Exemplo n.º 1
 function dispatch_url($url)
     $moduleRoot = ROOT . EnvConf::$moduleRoot . "/" . App::getModule();
     $classFile = "{$moduleRoot}/controllers/";
     $subDir = App::getSubDir();
     if (!empty($subDir)) {
         $classFile .= $subDir . '/';
     $className = ucfirst(App::getController()) . 'Controller';
     $func = ucfirst(App::getAction()) . 'Action';
     KC_LOG_DEBUG("hit controller: {$className}, action: {$func}.");
     $classFile .= strtolower(substr($className, 0, -10)) . '.php';
     if (!is_readable($classFile)) {
         KC_LOG_DEBUG("not_found invalid controller which is unavailable [ file: {$classFile} ]");
         throw new Exception("not_found invalid controller which is unavailable.");
     require_once $classFile;
     if (!class_exists($className)) {
         KC_LOG_DEBUG("not_found invalid controller which is unavailable [ file: {$classFile}, class: {$className} ]");
         throw new Exception("not_found invalid controller which is unavailable.");
     $obj = new $className();
     $obj->request = $this->app->request;
     $obj->response = $this->app->response;
     $obj->encoding = $this->app->encoding;
     $obj->debug = $this->app->debug;
     try {
         $this->_callmethod($obj, '_before');
         if (!$this->_callmethod($obj, $func, array())) {
             throw new Exception("not_found call method failed [ method name: {$func} ]");
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->_callmethod($obj, '_after');
         throw $ex;
     $this->_callmethod($obj, '_after');
Exemplo n.º 2
 function send()
     $data = $this->_formatResponse();
     $ob = ini_get('output_buffering');
     if ($ob && strtolower($ob) !== 'off') {
         $str = ob_get_clean();
         $data = trim($str) . $data;
     if ($data) {
         if (EnvConf::$debug) {
             KC_LOG_DEBUG("[RETURNED DATA]\n\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n" . $data . "\n<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n\n");
         if (true) {
             $success = true;
             $code = 0;
             $msg = "succ";
             $module = App::getModule();
             $interface = App::getController() . '_' . App::getAction();
             $dataArr = json_decode($data, true);
             if (isset($dataArr['error_code']) && $dataArr['error_code'] == 0) {
                 $msg = $dataArr['error_msg'];
             } else {
                 $success = false;
                 $code = isset($dataArr['error_code']) ? $dataArr['error_code'] : -1;
                 $msg = (isset($dataArr['error_msg']) ? $dataArr['error_msg'] : "failed") . " ,requestid:" . $this->app->requestId;
                 $msg .= ', ip:' . App::getClientIp();
             $do_not_report_code = array('100801');
             if (!in_array($code, $do_not_report_code)) {
                 Statis_Client::report($module, $interface, $success, $code, $msg);
         //support for return format -- jsonp
         if ('json' === $this->app->request->of) {
             $cb = $this->app->request->get('callback', '');
             $cb = trim($cb);
             if (!empty($cb)) {
                 $data = $cb . "({$data})";
         echo $data;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * 连接到数据库
  * @param string $identifier 连接到哪个数据库,分表依据
  * @param string $tag 直接指明连接到哪个数据库
 public function fetchMysqlHandler($identifier, $tag = NULL)
     if ($this->_isConnected) {
         $this->_isConnected = false;
         $this->_mysqli = mysqli_init();
     if (!is_null($tag)) {
         if (!isset(AppConf::$dbConf['server'][Env::getIDC()][intval($tag)])) {
             KC_LOG_WARNING(__FUNCTION__ . " failed, invalid tag received [ tag: {$tag} ]");
             return false;
         $arrMysqlServer = AppConf::$dbConf['server'][Env::getIDC()][intval($tag)];
     } else {
         $tag = $this->getDbNo($identifier);
         $arrMysqlServer = AppConf::$dbConf['server'][Env::getIDC()][intval($tag)];
     $totalNum = count($arrMysqlServer);
     $index = mt_rand(0, $totalNum - 1);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $totalNum; $i++) {
         $mysqlServer = $arrMysqlServer[$index];
         if (!isset($mysqlServer['host']) || !isset($mysqlServer['username']) || !isset($mysqlServer['password']) || !isset($mysqlServer['database']) || !isset($mysqlServer['port'])) {
             KC_LOG_WARNING(__FUNCTION__ . " failed, config must have host/username/password/database/port fields [mysqlServer: " . json_encode($mysqlServer) . "]");
             return false;
         if (false === $this->_mysqli->real_connect($mysqlServer['host'], $mysqlServer['username'], $mysqlServer['password'], $mysqlServer['database'], $mysqlServer['port'], NULL, 0)) {
             $index = ++$index % $totalNum;
         KC_LOG_DEBUG("fetch mysql conntion host [" . $mysqlServer['host'] . "] port [" . $mysqlServer['port'] . "]");
         $this->_isConnected = true;
     if (false === $this->_isConnected) {
         KC_LOG_WARNING("fetch mysql conntion [identifier: {$identifier}, tag: {$tag}] failed.");
         return false;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private function _errorHandler()
     $error = func_get_args();
     if (!($error[0] & error_reporting())) {
         KC_LOG_DEBUG('caught info, errno:%d,errmsg:%s,file:%s,line:%d', $error[0], $error[1], $error[2], $error[3]);
         set_error_handler(array($this, 'errorHandler'));
         return false;
     } elseif ($error[0] === E_USER_NOTICE) {
         KC_LOG_TRACE('caught trace, errno:%d,errmsg:%s,file:%s,line:%d', $error[0], $error[1], $error[2], $error[3]);
         set_error_handler(array($this, 'errorHandler'));
         return false;
     } elseif ($error[0] === E_STRICT) {
         set_error_handler(array($this, 'errorHandler'));
         return false;
     } else {
         KC_LOG_FATAL('caught error, errno:%d,errmsg:%s,file:%s,line:%d', $error[0], $error[1], $error[2], $error[3]);
         $this->endStatus = 'error';
         return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static function createShortUrl($url, $retry = 3)
     if (empty($url)) {
         return $url;
     while ($retry > 0) {
         #$dwz = "http://dwz.cn/create.php";
         $dwz = "http://s.youzu.com/gen.php";
         $data = array('url' => $url);
         $res = self::httpRequest($dwz, 'POST', $data);
         KC_LOG_DEBUG("create short url ,source url : {$url}, res: {$res}");
         $result = json_decode($res, true);
         $shortUrl = $url;
         if (isset($result['tinyurl'])) {
             $shortUrl = $result['tinyurl'];
     return $shortUrl;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static function noticeApi()
     $notice_url = isset($_COOKIE[AppConf::$cookiePrefix . '_notice_url']) ? $_COOKIE[AppConf::$cookiePrefix . '_notice_url'] : 0;
     $api_url = isset($_COOKIE[AppConf::$cookiePrefix . '_api_url']) ? $_COOKIE[AppConf::$cookiePrefix . '_api_url'] : 0;
     $token = isset($_COOKIE[AppConf::$cookiePrefix . '_token']) ? $_COOKIE[AppConf::$cookiePrefix . '_token'] : 0;
     if ($api_url != 0) {
         $params = array("notice_url" => Uc_Com_Utils::sDecode($notice_url), "api_url" => Uc_Com_Utils::sDecode($api_url), "token" => $token, "uid" => Uc_Com_Utils::encodeUserId($uid));
         $res = Utils::httpRequest(AppConf::$noticeApp, 'POST', $params);
         setcookie(AppConf::$cookiePrefix . '_notice_url', "", time() - 3600);
         setcookie(AppConf::$cookiePrefix . '_api_url', "", time() - 3600);
         setcookie(AppConf::$cookiePrefix . '_token', "", time() - 3600);
         KC_LOG_DEBUG("notice succ [ url:" . AppConf::$noticeApp . ", params:" . json_encode($params) . " , res: {$res} ].");
Exemplo n.º 7
  * 设置key的信息
  * @param string $key 要设置的key
  * @param string $value 要设置的value
  * @param string $timeout 超时时间
  * @throws Exception
 public function setEx($key, $value, $timeout = null)
     $retry = 0;
     $ret = false;
     do {
         $this->getConnection($retry !== 0);
         try {
             if (!is_null($timeout)) {
                 $ret = $this->_redisObj->setex($key, $timeout, $value);
             } else {
                 $ret = $this->_redisObj->setex($key, $value);
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             KC_LOG_WARNING('try to set key value to redis returned false [ retry: %s ].', $retry);
             $ret = false;
     } while ($retry++ < AppConf::$redisRetry);
     if (false === $ret) {
         throw new Exception('query redis to save all failed.');
     KC_LOG_DEBUG('function %s sycc [ key: %s, value: %s, timeout: %s ].', __FUNCTION__, $key, $value, strval($timeout));