function Show() { global $limit; $this->Init(); $this->AddStrings($ret); $offset = (int) get('offset'); $limit = (int) get('limit', $this->Param('limit', $limit)); $count = sql_getValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . STAT_SESSIONS_TABLE . " WHERE robot=0 AND time_last>" . (time() - STAT_SESS_TIME * 60)); $data = sql_getRows("SELECT ip, 'count_pages', path, time, time_last FROM " . STAT_SESSIONS_TABLE . " WHERE robot=0 AND time_last>" . (time() - STAT_SESS_TIME * 60) . " ORDER BY time_last DESC LIMIT " . $offset . ", " . $limit); // Построить массив для всех страниц ($this->path) if ($data) { $pages_id = array(); foreach ($data as $row) { $pages_id = array_merge($pages_id, explode(' ', trim($row['path']))); } $pages_id = array_unique($pages_id); $this->path_pages = sql_getRows("SELECT id, CONCAT(host, uri) AS page FROM " . STAT_PAGES_TABLE . " WHERE id IN (" . join(', ', $pages_id) . ")", true); $this->path_keys = array_flip(array_keys($this->path_pages)); foreach ($this->path_pages as $page_id => $href) { $ret['pathes']['row'][] = array('key' => $this->path_keys[$page_id] + 1, 'href' => $href); } } // Main Table $columns = array(array('header' => 'ip', 'nowrap' => '1', 'type' => 'ip'), array('header' => 'pages', 'align' => 'right', 'type' => 'pages'), array('header' => 'pathes', 'type' => 'path'), array('header' => 'time', 'align' => 'right', 'type' => 'time'), array('header' => 'last', 'align' => 'right', 'type' => 'last')); if (isset($GLOBALS['_stat']['stat/stat_banlist'])) { $columns[] = array('header' => 'ban', 'type' => 'ban', 'align' => 'center'); } $ret['table'] = $this->stat_table(array('columns' => $columns, 'data' => $data, 'count' => $count, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit)); $ret['navig'] = $this->NavigForm(array('hidden' => array('show' => $this->show))); return Parse($ret, 'stat/stat.no_navig.tmpl'); }
function getContent() { $data = array(); $func = get('func', '', 'pg'); if (!empty($func)) { $func = get('func', '', 'pg'); if (!empty($func)) { $data = $this->{$func}(); } } else { global $user; $data['current_user'] = $user['id']; $data['managers'] = sql_getRows("SELECT id, CONCAT(login,' (',email,') ') as name FROM admins", true); $this->AddStrings($data); include_fckeditor(); $oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor(); $oFCKeditor->ToolbarSet = 'Common'; $oFCKeditor->Value = ''; $data['editor'] = $oFCKeditor->ReturnFCKeditor('fld[html]', '100%', '100%'); $this->AddStrings($data); } $tpl = strtolower($this->dir . '/' . $this->name . (!empty($func) ? '.' . $func : '') . '.tmpl'); if (is_file($tpl)) { return Parse($data, $tpl); } else { return $data; } }
function Show() { // обязательная фигня if (!empty($GLOBALS['_POST'])) { $actions = get('actions', '', 'p'); if ($actions) { return $this->{$actions}(); } } global $settings; $types = array(); foreach ($settings['subscribe_categories'] as $key => $val) { if (isset($val['sub'])) { foreach ($val['sub'] as $k => $v) { $types[$v['type']] = $v['title']; } } } require_once core('ajax_table'); $data['table'] = ajax_table(array('columns' => array(array('select' => 'id', 'display' => 'id', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'width' => '1px'), array('select' => 'email', 'display' => 'email', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT | FLAG_SEARCH), array('select' => 'type', 'display' => 'type', 'type' => 'type', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT | FLAG_FILTER, 'filter_display' => 'type', 'filter_type' => 'array', 'filter_value' => array('' => '-- Все --') + $types, 'filter_field' => 'type')), 'from' => $this->table, 'where' => 'root_id=' . domainRootId(), 'params' => array('page' => $this->name, 'do' => 'show'), 'click' => 'ID=cb.value'), $this); $this->AddStrings($data); $data['thisname'] = $this->name; $data['thisname2'] = str_replace('/', '', $this->name); return Parse($data, "notify/tmpls/properties.tmpl"); }
function Show() { $this->Init(); $this->AddStrings($ret); $this->show = 'csv'; $ret = @call_user_func(array(&$this, 'Get' . $this->show)); $ret['navig'] = $this->NavigForm(array('hidden' => array('show' => $this->show))); return Parse($ret, 'stat/stat.tmpl'); }
function Show() { $this->Init(); $this->AddStrings($ret); if ($this->show != 'csv') { $this->show = 'table'; } $ret = @call_user_func(array(&$this, 'Get' . $this->show)); return Parse($ret, 'stat/stat.tmpl'); }
function Show() { $ret['field_name'] = get('name', ''); $ret['sid'] = 0; $this->sid = 0; $this->AddStrings($ret); $ret['tree'] = $this->GetTree(); $ret['STR_LOADING'] = $this->str('loading'); return Parse($ret, $this->name . '/tree.node_id.tmpl'); }
function OnReadData($proxies, $idx, $r, $header, $body) { //file_put_contents("0_" . $idx . ".html", $body); //global $proxies; print_r("OnReadData {$idx} : {$r}\n"); $r = Parse($body); foreach ($r as $proxy) { $proxies[] = $proxy; } }
function ShowRecycle() { global $limit; $limit = -1; require_once core('ajax_table'); $columns = sql_getRows('SHOW columns FROM ' . $this->table, 'Field'); $name = isset($columns['name']) ? 'name' : 'address'; $this->AddStrings($row); $row['table'] = ajax_table(array('columns' => array(array('select' => 'id', 'display' => 'id', 'type' => 'checkbox'), array('select' => $name, 'display' => 'name')), 'where' => 'visible<0 and obj_type_id="room"', 'orderby' => 'address', 'params' => array('page' => $this->name, 'do' => 'Show')), $this); return Parse($row, 'recycle.tmpl'); }
function Show() { $row = array(); $row['analyze']['from'] = sql_getValue("SELECT MIN(time) FROM " . STAT_LOG_TABLE); $row['analyze']['to'] = sql_getValue("SELECT MAX(time) FROM " . STAT_LOG_TABLE); $row['process']['from'] = sql_getValue("SELECT MIN(time) FROM " . STAT_TEMP_TABLE); $row['process']['to'] = sql_getValue("SELECT MAX(time) FROM " . STAT_TEMP_TABLE); $row['total'] = sql_getValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . STAT_TEMP_TABLE); $this->AddStrings($row); return Parse($row, 'stat/stat_process/stat.process.tmpl'); }
function Show() { $id = (int) get('id'); $ret = array(); $this->AddStrings($ret); $ret['path'] = $this->GetPath($id); $ret['tree'] = $this->GetAllTree(array('id' => $id, 'checkboxtree' => true)); $ret['name'] = $this->name; $ret['fieldname'] = get("fieldname", '', 'gp'); $ret['target_ids'] = get("target_ids", '', 'gp'); return Parse($ret, 'tree/treecheck/treecheck.tmpl'); }
function Show() { $id = (int) get('id'); $ret = array(); $this->AddStrings($ret); $ret['path'] = $this->GetPath($id); $ret['treeurl'] = $this->GetAllTree(array('id' => $id, 'treeurl' => true)); $ret['fld'] = $this->getQuoteJqueryString(get('fieldname')); $ret['name'] = $this->name; $ret['id'] = $id; return Parse($ret, 'tree/treeurl/treeurl.tmpl'); }
function scan() { if (system_is_overloaded(basename(__FILE__))) { apache_admin_mysql(0, "Overloaded system, retry next time....", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } $pidtime = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".time"; $pidFile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $unix = new unix(); $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($pidFile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { events("A process, {$pid} Already exists..."); return; } $GLOBALS["MYHOSTNAME_PROXY"] = $unix->hostname_g(); @file_put_contents($pidFile, getmypid()); $time = $unix->file_time_min($pidtime); if (!$GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { if ($time < 5) { events("{$time}mn, require minimal 5mn"); return; } } $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `dashboard_apache_sizes` ( `TIME` DATETIME,\n\t\t\t`zmd5` VARCHAR(90) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,\n\t\t\t`SITENAME` VARCHAR(128),\n\t\t\t`SIZE` BIGINT UNSIGNED, `RQS` BIGINT UNSIGNED,\n\t\t\tKEY `TIME` (`TIME`),\n\t\t\tKEY `SIZE` (`SIZE`),\n\t\t\tKEY `RQS` (`RQS`)\n\t\t\t) ENGINE=MYISAM;"); if (!$q->ok) { apache_admin_mysql(0, "Fatal MySQL error", $q->mysql_error, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } if (!is_file("/home/apache/artica-stats/requests.log")) { echo "/home/apache/artica-stats/requests.log no such file...\n"; return; } @mkdir("/home/apache/artica-stats/works", 0755, true); if (is_file("/home/apache/artica-stats/works/apache.log")) { echo "Parse /home/apache/artica-stats/works/apache.log\n"; Parse("/home/apache/artica-stats/works/apache.log"); return; } if (!@copy("/home/apache/artica-stats/requests.log", "/home/apache/artica-stats/works/apache.log")) { echo "Copy failed\n"; return; } if (!is_file("/home/apache/artica-stats/works/apache.log")) { echo "/home/apache/artica-stats/works/apache.log no such file...\n"; return; } @unlink("/home/apache/artica-stats/requests.log"); echo "Parse /home/apache/artica-stats/works/apache.log\n"; Parse("/home/apache/artica-stats/works/apache.log"); CLEAN_MYSQL(); }
function Show() { $this->Init(); $this->AddStrings($ret); if ($this->show != 'diag' && $this->show != 'csv') { $this->show = 'table'; } $ret = @call_user_func(array(&$this, 'Get' . $this->show)); /* $ret['navig'] = $this->NavigForm(array( 'hidden' => array('show' => $this->show), )); if ($this->show == 'table') $ret['show_search'] = 1;*/ return Parse($ret, 'stat/stat.tmpl'); }
function Show() { $this->Init(); $this->AddStrings($ret); $this->data['before'] = $this->GetStats(); $period = get('period', 'none', 'p'); if ($period == '1d' or $period == '7d' or $period == '1m' or $period == '3m' or $period == '6m' or $period == '1y') { $ret['message'] = $this->DoClear($period); } $ret['navig'] = $this->NavigForm(array('hidden' => array('show' => $this->show))); $ret['options'] = array('values' => array('1d', '7d', '1m', '3m', '6m', '1y'), 'names' => array($this->str('1d'), $this->str('7d'), $this->str('1m'), $this->str('3m'), $this->str('6m'), $this->str('1y')), 'selected' => $period); $ret['data'] = $this->data; return Parse($ret, 'stat/stat_clear/stat.clear.tmpl'); }
function Show() { $this->Init(); $this->AddStrings($ret); if ($this->show != 'diag' && $this->show != 'csv') { $this->show = 'table'; } $ret = @call_user_func(array(&$this, 'Get' . $this->show)); $ret['navig'] = $this->NavigForm(array('hidden' => array('show' => $this->show))); $ret['site_select'] = $this->selectSite(array('hidden' => array('show' => $this->show))); $ret['analyze_page'] = 'http://'; if ($this->show == 'table') { $ret['show_search'] = 1; } return Parse($ret, 'stat/stat.tmpl'); }
function Show() { $this->Init(); $this->AddStrings($data); // Вспомогательные данные $this->today = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')); $diff = time() - sql_getValue("SELECT MIN(time) FROM " . STAT_SESSIONS_TABLE); $this->all_monthes = 12 * (date('Y', $diff) - 1970) + date('n', $diff); // Количество посетителей (%s - нужно чтобы туда вставить выборку по времени) $stat[] = $this->GetSummaryRow('<a href="?page=stat/stat_attendance&period=0&disp_by=hour">' . $this->str('visitors') . '</a>', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE %s robot='0'"); // Количество зарегистированных клиентов на сайте /* if(STAT_CLIENT_REPORT) $stat[] = $this->GetSummaryRow( '<a href="?page=stat/stat_clients&period=0">'.$this->str('reg_clients').'</a>', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$this->sess_table." WHERE %s robot='0' AND client_id!=0" );*/ if (STAT_CLIENT_REPORT) { $stat[] = $this->GetRobotsRow('<a href="?page=stat/stat_clients&period=0">' . $this->str('reg_clients') . '</a>', "SELECT CONCAT(COUNT(*), ' (', COUNT(DISTINCT(client_id)), ')') FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE %s robot='0' AND client_id!=0"); } // Количество просмотренных страниц $stat[] = $this->GetSummaryRow('<a href="?page=stat/stat_popular&period=0">' . $this->str('pages') . '</a>', "SELECT SUM(loads) FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE %s robot='0'"); // Количество новых посетителей $stat[] = $this->GetSummaryRow('<a href="?page=stat/stat_attendance&period=0&disp_by=hour">' . $this->str('new_visitors') . '</a>', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE %s robot='0' AND new_visitor='1'"); // Количество ip-адресов $stat[] = $this->GetSummaryRow('<a href="?page=stat/stat_ip&period=0">' . $this->str('ips') . '</a>', "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(ip)) FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE %s robot='0'"); // Количество ошибочных страниц $stat[] = $this->GetSummaryRow('<a href="?page=stat/stat_errors&period=0">' . $this->str('errors') . '</a>', "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $this->log_table . " WHERE %s status IN (404, 403)"); // Количество проиндексированных страниц с них $stat[] = $this->GetRobotsRow('<a href="?page=stat/stat_robots&period=0">' . $this->str('robots') . '</a>', "SELECT CONCAT(COUNT(DISTINCT(agent_id)), ' (', COUNT(*), ')') FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE %s robot='1'"); // Main Table $data['table'] = $this->stat_table(array('columns' => array(array('header' => 'attendance', 'nowrap' => 1, 'valign' => 'top'), array('header' => 'today', 'align' => 'right', 'width' => '15%'), array('header' => 'yesterday', 'align' => 'right', 'width' => '15%'), array('header' => 'week', 'align' => 'right', 'width' => '15%'), array('header' => 'month', 'align' => 'right', 'width' => '15%')), 'data' => $stat)); // Stat Info Table $sess = sql_getRow("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . STAT_SESSIONS_TABLE . "'", 'number'); $log = sql_getRow("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . STAT_LOG_TABLE . "'", 'number'); $pages = sql_getRow("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . STAT_PAGES_TABLE . "'", 'number'); $agents = sql_getRow("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . STAT_AGENTS_TABLE . "'", 'number'); $db['Data_length'] = $sess['Data_length'] + $log['Data_length'] + $pages['Data_length'] + $agents['Data_length']; $db['Index_length'] = $sess['Index_length'] + $log['Index_length'] + $pages['Index_length'] + $agents['Index_length']; $db['Rows'] = $sess['Rows'] + $log['Rows'] + $pages['Rows'] + $agents['Rows']; $data['info'] = array('STATINFO' => $this->str('info'), 'rows' => array(0 => array('key' => $this->str('info_begin'), 'val' => $sess['Create_time']), 1 => array('key' => $this->str('info_last'), 'val' => $log['Update_time']), 2 => array('key' => $this->str('info_size'), 'val' => number_format(($db['Data_length'] + $db['Index_length']) / 1024, 2, ',', ' ') . " KB"), 3 => array('key' => $this->str('info_rows'), 'val' => $db['Rows']))); $data['site_select'] = $this->selectSite(array('hidden' => array('show' => $this->show))); return Parse($data, 'stat/stat.tmpl'); }
function Show() { if (!empty($GLOBALS['_POST'])) { $actions = get('actions', '', 'p'); if ($actions) { return $this->{$actions}(); } } require_once core('ajax_table'); $ret['thisname'] = $this->name; global $site_domains; $sites = array(); foreach ($site_domains as $key => $val) { foreach ($val['langs'] as $l) { $sites[$l['root_id']] = $val['name'] . ' (' . $l['descr'] . ')'; } } $ret['params'] = ajax_table(array('columns' => array(array('select' => 'id', 'display' => 'id', 'type' => 'checkbox'), array('select' => 'name', 'display' => 'name', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT | FLAG_SEARCH), array('select' => 'budget', 'display' => 'budget', 'flags' => FLAG_SEARCH), array('select' => 'start_date', 'display' => 'start_date', 'type' => 'text', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT), array('select' => 'end_date', 'display' => 'end_date', 'type' => 'text', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT), array('select' => 'root_id', 'type' => 'text', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT | FLAG_FILTER, 'filter_type' => 'array', 'filter_display' => 'root_id', 'filter_value' => array('' => '-- все --') + $sites)), 'from' => $this->table, 'where' => '', 'orderby' => 'id', 'params' => array('page' => "stat/reklama_obj", 'do' => 'show'), 'click' => 'ID=cb.value', 'dblclick' => 'editItem(id)'), $this); $ret['thisname2'] = str_replace('/', '', $this->name); return Parse($ret, $this->name . '/reklama_obj.tmpl'); }
function ElemForm() { $id = (int) get('id', 0); if ($id) { $row = $this->getObject(); } if ($row['object']['obj_type_id'] == 'newbuild') { $row['object']['price'] = $row['object']['price_rub_print'] . '<br>' . $row['object']['price_dollar_print']; } else { $row['object']['price'] = number_format(doubleval(str_replace(',', '.', $row['object']['price_rub'])), 0, ',', ' ') . ' руб. (' . number_format(doubleval(str_replace(',', '.', $row['object']['price_dollar'])), 0, ',', ' ') . 'у.е. )'; } $row['object']['x'] = $row['object']['y'] = '0.000000'; if ($row['object']['address_id']) { $coordinats = sql_getRow('SELECT x, y FROM `obj_address` WHERE id=' . $row['object']['address_id']); $row['object']['x'] = $coordinats['x']; $row['object']['y'] = $coordinats['y']; } // добавляет в шаблон дефолтные строковые константы $this->AddStrings($row); return Parse($row, 'objects/elem_google.tmpl'); }
function Show() { global $limit; $this->Init(); $this->AddStrings($ret); $offset = (int) get('offset'); $limit = (int) get('limit', $this->Param('limit', $limit)); $ret['navig'] = $this->NavigForm(); $ret['site_select'] = $this->selectSite(array('hidden' => array('show' => $this->show))); $count = sql_getValue("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(path)) FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE robot=0"); $total_value = sql_getValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE robot=0"); $data = sql_getRows("SELECT path, COUNT(*) AS kol, COUNT(*)/" . $total_value . "*100 AS proc, loads FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE robot=0 AND path!='' GROUP BY path ORDER BY kol DESC, loads LIMIT " . $offset . ", " . $limit); $count_pages[1] = sql_getValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE robot=0 AND path!='' AND LENGTH(path)-LENGTH(REPLACE(path,' ',''))+1 = 1"); $count_pages[2] = sql_getValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE robot=0 AND path!='' AND LENGTH(path)-LENGTH(REPLACE(path,' ',''))+1 = 2"); $count_pages[3] = sql_getValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE robot=0 AND path!='' AND LENGTH(path)-LENGTH(REPLACE(path,' ',''))+1 = 3"); $count_pages[4] = sql_getValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $this->sess_table . " WHERE robot=0 AND path!='' AND LENGTH(path)-LENGTH(REPLACE(path,' ',''))+1 > 3"); $total_head = array('', $this->_str('amount')); $total[] = array($this->str('total_period'), $total_value); for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) { $total[] = array(sprintf($this->str('see_pages' . $i), $i < 4 ? "=" . $i : ">" . ($i - 1)), $count_pages[$i] . ' <span class="Tsmall">(' . round($count_pages[$i] / $total_value * 100, 2) . '%)</span>'); } // ѕостроить массив дл¤ всех страниц ($this->path) if ($data) { $pages_id = array(); foreach ($data as $row) { $pages_id = array_merge($pages_id, explode(' ', trim($row['path']))); } $pages_id = array_unique($pages_id); $this->path_pages = sql_getRows("SELECT id, CONCAT(host, uri) AS page FROM " . STAT_PAGES_TABLE . " WHERE id IN (" . join(', ', $pages_id) . ")", true); $this->path_keys = array_flip(array_keys($this->path_pages)); foreach ($this->path_pages as $page_id => $href) { $ret['pathes']['row'][] = array('key' => $this->path_keys[$page_id] + 1, 'href' => $href); } } // Main Table $ret['table'] = $this->stat_table(array('columns' => array(array('header' => 'pathes', 'type' => 'path'), array('header' => 'amount', 'align' => 'right', 'width' => '20%'), array('header' => 'percent', 'align' => 'right', 'width' => '50%', 'type' => 'graph')), 'data' => $data, 'total' => $total, 'total_head' => $total_head, 'count' => $count, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit)); return Parse($ret, 'stat/stat.tmpl'); }
function intValue($Hashtable, $key) { $s = $Hashtable[key]; return Int32 . Parse(s); }
function GetBasicElement($elems) { global $cfg, $intlang; if (empty($elems)) { return; } # прорисовка дерева елементов $tree = ''; $c = $_bars = $loaded = 0; $count = count($elems); $pid = get('id'); # = common elements pid $items = array(); foreach ($elems as $key => $val) { $c++; $row = array('id' => 0, 'pid' => $pid, 'priority' => $c, 'next' => $cfg['elements'][$val]['next'] ? $val : '', 'elem' => $val, 'name' => utf($cfg['elements'][$val][$intlang])); $tree .= $this->_get_element_item($row, $bars, $_bars, $c, $count, $loaded) . "\n"; $items[] = $this->_get_element_item_data($row, $bars, $_bars, $c, $count, $loaded); } $items_data['items'] =& $items; $this->AddStrings($items_data); $tree = Parse($items_data, 'ced/ced.elements.tmpl'); return array('STR_BASIC' => $GLOBALS['_name'], 'basic_caption' => str('basic_caption', $this->name), 'basic_icon' => $GLOBALS['str'][$this->name]['basic_icon'], 'src' => $GLOBALS['_SERVER']['QUERY_STRING'], 'tree' => $tree); }
function ShowRecycle() { global $limit; $limit = -1; require_once core('ajax_table'); $this->AddStrings($row); $row['table'] = ajax_table(array('columns' => array(array('select' => 'id', 'display' => 'id', 'type' => 'checkbox'), array('select' => "name", 'display' => 'name')), 'where' => 'lang="' . lang() . '" AND visible<0', 'orderby' => 'id DESC', 'params' => array('page' => $this->name, 'do' => 'Show')), $this); return Parse($row, 'recycle.tmpl'); }
function CopyDlg() { $id = (int) $_GET['id']; $src = (int) $_GET['src']; // Смотрим путь назначения $dir = explode("/", sql_getValue('SELECT dir FROM ' . $this->table . ' WHERE id = ' . $id)); $ret['from'] = $this->str('from'); $ret['from_path'] = $this->GetPath($src, 'CopyDlg&src=' . $src); $ret['to'] = $this->str('to'); $ret['to_path'] = $this->GetPath($id, 'CopyDlg&src=' . $src); $ret['copy_to'] = $this->str('copy_to'); $ret['copy'] = $this->str('copy'); $ret['copy_disabled'] = in_array($src, $dir) || $src == $id ? 'DISABLED' : ''; $ret['move'] = $this->str('move'); $ret['move_disabled'] = in_array($src, $dir) || $src == $id ? 'DISABLED' : ''; $ret['id'] = $id; $ret['src'] = $src; $ret['name'] = $this->name; $ret['trees'] = $this->GetAllTree(array('id' => $id, 'src' => $src, 'copy' => true)); return Parse($ret, 'custom_tree/custom_tree.copy.tmpl'); }
function ShowWhois() { $ip = get('whois_ip', '', 'g'); $ip = long2ip($ip); //real ip $whois = get('whois_server', $this->whois[0], 'g'); $this->AddStrings($data); $data['whois_options'] = $this->GetArrayOptions($this->whois, $whois); $data['ip'] = $ip; if (!$ip) { $data['error']['res'] = $this->str('e_whois'); } elseif (!in_array($whois, $this->whois)) { $data['error']['res'] = $this->str('e_whois'); } else { $result = `whois -h {$whois} {$ip}`; if ($result) { $data['whois']['res'] = $result; } else { $data['error']['res'] = $this->str('e_whois'); } } return Parse($data, 'stat/stat_ip/stat_whois.tmpl'); }
function showStun() { // скидываем ифрэйм для поста в него и строим окно $plg = $this->getPluginClass(); $plg->LoadStrings(); $data = array(); $plg->AddStrings($data); //pr($data); return Parse($data, NOTIFY_DIR . 'tmpls/sending.tmpl'); }
function GetPages() { global $limit; $offset = (int) get('offset'); $limit = (int) get('limit', $this->Param('limit', $limit)); $from_date = (int) get('from_date'); $to_date = (int) get('to_date'); $adv = get('adv', array(), 'g'); $this->sess_table = get('sess'); $agent_id = get('agent_id'); $q = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_stat_robot_" . $agent_id . " SELECT log.time, log.page_id\tFROM " . $this->sess_table . " AS sess LEFT JOIN " . STAT_LOG_TABLE . " AS log ON log.sess_id=sess.sess_id WHERE sess.robot=1 AND sess.agent_id=" . $agent_id; sql_query($q); $q = "select count(*) FROM tmp_stat_robot_" . $agent_id . " AS sess LEFT JOIN " . STAT_PAGES_TABLE . " AS page on order by sess.time ASC"; $count = sql_getValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tmp_stat_robot_" . $agent_id . ""); $data = sql_getRows("select FROM_UNIXTIME(sess.time), CONCAT(' <a href=\"http://',,page.uri,'\">','http://',,page.uri) FROM tmp_stat_robot_" . $agent_id . " AS sess LEFT JOIN " . STAT_PAGES_TABLE . " AS page on order by sess.time ASC LIMIT " . $offset . ", " . $limit); // Main Table $ret['table'] = $this->stat_table(array('columns' => array(array('header' => 'time', 'nowrap' => 1, 'type' => 'time', 'align' => 'center'), array('header' => 'page', 'align' => 'left', 'width' => '80%')), 'data' => $data, 'count' => $count, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit)); $ret['navig'] = $this->NavigForm(array('hidden' => array('show' => $this->show))); $ret['navig']['hidden'][] = array('name' => 'agent_id', 'value' => $agent_id); echo '<title>' . $this->GetTitle() . '</title>'; $ret['navig']['hidden'][] = array('name' => 'sess', 'value' => $this->sess_table); echo Parse($ret, 'stat/stat.no_navig.tmpl'); }
function ShowRecipients() { if (!empty($GLOBALS['_POST'])) { $actions = get('actions', '', 'p'); if ($actions) { return $this->{$actions}(); } } require_once core_file('table.lib'); $ret['thisname'] = $this->name; $ret['table'] = table(array('from' => "clients", 'columns' => array(array('select' => 'id', 'display' => 'id', 'type' => 'checkbox'), array('select' => 'CONCAT(cont_name,CHAR(32),cont_lname)', 'display' => 'client', 'flags' => FLAG_SEARCH), array('select' => 'email', 'display' => 'email', 'flags' => FLAG_SEARCH), array('select' => 'reg_date', 'display' => 'registered', 'align' => 'right', 'type' => 'registered')), 'where' => 'visible=1 AND LENGTH(email)>0 ' . (is_root() ? '' : 'AND (admin_id IS NULL OR admin_id IN (' . join(',', $this->user['subst']) . '))'), 'orderby' => 'id', 'params' => array('page' => $this->name, 'do' => 'showrecipients'), 'click' => 'ID=cb.value;', 'dblclick' => 'PasteRecipients(id)'), $this); return Parse($ret, $this->name . '.recipients.tmpl'); }
<?php function Parse($url) { $fileContents = file_get_contents($url); $fileContents = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), '', $fileContents); $fileContents = trim(str_replace('"', "'", $fileContents)); $simpleXml = simplexml_load_string($fileContents); $json = json_encode($simpleXml); return $json; } $input = urlencode($_POST['input']); if (isset($_POST['type'])) { $type = $_POST['type']; } else { $type = "json"; } if ($type == "json") { $return["name"] = $_POST['input']; $return["jsonCall"] = Parse("" . $input . "&appid=8XV52V-P6RE2RGYA9"); echo json_encode($return); } else { if ($type == "xml") { $return["name"] = $_POST['input']; $return["xmlCall"] = file_get_contents("" . $input . "&appid=RJ45AJ-T8JV49E92P"); echo json_encode($return); } }
/** * строим список с элемами * * @return html */ function ElemList($tabname = "") { $id = (int) get('id', 0); $rows = array(); $pid = $this->id; $this->table = $this->elem_table; // если редактируем $rows = $this->getObject(); if (count($rows['object'])) { foreach ($rows['object'] as $kobj => $vobj) { $rows['object'][$kobj]['tabname'] = $tabname; $rows['object'][$kobj]['onclick'] = $tabname . ".showSelectDiv(" . $vobj['id'] . ", this);"; } } if ($this->elem_type == 'link') { unset($this->list_buttons['create']); } if (isset($this->list_buttons['create']['div_id'])) { $this->list_buttons['create']['div_id'] = 'tmp' . $tabname . $this->name . $id; } if (isset($this->list_buttons['delete']['div_id'])) { $this->list_buttons['delete']['div_id'] = 'tmp' . $tabname . $this->name . $id; } // Если указан класс для использования редактирования берем его // Если нет то получаем название класса из имени элема if (!empty($this->elem_class)) { $class_name = $this->elem_class; } else { $str = explode("_", $this->elem_name); $class_name = isset($str[1]) ? $str[1] : ''; } if (!elem($class_name . "/" . $class_name)) { die("У multielem - " . $this->elem_name . " не найден класс для подключения создания/редактирования"); } $_GET['limit'] = "-1"; // Параметр is_fancy=1 обозначает что всплывающий фрейм организован на основе fancybox $table = array('columns' => $this->columns, 'dataset' => isset($rows['object']) ? $rows['object'] : array(), 'params' => array('id' => $id, 'page' => $this->name, 'tab' => $tabname, 'class' => $class_name), 'action' => 'editor.php', 'click' => $this->click, 'dblclick' => $this->dblclick, 'tabframename' => 'tmp' . $tabname . $this->name . $id, 'id_table_list_name' => 'tbl' . $tabname . $this->name . $id, 'list_buttons' => $this->list_buttons, 'script' => isset($this->script) ? $this->script : "", 'src_frame' => "'./editor.php?page=" . $class_name . "&frame=view&pid=" . $pid . "&tabname=" . $tabname . "&page_name=" . $this->name . "&elem_name=" . $this->elem_name . "&is_fancy=1'", 'tmpl' => 'table_no_form.tmpl'); //debug if ($this->sql) { $table['_sql'] = true; } require_once core('list_table'); $data['table'] = list_table($table, $this); $data['window_size'] = $this->window_size; $this->AddStrings($data); $data['id'] = $id; $data['tab'] = $tabname; $data['elem_actions'] = $this->elem_actions; $data['thisname2'] = str_replace('/', '', $data['thisname']); $data['elem_type'] = $this->elem_type; if ($this->elem_type == 'link') { $data['autosuggest'] = array('table' => $this->elem_table, 'field' => @$this->autosuggest['field'], 'where' => @$this->autosuggest['where'], 'note' => @$this->autosuggest['note'], 'lang_select' => LANG_SELECT); } return Parse($data, OBJECT_EDITOR_MODULE . '/list.tmpl'); }
function ShowPrintForm() { $id = (int) get('id'); if ($id) { $row['order'] = $this->getRow($id); } $row['id'] = $id; // получаем счет по данному заказу $row['bill'] = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM bills WHERE status!='canceled' AND order_id=" . $row['id']); $row['bill']['r_comp'] = sql_getRow("SELECT r_comp_fname, r_comp_inn, r_comp_kpp, r_comp_rs, r_comp_ks, r_comp_bank, r_comp_bik, r_comp_addr FROM bills WHERE id=" . $row['bill']['id']); $row['bill']['r_comp']['kind_of_payment'] = sql_getValue("SELECT kind_of_payment FROM bills_accounts WHERE type='" . $row['bill']['type'] . "'"); $row['bill']['r_comp']['r_comp_sign'] = sql_getValue("SELECT r_comp_sign FROM bills_accounts WHERE type='" . $row['bill']['type'] . "'"); $row['bill']['total'] -= $row['bill']['bonus']; // дата оформления заказа $row['order']['order_date'] = date('d.m.Y', $row['order']['order_date']); // получаем значение currency $row['currency'] = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM currency WHERE name='" . $row['order']['currency'] . "'"); // получем список товаров по данному заказу $row['product_list'] = sql_getRows("SELECT * FROM cart as c LEFT JOIN products as p on WHERE c.order_id=" . $row['order']['id']); // считаем кол-во заказов $row['count'] = 0; foreach ($row['product_list'] as $key => $item) { $row['count'] += $item['quantity']; } $row['host'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if ($row['bill']['client_type'] == 'jur') { $row['bill']['sum_pr'] = @$this->SumProp($row['bill']['total']); } $row['text'] = $row; $this->AddStrings($row); return Parse($row, '../templates/print_kvit.html'); }