Exemplo n.º 1
function postToWebSocket($property, $value, $post_action = 'PostProperty')
    require_once ROOT . 'lib/websockets/client/lib/class.websocket_client.php';
    global $wsClient;
    if (!Is_Object($wsClient)) {
        $wsClient = new WebsocketClient();
        if (!@$wsClient->connect('', WEBSOCKETS_PORT, '/majordomo')) {
            $wsClient = false;
    if (!Is_Object($wsClient) && isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) {
        return false;
    $payload = json_encode(array('action' => $post_action, 'data' => array('NAME' => $property, 'VALUE' => $value)));
    $data_sent = false;
    if (Is_Object($wsClient)) {
        $data_sent = @$wsClient->sendData($payload);
    if (!$data_sent && !isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) {
        $wsClient = new WebsocketClient();
        if (@$wsClient->connect('', WEBSOCKETS_PORT, '/majordomo')) {
Exemplo n.º 2
 function Get_Meta($key = Null, $default = False, $post_id = Null)
     # Get the post id
     if ($post_id == Null && Is_Object($GLOBALS['post'])) {
         $post_id = $GLOBALS['post']->ID;
     } elseif ($post_id == Null && !Is_Object($GLOBALS['post'])) {
         return False;
     # Read meta data
     $arr_meta = (array) Get_Post_Meta($post_id, '_wp_plugin_fancy_gallery', True);
     if (empty($arr_meta) || !Is_Array($arr_meta)) {
         $arr_meta = array();
     # Clean Meta data
     foreach ($arr_meta as $k => $v) {
         if (!$v) {
     # Load default Meta data
     $arr_meta = Array_Merge($this->Default_Meta(), $arr_meta);
     # Get the key value
     if ($key == Null) {
         return $arr_meta;
     } elseif (isset($arr_meta[$key]) && $arr_meta[$key]) {
         return $arr_meta[$key];
     } else {
         return $default;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Конструктор класса
 * Создает документ из XML строки.
 * @param string <иницилиазирующая строка>
 public function DOM($Source = NULL)
     $__args_types = array('string,object');
     $__args__ = Func_Get_Args();
     if (!Is_Null($Source)) {
         if (Is_Object($Source)) {
             $this->Object = $Source;
         if (Is_String($Source)) {
             if (Mb_StrLen($Source) > 1) {
                 $this->Object = String_XML_Parse($Source);
                 if (Is_Exception($this->Object)) {
                     return ERROR | Trigger_Error('[DOM->DOM]: не удалось преобразовать XML');
                 $this->Object = Current($this->Object->Childs);
Exemplo n.º 4
* Object constructor
* @access public
* @param string $template input template filename
* @param array $data input data
* @param object $owner parser owner
 function jTemplate($template, &$data, &$owner) {

  // set current directory for template includes
  if (strpos($template, "/") !== FALSE) {
  } else {


  if (Is_Object($owner)) {

  if (is_file($template)) {
  } else {
   //echo $template;exit;

  if (Defined("DEBUG_TEMPLATES")) {
   // creating layer for debugging purpose
   $res.="<div name=\"$template\" onMouseOver=\"dmo(event)\" onMouseOut=\"dmu(event)\" style=\"margin:0px\">";

  if ($this->owner->ajax) {
   if ($this->owner->owner->name) {
   $res.="<div id=\"".$this->div_id."\"><!-- begin_data [".$this->div_id."] -->"; // dyn

  $res.=$this->parse($template_file, $this->data, $root);
  if (strpos($res, '{#')) {
   //second pass
   $res=str_replace('{#', '[#', $res);
   $res=str_replace('#}', '#]', $res);
   $res=$this->parse($res, $this->data, $root);

  if ($this->ajax) {
   $res.="<!-- end_data [".$this->div_id."] --></div>"; // dyn

  if (Defined("DEBUG_TEMPLATES")) {
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Object constructor
 * @access public
 * @param string $template input template filename
 * @param array $data input data
 * @param object $owner parser owner
 function jTemplate($template, &$data, &$owner)
     // set current directory for template includes
     if (strpos($template, "/") !== FALSE) {
         $root = preg_replace("/\\/[^\\/]*?\$/", "", $template) . "/";
     } else {
         $root = "";
     $this->data =& $data;
     $this->template = $template;
     if (Is_Object($owner)) {
         $this->owner =& $owner;
     if (defined('ALTERNATIVE_TEMPLATES')) {
         $alt_path = str_replace('templates/', ALTERNATIVE_TEMPLATES . '/', $template);
         if (file_exists($alt_path)) {
             $template = $alt_path;
     if (is_file($template)) {
         $template_file = $this->loadfile($template);
     } else {
         $template_file = $template;
         $template = 'inner_code';
     $res = "";
     if (Defined("DEBUG_MODE")) {
         // creating layer for debugging purpose
         $res .= "<!-- begin of file {$template} -->";
     if ($this->owner->ajax) {
         $this->ajax = 1;
         $this->div_id = $this->owner->name;
         if ($this->owner->owner->name) {
             $this->div_id = $this->div_id . '_' . $this->owner->owner->name;
         $res .= "<div id=\"" . $this->div_id . "\"><!-- begin_data [" . $this->div_id . "] -->";
         // dyn
     $res .= $this->parse($template_file, $this->data, $root);
     if (strpos($res, '{#')) {
         //second pass
         $res = str_replace('{#', '[#', $res);
         $res = str_replace('#}', '#]', $res);
         $res = $this->parse($res, $this->data, $root);
     if ($this->ajax) {
         $res .= "<!-- end_data [" . $this->div_id . "] --></div>";
         // dyn
     if (Defined("DEBUG_MODE")) {
         $res .= "<!-- end of file {$template} -->";
     $this->result = $res;
 function __construct()
     // Get Fancy Gallery
     if (isset($GLOBALS['wp_plugin_fancy_gallery']) && Is_Object($GLOBALS['wp_plugin_fancy_gallery'])) {
         $this->fancy_gallery = $GLOBALS['wp_plugin_fancy_gallery'];
     } else {
         return False;
     // Setup the Widget data
     parent::__construct(False, $this->t('Fancy Taxonomy Cloud'), array('description' => $this->t('Displays your Gallery taxonomies as "Tag Cloud".')));
 function __construct()
     // Get Fancy Gallery
     if (isset($GLOBALS['wp_plugin_fancy_gallery']) && Is_Object($GLOBALS['wp_plugin_fancy_gallery'])) {
         $this->fancy_gallery = $GLOBALS['wp_plugin_fancy_gallery'];
     } else {
         return False;
     // Setup the Widget data
     parent::__construct(False, $this->t('Fancy Random Images'), array('description' => $this->t('Displays some random images from your galleries.')));
 function __construct()
     // Get Fancy Gallery
     if (isset($GLOBALS['wp_plugin_fancy_gallery']) && Is_Object($GLOBALS['wp_plugin_fancy_gallery'])) {
         $this->fancy_gallery = $GLOBALS['wp_plugin_fancy_gallery'];
     } else {
         return False;
     // Setup the Widget data
     parent::__construct(False, $this->t('Fancy Taxonomies'), array('description' => $this->t('Displays your Gallery taxonomies like Gallery Categories, Tags, Events, Photographers, etc.')));
Exemplo n.º 9
function redirect($url, $owner = "", $no_sid = 0)
    // redirect inside module
    global $session;
    if (Is_Object($owner)) {
    } else {
        $param_str = "";
        if (!$no_sid) {
            $url = str_replace('?', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . session_name() . '=' . session_id() . '&pd=' . $param_str . '&md=' . $owner->name . '&inst=' . $owner->instance . '&', $url);
        $url = "Location:{$url}\n\n";
Exemplo n.º 10
function DB_Escape($String)
    #$__args_types = Array('string');
    $__args__ = Func_Get_Args();
    $Link =& Link_Get('DB');
    if (!Is_Object($Link)) {
        $Config = Config();
        $Link = new MySQL($Config['DBConnection']);
        if (Is_Error($Link->Open())) {
            $Link = NULL;
            return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[DB_Query]: невозможно соединиться с базой данных');
        if (Is_Error($Link->SelectDB())) {
            $Link = NULL;
            return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[DB_Query]: невозможно выбрать базу данных');
    return MySQL_Real_Escape_String($String);
Exemplo n.º 11
 function Get_Meta($key = Null, $default = False, $post_id = Null)
     # Get the post id
     if ($post_id == Null && Is_Object($GLOBALS['post'])) {
         $post_id = $GLOBALS['post']->ID;
     } elseif ($post_id == Null && !Is_Object($GLOBALS['post'])) {
         return False;
     # Read meta data
     $arr_meta = Get_Post_Meta($post_id, '_wp_plugin_fancy_gallery', True);
     $arr_meta = Is_Array($arr_meta) ? $arr_meta : array();
     # Clean Meta data
     $arr_meta = Array_Filter($arr_meta);
     # Load default Meta data
     $arr_meta = Array_Merge($this->Default_Meta(), $arr_meta);
     # Get the key value
     if ($key == Null) {
         return $arr_meta;
     } elseif (isset($arr_meta[$key]) && $arr_meta[$key]) {
         return $arr_meta[$key];
     } else {
         return $default;
Exemplo n.º 12
 $Tr = new Tag('TR');
 foreach ($After as $After) {
     $Params = array($After['Comp'], $LinkID);
     if (Count($After['Args'])) {
         $Params = Array_Merge($Params, $After['Args']);
     $Comp = Call_User_Func_Array('Comp_Load', $Params);
     if (Is_Error($Comp)) {
         return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
     if (Is_Object($Comp)) {
         if (isset($After['NoBlock'])) {
             if (Count($Tr->Childs)) {
                 $Table->AddChild(new Tag('TR', new Tag('TD', new Tag('TABLE', array('cellspacing' => 0), $Tr))));
             $Table->AddChild(new Tag('TR', new Tag('TD', $Comp)));
             $Tr = new Tag('TR');
         } else {
             $Tr->AddChild(new Tag('TD', $Comp));
Exemplo n.º 13
    $Img = new Tag('IMG', array('alt' => 'Закрыть', 'align' => 'center', 'height' => 10, 'width' => 10, 'src' => 'SRC:{Images/Icons/Close.gif}', 'border' => 0));
    $Button = new Tag('BUTTON', array('class' => 'Transparent', 'style' => 'cursor: pointer;', 'onclick' => SPrintF('JavaScript: HideNote(\'%s\');', $MessageID)), $Img);
    $Div->AddChild(new Tag('DIV', array('style' => 'text-align: right;'), $Button));
    #$Span = new Tag('SPAN',Array('title'=>'Закрыть'),new Tag('B','x'));
    #$Div->AddChild(new Tag('DIV',Array('style'=>'cursor: pointer; text-align: right;','OnClick'=>SPrintF('JavaScript: HideNote("%s");',$MessageID)),$Span));
    $Div->{Is_Object($Adding) ? 'AddChild' : 'AddText'}($Adding);
    return $Div;
} else {
    $Td = new Tag('TD', array('style' => 'padding:5px;'));
    $Td->{Is_Object($Adding) ? 'AddChild' : 'AddText'}($Adding);
    $Tr = new Tag('TR', $Td);
    $Table = new Tag('TABLE', array('class' => $TypeID, 'cellspacing' => 5, 'align' => 'center'), $Tr);
    return $Table;
Exemplo n.º 14
 function smarty_parse($template_file, &$data)
     define(SMARTY_DIR, ROOT . 'smarty/');
     require SMARTY_DIR . 'Smarty.class.php';
     $smarty = new Smarty();
     $smarty->compile_dir = SMARTY_DIR . 'templates_c/';
     if (isset($this->owner)) {
         $smarty->template_dir = DIR_TEMPLATES . $this->owner->name . "/";
     $data["ROOTHTML"] = ROOTHTML;
     foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
         $smarty->assign_by_ref($k, $data[$k]);
     if (Is_Object($this->owner)) {
         $smarty->owner =& $this->owner;
     $result = $smarty->fetch($template_file);
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 15
function HTMLDoc_CreatePDF($ModeID, $HTML, $Prefix = '/')
    $__args_types = array('string', 'string,object', 'string');
    $__args__ = Func_Get_Args();
    if (Is_Object($HTML)) {
        $Tables = $HTML->GetByTagName('TABLE');
        for ($i = 0; $i < Count($Tables); $i++) {
            $Table =& $Tables[$i];
            switch (@$Table->Attribs['class']) {
                case 'Standard':
                    $Table->AddAttribs(array('border' => 2, 'cellspacing' => 0, 'cellpadding' => 5), TRUE);
                    # No more...
        $Tds = $HTML->GetByTagName('TD');
        for ($i = 0; $i < Count($Tds); $i++) {
            $Td =& $Tds[$i];
            switch (@$Td->Attribs['class']) {
                case 'Head':
                    $Td->AddAttribs(array('bgcolor' => '#ADC1F0'), TRUE);
                case 'Separator':
                    $Td->AddAttribs(array('bgcolor' => '#EAEAEA'), TRUE);
                    # No more...
        $Imgs = $HTML->GetByTagName('IMG');
        for ($i = 0; $i < Count($Imgs); $i++) {
            $Img =& $Imgs[$i];
            $Img->AddAttribs(array('src' => SPrintF('%s/%s', $Prefix, $Img->Attribs['src'])), TRUE);
        $HTML = $HTML->Build();
    $Config = Config();
    $Settings = $Config['HTMLDOC'];
    $Modes = $Settings['Modes'];
    $Mode = isset($Modes[$ModeID]) ? $Modes[$ModeID] : $ModeID;
    $Tmp = System_Element('tmp');
    if (Is_Error($Tmp)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[HTMLDoc_CreatePDF]: временная папка не найдена');
    $Logs = SPrintF('%s/logs', $Tmp);
    if (!File_Exists($Logs)) {
        if (!@MkDir($Logs, 0777, TRUE)) {
            return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
    $HTML = @Mb_Convert_Encoding($HTML, $Settings['ConvertToCharset']);
    if (!$HTML) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[HTMLDoc_CreatePDF]: не удалось преобразовать кодировку');
    $UniqID = UniqID('HTMLDOC');
    $File = IO_Write($Path = SPrintF('%s/%s', $Tmp, $UniqID), $HTML);
    if (Is_Error($File)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[HTMLDoc_CreatePDF]: не удалось создать временный файл');
    $Command = SPrintF('htmldoc %s %s', $Mode, $Path);
    if (!PutENV('HTMLDOC_NOCGI=1')) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[HTMLDoc_CreatePDF]: не удалось установить переменную окружения HTMLDOC_NOCGI');
    $HTMLDOC = @Proc_Open($Command, array(array('pipe', 'r'), array('pipe', 'w'), array('file', $Log = SPrintF('%s/HTMLDOC.log', $Logs), 'a')), $Pipes);
    if (!Is_Resource($HTMLDOC)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[HTMLDoc_CreatePDF]: не удалось открыть процесс');
    $StdOut =& $Pipes[1];
    $Result = '';
    while (!Feof($StdOut)) {
        $Result .= FRead($StdOut, 1024);
    if (!UnLink($Path)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[HTMLDoc_CreatePDF]: не удалось удалить временный файл');
    if (!$Result) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(SPrintF('[HTMLDoc_CreatePDF]: ошибка формирования PDF, смотрите (%s)', $Log));
    return $Result;
Exemplo n.º 16
<div class="tablenav">
	<div class="tablenav-pages"><?php 
    echo $page_links;

foreach ($images_query->posts as $image) {
    $image->parent = Get_Post($image->post_parent);
    if (Is_Object($image->parent)) {
        $image->parent->title = Get_The_Title($image->parent->ID);
        $image->parent->link = Get_Permalink($image->parent->ID);
        $image->parent->type = Get_Post_Type_Object($image->parent->post_type);
    } else {
        $image->parent = False;
    $image->move_link = Add_Query_Arg(array('move_attachment' => $image->ID, 'move_to' => $current_gallery->ID));
<div class="attachment" id="attachment-<?php 
    echo $image->ID;
    echo wp_get_attachment_image($image->ID);
Exemplo n.º 17
 * @param Object $Value
 * @return boolean Возвращает true, если $Value является исключением и false в противном случае
function Is_Exception($Value)
    return Is_Object($Value) && Get_Class($Value) == 'gException';
 function Get_Image_Title($attachment)
     if (!Is_Object($attachment)) {
         return False;
     // Image title
     $image_title = $attachment->post_title;
     // Alternative Text
     $alternative_text = Get_Post_Meta($attachment->ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', True);
     if (empty($alternative_text)) {
         $alternative_text = $image_title;
     // Image caption
     $caption = $attachment->post_excerpt;
     if (empty($caption)) {
         $caption = $image_title;
     // Image description
     $description = nl2br($attachment->post_content);
     $description = Str_Replace("\n", '', $description);
     $description = Str_Replace("\r", '', $description);
     if (empty($description)) {
         $description = $caption;
     // return Title
     switch ($this->get_option('use_as_image_title')) {
         case 'none':
             return False;
         case 'alt_text':
             return $alternative_text;
         case 'caption':
             return $caption;
         case 'description':
             return $description;
             return $image_title;
Exemplo n.º 19
if (isset($GLOBALS['__USER'])) {
    $Comp = Comp_Load('Information', 'Вы авторизованы в биллинговой системе. Для выхода из системы, нажмите кнопку [выход] на панели верхнего меню.', 'Notice');
    if (Is_Error($Comp)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
    $DOM->AddChild('Into', $Comp);
} else {
    $Script = new Tag('SCRIPT', array('type' => 'text/javascript', 'src' => 'SRC:{Js/Logon.js}'));
    $DOM->AddChild('Head', $Script);
    if (Is_Object($Exception)) {
        if (XML_HTTP_REQUEST) {
            return $Exception;
        $String = HtmlSpecialChars($Exception->String);
        $DOM->AddAttribs('Body', array('onload' => SPrintF("ShowAlert('%s','Warning');", $String)));
    $Messages = Messages();
    $Table = array();
    $Comp = Comp_Load('Form/Input', array('name' => 'Email', 'onclick' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'InputField', 'prompt' => $Messages['Prompts']['Email'], 'value' => @$_COOKIE['Email']));
Exemplo n.º 20
$DOM->AddChild('Into', $Comp);
switch ($Format) {
    case 'CSV':
        $Csv = array();
        foreach ($Table as $Row) {
            $Array = array();
            foreach ($Row as $Column) {
                if (Is_Object($Column)) {
                    $Array[] = SPrintF('"%s"', $Column->Text);
                    $Attribs = $Column->Attribs;
                    if (isset($Attribs['colspan'])) {
                        $Array = Array_Merge($Array, Array_Fill(0, $Attribs['colspan'] - 1, NULL));
                } else {
                    $Array[] = SPrintF('"%s"', $Column);