function CountBusiness() { $this->outselect = SelectDataWhereDB("ebpls_business_enterprise", ""); $this->outnumrow = NumRowsDB($this->outselect); }
function GetMotor($mmodel, $mnum, $cnum, $pnum, $bnum, $bcolor, $route, $ltype, $ltoreg, $cro) { $this->outselect = SelectDataWhereDB("ebpls_motorized_vehicles", "where motorized_motor_model like '{$mmodel}%' and\n motorized_motor_no like '{$mnum}%' and \n motorized_chassis_no like '{$cnum}%' and\n motorized_plate_no like '{$pnum}%' and \n motorized_body_no like '{$bnum}%' and\n body_color like '{$bcolor}%' and \n route like '{$route}%' and\n linetype like '{$ltype}%' and \n lto_number like '{$ltoreg}%' and\n cr_number like '{$cro}%' and retire=2\n "); $this->outnumrow = NumRowsDB($this->outselect); }
function GetPermit($owner, $business) { $this->outselect = SelectDataWhereDB("ebpls_business_enterprise_permit", "where owner_id = '{$owner}' and\r\n business_id = '{$business}' "); $this->outnumrow = NumRowsDB($this->outselect); }
function CheckTaxFee($natureid) { $this->outselect = SelectDataWhereDB("ebpls_buss_taxfeeother", "where natureid='{$natureid}'"); $this->outnumrow = NumRowsDB($this->outselect); }
function GetBusinessPermit1($owner, $business, $permittable, $tyear) { $this->outselect = SelectDataWhereDB($permittable, "where owner_id = {$owner} and\r\n business_id = {$business} and for_year = {$tyear}"); $this->outnumrow = NumRowsDB($this->outselect); $this->outarray = FetchArrayDB($this->outselect); }