Exemplo n.º 1
 public function get_list($lat, $long, $page, $pagesize, $activity_type)
     $where = array("status" => 0, "invite_time" => array("gt", time()));
     if ($activity_type !== false) {
         $sql = "SELECT i.*, u.* FROM " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "user as u INNER JOIN " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "invitation as i ON i.uid=u.uid WHERE i.status=0 AND i.activity_type=" . $activity_type . " AND i.invite_time>" . time() . " ORDER BY i.pigcms_id DESC, u.sex DESC";
         $where["activity_type"] = intval($activity_type);
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT i.*, u.* FROM " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "user as u INNER JOIN " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "invitation as i ON i.uid=u.uid WHERE i.status=0 AND i.invite_time>" . time() . " ORDER BY i.pigcms_id DESC, u.sex DESC";
     $start = ($page - 1) * $pagesize;
     $count = $this->where($where)->count();
     $sql .= " limit {$start}, {$pagesize}";
     $mode = new Model();
     $res = $mode->query($sql);
     $today = strtotime(date("Y-m-d")) + 86400;
     $tomorrow = $today + 86400;
     $lastday = $tomorrow + 86400;
     foreach ($res as &$v) {
         $v["_time"] = date("Y-m-d H:i", $v["invite_time"]);
         $v["juli"] = ROUND(6378.138 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POW(SIN(($lat * PI() / 180 - $v["lat"] * PI() / 180) / 2), 2) + COS($lat * PI() / 180) * COS($v["lat"] * PI() / 180) * POW(SIN(($long * PI() / 180 - $v["long"] * PI() / 180) / 2), 2))) * 1000);
         $v["juli"] = 1000 < $v["juli"] ? number_format($v["juli"] / 1000, 1) . "km" : ($v["juli"] < 100 ? "<100m" : $v["juli"] . "m");
         $v["invite_time"] = $v["invite_time"] < $today ? "今天 " . date("H:i", $v["invite_time"]) : ($v["invite_time"] < $tomorrow ? "明天  " . date("H:i", $v["invite_time"]) : ($v["invite_time"] < $lastday ? "后天  " . date("H:i", $v["invite_time"]) : date("m-d H:i", $v["invite_time"])));
         $v["birthday"] && ($v["age"] = date("Y") - date("Y", strtotime($v["birthday"])));
         $v["age"] = 100 < $v["age"] || $v["age"] < 0 ? "保密" : $v["age"] . "岁";
     return array("data" => $res, "total" => $count);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * this function does some simple syntax cleaning:
  * - removes all spaces
  * - replaces '**' by '^'
  * then it runs a regex to split the contents into tokens. the set
  * of possible tokens in this case is predefined to numbers (ints of floats)
  * math operators (*, -, +, /, **, ^) and parentheses.
 public function tokenize()
     $this->content = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t", " "), '', $this->content);
     $this->content = str_replace('**', '^', $this->content);
     $this->content = str_replace('PI', (string) PI(), $this->content);
     $this->tokens = preg_split('@
         @ix', $this->content, null, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 3
  *  计算两组经纬度坐标 之间的距离
  *   params :lat1 纬度1; lng1 经度1; lat2 纬度2; lng2 经度2; len_type (1:m or 2:km);
  *   return m or km
 public static function getDistanceByLongitudeAndLatitude($lat1, $lng1, $lat2, $lng2, $len_type = 2, $decimal = 1)
     $radLat1 = $lat1 * PI ()/ 180.0;   //PI()圆周率
     $radLat2 = $lat2 * PI() / 180.0;
     $a = $radLat1 - $radLat2;
     $b = ($lng1 * PI() / 180.0) - ($lng2 * PI() / 180.0);
     $s = 2 * asin(sqrt(pow(sin($a/2),2) + cos($radLat1) * cos($radLat2) * pow(sin($b/2),2)));
     $s = $s * self::EARTH_RADIUS;
     $s = round($s * 1000);
     if ($len_type > 1)
         $s /= 1000;
     return round($s, $decimal);
Exemplo n.º 4
function AA_getLatLongXYZ($x, $y, $zoom)
    $debug = $_GET['debug'];
    $lon = -180;
    // x
    $lonWidth = 360;
    // width 360
    $lat = -1;
    $latHeight = 2;
    $tilesAtThisZoom = 1 << 17 - $zoom;
    $lonWidth = 360.0 / $tilesAtThisZoom;
    $lon = -180 + $x * $lonWidth;
    $latHeight = 2.0 / $tilesAtThisZoom;
    $lat = ($tilesAtThisZoom / 2 - $y - 1) * $latHeight;
    if ($debug) {
        echo "(uniform) lat:{$latlatHt}:{$latHeight}<br>";
    // convert lat and latHeight to degrees in a transverse mercator projection
    // note that in fact the coordinates go from about -85 to +85 not -90 to 90!
    $latHeight += $lat;
    $latHeight = 2 * atan(exp(PI() * $latHeight)) - PI() / 2;
    $latHeight *= 180 / PI();
    $lat = 2 * atan(exp(PI() * $lat)) - PI() / 2;
    $lat *= 180 / PI();
    if ($debug) {
        echo "pre subtract lat: {$lat} latHeight {$latHeight}<br>";
    $latHeight -= $lat;
    if ($debug) {
        echo "lat: {$lat} latHeight {$latHeight}<br>";
    if ($lonWidth < 0) {
        $lon = $lon + $lonWidth;
        $lonWidth = -$lonWidth;
    if ($latHeight < 0) {
        $lat = $lat + $latHeight;
        $latHeight = -$latHeight;
    return array($lon, $lat, $lon + lonWidth, $lat + latHeight);
Exemplo n.º 5
 * returns a Rectangle2D with x = lon, y = lat, width=lonSpan, height=latSpan
 * for an x,y,zoom as used by google.
function getLatLonXYZ($x, $y, $zoom)
    $debug = isset($_GET['debug']) ? $_GET['debug'] : 0;
    $lon = -180;
    // x
    $lonWidth = 360;
    // width 360
    $lat = -1;
    $latHeight = 2;
    $tilesAtThisZoom = 1 << $zoom;
    $lonWidth = 360.0 / $tilesAtThisZoom;
    $lon = -180 + $x * $lonWidth;
    $latHeight = 2.0 / $tilesAtThisZoom;
    $lat = ($tilesAtThisZoom / 2 - $y - 1) * $latHeight;
    if ($debug) {
        echo "(uniform) lat:{$lat} latHt:{$latHeight}<br>";
    // convert lat and latHeight to degrees in a transverse mercator projection
    // note that in fact the coordinates go from about -85 to +85 not -90 to 90!
    $latHeight += $lat;
    $latHeight = 2 * atan(exp(PI() * $latHeight)) - PI() / 2;
    $latHeight *= 180 / PI();
    $lat = 2 * atan(exp(PI() * $lat)) - PI() / 2;
    $lat *= 180 / PI();
    if ($debug) {
        echo "pre subtract lat: {$lat} latHeight {$latHeight}<br>";
    $latHeight -= $lat;
    if ($debug) {
        echo "lat: {$lat} latHeight {$latHeight}<br>";
    if ($lonWidth < 0) {
        $lon = $lon + $lonWidth;
        $lonWidth = -$lonWidth;
    if ($latHeight < 0) {
        $lat = $lat + $latHeight;
        $latHeight = -$latHeight;
    $rect = new aRectangle();
    $rect->x = $lon;
    $rect->y = $lat;
    $rect->height = $latHeight;
    $rect->width = $lonWidth;
    return $rect;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function mysign()
     $invitation_signs = D("Invitation_sign")->field("invid")->where(array("uid" => $this->user_session["uid"]))->order("invid DESC")->select();
     $invids = $pre = "";
     foreach ($invitation_signs as $is) {
         $invids .= $pre . $is["invid"];
         $pre = ",";
     $today = strtotime(date("Y-m-d")) + 86400;
     $tomorrow = $today + 86400;
     $lastday = $tomorrow + 86400;
     if ($invids) {
         $sql = "SELECT i.*, u.* FROM " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "user as u INNER JOIN " . C("DB_PREFIX") . "invitation as i ON i.uid=u.uid WHERE i.pigcms_id IN ({$invids}) ORDER BY i.pigcms_id DESC, u.sex DESC";
         $mode = new Model();
         $res = $mode->query($sql);
         foreach ($res as &$v) {
             $v["_time"] = date("Y-m-d H:i", $v["invite_time"]);
             $v["juli"] = ROUND(6378.138 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POW(SIN(($this->_lat * PI() / 180 - $v["lat"] * PI() / 180) / 2), 2) + COS($this->_lat * PI() / 180) * COS($v["lat"] * PI() / 180) * POW(SIN(($this->_long * PI() / 180 - $v["long"] * PI() / 180) / 2), 2))) * 1000);
             $v["juli"] = 1000 < $v["juli"] ? number_format($v["juli"] / 1000, 1) . "km" : ($v["juli"] < 100 ? "<100m" : $v["juli"] . "m");
             $v["invite_time"] = $v["invite_time"] < $today ? "今天 " . date("H:i", $v["invite_time"]) : ($v["invite_time"] < $tomorrow ? "明天  " . date("H:i", $v["invite_time"]) : ($v["invite_time"] < $lastday ? "后天  " . date("H:i", $v["invite_time"]) : date("m-d H:i", $v["invite_time"])));
             $v["birthday"] && ($v["age"] = date("Y") - date("Y", strtotime($v["birthday"])));
         $this->assign("date_list", $res);
 public function calculateVerticalSection(&$dataArray, $vs_angle = 0)
     for ($i = 1; $i <= count($dataArray); $i++) {
         $kx = $dataArray[$i]['X'] - $dataArray[1]['X'];
         $ky = $dataArray[$i]['Y'] - $dataArray[1]['Y'];
         $dept = sqrt(pow($kx, 2) + pow($ky, 2));
         if ($ky == 0) {
             $angle = 0;
         } else {
             $angle = rad2deg(atan(abs($kx / $ky)));
         if ($kx == 0 and $ky == 0) {
             $angle = 0;
         if ($kx >= 0 and $ky > 0) {
             $angle = $angle;
         if ($kx > 0 and $ky == 0) {
             $angle = rad2deg(PI() / 2);
         if ($kx >= 0 and $ky < 0) {
             $angle = rad2deg(PI()) - $angle;
         if ($kx <= 0 and $ky < 0) {
             $angle = rad2deg(PI()) * $angle;
         if ($kx < 0 and $ky == 0) {
             $angle = rad2deg(3 * PI() / 2);
         if ($kx <= 0 and $ky > 0) {
             $angle = rad2deg(2 * PI()) - $angle;
         $dataArray[$i]['CL_DEP'] = $dept;
         $dataArray[$i]['CL_Angle'] = $angle;
         $dataArray[$i]['V_SECTION'] = $dept * cos(deg2rad($angle - $vs_angle));
         if ($i > 1) {
             $dataArray[$i]['DLS'] = rad2deg(acos(cos(deg2rad($dataArray[$i - 1]['alfa'])) * cos(deg2rad($dataArray[$i]['alfa'])) + sin(deg2rad($dataArray[$i - 1]['alfa'])) * sin(deg2rad($dataArray[$i]['alfa'])) * cos(deg2rad($dataArray[$i]['beta'] - $dataArray[$i - 1]['beta'])))) * 30.48 / ($dataArray[$i]['MD'] - $dataArray[$i - 1]['MD']);
         } else {
             $dataArray[$i]['DLS'] = 0;
Exemplo n.º 8

$c = 999;
//Higher number = better PI
$pico = 0;
$c1 = 180 / $c;
echo "Debug1: " . $c1 . "\n";
$c2 = sin($c1);
echo "Debug2: " . $c2 . "\n";
$pico = $c * $c2;
echo "Short PI: " . PI() . "\n Counted PI:\n";
echo $pico;
Exemplo n.º 9
 function GetDistance($lat1, $lng1, $lat2, $lng2, $len_type = 1, $decimal = 2)
     define('EARTH_RADIUS', 6378.137);
     define('PI', 3.1415926);
     $earth = 6378.137;
     $pi = 3.1415926;
     $radLat1 = $lat1 * PI() / 180.0;
     $radLat2 = $lat2 * PI() / 180.0;
     $a = $radLat1 - $radLat2;
     $b = $lng1 * PI() / 180.0 - $lng2 * PI() / 180.0;
     $s = 2 * asin(sqrt(pow(sin($a / 2), 2) + cos($radLat1) * cos($radLat2) * pow(sin($b / 2), 2)));
     $s = $s * EARTH_RADIUS;
     $s = round($s * 1000);
     if ($len_type > 1) {
         $s /= 1000;
     return round($s, $decimal);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function wap_get_store_list_by_catid($cat_id, $area_id, $order, $lat, $long, $cat_url)
     $stores = D('Store_category')->field('store_id')->where("cat_id='{$cat_id}'")->select();
     foreach ($stores as $s) {
         $store_ids[] = $s['store_id'];
     $store_ids && ($where['store_id'] = array('in', $store_ids));
     if ($cat_url == 'dianying' && empty($store_ids)) {
         return false;
     // 		$where['have_meal'] = 1;
     $where['status'] = 1;
     $area_id && ($where['area_id'] = $area_id);
     $count = D('Merchant_store')->where($where)->count();
     switch ($order) {
         case 'distance':
             $order = "ROUND(6378.138 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POW(SIN(({$lat} * PI() / 180- `lat` * PI()/180)/2),2)+COS({$lat} *PI()/180)*COS(`lat`*PI()/180)*POW(SIN(({$long} *PI()/180- `long`*PI()/180)/2),2)))*1000) ASC";
             //'`g`.`price` ASC,`g`.`group_id` DESC';
             // 			case 'priceDesc':
             // 				$order = '`g`.`price` DESC,`g`.`group_id` DESC';
             // 				break;
             // 			case 'solds':
             // 				$order = '`g`.`sale_count` DESC,`g`.`group_id` DESC';
             // 				break;
             // 			case 'rating':
             // 				$order = '`g`.`score_mean` DESC,`g`.`group_id` DESC';
             // 				break;
             // 			case 'start':
             // 				$order = '`g`.`last_time` DESC,`g`.`group_id` DESC';
             // 				break;
         // 			case 'priceDesc':
         // 				$order = '`g`.`price` DESC,`g`.`group_id` DESC';
         // 				break;
         // 			case 'solds':
         // 				$order = '`g`.`sale_count` DESC,`g`.`group_id` DESC';
         // 				break;
         // 			case 'rating':
         // 				$order = '`g`.`score_mean` DESC,`g`.`group_id` DESC';
         // 				break;
         // 			case 'start':
         // 				$order = '`g`.`last_time` DESC,`g`.`group_id` DESC';
         // 				break;
             $order = '`store_id` DESC';
     $p = new Page($count, C('config.group_page_row'), C('config.group_page_val'));
     $list = D('Merchant_store')->field(true)->where($where)->order($order)->limit($p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows)->select();
     // 		echo D('Merchant_store')->_sql();
     $return['pagebar'] = $p->show();
     if ($list) {
         $store_image_class = new store_image();
         foreach ($list as &$v) {
             $images = $store_image_class->get_allImage_by_path($v['pic_info']);
             $v['image'] = $images ? array_shift($images) : '';
             $v['juli'] = ROUND(6378.138 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(POW(SIN(($lat * PI() / 180 - $v['lat'] * PI() / 180) / 2), 2) + COS($lat * PI() / 180) * COS($v['lat'] * PI() / 180) * POW(SIN(($long * PI() / 180 - $v['long'] * PI() / 180) / 2), 2))) * 1000);
             $v['juli'] = $v['juli'] > 1000 ? number_format($v['juli'] / 1000, 1) . 'km' : ($v['juli'] < 100 ? '<100m' : $v['juli'] . 'm');
     $return['store_list'] = $list;
     return $return;
Exemplo n.º 11
Press CTRL and try to roll MouseWheeeel...<br />
Look at source code of this webpage ;)<br />
</i><br />

<input type="submit" value=".: DRAW :.">
//This will draw the ASCII "neverending" sinus curve.
//Writen by (c) Harvie in 2oo6
$start = 0;
//0 //First X
$step = 0.07000000000000001;
//0.1 //Increase X on every line by this number
$reset = 2 * PI();
//When X >= reset, then it will be reseted to zero
$zoom = 1;
//1 //This will repeat every line few times
$offset = 1.1;
//1.1 //1 //0 -> Zero offset will draw only half of sin curve.
$width = 35;
//20 //35 //40 //This will stretch every line.
$sleep = "0";
//15000 - Wait between lines in microseconds
$line = " ";
// " " // ":" //chr ( 176 ) //This is the string, that will be repeated from display start to the curve (curve inlay).
$endline = "+<br />\n";
// "#<br />\n" // ".<br />\n" //chr ( 219 )."<br />\n" //This is the string, that will be printed at end of every line (curve outline).
//Read settings from form:
if ($_GET["start"] != "") {
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function calcFrame($time, $arrKeyFrame)
     $from = 0;
     $to = 999999999;
     $fromCnt = 0;
     $toCnt = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arrKeyFrame); $i++) {
         if ($arrKeyFrame[$i]["time"] <= $time && $arrKeyFrame[$i]["time"] >= $from) {
             $from = $arrKeyFrame[$i]["time"];
             $fromCnt = $i;
         if ($arrKeyFrame[$i]["time"] >= $time && $arrKeyFrame[$i]["time"] <= $to) {
             $to = $arrKeyFrame[$i]["time"];
             $toCnt = $i;
     if ($to == 0) {
         // после последнего фрейма
         $to = $from;
     if ($from == $to) {
         return $arrKeyFrame[$fromCnt]["angle"];
     if ($arrKeyFrame[$fromCnt]["speed"] == STL_SPEED_NORMAL) {
         // обычная скорость без ускорений/замедлений
         $a = $arrKeyFrame[$fromCnt]["angle"] + ($time - $from) * ($arrKeyFrame[$toCnt]["angle"] - $arrKeyFrame[$fromCnt]["angle"]) / ($to - $from);
     } else {
         if ($arrKeyFrame[$fromCnt]["speed"] == STL_SPEED_ACCELERATION) {
             // ускорение
             $b = ($time - $from) / ($to - $from);
             // множитель линейно
             $b = 1 + cos(PI() + $b * (PI() / 2));
             // множитель
             $a = $arrKeyFrame[$toCnt]["angle"] - $arrKeyFrame[$fromCnt]["angle"];
             $a = $arrKeyFrame[$fromCnt]["angle"] + $a * $b;
         } else {
             if ($arrKeyFrame[$fromCnt]["speed"] == STL_SPEED_DECELERATION) {
                 // замедление
                 $b = ($time - $from) / ($to - $from);
                 // множитель линейно
                 $b = sin($b * (PI() / 2));
                 // множитель
                 $a = $arrKeyFrame[$toCnt]["angle"] - $arrKeyFrame[$fromCnt]["angle"];
                 $a = $arrKeyFrame[$fromCnt]["angle"] + $a * $b;
     return "{$a}";
Exemplo n.º 13
 static function gps_distance($lon1, $lat1, $lon2, $lat2)
     return 2 * ATAN2(SQRT(SIN(($lat1 - $lat2) * PI() / 180 / 2) * SIN(($lat1 - $lat2) * PI() / 180 / 2) + COS($lat2 * PI() / 180) * COS($lat1 * PI() / 180) * SIN(($lon1 - $lon2) * PI() / 180 / 2) * SIN(($lon1 - $lon2) * PI() / 180 / 2)), SQRT(1 - SIN(($lat1 - $lat2) * PI() / 180 / 2) * SIN(($lat1 - $lat2) * PI() / 180 / 2) + COS($lat2 * PI() / 180) * COS($lat1 * PI() / 180) * SIN(($lon1 - $lon2) * PI() / 180 / 2) * SIN(($lon1 - $lon2) * PI() / 180 / 2))) * 6378140;