Exemplo n.º 1
  * Runs chef client on the servers that match the query storing command output in the given file.
  * @param string $query The chef query to specify what servers to update.
  * @param string $progressFile The filename to send the knife output to.
  * @param array $options Additional options for knife ssh.  For example: ['-groups' => 'foo']
  * @param array $chefOptions Additional options for chef client.  For example: ['--override-runlist' => 'role[foo]']
  * @return void
 public function updateServers($query, $progressFile = null, array $options = [], array $chefOptions = [])
     $instanceIdUrl = '';
     $chefOptions = array_merge($chefOptions, ['--json-attributes' => '/etc/chef/first-boot.json']);
     $chefCommand = \Hiatus\addArguments("sudo chef-client -N `curl {$instanceIdUrl}`", $chefOptions);
     $options = array_merge($options, $this->_chefClientParameters(), $this->_ec2SshParameters(), [$query, $chefCommand]);
     $command = \Hiatus\addArguments("{$this->_baseKnifeCommand} ssh", $options);
     if ($progressFile !== null) {
         \Hiatus\execX("{$command} >" . escapeshellarg($progressFile) . ' 2>&1 &');
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Executes the /tmp/userScript on the docker image given.
 * @param array $image An image specification.  The image must be fully prepared and have an executeCommand to provide what command/interpreter
 *     to use to kick off the user's script.
 * @return array The result of executing the user's script, including
 *     int exitStatus The exit status of the user's script
 *     string output The stdout of the user's script
 *     string stderr The stderr of the user's script
function execute(array $image)
    $tagName = $image['tagName'];
    $executeCommand = $image['executeCommand'];
    file_put_contents('php://stderr', "Executing script on docker image {$tagName}\n");
    list($containerId) = \Hiatus\execX('docker -H tcp://localhost:4243 run -d', [$tagName, $executeCommand, '/tmp/userScript']);
    $containerId = trim($containerId);
    list($exitStatus) = \Hiatus\execX('docker -H tcp://localhost:4243 wait', [$containerId], 10);
    $exitStatus = trim($exitStatus);
    $exitStatus = is_numeric($exitStatus) ? (int) $exitStatus : null;
    $output = dockerRequest('containers/' . urlencode($containerId) . '/attach?logs=1&stdout=1', 'POST');
    $stderr = dockerRequest('containers/' . urlencode($containerId) . '/attach?logs=1&stderr=1', 'POST');
    dockerRequest('containers/' . urlencode($containerId), 'DELETE');
    return ['exitStatus' => $exitStatus, 'output' => $output, 'stderr' => $stderr];