public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list'; // if true store the filter variables $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->last_id = initVar('last_id'); $this->parent_act = initVar('parent_act'); $this->tab_mode = initVar('tab_mode'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; $this->gpr_id = initVar('gpr_id'); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('askDelGlobalPlainGauge'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list'; // if true store the filter variables $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->id = (int) initVar('id'); $this->last_id = initVar('last_id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; $this->mu_id = initvar('mu_id'); $this->documentType = 'import_seap'; $this->isDialog = false; // Cambia le azioni per edit / delete $this->parent_act = 'list'; $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->registerAjaxFunction('checkImport'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirmDeleteImport'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list' || $reset || $init; // if true store the filter variables if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->id = initVar('id'); if (initVar('bu_id') !== null) { $this->id = initVar('bu_id'); } $this->last_id = initVar('last_id'); $this->parent_act = initVar('parent_act'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; $this->st_parent_id = PageVar('st_parent_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->st_name = PageVar('st_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('generateStatisticClass'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->ge_id = (int) initVar('ge_id'); $this->gs_id = (int) initVar('gs_id'); $this->gc_id = initVar('gc_id'); $this->act = initVar('act', initVar('parent_act', 'mod')); $this->parent_act = initVar('parent_act', 'mod'); $this->kind = strToUpper(initVar('kind')); $this->new_udm_divider = initVar('udm_divider'); $this->merge_municipality_data = PageVar('merge_municipality_data', 'T') == 'T' ? true : false; $this->toggle_subcategory = initVar('toggle_subcategory'); $this->do_id = PageVar('do_id', $_SESSION['do_id'], $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->pr_id = PageVar('pr_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->mu_id = PageVar('mu_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->bpu_id = PageVar('bpu_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('toggleSubcategory'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('updateLastOpenCloseStatus'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list'; // if true store the filter variables $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->parent_act = initVar('parent_act'); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->last_id = initVar('last_id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->gs_id = initVar('gs_id'); $this->do_id = PageVar('do_id', $_SESSION['do_id'], $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->pr_id = PageVar('pr_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_id = PageVar('mu_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_name = PageVar('mu_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->ge_name = PageVar('ge_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->ge_year = (int) PageVar('ge_year', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->toggle_subcategory = initVar('toggle_subcategory'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('askDelGlobalResult'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->act = 'mod'; $this->module = PageVar('module', null, false, false, $this->baseName); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('resetTableColumnToDefault'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'show'); $this->do_id = PageVar('do_id', $_SESSION['do_id'], $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->pr_id = PageVar('pr_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->mu_id = PageVar('mu_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->mu_name = PageVar('mu_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->sl_id = PageVar('sl_id'); $this->last_id = initVar('consumption_last_id'); $this->parent_act = PageVar('parent_act'); $this->tab_mode = initVar('tab_mode'); $this->order = PageVar('order', '6A', $init, false, $this->baseName); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->kind = PageVar('kind'); $this->em_id = PageVar('em_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->tabMode = PageVar('tab_mode', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirm_delete_device'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list' || $reset || $init; // if true store the filter variables if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->id = initVar('id'); if (initVar('bu_id') !== null) { $this->id = initVar('bu_id'); } $this->last_id = initVar('last_id'); $this->parent_act = initVar('parent_act'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; $this->pr_id = PageVar('pr_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_id = PageVar('mu_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_name = PageVar('mu_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->fr_id = PageVar('fr_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->fr_name = PageVar('fr_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->st_id = PageVar('st_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->st_name = PageVar('st_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->bu_civic = PageVar('bu_civic', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->bu_code = PageVar('bu_code', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->bu_name = PageVar('bu_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->bpu_id = PageVar('bpu_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->bt_id = PageVar('bt_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->bby_id = PageVar('bby_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->bry_id = PageVar('bry_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->bu_to_check = PageVar('bu_to_check', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->bu_alternative_simulation = PageVar('bu_alternative_simulation', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('fetch_fr_st_cm'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('fetch_fraction'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getStreetList'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('fetch_catmunic'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('fetch_municipality'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('fetch_eneryClassLimit'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('askDelBuilding'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list'; // if true store the filter variables $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->gc_id_filter = PageVar('gc_id_filter', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->gp_name = PageVar('gp_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('countGaugeAndMonitor'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->kind = PageVar('kind'); $this->em_id = PageVar('em_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->sl_id = PageVar('sl_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->tabMode = PageVar('tab_mode', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $data = R3EcoGisHelper::getMeterData($_SESSION['do_id'], $this->em_id); $this->fields = $this->defFields($data['em_is_production'] == 'T'); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirm_delete_consumption'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->last_id = initVar('last_id'); $this->file_id = initVar('file_id'); $this->doc_object_id = initVar('doc_object_id'); $this->type = initVar('type'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->tab_mode = initVar('tab_mode'); $this->parent_act = PageVar('parent_act'); $this->disposition = initVar('disposition', 'inline'); $this->limit = 0; $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $this->documentType = 'document'; $this->isDialog = true; $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirm_delete_document'); }
function ThumbShoeMakeThumb($pagename, $picpath, $w = 128, $h = 128) { global $ThumbShoeThumbBg, $ThumbShoeThumbPrefix; global $UploadDir; $uploaddir = PageVar($pagename, '$TSAttachDir'); $name = PageVar($pagename, '$Name'); $thumbpath = "{$uploaddir}/{$ThumbShoeThumbPrefix}{$name}.png"; if (!file_exists($picpath)) { return; } // if the thumbnail has already been created // and it is newer than the original image, return. if (file_exists($thumbpath) && filemtime($thumbpath) > filemtime($picpath)) { return; } if (!file_exists($uploaddir)) { mkdirp($uploaddir); } $bg = $ThumbShoeThumbBg; $tmp1 = "{$uploaddir}/{$name}_tmp.png"; $area = $w * $h; # Need to use the following conversion because of # ImageMagick version earlier than 6.3 $cmdfmt = 'convert -thumbnail \'%dx%d>\' -bordercolor %s -background %s -border 50 -gravity center -crop %dx%d+0+0 +repage %s %s'; $cl = sprintf($cmdfmt, $w, $h, $bg, $bg, $w, $h, $picpath, $tmp1); $r = exec($cl, $o, $status); if (intval($status) != 0) { Abort("convert returned <pre>{$r}\n" . print_r($o, true) . "'</pre> with a status '{$status}'.<br/> Command line was '{$cl}'."); } if (!file_exists($tmp1)) { Abort("Failed to create '{$tmp1}';<br/> Command line was '{$cl}'."); } // fluff $cmdfmt = 'convert -mattecolor %s -frame 6x6+3+0 %s %s'; $cl = sprintf($cmdfmt, $bg, $tmp1, $thumbpath); $r = exec($cl, $o, $status); if (intval($status) != 0) { Abort("convert returned <pre>{$r}\n" . print_r($o, true) . "'</pre> with a status '{$status}'.<br/> Command line was '{$cl}'."); } unlink($tmp1); }
function WikiGallerySlideshow($pagename, $auth = 'read') { global $WikiGallery_DefaultSlideshowDelay, $HTMLHeaderFmt, $WikiGallery_Register; // get delay from url if (isset($_GET["delay"])) { $delay = intval($_GET["delay"]); } else { $delay = $WikiGallery_DefaultSlideshowDelay; } // find following picture $group = PageVar($pagename, '$Group'); $next = $WikiGallery_Register[$group]->neighbourPicturePage(PageVar($pagename, '$Name'), 1); $nextpage = "{$group}.{$next}"; // exists? if ($next && PageExists($nextpage)) { // add refresh header $url = MakeLink($nextpage, $nextpage, NULL, NULL, "\$LinkUrl"); array_unshift($HTMLHeaderFmt, "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"{$delay}; URL={$url}?action=slideshow&delay={$delay}\" />"); } return HandleBrowse($pagename, $auth); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->tab_mode = initVar('tab_mode'); $this->kind = initVar('kind'); $this->ge_id = (int) initVar('ge_id'); $this->gc_id = (int) initVar('gc_id'); $this->limit = 0; $this->do_id = PageVar('do_id', $_SESSION['do_id'], false, false, $this->baseName); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $this->registerAjaxFunction('fetchUDM'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('performEnergySourceRowCalc'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirmDeleteGlobalConsumptionRow'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getEnergySource'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getEnergyUDM'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('performActionCatalogCalc'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list'; // if true store the filter variables $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->id = initVar('id'); if (initVar('sl_id') !== null) { $this->id = initVar('sl_id'); } $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->last_id = initVar('last_id'); $this->parent_act = initVar('parent_act'); $this->do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; $this->pr_id = PageVar('pr_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_id = PageVar('mu_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_name = PageVar('mu_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->st_id = PageVar('st_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->st_name = PageVar('st_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->sl_full_name = PageVar('sl_full_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->sl_to_check = PageVar('sl_to_check', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getMunicipalityList'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getStreetList'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getStreetLength'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirmDeleteStreetLighting'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = array(); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = 'list'; $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list' || $reset || $init; if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->us_name_email = PageVar('us_name_email', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->us_status = PageVar('us_status', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('askEnablePublicUser'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('askDelPublicUser'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('enablePublicUser'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('delPublicUser'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = array(); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list' || $reset || $init; // if true store the filter variables if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->do_id_filter = (int) PageVar('do_id_filter', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_name_collection = PageVar('mu_name_collection', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_name = PageVar('mu_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirmDeleteMunicipalityCollection'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getAvailableMunicipalityForCollection'); }
function LinkPage($pagename,$imap,$path,$title,$txt,$fmt=NULL) { global $QueryFragPattern,$LinkPageExistsFmt,$LinkPageSelfFmt, $LinkPageCreateSpaceFmt,$LinkPageCreateFmt,$FmtV,$LinkTargets; if (!$fmt && $path{0} == '#') { $path = preg_replace("/[^-.:\\w]/", '', $path); return ($path) ? "<a href='#$path'>$txt</a>" : ''; } if (!preg_match("/^\\s*([^#?]+)($QueryFragPattern)?$/",$path,$match)) return ''; $tgtname = MakePageName($pagename, $match[1]); if (!$tgtname) return ''; $qf = @$match[2]; @$LinkTargets[$tgtname]++; if (!$fmt) { if (!PageExists($tgtname) && !preg_match('/[&?]action=/', $qf)) $fmt = preg_match('/\\s/', $txt) ? $LinkPageCreateSpaceFmt : $LinkPageCreateFmt; else $fmt = ($tgtname == $pagename && $qf == '') ? $LinkPageSelfFmt : $LinkPageExistsFmt; } $fmt = str_replace(array('$LinkUrl', '$LinkText'), array(PageVar($tgtname, '$PageUrl').PUE($qf), $txt), $fmt); return FmtPageName($fmt,$tgtname); }
function PrintAttrForm($pagename) { global $PageAttributes, $PCache, $FmtV; echo FmtPageName("<form action='\$PageUrl' method='post'> <input type='hidden' name='action' value='postattr' /> <input type='hidden' name='n' value='\$FullName' /> <table>",$pagename); $page = $PCache[$pagename]; foreach($PageAttributes as $attr=>$p) { if (!$p) continue; if (strncmp($attr, 'passwd', 6) == 0) { $setting = PageVar($pagename, '$Passwd'.ucfirst(substr($attr, 6))); $value = ''; } else { $setting = $value = PHSC(@$page[$attr]); } $prompt = FmtPageName($p,$pagename); echo "<tr><td>$prompt</td> <td><input type='text' name='$attr' value='$value' /></td> <td>$setting</td></tr>"; } echo FmtPageName("</table><input type='submit' value='$[Save]' /></form>", $pagename); }
function LinkPage($pagename, $imap, $path, $title, $txt, $fmt = NULL) { global $QueryFragPattern, $LinkPageExistsFmt, $LinkPageSelfFmt, $LinkPageCreateSpaceFmt, $LinkPageCreateFmt, $FmtV, $LinkTargets; if (!$fmt && $path[0] == '#') { $path = preg_replace("/[^-.:\\w]/", '', $path); return "<a href='#{$path}'>{$txt}</a>"; } if (!preg_match("/^([^#?]+)({$QueryFragPattern})?\$/", $path, $match)) { return ''; } $tgtname = MakePageName($pagename, $match[1]); $qf = @$match[2]; @$LinkTargets[$tgtname]++; if (!$fmt) { if (PageExists($tgtname)) { $fmt = $tgtname == $pagename && $qf == '' ? $LinkPageSelfFmt : $LinkPageExistsFmt; } elseif (preg_match('/\\s/', $txt)) { $fmt = $LinkPageCreateSpaceFmt; } else { $fmt = $LinkPageCreateFmt; } } $fmt = str_replace(array('$LinkUrl', '$LinkText'), array(PageVar($tgtname, '$PageUrl') . PUE($qf), $txt), $fmt); return FmtPageName($fmt, $tgtname); }
function FPLTemplateFormat($pagename, $matches, $opt, $tparts, &$output){ global $Cursor, $FPLTemplateMarkupFunction; SDV($FPLTemplateMarkupFunction, 'MarkupToHTML'); $savecursor = $Cursor; $pagecount = 0; $groupcount = 0; $grouppagecount = 0; $pseudovars = array('{$$PageCount}' => &$pagecount, '{$$GroupCount}' => &$groupcount, '{$$GroupPageCount}' => &$grouppagecount); foreach(preg_grep('/^[\\w$]/', array_keys($opt)) as $k) if (!is_array($opt[$k])) $pseudovars["{\$\$$k}"] = htmlspecialchars($opt[$k], ENT_NOQUOTES); $vk = array_keys($pseudovars); $vv = array_values($pseudovars); $lgroup = ''; $out = ''; if(count($matches)==0 ) { $t = 0; while($t < count($tparts)) { if($tparts[$t]=='template' && $tparts[$t+2]=='none') { $out .= MarkupRestore( FPLExpandItemVars($tparts[$t+4], $matches, 0, $pseudovars)); $t+=4; } $t++; } } # else: foreach($matches as $i => $pn) { $group = PageVar($pn, '$Group'); if ($group != $lgroup) { $groupcount++; $grouppagecount = 0; $lgroup = $group; } $grouppagecount++; $pagecount++; $t = 0; while ($t < count($tparts)) { if ($tparts[$t] != 'template') { $item = $tparts[$t]; $t++; } else { list($neg, $when, $control, $item) = array_slice($tparts, $t+1, 4); $t+=5; if($when=='none') continue; if (!$control) { if ($when == 'first' && ($neg xor ($i != 0))) continue; if ($when == 'last' && ($neg xor ($i != count($matches) - 1))) continue; } else { if ($when == 'first' || !isset($last[$t])) { $curr = FPLExpandItemVars($control, $matches, $i, $pseudovars); if ($when == 'first' && ($neg xor (($i != 0) && ($last[$t] == $curr)))) { $last[$t] = $curr; continue; } $last[$t] = $curr; } if ($when == 'last') { $next = FPLExpandItemVars($control, $matches, $i+1, $pseudovars); if ($neg xor ($next == $last[$t] && $i != count($matches) - 1)) continue; $last[$t] = $next; } } } $item = FPLExpandItemVars($item, $matches, $i, $pseudovars); $out .= MarkupRestore($item); } } $class = preg_replace('/[^-a-zA-Z0-9\\x80-\\xff]/', ' ', @$opt['class']); if ($class) $class = " class='$class'"; $wrap = @$opt['wrap']; if ($wrap != 'inline') { $out = $FPLTemplateMarkupFunction($pagename, $out, array('escape' => 0, 'redirect'=>1)); if ($wrap != 'none') $out = "<div$class>$out</div>"; } $Cursor = $savecursor; $output .= $out; }
function FPLTemplate($pagename, &$matches, $opt) { global $Cursor, $FPLTemplatePageFmt, $RASPageName, $PageListArgPattern; SDV($FPLTemplatePageFmt, array('{$FullName}', '{$SiteGroup}.LocalTemplates', '{$SiteGroup}.PageListTemplates')); StopWatch("FPLTemplate begin"); $template = @$opt['template']; if (!$template) { $template = @$opt['fmt']; } $ttext = RetrieveAuthSection($pagename, $template, $FPLTemplatePageFmt); $ttext = PVSE(Qualify($RASPageName, $ttext)); ## save any escapes $ttext = MarkupEscape($ttext); ## remove any anchor markups to avoid duplications $ttext = preg_replace('/\\[\\[#[A-Za-z][-.:\\w]*\\]\\]/', '', $ttext); ## extract portions of template $tparts = preg_split('/\\(:(template)\\s+(\\w+)\\s*(.*?):\\)/i', $ttext, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); ## handle (:template defaults:) $i = 0; while ($i < count($tparts)) { if ($tparts[$i] != 'template') { $i++; continue; } if ($tparts[$i + 1] != 'defaults' && $tparts[$i + 1] != 'default') { $i += 4; continue; } $opt = array_merge(ParseArgs($tparts[$i + 2], $PageListArgPattern), $opt); array_splice($tparts, $i, 3); } SDVA($opt, array('class' => 'fpltemplate', 'wrap' => 'div')); ## get the list of pages $matches = array_values(MakePageList($pagename, $opt, 0)); ## extract page subset according to 'count=' parameter if (@$opt['count']) { list($r0, $r1) = CalcRange($opt['count'], count($matches)); if ($r1 < $r0) { $matches = array_reverse(array_slice($matches, $r1 - 1, $r0 - $r1 + 1)); } else { $matches = array_slice($matches, $r0 - 1, $r1 - $r0 + 1); } } $savecursor = $Cursor; $pagecount = 0; $groupcount = 0; $grouppagecount = 0; $pseudovars = array('{$$PageCount}' => &$pagecount, '{$$GroupCount}' => &$groupcount, '{$$GroupPageCount}' => &$grouppagecount); foreach (preg_grep('/^[\\w$]/', array_keys($opt)) as $k) { if (!is_array($opt[$k])) { $pseudovars["{\$\${$k}}"] = htmlspecialchars($opt[$k], ENT_NOQUOTES); } } $vk = array_keys($pseudovars); $vv = array_values($pseudovars); $lgroup = ''; $out = ''; foreach ($matches as $i => $pn) { $group = PageVar($pn, '$Group'); if ($group != $lgroup) { $groupcount++; $grouppagecount = 0; $lgroup = $group; } $grouppagecount++; $pagecount++; $t = 0; while ($t < count($tparts)) { if ($tparts[$t] != 'template') { $item = $tparts[$t]; $t++; } else { list($when, $control, $item) = array_slice($tparts, $t + 1, 3); $t += 4; if (!$control) { if ($when == 'first' && $i != 0) { continue; } if ($when == 'last' && $i != count($matches) - 1) { continue; } } else { if ($when == 'first' || !isset($last[$t])) { $Cursor['<'] = $Cursor['<'] = (string) @$matches[$i - 1]; $Cursor['='] = $pn; $Cursor['>'] = $Cursor['>'] = (string) @$matches[$i + 1]; $curr = str_replace($vk, $vv, $control); $curr = preg_replace('/\\{(=|&[lg]t;)(\\$:?\\w+)\\}/e', "PageVar(\$pn, '\$2', '\$1')", $curr); if ($when == 'first' && $i > 0 && $last[$t] == $curr) { continue; } $last[$t] = $curr; } if ($when == 'last') { $Cursor['<'] = $Cursor['<'] = $pn; $Cursor['='] = (string) @$matches[$i + 1]; $Cursor['>'] = $Cursor['>'] = (string) @$matches[$i + 2]; $next = str_replace($vk, $vv, $control); $next = preg_replace('/\\{(=|&[lg]t;)(\\$:?\\w+)\\}/e', "PageVar(\$pn, '\$2', '\$1')", $next); if ($next == $last[$t] && $i != count($matches) - 1) { continue; } $last[$t] = $next; } } } $Cursor['<'] = $Cursor['<'] = (string) @$matches[$i - 1]; $Cursor['='] = $pn; $Cursor['>'] = $Cursor['>'] = (string) @$matches[$i + 1]; $item = str_replace($vk, $vv, $item); $item = preg_replace('/\\{(=|&[lg]t;)(\\$:?\\w+)\\}/e', "PVSE(PageVar(\$pn, '\$2', '\$1'))", $item); $out .= MarkupRestore($item); } } $class = preg_replace('/[^-a-zA-Z0-9\\x80-\\xff]/', ' ', @$opt['class']); if ($class) { $class = " class='{$class}'"; } $wrap = @$opt['wrap']; if ($wrap != 'inline') { $out = MarkupToHTML($pagename, $out, array('escape' => 0, 'redirect' => 1)); if ($wrap != 'none') { $out = "<div{$class}>{$out}</div>"; } } $Cursor = $savecursor; StopWatch("FPLTemplate end"); return $out; }
public function getListData($request) { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $sql = $this->getListSQL(); // Crea la tabella per poter chiamare createListTableHeader $this->createListTable(); $this->createListTableHeader($this->order); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request) || array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); if (!isset($this->limit)) { $this->limit = $this->auth === null ? 10 : max(10, $this->auth->getConfigValue('SETTINGS', 'ROW_COUNT', 10)); } if (!isset($this->pg)) { $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 1, $init); } // Apply the SQL order if ($this->order != '') { $orderFields = $this->simpleTable->getSQLOrder($this->order); if ($orderFields != '') { $sql .= " ORDER BY " . $this->simpleTable->getSQLOrder($this->order); } } if ($this->limit > 0) { $sql .= " LIMIT " . (int) max(0, $this->limit); $sql .= " OFFSET " . (int) max(0, ($this->pg - 1) * $this->limit); } $rows = array(); $stmt = $db->query($sql); $rowNo = 0; while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { $rowNo++; $data = array(); foreach ($this->simpleTable->getFields() as $field) { $links = $this->getListTableRowOperations($row); if ($field['type'] == 'LINK') { $data[] = $this->simpleTable->CreateLinksCell($links); } else { if ($field['type'] == 'CALCULATED') { $data[] = $this->simpleTable->getCalcValue($field['field']); } else { $value = $row[$field['field']]; $format = $field['format']; $number_format = $field['number_format']; // Corregge il campo data if ($field['type'] == 'DATE') { if ($value == '0000-00-00') { $value = ''; } else { $value = SQLDateToStr($value, $format === false ? 'd/m/Y' : $format); } } else { if ($field['type'] == 'TIME') { if ($value == '00:00:00') { $value = ''; } else { $value = SQLDateToStr($value, $format === false ? 'h:i:s' : $format); } } else { if ($field['type'] == 'DATETIME') { if ($value == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $value = ''; } else { $value = SQLDateToStr($value, $format === false ? 'd/m/Y H:i:s' : $format); } } else { if (strpos($field['type'], 'URL') !== false) { if (strpos($field['type'], 'MAILTO') !== false) { $value = sprintf("<a href=\"mailto:%s\">%s</a>", $value, $value); } else { $value = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_BLANK\">%s</a>", $value, $value); } } else { // Format or number_format if ($value != '') { if ($format !== false) { $value = sprintf($format, $value); } else { if ($number_format !== false) { if (!defined("__R3_LOCALE__")) { require_once 'r3locale.php'; } $localeInfo = getLocaleInfo(); if (!is_array($number_format)) { $number_format = array('decimals' => $number_format, 'dec_point' => $localeInfo['decimal_point'], 'thousands_sep' => $localeInfo['thousands_sep']); } else { $number_format = array_merge(array('decimals' => 0, 'dec_point' => $localeInfo['decimal_point'], 'thousands_sep' => $localeInfo['thousands_sep']), $number_format); } if ($number_format['decimals'] === null && is_numeric($value)) { $diff = round($value - (int) $value, 10); if ($diff == 0) { $number_format['decimals'] = 0; } else { $number_format['decimals'] = strlen($diff) - 2; // -2 is 0. of the number } } $value = number_format($value, $number_format['decimals'], $number_format['dec_point'], $number_format['thousands_sep']); } } } } } } } $data[] = $value; } } } $rows[] = array('id' => $rowNo, 'cell' => $data); } $result = array(); $tot = $db->query($this->getListTotSQL())->fetchColumn(); $result['total'] = ceil($tot / $this->limit); $result['page'] = $this->pg; $result['records'] = $tot; $result['rows'] = $rows; return $result; }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list'; // if true store the filter variables $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->id = (int) initVar('id'); $this->last_id = initVar('last_id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->parent_act = initVar('parent_act'); $this->do_id = PageVar('do_id', $_SESSION['do_id'], $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->pr_id = PageVar('pr_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_id = PageVar('mu_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_name = PageVar('mu_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->gst_name = PageVar('gst_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('loadGE_GS'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('exportPAES'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('exportPAESDlg'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getExportPAESStatus'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('askDelGlobalStrategy'); }
function FPLTemplateFormat($pagename, $matches, $opt, $tparts, &$output) { global $Cursor, $FPLTemplateMarkupFunction; SDV($FPLTemplateMarkupFunction, 'MarkupToHTML'); $savecursor = $Cursor; $pagecount = 0; $groupcount = 0; $grouppagecount = 0; $pseudovars = array('{$$PageCount}' => &$pagecount, '{$$GroupCount}' => &$groupcount, '{$$GroupPageCount}' => &$grouppagecount); foreach (preg_grep('/^[\\w$]/', array_keys($opt)) as $k) { if (!is_array($opt[$k])) { $pseudovars["{\$\${$k}}"] = htmlspecialchars($opt[$k], ENT_NOQUOTES); } } $vk = array_keys($pseudovars); $vv = array_values($pseudovars); $lgroup = ''; $out = ''; if (count($matches) == 0) { $t = 0; while ($t < count($tparts)) { if ($tparts[$t] == 'template' && $tparts[$t + 1] == 'none') { $out .= MarkupRestore($tparts[$t + 3]); $t += 3; } $t++; } } # else: foreach ($matches as $i => $pn) { $group = PageVar($pn, '$Group'); if ($group != $lgroup) { $groupcount++; $grouppagecount = 0; $lgroup = $group; } $grouppagecount++; $pagecount++; $t = 0; while ($t < count($tparts)) { if ($tparts[$t] != 'template') { $item = $tparts[$t]; $t++; } else { list($when, $control, $item) = array_slice($tparts, $t + 1, 3); $t += 4; if ($when == 'none') { continue; } if (!$control) { if ($when == 'first' && $i != 0) { continue; } if ($when == 'last' && $i != count($matches) - 1) { continue; } } else { if ($when == 'first' || !isset($last[$t])) { $Cursor['<'] = $Cursor['<'] = (string) @$matches[$i - 1]; $Cursor['='] = $pn; $Cursor['>'] = $Cursor['>'] = (string) @$matches[$i + 1]; $curr = str_replace($vk, $vv, $control); $curr = preg_replace('/\\{(=|&[lg]t;)(\\$:?\\w+)\\}/e', "PageVar(\$pn, '\$2', '\$1')", $curr); if ($when == 'first' && $i > 0 && $last[$t] == $curr) { continue; } $last[$t] = $curr; } if ($when == 'last') { $Cursor['<'] = $Cursor['<'] = $pn; $Cursor['='] = (string) @$matches[$i + 1]; $Cursor['>'] = $Cursor['>'] = (string) @$matches[$i + 2]; $next = str_replace($vk, $vv, $control); $next = preg_replace('/\\{(=|&[lg]t;)(\\$:?\\w+)\\}/e', "PageVar(\$pn, '\$2', '\$1')", $next); if ($next == $last[$t] && $i != count($matches) - 1) { continue; } $last[$t] = $next; } } } $Cursor['<'] = $Cursor['<'] = (string) @$matches[$i - 1]; $Cursor['='] = $pn; $Cursor['>'] = $Cursor['>'] = (string) @$matches[$i + 1]; $item = str_replace($vk, $vv, $item); $item = preg_replace('/\\{(=|&[lg]t;)(\\$:?\\w+)\\}/e', "PVSE(PageVar(\$pn, '\$2', '\$1'))", $item); $out .= MarkupRestore($item); } } $class = preg_replace('/[^-a-zA-Z0-9\\x80-\\xff]/', ' ', @$opt['class']); if ($class) { $class = " class='{$class}'"; } $wrap = @$opt['wrap']; if ($wrap != 'inline') { $out = $FPLTemplateMarkupFunction($pagename, $out, array('escape' => 0, 'redirect' => 1)); if ($wrap != 'none') { $out = "<div{$class}>{$out}</div>"; } } $Cursor = $savecursor; $output .= $out; }
function LinkPage($pagename, $imap, $path, $title, $txt, $fmt = NULL) { global $QueryFragPattern, $LinkPageExistsFmt, $LinkPageSelfFmt, $LinkPageCreateSpaceFmt, $LinkPageCreateFmt, $LinkTargets, $EnableLinkPageRelative; if (!$fmt && $path[0] == '#') { $path = preg_replace("/[^-.:\\w]/", '', $path); return $path ? "<a href='#{$path}'>{$txt}</a>" : ''; } if (!preg_match("/^\\s*([^#?]+)({$QueryFragPattern})?\$/", $path, $match)) { return ''; } $tgtname = MakePageName($pagename, $match[1]); if (!$tgtname) { return ''; } $qf = @$match[2]; @$LinkTargets[$tgtname]++; if (!$fmt) { if (!PageExists($tgtname) && !preg_match('/[&?]action=/', $qf)) { $fmt = preg_match('/\\s/', $txt) ? $LinkPageCreateSpaceFmt : $LinkPageCreateFmt; } else { $fmt = $tgtname == $pagename && $qf == '' ? $LinkPageSelfFmt : $LinkPageExistsFmt; } } $url = PageVar($tgtname, '$PageUrl'); if (@$EnableLinkPageRelative) { $url = preg_replace('!^[a-z]+://[^/]*!i', '', $url); } $fmt = str_replace(array('$LinkUrl', '$LinkText'), array($url . PUE($qf), $txt), $fmt); return FmtPageName($fmt, $tgtname); }
function FPLTemplate($pagename, &$matches, $opt) { global $Cursor, $FPLFormatOpt, $FPLTemplatePageFmt; SDV($FPLTemplatePageFmt, array('{$FullName}', '{$SiteGroup}.LocalTemplates', '{$SiteGroup}.PageListTemplates')); $template = @$opt['template']; if (!$template) { $template = @$opt['fmt']; } list($tname, $qf) = explode('#', $template, 2); if ($tname) { $tname = array(MakePageName($pagename, $tname)); } else { $tname = (array) $FPLTemplatePageFmt; } foreach ($tname as $t) { $t = FmtPageName($t, $pagename); if (!PageExists($t)) { continue; } if ($qf) { $t .= "#{$qf}"; } $ttext = IncludeText($pagename, $t, true); if (!$qf || strpos($ttext, "[[#{$qf}]]") !== false) { break; } } ## remove any anchor markups to avoid duplications $ttext = preg_replace('/\\[\\[#[A-Za-z][-.:\\w]*\\]\\]/', '', $ttext); if (!@$opt['order'] && !@$opt['trail']) { $opt['order'] = 'name'; } $matches = array_values(MakePageList($pagename, $opt, 0)); if (@$opt['count']) { array_splice($matches, $opt['count']); } $savecursor = $Cursor; $pagecount = 0; $groupcount = 0; $grouppagecount = 0; $vk = array('{$PageCount}', '{$GroupCount}', '{$GroupPageCount}'); $vv = array(&$pagecount, &$groupcount, &$grouppagecount); $lgroup = ''; $out = ''; foreach ($matches as $i => $pn) { $prev = (string) @$matches[$i - 1]; $next = (string) @$matches[$i + 1]; $Cursor['<'] = $Cursor['<'] = $prev; $Cursor['='] = $pn; $Cursor['>'] = $Cursor['>'] = $next; $group = PageVar($pn, '$Group'); if ($group != $lgroup) { $groupcount++; $grouppagecount = 0; } $grouppagecount++; $pagecount++; $item = str_replace($vk, $vv, $ttext); $item = preg_replace('/\\{(=|&[lg]t;)(\\$:?\\w+)\\}/e', "PageVar(\$pn, '\$2', '\$1')", $item); $out .= $item; $lgroup = $group; } $class = preg_replace('/[^-a-zA-Z0-9\\x80-\\xff]/', ' ', @$opt['class']); $div = $class ? "<div class='{$class}'>" : '<div>'; return $div . MarkupToHTML($pagename, $out, array('escape' => 0)) . '</div>'; }