Exemplo n.º 1
 public function Open()
     $Settings = $this->Settings;
     $Address = SPrintF('%s:%u', $Settings['Server'], $Settings['Port']);
     $this->Link = @MySQL_Connect($Address, $User = $Settings['User'], $Settings['Password'], TRUE);
     if (!Is_Resource($this->Link)) {
         return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(SPrintF('[MySQL->Open]: не возможно соединиться с (%s@%s)', $User, $Address));
     Debug(SPrintF('[MySQL->Open]: связь как (%s@%s) установлена', $User, $Address));
     $Init = System_XML('config/MySqlInit.xml');
     if (Is_Error($Init)) {
         return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[MySQL->Open]: не возможно загрузить запросы инициализации');
     foreach ($Init as $Query) {
         if (Is_Error($this->Query($Query))) {
             return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[MySQL->Open]: не удалось произвести инициализацию подключения');
     return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 2
<?//Include "library.php";
$mysql_host = "localhost"; 			//MySQL host (usualy localhost)
$mysql_user = "******";				//MySQL username
$mysql_password = "";				//MySQL password
$mysql_database = "verlihub";		//MySQL database name

$DB_HUB = MySQL_Connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_password) OR Die(MySQL_Error());
MySQL_Select_DB($mysql_database, $DB_HUB) OR Die(MySQL_Error());

$file_en = File("scripts/languages/en.php");
$file = File("scripts/languages/en.php");

FOR($i = 0; $i < Count($file); $i++) {
	$file[$i] = Ereg_Replace("([\$\"\;\t])", "", $file[$i]);
	$file[$i] = Str_Replace("( =)|(\\\\)", "|", $file[$i]);
	$lang = Explode("|", $file[$i]);
	$lang[1] = MySQL_Escape_String($lang[1]);
	Query("INSERT delayed ignore INTO va_languages VALUES ('en', '".$lang[0]."', '".$lang[1]."', '".$lang[2]."')") OR Die("#".MySQL_ErrNo()." : ".MySQL_Error());

$file = File("scripts/languages/cz.php");

FOR($i = 0; $i < Count($file); $i++) {
	$file[$i] = Ereg_Replace("([\$\"\;\t])", "", $file[$i]);
	$file[$i] = Str_Replace(" =", "|", $file[$i]);
	$lang = Explode("|", $file[$i]);
	$lang[1] = MySQL_Escape_String($lang[1]);
	Query("INSERT delayed ignore INTO va_languages VALUES ('cz', '".$lang[0]."', '".$lang[1]."', '".$lang[2]."')") OR Die("#".MySQL_ErrNo()." : ".MySQL_Error());
FOR($i = 0; $i < Count($file_en); $i++) {
Exemplo n.º 3
// Import dat z predchoziho systemu
// Version 1.05
// Date 2013-08-29

define ('AUTH_DB_HOST', 'sql.satoya.cz'); // kde bezi MySQL server
define ('AUTH_DB_USER', 'gymfed_demo'); // uzivatelske jmeno
define ('AUTH_DB_PASS', 'HuuJNUw6GpjMjqfx'); // uzivatelske heslo
//define ('AUTH_DB_USER', 'gymfed'); // ostry uzivatel
//define ('AUTH_DB_PASS', 'PxPSXn2G7dB5bCwZ'); // ostre heslo
define ('AUTH_DB_NAME', AUTH_DB_USER); // jmeno databaze (casto jako uzivatel)
define ('AUTH_DB_CODEPAGE', 'UTF8'); // kodova stranka spojeni

echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />'."\n";
@MySQL_Connect (AUTH_DB_HOST,AUTH_DB_USER,AUTH_DB_PASS) or die ("Autorizacni modul se nemuze pripojit k databazi");
if (defined('AUTH_DB_NAME')) @MySQL_Select_DB(AUTH_DB_NAME) or die ("Autorizacni modul nenasel databazi");
if (defined('AUTH_DB_CODEPAGE')) @MySQL_Query("SET NAMES '".AUTH_DB_CODEPAGE."'") or die("Nelze nastavit znakovou sadu databaze");
echo date("H:i:s")." připojení k databázi<br>\n";

include "lib.php";

switch ($_GET[action]):

case "osoby_create":
$query="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS osoby";
MySQL_Query($query) or die("nepovedlo se smazat osoby");
$query="CREATE TABLE osoby (
  `id` int(6) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `username` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `password` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `titul` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
//  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 or visit http://www.gnu.sk/ for Vseobecna zverejnovacia licencia GNU
$server_name = "localhost";
$db_name = "uniletim";
//db name
$db_user = "******";
//user name
$db_pass = "******";
$app_lang = "english";
// application language
$app_design = "xhtml";
$app_style = "green";
@($conn = MySQL_Connect($server_name, $db_user, $db_pass)) or die(_NO_MYSQL_CONNECT);
//connect to database
@($sdb = MySQL_Select_DB($db_name)) or die(_NO_DB_CONNECT);
//select database
$hash_secret = "Jabb";
// please, change the hash secret for better security
$admin_mail = "*****@*****.**";
if ($app_design != "lets_sk") {
    $welcome_call = ", welcome to <b>uniLETIM</b><br>";
    $welcome_call_unauth = "";
    $foot_call = "<hr size=1 width=90% noshade><div align=center>runs on <a href=http://uniletim.sourceforge.net/>uniLETIM</a></div>";
} else {
    $welcome_call = ", welcome to our LETS/TimeBank group";
    $welcome_call_unauth = "<b><h3>Welcome to www.letsportal.com</h3></b><br>\n\t\t\tif you are a registered user, please login...<br><br>\n\t\t\tif not, you can try the uniLETIM application in demo-mode as user or administrator";
    $foot_call = "<hr size=1 noshade><div align=center>runs on <a href=http://uniletim.sourceforge.net/>uniLETIM</a></div>";
Exemplo n.º 5
function DB_spojeni ($db, &$error, &$spojeni)
$error = "";
$file = securefiles()."/".$db;
if (!file_exists($file))
   $error = "konfiguracni soubor pro databazi ".$db." nenalezen";
   return false;
   $fo = fopen($file, "r");
   if (!$fo)
      $error = "nelze otevrit konfiguracni soubor pro databazi".$db;
      return false;
      $record = fgets ($fo, 30);
      list($user, $passwd, $bogus) = explode (":", $record);
//      $spojeni = MySQL_Connect("localhost", "uziv", "68t8g6er867");
//      echo "<P>uzivatel $user - $passwd";
      $spojeni = MySQL_Connect("localhost", $user, $passwd);
      if (!$spojeni)
         $error = "pristup odmitnut";
         return false;
      if (!MySQL_Select_DB($db))
         $error = "nelze zpristupnit databazi ".$db;
         return false;
return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
 function dbConnect($host, $port, $user, $password, $db)
     if ($this->connection) {
     $this->connection = @MySQL_Connect($host . ($port ? ":{$port}" : ""), $user, $password);
     if (!$this->connection) {
         echo "MYSQL CONNECTION FAILED!<br>";
     if ($this->connection) {
         $ok = @MySQL_Select_DB($db);
         if (!$ok) {
Exemplo n.º 7
	FUNCTION VA_MySQL($host, $user, $password, $database) {
		$this->DB = MySQL_Connect($host, $user, $password) OR Die(MySQL_Error());
		MySQL_Select_DB($database, $this->DB) OR Die(MySQL_Error());
		$this->mysql_queries += 2;
		$this->server_info = MySQL_Get_Server_info($this->DB);
Exemplo n.º 8

//Konfigurace připojení k DB
static $cfg_db = array("dbhost" => "localhost", "dbuser" => "user_name", "dbpass" => "password", "dbname" => "nag_meteo");
static $cfg = array("input_id" => "aaa111bbb222", "actual" => "meteo_actual", "hour" => "meteo_hour", "day" => "meteo_day", "location_name" => "VELEŠÍN", "owm_location_id" => "3067696", "owm_appid" => "aaa111bbb222");
//Spojeni s databazi
$conn = false;
$conn = @MySQL_Connect($cfg_db['dbhost'], $cfg_db['dbuser'], $cfg_db['dbpass']) or $conn = true;
@MySQL_Select_DB($cfg_db['dbname']) or $conn = true;
if (!$conn) {
    mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8;", $conn);
$tblTranslated = replaceTblArray();