-- Time to render link large description section of link id " . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . ': ' . (microtime(true) - $starttimerlargedesc) . " --> \n";
                $output .= stripslashes($afteritem) . "\n";
                if ($linkaddfrequency > 0) {
                    if (0 == $linkcount % $linkaddfrequency) {
                        $output .= stripslashes($addafterlink);
            if (true == $debugmode) {
                $output .= '<!-- Time to render link id ' . $linkitem['proper_link_id'] . ': ' . (microtime(true) - $linkstarttime) . " --> \n";
        // end while
        // Close the last category
        if ($displayastable) {
            $output .= "\t</table>\n";
        } else {
            $output .= "\t</ul>\n";
        if (!empty($catlistwrappers) && !$combineresults) {
            $output .= '</div>';
        if ($usethumbshotsforimages) {
            if ($thumbnailgenerator == 'robothumb') {
                $output .= '<div class="llthumbshotsnotice"><a href="http://www.robothumb.com">Screenshots par Robothumb</a></div>';
            } elseif ($thumbnailgenerator == 'thumbshots') {
                $output .= '<div class="llthumbshotsnotice"><a href="http://www.thumbshots.com" target="_blank" title="Thumbnails Screenshots by Thumbshots">Thumbnail Screenshots by Thumbshots</a></div>';
        if ($showlinksonclick) {
            $output .= '</div>';
        if (!$combineresults) {
            $output .= '</div>';
        if ($pagination && 'search' != $mode && ('AFTER' == $paginationposition || empty($pagination))) {
            $previouspagenumber = $pagenumber - 1;
            $nextpagenumber = $pagenumber + 1;
            $pageID = get_the_ID();
            $output .= link_library_display_pagination($previouspagenumber, $nextpagenumber, $numberofpages, $pagenumber, $showonecatonly, $showonecatmode, $AJAXcatid, $settings, $pageID, $currentcatletter);
        $xpath = $LLPluginClass->relativePath(dirname(__FILE__), ABSPATH);
        $nonce = wp_create_nonce('ll_tracker');
        $output .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
        $output .= "jQuery(document).ready(function()\n";
        $output .= "{\n";
        $output .= "jQuery('#linklist" . $settings . " a.track_this_link').click(function() {\n";
        $output .= "linkid = this.id;\n";
        $output .= "linkid = linkid.substring(5);";
        $output .= "path = '" . $xpath . "';";
        $output .= "jQuery.ajax( {" . "    type: 'POST'," . "    url: '" . admin_url('admin-ajax.php') . "', " . "    data: { action: 'link_library_tracker', " . "            _ajax_nonce: '" . $nonce . "', " . "            id:linkid, xpath:path } " . "    });\n";
        $output .= "return true;\n";
        $output .= "});\n";
        $output .= "jQuery('#linklist" . $settings . " .expandlinks').click(function() {\n";
        $output .= "target = '.' + jQuery(this).attr('id');\n";
        $output .= "if ( jQuery( target ).is(':visible') ) {\n";
        $output .= "jQuery(target).slideUp();\n";
        $output .= "jQuery(this).children('img').attr('src', '";
        if (!empty($expandiconpath)) {
            $output .= $expandiconpath;
        } else {
            $output .= plugins_url('icons/expand-32.png', __FILE__);
        $output .= "');\n";
        $output .= "} else {\n";
        $output .= "jQuery(target).slideDown();\n";
        $output .= "jQuery(this).children('img').attr('src', '";
        if (!empty($collapseiconpath)) {
            $output .= $collapseiconpath;
        } else {
            $output .= plugins_url('icons/collapse-32.png', __FILE__);
        $output .= "');\n";
        $output .= "}\n";
        $output .= "});\n";
        $output .= "});\n";
        $output .= "</script>";
        $currentcategory = $currentcategory + 1;
        $output .= "</div>\n";
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['searchll'])) {
            $output .= "<div id='linklist" . $settings . "' class='linklist'>\n";
            $output .= $searchnoresultstext . "\n";
            $output .= "</div>";
        } else {
            $output .= "<div id='linklist" . $settings . "' class='linklist'>\n";
            $output .= __('No links found', 'link-library') . ".\n";
            $output .= "</div>";
    $output .= "\n<!-- End of Link Library Output -->\n\n";
    return do_shortcode($output);
 * Render the output of the link-library-cats shortcode
 * @param $LLPluginClass    Link Library main plugin class
 * @param $generaloptions   General Plugin Settings
 * @param $libraryoptions   Selected library settings array
 * @param $settings         Settings ID
 * @return                  List of categories output for browser
function RenderLinkLibraryCategories($LLPluginClass, $generaloptions, $libraryoptions, $settings)
    global $wpdb;
    $generaloptions = wp_parse_args($generaloptions, ll_reset_gen_settings('return'));
    $libraryoptions = wp_parse_args($libraryoptions, ll_reset_options(1, 'list', 'return'));
    /* This case will only happen if the user entered bad data in the admin page or if someone is trying to inject bad data in SQL query */
    if (!empty($categorylist)) {
        $categorylistarray = explode(',', $categorylist);
        if (true === array_filter($categorylistarray, 'is_int')) {
            return 'List of requested categories is invalid. Please go back to Link Library admin panel to correct.';
    if (!empty($excludecategorylist)) {
        $excludecategorylistarray = explode(',', $excludecategorylist);
        if (true === array_filter($excludecategorylistarray, 'is_int')) {
            return 'List of requested excluded categories is invalid. Please go back to Link Library admin panel to correct.';
    $output = '';
    $categoryid = '';
    if (isset($_GET['cat_id'])) {
        $categoryid = intval($_GET['cat_id']);
    } elseif (isset($_GET['catname'])) {
        $categoryterm = get_term_by('name', urldecode($_GET['catname']), 'link_category');
        $categoryid = $categoryterm->term_id;
    } elseif ($showonecatonly) {
        $categoryid = $defaultsinglecat;
    if (!isset($_GET['searchll']) || true == $showcatonsearchresults) {
        $countcat = 0;
        $order = strtolower($order);
        $output .= "<!-- Link Library Categories Output -->\n\n";
        if ($showonecatonly && ('AJAX' == $showonecatmode || empty($showonecatmode))) {
            $nonce = wp_create_nonce('link_library_ajax_refresh');
            $output .= "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">\n";
            $output .= "var ajaxobject;\n";
            $output .= "function showLinkCat ( _incomingID, _settingsID, _pagenumber ) {\n";
            $output .= "if (typeof(ajaxobject) != \"undefined\") { ajaxobject.abort(); }\n";
            $output .= "\tjQuery('#contentLoading').toggle();" . "jQuery.ajax( {" . "    type: 'POST', " . "    url: '" . admin_url('admin-ajax.php') . "', " . "    data: { action: 'link_library_ajax_update', " . "            _ajax_nonce: '" . $nonce . "', " . "            id : _incomingID, " . "            settings : _settingsID, " . "            ajaxupdate : true, " . "            linkresultpage: _pagenumber }, " . "    success: function( data ){ " . "            jQuery('#linklist" . $settings . "').html( data ); " . "            jQuery('#contentLoading').toggle();\n" . "            } } ); ";
            $output .= "}\n";
            $output .= "</SCRIPT>\n\n";
        // Handle link category sorting
        $direction = 'ASC';
        if ('_' == substr($order, 0, 1)) {
            $direction = 'DESC';
            $order = substr($order, 1);
        $currentcatletter = '';
        if ($cat_letter_filter != 'no') {
            require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'render-link-library-alpha-filter.php';
            $result = RenderLinkLibraryAlphaFilter($LLPluginClass, $generaloptions, $libraryoptions, $settings, 'normal');
            $currentcatletter = $result['currentcatletter'];
            if ('beforecats' == $cat_letter_filter || 'beforecatsandlinks' == $cat_letter_filter) {
                $output .= $result['output'];
        $linkcatquery = 'SELECT ';
        if ($showcatlinkcount || $pagination) {
            $linkcatquery .= 'count(l.link_name) as linkcount, ';
        $linkcatquery .= 't.name, t.term_id, t.slug as category_nicename, tt.description as category_description ';
        $linkcatquery .= 'FROM ' . $LLPluginClass->db_prefix() . 'terms t LEFT JOIN ' . $LLPluginClass->db_prefix() . 'term_taxonomy tt ON (t.term_id = tt.term_id)';
        $linkcatquery .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . $LLPluginClass->db_prefix() . 'term_relationships tr ON (tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id) ';
        $linkcatquery .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . $LLPluginClass->db_prefix() . 'links l on (tr.object_id = l.link_id';
        if (false == $showinvisible) {
            $linkcatquery .= ' AND l.link_visible != "N" ';
        if (!$showuserlinks) {
            $linkcatquery .= ' AND l.link_description not like \'%LinkLibrary:AwaitingModeration:RemoveTextToApprove%\' ';
        $linkcatquery .= ' ) ';
        $linkcatquery .= 'WHERE tt.taxonomy = "link_category"';
        if (!empty($currentcatletter)) {
            $linkcatquery .= ' AND substring(t.name, 1, 1) = "' . $currentcatletter . '"';
        if (!empty($categorylist)) {
            $linkcatquery .= ' AND t.term_id in ( ' . $categorylist . ' )';
        if (!empty($excludecategorylist)) {
            $linkcatquery .= ' AND t.term_id not in ( ' . $excludecategorylist . ' )';
        if ($hide_if_empty) {
            $linkcatquery .= ' AND l.link_name != "" ';
        $linkcatquery .= ' GROUP BY t.name ';
        $validdirections = array('ASC', 'DESC');
        if ('name' == $order) {
            $linkcatquery .= ' ORDER by t.name ' . (in_array($direction, $validdirections) ? $direction : 'ASC');
        } elseif ('id' == $order) {
            $linkcatquery .= ' ORDER by t.term_id ' . (in_array($direction, $validdirections) ? $direction : 'ASC');
        } elseif ('order' == $order) {
            $linkcatquery .= ' ORDER by t.term_order ' . (in_array($direction, $validdirections) ? $direction : 'ASC');
        } elseif ('catlist' == $order) {
            $linkcatquery .= ' ORDER by FIELD(t.term_id, ' . $categorylist . ' ) ';
        $catnames = $wpdb->get_results($linkcatquery);
        if ($debugmode) {
            $output .= "\n<!-- Category Query: " . print_r($linkcatquery, TRUE) . "-->\n\n";
            $output .= "\n<!-- Category Results: " . print_r($catnames, TRUE) . "-->\n\n";
        // Display each category
        if ($catnames) {
            $output .= '<div id="linktable" class="linktable">';
            if ('table' == $flatlist) {
                $output .= "<table width=\"" . $table_width . "%\">\n";
            } elseif ('unordered' == $flatlist) {
                $output .= "<ul class='menu'>\n";
            } elseif ('dropdown' == $flatlist || 'dropdowndirect' == $flatlist) {
                $output .= "<form name='catselect'><select ";
                if ('dropdowndirect' == $flatlist) {
                    $output .= "onchange='showcategory()' ";
                $output .= "name='catdropdown' class='catdropdown'>";
            $linkcount = 0;
            foreach ((array) $catnames as $catname) {
                $catfront = '';
                $cattext = '';
                $catitem = '';
                // Display the category name
                $countcat += 1;
                if ('table' == $flatlist && (1 == $countcat % $num_columns || 1 == $num_columns)) {
                    $output .= "<tr>\n";
                if ('table' == $flatlist) {
                    $catfront = "\t<td>";
                } elseif ('unordered' == $flatlist) {
                    $catfront = "\t<li>";
                } elseif ('dropdown' == $flatlist || 'dropdowndirect' == $flatlist) {
                    $catfront = "\t<option ";
                    if (!empty($categoryid) && $categoryid == $catname->term_id) {
                        $catfront .= 'selected="selected" ';
                    $catfront .= 'value="';
                if ($showonecatonly) {
                    if ('AJAX' == $showonecatmode || empty($showonecatmode)) {
                        if ('dropdown' != $flatlist && 'dropdowndirect' != $flatlist) {
                            $cattext = "<a href='#' onClick=\"showLinkCat('" . $catname->term_id . "', '" . $settings . "', 1);return false;\" >";
                        } elseif ('dropdown' == $flatlist || 'dropdowndirect' == $flatlist) {
                            $cattext = $catname->term_id;
                    } elseif ('HTMLGET' == $showonecatmode) {
                        if ('dropdown' != $flatlist && 'dropdowndirect' != $flatlist) {
                            $cattext = "<a href='";
                        if (!empty($cattargetaddress) && strpos($cattargetaddress, '?') != false) {
                            $cattext .= $cattargetaddress . '&cat_id=';
                        } elseif (!empty($cattargetaddress) && strpos($cattargetaddress, '?') == false) {
                            $cattext .= $cattargetaddress . '?cat_id=';
                        } elseif (empty($cattargetaddress)) {
                            $cattext .= '?cat_id=';
                        $cattext .= $catname->term_id;
                        if ('dropdown' != $flatlist && 'dropdowndirect' != $flatlist) {
                            $cattext .= "'>";
                    } elseif ('HTMLGETSLUG' == $showonecatmode) {
                        if ('dropdown' != $flatlist && 'dropdowndirect' != $flatlist) {
                            $cattext = "<a href='";
                        if (!empty($cattargetaddress) && strpos($cattargetaddress, '?') != false) {
                            $cattext .= $cattargetaddress . '&cat=';
                        } elseif (!empty($cattargetaddress) && strpos($cattargetaddress, '?') == false) {
                            $cattext .= $cattargetaddress . '?cat=';
                        } elseif (empty($cattargetaddress)) {
                            $cattext .= '?cat=';
                        $cattext .= $catname->category_nicename;
                        if ('dropdown' != $flatlist && 'dropdowndirect' != $flatlist) {
                            $cattext .= "'>";
                    } elseif ('HTMLGETCATNAME' == $showonecatmode) {
                        if ('dropdown' != $flatlist && 'dropdowndirect' != $flatlist) {
                            $cattext = "<a href='";
                        /* if ( !empty( $cattargetaddress ) && strpos( $cattargetaddress, '?' ) != false ) {
                               $cattext .= $cattargetaddress . '&catname=';
                           } elseif ( !empty( $cattargetaddress ) && strpos( $cattargetaddress, '?' ) == false ) {
                               $cattext .= $cattargetaddress . '?catname=';
                           } elseif ( empty( $cattargetaddress ) ) {
                               $cattext .= '?catname=';
                           } */
                        if (!empty($_GET)) {
                            $get_array = $_GET;
                        } else {
                            $get_array = array();
                        $get_array['catname'] = urlencode($catname->name);
                        $get_query = add_query_arg($get_array, $cattargetaddress);
                        $cattext .= $get_query;
                        if ('dropdown' != $flatlist && 'dropdowndirect' != $flatlist) {
                            $cattext .= "'>";
                    } elseif ('HTMLGETPERM' == $showonecatmode) {
                        if ('dropdown' != $flatlist && 'dropdowndirect' != $flatlist) {
                            $cattext = "<a href='";
                        $cattext .= '/' . $rewritepage . '/' . $catname->category_nicename;
                        if ('dropdown' != $flatlist && 'dropdowndirect' != $flatlist) {
                            $cattext .= "'>";
                } else {
                    if ($catanchor) {
                        if (!$pagination) {
                            if ('dropdown' != $flatlist && 'dropdowndirect' != $flatlist) {
                                $cattext = '<a href="';
                            $cattext .= '#' . $catname->category_nicename;
                            if ('dropdown' != $flatlist && 'dropdowndirect' != $flatlist) {
                                $cattext .= '">';
                        } elseif ($pagination) {
                            if (0 == $linksperpage || empty($linksperpage)) {
                                $linksperpage = 5;
                            $pageposition = ($linkcount + 1) / $linksperpage;
                            $ceilpageposition = ceil($pageposition);
                            if (0 == $ceilpageposition && !isset($_GET['linkresultpage'])) {
                                if ('dropdown' != $flatlist && 'dropdowndirect' != $flatlist) {
                                    $cattext = '<a href="';
                                $cattext .= get_permalink() . '#' . $catname->category_nicename;
                                if ('dropdown' != $flatlist && 'dropdowndirect' != $flatlist) {
                                    $cattext .= '">';
                            } else {
                                if ('dropdown' != $flatlist && 'dropdowndirect' != $flatlist) {
                                    $cattext = '<a href="';
                                $cattext .= '?linkresultpage=' . ($ceilpageposition == 0 ? 1 : $ceilpageposition) . '#' . $catname->category_nicename;
                                if ('dropdown' != $flatlist && 'dropdowndirect' != $flatlist) {
                                    $cattext .= '">';
                            $linkcount = $linkcount + $catname->linkcount;
                    } else {
                        $cattext = '';
                if ('dropdown' == $flatlist || 'dropdowndirect' == $flatlist) {
                    $cattext .= '">';
                if ('right' == $catlistdescpos || empty($catlistdescpos)) {
                    $catitem .= '<div class="linkcatname">' . $catname->name . '</div>';
                    if ($showcatlinkcount) {
                        $catitem .= ' (' . $catname->linkcount . ')';
                if ($showcategorydescheaders) {
                    $catname->category_description = esc_html($catname->category_description);
                    $catname->category_description = str_replace('[', '<', $catname->category_description);
                    $catname->category_description = str_replace(']', '>', $catname->category_description);
                    $catname->category_description = str_replace("&quot;", '"', $catname->category_description);
                    $catitem .= '<span class="linkcatdesc">' . $catname->category_description . '</span>';
                if ('left' == $catlistdescpos) {
                    $catitem .= '<div class="linkcatname">' . $catname->name . '</div>';
                    if ($showcatlinkcount) {
                        $catitem .= ' (' . $catname->linkcount . ')';
                if (($catanchor || $showonecatonly) && 'dropdown' != $flatlist && 'dropdowndirect' != $flatlist) {
                    $catitem .= '</a>';
                $output .= $catfront . $cattext . $catitem;
                if ('table' == $flatlist) {
                    $catterminator = "</td>\n";
                } elseif ('unordered' == $flatlist) {
                    $catterminator = "</li>\n";
                } elseif ('dropdown' == $flatlist || 'dropdowndirect' == $flatlist) {
                    $catterminator = "</option>\n";
                $output .= $catterminator;
                if ('table' == $flatlist and 0 == $countcat % $num_columns) {
                    $output .= "</tr>\n";
            if ('table' == $flatlist and 3 == $countcat % $num_columns) {
                $output .= "</tr>\n";
            if ('table' == $flatlist && $catnames) {
                $output .= "</table>\n";
            } elseif ('unordered' == $flatlist && $catnames) {
                $output .= "</ul>\n";
            } elseif (('dropdown' == $flatlist || 'dropdowndirect' == $flatlist) && $catnames) {
                $output .= "</select>\n";
                if ('dropdown' == $flatlist) {
                    $output .= "<button type='button' onclick='showcategory()'>" . __('Go!', 'link-library') . "</button>";
                $output .= '</form>';
            $output .= "</div>\n";
            if ($showonecatonly && ('AJAX' == $showonecatmode || empty($showonecatmode))) {
                if (empty($loadingicon)) {
                    $loadingicon = '/icons/Ajax-loader.gif';
                $output .= "<div class='contentLoading' id='contentLoading' style='display: none;'><img src='" . plugins_url($loadingicon, __FILE__) . "' alt='Loading data, please wait...'></div>\n";
            if ('dropdown' == $flatlist || 'dropdowndirect' == $flatlist) {
                $output .= "<SCRIPT TYPE='text/javascript'>\n";
                $output .= "\tfunction showcategory(){\n";
                if ($showonecatonly && ('AJAX' == $showonecatmode || empty($showonecatmode))) {
                    $output .= 'catidvar = document.catselect.catdropdown.options[document.catselect.catdropdown.selectedIndex].value;';
                    $output .= "showLinkCat(catidvar, '" . $settings . "', 1);return false; }";
                } else {
                    $output .= "\t\tlocation=\n";
                    $output .= "document.catselect.catdropdown.options[document.catselect.catdropdown.selectedIndex].value }\n";
                $output .= "</SCRIPT>\n";
        } else {
            $output .= '<div>' . __('No categories found', 'link-library') . '.</div>';
        $output .= "\n<!-- End of Link Library Categories Output -->\n\n";
    return $output;