} } // Default if (isset($_POST['op']) && $_POST['op'] == "login") { // Perform login! if ($_POST['op'] == "login") { if (isset($_POST['uname']) && strlen($_POST['uname']) > 0 && (isset($_POST['pass']) && strlen($_POST['pass']) > 0)) { // Set Username and password $content['uname'] = DB_RemoveBadChars($_POST['uname']); $content['pass'] = $_POST['pass']; // RAW Copy of password string, otherwise passwords with special characters can be broken. if (!CheckUserLogin($content['uname'], $content['pass'])) { $content['ISERROR'] = "true"; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = $content['LN_LOGIN_ERRWRONGPASSWORD']; } else { RedirectPage(urldecode($szRedir)); } } else { $content['ISERROR'] = "true"; $content['ERROR_MSG'] = $content['LN_LOGIN_USERPASSMISSING']; } } } else { if (isset($_GET['op']) && $_GET['op'] == "logoff") { // logoff in this case DoLogOff(); } } // --- END Custom Code // --- CONTENT Vars $content['REDIR_LOGIN'] = $szRedir;
if (strpos($_GET['filter_source'], " ") === false) { $content['searchstr'] .= "source:" . $_GET['filter_source'] . " "; } else { $content['searchstr'] .= "source:" . str_replace(" ", ",", $_GET['filter_source']) . " "; } } // Message is just appended if (isset($_GET['filter_message']) && strlen($_GET['filter_message']) > 0) { $content['searchstr'] .= $_GET['filter_message']; } } // Append sourceid if needed if (isset($_GET['sourceid']) && isset($content['Sources'][$_GET['sourceid']])) { $sourceidstr = "&sourceid=" . $_GET['sourceid']; } else { $sourceidstr = ""; } // Redirect to the index page now! RedirectPage("index.php?filter=" . urlencode(trim($content['searchstr'])) . "&search=Search" . $sourceidstr); } // --- // --- BEGIN CREATE TITLE $content['TITLE'] = InitPageTitle(); // Append custom title part! $content['TITLE'] .= " :: Search"; // --- END CREATE TITLE // --- Parsen and Output InitTemplateParser(); $page->parser($content, "search.html"); $page->output(); // ---
function DoLogOff() { global $content; //added by czhujer $sqlquery = "DELETE FROM `logcon_users` WHERE `username` LIKE '" . $_SESSION['SESSION_USERNAME'] . "'"; $result = DB_Query($sqlquery); //end unset($_SESSION['SESSION_LOGGEDIN']); unset($_SESSION['SESSION_USERNAME']); unset($_SESSION['SESSION_USERID']); unset($_SESSION['SESSION_ACCESSLEVEL']); // Redir to Index Page RedirectPage("index.php"); }
if($sectortrab == '') $sectortrab = trim($cols["E"]); if($puestotrab == '') $puestotrab = ''; $arrayRiesgos = ''; GrabarRegistroNomina(0, $idEstablecimiento, $cuilTrabajador, $nombre, $fechaingreso, $fechainiexpo, $sectortrab, $puestotrab, $arrayRiesgos); $_SESSION['arrayXLSReportOK'] .= $cuilTrabajador.' <p/>'; $CountRegImport++; } } if($CountRegInsert == 0){ //echo 'Archivo vacio. Sin trabajadores (recorrido)'; $errores = 'Archivo vacio, sin trabajadores (debe completar el archivo '.$nombre_fichero.')'; addTextReport(" <div> ".$errores." </div> <p/>"); RedirectPage(); } if($CountRegImport > 0) $_SESSION['arrayXLSReportOK'] = 'Cantidad importados: '.$CountRegImport.'<p>'; RedirectPage(); } catch (Exception $e) { DBRollback($conn); SalvarErrorTxt( __FILE__, __FUNCTION__ , __LINE__, $e->getMessage() ); addTextReport(" <div> ".utf8_encode( $e->getMessage() )." </div> <p/>"); RedirectPage(); exit; }
$newViewID = $_GET['viewid']; if (isset($content['Views'][$newViewID]) && isset($_SESSION['currentSourceID'])) { // Save new View into session! $_SESSION[$_SESSION['currentSourceID'] . "-View"] = $newViewID; } else { // DEBUG echo "DEBUG: " . $_SESSION['currentSourceID'] . " - " . htmlspecialchars($newViewID); exit; } } if ($_GET['op'] == "maximize" && isset($_GET['max'])) { if (intval($_GET['max']) == 1) { $_SESSION['SESSION_MAXIMIZED'] = true; } else { $_SESSION['SESSION_MAXIMIZED'] = false; } } if ($_GET['op'] == "changepagesize" && isset($_GET['pagesizeid'])) { if (intval($_GET['pagesizeid']) >= 0 && intval($_GET['pagesizeid']) < count($content['pagesizes'])) { $_SESSION['PAGESIZE_ID'] = intval($_GET['pagesizeid']); } } if ($_GET['op'] == "autoreload" && isset($_GET['autoreloadtime'])) { if (intval($_GET['autoreloadtime']) >= 0 && intval($_GET['autoreloadtime']) < count($content['reloadtimes'])) { $_SESSION['AUTORELOAD_ID'] = intval($_GET['autoreloadtime']); } } } // Final redirect RedirectPage($szRedir); // ---
function DoLogOff() { global $content; unset($_SESSION['SESSION_LOGGEDIN']); unset($_SESSION['SESSION_USERNAME']); unset($_SESSION['SESSION_USERID']); unset($_SESSION['SESSION_ACCESSLEVEL']); // Redir to Index Page RedirectPage("index.php"); }