function highlightkeywords($text, $search, $partial_index = false, $field_name = "", $keywords_index = 1) { # do not highlight if the field is not indexed, so it is clearer where results came from. if ($keywords_index != 1) { return $text; } # Highlight searched keywords in $text # Optional - depends on $highlightkeywords being set in config.php. global $highlightkeywords; # Situations where we do not need to do this. if (!isset($highlightkeywords) || $highlightkeywords == false || $search == "" || $text == "") { return $text; } # Generate the cache of search keywords (no longer global so it can test against particular fields. # a search is a small array so I don't think there is much to lose by processing it. $hlkeycache = array(); $wildcards_found = false; $s = split_keywords($search); for ($n = 0; $n < count($s); $n++) { if (strpos($s[$n], ":") !== false) { $c = explode(":", $s[$n]); # only add field specific keywords if ($field_name != "" && $c[0] == $field_name) { $hlkeycache[] = $c[1]; } } else { $keyword = $s[$n]; global $stemming; if ($stemming && function_exists("GetStem")) { $keyword = GetStem($keyword); } if (strpos($keyword, "*") !== false) { $wildcards_found = true; $keyword = str_replace("*", "", $keyword); } $hlkeycache[] = $keyword; } } # Parse and replace. return str_highlight($text, $hlkeycache, STR_HIGHLIGHT_SIMPLE); }
function do_search($search, $restypes = "", $order_by = "relevance", $archive = 0, $fetchrows = -1, $sort = "desc", $access_override = false, $starsearch = 0, $ignore_filters = false, $return_disk_usage = false, $recent_search_daylimit = "", $go = false, $stats_logging = true) { debug("search={$search} {$go} {$fetchrows} restypes={$restypes} archive={$archive} daylimit={$recent_search_daylimit}"); # globals needed for hooks global $sql, $order, $select, $sql_join, $sql_filter, $orig_order, $checkbox_and, $collections_omit_archived, $search_sql_double_pass_mode, $usergroup, $search_filter_strict, $default_sort, $search_sql_optimization; $alternativeresults = hook("alternativeresults", "", array($go)); if ($alternativeresults) { return $alternativeresults; } $modifyfetchrows = hook("modifyfetchrows", "", array($fetchrows)); if ($modifyfetchrows) { $fetchrows = $modifyfetchrows; } # Takes a search string $search, as provided by the user, and returns a results set # of matching resources. # If there are no matches, instead returns an array of suggested searches. # $restypes is optionally used to specify which resource types to search. # $access_override is used by smart collections, so that all all applicable resources can be judged regardless of the final access-based results # Check valid sort if (!in_array(strtolower($sort), array("asc", "desc"))) { $sort = "asc"; } # resolve $order_by to something meaningful in sql $orig_order = $order_by; global $date_field; $order = array("relevance" => "score {$sort}, user_rating {$sort}, hit_count {$sort}, field{$date_field} {$sort},r.ref {$sort}", "popularity" => "user_rating {$sort},hit_count {$sort},field{$date_field} {$sort},r.ref {$sort}", "rating" => "r.rating {$sort}, user_rating {$sort}, score {$sort},r.ref {$sort}", "date" => "field{$date_field} {$sort},r.ref {$sort}", "colour" => "has_image {$sort},image_blue {$sort},image_green {$sort},image_red {$sort},field{$date_field} {$sort},r.ref {$sort}", "country" => "country {$sort},r.ref {$sort}", "title" => "title {$sort},r.ref {$sort}", "file_path" => "file_path {$sort},r.ref {$sort}", "resourceid" => "r.ref {$sort}", "resourcetype" => "resource_type {$sort},r.ref {$sort}", "titleandcountry" => "title {$sort},country {$sort}", "random" => "RAND()", "status" => "archive {$sort}"); if (!in_array($order_by, $order) && substr($order_by, 0, 5) == "field") { if (!is_numeric(str_replace("field", "", $order_by))) { exit("Order field incorrect."); } $order[$order_by] = "{$order_by} {$sort}"; } hook("modifyorderarray"); # Recognise a quoted search, which is a search for an exact string global $quoted_string; $quoted_string = false; if (substr($search, 0, 1) == "\"" && substr($search, -1, 1) == "\"") { $quoted_string = true; $search = substr($search, 1, -1); } $order_by = $order[$order_by]; $keywords = split_keywords($search); foreach (get_indexed_resource_type_fields() as $resource_type_field) { add_verbatim_keywords($keywords, $search, $resource_type_field); // add any regex matched verbatim keywords for those indexed resource type fields } $search = trim($search); # Dedupe keywords (not for quoted strings as the user may be looking for the same word multiple times together in this instance) if (!$quoted_string) { $keywords = array_values(array_unique($keywords)); } $modified_keywords = hook('dosearchmodifykeywords', '', array($keywords)); if ($modified_keywords) { $keywords = $modified_keywords; } # -- Build up filter SQL that will be used for all queries $sql_filter = ""; $sql_keyword_union_whichkeys = array(); $sql_keyword_union = array(); $sql_keyword_union_aggregation = array(); $sql_keyword_union_criteria = array(); $sql_keyword_union_sub_query = array(); # append resource type filtering if ($restypes != "" && substr($restypes, 0, 6) != "Global") { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $restypes_x = explode(",", $restypes); $sql_filter .= "resource_type in ('" . join("','", $restypes_x) . "')"; } if ($starsearch != "" && $starsearch != 0 && $starsearch != -1) { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "user_rating >= '{$starsearch}'"; } if ($starsearch == -1) { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "user_rating = '-1'"; } if ($recent_search_daylimit != "") { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "creation_date > (curdate() - interval " . $recent_search_daylimit . " DAY)"; } # The ability to restrict access by the user that created the resource. global $resource_created_by_filter; if (isset($resource_created_by_filter) && count($resource_created_by_filter) > 0) { $created_filter = ""; foreach ($resource_created_by_filter as $filter_user) { if ($filter_user == -1) { global $userref; $filter_user = $userref; } # '-1' can be used as an alias to the current user. I.e. they can only see their own resources in search results. if ($created_filter != "") { $created_filter .= " or "; } $created_filter .= "created_by = '" . $filter_user . "'"; } if ($created_filter != "") { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "(" . $created_filter . ")"; } } # Geo zone exclusion # A list of upper/lower long/lat bounds, defining areas that will be excluded from geo search results. # Areas are defined as southwest lat, southwest long, northeast lat, northeast long global $geo_search_restrict; if (count($geo_search_restrict) > 0 && substr($search, 0, 4) == "!geo") { foreach ($geo_search_restrict as $zone) { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "(geo_lat is null or geo_long is null or not(geo_lat >= '" . $zone[0] . "' and geo_lat<= '" . $zone[2] . "'"; $sql_filter .= "and geo_long >= '" . $zone[1] . "' and geo_long<= '" . $zone[3] . "'))"; } } # If returning disk used by the resources in the search results ($return_disk_usage=true) then wrap the returned SQL in an outer query that sums disk usage. $sql_prefix = ""; $sql_suffix = ""; if ($return_disk_usage) { $sql_prefix = "select sum(disk_usage) total_disk_usage,count(*) total_resources from ("; $sql_suffix = ") resourcelist"; } # append resource type restrictions based on 'T' permission # look for all 'T' permissions and append to the SQL filter. global $userpermissions; $rtfilter = array(); for ($n = 0; $n < count($userpermissions); $n++) { if (substr($userpermissions[$n], 0, 1) == "T") { $rt = substr($userpermissions[$n], 1); if (is_numeric($rt) && !$access_override) { $rtfilter[] = $rt; } } } if (count($rtfilter) > 0) { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "resource_type not in (" . join(",", $rtfilter) . ")"; } # append "use" access rights, do not show restricted resources unless admin if (!checkperm("v") && !$access_override) { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "r.access<>'2'"; } # append archive searching (don't do this for collections or !listall, archived resources can still appear in these searches) if (!$access_override && (substr($search, 0, 8) != "!listall" && substr($search, 0, 11) != "!collection" || $collections_omit_archived && !checkperm("e2"))) { global $pending_review_visible_to_all, $search_all_workflow_states; if ($search_all_workflow_states) { # Nothing to append, as we're searching all states. hook("search_all_workflow_states_filter"); } elseif ($archive == 0 && $pending_review_visible_to_all) { # If resources pending review are visible to all, when listing only active resources include # pending review (-1) resources too. if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "archive in('0','-1')"; } else { # Append normal filtering - extended as advanced search now allows searching by archive state if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "archive = '{$archive}'"; global $userref, $pending_submission_searchable_to_all; if (!$pending_submission_searchable_to_all && $archive == "-2" && !(checkperm("e-2") && checkperm("t") || checkperm("v"))) { $sql_filter .= " and created_by='" . $userref . "'"; } if (!$pending_review_visible_to_all && $archive == "-1" && !(checkperm("e-1") && checkperm("t") || checkperm("v"))) { $sql_filter .= " and created_by='" . $userref . "'"; } } } # Add code to filter out resoures in archive states that the user does not have access to due to a 'z' permission $filterblockstates = ""; for ($n = -2; $n <= 3; $n++) { if (checkperm("z" . $n) && !$access_override) { if ($filterblockstates != "") { $filterblockstates .= "','"; } $filterblockstates .= $n; } } global $additional_archive_states; foreach ($additional_archive_states as $additional_archive_state) { if (checkperm("z" . $additional_archive_state)) { if ($filterblockstates != "") { $filterblockstates .= "','"; } $filterblockstates .= $additional_archive_state; } } if ($filterblockstates != "" && !$access_override) { global $uploader_view_override, $userref; if ($uploader_view_override) { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "(archive not in ('{$filterblockstates}') or created_by='" . $userref . "')"; } else { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "archive not in ('{$filterblockstates}')"; } } # append ref filter - never return the batch upload template (negative refs) if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "r.ref>0"; # ------ Advanced 'custom' permissions, need to join to access table. $sql_join = ""; global $k; if (!checkperm("v") && !$access_override) { global $usergroup; global $userref; # one extra join (rca2) is required for user specific permissions (enabling more intelligent watermarks in search view) # the original join is used to gather group access into the search query as well. $sql_join = " left outer join resource_custom_access rca2 on r.ref=rca2.resource and rca2.user='******' and (rca2.user_expires is null or rca2.user_expires>now()) and rca2.access<>2 "; $sql_join .= " left outer join resource_custom_access rca on r.ref=rca.resource and rca.usergroup='{$usergroup}' and rca.access<>2 "; if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } # If rca.resource is null, then no matching custom access record was found # If r.access is also 3 (custom) then the user is not allowed access to this resource. # Note that it's normal for null to be returned if this is a resource with non custom permissions (r.access<>3). $sql_filter .= " not(rca.resource is null and r.access=3)"; } # Join thumbs_display_fields to resource table $select = "r.ref, r.resource_type, r.has_image, r.is_transcoding, r.hit_count, r.creation_date, r.rating, r.user_rating, r.user_rating_count, r.user_rating_total, r.file_extension, r.preview_extension, r.image_red, r.image_green, r.image_blue, r.thumb_width, r.thumb_height, r.archive, r.access, r.colour_key, r.created_by, r.file_modified, r.file_checksum, r.request_count, r.new_hit_count, r.expiry_notification_sent, r.preview_tweaks, r.file_path "; $modified_select = hook("modifyselect"); if ($modified_select) { $select .= $modified_select; } $modified_select2 = hook("modifyselect2"); if ($modified_select2) { $select .= $modified_select2; } # Return disk usage for each resource if returning sum of disk usage. if ($return_disk_usage) { $select .= ",r.disk_usage"; } # select group and user access rights if available, otherwise select null values so columns can still be used regardless # this makes group and user specific access available in the basic search query, which can then be passed through access functions # in order to eliminate many single queries. if (!checkperm("v") && !$access_override) { $select .= ",rca.access group_access,rca2.access user_access "; } else { $select .= ",null group_access, null user_access "; } # add 'joins' to select (adding them $joins = get_resource_table_joins(); foreach ($joins as $datajoin) { $select .= ",r.field" . $datajoin . " "; } # Prepare SQL to add join table for all provided keywods $suggested = $keywords; # a suggested search $fullmatch = true; $c = 0; $t = ""; $t2 = ""; $score = ""; $skipped_last = false; $keysearch = true; # Do not process if a numeric search is provided (resource ID) global $config_search_for_number, $category_tree_search_use_and; if ($config_search_for_number && is_numeric($search)) { $keysearch = false; } # Fetch a list of fields that are not available to the user - these must be omitted from the search. $hidden_indexed_fields = get_hidden_indexed_fields(); # This is a performance enhancement that will discard any keyword matches for fields that are not supposed to be indexed. $sql_restrict_by_field_types = ""; global $search_sql_force_field_index_check; if (isset($search_sql_force_field_index_check) && $search_sql_force_field_index_check && $restypes != "") { $sql_restrict_by_field_types = sql_value("select group_concat(ref) as value from resource_type_field where keywords_index=1 and resource_type in ({$restypes})", ""); if ($sql_restrict_by_field_types != "") { $sql_restrict_by_field_types = "-1," . $sql_restrict_by_field_types; // -1 needed for global search } } if ($keysearch) { for ($n = 0; $n < count($keywords); $n++) { $keyword = $keywords[$n]; if (substr($keyword, 0, 1) != "!" || substr($keyword, 0, 6) == "!empty") { global $date_field; $field = 0; #echo "<li>$keyword<br/>"; if (strpos($keyword, ":") !== false && !$ignore_filters) { $kw = explode(":", $keyword, 2); global $datefieldinfo_cache; if (isset($datefieldinfo_cache[$kw[0]])) { $datefieldinfo = $datefieldinfo_cache[$kw[0]]; } else { $datefieldinfo = sql_query("select ref from resource_type_field where name='" . escape_check($kw[0]) . "' and type IN (4,6,10)", 0); $datefieldinfo_cache[$kw[0]] = $datefieldinfo; } if (count($datefieldinfo) && substr($kw[1], 0, 5) != "range") { $c++; $datefieldinfo = $datefieldinfo[0]; $datefield = $datefieldinfo["ref"]; if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $val = str_replace("n", "_", $kw[1]); $val = str_replace("|", "-", $val); $sql_filter .= "rd" . $c . ".value like '" . $val . "%' "; $sql_join .= " join resource_data rd" . $c . " on rd" . $c . ".resource=r.ref and rd" . $c . ".resource_type_field='" . $datefield . "'"; } elseif ($kw[0] == "day") { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "r.field{$date_field} like '____-__-" . $kw[1] . "%' "; } elseif ($kw[0] == "month") { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "r.field{$date_field} like '____-" . $kw[1] . "%' "; } elseif ($kw[0] == "year") { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "r.field{$date_field} like '" . $kw[1] . "%' "; } elseif ($kw[0] == "startdate") { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "r.field{$date_field} >= '" . $kw[1] . "' "; } elseif ($kw[0] == "enddate") { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "r.field{$date_field} <= '" . $kw[1] . " 23:59:59' "; } elseif (count($datefieldinfo) && substr($kw[1], 0, 5) == "range") { $c++; $rangefield = $datefieldinfo[0]["ref"]; $daterange = false; $rangestring = substr($kw[1], 5); if (strpos($rangestring, "start") !== FALSE) { $rangestart = str_replace(" ", "-", $rangestring); if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "rd" . $c . ".value >= '" . substr($rangestart, strpos($rangestart, "start") + 5, 10) . "'"; } if (strpos($kw[1], "end") !== FALSE) { $rangeend = str_replace(" ", "-", $rangestring); if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "rd" . $c . ".value <= '" . substr($rangeend, strpos($rangeend, "end") + 3, 10) . " 23:59:59'"; } $sql_join .= " join resource_data rd" . $c . " on rd" . $c . ".resource=r.ref and rd" . $c . ".resource_type_field='" . $rangefield . "'"; } elseif (!hook('customsearchkeywordfilter', null, array($kw))) { $ckeywords = explode(";", $kw[1]); # Fetch field info global $fieldinfo_cache; if (isset($fieldinfo_cache[$kw[0]])) { $fieldinfo = $fieldinfo_cache[$kw[0]]; } else { $fieldinfo = sql_query("select ref,type from resource_type_field where name='" . escape_check($kw[0]) . "'", 0); $fieldinfo_cache[$kw[0]] = $fieldinfo; } if (count($fieldinfo) == 0) { debug("Field short name not found."); return false; } # Create an array of matching field IDs. $fields = array(); foreach ($fieldinfo as $fi) { if (in_array($fi["ref"], $hidden_indexed_fields)) { # Attempt to directly search field that the user does not have access to. return false; } # Add to search array $fields[] = $fi["ref"]; } # Special handling for dates if ($fieldinfo[0]["type"] == 4 || $fieldinfo[0]["type"] == 6 || $fieldinfo[0]["type"] == 10) { $ckeywords = array(str_replace(" ", "-", $kw[1])); } #special SQL generation for category trees to use AND instead of OR if ($fieldinfo[0]["type"] == 7 && $category_tree_search_use_and || $fieldinfo[0]["type"] == 2 && $checkbox_and) { for ($m = 0; $m < count($ckeywords); $m++) { $keyref = resolve_keyword($ckeywords[$m]); if (!($keyref === false)) { $c++; # Add related keywords $related = get_related_keywords($keyref); $relatedsql = ""; for ($r = 0; $r < count($related); $r++) { $relatedsql .= " or k" . $c . ".keyword='" . $related[$r] . "'"; } # Form join $sql_join .= " join resource_keyword k" . $c . " on k" . $c . ".resource=r.ref and k" . $c . ".resource_type_field in ('" . join("','", $fields) . "') and (k" . $c . ".keyword='{$keyref}' {$relatedsql})"; if ($score != "") { $score .= "+"; } $score .= "k" . $c . ".hit_count"; # Log this if ($stats_logging) { daily_stat("Keyword usage", $keyref); } } } } else { $c++; # work through all options in an OR approach for multiple selects on the same field $searchkeys = array(); for ($m = 0; $m < count($ckeywords); $m++) { $keyref = resolve_keyword($ckeywords[$m]); if ($keyref === false) { $keyref = -1; } $searchkeys[] = $keyref; # Also add related. $related = get_related_keywords($keyref); for ($o = 0; $o < count($related); $o++) { $searchkeys[] = $related[$o]; } # Log this if ($stats_logging) { daily_stat("Keyword usage", $keyref); } } $union = "select resource,"; for ($p = 1; $p <= count($keywords); $p++) { if ($p == $c) { $union .= "true"; } else { $union .= "false"; } $union .= " as keyword_" . $p . "_found,"; } $union .= "hit_count as score from resource_keyword k" . $c . " where (k" . $c . ".keyword='{$keyref}' or k" . $c . ".keyword in ('" . join("','", $searchkeys) . "')) and k" . $c . ".resource_type_field in ('" . join("','", $fields) . "')"; if (!empty($sql_exclude_fields)) { $union .= " and k" . $c . ".resource_type_field not in (" . $sql_exclude_fields . ")"; } if (count($hidden_indexed_fields) > 0) { $union .= " and k" . $c . ".resource_type_field not in ('" . join("','", $hidden_indexed_fields) . "')"; } $sql_keyword_union_aggregation[] = "bit_or(keyword_" . $c . "_found) as keyword_" . $c . "_found"; $sql_keyword_union_criteria[] = "h.keyword_" . $c . "_found"; $sql_keyword_union[] = $union; } } } else { # Normal keyword (not tied to a field) - searches all fields that the user has access to # If ignoring field specifications then remove them. if (strpos($keyword, ":") !== false && $ignore_filters) { $s = explode(":", $keyword); $keyword = $s[1]; } # Omit resources containing this keyword? $omit = false; if (substr($keyword, 0, 1) == "-") { $omit = true; $keyword = substr($keyword, 1); } # Search for resources with an empty field, ex: !empty18 or !emptycaption $empty = false; if (substr($keyword, 0, 6) == "!empty") { $nodatafield = str_replace("!empty", "", $keyword); if (!is_numeric($nodatafield)) { $nodatafield = sql_value("select ref value from resource_type_field where name='" . escape_check($nodatafield) . "'", ""); } if ($nodatafield == "" || !is_numeric($nodatafield)) { exit('invalid !empty search'); } $empty = true; } global $noadd, $wildcard_always_applied; if (in_array($keyword, $noadd)) { $skipped_last = true; } else { # Handle wildcards $wildcards = array(); if (strpos($keyword, "*") !== false || $wildcard_always_applied) { if ($wildcard_always_applied && strpos($keyword, "*") === false) { # Suffix asterisk if none supplied and using $wildcard_always_applied mode. $keyword = $keyword . "*"; } # Keyword contains a wildcard. Expand. global $wildcard_expand_limit; $wildcards = sql_array("select ref value from keyword where keyword like '" . escape_check(str_replace("*", "%", $keyword)) . "' order by hit_count desc limit " . $wildcard_expand_limit); } $keyref = resolve_keyword(str_replace('*', '', $keyword)); # Resolve keyword. Ignore any wildcards when resolving. We need wildcards to be present later but not here. if ($keyref === false && !$omit && !$empty && count($wildcards) == 0) { $fullmatch = false; $soundex = resolve_soundex($keyword); if ($soundex === false) { # No keyword match, and no keywords sound like this word. Suggest dropping this word. $suggested[$n] = ""; } else { # No keyword match, but there's a word that sounds like this word. Suggest this word instead. $suggested[$n] = "<i>" . $soundex . "</i>"; } } else { if ($keyref === false) { # make a new keyword $keyref = resolve_keyword(str_replace('*', '', $keyword), true); } # Key match, add to query. $c++; $relatedsql = ""; if (!$quoted_string) { # Add related keywords $related = get_related_keywords($keyref); # Merge wildcard expansion with related keywords $related = array_merge($related, $wildcards); if (count($related) > 0) { $relatedsql = " or k" . $c . ".keyword IN ('" . join("','", $related) . "')"; } } # Form join $sql_exclude_fields = hook("excludefieldsfromkeywordsearch"); if (!$omit) { # Include in query // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Start of normal union for resource keywords // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // add false for keyword matches other than the current one $bit_or_condition = ""; for ($p = 1; $p <= count($keywords); $p++) { if ($p == $c) { $bit_or_condition .= "true"; } else { $bit_or_condition .= "false"; } $bit_or_condition .= " as keyword_" . $p . "_found,"; } // these restrictions apply to both !empty searches as well as normal keyword searches (i.e. both branches of next if statement) $union_restriction_clause = ""; if (!empty($sql_exclude_fields)) { $union_restriction_clause .= " and k" . $c . ".resource_type_field not in (" . $sql_exclude_fields . ")"; } if (count($hidden_indexed_fields) > 0) { $union_restriction_clause .= " and k" . $c . ".resource_type_field not in ('" . join("','", $hidden_indexed_fields) . "')"; } if ($empty) { $rtype = sql_value("select resource_type value from resource_type_field where ref='{$nodatafield}'", 0); if ($rtype != 0) { if ($rtype == 999) { $restypesql = "and (r" . $c . ".archive=1 or r" . $c . ".archive=2) and "; if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= str_replace("r" . $c . ".archive='0'", "(r" . $c . ".archive=1 or r" . $c . ".archive=2)", $sql_filter); } else { $restypesql = "and r" . $c . ".resource_type ='{$rtype}' "; } } else { $restypesql = ""; } $union = "select ref as resource, {$bit_or_condition} 1 as score from resource r" . $c . " left outer join resource_data rd" . $c . " on r" . $c . ".ref=rd" . $c . ".resource and rd" . $c . ".resource_type_field='{$nodatafield}' where (rd" . $c . ".value ='' or rd" . $c . ".value is null or rd" . $c . ".value=',') {$restypesql} and r" . $c . ".ref>0 group by r" . $c . ".ref "; $union .= $union_restriction_clause; $sql_keyword_union[] = $union; } else { if ($search_sql_optimization) { $sql_keyword_union_sub_query[$c] = $keyref; } else { $filter_by_resource_field_type = ""; if ($sql_restrict_by_field_types != "") { $filter_by_resource_field_type = "and k{$c}.resource_type_field in ({$sql_restrict_by_field_types})"; // -1 needed for global search } $union = "SELECT resource, {$bit_or_condition} SUM(hit_count) AS score FROM resource_keyword k{$c}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE (k{$c}.keyword={$keyref} {$filter_by_resource_field_type} {$relatedsql} {$union_restriction_clause})\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY resource"; $sql_keyword_union[] = $union; } } $sql_keyword_union_aggregation[] = "bit_or(keyword_" . $c . "_found) as keyword_" . $c . "_found"; $sql_keyword_union_criteria[] = "h.keyword_" . $c . "_found"; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Quoted search? Also add a specific join to check that the positions add up. # The UNION / bit_or() approach doesn't support position checking hence the need for additional joins to do this. if ($quoted_string) { $sql_join .= " join resource_keyword qrk_{$c} on qrk_{$c}.resource=r.ref and qrk_{$c}.keyword='{$keyref}' "; # Exclude fields from the quoted search join also if (!empty($sql_exclude_fields)) { $sql_join .= " and qrk_" . $c . ".resource_type_field not in (" . $sql_exclude_fields . ")"; } if (count($hidden_indexed_fields) > 0) { $sql_join .= " and qrk_" . $c . ".resource_type_field not in ('" . join("','", $hidden_indexed_fields) . "')"; } # For keywords other than the first one, check the position is next to the previous keyword. if ($c > 1) { $last_key_offset = 1; if (isset($skipped_last) && $skipped_last) { $last_key_offset = 2; } # Support skipped keywords - if the last keyword was skipped (listed in $noadd), increase the allowed position from the previous keyword. Useful for quoted searches that contain $noadd words, e.g. "black and white" where "and" is a skipped keyword. # Also check these occurances are within the same field. $sql_join .= " and qrk_" . $c . ".position>0 and qrk_" . $c . ".position=qrk_" . ($c - 1) . ".position+" . $last_key_offset . " and qrk_" . $c . ".resource_type_field=qrk_" . ($c - 1) . ".resource_type_field"; } } } else { if ($omit) { # Exclude matching resources from query (omit feature) if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "r.ref not in (select resource from resource_keyword where keyword='{$keyref}')"; # Filter out resources that do contain the keyword. } } # Log this if ($stats_logging) { daily_stat("Keyword usage", $keyref); } } } $skipped_last = false; } } } } # Could not match on provided keywords? Attempt to return some suggestions. if ($fullmatch == false) { if ($suggested == $keywords) { # Nothing different to suggest. debug("No alternative keywords to suggest."); return ""; } else { # Suggest alternative spellings/sound-a-likes $suggest = ""; if (strpos($search, ",") === false) { $suggestjoin = " "; } else { $suggestjoin = ", "; } for ($n = 0; $n < count($suggested); $n++) { if ($suggested[$n] != "") { if ($suggest != "") { $suggest .= $suggestjoin; } $suggest .= $suggested[$n]; } } debug("Suggesting {$suggest}"); return $suggest; } } hook("additionalsqlfilter"); hook("parametricsqlfilter", '', array($search)); # ------ Search filtering: If search_filter is specified on the user group, then we must always apply this filter. global $usersearchfilter; $sf = explode(";", $usersearchfilter); if (strlen($usersearchfilter) > 0) { for ($n = 0; $n < count($sf); $n++) { $s = explode("=", $sf[$n]); if (count($s) != 2) { exit("Search filter is not correctly configured for this user group."); } # Support for "NOT" matching. Return results only where the specified value or values are NOT set. $filterfield = $s[0]; $filter_not = false; if (substr($filterfield, -1) == "!") { $filter_not = true; $filterfield = substr($filterfield, 0, -1); # Strip off the exclamation mark. } # Support for multiple fields on the left hand side, pipe separated - allows OR matching across multiple fields in a basic way $filterfields = explode("|", escape_check($filterfield)); # Find field(s) - multiple fields can be returned to support several fields with the same name. $f = sql_array("select ref value from resource_type_field where name in ('" . join("','", $filterfields) . "')"); if (count($f) == 0) { exit("Field(s) with short name '" . $filterfield . "' not found in user group search filter."); } # Find keyword(s) $ks = explode("|", strtolower(escape_check($s[1]))); for ($x = 0; $x < count($ks); $x++) { # Cleanse the string as keywords are stored without special characters $ks[$x] = cleanse_string($ks[$x], true); global $stemming; if ($stemming && function_exists("GetStem")) { $ks[$x] = GetStem($ks[$x]); } } $modifiedsearchfilter = hook("modifysearchfilter"); if ($modifiedsearchfilter) { $ks = $modifiedsearchfilter; } $kw = sql_array("select ref value from keyword where keyword in ('" . join("','", $ks) . "')"); if (!$filter_not) { # Standard operation ('=' syntax) $sql_join .= " join resource_keyword filter" . $n . " on r.ref=filter" . $n . ".resource and filter" . $n . ".resource_type_field in ('" . join("','", $f) . "') and filter" . $n . ".keyword in ('" . join("','", $kw) . "') "; if ($search_filter_strict > 1) { $sql_join .= " join resource_data dfilter" . $n . " on r.ref=dfilter" . $n . ".resource and dfilter" . $n . ".resource_type_field in ('" . join("','", $f) . "') and (find_in_set('" . join("', dfilter" . $n . ".value) or find_in_set('", explode("|", escape_check($s[1]))) . "', dfilter" . $n . ".value))"; } } else { # Inverted NOT operation ('!=' syntax) if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "r.ref not in (select resource from resource_keyword where resource_type_field in ('" . join("','", $f) . "') and keyword in ('" . join("','", $kw) . "'))"; # Filter out resources that do contain the keyword(s) } } } $userownfilter = hook("userownfilter"); if ($userownfilter) { $sql_join .= $userownfilter; } # Handle numeric searches when $config_search_for_number=false, i.e. perform a normal search but include matches for resource ID first global $config_search_for_number; if (!$config_search_for_number && is_numeric($search)) { # Always show exact resource matches first. $order_by = "(r.ref='" . $search . "') desc," . $order_by; } # --------------------------------------------------------------- # union with inner join # # Populating the following array: # # $sql_keyword_union_sub_query[<keyword number>]=<keyword ref> # # will combine keyword searches in join within BIT_OR union # This saves on data copying to temporary MySQL tables # --------------------------------------------------------------- if ($search_sql_optimization && count($sql_keyword_union_sub_query) > 0) { $sql_keyword_union_sub_query_keys = array_keys($sql_keyword_union_sub_query); $union = "SELECT keyword" . $sql_keyword_union_sub_query[$sql_keyword_union_sub_query_keys[0]] . ".resource"; for ($p = 1; $p <= count($keywords); $p++) { $union .= "," . (isset($sql_keyword_union_sub_query[$p]) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") . " as keyword_{$p}_found"; } $union .= ",SUM(keyword" . $sql_keyword_union_sub_query[$sql_keyword_union_sub_query_keys[0]] . ".hit_count) AS score"; $union .= " FROM resource_keyword keyword" . $sql_keyword_union_sub_query[$sql_keyword_union_sub_query_keys[0]]; for ($i = 1; $i < count($sql_keyword_union_sub_query_keys); $i++) { $union .= " JOIN resource_keyword keyword" . $sql_keyword_union_sub_query[$sql_keyword_union_sub_query_keys[$i]]; $union .= " ON keyword" . $sql_keyword_union_sub_query[$sql_keyword_union_sub_query_keys[$i - 1]]; $union .= ".resource=keyword" . $sql_keyword_union_sub_query[$sql_keyword_union_sub_query_keys[$i]] . ".resource"; if ($sql_restrict_by_field_types != "") { $union .= " AND keyword" . $sql_keyword_union_sub_query[$sql_keyword_union_sub_query_keys[$i]] . ".resource_type_field IN ({$sql_restrict_by_field_types})"; } } $union .= " WHERE"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($sql_keyword_union_sub_query_keys); $i++) { if ($i > 0) { $union .= " AND"; } $union .= " keyword" . $sql_keyword_union_sub_query[$sql_keyword_union_sub_query_keys[$i]] . ".keyword=" . $sql_keyword_union_sub_query[$sql_keyword_union_sub_query_keys[$i]]; } $union .= " GROUP BY keyword" . $sql_keyword_union_sub_query[$sql_keyword_union_sub_query_keys[0]] . ".resource"; $sql_keyword_union[] = $union; // add to normal union array } # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Keyword union assembly. # Use UNIONs for keyword matching instead of the older JOIN technique - much faster # Assemble the new join from the stored unions # --------------------------------------------------------------- if (count($sql_keyword_union) > 0) { $sql_join .= " join (\n\t\tselect resource,sum(score) as score,\n\t\t" . join(", ", $sql_keyword_union_aggregation) . " from\n\t\t(" . join(" union ", $sql_keyword_union) . ") as hits group by resource) as h on h.resource=r.ref "; if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= join(" and ", $sql_keyword_union_criteria); # Use amalgamated resource_keyword hitcounts for scoring (relevance matching based on previous user activity) $score = "h.score"; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Special Searches (start with an exclamation mark) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Can only search for resources that belong to themes if (checkperm("J")) { $sql_join = " join collection_resource jcr on jcr.resource=r.ref join collection jc on jcr.collection=jc.ref and length(jc.theme)>0 " . $sql_join; } # ------ Special searches ------ # View Last if (substr($search, 0, 5) == "!last") { # Replace r2.ref with r.ref for the alternative query used here. $order_by = str_replace("r.ref", "r2.ref", $order_by); if ($orig_order == "relevance") { $order_by = "r2.ref desc"; } # Extract the number of records to produce $last = explode(",", $search); $last = str_replace("!last", "", $last[0]); if (!is_numeric($last)) { $last = 1000; $search = "!last1000"; } # 'Last' must be a number. SQL injection filter. # Fix the order by for this query (special case due to inner query) $order_by = str_replace("r.rating", "rating", $order_by); return sql_query($sql_prefix . "select distinct *,r2.hit_count score from (select {$select} from resource r {$sql_join} where {$sql_filter} order by ref desc limit {$last} ) r2 order by {$order_by}" . $sql_suffix, false, $fetchrows); } # View Resources With No Downloads if (substr($search, 0, 12) == "!nodownloads") { if ($orig_order == "relevance") { $order_by = "ref desc"; } return sql_query($sql_prefix . "select distinct r.hit_count score, {$select} from resource r {$sql_join} where {$sql_filter} and ref not in (select distinct object_ref from daily_stat where activity_type='Resource download') order by {$order_by}" . $sql_suffix, false, $fetchrows); } # Duplicate Resources (based on file_checksum) if (substr($search, 0, 11) == "!duplicates") { # find duplicates of a given resource # Extract the resource ID $ref = explode(" ", $search); $ref = str_replace("!duplicates", "", $ref[0]); $ref = explode(",", $ref); // just get the number $ref = escape_check($ref[0]); if ($ref != "") { $results = sql_query("select distinct r.hit_count score, {$select} from resource r {$sql_join} where {$sql_filter} and file_checksum= (select file_checksum from (select file_checksum from resource where archive = 0 and ref={$ref} and file_checksum is not null)r2) order by file_checksum", false, $fetchrows); $count = count($results); if ($count > 1) { return $results; } else { return false; } } else { return sql_query($sql_prefix . "select distinct r.hit_count score, {$select} from resource r {$sql_join} where {$sql_filter} and file_checksum in (select file_checksum from (select file_checksum from resource where archive = 0 and file_checksum <> '' and file_checksum is not null group by file_checksum having count(file_checksum)>1)r2) order by file_checksum" . $sql_suffix, false, $fetchrows); } } # View Collection if (substr($search, 0, 11) == '!collection') { if ($orig_order == 'relevance') { $order_by = 'c.sortorder ASC, c.date_added DESC, r.ref DESC'; } $colcustperm = $sql_join; $colcustfilter = $sql_filter; // to avoid allowing this sql_filter to be modified by the $access_override search in the smart collection update below!!! # Special case if a key has been provided. if (getval('k', '') != '') { $sql_filter = 'r.ref > 0'; } # Extract the collection number $collection = explode(' ', $search); $collection = str_replace('!collection', '', $collection[0]); $collection = explode(',', $collection); // just get the number $collection = escape_check($collection[0]); # Check access if (!collection_readable($collection)) { return false; } # Smart collections update global $allow_smart_collections, $smart_collections_async; if ($allow_smart_collections) { global $smartsearch_ref_cache; if (isset($smartsearch_ref_cache[$collection])) { $smartsearch_ref = $smartsearch_ref_cache[$collection]; // this value is pretty much constant } else { $smartsearch_ref = sql_value('SELECT savedsearch value FROM collection WHERE ref="' . $collection . '"', ''); $smartsearch_ref_cache[$collection] = $smartsearch_ref; } global $php_path; if ($smartsearch_ref != '' && !$return_disk_usage) { if ($smart_collections_async && isset($php_path) && file_exists($php_path . '/php')) { exec($php_path . '/php ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../pages/ajax/update_smart_collection.php ' . escapeshellarg($collection) . ' ' . '> /dev/null 2>&1 &'); } else { include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../pages/ajax/update_smart_collection.php'; } } } $result = sql_query($sql_prefix . "select distinct c.date_added,c.comment,c.purchase_size,c.purchase_complete,r.hit_count score,length(c.comment) commentset, {$select} from resource r join collection_resource c on r.ref=c.resource {$colcustperm} where c.collection='" . $collection . "' and {$colcustfilter} group by r.ref order by {$order_by}" . $sql_suffix, false, $fetchrows); hook('beforereturnresults', '', array($result, $archive)); return $result; } # View Related if (substr($search, 0, 8) == "!related") { # Extract the resource number $resource = explode(" ", $search); $resource = str_replace("!related", "", $resource[0]); $order_by = str_replace("r.", "", $order_by); # UNION below doesn't like table aliases in the order by. global $pagename, $related_search_show_self; $sql_self = ''; if ($related_search_show_self && $pagename == 'search') { $sql_self = " select distinct r.hit_count score, {$select} from resource r {$sql_join} where r.ref={$resource} and {$sql_filter} group by r.ref UNION "; } return sql_query($sql_prefix . $sql_self . "select distinct r.hit_count score, {$select} from resource r join resource_related t on (t.related=r.ref and t.resource='" . $resource . "') {$sql_join} where 1=1 and {$sql_filter} group by r.ref \n UNION\n select distinct r.hit_count score, {$select} from resource r join resource_related t on (t.resource=r.ref and t.related='" . $resource . "') {$sql_join} where 1=1 and {$sql_filter} group by r.ref \n order by {$order_by}" . $sql_suffix, false, $fetchrows); } # Geographic search if (substr($search, 0, 4) == "!geo") { $geo = explode("t", str_replace(array("m", "p"), array("-", "."), substr($search, 4))); # Specially encoded string to avoid keyword splitting $bl = explode("b", $geo[0]); $tr = explode("b", $geo[1]); $sql = "select r.hit_count score, {$select} from resource r {$sql_join} where \n\n geo_lat > '" . escape_check($bl[0]) . "'\n and geo_lat < '" . escape_check($tr[0]) . "' \n and geo_long > '" . escape_check($bl[1]) . "' \n and geo_long < '" . escape_check($tr[1]) . "' \n \n and {$sql_filter} group by r.ref order by {$order_by}"; return sql_query($sql_prefix . $sql . $sql_suffix, false, $fetchrows); } # Colour search if (substr($search, 0, 7) == "!colour") { $colour = explode(" ", $search); $colour = str_replace("!colour", "", $colour[0]); $sql = "select r.hit_count score, {$select} from resource r {$sql_join}\n where \n colour_key like '" . escape_check($colour) . "%'\n or colour_key like '_" . escape_check($colour) . "%'\n \n and {$sql_filter} group by r.ref order by {$order_by}"; return sql_query($sql_prefix . $sql . $sql_suffix, false, $fetchrows); } # Similar to a colour if (substr($search, 0, 4) == "!rgb") { $rgb = explode(":", $search); $rgb = explode(",", $rgb[1]); return sql_query($sql_prefix . "select distinct r.hit_count score, {$select} from resource r {$sql_join} where has_image=1 and {$sql_filter} group by r.ref order by (abs(image_red-" . $rgb[0] . ")+abs(image_green-" . $rgb[1] . ")+abs(image_blue-" . $rgb[2] . ")) asc limit 500" . $sql_suffix, false, $fetchrows); } # Has no preview image if (substr($search, 0, 10) == "!nopreview") { return sql_query($sql_prefix . "select distinct r.hit_count score, {$select} from resource r {$sql_join} where has_image=0 and {$sql_filter} group by r.ref" . $sql_suffix, false, $fetchrows); } # Similar to a colour by key if (substr($search, 0, 10) == "!colourkey") { # Extract the colour key $colourkey = explode(" ", $search); $colourkey = str_replace("!colourkey", "", $colourkey[0]); return sql_query($sql_prefix . "select distinct r.hit_count score, {$select} from resource r {$sql_join} where has_image=1 and left(colour_key,4)='" . $colourkey . "' and {$sql_filter} group by r.ref" . $sql_suffix, false, $fetchrows); } global $config_search_for_number; if ($config_search_for_number && is_numeric($search) || substr($search, 0, 9) == "!resource") { $theref = escape_check($search); $theref = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $theref); return sql_query($sql_prefix . "select distinct r.hit_count score, {$select} from resource r {$sql_join} where r.ref='{$theref}' and {$sql_filter} group by r.ref" . $sql_suffix); } # Searching for pending archive if (substr($search, 0, 15) == "!archivepending") { return sql_query($sql_prefix . "select distinct r.hit_count score, {$select} from resource r {$sql_join} where archive=1 and ref>0 group by r.ref order by {$order_by}" . $sql_suffix, false, $fetchrows); } if (substr($search, 0, 12) == "!userpending") { if ($orig_order == "rating") { $order_by = "request_count desc," . $order_by; } return sql_query($sql_prefix . "select distinct r.hit_count score, {$select} from resource r {$sql_join} where archive=-1 and ref>0 group by r.ref order by {$order_by}" . $sql_suffix, false, $fetchrows); } # View Contributions if (substr($search, 0, 14) == "!contributions") { global $userref; # Extract the user ref $cuser = explode(" ", $search); $cuser = str_replace("!contributions", "", $cuser[0]); if ($userref == $cuser) { $sql_filter = "archive='{$archive}'"; $sql_join = ""; } # Disable permissions when viewing your own contributions - only restriction is the archive status $select = str_replace(",rca.access group_access,rca2.access user_access ", ",null group_access, null user_access ", $select); return sql_query($sql_prefix . "select distinct r.hit_count score, {$select} from resource r {$sql_join} where created_by='" . $cuser . "' and r.ref > 0 and {$sql_filter} group by r.ref order by {$order_by}" . $sql_suffix, false, $fetchrows); } # Search for resources with images if ($search == "!images") { return sql_query($sql_prefix . "select distinct r.hit_count score, {$select} from resource r {$sql_join} where has_image=1 group by r.ref order by {$order_by}" . $sql_suffix, false, $fetchrows); } # Search for resources not used in Collections if (substr($search, 0, 7) == "!unused") { return sql_query($sql_prefix . "SELECT distinct {$select} FROM resource r {$sql_join} where r.ref>0 and r.ref not in (select c.resource from collection_resource c) and {$sql_filter}" . $sql_suffix, false, $fetchrows); } # Search for a list of resources # !listall = archive state is not applied as a filter to the list of resources. if (substr($search, 0, 5) == "!list") { $resources = explode(" ", $search); if (substr($search, 0, 8) == "!listall") { $resources = str_replace("!listall", "", $resources[0]); } else { $resources = str_replace("!list", "", $resources[0]); } $resources = explode(",", $resources); // separate out any additional keywords $resources = escape_check($resources[0]); if (strlen(trim($resources)) == 0) { $resources = "where r.ref IS NULL"; } else { $resources = "where (r.ref='" . str_replace(":", "' OR r.ref='", $resources) . "')"; } return sql_query($sql_prefix . "SELECT distinct r.hit_count score, {$select} FROM resource r {$sql_join} {$resources} and {$sql_filter} order by {$order_by}" . $sql_suffix, false, $fetchrows); } # View resources that have data in the specified field reference - useful if deleting unused fields if (substr($search, 0, 8) == "!hasdata") { $fieldref = intval(trim(substr($search, 8))); $sql_join .= " join resource_data on r.ref=resource_data.resource and resource_data.resource_type_field={$fieldref} and resource_data.value<>'' "; return sql_query($sql_prefix . "select distinct r.hit_count score, {$select} from resource r {$sql_join} and r.ref > 0 and {$sql_filter} group by r.ref order by {$order_by}" . $sql_suffix, false, $fetchrows); } # Within this hook implementation, set the value of the global $sql variable: # Since there will only be one special search executed at a time, only one of the # hook implementations will set the value. So, you know that the value set # will always be the correct one (unless two plugins use the same !<type> value). $sql = ""; hook("addspecialsearch", "", array($search)); if ($sql != "") { debug("Addspecialsearch hook returned useful results."); return sql_query($sql_prefix . $sql . $sql_suffix, false, $fetchrows); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Standard Searches # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # We've reached this far without returning. # This must be a standard (non-special) search. # Construct and perform the standard search query. #$sql=""; if ($sql_filter != "") { if ($sql != "") { $sql .= " and "; } $sql .= $sql_filter; } # Append custom permissions $t .= $sql_join; if ($score == "") { $score = "r.hit_count"; } # In case score hasn't been set (i.e. empty search) global $max_results; if ($t2 != "" && $sql != "") { $sql = " and " . $sql; } # Compile final SQL # Performance enhancement - set return limit to number of rows required if ($search_sql_double_pass_mode && $fetchrows != -1) { $max_results = $fetchrows; } $results_sql = $sql_prefix . "select distinct {$score} score, {$select} from resource r" . $t . " where {$t2} {$sql} group by r.ref order by {$order_by} limit {$max_results}" . $sql_suffix; # Debug debug("altert " . $results_sql); # Execute query $result = sql_query($results_sql, false, $fetchrows); # Performance improvement - perform a second count-only query and pad the result array as necessary if ($search_sql_double_pass_mode && count($result) >= $max_results) { $count_sql = "select count(distinct r.ref) value from resource r" . $t . " where {$t2} {$sql}"; $count = sql_value($count_sql, 0); $result = array_pad($result, $count, 0); } debug("Search found " . count($result) . " results"); if (count($result) > 0) { hook("beforereturnresults", "", array($result, $archive)); return $result; } hook('zero_search_results'); # (temp) - no suggestion for field-specific searching for now - TO DO: modify function below to support this if (strpos($search, ":") !== false) { return ""; } # All keywords resolved OK, but there were no matches # Remove keywords, least used first, until we get results. $lsql = ""; $omitmatch = false; for ($n = 0; $n < count($keywords); $n++) { if (substr($keywords[$n], 0, 1) == "-") { $omitmatch = true; $omit = $keywords[$n]; } if ($lsql != "") { $lsql .= " or "; } $lsql .= "keyword='" . escape_check($keywords[$n]) . "'"; } if ($omitmatch) { return trim_spaces(str_replace(" " . $omit . " ", " ", " " . join(" ", $keywords) . " ")); } if ($lsql != "") { $least = sql_value("select keyword value from keyword where {$lsql} order by hit_count asc limit 1", ""); return trim_spaces(str_replace(" " . $least . " ", " ", " " . join(" ", $keywords) . " ")); } else { return array(); } }
function get_keyword_from_option($option) { # For the given field option, return the keyword that will be indexed. $keywords = split_keywords("," . $option); global $stemming; if ($stemming && function_exists('GetStem')) { $keywords[1] = GetStem($keywords[1]); } return $keywords[1]; }
function do_search($search, $restypes = "", $order_by = "relevance", $archive = 0, $fetchrows = -1, $sort = "desc", $access_override = false, $starsearch = 0, $ignore_filters = false, $return_disk_usage = false, $recent_search_daylimit = "", $go = false, $stats_logging = true) { debug("search={$search} {$go} {$fetchrows} restypes={$restypes} archive={$archive} daylimit={$recent_search_daylimit}"); # globals needed for hooks global $sql, $order, $select, $sql_join, $sql_filter, $orig_order, $collections_omit_archived, $search_sql_double_pass_mode, $usergroup, $search_filter_strict, $default_sort; $alternativeresults = hook("alternativeresults", "", array($go)); if ($alternativeresults) { return $alternativeresults; } $modifyfetchrows = hook("modifyfetchrows", "", array($fetchrows)); if ($modifyfetchrows) { $fetchrows = $modifyfetchrows; } # Takes a search string $search, as provided by the user, and returns a results set # of matching resources. # If there are no matches, instead returns an array of suggested searches. # $restypes is optionally used to specify which resource types to search. # $access_override is used by smart collections, so that all all applicable resources can be judged regardless of the final access-based results # Check valid sort if (!in_array(strtolower($sort), array("asc", "desc"))) { $sort = "asc"; } # resolve $order_by to something meaningful in sql $orig_order = $order_by; global $date_field; $order = array("relevance" => "score {$sort}, user_rating {$sort}, hit_count {$sort}, field{$date_field} {$sort},r.ref {$sort}", "popularity" => "user_rating {$sort},hit_count {$sort},field{$date_field} {$sort},r.ref {$sort}", "rating" => "r.rating {$sort}, user_rating {$sort}, score {$sort},r.ref {$sort}", "date" => "field{$date_field} {$sort},r.ref {$sort}", "colour" => "has_image {$sort},image_blue {$sort},image_green {$sort},image_red {$sort},field{$date_field} {$sort},r.ref {$sort}", "country" => "country {$sort},r.ref {$sort}", "title" => "title {$sort},r.ref {$sort}", "file_path" => "file_path {$sort},r.ref {$sort}", "resourceid" => "r.ref {$sort}", "resourcetype" => "resource_type {$sort},r.ref {$sort}", "titleandcountry" => "title {$sort},country {$sort}", "random" => "RAND()", "status" => "archive {$sort}"); if (!in_array($order_by, $order) && substr($order_by, 0, 5) == "field") { if (!is_numeric(str_replace("field", "", $order_by))) { exit("Order field incorrect."); } $order[$order_by] = "{$order_by} {$sort}"; } hook("modifyorderarray"); # Recognise a quoted search, which is a search for an exact string global $quoted_string; $quoted_string = false; if (substr($search, 0, 1) == "\"" && substr($search, -1, 1) == "\"") { $quoted_string = true; $search = substr($search, 1, -1); } $order_by = $order[$order_by]; $keywords = split_keywords($search); foreach (get_indexed_resource_type_fields() as $resource_type_field) { add_verbatim_keywords($keywords, $search, $resource_type_field, true); // add any regex matched verbatim keywords for those indexed resource type fields } $search = trim($search); # Dedupe keywords (not for quoted strings as the user may be looking for the same word multiple times together in this instance) if (!$quoted_string) { $keywords = array_values(array_unique($keywords)); } $modified_keywords = hook('dosearchmodifykeywords', '', array($keywords)); if ($modified_keywords) { $keywords = $modified_keywords; } # -- Build up filter SQL that will be used for all queries $sql_filter = search_filter($search, $archive, $restypes, $starsearch, $recent_search_daylimit, $access_override, $return_disk_usage); # Initialise variables. $sql = ""; $sql_keyword_union_whichkeys = array(); $sql_keyword_union = array(); $sql_keyword_union_aggregation = array(); $sql_keyword_union_criteria = array(); $sql_keyword_union_sub_query = array(); # If returning disk used by the resources in the search results ($return_disk_usage=true) then wrap the returned SQL in an outer query that sums disk usage. $sql_prefix = ""; $sql_suffix = ""; if ($return_disk_usage) { $sql_prefix = "select sum(disk_usage) total_disk_usage,count(*) total_resources from ("; $sql_suffix = ") resourcelist"; } # ------ Advanced 'custom' permissions, need to join to access table. $sql_join = ""; global $k; if (!checkperm("v") && !$access_override) { global $usergroup; global $userref; # one extra join (rca2) is required for user specific permissions (enabling more intelligent watermarks in search view) # the original join is used to gather group access into the search query as well. $sql_join = " left outer join resource_custom_access rca2 on r.ref=rca2.resource and rca2.user='******' and (rca2.user_expires is null or rca2.user_expires>now()) and rca2.access<>2 "; $sql_join .= " left outer join resource_custom_access rca on r.ref=rca.resource and rca.usergroup='{$usergroup}' and rca.access<>2 "; if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } # If rca.resource is null, then no matching custom access record was found # If r.access is also 3 (custom) then the user is not allowed access to this resource. # Note that it's normal for null to be returned if this is a resource with non custom permissions (r.access<>3). $sql_filter .= " not(rca.resource is null and r.access=3)"; } # Join thumbs_display_fields to resource table $select = "r.ref, r.resource_type, r.has_image, r.is_transcoding, r.hit_count, r.creation_date, r.rating, r.user_rating, r.user_rating_count, r.user_rating_total, r.file_extension, r.preview_extension, r.image_red, r.image_green, r.image_blue, r.thumb_width, r.thumb_height, r.archive, r.access, r.colour_key, r.created_by, r.file_modified, r.file_checksum, r.request_count, r.new_hit_count, r.expiry_notification_sent, r.preview_tweaks, r.file_path "; $modified_select = hook("modifyselect"); if ($modified_select) { $select .= $modified_select; } $modified_select2 = hook("modifyselect2"); if ($modified_select2) { $select .= $modified_select2; } # Return disk usage for each resource if returning sum of disk usage. if ($return_disk_usage) { $select .= ",r.disk_usage"; } # select group and user access rights if available, otherwise select null values so columns can still be used regardless # this makes group and user specific access available in the basic search query, which can then be passed through access functions # in order to eliminate many single queries. if (!checkperm("v") && !$access_override) { $select .= ",rca.access group_access,rca2.access user_access "; } else { $select .= ",null group_access, null user_access "; } # add 'joins' to select (adding them $joins = get_resource_table_joins(); foreach ($joins as $datajoin) { $select .= ",r.field" . $datajoin . " "; } # Prepare SQL to add join table for all provided keywods $suggested = $keywords; # a suggested search $fullmatch = true; $c = 0; $t = ""; $t2 = ""; $score = ""; $skipped_last = false; $keysearch = true; # Do not process if a numeric search is provided (resource ID) global $config_search_for_number, $category_tree_search_use_and; if ($config_search_for_number && is_numeric($search)) { $keysearch = false; } # Fetch a list of fields that are not available to the user - these must be omitted from the search. $hidden_indexed_fields = get_hidden_indexed_fields(); # This is a performance enhancement that will discard any keyword matches for fields that are not supposed to be indexed. $sql_restrict_by_field_types = ""; global $search_sql_force_field_index_check; if (isset($search_sql_force_field_index_check) && $search_sql_force_field_index_check && $restypes != "") { $sql_restrict_by_field_types = sql_value("select group_concat(ref) as value from resource_type_field where keywords_index=1 and resource_type in ({$restypes})", ""); if ($sql_restrict_by_field_types != "") { $sql_restrict_by_field_types = "-1," . $sql_restrict_by_field_types; // -1 needed for global search } } if ($keysearch) { for ($n = 0; $n < count($keywords); $n++) { $keyword = $keywords[$n]; if (substr($keyword, 0, 1) != "!" || substr($keyword, 0, 6) == "!empty") { global $date_field; $field = 0; #echo "<li>$keyword<br/>"; if (strpos($keyword, ":") !== false && !$ignore_filters) { $kw = explode(":", $keyword, 2); global $datefieldinfo_cache; if (isset($datefieldinfo_cache[$kw[0]])) { $datefieldinfo = $datefieldinfo_cache[$kw[0]]; } else { $datefieldinfo = sql_query("select ref from resource_type_field where name='" . escape_check($kw[0]) . "' and type IN (4,6,10)", 0); $datefieldinfo_cache[$kw[0]] = $datefieldinfo; } if (count($datefieldinfo) && substr($kw[1], 0, 5) != "range") { $c++; $datefieldinfo = $datefieldinfo[0]; $datefield = $datefieldinfo["ref"]; if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $val = str_replace("n", "_", $kw[1]); $val = str_replace("|", "-", $val); $sql_filter .= "rd" . $c . ".value like '" . $val . "%' "; $sql_join .= " join resource_data rd" . $c . " on rd" . $c . ".resource=r.ref and rd" . $c . ".resource_type_field='" . $datefield . "'"; } elseif ($kw[0] == "day") { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "r.field{$date_field} like '____-__-" . $kw[1] . "%' "; } elseif ($kw[0] == "month") { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "r.field{$date_field} like '____-" . $kw[1] . "%' "; } elseif ($kw[0] == "year") { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "r.field{$date_field} like '" . $kw[1] . "%' "; } elseif ($kw[0] == "startdate") { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "r.field{$date_field} >= '" . $kw[1] . "' "; } elseif ($kw[0] == "enddate") { if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "r.field{$date_field} <= '" . $kw[1] . " 23:59:59' "; } elseif (count($datefieldinfo) && substr($kw[1], 0, 5) == "range") { $c++; $rangefield = $datefieldinfo[0]["ref"]; $daterange = false; $rangestring = substr($kw[1], 5); if (strpos($rangestring, "start") !== FALSE) { $rangestart = str_replace(" ", "-", $rangestring); if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "rd" . $c . ".value >= '" . substr($rangestart, strpos($rangestart, "start") + 5, 10) . "'"; } if (strpos($kw[1], "end") !== FALSE) { $rangeend = str_replace(" ", "-", $rangestring); if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "rd" . $c . ".value <= '" . substr($rangeend, strpos($rangeend, "end") + 3, 10) . " 23:59:59'"; } $sql_join .= " join resource_data rd" . $c . " on rd" . $c . ".resource=r.ref and rd" . $c . ".resource_type_field='" . $rangefield . "'"; } elseif (!hook('customsearchkeywordfilter', null, array($kw))) { $ckeywords = explode(";", $kw[1]); # Fetch field info global $fieldinfo_cache; if (isset($fieldinfo_cache[$kw[0]])) { $fieldinfo = $fieldinfo_cache[$kw[0]]; } else { $fieldinfo = sql_query("select ref,type from resource_type_field where name='" . escape_check($kw[0]) . "'", 0); $fieldinfo_cache[$kw[0]] = $fieldinfo; } if (count($fieldinfo) == 0) { debug("Field short name not found."); return false; } # Create an array of matching field IDs. $fields = array(); foreach ($fieldinfo as $fi) { if (in_array($fi["ref"], $hidden_indexed_fields)) { # Attempt to directly search field that the user does not have access to. return false; } # Add to search array $fields[] = $fi["ref"]; } # Special handling for dates if ($fieldinfo[0]["type"] == 4 || $fieldinfo[0]["type"] == 6 || $fieldinfo[0]["type"] == 10) { $ckeywords = array(str_replace(" ", "-", $kw[1])); } #special SQL generation for category trees to use AND instead of OR if ($fieldinfo[0]["type"] == 7 && $category_tree_search_use_and) { for ($m = 0; $m < count($ckeywords); $m++) { $keyref = resolve_keyword($ckeywords[$m]); if (!($keyref === false)) { $c++; # Add related keywords $related = get_related_keywords($keyref); $relatedsql = ""; for ($r = 0; $r < count($related); $r++) { $relatedsql .= " or k" . $c . ".keyword='" . $related[$r] . "'"; } # Form join $sql_join .= " join resource_keyword k" . $c . " on k" . $c . ".resource=r.ref and k" . $c . ".resource_type_field in ('" . join("','", $fields) . "') and (k" . $c . ".keyword='{$keyref}' {$relatedsql})"; if ($score != "") { $score .= "+"; } $score .= "k" . $c . ".hit_count"; # Log this if ($stats_logging) { daily_stat("Keyword usage", $keyref); } } } } else { $c++; # work through all options in an OR approach for multiple selects on the same field $searchkeys = array(); for ($m = 0; $m < count($ckeywords); $m++) { $keyref = resolve_keyword($ckeywords[$m]); if ($keyref === false) { $keyref = -1; } $searchkeys[] = $keyref; # Also add related. $related = get_related_keywords($keyref); for ($o = 0; $o < count($related); $o++) { $searchkeys[] = $related[$o]; } # Log this if ($stats_logging) { daily_stat("Keyword usage", $keyref); } } $union = "select resource,"; for ($p = 1; $p <= count($keywords); $p++) { if ($p == $c) { $union .= "true"; } else { $union .= "false"; } $union .= " as keyword_" . $p . "_found,"; } $union .= "hit_count as score from resource_keyword k" . $c . " where (k" . $c . ".keyword='{$keyref}' or k" . $c . ".keyword in ('" . join("','", $searchkeys) . "')) and k" . $c . ".resource_type_field in ('" . join("','", $fields) . "')"; if (!empty($sql_exclude_fields)) { $union .= " and k" . $c . ".resource_type_field not in (" . $sql_exclude_fields . ")"; } if (count($hidden_indexed_fields) > 0) { $union .= " and k" . $c . ".resource_type_field not in ('" . join("','", $hidden_indexed_fields) . "')"; } $sql_keyword_union_aggregation[] = "bit_or(keyword_" . $c . "_found) as keyword_" . $c . "_found"; $sql_keyword_union_criteria[] = "h.keyword_" . $c . "_found"; $sql_keyword_union[] = $union; } } } else { # Normal keyword (not tied to a field) - searches all fields that the user has access to # If ignoring field specifications then remove them. if (strpos($keyword, ":") !== false && $ignore_filters) { $s = explode(":", $keyword); $keyword = $s[1]; } # Omit resources containing this keyword? $omit = false; if (substr($keyword, 0, 1) == "-") { $omit = true; $keyword = substr($keyword, 1); } # Search for resources with an empty field, ex: !empty18 or !emptycaption $empty = false; if (substr($keyword, 0, 6) == "!empty") { $nodatafield = str_replace("!empty", "", $keyword); if (!is_numeric($nodatafield)) { $nodatafield = sql_value("select ref value from resource_type_field where name='" . escape_check($nodatafield) . "'", ""); } if ($nodatafield == "" || !is_numeric($nodatafield)) { exit('invalid !empty search'); } $empty = true; } global $noadd, $wildcard_always_applied; if (in_array($keyword, $noadd)) { $skipped_last = true; } else { # Handle wildcards $wildcards = array(); if (strpos($keyword, "*") !== false || $wildcard_always_applied) { if ($wildcard_always_applied && strpos($keyword, "*") === false) { # Suffix asterisk if none supplied and using $wildcard_always_applied mode. $keyword = $keyword . "*"; } # Keyword contains a wildcard. Expand. global $wildcard_expand_limit; $wildcards = sql_array("select ref value from keyword where keyword like '" . escape_check(str_replace("*", "%", $keyword)) . "' order by hit_count desc limit " . $wildcard_expand_limit); } $keyref = resolve_keyword(str_replace('*', '', $keyword)); # Resolve keyword. Ignore any wildcards when resolving. We need wildcards to be present later but not here. if ($keyref === false && !$omit && !$empty && count($wildcards) == 0) { $fullmatch = false; $soundex = resolve_soundex($keyword); if ($soundex === false) { # No keyword match, and no keywords sound like this word. Suggest dropping this word. $suggested[$n] = ""; } else { # No keyword match, but there's a word that sounds like this word. Suggest this word instead. $suggested[$n] = "<i>" . $soundex . "</i>"; } } else { if ($keyref === false) { # make a new keyword $keyref = resolve_keyword(str_replace('*', '', $keyword), true); } # Key match, add to query. $c++; $relatedsql = ""; if (!$quoted_string) { # Add related keywords $related = get_related_keywords($keyref); # Merge wildcard expansion with related keywords $related = array_merge($related, $wildcards); if (count($related) > 0) { $relatedsql = " or k" . $c . ".keyword IN ('" . join("','", $related) . "')"; } } # Form join $sql_exclude_fields = hook("excludefieldsfromkeywordsearch"); if (!$omit) { # Include in query // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Start of normal union for resource keywords // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // add false for keyword matches other than the current one $bit_or_condition = ""; for ($p = 1; $p <= count($keywords); $p++) { if ($p == $c) { $bit_or_condition .= "true"; } else { $bit_or_condition .= "false"; } $bit_or_condition .= " as keyword_" . $p . "_found,"; } // these restrictions apply to both !empty searches as well as normal keyword searches (i.e. both branches of next if statement) $union_restriction_clause = ""; if (!empty($sql_exclude_fields)) { $union_restriction_clause .= " and k" . $c . ".resource_type_field not in (" . $sql_exclude_fields . ")"; } if (count($hidden_indexed_fields) > 0) { $union_restriction_clause .= " and k" . $c . ".resource_type_field not in ('" . join("','", $hidden_indexed_fields) . "')"; } if ($empty) { $rtype = sql_value("select resource_type value from resource_type_field where ref='{$nodatafield}'", 0); if ($rtype != 0) { if ($rtype == 999) { $restypesql = "and (r" . $c . ".archive=1 or r" . $c . ".archive=2) and "; if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= str_replace("r" . $c . ".archive='0'", "(r" . $c . ".archive=1 or r" . $c . ".archive=2)", $sql_filter); } else { $restypesql = "and r" . $c . ".resource_type ='{$rtype}' "; } } else { $restypesql = ""; } $union = "select ref as resource, {$bit_or_condition} 1 as score from resource r" . $c . " left outer join resource_data rd" . $c . " on r" . $c . ".ref=rd" . $c . ".resource and rd" . $c . ".resource_type_field='{$nodatafield}' where (rd" . $c . ".value ='' or rd" . $c . ".value is null or rd" . $c . ".value=',') {$restypesql} and r" . $c . ".ref>0 group by r" . $c . ".ref "; $union .= $union_restriction_clause; $sql_keyword_union[] = $union; } else { $filter_by_resource_field_type = ""; if ($sql_restrict_by_field_types != "") { $filter_by_resource_field_type = "and k{$c}.resource_type_field in ({$sql_restrict_by_field_types})"; // -1 needed for global search } $union = "SELECT resource, {$bit_or_condition} SUM(hit_count) AS score FROM resource_keyword k{$c}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE (k{$c}.keyword={$keyref} {$filter_by_resource_field_type} {$relatedsql} {$union_restriction_clause})\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY resource"; $sql_keyword_union[] = $union; } $sql_keyword_union_aggregation[] = "bit_or(keyword_" . $c . "_found) as keyword_" . $c . "_found"; $sql_keyword_union_criteria[] = "h.keyword_" . $c . "_found"; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Quoted search? Also add a specific join to check that the positions add up. # The UNION / bit_or() approach doesn't support position checking hence the need for additional joins to do this. if ($quoted_string) { $sql_join .= " join resource_keyword qrk_{$c} on qrk_{$c}.resource=r.ref and qrk_{$c}.keyword='{$keyref}' "; # Exclude fields from the quoted search join also if (!empty($sql_exclude_fields)) { $sql_join .= " and qrk_" . $c . ".resource_type_field not in (" . $sql_exclude_fields . ")"; } if (count($hidden_indexed_fields) > 0) { $sql_join .= " and qrk_" . $c . ".resource_type_field not in ('" . join("','", $hidden_indexed_fields) . "')"; } # For keywords other than the first one, check the position is next to the previous keyword. if ($c > 1) { $last_key_offset = 1; if (isset($skipped_last) && $skipped_last) { $last_key_offset = 2; } # Support skipped keywords - if the last keyword was skipped (listed in $noadd), increase the allowed position from the previous keyword. Useful for quoted searches that contain $noadd words, e.g. "black and white" where "and" is a skipped keyword. # Also check these occurances are within the same field. $sql_join .= " and qrk_" . $c . ".position>0 and qrk_" . $c . ".position=qrk_" . ($c - 1) . ".position+" . $last_key_offset . " and qrk_" . $c . ".resource_type_field=qrk_" . ($c - 1) . ".resource_type_field"; } } } else { if ($omit) { # Exclude matching resources from query (omit feature) if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "r.ref not in (select resource from resource_keyword where keyword='{$keyref}')"; # Filter out resources that do contain the keyword. } } # Log this if ($stats_logging) { daily_stat("Keyword usage", $keyref); } } } $skipped_last = false; } } } } # Could not match on provided keywords? Attempt to return some suggestions. if ($fullmatch == false) { if ($suggested == $keywords) { # Nothing different to suggest. debug("No alternative keywords to suggest."); return ""; } else { # Suggest alternative spellings/sound-a-likes $suggest = ""; if (strpos($search, ",") === false) { $suggestjoin = " "; } else { $suggestjoin = ", "; } for ($n = 0; $n < count($suggested); $n++) { if ($suggested[$n] != "") { if ($suggest != "") { $suggest .= $suggestjoin; } $suggest .= $suggested[$n]; } } debug("Suggesting {$suggest}"); return $suggest; } } hook("additionalsqlfilter"); hook("parametricsqlfilter", '', array($search)); # ------ Search filtering: If search_filter is specified on the user group, then we must always apply this filter. global $usersearchfilter; $sf = explode(";", $usersearchfilter); if (strlen($usersearchfilter) > 0) { for ($n = 0; $n < count($sf); $n++) { $s = explode("=", $sf[$n]); if (count($s) != 2) { exit("Search filter is not correctly configured for this user group."); } # Support for "NOT" matching. Return results only where the specified value or values are NOT set. $filterfield = $s[0]; $filter_not = false; if (substr($filterfield, -1) == "!") { $filter_not = true; $filterfield = substr($filterfield, 0, -1); # Strip off the exclamation mark. } # Support for multiple fields on the left hand side, pipe separated - allows OR matching across multiple fields in a basic way $filterfields = explode("|", escape_check($filterfield)); # Find field(s) - multiple fields can be returned to support several fields with the same name. $f = sql_array("select ref value from resource_type_field where name in ('" . join("','", $filterfields) . "')"); if (count($f) == 0) { exit("Field(s) with short name '" . $filterfield . "' not found in user group search filter."); } # Find keyword(s) $ks = explode("|", strtolower(escape_check($s[1]))); for ($x = 0; $x < count($ks); $x++) { # Cleanse the string as keywords are stored without special characters $ks[$x] = cleanse_string($ks[$x], true); global $stemming; if ($stemming && function_exists("GetStem")) { $ks[$x] = GetStem($ks[$x]); } } $modifiedsearchfilter = hook("modifysearchfilter"); if ($modifiedsearchfilter) { $ks = $modifiedsearchfilter; } $kw = sql_array("select ref value from keyword where keyword in ('" . join("','", $ks) . "')"); if (!$filter_not) { # Standard operation ('=' syntax) $sql_join .= " join resource_keyword filter" . $n . " on r.ref=filter" . $n . ".resource and filter" . $n . ".resource_type_field in ('" . join("','", $f) . "') and ((filter" . $n . ".keyword in ('" . join("','", $kw) . "')) "; # Option for custom access to override search filters. # For this resource, if custom access has been granted for the user or group, nullify the search filter for this particular resource effectively selecting "true". global $custom_access_overrides_search_filter; if (!checkperm("v") && !$access_override && $custom_access_overrides_search_filter) { $sql_join .= "or ((rca.access is not null and rca.access<>2) or (rca2.access is not null and rca2.access<>2))"; } $sql_join .= ")"; if ($search_filter_strict > 1) { $sql_join .= " join resource_data dfilter" . $n . " on r.ref=dfilter" . $n . ".resource and dfilter" . $n . ".resource_type_field in ('" . join("','", $f) . "') and (find_in_set('" . join("', dfilter" . $n . ".value) or find_in_set('", explode("|", escape_check($s[1]))) . "', dfilter" . $n . ".value))"; } } else { # Inverted NOT operation ('!=' syntax) if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= "((r.ref not in (select resource from resource_keyword where resource_type_field in ('" . join("','", $f) . "') and keyword in ('" . join("','", $kw) . "'))) "; # Filter out resources that do contain the keyword(s) # Option for custom access to override search filters. # For this resource, if custom access has been granted for the user or group, nullify the search filter for this particular resource effectively selecting "true". global $custom_access_overrides_search_filter; if (!checkperm("v") && !$access_override && $custom_access_overrides_search_filter) { $sql_filter .= "or ((rca.access is not null and rca.access<>2) or (rca2.access is not null and rca2.access<>2))"; } $sql_filter .= ")"; } } } $userownfilter = hook("userownfilter"); if ($userownfilter) { $sql_join .= $userownfilter; } # Handle numeric searches when $config_search_for_number=false, i.e. perform a normal search but include matches for resource ID first global $config_search_for_number; if (!$config_search_for_number && is_numeric($search)) { # Always show exact resource matches first. $order_by = "(r.ref='" . $search . "') desc," . $order_by; } # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Keyword union assembly. # Use UNIONs for keyword matching instead of the older JOIN technique - much faster # Assemble the new join from the stored unions # --------------------------------------------------------------- if (count($sql_keyword_union) > 0) { $sql_join .= " join (\n\t\tselect resource,sum(score) as score,\n\t\t" . join(", ", $sql_keyword_union_aggregation) . " from\n\t\t(" . join(" union ", $sql_keyword_union) . ") as hits group by resource) as h on h.resource=r.ref "; if ($sql_filter != "") { $sql_filter .= " and "; } $sql_filter .= join(" and ", $sql_keyword_union_criteria); # Use amalgamated resource_keyword hitcounts for scoring (relevance matching based on previous user activity) $score = "h.score"; } # Can only search for resources that belong to themes if (checkperm("J")) { $sql_join = " join collection_resource jcr on jcr.resource=r.ref join collection jc on jcr.collection=jc.ref and length(jc.theme)>0 " . $sql_join; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Special Searches (start with an exclamation mark) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $special_results = search_special($search, $sql_join, $fetchrows, $sql_prefix, $sql_suffix, $order_by, $orig_order, $select, $sql_filter, $archive, $return_disk_usage); if ($special_results !== false) { return $special_results; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Standard Searches # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # We've reached this far without returning. # This must be a standard (non-special) search. # Construct and perform the standard search query. #$sql=""; if ($sql_filter != "") { if ($sql != "") { $sql .= " and "; } $sql .= $sql_filter; } # Append custom permissions $t .= $sql_join; if ($score == "") { $score = "r.hit_count"; } # In case score hasn't been set (i.e. empty search) global $max_results; if ($t2 != "" && $sql != "") { $sql = " and " . $sql; } # Compile final SQL # Performance enhancement - set return limit to number of rows required if ($search_sql_double_pass_mode && $fetchrows != -1) { $max_results = $fetchrows; } $results_sql = $sql_prefix . "select distinct {$score} score, {$select} from resource r" . $t . " where {$t2} {$sql} group by r.ref order by {$order_by} limit {$max_results}" . $sql_suffix; # Debug debug('$results_sql=' . $results_sql); # Execute query $result = sql_query($results_sql, false, $fetchrows); # Performance improvement - perform a second count-only query and pad the result array as necessary if ($search_sql_double_pass_mode && count($result) >= $max_results) { $count_sql = "select count(distinct r.ref) value from resource r" . $t . " where {$t2} {$sql}"; $count = sql_value($count_sql, 0); $result = array_pad($result, $count, 0); } debug("Search found " . count($result) . " results"); if (count($result) > 0) { hook("beforereturnresults", "", array($result, $archive)); return $result; } hook('zero_search_results'); # (temp) - no suggestion for field-specific searching for now - TO DO: modify function below to support this if (strpos($search, ":") !== false) { return ""; } # All keywords resolved OK, but there were no matches # Remove keywords, least used first, until we get results. $lsql = ""; $omitmatch = false; for ($n = 0; $n < count($keywords); $n++) { if (substr($keywords[$n], 0, 1) == "-") { $omitmatch = true; $omit = $keywords[$n]; } if ($lsql != "") { $lsql .= " or "; } $lsql .= "keyword='" . escape_check($keywords[$n]) . "'"; } if ($omitmatch) { return trim_spaces(str_replace(" " . $omit . " ", " ", " " . join(" ", $keywords) . " ")); } if ($lsql != "") { $least = sql_value("select keyword value from keyword where {$lsql} order by hit_count asc limit 1", ""); return trim_spaces(str_replace(" " . $least . " ", " ", " " . join(" ", $keywords) . " ")); } else { return array(); } }