function OS_UpdateScoresTable($name = "")
     global $db;
     $name = OS_StrToUTF8(trim($name));
     if (!empty($name)) {
         $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM scores WHERE (name) = ('" . $name . "')");
         $result = $sth->execute();
         if ($limit = $sth->rowCount() <= 0) {
             $sth = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO scores(category, name)VALUES('dota_elo','" . $name . "')");
             $result = $sth->execute();
         //Get updated result
         $resultScore = $db->prepare("SELECT player,score FROM " . OSDB_STATS . " WHERE (player) = ('" . $name . "')");
         $result = $resultScore->execute();
         $rScore = $resultScore->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
         //update "scores" table
         $UpdateScoreTable = $db->prepare("UPDATE `scores` SET `score` = '" . $rScore["score"] . "' \n\tWHERE (name) = ('" . $rScore["player"] . "') ");
         $result = $UpdateScoreTable->execute();
Exemplo n.º 2
$DefaultHomeDescription = $HomeDesc;
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
    $_POST[$key] = FilterData($value);
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
    $_GET[$key] = FilterData($value);
include OS_PAGE_PATH . "registration_login_page.php";
include OS_PAGE_PATH . "add_comment_page.php";
//Update last_login on active sessions after 15 min.
if (os_is_logged() and isset($_SESSION["logged"]) and $_SESSION["logged"] + 60 * 15 <= time()) {
    $LastLogin = $db->update(OSDB_USERS, array("user_last_login" => (int) time()), "user_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION["user_id"] . "'");
//If "u" is not a number, found in the database this user (if exists)
if (isset($_GET["u"]) and !is_numeric($_GET["u"])) {
    $uid = OS_StrToUTF8(trim($_GET["u"]));
    $sql = "";
    if (isset($_GET["game_type"])) {
        $game_type = (int) $_GET["game_type"];
        $sql = "AND alias_id = '" . $game_type . "' ";
    } else {
        $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_ALIASES . " WHERE default_alias = 1 LIMIT 1");
        $result = $sth->execute();
        if ($sth->rowCount() >= 1) {
            $row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            $sql = " AND alias_id = '" . $row["alias_id"] . "' ";
    $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT *\n\t    FROM " . OSDB_STATS . " as s WHERE s.player = :player {$sql} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
    $sth->bindValue(':player', $uid, PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $result = $sth->execute();
Exemplo n.º 3

if (!isset($website)) {
    header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
$errors = "";
<div align="center">
<h2>Ban Appeals</h2>

if (isset($_POST["answer"]) and strlen($_POST["answer"]) >= 2) {
    $answer = OS_StrToUTF8($_POST['answer']);
    $answer = PrepareTextDB(strip_tags($answer));
    $t = safeEscape($_GET["t"]);
    $player = safeEscape($_GET["edit"]);
    $sth = $db->prepare("UPDATE " . OSDB_APPEALS . " SET resolved_text = '" . $answer . "', resolved = '" . $_SESSION["username"] . "' WHERE LOWER(player_name) = LOWER('" . $player . "') AND added = '" . $t . "' LIMIT 1");
    $result = $sth->execute();
    if (isset($_POST["email"]) and $_POST["email"] == 1) {
        $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_USERS . " WHERE LOWER(bnet_username) = LOWER('" . $player . "') LIMIT 1");
        $result = $sth->execute();
        $row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        if (isset($_SESSION["adm_email_send"]) and $_SESSION["adm_email_send"] == $row["user_email"]) {
            $dontSend = 1;
        //send only one email (when edit)
        if (!empty($row["user_email"]) and !isset($dontSend)) {
            $message = "You have just received a message from " . $_SESSION["username"] . "<br />";
            $message .= "<br />~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />";
            $message .= convEnt($answer);
            /*header("location:"); die();*/
            $errors .= "<div>" . $lang["error_invalid_login"] . "</div>";
        } else {
            $errors = "<div>" . $lang["error_invalid_login"] . "</div>";
if (isset($_GET["login"]) and !is_logged() and isset($_POST["register_"])) {
    if ($UserActivation == 2) {
        require_once OS_PLUGINS_DIR . 'index.php';
        header('location: ' . OS_HOME . '');
    $username = OS_StrToUTF8($_POST["reg_un"]);
    $username = EscapeStr(trim($username));
    $email = safeEscape(trim($_POST["reg_email"]));
    $email = strtolower($email);
    $password = safeEscape($_POST["reg_pw"]);
    $password2 = safeEscape($_POST["reg_pw2"]);
    $registration_errors = "";
    $AllowedCharacters = '0123456789QWERTZUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklyxcvbnmљњертзуиопшђасдфгхјклчћжѕџцвбнмšđč枊ĐČĆŽЉЊЕРТЗУИОПШЂАСДФГХЈКЛЧЋЖЅЏЦВБНМ_-';
    if (!preg_match('/^[' . $AllowedCharacters . ']+$/', $username)) {
        $registration_errors .= "<div>" . $lang["error_username"] . "</div>";
    //die($registration_errors." - ".$username);
    if (!preg_match("/^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,6}\$/i", $email)) {
        $registration_errors .= "<div>" . $lang["error_email"] . "</div>";
    if (strlen($username) <= 2) {
Exemplo n.º 5
function OS_ParseGameLog($log_data)
    //WRONG !!!!
    	1 - LobbyChatLog
    	2 - BotLobbyLog
    	3 - BotGameLog
    	4 - GameInfo (k/d/a/t/r)
    	5 - GameChatLog
    	6 - Channel, not added yet O_o
    	  0 - GameInfo (k/d/a/t/r)
      1 - GameChatLog
      2 - LobbyChatLog
      3 - BotGameLog
      4 - BotLobbyLog
    	  5 - Channel
    ## k - KILL ##
    ## s - SUICIDE ##
    ## sek - SENT KILL ##
    ## sck - SCOU KILL ##
    ## a - ASSIST  ##
    ## tok - TOWER KILL ##
    ## setk - SENT TOWER KILL ##
    ## sctk - SCOU TOWER KILL ##
    ## rk - RAX KILL ##
    ## serk - SENT RAX KILL ##
    ## scrk - SCOU RAX KILL ##
    ## lu - LEVEL UP ##
    ## sw - SWAP ##
    ## hp - HERO PICK ##
    ## ftk - FROZEN THRONE GOT HURT ##
    ## wtk - WORLD TREE GOT HURT ##
    ## ally - ALLY CHAT ##
    ## all - ALL CHAT ##
    ## l - LOBBYLOG ##
    ## bgm - BOTGAMELOGDATA ##
    ## blm - BOTLOBBYLOGDATA ##
    ## um - USER MESSAGE ##
    ## uc - USER JOIN ##
    ## left - USER LEFT ##
    ## bm - BOT MESSAGE ##
    /* NEW FIELDS */
    ## rosh - ROSHAN (Killer = Player1, Sentinel or Scourge ) ##
    ## ap - AEGIS PICK ##
    ## ad - AEGIS DROP ##
    ## mode -  MODE? ##
    ## rs - STORED A RUNE IN A BOTTLE ##
    ## ru - USED A RUNE ##
    ## inv - ITEM ## - too many infos (SPAM CHAT) - deprecated
    ## fb - FIRST BLOOD
    global $lang;
    global $LiveShowAegis;
    global $LiveShowSwaps;
    global $LiveShowHeroPicks;
    global $LiveShowPlayerLevels;
    global $LiveShowKills;
    global $LiveShowAssists;
    global $LiveShowSuicides;
    global $LiveShowRunes;
    global $LiveShowTowerKills;
    global $LiveShowRoshanKill;
    $DataArray = array_reverse(explode("\n", $log_data));
    $Final = "";
    $ASSISTS = "";
    $GameType = "";
    $OUTPUT = "";
    $W = 24;
    $H = 24;
    //Icon dimensions 24 X 24
    foreach ($DataArray as $Data) {
        $HTML = "";
        $OUTPUT = "";
        $Log = explode("\t", $Data);
        $type = $Log[0];
        $p1 = "";
        $p2 = "";
        //	if (isset($Log[1]) AND $Log[1]!= '-' ) $ChatID = $Log[1]; else $ChatID = "";
        if (isset($Log[1]) and $Log[1] != '-') {
            $event = $Log[1];
        } else {
            $event = "";
        if (isset($Log[2]) and $Log[2] != '-') {
            if ($Log[2] == "Sentinel") {
                $p1 = "Sentinel";
            } else {
                if ($Log[2] == "Scourge") {
                    $p1 = "Scourge";
                } else {
                    $p1 = "<a target='_blank' href='" . OS_HOME . "?u=" . $Log[2] . "'>" . $Log[2] . "</a>";
        if (isset($Log[3]) and $Log[3] != '-') {
            if ($Log[3] == "Sentinel") {
                $p2 = "Sentinel";
            } else {
                if ($Log[3] == "Scourge") {
                    $p2 = "Scourge";
                } else {
                    $p2 = "<a target='_blank' href='" . OS_HOME . "?u=" . $Log[3] . "'>" . $Log[3] . "</a>";
        if (isset($Log[4]) and $Log[4] != '-') {
            $h1 = $Log[4];
        } else {
            $h1 = "";
        if (isset($Log[5]) and $Log[5] != '-') {
            $h2 = $Log[5];
        } else {
            $h2 = "";
        if (isset($Log[6]) and $Log[6] != '-') {
            $GameTime = "<span class='GameTimeLog'>" . $Log[6] . "</span>";
        } else {
            $GameTime = "";
        if (isset($Log[7]) and $Log[7] != '-') {
            $Message = OS_StrToUTF8(trim($Log[7]));
        } else {
            $Message = "";
        //SKIPPING playerlist AND type-6 (kda and hid)
        if ($event != "pl" and $type != 6 and $event != "whisp") {
            //Get Hero ICONS
            if (!empty($h1) and $h1 != '-') {
                $h1 = '<img class="imgvalign" src="' . OS_HOME . 'img/heroes/' . strtoupper($h1) . '.gif" alt="" width="' . $W . '" />';
            } else {
                $h1 = "";
            if (!empty($h2) and $h2 != '-') {
                $h2 = '<img class="imgvalign" src="' . OS_HOME . 'img/heroes/' . strtoupper($h2) . '.gif" alt="" width="' . $H . '" />';
            } else {
                $h2 = "";
            //Get log type
            if ($type == 4 and $event != "k") {
                $GameType = '' . $lang["gl_system"] . '';
            if ($type == 1) {
                $GameType = '' . $lang["gl_lobby"] . '';
            if ($type == 3 or $type == 2) {
                $GameType = $lang["gl_bot"];
            if ($type == 5) {
                $GameType = "[" . strtoupper($event) . "]";
            $DeadHero = '<span class="killX">X</span>';
            $DeadHero = '<img class="killX" src="' . OS_HOME . 'img/loser.png" width="20" height="20" />';
            if ($event == "k" or $event == "sek" or $event == "sck") {
                $KillCSS = " gl_killbackground ";
            } else {
                $KillCSS = "";
            if ($type == 3 or $type == 2) {
                $KillCSS = " gl_botmessage";
            $s = "<div class='LiveGamesSingleMessage" . $KillCSS . "'>";
            $e = "</div>";
            if ($type == 1 and !empty($Message)) {
                $OUTPUT = "{$s} {$GameTime} {$GameType} {$h1} <b>{$p1}</b> {$h2} <b>{$p2}</b> {$Message} {$e}";
                //Don't display user this command!!!
                // Grief: !pw wont be displayed, we don't send any datas from it, we breack it and leave it local. Reg isnt a gamecommand, only possible by whisp ;)
                if (substr($Message, 0, 3) == "!pw") {
                    $OUTPUT = "";
                if (substr($Message, 0, 3) == "!reg") {
                    $OUTPUT = "";
            if ($type == 4) {
                if ($event == "mode") {
                    $OUTPUT = "{$s}<span class='gl_gamemode'>{$GameTime} {$GameType} " . $lang["gl_mode"] . " {$Message}.</span>{$e}";
                if (!empty($p1)) {
                    //FIRST BLOOD
                    if ($event == "fb") {
                        //Bugged heroe icons...
                        $OUTPUT = "{$s}<span class='gl_playerkill'>{$GameTime} {$GameType} <b>{$p1}</b> <!--{$h1}--> " . $lang["gl_killed"] . " <!--{$h2}--> {$DeadHero} <b>{$p2}</b> for first blood</span>{$e}";
                    if ($event == "inv" and isset($SHOW_ITEMS)) {
                        //SHOULD BE LOADED ONLY ONCE --->> TO DO ->>> TOO LAZY NOW
                        $ItemFilePath = "inc/cache/ItemList.php";
                        if (!file_exists("inc/cache/ItemList.php")) {
                            $ItemFilePath = "../inc/cache/ItemList.php";
                        if (file_exists($ItemFilePath)) {
                            include $ItemFilePath;
                            foreach ($ItemsList as $Item) {
                                if (strtolower($Item["itemid"]) == strtolower($Message)) {
                                    $icon = $Item["icon"];
                            if (isset($icon)) {
                                $OUTPUT = "{$s}<span class='gl_aegis'>{$GameTime} {$GameType} {$h1} <b>{$p1}</b> " . $lang["gl_item"] . " <img src='" . OS_HOME . "img/items/{$icon}' width='" . $W . "' height='" . $H . "' class='imgvalign' /></span>{$e}";
                    if ($event == "ap" and $LiveShowAegis == 1) {
                        $OUTPUT = "{$s}<span class='gl_aegis'>{$GameTime} {$GameType} {$h1} <b>{$p1}</b> " . $lang["gl_picked"] . " <img src='" . OS_HOME . "img/items/BTNArcaniteArmor.gif' width='" . $W . "' height='" . $H . "' class='imgvalign' /> Aegis.</span>{$e}";
                    if ($event == "ad" and $LiveShowAegis == 1) {
                        $OUTPUT = "{$s} {$GameTime} {$GameType} {$h1} <b>{$p1}</b> lost <img src='" . OS_HOME . "img/items/BTNArcaniteArmor.gif' width='" . $W . "' height='" . $H . "' class='imgvalign' /> Aegis.{$e}";
                    if ($event == "sw" and $LiveShowSwaps == 1) {
                        $OUTPUT = "{$s}<span class='gl_swap'>{$GameTime} {$GameType} {$h1} <b>{$p1}</b> " . $lang["gl_swap"] . " {$h2} <b>{$p2}</b></span>{$e}";
                    //GAME MODE
                    //HERO PICK AND PLAYER LEVEL
                    if ($event == "hp" and $LiveShowHeroPicks == 1) {
                        $OUTPUT = "{$s}<span class='gl_heropick'>{$GameTime} {$GameType} <b>{$p1}</b> " . $lang["gl_heropick"] . " {$h1}.{$e}";
                    if ($event == "lu" and $LiveShowPlayerLevels == 1) {
                        $OUTPUT = "{$s}<span class='gl_playerlevel'>{$GameTime} {$GameType} {$h1} <b>{$p1}</b> " . $lang["gl_level"] . " {$Message}.</span>{$e}";
                    //KILLS + ASSISTS
                    if ($LiveShowKills == 1) {
                        if ($event == "k" or $event == "sek" or $event == "sck" or $event == "a") {
                            if ($event == "k" or $event == "sek" or $event == "sck") {
                                if (!empty($ASSISTS)) {
                                    $txt = " <div class='gl_assistWrap'><b>" . $lang["gl_assists"] . "</b> <span class='gl_assist'>";
                                    $ASSISTS = substr($ASSISTS, 0, strlen($ASSISTS) - 2) . "</span></div>";
                                } else {
                                    $txt = "";
                                $OUTPUT .= "{$s}<span class='gl_playerkill'>{$GameTime} {$GameType} <b>{$p1}</b> {$h1} " . $lang["gl_killed"] . " {$h2} {$DeadHero} <b>{$p2}</b></span>. {$txt}" . $ASSISTS . "{$e}";
                                $ASSISTS = "";
                            if ($event == "a" and $LiveShowAssists == 1) {
                                $ASSISTS .= " {$h1} <b>{$p1}</b>, ";
                    //SUICIDE, RUNES
                    if ($event == "s" and $LiveShowSuicides == 1) {
                        $OUTPUT = "{$s}<span class='gl_suicide'>{$GameTime} {$GameType} {$h1} <b>{$p1}</b> " . $lang["gl_suicide"] . "</span>{$e}";
                    if ($event == "ru" and $LiveShowRunes == 1) {
                        $OUTPUT = "{$s}<span class='gl_rune'>{$GameTime} {$GameType} {$h1} <b>{$p1}</b> " . $lang["gl_used"] . " {$Message} " . $lang["gl_rune"] . "</span>{$e}";
                    if ($event == "rs" and $LiveShowRunes == 1) {
                        $OUTPUT = "{$s}<span class='gl_rune'>{$GameTime} {$GameType} {$h1} <b>{$p1}</b> " . $lang["gl_stored"] . " {$Message} " . $lang["gl_rune"] . "</span>{$e}";
                    if ($LiveShowTowerKills == 1) {
                        if ($event == "tok" or $event == "setk" or $event == "sctk") {
                            $OUTPUT = "";
                            $icon = "<img src='" . OS_HOME . "img/setower.gif' width='" . $W . "' height='" . $H . "' class='imgvalign' />";
                            if ($event == "sctk") {
                                $icon = "<img src='" . OS_HOME . "img/setower.gif' width='" . $W . "' height='" . $H . "' class='imgvalign' />";
                            if ($event == "setk") {
                                $icon = "<img src='" . OS_HOME . "img/sctower.gif' width='" . $W . "' height='" . $H . "' class='imgvalign' />";
                            $OUTPUT = "{$s}<span class='gl_towerkill'>{$GameTime} {$GameType} {$h1} <b>{$p1}</b> " . $lang["gl_killed_t"] . " {$icon} {$DeadHero} <b>{$p2}</b> " . $lang["gl_tower"] . " </span>{$e}";
                    if ($event == "rk" or $event == "serk" or $event == "scrk") {
                        $OUTPUT = "";
                        $icon = "<img src='" . OS_HOME . "img/semrax.gif' width='" . $W . "' height='" . $H . "' class='imgvalign' />";
                        if ($event == "serk") {
                            $icon = "<img src='" . OS_HOME . "img/semrax.gif' width='" . $W . "' height='" . $H . "' class='imgvalign' />";
                        if ($event == "scrk") {
                            $icon = "<img src='" . OS_HOME . "img/scmrax.gif' width='" . $W . "' height='" . $H . "' class='imgvalign' />";
                        $OUTPUT = "{$s}<span class='gl_raxkill'>{$GameTime} {$GameType} {$h1} <b>{$p1}</b> " . $lang["gl_killed_t"] . " {$icon} {$DeadHero} <b>{$p2}</b> " . $lang["gl_rax"] . "</span>{$e}";
                    //WORLD TREE
                    if ($event == "ftk" or $event == "wtk") {
                        $OUTPUT = "{$s}<span class='gl_worldtree'>{$GameTime} {$GameType} <b>{$p2}</b> " . $lang["gl_attack"] . " {$Message}%.</span>{$e}";
                    //ROSHAN KILL
                    if ($event == "rosh" and $LiveShowRoshanKill == 1) {
                        $OUTPUT = "{$s}<span class='gl_roshan'>{$GameTime} {$GameType} <img src='" . OS_HOME . "img/roshan.gif' width='" . $W . "' height='" . $H . "' class='imgvalign' /> <b>Roshan</b> " . $lang["gl_killed_by"] . " <b>{$p1}</b>.</span>{$e}";
            if (($type == 2 or $type == 3) and !empty($Message)) {
                if ($Message == "1. . .") {
                    $OUTPUT = "{$s}<img class='imgvalign' src='" . OS_HOME . "img/gamestarted.gif' alt='' width='160' height='24' /> <b>" . $lang["gl_game_started"] . "</b>  {$e}";
                $OUTPUT .= "{$s} {$GameTime} {$GameType} {$Message} {$e}";
            //Scourge and Sentinel
            if ($type == 5 and !empty($Message) and !empty($p1)) {
                if ($event == "Scourge") {
                    $color = "scourge";
                } else {
                    if ($event == "Sentinel") {
                        $color = "sentinel";
                    } else {
                        if ($event == "all") {
                            $color = "all";
                $OUTPUT = "{$s} {$GameTime} <span class='{$color}'>{$GameType}</span> {$h1} <b>{$p1}</b>: {$h2} {$p2} {$Message}{$e}";
            //FILTER - for non-logged users
            if (!os_is_logged()) {
                $s = "<div class='LiveGamesSingleMessage LoginToViewLog'>";
                $e = "</div>";
                if ($event == "ap" and $LiveShowAegis == 2) {
                    $OUTPUT = "{$s}" . $lang["gl_login"] . "{$e}";
                if ($event == "ad" and $LiveShowAegis == 2) {
                    $OUTPUT = "{$s}" . $lang["gl_login"] . "{$e}";
                if ($event == "sw" and $LiveShowSwaps == 2) {
                    $OUTPUT = "{$s}" . $lang["gl_login"] . "{$e}";
                if ($event == "hp" and $LiveShowHeroPicks == 2) {
                    $OUTPUT = "{$s}" . $lang["gl_login"] . "{$e}";
                if ($event == "lu" and $LiveShowPlayerLevels == 2) {
                    $OUTPUT = "{$s}" . $lang["gl_login"] . "{$e}";
                if ($LiveShowKills == 2 and ($event == "k" or $event == "sek" or $event == "sck" or $event == "a")) {
                    $OUTPUT = "{$s}" . $lang["gl_login"] . "{$e}";
                if ($event == "s" and $LiveShowSuicides == 2) {
                    $OUTPUT = "{$s}" . $lang["gl_login"] . "{$e}";
                if ($event == "ru" and $LiveShowRunes == 2) {
                    $OUTPUT = "{$s}" . $lang["gl_login"] . "{$e}";
                if ($event == "rosh" and $LiveShowRoshanKill == 2) {
                    $OUTPUT = "{$s}" . $lang["gl_login"] . "{$e}";
                if ($LiveShowTowerKills == 2 and ($event == "tok" or $event == "setk" or $event == "sctk")) {
                    $OUTPUT = "{$s}" . $lang["gl_login"] . "{$e}";
            //Finally OUTPUT - one line
            if (!empty($OUTPUT)) {
                $HTML = '' . $OUTPUT . '';
            //PLAYER LIST - SKIP
            if ($event == "pl") {
                $HTML = "";
            $Final .= $HTML;
    return $Final;
Exemplo n.º 6
    $pid = safeEscape((int) $_GET["post_id"]);
    $del_1 = $db->exec("DELETE FROM " . OSDB_COMMENTS . " WHERE id = '" . (int) $id . "' AND post_id = '" . (int) $pid . "' LIMIT 1");
    $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . OSDB_COMMENTS . " WHERE post_id=:post_id LIMIT 1");
    $sth->bindValue(':post_id', (int) $pid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
    $result = $sth->execute();
    $r = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
    $TotalComments = $r[0];
    $update = $db->exec("UPDATE " . OSDB_NEWS . " SET comments = '" . (int) $TotalComments . "' WHERE news_id = '" . (int) $pid . "' ");
    header('location: ' . OS_HOME . '?post_id=' . $pid . '#comments');
if (isset($_POST["add_comment"]) and os_is_logged() and isset($_GET["post_id"]) and is_numeric($_GET["post_id"]) and isset($_SESSION["code"]) and isset($_POST["code"]) and isset($_POST["pid"])) {
    require_once OS_PLUGINS_DIR . 'index.php';
    $id = safeEscape((int) $_GET["post_id"]);
    $text = OS_StrToUTF8($_POST["post_comment"]);
    $text = PrepareTextDB($text);
    //$text = EscapeStr( ($text) );
    //$text = (($text));
    $errors = "";
    //Check if comments is allowed for this post
    $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_NEWS . " WHERE news_id=:news_id AND allow_comments = 1");
    $sth->bindValue(':news_id', (int) $id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
    $result = $sth->execute();
    if ($sth->rowCount() <= 0) {
        $errors .= "<div>" . $lang["error_comment_not_allowed"] . "</div>";
    if ($_SESSION["code"] != $_POST["code"]) {
        $errors .= "<div>" . $lang["error_invalid_form"] . "</div>";
    if ($_POST["pid"] != $id) {