public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); require_once APP_PATH . "SDK/Payment/alipay_server/alipay.config.php"; var_dump(GetSmallAvatar(1)); $this->alipay_config = $alipay_config; }
public function follow_get() { $follow = M("follow"); $uid = I("get.uid", 0, 'intval'); if ($uid <= 0) { $this->check_token(); $uid = $this->uid; } $pageCount = 1; //构造sql //互相关注is_mutual $options = array('alias' => 'f', 'join' => array("LEFT JOIN follow f2 ON f2.to_member_id = f.from_member_id AND f2.from_member_id = f.to_member_id", "LEFT JOIN pillow_talk_time t ON ((t.member_id_s = f.to_member_id AND t.member_id_b = f.from_member_id) OR(t.member_id_b = f.to_member_id AND t.member_id_s = f.from_member_id))", "INNER JOIN member m on f.to_member_id ="), 'where' => array("f.from_member_id" => $uid), 'field' => "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(f.add_time) as add_time, AS to_member_id, AS member_id,\r\n\t\t\tm.nickname AS from_member_nickname,m.nickname AS name,\r\n\t\t\tmax(t.time) AS last_pillow_talk_time, IF( IS NOT NULL, '1', '0') as is_mutual", 'order' => "is_mutual desc, t.time desc", 'group' => ""); $pageNum = intval(I("", 1)); if ($pageNum) { $follow->options = $options; unset($follow->options['group']); unset($follow->options['field']); $count = $follow->count(); $_GET["p"] = max(1, $pageNum); $Page = new \Think\Page($count, $this->follow_page_size); $follow->limit($Page->firstRow . ',' . $Page->listRows); $pageCount = ceil($Page->totalRows / $Page->listRows); } $data = $follow->select($options); foreach ($data as &$value) { $value["avatar"] = GetSmallAvatar($value['to_member_id']); //$value["community"] = D("Community")->communities($value["to_member_id"]); } $data = array('list' => $data, 'count' => count($data), 'next_page' => null); if ($pageCount > 1 && $pageNum < $pageCount) { $data['next_page'] = $this->url("/v1/follow/page/" . ++$pageNum); } $this->success($data); }
/** * 获取群成员列表 * @param $gid * @param $page_num * @param $page_size * @return array */ public function getMembers($gid, $page_num = 1, $page_size = 10) { $group_member_model = M('group_member'); $group_member_list = $group_member_model->alias('gm')->field('gm.member_id, m.nickname')->join('left join member m on = gm.member_id')->where(array('group_id' => $gid))->order('m.nickname asc')->select(); foreach ($group_member_list as &$member) { $member['avatar'] = GetSmallAvatar($member['member_id']); } return $group_member_list; }
public function detail($id) { $this_user = $this->where(array('id' => $id))->find(); $this_apps = M('member_bind')->field('type, keyid, info')->where(array('uid' => $id))->select(); foreach ($this_apps as &$value) { $value['info'] = json_decode($value['info']); } $this_user['avator'] = GetSmallAvatar($id); $this_user['apps'] = $this_apps; return $this->filter($this_user); }
/** * 获取发给某用户的未读信息 * @param $uid * @param string|null $type * @param string|int|null $from_id * @param int $page_num * @param int $page_size * @return array */ public function get_no_read($uid, $type = null, $from_id = null, $start_time = null, $page_num = 1, $page_size = 10) { $group_in = M('group_member')->where(array('member_id' => $uid))->getField('group_id', true); $single_condition = array('m.to_id' => $uid, 'm.is_to_group' => 0, 'm.is_read' => 0, 'm.type' => 1); $group_condition = array('m.to_id' => !empty($group_in) ? array('in', $group_in) : 'no_id', 'm.is_to_group' => 1, 'm.type' => 1, 'm.from_member_id' => array('neq', $uid), '_string' => 'm.add_time > gm.last_read_time or gm.last_read_time is null'); $condition = null; if ($from_id) { $single_condition['m.from_member_id'] = array('eq', $from_id); $group_condition['m.to_id'] = array('eq', $from_id); } if ($type == 'single') { //获取用户发来的未读消息,或用户没有加入任何群 $condition = $single_condition; } elseif ($type == 'group') { $condition = $group_condition; } else { $condition = array($single_condition, $group_condition, '_logic' => 'OR'); } if (!empty($start_time)) { $condition = array($condition, 'm.add_time' => array('gt', $start_time)); } $this->alias('m')->join("left join group_member gm on gm.group_id = m.to_id and gm.member_id = '{$uid}' and m.is_to_group = 1")->join('left join member mb on = m.from_member_id')->join('left join `group` grp on = m.to_id and m.is_to_group = 1')->where($condition); if ($page_num) { $this->page($page_num, $page_size); } $no_read = $this->field(", m.mime_type, if(m.is_to_group = 1, '1','0') as is_to_group, if(m.is_read = 1, '1', '0') as is_read,\r\n m.content,\r\n m.from_member_id, m.to_id, m.add_time,\r\n mb.nickname as name,\r\n as group_name,\r\n grp.image as group_image\r\n ")->order('add_time desc')->select(); //获取相关用户和群的信息 foreach ($no_read as &$msg) { $from_member = M('member')->find($msg['from_member_id']); if (!empty($from_member)) { $from_member['avatar'] = GetSmallAvatar($from_member['id']); } $msg['from_member'] = $from_member; } return $no_read; }
public function get_by_school($role, $demand_type, $province_id, $university_id, $college_id, $page_num = 1) { $condition = array('role_type' => $role, 'city' => $province_id, 'university' => $university_id, 'college' => $college_id, 'demand_type' => $demand_type); $condition['status'] = array('neq', -1); // if ($province_id == 0) { // unset($condition['city']); // unset($condition['university']); // unset($condition['college']); // } else { // $this_city = M('school')->where(array('id' => $province_id))->find(); // if (!$this_city) { // return 3008; // } // if ($university_id == 0) { // unset($condition['university']); // unset($condition['college']); // } else { // $this_university = M('school')->where(array('id' => // $university_id))->find(); // if (!$this_university) { // return 3009; // } // if ($college_id == 0) { // unset($condition['college']); // } else { // $this_college = M('school')->where(array('id' => // $college_id))->find(); // if (!$this_college) { // return 3010; // } // } // } // } if (empty($province_id)) { unset($condition['city']); } else { $this_city = M('school')->where(array('id' => $province_id))->find(); if (!$this_city) { return 3008; } } if (empty($university_id)) { unset($condition['university']); } else { $this_university = M('school')->where(array('id' => $university_id))->find(); if (!$this_university) { return 3009; } } if ($college_id == 0) { unset($condition['college']); } else { $this_college = M('school')->where(array('id' => $college_id))->find(); if (!$this_college) { return 3010; } } if (!in_array($role, array(0, 1, 2))) { return 3027; } if ($role == 0) { unset($condition['role_type']); } if (!in_array($demand_type, array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4))) { return 3012; } if ($demand_type == 0) { unset($condition['demand_type']); } $page_num = $page_num == 0 ? 1 : $page_num; $_GET["p"] = $page_num; $options = array('where' => $condition); $demand = M('demand'); $demand->options = $options; $count = $demand->count(); $page = new \Think\Page($count, $this->page_size); $options = array('where' => $condition, 'order' => 'id desc'); $data = $demand->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->select($options); foreach ($data as &$demand) { $demand['city_string'] = M('school')->getFieldById($demand['city'], 'title_fix'); $demand['university_string'] = M('school')->getFieldById($demand['university'], 'title_fix'); $demand['college_string'] = M('school')->getFieldById($demand['college'], 'title_fix'); $demand['major_string'] = M('school')->getFieldById($demand['major'], 'title_fix'); $demand['member'] = M('member')->where(array('id' => $demand['member_id']))->find(); $demand['avator'] = GetSmallAvatar($demand['member_id']); //备注 $profes_type = $demand['profes_type']; if ($profes_type == 1) { $demand['memo'] = '非统考 ' . $demand['university_string'] . ' ' . $demand['college_string'] . ' ' . $demand['major_string']; } elseif ($profes_type == 2) { $demand['memo'] = '统考 ' . $demand['major_string']; } elseif ($profes_type == 3) { $demand['memo'] = '公共课'; } } $page_count = ceil($page->totalRows / $page->listRows); $data = array('list' => $data, 'count' => count($data), 'next_page' => null); if ($page_count > 1 && $page_num < $page_count) { $data['next_page'] = $this->url('/v1/demands/by/school/role/' . $role . '/type/' . $demand_type . '/province/' . $province_id . '/university/' . $university_id . '/college/' . $college_id . '/page/' . ++$page_num); } return $data; }
public function talk_mslist_get() { $page = intval(I('')); $page = empty($page) ? 1 : $page; $mp = M("member_post"); $lwhere = array("" => 0, "mp.status" => array("neq", "-1")); $lwhere['_string'] = " m.is_vip_order>0 "; //提交了community_id(member_post字段community_id,实际为school的id)则只查询指定圈子的说说 $school_id = $this->get_request_data('community_id'); if ($school_id) { $lwhere[''] = $school_id; } $options = array("alias" => "mp", "where" => $lwhere, "join" => array("inner join member m on = mp.member_id and m.status = 1", "left join community c on = mp.community_id", "left join school s on = c.table_id and c.table_type = 'school'"), "field" => "mp.*, if(s.group_member_id != 0 and s.group_member_id = mp.member_id, '1', '0') as is_com_owner", "order" => "mp.time_announcement desc ,mp.time_top desc,mp.time_hot desc,mp.add_time desc"); $_GET["p"] = $page; $mp->options = $options; $total = $mp->count(); $pageCount = ceil($total / $this->pageSize); if ($pageCount < $_GET['p']) { $_GET['p'] = $pageCount; } $pageObj = new \Think\Page($total, $this->pageSize); $options['limit'] = $pageObj->firstRow . ',' . $pageObj->listRows; $data = $mp->select($options); // print_r($mp->_sql()); foreach ($data as &$talk) { // 附件相关 $att = M('attachments'); $att = $att->where(array('table' => "member_post", 'table_id' => $talk['id'], 'status' => 1))->field('sha1')->select(); foreach ($att as &$a) { $a = GetImage($a['sha1']); } $talk['attachments'] = $att; $talk["community"] = D("Community")->getcommunityInfo($talk["community_id"]); $talk["avatar"] = GetSmallAvatar($talk['member_id']); $c_where = array('' => $talk["id"], 'mp.status' => 1); $talk['is_hot'] = $talk['time_hot'] > 0 ? 1 : 0; $talk['is_top'] = $talk['time_top'] > 0 ? 1 : 0; $talk['is_announcement'] = $talk['time_announcement'] > 0 ? 1 : 0; //如果在登陆状态,需要查询该用户是否赞过该说说 if ($this->uid) { $is_praised = M('praise')->where(array('table_name' => 'member_post', 'member_id' => $this->uid, 'catid' => $talk['id'], 'status' => '1'))->count() ? '1' : '0'; $talk['is_praised'] = $is_praised; } // if ($this->uid && $this->uid != $talk['member_id']) { // $_c_where = array(); // $_c_where['mp.hide'] = 0; // $_c_where["mp.member_id"] = $this->uid; // $_c_where["_logic"] = "or"; // $c_where["_complex"] = $_c_where; // } else { // $c_where['mp.hide'] = 0; // } // 回复相关 // $comment = $mp // ->alias('mp') // ->join("left join member m on") // ->join("left join member_post_message mpm on and // mpm.type=2") // ->field("mp.*") // ->where($c_where) // ->order('mp.add_time desc') // ->select(); // dump($mp->_sql()); // foreach ($comment as &$c) { // $c['avatar'] = GetSmallAvatar($c['member_id']); // if ($c['type'] >= 2 && $c['to_member_id'] != $talk['member_id']) // { // $c['to'] = $c['to_member_id']; // } else { // $c['to'] = null; // } // unset($c['type']); // unset($c['to_member_id']); // } // $talk["comment"] = $comment; } $data = array('list' => $data, 'count' => $total, 'next_page' => null); if ($pageCount > 1 && $page < $pageCount) { $data['next_page'] = $this->url('/v1/talks/list/master/page/' . ++$page); } $this->success($data); }
/** * 获取会员token(客户端) */ public function token_post() { $auth = $this->get_request_data(); // $auth['passwordCredentials']=array('username'=>'*****@*****.**','password'=>0); if ($auth && count($auth)) { $user = false; // 使用密码凭据登陆 if (array_key_exists('passwordCredentials', $auth)) { // 凭据数据 $user = $this->___passwordCredentials($auth['passwordCredentials']); } else { if (array_key_exists('qqCredentials', $auth)) { // 凭据数据 $user = $this->__credentials($auth['qqCredentials'], 'Qq'); } else { if (array_key_exists("weiboCredentials", $auth)) { $user = $this->__credentials($auth['weiboCredentials'], 'Weibo'); } else { if (array_key_exists("weixinCredentials", $auth)) { $user = $this->__credentials($auth['weixinCredentials'], 'weixin'); } } } } if ($user) { $user['avatar'] = GetSmallAvatar($user['id']); $this->return_user_info($user); } } // 无效请求 $this->error(1001); }
/** * 获取好友列表 */ public function friend_list_get() { $follow_model = M('Follow'); $uid = I("get.uid", 0, 'intval'); if ($uid <= 0) { $this->check_token(); $uid = $this->uid; } //构造sql //互相关注is_mutual $options = array('alias' => 'f', 'join' => array("LEFT JOIN follow f2 ON f2.to_member_id = f.from_member_id AND f2.from_member_id = f.to_member_id", "INNER JOIN member m on f.to_member_id ="), 'where' => array("f.from_member_id" => $uid), 'field' => "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(f.add_time) as add_time, AS member_id,m.nickname, IF( IS NOT NULL, '1', '0') as is_mutual", 'order' => "nickname desc"); $page_num = I("", 1, 'intval'); $page_size = I('', 20, 'intval'); $follow_model->options = $options; unset($follow_model->options['group']); unset($follow_model->options['field']); $total_rows = $follow_model->count(); $total_pages = 1; if ($page_num) { $follow_model->page($page_num, $page_size); $total_pages = ceil($total_rows / $page_size); } $data = $follow_model->select($options); foreach ($data as &$value) { $value["avatar"] = GetSmallAvatar($value['to_member_id']); //$value["community"] = D("Community")->communities($value["to_member_id"]); } $data = array('list' => $data, 'count' => count($data), 'total_pages' => $total_pages, 'total_rows' => $total_rows, 'next_page' => null); if ($total_pages > 1 && $page_num < $total_pages) { $data['next_page'] = $this->url("/v1/follow/page/" . ($page_num + 1)); } $this->success($data); }