protected function RegisterTimer($ident, $interval, $script) { $id = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($ident, $this->InstanceID); if ($id && IPS_GetEvent($id)['EventType'] <> 1) { IPS_DeleteEvent($id); $id = 0; } if (!$id) { $id = IPS_CreateEvent(1); IPS_SetParent($id, $this->InstanceID); IPS_SetIdent($id, $ident); } IPS_SetName($id, $ident); IPS_SetHidden($id, true); IPS_SetEventScript($id, "\$id = \$_IPS['TARGET'];\n$script;"); if (!IPS_EventExists($id)) throw new Exception("Ident with name $ident is used for wrong object type"); if (!($interval > 0)) { IPS_SetEventCyclic($id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1); IPS_SetEventActive($id, false); } else { IPS_SetEventCyclic($id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, $interval); IPS_SetEventActive($id, true); } }
protected function SetTimerInterval($Name, $Interval) { $id = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($Name, $this->InstanceID); if ($id === false) { throw new Exception('Timer not present'); } if (!IPS_EventExists($id)) { throw new Exception('Timer not present'); } $Event = IPS_GetEvent($id); if ($Interval < 1) { if ($Event['EventActive']) { IPS_SetEventActive($id, false); } } else { if ($Event['CyclicTimeValue'] != $Interval) { IPS_SetEventCyclic($id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, $Interval); } if (!$Event['EventActive']) { IPS_SetEventActive($id, true); } } }
protected function RegisterTimer($Name, $Interval, $Script) { $id = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($Name, $this->InstanceID); if ($id === false) { $id = 0; } if ($id > 0) { if (!IPS_EventExists($id)) { throw new Exception("Ident with name " . $Name . " is used for wrong object type", E_USER_WARNING); } if (IPS_GetEvent($id)['EventType'] != 1) { IPS_DeleteEvent($id); $id = 0; } } if ($id == 0) { $id = IPS_CreateEvent(1); IPS_SetParent($id, $this->InstanceID); IPS_SetIdent($id, $Name); } IPS_SetName($id, $Name); IPS_SetHidden($id, true); IPS_SetEventScript($id, $Script); if ($Interval > 0) { IPS_SetEventCyclic($id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, $Interval); IPS_SetEventActive($id, true); } else { IPS_SetEventCyclic($id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1); IPS_SetEventActive($id, false); } }
public function setSleepTimer() { $hour = GetValue($this->GetIDForIdent("TimerHour")); $minute = GetValue($this->GetIDForIdent("TimerMinute")); $sleeptimervariableid = $this->GetIDForIdent("SleepTimer"); $sleeptimerstate = GetValue($sleeptimervariableid); $sleeptimerscriptid = IPS_GetScriptIDByName("SleepTimerControl", $sleeptimervariableid); $sleeptimereventid = @IPS_GetEventIDByName("SleepTimerEvent", $sleeptimerscriptid); $goodnightstate = GetValue($this->GetIDForIdent("GoodNight")); $volumefadeout = GetValue($this->GetIDForIdent("VolumeFadeOut")); if ($sleeptimerstate == false and $goodnightstate == false) { //toogle switch SetValue($this->GetIDForIdent("SleepTimer"), true); // set event IPS_SetEventCyclicTimeFrom($sleeptimereventid, $hour, $minute, 0); IPS_SetEventActive($sleeptimereventid, true); // set next power off $eventinfo = IPS_GetEvent($sleeptimereventid); $eventtimestamp = $eventinfo["NextRun"]; $day = date("l", $eventtimestamp); $date = date("d.m.Y", $eventtimestamp); $time = date("H:i:s", $eventtimestamp); $nextpoweroff = $day . ", " . $date . ", " . $time; SetValue($this->GetIDForIdent("NextPowerOff"), $nextpoweroff); // check volumefadeout time $timenow = ceil(time() / 60) * 60; $volumefadouttime = $eventtimestamp - $timenow; if ($volumefadouttime < 900) { SetValue($this->GetIDForIdent("VolumeFadeOut"), false); } if ($volumefadeout == true) { $fadeoutseconds = 900; $neweventtimestamp = strtotime('-' . $fadeoutseconds . ' seconds', $eventtimestamp); $newhour = date("H", $neweventtimestamp); $newminute = date("i", $neweventtimestamp); // set new event time IPS_SetEventCyclicTimeFrom($sleeptimereventid, $newhour, $newminute, 0); // calculate cycle time $actualvolume = GetValue($this->GetIDForIdent("VolumeSlider")); $cycletime = floor(900 / ($actualvolume - 1)); SetValue($this->GetIDForIdent("SleepCycle"), $cycletime); } } if ($sleeptimerstate == true and $goodnightstate == false) { SetValue($this->GetIDForIdent("SleepTimer"), false); SetValue($this->GetIDForIdent("VolumeFadeOut"), false); IPS_SetEventActive($sleeptimereventid, false); SetValue($this->GetIDForIdent("SleepCycle"), 0); SetValue($this->GetIDForIdent("NextPowerOff"), ""); } }
/** * ModBusMaster_WriteCoil * @param boolean $Value * @return boolean */ public function WriteCoil($Value) { if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean("ReadOnly")) { trigger_error("Address is marked as read-only!", E_USER_WARNING); return; } if ($this->ReadPropertyInteger("DataType") === 0) { $resultat = $this->SendDataToParent(json_encode(array("DataID" => "{A3419A88-C83B-49D7-8706-D3AFD596DFBB}", "FC" => "5", "Address" => $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Address"), "Data" => $Value))); if ($this->ReadPropertyInteger("SwitchDuration") > 0 and $Value) { $eid = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent("SwitchDuration", $this->InstanceID); if ($eid === false) { $eid = 0; } else { if (IPS_GetEvent($eid)['EventType'] != 1) { IPS_DeleteEvent($eid); $eid = 0; } } if ($eid == 0) { $eid = IPS_CreateEvent(1); IPS_SetParent($eid, $this->InstanceID); IPS_SetIdent($eid, "SwitchDuration"); IPS_SetName($eid, "SwitchDuration"); IPS_SetHidden($eid, true); IPS_SetEventScript($eid, "ModBusMaster_WriteCoil(\$_IPS['TARGET'], false);IPS_SetEventActive(\$_IPS['EVENT'],false);"); } IPS_SetEventCyclicTimeFrom($eid, date("H"), date("i"), date("s")); IPS_SetEventCyclic($eid, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, $this->ReadPropertyInteger("SwitchDuration")); IPS_SetEventActive($eid, true); } return $resultat; } else { trigger_error("Invalid DataType!", E_USER_WARNING); } }
protected function SetTimer($Name, $TargetTime) { $id = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($Name, $this->InstanceID); if ($id === false) { throw new Exception('Timer not present'); } if (!IPS_EventExists($id)) { throw new Exception('Timer not present'); } $Event = IPS_GetEvent($id); if ($TargetTime < time()) { if ($Event['EventActive']) { IPS_SetEventActive($id, false); } } else { IPS_SetEventCyclic($id, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); IPS_SetEventCyclicDateFrom($id, (int) date("j", $TargetTime), (int) date("n", $TargetTime), (int) date("o", $TargetTime)); IPS_SetEventCyclicDateTo($id, (int) date("j", $TargetTime), (int) date("n", $TargetTime), (int) date("o", $TargetTime)); IPS_SetEventCyclicTimeFrom($id, (int) date("H", $TargetTime), (int) date("i", $TargetTime), (int) date("s", $TargetTime)); IPS_SetEventCyclicTimeTo($id, (int) date("H", $TargetTime), (int) date("i", $TargetTime), (int) date("s", $TargetTime)); if (!$Event['EventActive']) { IPS_SetEventActive($id, true); } } }
protected function SetTimerIntervalTime($Name, $startzeith, $startzeitm, $stopzeith, $stopzeitm) { $id = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($Name, $this->InstanceID); if ($id === false) { throw new Exception('Timer not present', E_USER_WARNING); } if (!IPS_EventExists($id)) { throw new Exception('Timer not present', E_USER_WARNING); } $Event = IPS_GetEvent($id); if ($startzeith > 23) { if ($Event['EventActive']) { IPS_SetEventActive($id, false); } } else { IPS_SetEventCyclicTimeFrom($id, $startzeith, $startzeitm, 0); IPS_SetEventCyclicTimeTo($id, $stopzeith, $stopzeitm, 0); } }