function PMBP_print_header($scriptname) { global $CONF; global $_POST; global $PMBP_SYS_VAR; global $PMBP_MU_CONF; if (!isset($CONF['stylesheet'])) { $CONF['stylesheet'] = "standard"; } echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01\nTransitional//EN\" \"\">\n<html" . ARABIC_HTML . ">\n<head>\n<title>phpMyBackupPro " . PMBP_VERSION; // print mu mode info in browser title if ($_SESSION['multi_user_mode']) { echo " (Multi User Mode)"; } if (isset($_SESSION['sql_user']) && isset($_SESSION['sql_passwd'])) { if ($_SESSION['sql_user'] && $_SESSION['sql_user'] == $PMBP_MU_CONF['sql_user_admin'] && $_SESSION['sql_passwd'] == $PMBP_MU_CONF['sql_passwd_admin']) { echo " (Multi User Mode Administration)"; } } if (!file_exists(PMBP_STYLESHEET_DIR . $CONF['stylesheet'] . ".css")) { if (!file_exists(PMBP_STYLESHEET_DIR . ($CONF['stylesheet'] = "standard") . "css")) { echo "STYLESHEET IS MISSING!"; } } echo "</title>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=" . BD_CHARSET_HTML . "\">\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"noindex\">\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"nofollow\">\n<link href=\"images/favicon.png\" type=\"image/png\" rel=\"icon\">\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" . PMBP_STYLESHEET_DIR . $CONF['stylesheet'] . ".css\" type=\"text/css\">\n"; readfile(PMBP_JAVASCRIPTS); // define menue $menu = array("index.php" => F_START, "config.php" => F_CONFIG, "import.php" => F_IMPORT, "backup.php" => F_BACKUP, "scheduled.php" => F_SCHEDULE, "db_info.php" => F_DB_INFO); // disable sql queries in mu mode if allow_sql_queries is false if ($_SESSION['multi_user_mode'] && $PMBP_MU_CONF['allow_sql_queries'] || !$_SESSION['multi_user_mode']) { $menu = array_merge($menu, array("sql_query.php" => F_SQL_QUERY)); } $accesskeys = array("index.php" => "m", "config.php" => "c", "import.php" => "i", "backup.php" => "b", "scheduled.php" => "s", "db_info.php" => "d", "sql_query.php" => "q", "logout" => "l", "help" => "h"); $simple_width = 130; $width = count($menu) * $simple_width; echo "</head>\n\n<body>\n<table width=\"" . $width . "\">\n <colgroup>\n <col span=\"" . count($menu) . "\" width=\"" . $simple_width . "\">\n </colgroup>\n <tr>\n <th colspan=\"" . count($menu) . "\" class=\"active\" id=\"menu\">\n"; // print titel echo "<div id=\"logo\">\n"; echo PMBP_image_tag("logo.png", "phpMyBackupPro", "phpMyBackupPro Homepage", PMBP_WEBSITE); echo " " . PMBP_VERSION . "\n"; echo "</div>\n<div id=\"help\">\n"; // generate popup link for proper help file if (!file_exists("./" . PMBP_LANGUAGE_DIR . $CONF['lang'] . "_help.php")) { echo PMBP_pop_up("./" . PMBP_LANGUAGE_DIR . "english_help.php?script=" . $scriptname, PMBP_image_tag("help.gif", "", "help") . F_HELP, "help", "help"); } else { echo PMBP_pop_up("./" . PMBP_LANGUAGE_DIR . $CONF['lang'] . "_help.php?script=" . $scriptname, PMBP_image_tag("help.gif", "", "help") . F_HELP, "help", "help"); } echo "\n</div>\n<div id=\"logout\">\n"; // print logout link if function is not disabled if (!($CONF['no_login'] == "1" && $CONF['login'] == "0")) { echo "<a href=\"login.php?logout=TRUE\" accesskey=\"l\" title=\"[access key = l]\">"; echo PMBP_image_tag("login.gif", "", "[access key = l]"); echo F_LOGOUT . "</a>\n"; } echo "\n</div>\n"; echo " </th>\n"; // print selection for several sql servers if (count($CONF['sql_passwd_s']) && basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) !== "config.php" && !isset($_POST['period'])) { echo " </tr>\n <tr>\n <th colspan=\"" . count($menu) . "\">\n <form action=\"" . basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . "\" method=\"POST\">\n <span class=\"bold_left\">Select working SQL server:</span>\n <select name=\"mysql_host\" onchange=\"submit()\">\n"; if ($CONF['sql_host'] == $_SESSION['sql_host_org'] && $CONF['sql_user'] == $_SESSION['sql_user_org']) { echo "<option value=\"-1\" selected>" . $_SESSION['sql_host_org'] . " (" . $_SESSION['sql_user_org'] . ")</option>\n"; } else { echo "<option value=\"-1\">" . $_SESSION['sql_host_org'] . " (" . $_SESSION['sql_user_org'] . ")</option>\n"; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($CONF['sql_passwd_s']); $i++) { if (isset($CONF['sql_host_s'])) { if ($CONF['sql_host'] == $CONF['sql_host_s'][$i] && $CONF['sql_user'] == $CONF['sql_user_s'][$i]) { echo "<option value=\"" . $i . "\" selected>" . $CONF['sql_host_s'][$i] . " (" . $CONF['sql_user_s'][$i] . ")</option>\n"; } else { echo "<option value=\"" . $i . "\">" . $CONF['sql_host_s'][$i] . " (" . $CONF['sql_user_s'][$i] . ")</option>\n"; } } else { echo "<option value=\"" . $i . "\">" . $CONF['sql_host_s'][$i] . " (" . $CONF['sql_user_s'][$i] . ")</option>\n"; } } echo " </select></form>\n </th>\n"; } echo " </tr>\n <!-- MENU -->\n <tr>\n"; // generate menu foreach ($menu as $filename => $title) { // print active link if ($filename == $scriptname && $filename != "login.php?logout=TRUE" && $filename != "HELP") { echo " <th class=\"active\">\n <a href=\"" . $filename . "\" accesskey=\"" . $accesskeys[$filename] . "\" title=\"[access key = " . $accesskeys[$filename] . "]\">" . PMBP_image_tag(substr($filename, 0, strpos($filename, ".")) . ".gif", "", "[accesskey = " . $accesskeys[$filename] . "]") . $title . "</a>\n </th>\n"; // print lasting menu } elseif ($filename != "login.php?logout=TRUE" && $filename != "HELP") { echo " <th>\n <a href=\"" . $filename . "\" accesskey=\"" . $accesskeys[$filename] . "\" title=\"[access key = " . $accesskeys[$filename] . "]\">" . PMBP_image_tag(substr($filename, 0, strpos($filename, ".")) . ".gif", "", "[accesskey = " . $accesskeys[$filename] . "]") . $title . "</a>\n </th>\n"; } } echo " </tr>\n</table>\n<table width=\"" . $width . "\">\n <colgroup>\n <col width=\"20\">\n <col width=\"*\">\n <col width=\"20\">\n </colgroup>\n <tr>\n <td>\n \n </td>\n <td class=\"main\">\n<!-- HEADER END -->\n"; }
mysql_select_db($db_name, $con); $num_tables = $num_rows = $data_size = 0; // get number of rows and size of tables $stati = mysql_query("show table status", $con); while ($status = @mysql_fetch_array($stati)) { $data_size += $status['Data_length'] + $status['Index_length']; $num_rows += $status['Rows']; } $size = PMBP_size_type($data_size); // get number of tables $num_tables = mysql_affected_rows($con); // first field for the db name echo "<tr " . PMBP_change_color("#FFFFFF", "#000000") . ">"; echo "\n<th class=\"active\">\n" . $db_name; if ($num_tables > 0) { echo "<span class=\"standard\">" . PMBP_pop_up("db_info.php?table=" . $db_name, " [" . DB_TABLES . "]", "view") . "</span>"; } elseif ($num_tables < 0) { $num_tables = "<span class=\"red\">" . C_WRONG_DB . "</span>"; } echo "\n</th>\n"; echo "<td class=\"list\">" . $num_tables . "</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"list\">" . $num_rows . "</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"list\">" . $size['value'] . " " . $size['type'] . "</td>\n"; } // show execution duration if (function_exists("microtime")) { $microtime = explode(" ", microtime()); $endtime = $microtime[0] + $microtime[1]; } else { $endtime = time(); }
if (PMBP_save_to_file($_POST['path'] . $_POST['filename'], "", $result, "w")) { echo PMBP_addOutput(EX_SAVED . " " . $_POST['path'] . $_POST['filename'], "green_left"); @chmod($_POST['path'] . $_POST['filename'], 0644); // save specific settings for scheduled backups if ($PMBP_SYS_VAR['EXS_scheduled_file'] != $_POST['filename']) { $PMBP_SYS_VAR['EXS_scheduled_file'] = $_POST['filename']; } } else { echo PMBP_addOutput(C_WRITE . " " . $_POST['path'] . $_POST['filename'], "red_left"); } } echo PMBP_EXS_SAVE . ":<br>\n"; echo $_POST['path'] . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"filename\" value=\"" . $PMBP_SYS_VAR['EXS_scheduled_file'] . "\"> "; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . C_SAVE . "\">"; if ($PMBP_SYS_VAR['EXS_scheduled_file'] != "???.php") { echo " (<a href=\"\">" . PMBP_pop_up("get_file.php?view=" . $_POST['path'] . $PMBP_SYS_VAR['EXS_scheduled_file'], B_VIEW, "view") . "</a>)"; } echo "</form>"; echo "\n<a href=\"scheduled.php\"> <- " . EXS_BACK . "</a>\n"; // update specific settings for scheduled backups if ($_POST['path'] != $PMBP_SYS_VAR['EXS_scheduled_dir'] or $_POST['period'] != $PMBP_SYS_VAR['EXS_period']) { $PMBP_SYS_VAR['EXS_scheduled_dir'] = $_POST['path']; $PMBP_SYS_VAR['EXS_period'] = $_POST['period']; } // save PMBP_SYS_VARS PMBP_save_export_settings(); // print instructions and export form } else { if (isset($selection_ok) && isset($_POST['period'])) { echo PMBP_addOutput(EX_NO_DB . "!", "red"); }
// generate one row for the db name if (!isset($printed_title[$db = PMBP_file_info("db", $file)])) { $printed_title[$db] = TRUE; echo "<tr><th colspan=\"9\" class=\"active\">" . $db . " <span class=\"standard\">" . PMBP_confirm(B_CONF_EMPTY_DB, "import.php?empty_all=" . $db, "[" . B_EMPTY_DB . "]"); echo " " . PMBP_confirm(B_CONF_DEL_ALL, "import.php?del_all=" . $db, "[" . B_DELETE_ALL . "]") . "</span></th></tr>\n"; } echo "<tr " . PMBP_change_color("#FFFFFF", "#000000") . ">\n<td class=\"list\">\n" . $filename . "</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"list\">" . strftime($CONF['date'], $time = PMBP_file_info("time", $file)) . "</td>\n"; if ($time > $last_backup) { $last_backup = $time; } $size_sum += $size = PMBP_file_info("size", $file); $size = PMBP_size_type($size); echo "<td class=\"list\">" . $size['value'] . " " . $size['type'] . "</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"list\">" . PMBP_pop_up("file_info.php?file=" . $filename, B_INFO, "info") . "</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"list\">" . PMBP_pop_up("get_file.php?view=" . $file, B_VIEW, "view") . "</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"list\"><a href=\"get_file.php?download=true&view=" . $file . "\">" . B_DOWNLOAD . "</a></td>\n"; if ($con) { echo "<td class=\"list\">" . PMBP_confirm(B_CONF_IMP, "import.php?import=" . $filename, B_IMPORT) . " \n"; } else { echo "<td class=\"list\">" . B_IMPORT . " \n"; } if ($con) { echo "(" . PMBP_confirm(B_CONF_IMP, "big_import.php?fn=" . PMBP_EXPORT_DIR . $filename . "&dbn=" . $db, B_IMPORT_FRAG, "info") . ")</td>\n"; } else { echo B_IMPORT_FRAG . "</td>\n"; } echo "<td class=\"list\">" . PMBP_confirm(B_CONF_DEL, "import.php?del=" . $filename, B_DELETE) . "</td>\n</tr>\n"; } // print delete ALL backups and empty ALL dbs links if backup files are available $size_sum = PMBP_size_type($size_sum);