Exemplo n.º 1
 case "":
 case "LoadFromFile":
     if (!HasRight('Pannel', $action)) {
         // Check the rights
         echo "For this you need the scope <b>" . $action . "</b> within <b>Panel</b> rights<br>";
     $Message = "Loading content from file " . $sysvol_filename;
     LogStr("Loading file from base", "AdminPannel");
     DisplayPannel(LoadingData("FromFile"), $Message);
     // call the layout
 case "Generate":
     if (!HasRight('Pannel', $action)) {
         // Check the rights
         echo "For this you need the scope <b>" . $action . "</b> within <b>Pannel</b> rights<br>";
     $Message = "Generating file " . $sysvol_filename;
     LogStr($Message, "AdminPannel");
     if (!($ff = fopen($sysvol_filename, "w"))) {
         echo "failed to open ", $sysvol_filename;
     $ss = "<?php\n";
     fwrite($ff, $ss);
     $ss = "// Generated using Admin Panel at " . date("F j, Y, g:i a");
     //			echo $ss,"<br>\n";
     fwrite($ff, $ss);
Exemplo n.º 2
function sql_query($ss_sql)
    if (isset($_SESSION['sql_query']) && $_SESSION['sql_query'] == "AlreadyIn") {
        //	  die ("<br>recursive sql_query<br>".$ss_sql);
    $_SESSION['sql_query'] = "AlreadyIn";
    $qry = mysql_query($ss_sql . " /* " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . " */");
    if ($qry) {
        $_SESSION['sql_query'] = "";
        return $qry;
    $error = mysql_error();
    if (HasRight("Debug") or $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'localhost') {
        $_SESSION['sql_query'] = "";
        bw_error(debug("<br>query problem with<br><font color=red> {$ss_sql} mysql_error: " . $error . "</font><br>"));
    } else {
        error_log(debug("\nquery problem with\n {$ss_sql} mysql_error: " . $error . "\n"));
        LogStr("Pb with <b>" . $ss_sql . "</b>", "sql_query");
        die("query problem " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " " . date("F j, Y, g:i a"));
Exemplo n.º 3
function ShowAvailableQueries($TList)
    $bgcolor[0] = "#ffffcc";
    $bgcolor[1] = "#ffccff";
    echo "<p><table>\n";
    $max = count($TList);
    echo "<tr><th colspan=4>you have ", $max, " possible queries</th></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr align=left bgcolor=\"#ff9966\"><th>Query</th><th>param1</th><th>param2</th><th>action</th></tr>\n";
    for ($ii = 0; $ii < $max; $ii++) {
        $rr = $TList[$ii];
        echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"adminquery.php\">";
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"IdQuery\" value=\"" . $rr->id . "\">";
        echo "<tr align=left valign=center bgcolor=\"" . $bgcolor[$ii % 2] . "\">";
        echo "<td>", $rr->Name, "</td>";
        if (!empty($rr->param1)) {
            echo "<td>";
            echo $rr->param1, ":";
            echo "<input type=\"texte\" name=\"param1\">";
            echo "</td>";
        } else {
            echo "<td bgcolor=gray>";
            echo "-<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"param1\">";
            echo "</td>";
        if (!empty($rr->param2)) {
            echo "<td>";
            echo $rr->param2, ":";
            echo "-<input type=\"texte\" name=\"param2\">";
            echo "</td>";
        } else {
            echo "<td bgcolor=gray>";
            echo "-<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"param2\">";
            echo "</td>";
        echo "<td>";
        echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"execute\">";
        if (HasRight("Rights", "SqlForVolunteers")) {
            echo " <input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"See Users\">";
        echo "</td>";
        echo "</tr>\n";
        echo "</form>";
    echo "</table></p>\n";
Exemplo n.º 4
function DisplayAdminComments($TData, $lastaction = "", $page = 0, $itemsperpage = 0, $count = 0, $urlpiece = "")
    global $countmatch;
    global $title;
    $title = "Admin Comments";
    global $AdminCommentsScope;
    require_once "header.php";
    Menu1("", ww('MainPage'));
    // Displays the top menu
    Menu2("admincomments.php", ww('MainPage'));
    // Displays the second menu
    $MenuAction = "";
    $MenuAction .= "            <li><a href=\"" . bwlink("admin/admincomments.php") . "\">Negative comments</a></li>\n";
    if (HasRight("Comments", "AdminAbuser")) {
        $MenuAction .= "            <li><a href=\"" . bwlink("admin/admincomments.php?action=AdminAbuser") . "\">Abusive comments</a></li>\n";
    $MenuAction .= "            <li><a href=\"" . bwlink("admin/admincomments.php?action=All") . "\">All comments</a></li>\n";
    DisplayHeaderShortUserContent($title . ": " . $lastaction);
    ShowLeftColumn($MenuAction, VolMenu());
    echo "    <div id=\"col3\"> \n";
    echo "      <div id=\"col3_content\" class=\"clearfix\"> \n";
    echo "        <div class=\"info clearfix\">\n";
    echo "          <h2>Your scope:", $AdminCommentsScope, "</h2>\n";
    if ($itemsperpage != 0) {
        $params = new StdClass();
        $params->strategy = new HalfPagePager('right');
        if (empty($urlpiece)) {
            $params->page_url = 'admincomments.php?action=All';
        } else {
            $params->page_url = 'admincomments.php?action=' . $urlpiece;
        $params->page_url_marker = 'page';
        $params->page_method = 'get';
        $params->items = $count;
        $params->active_page = $page;
        $params->items_per_page = $itemsperpage;
        $pager = new PagerWidget($params);
    if (!empty($TData)) {
        ShowList($TData, $page * $itemsperpage, $count);
    if (isset($pager)) {
    require_once "footer.php";
Exemplo n.º 5
function DisplayFormCreateBroadcast($IdBroadCast = 0, $Name = "", $BroadCast_Title_, $BroadCast_Body_, $Description, $Type = "")
    global $title;
    $title = "Create a new broadcast";
    require_once "header.php";
    Menu1("", ww('MainPage'));
    // Displays the top menu
    Menu2("admin/adminmassmails.php", ww('MainPage'));
    // Displays the second menu
    $MenuAction = "            <li><a href=\"adminmassmails.php\">Admin Massmails</a></li>\n";
    $MenuAction .= "            <li><a href=\"adminmassmails.php?action=createbroadcast\">Create new broadcast</a></li>\n";
    if (HasRight("MassMail", "Send")) {
        // if has right to trig
        $MenuAction .= "            <li><a href=\"adminmassmails.php?action=ShowPendingTrigs\">Trigger mass mails</a></li>\n";
    DisplayHeaderShortUserContent("Admin Mails - Broadcast Messages", "");
    ShowLeftColumn($MenuAction, VolMenu());
    echo "    <div id=\"col3\"> \n";
    echo "      <div id=\"col3_content\" class=\"clearfix\"> \n";
    echo "        <div class=\"info clearfix\">\n";
    echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"adminmassmails.php\" class=\"yform full\">\n";
    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"IdBroadCast\" value=\"{$IdBroadCast}\">";
    echo "<p class=\"note center\">Please write here in <strong>" . LanguageName($_SESSION['IdLanguage']) . "</strong></p>";
    echo "<div class=\"type-text\">";
    echo "<p>Give the code name of the broadcast as a word entry (must not exist in words table previously) like <b>NewsJuly2007</b> or <b>NewsAugust2007</b> without spaces!</p>";
    echo "<label for=\"Name\">WordCode for the newsletter</label>";
    echo "<input type=\"text\" ";
    if ($Name != "") {
        echo "readonly";
    // don't change a group name because it is connected to words
    echo " id=\"Name\" name=\"Name\" value=\"{$Name}\" />";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "<div class=\"type-text\">";
    echo "<label for=\"BroadCast_Title_\">Subject for the newsletter (%username% will be replaced by the username at sending)</label>";
    echo "<input type=\"text\" id=\"BroadCast_Title_\" name=\"BroadCast_Title_\" value=\"{$BroadCast_Title_}\" />";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "<div class=\"type-text\">";
    echo "<label for=\"BroadCast_Body_\">Body of the newsletter (%username% will be replaced by the username at sending)</label>";
    echo "<textarea id=\"BroadCast_Body_\" name=\"BroadCast_Body_\" rows=\"30\">", $BroadCast_Body_, "</textarea>";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "<div class=\"type-text\">";
    echo "<label for=\"Description\">Description (as translators will see it in AdminWord) </label>";
    echo "<textarea id=\"Description\" name=\"Description\" rows=\"8\">", $Description, "</textarea>";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "<div class=\"type-button\">";
    if ($IdBroadCast != 0) {
        echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"update massmail\">";
    } else {
        echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"create massmail\">";
    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"createbroadcast\">";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "</form>";
    require_once "footer.php";
Exemplo n.º 6
* MustLogIn force the user to log and then call the link passed in parameter
function IsAdmin()
    return HasRight('Admin');
Exemplo n.º 7
     $TResult = array();
     $qry = sql_query($ss);
     while ($rr = mysql_fetch_object($qry)) {
         array_push($TResult, $rr);
     DisplayUsers($rrQuery, $TResult, NULL, $Message);
 case "execute":
     $IdQuery = (int) GetParam("IdQuery", 0);
     $rrQuery = LoadRow("select * from sqlforvolunteers where id=" . $IdQuery);
     if (!isset($rrQuery->id)) {
         DisplayMyResults(array(), array(), array(), $rrQuery, "Sorry your query has failed #IdQuery=<b>" . $IdQuery . "</b>", $TList);
     $IsQueryAllowedInGroup = LoadRow("select count(*) as cnt  from sqlforgroupsmembers where IdGroup in (" . $membergrouplist . ") and IdQuery=" . $IdQuery);
     if (!HasRight('SqlForVolunteers', '"' . $IdQuery . '"') and $IsQueryAllowedInGroup->cnt == 0) {
         DisplayMyResults(array(), array(), array(), $rrQuery, "Sorry you miss right scope for query <b>" . $rrQuery->Name . "</b>", $TList);
         LogStr("Trying to use a not allowed query (" . $rrQuery->Name . ")", "adminquery");
     $_TResult = array();
     $_TTitle = array();
     $_TTsqry = array();
     $_rrQuery = array();
     $tQuery = explode(";", $rrQuery->Query);
     for ($jj = 0; $jj < count($tQuery); $jj++) {
         $sQry = ltrim($tQuery[$jj]);
         if (empty($sQry)) {
         $Message = "";
Exemplo n.º 8
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> or 
write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
require_once "lib/init.php";
require_once "lib/FunctionsLogin.php";
require_once "layout/error.php";
require_once "layout/admingrep.php";
$action = GetParam("action");
$countmatch = 0;
$RightLevel = HasRight('Grep');
// Check the rights
if ($RightLevel < 1) {
    echo "This requires the sufficient <strong>Grep</strong> rights<br />";
$scope = RightScope('Grep');
if ($nbligne == "") {
    $nbligne = "3";
if (isset($_POST['repertoire'])) {
    $repertoire = $_SESSION['repertoire'];
if ($RightLevel >= 5) {
    // rigcht level 5 allow to overwrite scope
    if (GetParam("scope") != "") {
Exemplo n.º 9
function ProfileVolunteerMenu($m)
    $VolAction = "";
    // This will receive the possible vol action for this member
    if (HasRight("Logs")) {
        $VolAction .= "          <li><a href=\"admin/adminlogs.php?Username="******"\">See Logs</a> </li>\n";
    if (HasRight("Admin")) {
        $VolAction .= "          <li><a href=\"editmyprofile.php?cid=" . $m->id . "\">Edit This Profile</a> </li>\n";
    if (HasRight("Admin")) {
        $VolAction .= "            <li><a href=\"updatemandatory.php?cid=" . $m->id . "\">Update Mandatory</a> </li>\n";
        $VolAction .= "            <li><a href=\"myvisitors.php?cid=" . $m->id . "\">View Member's visitors</a> </li>\n";
        $VolAction .= "            <li><a href=\"admin/adminrights.php?username="******"\">See member rights</a> </li>\n";
    if (HasRight("Flags")) {
        $VolAction .= "<li><a href=\"admin/adminflags.php?username="******"\">Flags</a> </li>\n";
    return $VolAction;
Exemplo n.º 10
function wwinlang($code, $IdLanguage = 0, $p1 = NULL, $p2 = NULL, $p3 = NULL, $p4 = NULL, $p5 = NULL, $p6 = NULL, $p7 = NULL, $p8 = NULL, $p9 = NULL, $pp10 = NULL, $pp11 = NULL, $pp12 = NULL, $pp13 = NULL)
    if (isset($_SESSION['switchtrans']) and $_SESSION['switchtrans'] == "on") {
        // if user as choosen to build a translation list to use in AdminWords
        if (!isset($_SESSION['TranslationArray'])) {
            $_SESSION['TranslationArray'] = array();
            // initialize $_SESSION['TranslationArray'] if it wasent existing yet
        if (!in_array($code, $_SESSION['TranslationArray'])) {
            array_push($_SESSION['TranslationArray'], $code);
    $res = "";
    if (empty($code)) {
        return "Empty field \$code in ww function";
    if (is_numeric($code)) {
        // case code is the idword in numeric form
        $rr = LoadRow("select SQL_CACHE Sentence,donottranslate from words where id={$code}");
        $res = nl2br(stripslashes($rr->Sentence));
    } else {
        // In case the code wasnt a numeric id
        $rr = LoadRow("select SQL_CACHE Sentence,donottranslate from words where code='{$code}' and IdLanguage='" . $IdLanguage . "'");
        if (isset($rr->Sentence)) {
            $res = nl2br(stripslashes($rr->Sentence));
        //		echo "ww('",$code,"')=",$res,"<br>";
    if ($res == "") {
        // If not translation found
        if (is_numeric($code)) {
            // id word case (code is numeric)
            if (HasRight("Words", ShortLangSentence($IdLanguage))) {
                $res = "<b>function ww() : idword #{$code} missing</b>";
            } else {
                $res = $code;
            return $res;
        } else {
            // Normal case (code is a string)
            $rEnglish = LoadRow("select SQL_CACHE Sentence,donottranslate from words where code='{$code}' and IdLanguage=0");
            if (!isset($rEnglish->Sentence)) {
                // If there is no default language correspondance
                $res = $code;
                // The code of the word will be return
                if (HasRight("Words") >= 10) {
                    // IF the user has translation right mark the word has missing
                    $res = "<a target=\"_new\" href=admin/adminwords.php?IdLanguage=" . $IdLanguage . "&code={$code} style=\"background-color:#ff6699;color:#660000;\" title=\"click to translate in " . ShortLangSentence($IdLanguage) . "\">Missing words : {$code}</a>";
            } else {
                // There is a default language so propose it as a result
                $res = nl2br(stripslashes($rEnglish->Sentence));
            // If member has translation rights in this language and that the word is translatable propose a link to translate
            if (HasRight("Words", ShortLangSentence($IdLanguage)) and HasRight("Words") >= 10 and (!isset($rEnglish->donottranslate) or $rEnglish->donottranslate == "no")) {
                // if members has translation rights
                $res = "<a target=\"_new\" href=admin/adminwords.php?IdLanguage=" . $IdLanguage . "&code={$code} style=\"background-color:#ff6699;color:#660000;\" title=\"click to translate in " . ShortLangSentence($IdLanguage) . "\">{$res}</a>";
    // end  If no translation found
    // Apply the parameters if any
    $res = sprintf($res, $p1, $p2, $p3, $p4, $p5, $p6, $p7, $p8, $p9, $pp10, $pp11, $pp12, $pp13);
    //	debug("code=<font color='red'>".$code."</font> IdLanguage=".$IdLanguage."<br> res=[<b>".$res."</b>]");
    return $res;
Exemplo n.º 11
    return $IdTrad;
// end of ReplaceInFTrad
// Need to be logged
require_once "layout/header.php";
// It is always to consider that dbmaintenance works in english
$_SESSION['lang'] = CV_def_lang;
$_SESSION['IdLanguage'] = 0;
// force English for menu
Menu1("", "DB_MAINTENANCE");
// Displays the top menu
Menu2("main.php", "DB_MAINTENANCE");
// Displays the second menu
if (!HasRight("Admin")) {
    echo "<p> this need Admin rights</p>";
    require_once "layout/footer.php";
$MenuAction = "            <li><a href=\"" . bwlink("admin/dbmaintenance.php") . "\">db maintenance</a></li>\n";
$MenuAction .= "            <li><a href=\"" . bwlink("admin/dbmaintenance.php?action=updateid") . "\">update new ids</a></li>\n";
$MenuAction .= "            <li><a href=\"" . bwlink("admin/dbmaintenance.php?action=filltrads") . "\">fill the forum_trads</a></li>\n";
$MenuAction .= "            <li><a href=\"" . bwlink("admin/dbmaintenance.php?action=filltag_threads") . "\">recreate tags_threads</a></li>\n";
$MenuAction .= "            <li><a href=\"" . bwlink("admin/dbmaintenance.php?action=updatetagcounters") . "\">update tags counters</a></li>\n";
DisplayHeaderShortUserContent("Db Maintenance", $MenuAction, "");
// Display the header
ShowLeftColumn($MenuAction, "");
$action = GetStrParam("action", "");
switch ($action) {
    case "updateid":
Exemplo n.º 12
function DisplayFaq($TFaq)
    global $title;
    $IdFaq = GetParam("IdFaq", 0);
    $argv = $_SERVER["argv"];
    if (isset($argv[1])) {
        $IdFaq = $argv[1];
    if ($IdFaq == 0) {
        $title = ww('FaqPage');
    } elseif ($TFaq[0]->PageTitle != "") {
        $title = ww($TFaq[0]->PageTitle);
    } else {
        $title = ww("FaqQ_" . $TFaq[0]->QandA);
    include "header.php";
    Menu1("faq.php", ww('FaqPage'));
    // Displays the top menu
    Menu2("faq.php", ww('GetAnswers'));
    echo "\n";
    echo "    <div id=\"main\">\n";
    echo "      <div id=\"teaser_bg\">\n";
    echo "      <div id=\"teaser\">\n";
    echo "        <h1>", $title, " </h1>\n";
    echo "      </div>\n";
    //menugetanswers("faq.php", $title); // Display the generic header
    echo "      </div>\n";
    // Content with just two columns
    echo "\n";
    echo "      <div id=\"col3\" class=\"twocolumns\">\n";
    echo "        <div id=\"col3_content\" class=\"clearfix\">\n";
    $iiMax = count($TFaq);
    $LastCat = "";
    // Display the list of the questions
    echo "<div class=\"info\">\n";
    for ($ii = 0; $ii < $iiMax; $ii++) {
        if ($LastCat != $TFaq[$ii]->CategoryName) {
            $LastCat = $TFaq[$ii]->CategoryName;
            if (HasRight("Faq") > 0) {
                echo "[<a href=\"faq.php?action=insert&IdCategory=", $TFaq[$ii]->IdCategory, "\">insert new faq in this category</a>]\n";
            if ($IdFaq == 0) {
                if ($ii > 0) {
                    echo "</ul><br/>\n";
                echo " <h3>", ww($TFaq[$ii]->CategoryName), "</h3>\n<ul>\n";
        $Q = ww("FaqQ_" . $TFaq[$ii]->QandA);
        if ($IdFaq == 0) {
            echo "<li>";
        if ($TFaq[$ii]->QandA == "") {
            $Q = " new ";
        if (HasRight("Faq") > 0) {
            if ($TFaq[$ii]->QandA == "") {
                echo " [<a href=\"faq.php?action=edit&IdFaq=", $TFaq[$ii]->id, "\">edit this new faq</a>]\n";
            } else {
                echo " [<a href=\"faq.php?action=edit&IdFaq=", $TFaq[$ii]->id, "\">edit</a>]\n";
        //		echo " <a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?IdFaq=", $TFaq[$ii]->id, "\">", $Q, "</a>";
        if ($IdFaq == 0) {
            if (IsLoggedIn()) {
                echo " <a href=\"faq.php?IdFaq=" . $TFaq[$ii]->id . "\">", $Q, "</a></li>\n";
            } else {
                // If not login provide links to specific files
                $ss = "select code from words where code=\"FaqA_" . $TFaq[$ii]->QandA . "\" and IdLanguage=" . $_SESSION["IdLanguage"];
                //					echo $ss ;
                $rFak = LoadRow($ss);
                if (empty($rFak->code)) {
                    echo " <a href=\"faq_" . $TFaq[$ii]->QandA . "_en.php\">", $Q, "</a></li>\n";
                    // Force english if the text is not yet translated to avoid several page with the same english default text
                } else {
                    echo " <a href=\"faq_" . $TFaq[$ii]->QandA . "_" . $_SESSION["lang"] . ".php\">", $Q, "</a></li>\n";
    // end of for $ii
    if ($IdFaq == 0) {
        echo "</ul><br/>\n";
    // Display the list of the answers
    for ($ii = 0; $ii < $iiMax and (IsLoggedIn() or $IdFaq != 0); $ii++) {
        //    echo "					<div class=\"clear\" />\n";
        if ($IdFaq == 0) {
            echo " <h3>", ww($TFaq[$ii]->CategoryName), "</h3>";
        $Q = ww("FaqQ_" . $TFaq[$ii]->QandA);
        $A = ww("FaqA_" . $TFaq[$ii]->QandA);
        if ($IdFaq == 0) {
            echo "<h4><a name=\"", $TFaq[$ii]->id, "\"></a> ", $Q, "</h4>\n";
        echo "<p>", str_replace("\n", "", $A), "</p>\n";
    if (IsAdmin()) {
        echo "<br/><p><a href=\"faq.php?action=rebuildextraphpfiles\">rebuild extra php files</a></p>";
    include "footer.php";
Exemplo n.º 13
 case "AdminAbuserMustCheck":
     $Message = "Set comment to be checked by Admin Comment";
     $str = "Update comments set AdminAction='AdminAbuserMustCheck' where id=" . Getparam("IdComment");
     LogStr(" Setting to <b>tobe check by Admin Abuser</b> for IdComment #" . Getparam("IdComment"), "AdminComment");
 case "AdminCommentMustCheck":
     $Message = "Set comment to be checked by Admin Comment";
     $str = "Update comments set AdminAction='AdminCommentMustCheck' where id=" . Getparam("IdComment");
     LogStr(" Setting to <b>tobe check by Admin Comment</b> for IdComment #" . Getparam("IdComment"), "AdminComment");
 case "del":
     if (!HasRight("Comments", "DeleteComment")) {
         $Message = "You don't have the right to delete comments";
         // call the layout
         DisplayAdminComments(loaddata("", " and comments.id=" . GetParam("IdComment")), $Message);
     $Message = " Delete comment #" . GetParam("IdComment");
     $c = LoadRow("select * from comments where id=" . GetParam("IdComment"));
     if (!isset($c->id)) {
         $Message = "No such coment";
         // call the layout
         DisplayAdminComments(loaddata("", " and comments.id=" . GetParam("IdComment")), $Message);
Exemplo n.º 14
function BuildVolMenu()
    $res = array();
    if (HasRight("Grep")) {
        array_push($res, new CVolMenu("admin/admingrep.php", "AdminGrep", "Grepping files"));
    if (HasRight("Group")) {
        array_push($res, new CVolMenu("admin/admingroups.php", "AdminGroup", "Group managment"));
    if (HasRight("Flags")) {
        array_push($res, new CVolMenu("admin/adminflags.php", "AdminFlags", "administration of members flags"));
    if (HasRight("Rights")) {
        array_push($res, new CVolMenu("/admin/rights", "AdminRights", "administration of members rights"));
    if (HasRight("Logs")) {
        array_push($res, new CVolMenu("admin/adminlogs.php", "AdminLogs", "logs of activity"));
    if (HasRight("Comments")) {
        array_push($res, new CVolMenu("admin/admincomments.php", "AdminComments", "managing comments"));
    if (HasRight("Pannel")) {
        array_push($res, new CVolMenu("admin/adminpanel.php", "AdminPanel", "managing panel (may be obsolete)"));
    if (HasRight("Checker")) {
        $rr = LoadRow("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM messages WHERE Status='ToCheck' AND messages.WhenFirstRead='0000-00-00 00:00:00'");
        $rrSpam = LoadRow("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM messages,members AS mSender, members AS mReceiver WHERE mSender.id=IdSender AND messages.SpamInfo='SpamSayMember' AND mReceiver.id=IdReceiver AND (mSender.Status='Active' or mSender.Status='Pending')");
        $text = "AdminChecker" . "(" . $rr->cnt . "/" . $rrSpam->cnt . ")";
        array_push($res, new CVolMenu("admin/adminchecker.php", $text, "Mail Checking"));
    if (HasRight("Debug", "ShowErrorLog")) {
        array_push($res, new CVolMenu("admin/phplog.php?showerror=10", "php error log", "php error log"));
    if (HasRight("Debug", "ShowSlowQuery")) {
        array_push($res, new CVolMenu("admin/phplog.php?ShowSlowQuery=10", "Slow queries", "Mysql Slow queries"));
    if (HasRight("MassMail")) {
        array_push($res, new CVolMenu("admin/adminmassmails.php", "mass mails", "Broadcast messages"));
    return $res;
Exemplo n.º 15
function DisplayAdminLogs($tData, $username, $type, $ip, $andS1, $andS2, $notAndS1, $notAndS2, $maxpos)
    global $title;
    $rTime = LoadRow("select now() as ss");
    $title = "Admin logs Server time: " . $rTime->ss;
    require_once "header.php";
    Menu1("", "Admin Logs page");
    // Displays the top menu
    Menu2("admin/adminlogs.php", ww('MainPage'));
    // Displays the second menu
    ShowLeftColumn("", VolMenu());
    // Show the Actions
    // middle column
    echo "      <div id=\"col3\"> \n";
    echo "        <div id=\"col3_content\" class=\"clearfix\"> \n";
    echo "          <div class=\"info clearfix\">\n";
    $max = count($tData);
    $infoStyles = array(0 => "              <tr class=\"blank\" align=\"left\" valign=\"center\">\n", 1 => "              <tr class=\"highlight\" align=\"left\" valign=\"center\">\n");
    echo "          <table cellspacing=\"10\" cellpadding=\"10\" style=\"font-size:11px;\">\n";
    echo "            <tr>\n";
    if (empty($username)) {
        echo "              <th>Username</th>\n";
        echo "              <th>Type</th>\n";
        echo "              <th>Str</th>\n";
        echo "              <th>created</th>\n";
        echo "              <th>ip</th>\n";
    } else {
        echo "              <th colspan=4 align=center> Logs for ", LinkWithUsername(fUsername($username)), "</th>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    for ($ii = 0; $ii < $max; $ii++) {
        $logs = $tData[$ii];
        echo $infoStyles[$ii % 2];
        // this displays the <tr>
        if (!empty($logs->Username)) {
            echo "<td>";
            echo "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?Username="******"\">" . $logs->Username . "</a>";
            echo "</td>";
        } else {
            echo "<td>";
            // To do according to ip addresses replace with Google, Yahoo .. etc - an external solution is to be find
            switch (long2ip($logs->IpAddress)) {
                case "":
                    echo "Googlebot/2.1";
                case "":
                    echo "Yahoo slurp";
                case "":
                    echo "<i>localhost</i>";
                    echo "<i>not logged</i>";
            echo "</td>";
        echo "<td>";
        echo "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?Type=" . $logs->Type . "\">" . $logs->Type . "</a>";
        //    echo $logs->Type;
        echo "</td>";
        echo "<td>";
        echo $logs->Str;
        echo "</td>";
        echo "<td>{$logs->created}</td><td>&nbsp;";
        echo "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?ip=" . long2ip($logs->IpAddress) . "\">" . long2ip($logs->IpAddress) . "</a>";
        echo " <a href=\"http://ws.arin.net/whois/?queryinput=+" . long2ip($logs->IpAddress) . " \" target=\"new\">arinc</a>";
        echo " <a href=\"http://outils-rezo.info/cgi-bin/action.cgi?valeur=" . long2ip($logs->IpAddress) . "&cmd=Whois\" target=\"new\">whois</a>";
        echo "</td>";
        echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "          </table>\n<br>";
    if ($max > 0) {
        echo _Pagination($maxpos);
    echo "          <hr />\n";
    echo "          <table>\n";
    echo "            <form method='post' action='adminlogs.php'>\n";
    if (HasRight("Logs") > 1) {
        echo "              <tr>\n";
        echo "                <td>Username</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"Username\" value=\"" . (!empty($username) ? $username : '') . "\"></td>\n";
    } else {
        echo "              <tr>\n";
        echo "                <td>Username</td><td><input type=\"text\" readonly=\"readonly\" name=\"Username\" value=\"" . $username . "\"></td>";
    echo "                <td>Type</td><td><input type=text name=Type value=\"" . $type . "\"></td>\n";
    echo "                <td>Ip</td><td><input type=text name=ip value=\"" . $ip . "\"></td>\n";
    echo "              </tr>\n";
    echo "              <tr><td>    Having</td><td><input type=text name=andS1 value=\"" . $andS1 . "\"></td></tr>";
    echo "        <tr><td>and Having</td><td><input type=text name=andS2 value=\"" . $andS2 . "\"></td></tr>";
    echo "        <tr><td>and not Having</td><td><input type=text name=NotandS1 value=\"" . $notAndS1 . "\"></td></tr>";
    echo "        <tr><td>and not Having</td><td><input type=text name=NotandS2 value=\"" . $notAndS2 . "\"></td></tr>";
    echo "                <tr><td colspan=2 align=center>";
    echo "<input type=submit id=submit>";
    echo "</td>\n";
    echo "              </tr>\n";
    echo "            </form>\n";
    echo "          </table>\n";
    echo "        </div>\n";
    require_once "footer.php";
Exemplo n.º 16
    $where .= " AND Str NOT LIKE '%" . $notAndS1 . "%'";
$notAndS2 = GetStrParam("NotandS2", "");
if ($notAndS2 != "") {
    $where .= " AND Str NOT LIKE '%" . $notAndS2 . "%'";
$ip = GetStrParam("ip", "");
if ($ip != "") {
    $where .= " AND IpAddress=" . ip2long($ip) . "";
$type = GetStrParam("Type", "");
if ($type != "") {
    $where .= " AND Type='" . $type . "'";
// If there is a Scope limit logs to the type in this Scope (unless it his own logs)
if (!HasRight('Logs', "\"All\"")) {
    $scope = RightScope("Logs");
    str_replace($scope, "\"", "'");
    $where .= " AND (Type IN (" . $scope . ") OR IdMember=" . $_SESSION["IdMember"] . ") ";
switch (GetParam("action")) {
    case "del":
        // case a delete is requested
$tData = array();
if (empty($where) and $start_rec == 0) {
    // In this case we will avoid the FOUND_ROW which is a performance killer
    $str = "SELECT logs.*,Username " . "FROM " . $_SYSHCVOL['ARCH_DB'] . ".logs LEFT JOIN members ON members.id=logs.IdMember " . "ORDER BY " . $_SYSHCVOL['ARCH_DB'] . ".logs.id DESC LIMIT {$start_rec}," . $limitcount;
    $qry = sql_query($str);
    $rCount = LoadRow("SELECT count(*)  AS cnt from " . $_SYSHCVOL['ARCH_DB'] . ".logs");
Exemplo n.º 17
     echo "rebuilt done";
 case "wikilist":
     $str = "SELECT faq.*, faqcategories.Description AS CategoryName FROM faq, faqcategories  WHERE faqcategories.id=faq.IdCategory " . $FilterCategory . $FilterActive . " ORDER BY faqcategories.SortOrder, faq.SortOrder";
     $qry = sql_query($str);
     $TData = array();
     while ($rWhile = mysql_fetch_object($qry)) {
         array_push($TData, $rWhile);
     DisplayFaqWiki($TData, $rCat);
     // call the layout with the selected parameters
 case "update":
     if (!HasRight("Faq") > 0) {
         // only people with suficient right can edit FAQ
         $errcode = "ErrorNeedRight";
         // initialise global variable
         DisplayError(ww($errcode, "Faq"));
     if (GetStrParam("QandA") == "") {
         echo "You must fill the word code associated with the FAQ";
         DisplayError("You must fill the word code associated with the FAQ");
     $Faq = LoadRow("SELECT * FROM faq WHERE id=" . $IdFaq);
     $rwq = LoadRow("SELECT * FROM words WHERE code='" . "FaqQ_" . GetStrParam("QandA") . "' and IdLanguage=0");
     $rwa = LoadRow("SELECT * FROM words WHERE code='" . "FaqA_" . GetStrParam("QandA") . "' and IdLanguage=0");
     if (!isset($rwq->id)) {
         $str = "INSERT INTO words\n                                    (code,\n                                     Description,\n                                     IdLanguage,\n                                     ShortCode,\n                                     created)\n                                VALUES\n                                    ('FaqQ_" . GetStrParam("QandA") . "',\n                                     'This is the questiontext for a Frequently Asked Question.',\n                                     0,\n                                     '" . $_SESSION['lang'] . "',\n                                     NOW())";
Exemplo n.º 18
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> or 
write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
require_once "lib/init.php";
require_once "layout/error.php";
require_once "layout/adminchecker.php";
$username = fUsername(GetStrParam("username"));
$sResult = "";
// initialisation to avoid a warning
$RightLevel = HasRight('Checker');
// Check the rights
if ($RightLevel < 1) {
    echo "This Need the suffcient <b>Checker</b> rights<br>";
// this function call the view of reported spam
function viewSpamSayMember($sResult = "")
    $TMess = array();
    $str = "select messages.*,messages.Status as MessageStatus,mSender.Username as Username_sender,mReceiver.Username as Username_receiver from messages,members as mSender,members as mReceiver where mSender.id=IdSender and messages.SpamInfo='SpamSayMember' and mReceiver.id=IdReceiver and (mSender.Status='Active' or mSender.Status='Pending') order by messages.id desc limit 50";
    if (GetStrParam("IdSender", "") != "") {
        $str = "select messages.*,messages.Status as MessageStatus,mSender.Username as Username_sender,mReceiver.Username as Username_receiver from messages,members as mSender,members as mReceiver where mSender.id=IdSender and mReceiver.id=IdReceiver and (mSender.Status='Active' or mSender.Status='Pending') and messages.SpamInfo='SpamSayMember' and messages.IdSender=" . IdMember(GetStrParam("IdSender", 0)) . " order by messages.id desc limit 20";
    if (GetStrParam("IdReceiver", "") != "") {
        $str = "select messages.*,messages.Status as MessageStatus,mSender.Username as Username_sender,mReceiver.Username as Username_receiver from messages,members as mSender,members as mReceiver where mSender.id=IdSender and mReceiver.id=IdReceiver and (mSender.Status='Active' or mSender.Status='Pending') and messages.SpamInfo='SpamSayMember' and messages.IdReceiver" . IdMember(GetStrParam("IdReceiver", 0)) . " order by messages.id desc limit 20";