} if (!$demo_mode && (int) $_GET['delete_id'] != 0 && $_GET['action'] == "delete") { if (MemberDeletePoll()) { $action_result .= "Poll was deleted"; } else { $action_result .= "Poll deleting failed"; } } $_page['header'] = "Polls administration"; $_page['header_text'] = ""; TopCodeAdmin(); ContentBlockHead("Polls administration"); if (strlen($action_result)) { echo "<br><center><div class=\"err\">{$action_result}</div></center><br>\n"; } MemberPrintPolls(); $m_per_row = 1; if ((int) $_GET['edit_id'] != 0) { $poll_arr = db_arr("SELECT * FROM `polls_q` WHERE `ID` = " . (int) $_GET['edit_id']); $res_answers = db_res("SELECT `IDanswer`, `ID`, `Answer`, `Votes` FROM `polls_a` WHERE `ID` = " . (int) $_GET['edit_id'] . " ORDER BY `IDanswer` ASC"); } ContentBlockFoot(); ContentBlockHead("Polls"); ?> <form method=post action="polls.php"> <table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 width=100% class="text"> <tr> <td colspan=<?php echo $m_per_row;
* see license.txt file; if not, write to marketing@boonex.com ***************************************************************************/ require_once 'inc/header.inc.php'; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'design.inc.php'; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'utils.inc.php'; // --------------- page variables $_page['name_index'] = 28; $_page['css_name'] = 'polls.css'; $logged['member'] = member_auth(0, false); $_page['header'] = _t("_Site Polls"); $_page['header_text'] = _t("_Site Polls"); // this is dynamic page - send headers to do not cache this page send_headers_page_changed(); // --------------- page components $_ni = $_page['name_index']; $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = MemberPrintPolls(); // --------------- [END] page components PageCode(); // --------------- page components functions /** * page code function */ function MemberPrintPolls() { $query = "SELECT `ID`, `Question` FROM `polls_q` WHERE `Active` = 'on' ORDER BY `Question`"; $res = db_res($query); if (!$res or !mysql_num_rows($res)) { return "<div align=center>" . _t("_No polls available") . "</div>"; } $ret = '<div style="position:relative;"> <div class="clear_both"></div>';