Exemplo n.º 1
function notify(&$evt, $date, $daysDue)
    global $emlStyle, $set, $xx, $ax;
    $todayD = date("Y-m-d", time() + 43200);
    //today 12:00
    //compose email message
    $dateTime = IDtoDD($date) . ' ' . $xx['at_time'] . ' ' . (($evt['sti'] or $evt['eti']) ? ITtoDT($evt['sti']) : $ax['cro_all_day']);
    if ($evt['eti']) {
        $dateTime .= " - " . ITtoDT($evt['eti']);
    $status = '';
    if ($evt['cbx']) {
        $status .= $evt['clb'] . ': ' . (strpos($evt['chd'], $date) ? $evt['cmk'] : '- -');
    $subject = "{$set['calendarTitle']} - " . ($daysDue ? "{$ax['cro_due_in']} {$daysDue} {$ax['cro_days']}" : $ax['cro_due_today']) . ": " . $evt['tit'];
    if ($set['eventColor']) {
        $eStyle = ($evt['cco'] ? "color:{$evt['cco']};" : '') . ($evt['cbg'] ? "background-color:{$evt['cbg']};" : '');
    } else {
        $eStyle = $evt['uco'] ? "background-color:{$evt['uco']};" : '';
    $eStyle = $eStyle ? " style=\"{$eStyle}\"" : '';
    $calUrl = $set['calendarUrl'] . (strpos($set['calendarUrl'], '?', 6) ? '&' : '?') . 'cD=' . $date;
    $evtText = makeE($evt, $set['evtTemplGen'], 'td', '', '12345');
    $msgText = "\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>{$set['calendarTitle']} {$ax['cro_mailer']}</title>\n<style type='text/css'>\nbody, p, table {{$emlStyle}}\ntd {vertical-align:top;}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<p>{$set['calendarTitle']} {$ax['cro_mailer']} " . IDtoDD($todayD) . "</p>\n<p>" . ($daysDue ? "{$ax['cro_event_due_in']} {$daysDue} {$ax['cro_days']}" : $ax['cro_event_due_today']) . ":</p>\n<table>\n\t<tr><td>{$ax['cro_title']}:</td><td><b><span{$eStyle}>{$evt['tit']}</span></b></td></tr>\n\t" . ($evt['cbx'] ? "<tr><td>{$ax['cro_status']}:</td><td>{$status}</td></tr>" : '') . "\n\t<tr><td>{$ax['cro_date_time']}:</td><td>{$dateTime}</td></tr>\n\t{$evtText}\n</table>\n<p><a href='{$calUrl}'>{$ax['cro_open_calendar']}</a></p>\n</body>\n</html>\n";
    //send notification
    $sender = $set['notifSender'] ? $evt['uid'] : 0;
    $sent = sendMail($subject, $msgText, $evt['rml'], $sender);
    $sentTo = $sent ? "{$sent} - {$ax['cro_subject']}: {$subject}" : "Sending mail failed. See logs/luxcal.log for details";
    return $sentTo;
Exemplo n.º 2
function showEvents(&$events, $date)
    global $privs, $wkDays, $set, $xx, $months;
    foreach ($events as $evt) {
        switch ($evt['r_t']) {
            //make repeat text
            case 0:
                $repeat = '';
            case 1:
                $repeat = $xx['evt_repeat_on'] . ' ' . $evt['r_i'] . ' ' . $xx['evt_period1_' . $evt['r_p']];
            case 2:
                $repeat = $xx['evt_repeat_on'] . ' ' . $xx['evt_interval2_' . $evt['r_i']] . ' ' . $wkDays[$evt['r_p']] . ' ' . $xx['of'] . ' ' . ($evt['r_m'] ? $months[$evt['r_m'] - 1] : $xx['evt_each_month']);
        if ($evt['r_t'] > 0 and $evt['r_u']) {
            $repeat .= " {$xx['evt_until']} " . IDtoDD($evt['r_u']);
        if ($evt['app'] and !$evt['apd']) {
            $eBoxStyle = 'border-left:2px solid #ff0000;';
        $eBoxStyle = !empty($eBoxStyle) ? " style='{$eBoxStyle}'" : '';
        $evtDateTime = IDtoDD($evt['sda']);
        if ($evt['sti']) {
            $evtDateTime .= " {$xx['at_time']} " . ITtoDT($evt['sti']);
        if ($evt['eda'] or $evt['eti']) {
            $evtDateTime .= ' -';
        if ($evt['eda']) {
            $evtDateTime .= ' ' . IDtoDD($evt['eda']) . ($evt['eti'] ? " {$xx['at_time']}" : '');
        if ($evt['eti']) {
            $evtDateTime .= ' ' . ITtoDT($evt['eti']);
        if ($evt['ald']) {
            $evtDateTime .= ' ' . $xx['vws_all_day'];
        if ($repeat) {
            $evtDateTime .= '. ' . $repeat;
        if ($set['eventColor']) {
            $eStyle = ($evt['cco'] ? "color:{$evt['cco']};" : '') . ($evt['cbg'] ? "background-color:{$evt['cbg']};" : '');
        } else {
            $eStyle = $evt['uco'] ? "background-color:{$evt['uco']};" : '';
        $eStyle = $eStyle ? " style='{$eStyle}'" : '';
        echo "<table>\n<tr>\n\t\t\t<td class='widthCol1'>" . ($evt['sts'] < 0 ? $xx['chg_deleted'] : ($evt['mdt'] > $evt['adt'] ? $xx['chg_edited'] : $xx['chg_added'])) . "</td>\n";
        echo "<td class='eBox'{$eBoxStyle}>{$evtDateTime}";
        if ($evt['sts'] >= 0 and $evt['mayE']) {
            echo "<h6><span class='point'{$eStyle} onclick=\"editE({$evt['eid']},'{$date}');\">{$evt['tix']}</span></h6>\n";
        } else {
            echo "<h6><span{$eStyle}>{$evt['tix']}</span></h6>\n";
        if ($set['details4All'] == 1 or $set['details4All'] == 2 and $_SESSION['uid'] > 1 or $evt['mayE']) {
            echo makeE($evt, $set['evtTemplGen'], 'br', "<br>\n", '1234567') . "\n";
        echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n<br>\n";
Exemplo n.º 3
function sendSum($sumReport)
    global $cmlStyle, $set, $ax;
    $subject = translit("{$set['calendarTitle']} {$ax['cro_sum_header']}");
    //create cronjob summary header
    $msgText = "\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>{$set['calendarTitle']} {$ax['cro_sum_header']}</title>\n<style type='text/css'>\n* {padding:0; margin:0;}\nbody, p {{$cmlStyle}}\nh3 {font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; margin:20px 0px; }\nh4 {font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; margin-top:20px;}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<h3>{$set['calendarTitle']}</h3>\n<p>=== {$ax['cro_sum_header']} ~ " . IDtoDD(date("Y-m-d")) . " {$ax['at_time']} " . date("H:i") . " ===</p>\n{$sumReport}\n<br>\n<p>=== {$ax['cro_sum_trailer']}  ===</p>\n<br>\n<p><a href='{$set['calendarUrl']}'>{$ax['cro_open_calendar']}</a></p>\n</body>\n</html>\n";
    sendMail($subject, $msgText, $set['calendarEmail']);
Exemplo n.º 4
function makeGrid(&$events)
    global $set, $xx, $wkDays, $months;
    $changeList = '';
    foreach ($events as $evt) {
        switch ($evt['r_t']) {
            //make repeat text
            case 0:
                $repeat = '';
            case 1:
                $repeat = $xx['evt_repeat_on'] . ' ' . $evt['r_i'] . ' ' . $xx['evt_period1_' . $evt['r_p']];
            case 2:
                $repeat = $xx['evt_repeat_on'] . ' ' . $xx['evt_interval2_' . $evt['r_i']] . ' ' . $wkDays[$evt['r_p']] . ' ' . $xx['of'] . ' ' . ($evt['r_m'] ? $months[$evt['r_m'] - 1] : $xx['evt_each_month']);
        if ($evt['r_t'] > 0 and $evt['r_u']) {
            $repeat .= " {$xx['evt_until']} " . IDtoDD($evt['r_u']);
        if ($set['eventColor']) {
            $eStyle = ($evt['cco'] ? "color:{$evt['cco']};" : '') . ($evt['cbg'] ? "background-color:{$evt['cbg']};" : '');
        } else {
            $eStyle = $evt['uco'] ? "background-color:{$evt['uco']};" : '';
        $eStyle = $eStyle ? " style=\"{$eStyle}\"" : '';
        $eBoxStyle = ' style="padding-left:5px;' . (($evt['app'] and !$evt['apd']) ? ' border-left:2px solid #ff0000;' : '') . '"';
        $changeList .= "<table><tr><td width='100px'>";
        $changeList .= $evt['sts'] < 0 ? $xx['chg_deleted'] : ($evt['mdt'] > $evt['adt'] ? $xx['chg_edited'] : $xx['chg_added']);
        $changeList .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>\n";
        $changeList .= "<td{$eBoxStyle}>";
        $changeList .= "<span{$eStyle}><b>{$evt['tit']}</b></span><br>\n";
        $changeList .= IDtoDD($evt['sda']);
        if ($evt['sti']) {
            $changeList .= " {$xx['at_time']} " . ITtoDT($evt['sti']);
        if ($evt['eda'] or $evt['eti']) {
            $changeList .= ' -';
        if ($evt['eda']) {
            $changeList .= ' ' . IDtoDD($evt['eda']) . ($evt['eti'] ? " {$xx['at_time']}" : '');
        if ($evt['eti']) {
            $changeList .= ' ' . ITtoDT($evt['eti']);
        if ($evt['ald']) {
            $changeList .= " {$xx['vws_all_day']}";
        $changeList .= " {$repeat}<br>";
        $changeList .= makeE($evt, $set['evtTemplGen'], 'br', "<br>\n", '1234567');
        $changeList .= "</td></tr></table><br>\n";
    return $changeList;
Exemplo n.º 5
function notifyNow(&$evt, $what)
    //notify added/edited/deleted event
    global $xx, $set, $nml, $apd, $app, $tit, $cid, $sda, $eda, $sti, $eti, $r_t, $ald, $chd, $uid, $repTxt;
    $emlStyle = "background:#FFFFDD; color:#000099; font:12px arial, sans-serif;";
    //email body style definition
    //get category data
    $stH = stPrep("SELECT `name`,`color`,`bgColor`,`checkBx`,`checkLb`,`checkMk` FROM `categories` WHERE `ID` = ?");
    stExec($stH, array($cid));
    $row = $stH->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    $stH = null;
    //compose email message
    $noteText = $what == 'add_exe' ? $xx['evt_event_added'] : ($what == 'upd_exe' ? $xx['evt_event_edited'] : $xx['evt_event_deleted']);
    $dateTime = $sda;
    if ($sti) {
        $dateTime .= ' ' . $xx['at_time'] . ' ' . $sti;
    if ($eda or $eti) {
        $dateTime .= ' -';
    if ($eda) {
        $dateTime .= ' ' . $eda;
    if ($eda and $eti) {
        $dateTime .= ' ' . $xx['at_time'];
    if ($eti) {
        $dateTime .= ' ' . $eti;
    $dateTime .= ($ald == 'all' ? ' ' . $xx['evt_all_day'] : '') . ($r_t ? ' (' . $repTxt . ')' : '');
    $evD = DDtoID($sda);
    $status = '';
    if (!$eda and !$r_t) {
        //no multi-day and not repeating
        if ($row['checkBx']) {
            $status .= $row['checkLb'] . ': ' . (strpos($chd, $evD) ? $row['checkMk'] : '- -');
    $subject = "{$set['calendarTitle']} - {$noteText}: {$tit}";
    $catColor = ($row['color'] ? "color:{$row['color']};" : "") . ($row['bgColor'] ? "background-color:{$row['bgColor']};" : "");
    $eStyle = $catColor ? " style=\"{$catColor}\"" : "";
    $eBoxStyle = ' style="padding-left:5px;' . (($app and !$apd) ? ' border-left:2px solid #ff0000;' : '') . '"';
    $calUrl = $set['calendarUrl'] . (strpos($set['calendarUrl'], '?', 6) ? '&amp;' : '?') . 'cD=' . $evD;
    $evtText = makeE($evt, $set['evtTemplGen'], 'td', '', '12345');
    $msgText = "\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>{$set['calendarTitle']} {$xx['evt_mailer']}</title>\n<style type='text/css'>\nbody, p, table {{$emlStyle}}\ntd {vertical-align:top;}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<p>{$set['calendarTitle']} {$xx['evt_mailer']} " . IDtoDD(date("Y-m-d")) . "</p>\n<p>{$noteText}:</p>\n<table{$eBoxStyle}>\n\t<tr><td>{$xx['evt_title']}:</td><td><b><span{$eStyle}>{$tit}</span></b></td></tr>\n\t" . ($status ? "<tr><td>{$xx['evt_status']}:</td><td>{$status}</td></tr>" : '') . "\n\t<tr><td>{$xx['evt_date_time']}:</td><td>{$dateTime}</td></tr>\n\t{$evtText}\n</table>\n<p><a href='{$calUrl}'>{$xx['evt_open_calendar']}</a></p>\n</body>\n</html>\n";
    //send notifications
    if ($nml) {
        //email address(es) to notify
        $sender = $set['notifSender'] ? $uid : 0;
        sendMail($subject, $msgText, $nml, $sender);
Exemplo n.º 6
function IDTtoDDT($dateTime)
    //convert ISO date+time (yyyy mm dd hh:mm:ss) to display date
    global $xx;
    $date = substr($dateTime, 0, 10);
    if (!$date) {
        return '';
    $time = substr($dateTime, 11, 5);
    $dD = IDtoDD($date);
    $dT = ITtoDT($time);
    return $dD . ($dT ? " {$xx['at_time']} {$dT}" : '');
Exemplo n.º 7
function notifyReg($uName, $eMail)
    //notify a new user registration
    global $ax, $set, $emlStyle, $emlHeader, $emlTrailer;
    //compose email message
    $dDate = IDtoDD(date('Y-m-d'));
    //current date in display format
    $noteText = $ax['log_new_reg'];
    $subject = translit("{$set['calendarTitle']} - {$noteText}: {$uName}");
    $msgText = $emlHeader . "\n<p>{$set['calendarTitle']} {$ax['cro_mailer']} {$dDate}</p>\n<p>{$noteText}:</p>\n<table>\n\t<tr><td>{$ax['log_un']}:</td><td>{$uName}</td></tr>\n\t<tr><td>{$ax['log_em']}:</td><td>{$eMail}</td></tr>\n\t<tr><td>{$ax['log_date_time']}:</td><td>{$dDate} {$ax['at_time']} " . ITtoDT(date("H:i")) . "</td></tr>\n</table>\n<p><a href='{$set['calendarUrl']}'>{$ax['cro_open_calendar']}</a></p>\n{$emlTrailer}";
    //send email
    sendMail($subject, $msgText, $set['calendarEmail']);
Exemplo n.º 8
function selectEvents()
    global $ax, $set, $msg, $fileName, $fileDes, $usrName, $catName, $fromDda, $fromMda, $tillDda, $tillMda;
    if (!$fileName) {
        $fileName = substr(translit($set['calendarTitle'], true), 0, 60);
    echo "<form action='index.php?lc' method='post'>\n\t\t<table class='fieldBox'>\n\t\t<tr><td class='legend' colspan='2'>&nbsp;{$ax['iex_create_ics']}&nbsp;</td></tr>\n\t\t<tr><td class='label'>{$ax['iex_file_name']}:</td><td><input type='text' name='fileName' maxlength='60' value=\"{$fileName}\" maxlength='40' size='26'> .ics</td></tr>\n\t\t<tr><td class='label'>{$ax['iex_file_description']}:</td><td><input type='text' name='fileDes' value=\"{$fileDes}\" maxlength='50' size='30'></td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'><hr>\n</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'>{$ax['iex_filters']}</td></tr>\n\t\t<tr><td class='label'>{$ax['iex_owner']}:</td><td><select name='usrName' >\n";
    echo "</select></td></tr>\n<tr><td class='label'>{$ax['iex_category']}:</td><td><select name='catName' >\n";
    echo "</select></td></tr>\n\t\t<tr><td class='label'>{$ax['iex_between_dates']}:</td><td>\n\t\t<input type='text' name='fromDda' id='fromDda' value='" . IDtoDD($fromDda) . "' size='8'>\n\t\t<button title=\"{$ax['iex_select_start_date']}\" onclick=\"dPicker(1,'nill','fromDda');return false;\">&larr;</button> &#8211;\n\t\t<input type='text' name='tillDda' id='tillDda' value='" . IDtoDD($tillDda) . "' size='8'>\n\t\t<button title=\"{$ax['iex_select_end_date']}\" onclick=\"dPicker(1,'nill','tillDda');return false;\">&larr;</button></td></tr>\n\t\t<tr><td class='label'>{$ax['iex_changed_between']}:</td><td>\n\t\t<input type='text' name='fromMda' id='fromMda' value='" . IDtoDD($fromMda) . "' size='8'>\n\t\t<button title=\"{$ax['iex_select_start_date']}\" onclick=\"dPicker(1,'nill','fromMda');return false;\">&larr;</button> &#8211;\n\t\t<input type='text' name='tillMda' id='tillMda' value='" . IDtoDD($tillMda) . "' size='8'>\n\t\t<button title=\"{$ax['iex_select_end_date']}\" onclick=\"dPicker(1,'nill','tillMda');return false;\">&larr;</button></td></tr>\n\t\t</table>\n\t\t<input class='noPrint' type='submit' name='create' value=\"{$ax['iex_create_file']}\">\n";
    if (isset($_POST['create']) and $msg == $ax['iex_file_created']) {
        $icalfName = $fileName ? $fileName : $set['calendarTitle'];
        $icalfName = substr(translit($icalfName, true) . '.ics', 0, 60);
        $rName = str_replace('.', '-' . date("Ymd-Hi") . '.', $icalfName);
        echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<button class='noPrint' type='button' onclick=\"location.href='dloader.php?ftd={$icalfName}&amp;rName={$rName}'\">{$ax['iex_download_file']}</button>\n";
    echo "</form>\n<div style='clear:right'></div>\n";
Exemplo n.º 9
function processFunctions()
    global $ax, $compact, $backup, $restore, $events, $delEvt, $fromD, $tillD;
    $fName = false;
    if ($compact) {
    if ($backup) {
        $fName = backupTables();
    if ($restore) {
    if ($events) {
        delEvents($delEvt, $fromD, $tillD);
    echo "<form action='index.php?lc' method='post'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='token' value='{$_SESSION['token']}'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='compact' id='compact' value='{$compact}'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='backup' id='backup' value='{$backup}'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='restore' id='restore' value='{$restore}'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='events' id='events' value='{$events}'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='delEvt' id='delEvt' value='{$delEvt}'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='fromD' id='fromD' value='" . IDtoDD($fromD) . "'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='tillD' id='tillD' value='" . IDtoDD($tillD) . "'>\n\t\t<input class='noPrint' type='submit' name='back' value=\"{$ax['back']}\">\n";
    if ($fName) {
        echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<button class='noPrint' type='button' onclick=\"location.href='dloader.php?ftd={$fName}&amp;rName={$fName}'\">{$ax['iex_download_file']}</button>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";
Exemplo n.º 10
function processFunctions()
    global $ax, $repair, $compact, $backup, $restore, $events, $delevt, $fromD, $tillD;
    echo "<table><tr><td>\n";
    if ($repair) {
    if ($compact) {
    if ($backup) {
    if ($restore) {
    if ($events) {
    echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
    echo "<form action='index.php?lc' method='post'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='repair' id='repair' value='{$repair}'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='compact' id='compact' value='{$compact}'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='backup' id='backup' value='{$backup}'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='restore' id='restore' value='{$restore}'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='events' id='events' value='{$events}'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='delevt' id='delevt' value='{$delevt}'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='fromD' id='fromD' value='" . IDtoDD($fromD) . "'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='tillD' id='tillD' value='" . IDtoDD($tillD) . "'>\n\t\t<input class='noPrint' type='submit' name='back' value=\"{$ax['back']}\">\n\t</form>\n";
Exemplo n.º 11
function showUsers()
    global $ax;
    echo "<table class='fieldBox'>\n\t\t<tr><td class='legend'>&nbsp;{$ax['usr_list_of_users']}&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
    $rSet = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM [db]users WHERE status >= 0 ORDER BY IF(user_id = 1, user_id, user_name)");
    if (!$rSet) {
        echo "Database Error.";
    } else {
        echo "<tr><td><table class='list'>\n\t\t\t<tr><th>{$ax['usr_id']}</th><th>{$ax['usr_name']}</th><th>{$ax['usr_email']}</th><th>{$ax['usr_rights']}</th><th>{$ax['usr_login_0']}</th><th>{$ax['usr_login_1']}</th><th>{$ax['usr_login_cnt']}</th><th></th></tr>\n";
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rSet)) {
            $firstLoginD = $row['login_0'] != '9999-00-00' ? IDtoDD($row['login_0']) : '';
            $lastLoginD = $row['login_1'] != '9999-00-00' ? IDtoDD($row['login_1']) : '';
            $style = $row['color'] ? " style='background-color:{$row['color']};'" : '';
            echo "<tr><td>{$row['user_id']}</td><td{$style}><b>{$row['user_name']}</b></td><td>{$row['email']}</td>";
            echo '<td>';
            if ($row['privs'] == 9) {
                echo $ax['usr_admin'];
            } elseif ($row['privs'] == 0) {
                echo $ax['none'];
            } elseif ($row['privs'] == 1) {
                echo $ax['usr_view'];
            } elseif ($row['privs'] == 2) {
                echo $ax['usr_post_own'];
            } elseif ($row['privs'] == 3) {
                echo $ax['usr_post_all'];
            } elseif ($row['privs'] == 4) {
                echo $ax['usr_manager'];
            echo "</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>{$firstLoginD}</td><td>{$lastLoginD}</td><td>{$row['login_cnt']}</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>[<a href='index.php?lc&amp;editUser=y&amp;uid={$row['user_id']}'>{$ax['usr_edit']}</a>]";
            if ($row['user_id'] > 2 and $row['user_id'] != $_SESSION['uid']) {
                echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;[<a href='index.php?lc&amp;delExe=y&amp;uid={$row['user_id']}'>{$ax['usr_delete']}</a>]";
            echo "</td></tr>\n";
        echo "</table>\n</td></tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n\t\t<button class='noPrint' type='button' onclick=\"window.location.href='index.php?lc&amp;editUser=y&amp;uid=add'\">{$ax['usr_add']}</button>\n";
Exemplo n.º 12
function showUsers()
    global $ax, $privs;
    echo "<fieldset><legend>{$ax['usr_list_of_users']}</legend>\n";
    $stH = stPrep("SELECT u.`ID`, u.`name` AS uname, u.`email`, u.`login0`, u.`login1`, u.`loginCnt`, g.`name` AS gname, g.`color` FROM `users` AS u INNER JOIN `groups` AS g ON g.`ID` = u.`groupID` WHERE u.`status` >= 0 ORDER BY CASE WHEN u.`ID` <= 2 THEN u.`ID` ELSE u.`name` END");
    stExec($stH, null);
    echo "<table class='list'>\n\t\t<tr><th>&nbsp;{$ax['id']}&nbsp;</th><th>{$ax['usr_name']}</th><th>{$ax['usr_email']}</th><th>{$ax['usr_group']}</th><th>{$ax['usr_login_0']}</th><th>{$ax['usr_login_1']}</th><th>{$ax['usr_login_cnt']}</th><th></th></tr>\n";
    while ($row = $stH->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        $firstLoginD = $row['login0'] != '9999-00-00' ? IDtoDD($row['login0']) : '';
        $lastLoginD = $row['login1'] != '9999-00-00' ? IDtoDD($row['login1']) : '';
        $style = $row['color'] ? " style='background-color:{$row['color']};'" : '';
        echo "<tr><td>{$row['ID']}</td><td><b>{$row['uname']}</b></td><td>{$row['email']}</td>";
        echo "<td{$style}>{$row['gname']}</td><td>{$firstLoginD}</td><td>{$lastLoginD}</td><td>{$row['loginCnt']}</td>";
        if ($privs == 9 or $row['ID'] != 2) {
            echo "<td>[<a href='index.php?lc&amp;mode=edit&amp;uid={$row['ID']}'>{$ax['usr_edit']}</a>]";
        if ($row['ID'] > 2 and $row['ID'] != $_SESSION['uid']) {
            echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;[<a href='index.php?lc&amp;delExe=y&amp;uid={$row['ID']}'>{$ax['usr_delete']}</a>]";
        echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";
    echo "</fieldset>\n\t\t<button class='noPrint' type='button' onclick=\"window.location.href='index.php?lc&amp;mode=add'\">{$ax['usr_add']}</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;\n\t\t<button class='noPrint' type='button' onclick=\"window.location.href='index.php?lc&amp;cP=93'\">{$ax['usr_go_to_groups']}</button>\n";
Exemplo n.º 13
function processEvtFields(&$sDate, &$eDate, &$sTime, &$eTime, &$title, &$catID)
    global $dFormat, $tFormat;
    //Get calendar category ids
    $rSet = dbQuery("SELECT category_id FROM [db]categories WHERE status >= 0");
    $catIDs = array();
    if ($rSet) {
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rSet)) {
            $catIDs[] = $row['category_id'];
    $errors = 0;
    $nofDates = count($sDate);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nofDates; $i++) {
        $error = 0;
        if (($IsDate = DDtoID($sDate[$i], $dFormat)) === false) {
        if ($eDate[$i]) {
            if (($IeDate = DDtoID($eDate[$i], $dFormat)) === false) {
        if ($sTime[$i]) {
            if (($IsTime = DTtoIT($sTime[$i], $tFormat)) === false) {
        if ($eTime[$i]) {
            if (($IeTime = DTtoIT($eTime[$i], $tFormat)) === false) {
        if (!$error) {
            if ($eDate[$i]) {
                if ($IsDate == $IeDate) {
                    $eDate[$i] = '';
                } elseif ($IeDate < $IsDate) {
                    $temp = $eDate[$i];
                    $eDate[$i] = $sDate[$i];
                    $sDate[$i] = $temp;
                } elseif ($IeDate > $IsDate and $IsTime == "00:00" and $IeTime == "00:00") {
                    $eDate[$i] = IDtoDD(date("Y-m-d", mktime(12, 0, 0, substr($IeDate, 5, 2), substr($IeDate, 8, 2), substr($IeDate, 0, 4)) - 86400), $dFormat);
                    $eTime[$i] = ITtoDT("23:59", $tFormat);
            if (!$sTime[$i] and !$eTime[$i]) {
                $sTime[$i] = ITtoDT("00:00", $tFormat);
                $eTime[$i] = ITtoDT("23:59", $tFormat);
            //no times: all day
            if (!$sTime[$i] and $eTime[$i]) {
                $sTime[$i] = $eTime[$i];
            if ($sTime[$i] == $eTime[$i]) {
                $eTime[$i] = '';
            if ($eTime[$i]) {
                if ($IeTime < $IsTime) {
                    $temp = $eTime[$i];
                    $eTime[$i] = $sTime[$i];
                    $sTime[$i] = $temp;
        $errors += $error;
        if (!$title[$i]) {
        //title empty
        if (!in_array($catID[$i], $catIDs)) {
            $catID[$i] = 0;
        //reset non-existing category IDs
    return $errors;
Exemplo n.º 14

//sanity check
if (empty($lcV)) {
    exit('not permitted (' . substr(basename(__FILE__), 0, -4) . ')');
//via script only
echo "<form id='event' name='event' method='post' action='index.php?lc&amp;xP=10'>\n\t<input type='hidden' name='token' value='{$_SESSION['token']}'>\n\t<input type='hidden' name='mode' value='{$mode}'>\n\t<input type='hidden' name='eid' value='{$eid}'>\n\t<input type='hidden' name='evD' value='{$evD}'>\n\t<input type='hidden' name='oUid' value='{$oUid}'>\n\t<input type='hidden' name='chd' value='{$chd}'>\n\t<input type='hidden' name='mdt' value='{$mdt}'>\n\t<input type='hidden' name='edr' value=\"{$edr}\">\n\t<input type='hidden' name='own' value=\"{$own}\">\n";
$catColor = ($col ? "color:{$col};" : '') . ($bco ? "background-color:{$bco};" : '');
echo "<table class='evtForm'>\n<tr><td class='floatC'>\n\t<span" . ($catColor ? " style='{$catColor}'" : '') . ">{$tit}</span>\n\t</td></tr>\n\t<tr><td class='floatC'>" . ($r_t > 0 ? $xx['evt_is_repeating'] : $xx['evt_is_multiday']) . "</td></tr>\n\t<tr><td class='floatC'><br>{$xx['evt_edit_series_or_occurrence']}</td></tr>\n\t</table>\n";
echo "<div class='floatC'>\n\t<input type='submit' name='edit_nx' value=\"{$xx['evt_edit_series']}\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n\t<input type='submit' name='edit_1x' value=\"{$xx['evt_edit_occurrence']} (" . IDtoDD($evD) . ")\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n\t<button type='button' onclick='javascript:self.close();'>{$xx['evt_close']}</button>\n\t</div>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
Exemplo n.º 15
    exit('not permitted (' . substr(basename(__FILE__), 0, -4) . ')');
//launch via script only
if ($app and $apd) {
    //manager or admin
    echo "<div class='apdBar'>{$xx['evt_apd_locked']}</div>\n";
$evtArr = array('ven' => $ven, 'cnm' => $cnm, 'des' => $desHtml, 'xf1' => $xf1Html, 'xf2' => $xf2Html);
//Html: with hyperlinks
$eColor = ($col or $bco) ? " style='color:{$col}; background:{$bco};'" : '';
echo "<table class='evtForm'>\n\t<tr><td>{$xx['evt_title']}:</td><td><span{$eColor}>{$tit}</span></td></tr>";
if ($pri) {
    echo "<tr><td colspan='2'>{$xx['evt_private']}</td></tr>\n";
echo makeE($evtArr, $set['evtTemplGen'], 'td', "\n", '12345');
echo "<tr><td colspan='2'><hr></td></tr>\n\t<tr><td>{$xx['evt_date_time']}:</td><td>" . IDtoDD($evD);
if ($ald) {
    echo ($eda ? " - {$eda}" : '') . " {$xx['at_time']} {$xx['evt_all_day']}";
} else {
    echo " {$xx['at_time']} {$sti}";
    if ($eda) {
        echo " - {$eda}";
    if ($eti) {
        echo ($eda ? " {$xx['at_time']} " : ' - ') . $eti;
echo "</td></tr>\n";
if ($r_t) {
    echo "<tr><td colspan='2'>{$repTxt}<br></td></tr>\n";
Exemplo n.º 16
function upcoList()
    //make list with upcoming events
    global $xx, $set, $evtList;
    if ($set['navUpcoList']) {
        echo "<div id='upcoBar'>\n<div class='barHead move' onmousedown=\"dragMe('upcoBar',event)\">{$xx['hdr_upco_list']}<span class='floatR select' onclick=\"show('upcoBar')\">&nbsp;&#10060;&nbsp;</span></div>\n";
        $startD = $_SESSION['cD'];
        $eTime = mktime(12, 0, 0, substr($startD, 5, 2), substr($startD, 8, 2), substr($startD, 0, 4)) + ($set['lookaheadDays'] - 1) * 86400;
        //Unix time of end date
        $endD = date("Y-m-d", $eTime);
        retrieve($startD, $endD, 'guc');
        echo '<h6 class="floatC">' . IDtoDD($startD) . ' - ' . IDtoDD($endD) . "</h6>\n";
        //display events
        echo "<div class='barBody'>\n";
        if ($evtList) {
            $evtDone = array();
            $lastDate = '';
            foreach ($evtList as $date => &$events) {
                foreach ($events as $evt) {
                    if (!$evt['mde'] or !in_array($evt['eid'], $evtDone)) {
                        //!mde or mde not processed
                        $evtDone[] = $evt['eid'];
                        $evtDate = $evt['mde'] ? makeD($evt['sda'], 5) . " - " . makeD($evt['eda'], 5) : makeD($date, 5);
                        $evtTime = $evt['ald'] ? $xx['vws_all_day'] : ITtoDT($evt['sti']) . ($evt['eti'] ? ' - ' . ITtoDT($evt['eti']) : '');
                        $details = ($set['details4All'] == 1 or $set['details4All'] == 2 and $_SESSION['uid'] > 1 or $evt['mayE']);
                        $onClick = $details ? " class='point' onclick=\"editE({$evt['eid']},'{$date}');\"" : " class='arrow'";
                        if ($set['eventColor']) {
                            $eStyle = ($evt['cco'] ? "color:{$evt['cco']};" : '') . ($evt['cbg'] ? "background-color:{$evt['cbg']};" : '');
                        } else {
                            $eStyle = $evt['uco'] ? "background-color:{$evt['uco']};" : '';
                        $eStyle = $eStyle ? " style='{$eStyle}'" : '';
                        echo $lastDate != $evtDate ? "<h6>{$evtDate}</h6>\n" : '';
                        echo "<p>{$evtTime}</p><p{$onClick}{$eStyle}>&nbsp;&nbsp;{$evt['tit']}</p><br>\n";
                        $lastDate = $evtDate;
        } else {
            echo $xx['none'] . "\n";
        echo "</div>\n</div>\n";
Exemplo n.º 17

//sanity check
if (!defined('LCC')) {
    exit('not permitted (' . substr(basename(__FILE__), 0, -4) . ')');
//via script only
echo "<form id='event' name='event' method='post' action='index.php?lc&amp;xP=10'>\n\t<input type='hidden' name='mode' value='{$mode}'>\n\t<input type='hidden' name='eid' value='{$eid}'>\n\t<input type='hidden' name='evD' value='{$evD}'>\n\t<input type='hidden' name='oUid' value='{$oUid}'>\n\t<input type='hidden' name='chd' value='{$chd}'>\n\t<input type='hidden' name='mdt' value='{$mdt}'>\n\t<input type='hidden' name='edr' value=\"{$edr}\">\n\t<input type='hidden' name='own' value=\"{$own}\">\n";
$catColor = ($col ? "color:{$col};" : '') . ($bco ? "background-color:{$bco};" : '');
echo "<table class='evtForm'>\n<tr><td class='floatC'>\n\t<span" . ($catColor ? " style='{$catColor}'" : '') . ">{$tit}</span>\n\t</td></tr>\n\t<tr><td class='floatC'>" . ($r_t > 0 ? $xx['evt_is_repeating'] : $xx['evt_is_multiday']) . "</td></tr>\n\t<tr><td class='floatC'><br>{$xx['evt_edit_series_or_occurrence']} (" . IDtoDD($evD) . ")?</td></tr>\n\t</table>\n";
echo "<div class='floatC'>\n\t<input type='submit' name='edit_nx' value=\"{$xx['evt_edit_series']}\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n\t<input type='submit' name='edit_1x' value=\"{$xx['evt_edit_occurrence']}\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n\t<button type='button' onclick='javascript:self.close();'>{$xx['evt_close']}</button>\n\t</div>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
Exemplo n.º 18
function processUpload()
    global $ax, $curLine, $calProps, $fromD, $defcatID;
    $fName = $_FILES['fName']['tmp_name'];
    if (!$fName) {
        return $ax['iex_no_file_name'];
    //ical file missing
    $fContent = file_get_contents($fName);
    //read file
    $begin = strpos($fContent, 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR');
    if ($begin === false) {
        return $ax['iex_no_begin_tag'];
    //sanity check
    $fContent = preg_replace("#\r?\n[\\s\t]#m", "", trim(substr($fContent, $begin + 15)));
    //skip BEGIN and unfold lines
    $icsLines = preg_split("#\r?\n#", $fContent);
    //split into lines
    //Get calendar categories
    $rset = dbQuery("SELECT category_id AS cid, name AS cnm FROM [db]categories WHERE status >= 0 ORDER BY category_id");
    if ($rset) {
        $cats = array();
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rset)) {
            $cats[$row['cnm']] = $row['cid'];
    //Iterate icsLines
    $curLine = 1;
    while (isset($icsLines[$curLine])) {
        list($key, $value) = explode(':', $icsLines[$curLine++], 2);
        $key = strtoupper(trim($key));
        $value = trim($value);
        if ($key == "BEGIN" and strtoupper($value) == "VEVENT") {
            //event start
            $event = parseEvent($icsLines);
            if ($event === false) {
                return $ax['iex_ics_file_error_on_line'] . ": " . $curLine;
            //ics file error
            //save event data
            if ($event['r_t'] == 0 and (!$event['eda'] or $event['eda'] >= DDtoID($fromD)) or $event['r_t'] != 0 and (!$event['r_u'] or $event['r_u'] >= DDtoID($fromD))) {
                $curCat = '';
                foreach ($cats as $catName => $catID) {
                    if (strpos(strtolower($event['cat']), trim(strtolower($catName))) !== false) {
                        $curCat = $catID;
                $_POST['title'][] = $event['tit'];
                $_POST['venue'][] = $event['ven'];
                $_POST['descr'][] = $event['des'];
                $_POST['catID'][] = $curCat ? $curCat : $defcatID;
                $_POST['sDate'][] = IDtoDD($event['sda']);
                $_POST['eDate'][] = IDtoDD($event['eda']);
                $_POST['sTime'][] = ITtoDT($event['sti']);
                $_POST['eTime'][] = ITtoDT($event['eti']);
                $_POST['r_t'][] = $event['r_t'];
                $_POST['r_i'][] = $event['r_i'];
                $_POST['r_p'][] = $event['r_p'];
                $_POST['r_m'][] = $event['r_m'];
                $_POST['r_u'][] = IDtoDD($event['r_u']);
                $_POST['delete'][] = 0;
        } else {
            //meta data
            if (in_array($key, $calProps)) {
                $_POST[$key] = $value;
                //save meta data
    return '';
    //no error
Exemplo n.º 19
function processEvtFields(&$sDate, &$eDate, &$sTime, &$eTime, &$title, &$catID)
    global $dFormat, $tFormat;
    //Get calendar category ids
    $catIDs = array();
    $stH = dbQuery("SELECT `ID` FROM `categories` WHERE `status` >= 0");
    if ($stH) {
        while ($row = $stH->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            $catIDs[] = $row['ID'];
    $errors = 0;
    $nofDates = count($sDate);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nofDates; $i++) {
        $error = 0;
        if (($IsDate = DDtoID($sDate[$i], $dFormat)) === false) {
        if (($IeDate = DDtoID($eDate[$i], $dFormat)) === false) {
        if (($IsTime = DTtoIT($sTime[$i], $tFormat)) === false) {
        if (($IeTime = DTtoIT($eTime[$i], $tFormat)) === false) {
        if (!$error) {
            if ($eDate[$i]) {
                if ($IsDate == $IeDate) {
                    $eDate[$i] = '';
                } elseif ($IeDate < $IsDate) {
                    list($sDate[$i], $eDate[$i]) = array($eDate[$i], $sDate[$i]);
                    //swap start and end date
                } elseif ($IeDate > $IsDate and !$IsTime and !$IeTime) {
                    //all day
                    $eDate[$i] = IDtoDD(date("Y-m-d", mktime(12, 0, 0, substr($IeDate, 5, 2), substr($IeDate, 8, 2), substr($IeDate, 0, 4)) - 86400), $dFormat);
                    //-1 day
            if (!$sTime[$i] and $eTime[$i]) {
                $sTime[$i] = $eTime[$i];
            if ($sTime[$i] == $eTime[$i]) {
                $eTime[$i] = '';
            if ($eTime[$i]) {
                if ($IeTime < $IsTime) {
                    list($sTime[$i], $eTime[$i]) = array($eTime[$i], $sTime[$i]);
                    //swap start and end time
        $errors += $error;
        if (!$title[$i]) {
        //title empty
        if (!in_array($catID[$i], $catIDs)) {
            $catID[$i] = 0;
        //reset non-existing category IDs
    return $errors;
Exemplo n.º 20
function searchText()
    global $xx, $set, $schText, $eF, $catName, $fromDda, $tillDda;
    //set event filter
    $schTextEsc = '%' . mysql_real_escape_string($schText) . '%';
    $schTextEsc = str_replace('&', '%', $schTextEsc);
    //prepare description filter
    $filter = '';
    if ($catName != '*') {
        $filter .= " AND c.name = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($catName) . "'";
    $filter .= " AND (";
    if (in_array(0, $eF) or in_array(1, $eF)) {
        $filter .= "e.title LIKE '{$schTextEsc}'";
    if (in_array(0, $eF) or in_array(2, $eF)) {
        $filter .= (substr($filter, -1) == '(' ? '' : ' OR ') . "e.venue LIKE '{$schTextEsc}'";
    if (in_array(0, $eF) or in_array(3, $eF)) {
        $filter .= (substr($filter, -1) == '(' ? '' : ' OR ') . "e.description LIKE '{$schTextEsc}'";
    if (in_array(0, $eF) or in_array(4, $eF)) {
        $filter .= (substr($filter, -1) == '(' ? '' : ' OR ') . "e.xfield1 LIKE '{$schTextEsc}'";
    //extra field 1
    if (in_array(0, $eF) or in_array(5, $eF)) {
        $filter .= (substr($filter, -1) == '(' ? '' : ' OR ') . "e.xfield2 LIKE '{$schTextEsc}'";
    //extra field 2
    $filter = substr($filter, 5) . ")";
    //set event date range
    $sDate = $fromDda ? $fromDda : date('Y-m-d', time() - 31536000);
    //-1 year
    $eDate = $tillDda ? $tillDda : date('Y-m-d', time() + 31536000);
    //+1 year
    retrieve($sDate, $eDate, '', $filter);
    //grab events
    //display header
    $fields = '';
    if (in_array(0, $eF) or in_array(1, $eF)) {
        $fields = ' + ' . $xx['sch_title'];
    foreach (str_split($set['evtTemplGen']) as $fieldNr) {
        if (strpos('1345', $fieldNr) !== false) {
            switch ($fieldNr) {
                case '1':
                    if (in_array(0, $eF) or in_array(2, $eF)) {
                        $fields .= ' + ' . $xx['sch_venue'];
                case '3':
                    if (in_array(0, $eF) or in_array(3, $eF)) {
                        $fields .= ' + ' . $xx['sch_description'];
                case '4':
                    if (in_array(0, $eF) or in_array(4, $eF)) {
                        $fields .= ' + ' . ($set['xField1'] ? "{$set['xField1']}" : $xx['sch_extra_field1']);
                case '5':
                    if (in_array(0, $eF) or in_array(5, $eF)) {
                        $fields .= ' + ' . ($set['xField2'] ? "{$set['xField2']}" : $xx['sch_extra_field2']);
    $fields = substr($fields, 3);
    echo "<div class='subHead'>\n\t\t<form id='event' name='event' action='index.php?lc' method='post'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='schText' value=\"{$schText}\">\n";
    foreach ($eF as $key => $value) {
        echo "<input type='hidden' name='eF[]' value=\"{$value}\">\n";
    echo "<input type='hidden' name='catName' value=\"{$catName}\">\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='fromDda' value='" . IDtoDD($fromDda) . "'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='tillDda' value='" . IDtoDD($tillDda) . "'>\n\t\t<input class='floatR noPrint' type='submit' name='newSearch' value=\"{$xx['sch_new_search']}\">\n\t\t</form>\n\t\t{$xx['sch_search_text']}: <b>{$schText}</b><br>\n\t\t{$xx['sch_event_fields']}: <b>{$fields}</b><br>\n\t\t{$xx['sch_event_cat']}: <b>" . ($catName != '*' ? $catName : $xx['sch_all_cats']) . "</b><br>\n\t\t{$xx['sch_occurring_between']}: <b>" . makeD($sDate, 2) . " - " . makeD($eDate, 2) . "</b>\n\t\t</div>\n";
Exemplo n.º 21
echo "<div class='navBar noPrint'>\n";
if ($privs > 0) {
    //view rights
    echo "<div class='floatR'>\n";
    if ($privs > 1) {
        //post rights
        echo "<button type='button' title=\"{$xx['hdr_add_event']}\" onclick=\"newE();\">&nbsp;+&nbsp;</button>\n";
    if ($_SESSION['uid'] == 1) {
        //public user
        echo "<button type='button' onclick=\"login()\">{$xx['hdr_button_log_in']}</button>\n";
    } else {
        //known user
        echo "<button type='button' onclick=\"logout()\">{$xx['hdr_button_log_out']}</button>\n";
    echo "</div>\n";
    if ($set['backLinkUrl']) {
        echo "<button type='button' title=\"{$xx['hdr_button_back']}\" onclick=\"window.location.href='{$set['backLinkUrl']}';\">{$xx['back']}</button>\n";
    echo "<button type='button' title=\"{$xx['hdr_options_panel']}\" onclick=\"toggleLabel(this,'{$xx['hdr_button_options']}','{$xx['done']}'); show('optPanel','optMenu')\">{$xx['hdr_button_options']}</button>\n";
    echo "<form class='inline' method='post' id='gotoD' name='gotoD' action='index.php?lc'>\n\t\t<input style='width:62px;' type='text' name='nD' id='nD' value='" . IDtoDD($_SESSION['cD']) . "'>\n\t\t<button type='button' title=\"{$xx['hdr_select_date']}\" onclick=\"dPicker(0,'gotoD','nD');return false;\">&larr;</button>\n\t</form>\n";
    //make options panel
    echo "<div id='optPanel'>\n\t\t<h4 class='floatC'>{$xx['hdr_options_submit']}</h4>\n\t\t<form name='optMenu' method='post' action='index.php?lc'>\n\t\t<table class='options'>\n\t\t<tr>\n<th title=\"{$xx['hdr_select_view']}\">{$xx['hdr_view']}</th>\n</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t<td><div class='optList'>\n\t\t<input type='checkbox' id='cP1' name='cP' value='1' onclick=\"check1('cP',this);\"" . ($cP == "1" ? " checked='checked'" : '') . "><label for='cP1'>{$xx['hdr_year']}</label><br>\n\t\t<input type='checkbox' id='cP2' name='cP' value='2' onclick=\"check1('cP',this);\"" . ($cP == "2" ? " checked='checked'" : '') . "><label for='cP2'>{$xx['hdr_month_full']}</label><br>\n\t\t<input type='checkbox' id='cP3' name='cP' value='3' onclick=\"check1('cP',this);\"" . ($cP == "3" ? " checked='checked'" : '') . "><label for='cP3'>{$xx['hdr_month_work']}</label><br>\n\t\t<input type='checkbox' id='cP4' name='cP' value='4' onclick=\"check1('cP',this);\"" . ($cP == "4" ? " checked='checked'" : '') . "><label for='cP4'>{$xx['hdr_week_full']}</label><br>\n\t\t<input type='checkbox' id='cP5' name='cP' value='5' onclick=\"check1('cP',this);\"" . ($cP == "5" ? " checked='checked'" : '') . "><label for='cP5'>{$xx['hdr_week_work']}</label><br>\n\t\t<input type='checkbox' id='cP6' name='cP' value='6' onclick=\"check1('cP',this);\"" . ($cP == "6" ? " checked='checked'" : '') . "><label for='cP6'>{$xx['hdr_day']}</label><br>\n\t\t<input type='checkbox' id='cP7' name='cP' value='7' onclick=\"check1('cP',this);\"" . ($cP == "7" ? " checked='checked'" : '') . "><label for='cP7'>{$xx['hdr_upcoming']}</label><br>\n\t\t<input type='checkbox' id='cP8' name='cP' value='8' onclick=\"check1('cP',this);\"" . ($cP == "8" ? " checked='checked'" : '') . "><label for='cP8'>{$xx['hdr_changes']}</label>\n\t\t</div></td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</table>\n\t\t</form>\n\t\t</div>\n";
} else {
    //display dummy navbar
    echo "&nbsp;<div class=\"floatR\">\n\t\t<button type='button' onclick=\"login()\">{$xx['hdr_button_log_in']}</button>\n\t\t</div>\n";
echo "</div>\n<div class=\"content\">\n";
if ($pageTitle) {
    echo "<br><h3 class='pageTitle'>{$pageTitle}</h3>\n";