Exemplo n.º 1
	$search_value = GetVariable("search_value");
	$search_type = GetVariable("search_type");
	$search_swversion = GetVariable("search_swversion");
	$imgperline = GetVariable("imgperline");

	/* determine action */
	switch($action) {
		case 'editform':
		case 'update':
			UpdateStudy($id, $modality, $studydatetime, $studyageatscan, $studyheight, $studyweight, $studytype, $studyoperator, $studyphysician, $studysite, $studynotes, $studydoradread, $studyradreaddate, $studyradreadfindings, $studyetsnellchart, $studyetvergence, $studyettracking, $studysnpchip, $studyaltid, $studyexperimenter);
			DisplayStudy($id, 0, 0, '', '', '', '','','','');
		case 'movestudytosubject':
			MoveStudyToSubject($studyid, $enrollmentid, $newuid);
		case 'movestudytoproject':
			MoveStudyToProject($subjectid, $studyid, $newprojectid);
		case 'upload':
			Upload($modality, $studyid, $seriesid);
			DisplayStudy($studyid, 0, 0, '', '', '', '','','','');
		case 'deleteconfirm':
		case 'delete':
		case 'deleteseries':
Exemplo n.º 2
	function DoMergeSubjects($selectedid, $name, $dob, $gender, $ethnicity1, $ethnicity2, $handedness, $education, $phone1, $email, $maritalstatus, $smokingstatus, $altuid, $guid, $cancontact) {

		<span class="tiny">
		/* get list of subjectids that were not selected and will therefor be deleted*/
		foreach ($name as $key => $value) {
			if ($key != $selectedid) {
				$extrasubjectids[] = $key;
		/* update the primary subject with the info */
		/* perform data checks */
		$name = mysql_real_escape_string($name[$selectedid]);
		$dob = mysql_real_escape_string($dob[$selectedid]);
		$gender = mysql_real_escape_string($gender[$selectedid]);
		$ethnicity1 = mysql_real_escape_string($ethnicity1[$selectedid]);
		$ethnicity2 = mysql_real_escape_string($ethnicity2[$selectedid]);
		$handedness = mysql_real_escape_string($handedness[$selectedid]);
		$education = mysql_real_escape_string($education[$selectedid]);
		$phone1 = mysql_real_escape_string($phone1[$selectedid]);
		$email = mysql_real_escape_string($email[$selectedid]);
		$maritalstatus = mysql_real_escape_string($maritalstatus[$selectedid]);
		$smokingstatus = mysql_real_escape_string($smokingstatus[$selectedid]);
		$cancontact = mysql_real_escape_string($cancontact[$selectedid]);
		$altuid = mysql_real_escape_string($altuid[$selectedid]);
		$guid = mysql_real_escape_string($guid[$selectedid]);
		$altuids = explode(',',$altuid);

		$sqlstring = "start transaction";
		echo "<li><b>Starting transaction [$sqlstring]</b>";
		$result = MySQLiQuery($sqlstring,__FILE__,__LINE__);
		/* move all of the studies from the other subjects to the primary subject */
		$sqlstring = "select uid from subjects where subject_id = $selectedid";
		echo "<li>Getting selected UID [$sqlstring]";
		$result = MySQLQuery($sqlstring, __FILE__, __LINE__);
		$row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
		$newuid = $row['uid'];
		echo "<li>Getting study lists<ol>";
		foreach ($extrasubjectids as $oldid) {
			/* get list of studies associated with the oldsubjectid */
			$sqlstring = "select b.study_id from enrollment a left join studies b on a.enrollment_id = b.enrollment_id where a.subject_id = $oldid and b.study_id is not null";
			echo "<li>Get study list for [$oldid] [$sqlstring]";
			$result = MySQLQuery($sqlstring, __FILE__, __LINE__);
			echo "<ol>";
			while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
				$studyid = $row['study_id'];
				echo "<li>Running MoveStudyToSubject($studyid, $newuid)<br>";
				MoveStudyToSubject($studyid, $newuid);
			echo "</ol>";
			/* delete the old subject after everything has been merged */
			$sqlstring = "update subjects set isactive = 0 where subject_id = $oldid";
			echo "<li>Deleting old subject [$oldid] [$sqlstring]";
			$result = MySQLQuery($sqlstring, __FILE__, __LINE__);
		echo "</ol>";
		/* update the subject */
		$sqlstring = "update subjects set name = '$name', birthdate = '$dob', gender = '$gender', ethnicity1 = '$ethnicity1', ethnicity2 = '$ethnicity2', handedness = '$handedness', education = '$education', phone1 = '$phone1', email = '$email', marital_status = '$maritalstatus', smoking_status = '$smokingstatus', guid = '$guid', cancontact = '$cancontact' where subject_id = $selectedid";
		echo "<li>Updating subject [$sqlstring]";
		$result = MySQLQuery($sqlstring, __FILE__, __LINE__);
		/* delete entries for this subject from the altuid table ... */
		$sqlstring = "delete from subject_altuid where subject_id = $selectedid";
		echo "<li>Deleting alternate IDs [$sqlstring]";
		$result = MySQLQuery($sqlstring, __FILE__, __LINE__);
		echo "<ol>";
		/* ... and insert the new rows into the altuids table */
		foreach ($altuids as $altuid) {
			$altuid = trim($altuid);
			if (strpos($altuid, '*') !== FALSE) {
				$altuid = str_replace('*','',$altuid);
				$sqlstring = "insert ignore into subject_altuid (subject_id, altuid, isprimary) values ($selectedid, '$altuid',1)";
			else {
				$sqlstring = "insert ignore into subject_altuid (subject_id, altuid, isprimary) values ($selectedid, '$altuid',0)";
			echo "<li>Inserting new alternate UIDs [$sqlstring]";
			$result = MySQLQuery($sqlstring, __FILE__, __LINE__);
		/* ------ all done ------ */
		$sqlstring = "commit";
		echo "<li><b>Commit the transaction</b>";
		$result = MySQLiQuery($sqlstring,__FILE__,__LINE__);
		?></ol></ol><div align="center"><span class="message"><span class="uid"><?php 
echo FormatUID($uid);
</span> updated</span></div><br><br><?