function __construct($driverName, $exportExt, $json, $map, $bExportAtt = false, $optDataSourceCreation = NULL, $bSearchSpatialRef = false) { $bOk = false; $msVersion = null; // MapServer version $groups = null; // Layers list that will be exported parent::__construct($json); OGRRegisterAll(); // looking for destination driver for ($iDriver = 0; $iDriver < OGRGetDriverCount() && !$bOk; $iDriver++) { if (!strcasecmp(OGR_DR_GetName(OGRGetDriver($iDriver)), $driverName)) { $this->driverOGRDest = OGRGetDriver($iDriver); $bOk = true; break; } } if ($bOk) { // is it possible to create new data source with current driver if (!OGR_Dr_TestCapability($this->driverOGRDest, ODrCCreateDataSource)) { $this->driverOGRDest = null; $bOk = false; return; } } if ($bOk) { $msVersion = $_SESSION['MS_VERSION']; $groups = (array) $this->jsonList[0]; // Create the destination directory @mkdir($this->tempFilePath, 0700); // for each layers that will be exported foreach ($groups as $grp) { $baseDest = null; $layerList = array(); $attNameList = $grp->header; $ObjList = $grp->values; if (!$ObjList[0][0]->shplink) { continue; } // if we need to export attributs if ($bExportAtt) { include_once '../common/'; for ($iAtt = 0; $iAtt < count($attNameList); $iAtt++) { if ($attNameList[$iAtt] == '@') { array_splice($attNameList, $iAtt, 1); $iAtt--; continue; } // remove accents and spaces: $newAttName = PluginsMapUtils::decodeMapFileVal($map, $attNameList[$iAtt], 'UTF-8'); $newAttName = str_replace($this->bad, $this->good, $attNameList[$iAtt]); if (is_numeric($newAttName[0])) { $newAttName = 'z' . $newAttName; } $attNameList[$iAtt] = $newAttName; } } // for each objects that we want to export foreach ($ObjList as $Obj) { $layerSrc = null; // Source layer $layerDest = null; // Destination layer $baseDest = null; // Destination DataBase $geoType = 0; $shpLink = $Obj[0]->shplink; $layerName = $shpLink[0]; $IdObj = $shpLink[1]; // if it's the first time we found current layer if (!isset($layerList[$layerName])) { // getting mapserver layer $layerSrc = $map->getLayerByName($layerName); // use layers with complex queries that are too long to select results $newdata = $layerSrc->getMetaData('PM_RESULT_DATASUBSTITION'); if ($newdata != '') { $layerSrc->set('data', $newdata); } // create destination data base $output = $this->tempFilePath . "\\{$layerName}.{$exportExt}"; $output = str_replace('/', '\\', $output); $baseDest = OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource($this->driverOGRDest, $output, $optDataSourceCreation); if (!$baseDest) { continue; } // is it possible to create new layers in current data source ? if (!OGR_DS_TestCapability($baseDest, ODsCCreateLayer)) { if ($baseDest) { OGR_DS_Destroy($baseDest); } continue; } // create new layer in the destination data base $geoType = $this->typeList[$layerSrc->type]; $layerDest = $this->createNewLayer($map, $baseDest, $layerName, $geoType, $bSearchSpatialRef); // add new attribut in destination layer if ($bExportAtt) { $idAtt = 0; foreach ($attNameList as $attName) { $att = OGR_Fld_Create($attName, OFTString); OGR_L_CreateField($layerDest, $att, $idAtt); $idAtt++; } } // saving all in layerList $layerList[$layerName] = array(); $layerList[$layerName][] = $layerSrc; $layerList[$layerName][] = $baseDest; $layerList[$layerName][] = $layerDest; $layerList[$layerName][] = $geoType; // add file to files list will be exorted $this->addFileToFileList($output); } else { $layerSrc = $layerList[$layerName][0]; $baseDest = $layerList[$layerName][1]; $layerDest = $layerList[$layerName][2]; $geoType = $layerList[$layerName][3]; } // gettint shape object $srcShp = PMCommon::resultGetShape($msVersion, $layerSrc, null, $IdObj, -1); // export geometry of the object in WKT $geoWKT = $srcShp->toWkt(); // create new geometry OGR object from WKT geometry $geoOGR = $this->createNewOGRGeometry($geoWKT); // create new data line on destination layer $layerDestDefn = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn($layerDest); $Data = OGR_F_Create($layerDestDefn); // add geometry in data line OGR_F_SetGeometry($Data, $geoOGR); // if we need to export attributs if ($bExportAtt) { // add attributs values in data line for ($iAtt = 1; $iAtt < count($Obj); $iAtt++) { $newAttVal = PluginsMapUtils::decodeLayerVal($map, $layerName, $Obj[$iAtt], 'UTF-8'); OGR_F_SetFieldString($Data, $iAtt - 1 + $this->nbFieldBase, $newAttVal); } } $this->insertSpecialFields($geoType, $layerDestDefn, $Data); // add data line in destination layer OGR_L_CreateFeature($layerDest, $Data); OGR_F_Destroy($Data); OGR_G_DestroyGeometry($geoOGR); } foreach ($layerList as $l) { if (isset($l[1]) && $l[1]) { OGR_DS_Destroy($l[1]); } } } // files compression $this->zipFiles(); // remove directory rmdir($this->tempFilePath); } }
function OGRCCreate($strFname) { /* Register all OGR drivers */ OGRRegisterAll(); /* Fetch MITAB driver - we want to create a TAB file */ $numDrivers = OGRGetDriverCount(); printf("nombre drivers = %d\n", $numDrivers); for ($i = 0; $i < $numDrivers; $i++) { $hdriver = OGRGetDriver($i); if (OGR_Dr_GetName($hdriver) == "MapInfo File") { printf("Driver name = %s driver number = %d\n", OGR_Dr_GetName($hdriver), $i); break; /* Found it! */ } $hdriver = NULL; } if (!$hdriver) { printf("Driver not found!\n"); return -1; } /* Create new file using this driver */ /*Uncomment and add options here. */ /* $aoptions[0] = 'option1'; $aoptions[1] = 'option2'; $hdatasource = OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource($hdriver, $strFname, $aoptions); */ /* Or use no option.*/ $hdatasource = OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource($hdriver, $strFname, NULL); if ($hdatasource == NULL) { printf("Unable to create %s\n", $strFname); return -1; } /* MapInfo data sources are created with one empty layer corresponding to the $strFname that was passed to the OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource() call. Fetch this layer handle now. */ $hlayer = OGR_DS_GetLayer($hdatasource, 0); if ($hlayer == NULL) { printf("Unable to create new layer in %s\n", $strFname); return -1; } /* Add a few fields to the layer defn */ $hfieldDefn = OGR_Fld_Create("id", OFTInteger); $eErr = OGR_L_CreateField($hlayer, $hfieldDefn, 0); if ($eErr != OGRERR_NONE) { return $eErr; } $hfieldDefn = OGR_Fld_Create("area", OFTReal); $eErr = OGR_L_CreateField($hlayer, $hfieldDefn, 0); if ($eErr != OGRERR_NONE) { return $eErr; } $hfieldDefn = OGR_Fld_Create("name", OFTString); $eErr = OGR_L_CreateField($hlayer, $hfieldDefn, 0); if ($eErr != OGRERR_NONE) { return $eErr; } /* We'll need the layerDefn handle to create new features in this layer */ $hlayerDefn = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn($hlayer); /* Create a new point */ $hfeature = OGR_F_Create($hlayerDefn); OGR_F_SetFieldInteger($hfeature, 0, 1); OGR_F_SetFieldDouble($hfeature, 1, 123.45); OGR_F_SetFieldString($hfeature, 2, "Feature #1"); $hgeometry = OGR_G_CreateGeometry(wkbPoint); OGR_G_SetPoint($hgeometry, 0, 123.45, 456.78, 0); $eErr = OGR_F_SetGeometry($hfeature, $hgeometry); if ($eErr != OGRERR_NONE) { return $eErr; } $eErr = OGR_L_CreateFeature($hlayer, $hfeature); if ($eErr != OGRERR_NONE) { printf("Error trapped"); return $eErr; } /* Create a new line */ $hfeature = OGR_F_Create($hlayerDefn); OGR_F_SetFieldInteger($hfeature, 0, 2); OGR_F_SetFieldDouble($hfeature, 1, 42.45); OGR_F_SetFieldString($hfeature, 2, "Feature #2"); $hgeometry = OGR_G_CreateGeometry(wkbLineString); OGR_G_AddPoint($hgeometry, 123.45, 456.78, 0); OGR_G_AddPoint($hgeometry, 12.34, 45.67, 0); $eErr = OGR_F_SetGeometry($hfeature, $hgeometry); if ($eErr != OGRERR_NONE) { return $eErr; } $eErr = OGR_L_CreateFeature($hlayer, $hfeature); if ($eErr != OGRERR_NONE) { return $eErr; } /* Create a new polygon (square) */ $hfeature = OGR_F_Create($hlayerDefn); OGR_F_SetFieldInteger($hfeature, 0, 3); OGR_F_SetFieldDouble($hfeature, 1, 49.71); OGR_F_SetFieldString($hfeature, 2, "Feature #3"); $hgeometry = OGR_G_CreateGeometry(wkbPolygon); $hring = OGR_G_CreateGeometry(wkbLinearRing); OGR_G_AddPoint($hring, 123.45, 456.78, 0); OGR_G_AddPoint($hring, 12.34, 456.78, 0); OGR_G_AddPoint($hring, 12.34, 45.67, 0); OGR_G_AddPoint($hring, 123.45, 45.67, 0); OGR_G_AddPoint($hring, 123.45, 456.78, 0); $eErr = OGR_G_AddGeometry($hgeometry, $hring); if ($eErr != OGRERR_NONE) { return $eErr; } $eErr = OGR_F_SetGeometry($hfeature, $hgeometry); if ($eErr != OGRERR_NONE) { return $eErr; } $eErr = OGR_L_CreateFeature($hlayer, $hfeature); if ($eErr != OGRERR_NONE) { return $eErr; } /* Close data source */ OGR_DS_Destroy($hdatasource); return OGRERR_NONE; }
function OGR2Tab_Update_main() { $strFormat = "MapInfo File"; $strDataSource = NULL; $strDestDataSource = NULL; $amAttribute = NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Register format(s). */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRRegisterAll(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Processing command line arguments. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $numArgs = count($_SERVER["argv"]); for ($iArg = 1; $iArg < $numArgs; $iArg++) { /* Get the feature id and attribute name to update to the new attribute value.*/ if (!strcasecmp($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg], "-fid") && $iArg < $numArgs - 1) { $amAttribute[0] = $_SERVER["argv"][++$iArg]; $amAttribute[1] = $_SERVER["argv"][++$iArg]; $amAttribute[2] = $_SERVER["argv"][++$iArg]; printf("FID = %d\n", $amAttribute[0]); printf("Attribute name = %s\n", $amAttribute[1]); printf("Attribute value = %d\n", $amAttribute[2]); } else { if ($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg][0] == '-') { Usage(); } else { if ($strDestDataSource == NULL) { $strDestDataSource = $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg]; printf("DestDataSource = %s\n", $strDestDataSource); } else { if ($strDataSource == NULL) { $strDataSource = $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg]; printf("DataSource = %s\n", $strDataSource); } } } } } if ($strDataSource == NULL) { Usage(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Open data source. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $hSFDriver = NULL; $hDS = OGROpen($strDataSource, FALSE, $hSFDriver); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Report failure */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ($hDS == NULL) { printf("FAILURE:\nUnable to open datasource `%s' with the following drivers:\n", $strDataSource); for ($iDriver = 0; $iDriver < OGRGetDriverCount(); $iDriver++) { printf(" -> %s\n", OGR_DR_GetName(OGRGetDriver($iDriver))); } return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Find the output driver. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for ($iDriver = 0; $iDriver < OGRGetDriverCount() && $hSFDriver == NULL; $iDriver++) { if (!strcasecmp(OGR_DR_GetName(OGRGetDriver($iDriver)), $strFormat)) { $hSFDriver = OGRGetDriver($iDriver); } } if ($hSFDriver == NULL) { printf("Unable to find driver `%s'.\n", $strFormat); printf("The following drivers are available:\n"); for ($iDriver = 0; $iDriver < OGRGetDriverCount(); $iDriver++) { printf(" -> %s\n", OGR_DR_GetName(OGRGetDriver($iDriver))); } return OGRERR_FAILURE; } if (!OGR_Dr_TestCapability($hSFDriver, ODrCCreateDataSource)) { printf("%s driver does not support data source creation.\n", $strFormat); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create the output data source. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*Uncomment and add options here. */ /* $aoptions[0] = 'option1'; $aoptions[1] = 'option2'; $hODS = OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource( $hSFDriver, $strDestDataSource, $aoptions ); */ /* Or use no option.*/ $hODS = OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource($hSFDriver, $strDestDataSource, NULL); if ($hODS == NULL) { return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Process only first layer in source dataset */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (OGR_DS_GetLayerCount($hDS) > 0) { $hLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayer($hDS, 0); if ($hLayer == NULL) { printf("FAILURE: Couldn't fetch advertised layer 0!\n"); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } if (!TranslateLayer($hDS, $hLayer, $hODS, $amAttribute)) { return OGRERR_FAILURE; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Close down. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGR_DS_Destroy($hDS); OGR_DS_Destroy($hODS); return OGRERR_NONE; }
function OGR2Tab_SQL_main() { /*Assigning initial value.*/ $strFormat = "MapInfo File"; $strDataSource = NULL; $strDestDataSource = NULL; $strWhere = NULL; $hSpatialFilter = NULL; $strSQLStatement = NULL; $strDialect = NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Register format(s). */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRRegisterAll(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Processing command line arguments. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $numArgs = count($_SERVER["argv"]); for ($iArg = 1; $iArg < $numArgs; $iArg++) { /* Construct a spatial filter.*/ if ($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg] == "-spat" && $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 1] != NULL && $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 2] != NULL && $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 3] != NULL && $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 4] != NULL) { $hSpatialFilter = OGR_G_CreateGeometry(wkbLinearRing); OGR_G_AddPoint($hSpatialFilter, floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 1]), floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 2]), 0.0); OGR_G_AddPoint($hSpatialFilter, floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 1]), floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 4]), 0.0); OGR_G_AddPoint($hSpatialFilter, floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 3]), floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 4]), 0.0); OGR_G_AddPoint($hSpatialFilter, floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 3]), floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 2]), 0.0); OGR_G_AddPoint($hSpatialFilter, floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 1]), floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 2]), 0.0); printf("Xmin = %s Ymin = %s Xmax = %s Ymax = %s\n", $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 1], $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 2], $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 3], $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 4]); $iArg += 4; } else { if ($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg] == "-sql" && $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 1] != NULL) { $strSQLStatement = $_SERVER["argv"][++$iArg]; printf("SQLStatement = %s\n", $strSQLStatement); } else { if ($strDestDataSource == NULL) { $strDestDataSource = $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg]; printf("DestDataSource = %s\n", $strDestDataSource); } else { if ($strDataSource == NULL) { $strDataSource = $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg]; printf("DataSource = %s\n", $strDataSource); } else { if ($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg][0] == '-') { Usage(); } } } } } } if ($strDataSource == NULL) { Usage(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Open data source. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $hSFDriver = NULL; $hDS = OGROpen($strDataSource, FALSE, $hSFDriver); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Report failure */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ($hDS == NULL) { printf("FAILURE:\nUnable to open datasource `%s' with the following drivers:\n", $strDataSource); for ($iDriver = 0; $iDriver < OGRGetDriverCount(); $iDriver++) { printf(" -> %s\n", OGR_DR_GetName(OGRGetDriver($iDriver))); } return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Find the output driver. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for ($iDriver = 0; $iDriver < OGRGetDriverCount() && $hSFDriver == NULL; $iDriver++) { if (!strcasecmp(OGR_DR_GetName(OGRGetDriver($iDriver)), $strFormat)) { $hSFDriver = OGRGetDriver($iDriver); } } if ($hSFDriver == NULL) { printf("Unable to find driver `%s'.\n", $strFormat); printf("The following drivers are available:\n"); for ($iDriver = 0; $iDriver < OGRGetDriverCount(); $iDriver++) { printf(" -> %s\n", OGR_DR_GetName(OGRGetDriver($iDriver))); } return OGRERR_FAILURE; } if (!OGR_Dr_TestCapability($hSFDriver, ODrCCreateDataSource)) { printf("%s driver does not support data source creation.\n", $strFormat); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create the output data source. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*Uncomment and add options here. */ /* $aoptions[0] = 'option1'; $aoptions[1] = 'option2'; $hODS = OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource( $hSFDriver, $strDestDataSource, $aoptions ); */ /* Or use no option.*/ $hODS = OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource($hSFDriver, $strDestDataSource, NULL); if ($hODS == NULL) { return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Fetch source layer using SQL statement. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $hLayer = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL($hDS, $strSQLStatement, $hSpatialFilter, NULL); /*Copy datasource file to a new data source file*/ if ($hLayer != NULL) { if (!TranslateLayer($hDS, $hLayer, $hODS)) { return OGRERR_FAILURE; } OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet($hDS, $hLayer); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Close down. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGR_DS_Destroy($hDS); OGR_DS_Destroy($hODS); return OGRERR_NONE; }
/** * Return layer definition string * reads either *.msl file with same base name as data file * or default polygon/line/point.lyr file from plugin dir * @return string $layerString */ protected function getLayerDefinition($connParams, $layerSpatialType) { $ogrDBConn = false; if ($connParams['type'] == "generic") { $ogrConnectionStr = $this->data_path_prefix . $connParams['layer']; //error_log($ogrConnectionStr); // $layerDefFile = dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . $connParams['layer'] . ".msl"; ## swap comment if layer definition file in plugin dir $layerDefFile = $ogrConnectionStr . ".msl"; } else { $ogrConnectionStr = "PG: " . $connParams['connection']; $layerDefFile = dirname(__FILE__) . "/layerdefinition/" . $connParams['schema'] . "." . $connParams['layer'] . ".msl"; //$layerDefFile = dirname(__FILE__) . "/layerdefinition/" . $connParams['layer'] . ".msl"; } if ($layerSpatialType == "vector") { if (!file_exists($ogrConnectionStr) && $connParams['type'] == "generic") { error_log($ogrConnectionStr . " does not exist."); return null; } // Register all drivers OGRRegisterAll(); // Open data source $hSFDriver = NULL; $hDatasource = OGROpen($ogrConnectionStr, 0, $hSFDriver); if (!$hDatasource) { error_log("Unable to open %s\n" . $ogrConnectionStr); return 0; } if ($connParams['type'] == "generic") { $hLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayer($hDatasource, 0); } else { $hLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName($hDatasource, $connParams['schema'] . "." . $connParams['layer']); } /* Dump info about this layer */ $hLayerDefn = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn($hLayer); $hFeature = OGR_L_GetNextFeature($hLayer); if (OGR_F_GetGeometryRef($hFeature) != NULL) { $hGeom = OGR_F_GetGeometryRef($hFeature); //$geomType = OGR_G_GetGeometryType($hGeom); $geomNameOGR = OGR_G_GetGeometryName($hGeom); } /* Close data source */ OGR_DS_Destroy($hDatasource); /*$geomList[1] = "point"; $geomList[2] = "line"; $geomList[3] = "polygon"; $geomList[6] = "polygon";*/ $geomList["POINT"] = "point"; $geomList["MULTIPOINT"] = "point"; $geomList["LINESTRING"] = "line"; $geomList["MULTILINESTRING"] = "line"; $geomList["POLYGON"] = "polygon"; $geomList["MULTIPOLYGON"] = "polygon"; // $geomName = $geomList[$geomType]; $geomName = $geomList[$geomNameOGR]; } else { $geomName = "raster"; } if (is_file($layerDefFile)) { //if (is_file($layerDefFile = $layerFilename . ".msl")) { $layerString = file_get_contents($layerDefFile); } else { $layerPath = dirname(__FILE__) . "/layerdefinition/{$geomName}.lyr"; $layerString = file_get_contents($layerPath); } //error_log("layerDefFile: $layerDefFile"); return $layerString; }
printf("\nLayers count = %s\n", $numLayers); for ($i = 0; $i < $numLayers; $i++) { $hLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayer($hDatasource, $i); /* Dump info about this layer */ $hLayerDefn = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn($hLayer); $numFields = OGR_FD_GetFieldCount($hLayerDefn); printf("\n===================\n"); printf("Layer %d: '%s'\n\n", i, OGR_FD_GetName($hLayerDefn)); for ($j = 0; $j < $numFields; $j++) { $hFieldDefn = OGR_FD_GetFieldDefn($hLayerDefn, $j); printf(" Field %d: %s (%s)\n", $j, OGR_Fld_GetNameRef($hFieldDefn), OGR_GetFieldTypeName(OGR_Fld_GetType($hFieldDefn))); } printf("\n"); printf("Feature(s) count= %d", OGR_L_GetFeatureCount($hLayer, TRUE)); printf("\n\n"); /* And dump each feature individually */ while (($hFeature = OGR_L_GetNextFeature($hLayer)) != NULL) { OGR_F_DumpReadable($hFeature); OGR_F_Destroy($hFeature); } printf("\n\n----- EOF -----\n"); /* No need to free layer handle, it belongs to the datasource */ } /* Close data source */ OGR_DS_Destroy($hDatasource); ?> </PRE> </BODY> </HTML>
/** * * Função que transforma o arquivo num formato qualquer para formato conhecido * * @param string $inputFile * @param string $outputFile * @param string $outputFormat * @param array $options */ public function ogrToOgr($inputFile, $outputFile, $outputFormat = 'KML', $options = NULL) { // pega todos os formatos disponíveis no GDAL / OGR OGRRegisterAll(); $astrLayers = NULL; $hSFDriver = NULL; $hDS = OGROpen($inputFile, FALSE, $hSFDriver); // erro caso não consiga abrir o arquivo com os drivers disponíveis. if ($hDS == NULL) { for ($iDriver = 0; $iDriver < OGRGetDriverCount(); $iDriver++) { $drivers[] = OGR_DR_GetName(OGRGetDriver($iDriver)); } return sprintf(static::GEO_UNABLE_OPEN_FILE_DRIVERS, $inputFile, implode(',', $drivers)); } // pega o driver de saída. for ($iDriver = 0; $iDriver < OGRGetDriverCount() && $hSFDriver == NULL; $iDriver++) { if (!strcasecmp(OGR_DR_GetName(OGRGetDriver($iDriver)), $outputFormat)) { $hSFDriver = OGRGetDriver($iDriver); } } // não encontrou driver para saída. if ($hSFDriver == NULL) { for ($iDriver = 0; $iDriver < OGRGetDriverCount(); $iDriver++) { $drivers[] = OGR_DR_GetName(OGRGetDriver($iDriver)); } return sprintf(static::GEO_FIND_DRIVERS, $outputFormat, implode(',', $drivers)); } // driver de saída não suporta gerar arquivo físico. if (!OGR_Dr_TestCapability($hSFDriver, ODrCCreateDataSource)) { return sprintf(static::GEO_DRIVER_DONT_SUPORT_IMPORT, $outputFormat); } // cria o arquivo de saída $hODS = OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource($hSFDriver, $outputFile, $options); if ($hODS == NULL) { return OGRERR_FAILURE; } // processa cada layer do arquivo for ($iLayer = 0; $iLayer < OGR_DS_GetLayerCount($hDS); $iLayer++) { $hLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayer($hDS, $iLayer); if ($hLayer == NULL) { return sprintf(STATIC::GEO_UNABLE_PROCESS_LAYER, $ilayer); } if (count($astrLayers) == 0 || in_array(OGR_FD_GetName(OGR_L_GetLayerDefn($hLayer)), $astrLayers) != FALSE) { if (!$this->translateLayer($hDS, $hLayer, $hODS)) { return OGRERR_FAILURE; } } } OGR_DS_Destroy($hDS); OGR_DS_Destroy($hODS); return NULL; }
function OGR2OGR_main() { $strFormat = "ESRI Shapefile"; $strDataSource = NULL; $strDestDataSource = NULL; $astrLayers = NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Register format(s). */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRRegisterAll(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Processing command line arguments. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $numArgs = count($_SERVER["argv"]); for ($iArg = 1; $iArg < $numArgs; $iArg++) { if (!strcasecmp($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg], "-f") && $iArg < $numArgs - 1) { $strFormat = $_SERVER["argv"][++$iArg]; printf("Format = %s\n", $strFormat); } else { if ($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg][0] == '-') { Usage(); } else { if ($strDestDataSource == NULL) { $strDestDataSource = $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg]; printf("DestDataSource = %s\n", $strDestDataSource); } else { if ($strDataSource == NULL) { $strDataSource = $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg]; printf("DataSource = %s\n", $strDataSource); } else { $astrLayers[] = $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg]; } } } } } $i = 0; while ($astrLayers[$i]) { printf("Layers [%d] = %s\n", $i, $astrLayers[$i]); $i++; } if ($strDataSource == NULL) { Usage(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Open data source. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $hSFDriver = NULL; $hDS = OGROpen($strDataSource, FALSE, $hSFDriver); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Report failure */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ($hDS == NULL) { printf("FAILURE:\nUnable to open datasource `%s' with the following drivers:\n", $strDataSource); for ($iDriver = 0; $iDriver < OGRGetDriverCount(); $iDriver++) { printf(" -> %s\n", OGR_DR_GetName(OGRGetDriver($iDriver))); } return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Find the output driver. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for ($iDriver = 0; $iDriver < OGRGetDriverCount() && $hSFDriver == NULL; $iDriver++) { if (!strcasecmp(OGR_DR_GetName(OGRGetDriver($iDriver)), $strFormat)) { $hSFDriver = OGRGetDriver($iDriver); } } if ($hSFDriver == NULL) { printf("Unable to find driver `%s'.\n", $strFormat); printf("The following drivers are available:\n"); for ($iDriver = 0; $iDriver < OGRGetDriverCount(); $iDriver++) { printf(" -> %s\n", OGR_DR_GetName(OGRGetDriver($iDriver))); } return OGRERR_FAILURE; } if (!OGR_Dr_TestCapability($hSFDriver, ODrCCreateDataSource)) { printf("%s driver does not support data source creation.\n", $strFormat); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create the output data source. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*Uncomment and add options here. */ /* $aoptions[0] = 'option1'; $aoptions[1] = 'option2'; $hODS = OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource( $hSFDriver, $strDestDataSource, $aoptions ); */ /* Or use no option.*/ $hODS = OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource($hSFDriver, $strDestDataSource, NULL); if ($hODS == NULL) { return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Process each data source layer. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for ($iLayer = 0; $iLayer < OGR_DS_GetLayerCount($hDS); $iLayer++) { $hLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayer($hDS, $iLayer); if ($hLayer == NULL) { printf("FAILURE: Couldn't fetch advertised layer %d!\n", $iLayer); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } if (count($astrLayers) == 0 || in_array(OGR_FD_GetName(OGR_L_GetLayerDefn($hLayer)), $astrLayers) != FALSE) { if (!TranslateLayer($hDS, $hLayer, $hODS)) { return OGRERR_FAILURE; } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Close down. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGR_DS_Destroy($hDS); OGR_DS_Destroy($hODS); return OGRERR_NONE; }
function ogr2tab_copy_srs() { /*Corresponding MapInfo File driver number.*/ $iDriver = 5; $strFormat = "MapInfo File"; /*Path to existing data source to modify to fit user needs.*/ $strSrcDataSource = "./phpunit_tests/data/tab/mpasabe200/Commune.TAB"; /*Path to new data source to modify to fit user needs.*/ $strDestDataSource = "../ogrtests/tmp/output"; /*New layer name to modify to fit user needs.*/ $strDestLayerName = "MyNewLayer"; /*Layer selected to fetch a feature from. If the data source name in $strSrcDataSource is a "tab" file, the layer number, specified by $iLayer, to copy from must be set to zero. Otherwise the layer number might be any number between 0 and the layer count.*/ // $iLayer = 1; $iLayer = 0; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Register format(s). */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRRegisterAll(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Open the existing data source. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $hSFDriver = NULL; $hSrcDS = OGROpen($strSrcDataSource, FALSE, $hSFDriver); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Report failure */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ($hSrcDS == NULL) { printf("FAILURE:\nUnable to open datasource `%s'\n", $strSrcDataSource); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Find the output driver handle. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ($hSFDriver == NULL) { $hSFDriver = OGRGetDriver($iDriver); } if ($hSFDriver == NULL) { printf("Unable to find driver `%s'.\n", $strFormat); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create the destination data source. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $hDestDS = OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource($hSFDriver, $strDestDataSource, NULL); if ($hDestDS == NULL) { return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Select an existing layer from the existing data source to get */ /* the projection information from. To modify accordingly to user */ /* needs. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (OGR_DS_GetLayerCount($hSrcDS) > 0) { $hSrcLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayer($hSrcDS, $iLayer); if ($hSrcLayer == NULL) { printf("FAILURE: Couldn't fetch advertised layer %d!\n", $iLayer); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } $hSrcSRS = OGR_L_GetSpatialRef($hSrcLayer); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create a new layer based on the existing data source */ /* information. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $hSrcFDefn = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn($hSrcLayer); $eType = OGR_FD_GetGeomType($hSrcFDefn); $hDestLayer = OGR_DS_CreateLayer($hDestDS, $strDestLayerName, $hSrcSRS, $eType, NULL); if ($hDestLayer == NULL) { return FALSE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create the field definitions for the new layer based on the */ /* existing field definitions of the source layer. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for ($iField = 0; $iField < OGR_FD_GetFieldCount($hSrcFDefn); $iField++) { if (OGR_L_CreateField($hDestLayer, OGR_FD_GetFieldDefn($hSrcFDefn, $iField), 0) != OGRERR_NONE) { return OGRERR_FAILURE; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get only one feature on the existing layer and copy it to the */ /* new layer. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGR_L_ResetReading($hSrcLayer); $hSrcFeature = OGR_L_GetNextFeature($hSrcLayer); $hDestFeature = OGR_F_Create(OGR_L_GetLayerDefn($hDestLayer)); if (OGR_F_SetFrom($hDestFeature, $hSrcFeature, FALSE) != OGRERR_NONE) { OGR_F_Destroy($hDestFeature); printf("Unable to copy feature %d from layer %s.\n", OGR_F_GetFID($hSrcFeature), OGR_FD_GetName($hSrcFDefn)); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } OGR_F_Destroy($hSrcFeature); if (OGR_L_CreateFeature($hDestLayer, $hDestFeature) != OGRERR_NONE) { OGR_F_Destroy($hDestFeature); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } OGR_F_Destroy($hDestFeature); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Close down. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGR_DS_Destroy($hSrcDS); OGR_DS_Destroy($hDestDS); return OGRERR_NONE; }
function OGR_SpatialFilter_main() { /*Assigning initial value.*/ $strFormat = "ESRI Shapefile"; $strDataSource = NULL; $strDestDataSource = NULL; $strWhere = NULL; $hSpatialFilter = NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Register format(s). */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRRegisterAll(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Processing command line arguments. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $numArgs = count($_SERVER["argv"]); for ($iArg = 1; $iArg < $numArgs; $iArg++) { if (!strcasecmp($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg], "-f") && $iArg < $numArgs - 1) { $strFormat = $_SERVER["argv"][++$iArg]; printf("Format = %s\n", $strFormat); } else { if ($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg] == "-spat" && $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 1] != NULL && $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 2] != NULL && $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 3] != NULL && $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 4] != NULL) { $hSpatialFilter = OGR_G_CreateGeometry(wkbLinearRing); OGR_G_AddPoint($hSpatialFilter, floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 1]), floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 2]), 0.0); OGR_G_AddPoint($hSpatialFilter, floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 1]), floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 4]), 0.0); OGR_G_AddPoint($hSpatialFilter, floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 3]), floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 4]), 0.0); OGR_G_AddPoint($hSpatialFilter, floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 3]), floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 2]), 0.0); OGR_G_AddPoint($hSpatialFilter, floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 1]), floatval($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 2]), 0.0); printf("Xmin = %s Ymin = %s Xmax = %s Ymax = %s\n", $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 1], $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 2], $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 3], $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 4]); $iArg += 4; } else { if ($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg] == "-where" && $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg + 1] != NULL) { $strWhere = $_SERVER["argv"][++$iArg]; printf("where = %s\n", $strWhere); } else { if ($_SERVER["argv"][$iArg][0] == '-') { Usage(); } else { if ($strDestDataSource == NULL) { $strDestDataSource = $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg]; printf("DestDataSource = %s\n", $strDestDataSource); } else { if ($strDataSource == NULL) { $strDataSource = $_SERVER["argv"][$iArg]; printf("DataSource = %s\n", $strDataSource); } } } } } } } if ($strDataSource == NULL) { Usage(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Open data source. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $hSFDriver = NULL; $hDS = OGROpen($strDataSource, FALSE, $hSFDriver); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Report failure */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ($hDS == NULL) { printf("FAILURE:\nUnable to open datasource `%s' with the following drivers:\n", $strDataSource); for ($iDriver = 0; $iDriver < OGRGetDriverCount(); $iDriver++) { printf(" -> %s\n", OGR_DR_GetName(OGRGetDriver($iDriver))); } return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Find the output driver. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for ($iDriver = 0; $iDriver < OGRGetDriverCount() && $hSFDriver == NULL; $iDriver++) { if (!strcasecmp(OGR_DR_GetName(OGRGetDriver($iDriver)), $strFormat)) { $hSFDriver = OGRGetDriver($iDriver); } } if ($hSFDriver == NULL) { printf("Unable to find driver `%s'.\n", $strFormat); printf("The following drivers are available:\n"); for ($iDriver = 0; $iDriver < OGRGetDriverCount(); $iDriver++) { printf(" -> %s\n", OGR_DR_GetName(OGRGetDriver($iDriver))); } return OGRERR_FAILURE; } if (!OGR_Dr_TestCapability($hSFDriver, ODrCCreateDataSource)) { printf("%s driver does not support data source creation.\n", $strFormat); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create the output data source. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*Uncomment and add options here. */ /* $aoptions[0] = 'option1'; $aoptions[1] = 'option2'; $hODS = OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource( $hSFDriver, $strDestDataSource, $aoptions ); */ /* Or use no option.*/ $hODS = OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource($hSFDriver, $strDestDataSource, NULL); if ($hODS == NULL) { return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Process each data source layer. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for ($iLayer = 0; $iLayer < OGR_DS_GetLayerCount($hDS); $iLayer++) { $hLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayer($hDS, $iLayer); if ($hLayer == NULL) { printf("FAILURE: Couldn't fetch advertised layer %d!\n", $iLayer); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } if (count($astrLayers) == 0 || in_array(OGR_FD_GetName(OGR_L_GetLayerDefn($hLayer)), $astrLayers) != FALSE) { /*Assign spatial filter*/ if ($hSpatialFilter != NULL) { OGR_L_SetSpatialFilter($hLayer, $hSpatialFilter); } /*Assign attribute filter*/ if ($strWhere != NULL) { $eErr = OGR_L_SetAttributeFilter($hLayer, $strWhere); } if ($eErr != OGRERR_NONE) { printf("Erreur when setting attribute filter", $eErr); return $eErr; } /*Copy datasource file to a new data source file*/ if (!TranslateLayer($hDS, $hLayer, $hODS)) { return OGRERR_FAILURE; } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Close down. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGR_DS_Destroy($hDS); OGR_DS_Destroy($hODS); return OGRERR_NONE; }