Exemplo n.º 1
	751 Soul Crystal                                                       
	752 Throwing Weapon
	753 Undershirt
	754 Undergarment
$LAN = array("JP", "EN", "DE", "FR");
$HUMAN_DropDown = array();
$DropDown = array();
$ALL_DropDown = array();
#Get models by name i.e gear
$SelectLists = $DB->SQL("SELECT ID, Icon, Model, Material, Slot, Name_" . $LAN[$Language] . " AS NAME, Type AS TYPE FROM models ORDER BY Name_" . $LAN[$Language] . " ASC");
foreach ($SelectLists as $Select) {
    $Hash = array();
    if ($Select["Model"]) {
        $Hash[] = array("id" => $Select["ID"], "model" => $Select["Model"], "icon" => Iconize($Select["Icon"]), "type" => $Select["TYPE"], "material" => $Select["Material"], "name" => $Select["NAME"], "slot" => $Select["Slot"]);
        switch ($Select["TYPE"]) {
            case "NPC":
                $DropDown["NPC"] .= "<option value='" . base64_encode(json_encode($Hash)) . "'>" . ucwords($Select["NAME"]) . "</option>";
            case "ITEM":
                if ($Select["Slot"]) {
                    $DropDown[$Select["Slot"]] .= "<option value='" . base64_encode(json_encode($Hash)) . "'>" . ucwords($Select["NAME"]) . "</option>";
                } else {
                    $DropDown["ITEM"] .= "<option value='" . base64_encode(json_encode($Hash)) . "'>" . ucwords($Select["NAME"]) . "</option>";
#Get models for those we only show unique models (like mobs)
Exemplo n.º 2
$Hash = array();
for ($i = 0; $i <= count($UnHash); $i += 2) {
    $TYPE = strtolower($UnHash[$i + 1]);
    $ID = $UnHash[$i];
    if (!$TYPE || !$ID) {
    switch ($TYPE) {
        case 'item':
            $RES = $DB->SQL("SELECT ID, Icon, Model, Material, Slot, Name_" . $LAN[$Language] . " AS NAME, Type AS TYPE FROM models WHERE ID = '" . $ID . "' AND Type='" . strtoupper($TYPE) . "'")[0];
            if ($RES) {
                $Hash[] = array("id" => $RES["ID"], "model" => $RES["Model"], "icon" => Iconize($RES["Icon"]), "type" => $RES["TYPE"], "material" => $RES["Material"], "menu" => 'player', "type" => 'item', "name" => $RES["NAME"], "slot" => $RES["Slot"]);
        case 'monster':
        case 'pet':
        case 'primal':
        case 'summon':
            $RES = $DB->SQL("SELECT ID, Icon, Model, Material, Slot, Name_" . $LAN[$Language] . " AS NAME, Type AS TYPE FROM models_all WHERE ID = '" . $ID . "' AND Type='" . strtoupper($TYPE) . "'")[0];
            if ($RES) {
                $Hash[] = array("id" => $RES["ID"], "model" => $RES["Model"], "icon" => $RES["Icon"], "type" => $RES["TYPE"], "material" => $RES["Material"], "menu" => strtolower($TYPE), "type" => strtolower($TYPE), "name" => $RES["NAME"], "slot" => "body");
        case 'beastman':
            $RES = $DB->SQL("SELECT ID, Icon, Body, Hands, Legs, Head, Material, Slot, Name_" . $LAN[$Language] . " AS NAME, Type AS TYPE FROM models_human WHERE ID = '" . $ID . "' AND Type='" . strtoupper($TYPE) . "'")[0];
            if ($RES) {
                $Parts = array("Body", "Hands", "Legs", "Head");