function build_page($method) { global $mystep, $req, $db, $setting, $idx, $se; $tpl_info = array("idx" => "main", "style" => "../plugin/" . basename(realpath(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/tpl/", "path" => ROOT_PATH . "/" . $setting['path']['template']); $tpl = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); $tpl_info['idx'] = $method; $tpl_tmp = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); if ($method == "engine") { $n = 1; foreach ($se as $key => $value) { $record = array(); $record['idx'] = $n++; $record['key'] = $key; $record['value'] = $value; $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('record', $record); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['plugin_search_title']); } elseif ($method == "keyword") { $order = $req->getGet("order"); $order_type = $req->getGet("order_type"); if (empty($order_type)) { $order_type = "desc"; } $counter = $db->result($setting['db']['pre'] . "search_keyword", "count(*)"); $page = $req->getGet("page"); list($page_arr, $page_start, $page_size) = GetPageList($counter, "?method=keyword&order=" . $order . "&order_type={$order_type}", $page); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($page_arr); if (empty($order)) { $order = "chg_date"; } $db->select($setting['db']['pre'] . "search_keyword", "*", "", array("order" => "{$order} {$order}", "limit" => "{$page_start}, {$page_size}")); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { $record['add_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $record['add_date']); $record['chg_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $record['chg_date']); $record['encode'] = urlencode($record['keyword']); $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('record', $record); } $db->Free(); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['plugin_search_title_kw']); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type_org', $order_type); if ($order_type == "desc") { $order_type = "asc"; } else { $order_type = "desc"; } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order', $order); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type', $order_type); } $tpl->Set_Variable('path_admin', $setting['path']['admin']); $tpl->Set_Variable('main', $tpl_tmp->Get_Content('$setting')); unset($tpl_tmp); $mystep->show($tpl); return; }
function build_page() { global $mystep, $req, $db, $tpl, $tpl_info, $setting, $id; $tpl_info['idx'] = "func_attach"; $tpl_tmp = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); $order = $req->getGet("order"); $order_type = $req->getGet("order_type"); if (empty($order_type)) { $order_type = "desc"; } $keyword = $req->getGet("keyword"); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('keyword', $keyword); $condition = array(); if (!empty($keyword)) { $condition[] = array("file_name", "like", $keyword); } $counter = $db->result($setting['db']['pre'] . "attachment", "count(*)", $condition); $page = $req->getGet("page"); list($page_arr, $page_start, $page_size) = GetPageList($counter, "?keyword={$keyword}&order={$order}&order_type={$order_type}", $page); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($page_arr); if (empty($order)) { $order = "id"; } $the_order = array(); $the_order[] = "{$order} {$order_type}"; if ($order != "id") { $the_order[] = "id desc"; } $db->select($setting['db']['pre'] . "attachment", "*", $condition, array("order" => $the_order, "limit" => "{$page_start}, {$page_size}")); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type_org', $order_type); if ($order_type == "desc") { $order_type = "asc"; } else { $order_type = "desc"; } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order', $order); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type', $order_type); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { HtmlTrans(&$record); $record['web_url'] = $setting['web']['url']; $record['file_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:m:s", substr($record['file_time'], 0, 10)); $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('record', $record); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['admin_func_attach_title']); $db->Free(); $tpl->Set_Variable('main', $tpl_tmp->Get_Content('$db, $setting')); unset($tpl_tmp); $mystep->show($tpl); return; }
public function index() { $myid = $this->admin['aid']; $NumPerPage = 10; $page = ForceIntFrom('p', 1); $search = ForceStringFrom('s'); $groupid = ForceStringFrom('g'); if (IsGet('s')) { $search = urldecode($search); } $start = $NumPerPage * ($page - 1); SubMenu('我的对话记录', array(array('记录列表', 'mymessages', 1))); TableHeader('搜索对话记录'); TableRow('<center><form method="post" action="' . BURL('mymessages') . '" name="search" style="display:inline-block;"><label>关键字:</label> <input type="text" name="s" size="18"> <label>分类:</label> <select name="g"><option value="0">全部</option><option value="1" ' . Iif($groupid == '1', 'SELECTED') . ' class=red>客人的发言</option><option value="2" ' . Iif($groupid == '2', 'SELECTED') . '>我的发言</option></select> <input type="submit" value="搜索记录" class="cancel"></form></center>'); TableFooter(); if ($search) { if (preg_match("/^[1-9][0-9]*\$/", $search)) { $s = ForceInt($search); $searchsql = " WHERE (mid = '{$s}' OR fromid = '{$s}' OR toid = '{$s}') "; //按ID搜索 $title = "搜索ID号为: <span class=note>{$s}</span> 的记录"; } else { $searchsql = " WHERE (fromname LIKE '%{$search}%' OR toname LIKE '%{$search}%' OR msg LIKE '%{$search}%') "; $title = "搜索: <span class=note>{$search}</span> 的记录列表"; } if ($groupid) { if ($groupid == 1 or $groupid == 2) { $searchsql .= " AND (" . Iif($groupid == 1, "type = 0 AND toid = '{$myid}'", "type = 1 AND fromid = '{$myid}'") . ") "; $title = "在 <span class=note>" . Iif($groupid == 1, '客人的发言', '我的发言') . "</span> 中, " . $title; } } else { $searchsql .= " AND ((type = 1 AND fromid = '{$myid}') OR (type = 0 AND toid = '{$myid}')) "; } } else { if ($groupid) { if ($groupid == 1 or $groupid == 2) { $searchsql .= " WHERE " . Iif($groupid == 1, "type = 0 AND toid = '{$myid}' ", "type = 1 AND fromid = '{$myid}' "); $title = "全部 <span class=note>" . Iif($groupid == 1, '客人的发言', '我的发言') . "</span> 列表"; } } else { $searchsql = " WHERE (type = 1 AND fromid = '{$myid}') OR (type = 0 AND toid = '{$myid}') "; $title = '全部记录列表'; } } $getmy = APP::$DB->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "msg " . $searchsql . " ORDER BY mid DESC LIMIT {$start},{$NumPerPage}"); $maxrows = APP::$DB->getOne("SELECT COUNT(mid) AS value FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "msg " . $searchsql); TableHeader($title . '(' . $maxrows['value'] . '个)'); TableRow(array('ID', '发送人', '对话内容', '接收人', '记录时间'), 'tr0'); if ($maxrows['value'] < 1) { TableRow('<center><BR><font class=redb>未搜索到任何记录!</font><BR><BR></center>'); } else { while ($msg = APP::$DB->fetch($getmy)) { TableRow(array($msg['mid'], $msg['fromname'], getSmile($msg['msg']), $msg['toname'], DisplayDate($msg['time'], '', 1))); } $totalpages = ceil($maxrows['value'] / $NumPerPage); if ($totalpages > 1) { TableRow(GetPageList(BURL('mymessages'), $totalpages, $page, 10, 's', urlencode($search), 'g', $groupid)); } } TableFooter(); }
function build_page($method) { global $mystep, $req, $db, $tpl, $tpl_info, $setting, $id, $web_id, $setting_sub; $tpl_info['idx'] = "art_tag"; $tpl_tmp = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); $order = $req->getGet("order"); if (empty($order)) { $order = "id"; } $order_type = $req->getGet("order_type"); if (empty($order_type)) { $order_type = "desc"; } $keyword = $req->getGet("keyword"); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('keyword', $keyword); $page = $req->getGet("page"); $condition = array(); if (!empty($keyword)) { $condition = array("tag", "like", $keyword); } $counter = $db->result($setting['db']['pre_sub'] . "news_tag", "count(*)", $condition); list($page_arr, $page_start, $page_size) = GetPageList($counter, "?keyword={$keyword}&order={$order}&order_type={$order_type}&web_id={$web_id}", $page); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($page_arr); $db->select($setting['db']['pre_sub'] . "news_tag", "*", $condition, array("order" => "{$order} {$order_type}", "limit" => "{$page_start}, {$page_size}")); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { HtmlTrans(&$record); $record['link'] = getUrl("tag", urlencode($record['tag']), 1, $web_id); $record['add_date'] = date("Y-m-d", $record['add_date']); $record['update_date'] = date("Y-m-d", $record['update_date']); $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('record', $record); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type_org', $order_type); if ($order_type == "desc") { $order_type = "asc"; } else { $order_type = "desc"; } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order', $order); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type', $order_type); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['admin_art_tag_title']); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('web_id', $web_id); $max_count = count($GLOBALS['website']); for ($i = 0; $i < $max_count; $i++) { $GLOBALS['website'][$i]['selected'] = $GLOBALS['website'][$i]['web_id'] == $web_id ? "selected" : ""; $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop("website", $GLOBALS['website'][$i]); } $db->Free(); $tpl->Set_Variable('main', $tpl_tmp->Get_Content('$db, $setting')); unset($tpl_tmp); $mystep->show($tpl); return; }
exit('没指定评论文档的ID,不能进行操作!'); } include_once DEDEINC . '/memberlogin.class.php'; $cfg_ml = new MemberLogin(); if (empty($dopost)) { $dopost = ''; } $page = empty($page) ? 1 : intval($page); $pagesize = 10; /*---------------------- 获得指定页的评论内容 function getlist(){ } ----------------------*/ if ($dopost == 'getlist') { $totalcount = GetList($page); GetPageList($pagesize, $totalcount); exit; } else { if ($dopost == 'send') { require_once DEDEINC . '/charset.func.php'; //检查验证码 if ($cfg_feedback_ck == 'Y') { $svali = strtolower(trim(GetCkVdValue())); if (strtolower($validate) != $svali || $svali == '') { ResetVdValue(); echo '<font color="red">验证码错误,请点击验证码图片更新验证码!</font>'; exit; } } $arcRow = GetOneArchive($aid); if (empty($arcRow['aid'])) {
function build_page($method) { global $mystep, $req, $db, $setting, $id; $tpl_info = array("idx" => "main", "style" => "../plugin/" . basename(realpath(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/tpl/", "path" => ROOT_PATH . "/" . $setting['path']['template']); $tpl = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); $tpl_info['idx'] = $method == "list" ? "list" : "input"; $tpl_tmp = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); $ad_mode = explode(",", $setting['language']['plugin_ad_show_mode']); if ($method == "list") { $order = $req->getGet("order"); $order_type = $req->getGet("order_type"); if (empty($order_type)) { $order_type = "desc"; } $counter = $db->result($setting['db']['pre'] . "ad_show", "count(*)"); $page = $req->getGet("page"); list($page_arr, $page_start, $page_size) = GetPageList($counter, "?order={$order}&order_type={$order_type}", $page); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($page_arr); if (empty($order)) { $order = "id"; } $the_order = array(); $the_order[] = "{$order} {$order_type}"; if ($order != "id") { $the_order[] = "id desc"; } $db->select($setting['db']['pre'] . "ad_show", "*", "", array("order" => $the_order, "limit" => "{$page_start}, {$page_size}")); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type_org', $order_type); if ($order_type == "desc") { $order_type = "asc"; } else { $order_type = "desc"; } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order', $order); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type', $order_type); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { HtmlTrans(&$record); $record['ad_mode'] = $ad_mode[$record['ad_mode']]; $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('record', $record); } $db->Free(); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['plugin_ad_show_title']); } else { if ($method == "edit") { $record = $db->record($setting['db']['pre'] . "ad_show", "*", array("id", "n=", $id)); if ($record === false) { $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('main', showInfo($setting['language']['plugin_ad_show_error'], 0)); $mystep->show($tpl); $mystep->pageEnd(false); } HtmlTrans(&$record); $db->Free(); } else { $record = array(); $record['id'] = 0; $record['idx'] = ""; $record['ad_client'] = ""; $record['ad_url'] = ""; $record['ad_mode'] = 1; $record['ad_file'] = ""; $record['ad_text'] = ""; $record['ad_level'] = 1; $record['exp_date'] = ""; $record['comment'] = ""; } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($record); for ($i = 0, $m = count($ad_mode); $i < $m; $i++) { $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('ad_mode', array("idx" => $i, "mode" => $ad_mode[$i], "selected" => $i == $record['ad_mode'] ? "selected" : "")); } $db->select($setting['db']['pre'] . "ad_show", "distinct idx"); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { $record['selected'] = $record['idx'] == $idx ? "selected" : ""; $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('idx', $record); } $db->Free(); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $method == 'add' ? $setting['language']['plugin_ad_show_add'] : $setting['language']['plugin_ad_show_edit']); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('method', $method); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('back_url', $req->getServer("HTTP_REFERER")); } $tpl->Set_Variable('path_admin', $setting['path']['admin']); $tpl->Set_Variable('main', $tpl_tmp->Get_Content('$setting')); unset($tpl_tmp); $mystep->show($tpl); return; }
list($page_arr, $page_start, $page_size) = GetPageList($counter, "?method=referer&order={$order}&order_type={$order_type}", $page); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($page_arr); if (empty($order)) { $order = "id"; } $db->select($setting['db']['pre'] . "visit_analysis", "*", "", array("order" => "{$order} {$order_type}", "limit" => "{$page_start}, {$page_size}")); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { $record['add_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $record['add_date']); $record['chg_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $record['chg_date']); $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('record', $record); } $db->Free(); } elseif ($method == "keyword") { $counter = $db->result($setting['db']['pre'] . "visit_keyword", "count(*)"); $page = $req->getGet("page"); list($page_arr, $page_start, $page_size) = GetPageList($counter, "?method=keyword&order={$order}&order_type={$order_type}", $page); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($page_arr); if (empty($order)) { $order = "id"; } $db->select($setting['db']['pre'] . "visit_keyword", "*", "", array("order" => "{$order} {$order_type}", "limit" => "{$page_start}, {$page_size}")); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { $record['keyword'] = stripcslashes($record['keyword']); $record['add_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $record['add_date']); $record['chg_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $record['chg_date']); $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('record', $record); } $db->Free(); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type_org', $order_type); if ($order_type == "desc") {
function build_page($method) { global $mystep, $req, $db, $tpl, $tpl_info, $setting, $news_cat, $news_id, $cat_id, $group, $web_id, $setting_sub; $top_mode_list = array("0" => $setting['language']['admin_art_content_top_mode_1'], "1" => $setting['language']['admin_art_content_top_mode_2'], "2" => $setting['language']['admin_art_content_top_mode_3']); $top_list = array("1" => $setting['language']['admin_art_content_top_1'], "2" => $setting['language']['admin_art_content_top_2'], "4" => $setting['language']['admin_art_content_top_3']); $tpl_info['idx'] = "art_content_" . ($method == "list" ? "list" : "input"); $tpl_tmp = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); if ($cat_info = getParaInfo("news_cat", "cat_id", $cat_id)) { $web_id = $cat_info['web_id']; } $check_i = ""; $check_b = ""; $check_c = ""; if (empty($group['power_cat'])) { $group['power_cat'] = 0; } if ($method == "list") { $page = $req->getGet("page"); $keyword = $req->getGet("keyword"); $order = $req->getGet("order"); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order', $order); $order_type = $req->getGet("order_type"); if (empty($order_type)) { $order_type = "desc"; } $condition = array(); if (!empty($web_id)) { $condition[] = array("web_id", "n=", $web_id, "and"); } if (!empty($cat_id)) { $condition[] = array("cat_id", "n=", $cat_id, "and"); } if (!empty($keyword)) { $condition[] = array(array(array("subject", "like", $keyword), array("tag", "like", $keyword)), "and"); } if ($group['power_cat'] != "all") { $condition[] = array("cat_id", "nin", $group['power_cat'], "and"); } //navigation $counter = $db->result($setting['db']['pre_sub'] . "news_show", "count(*)", $condition); list($page_arr, $page_start, $page_size) = GetPageList($counter, "?keyword={$keyword}&cat_id={$cat_id}&web_id={$web_id}&order={$order}&order_type={$order_type}", $page); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($page_arr); //main list $the_order = array(); if (!empty($cat_id) && $order != "setop") { $the_order[] = "order desc"; } if ($order == "setop") { $order_type = "desc"; } if (!empty($order)) { $the_order[] = "{$order} {$order_type}"; } $the_order[] = "news_id {$order_type}"; $sql = $db->buildSel_join(array(array("name" => $setting['db']['pre_sub'] . "news_show", "idx" => "a", "col" => "*", "condition" => $condition, "order" => $the_order), array("name" => $setting['db']['pre'] . "news_cat", "idx" => "b", "col" => "cat_idx, cat_name", "join" => "cat_id")), "", array("limit" => "{$page_start}, {$page_size}")); $db->Query($sql); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { HtmlTrans(&$record); if (empty($record['link'])) { $record['link'] = getUrl("read", array($record['news_id'], $record['cat_id']), 1, $record['web_id']); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('record', $record); } $title = empty($cat_id) ? $setting['language']['admin_art_content_list_all'] : $db->result($setting['db']['pre'] . "news_cat", "cat_name", array("cat_id", "n=", $cat_id)); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['admin_art_content_list_article'] . " - " . $setting_sub['web']['title'] . " - " . $title); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('keyword', $keyword); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('cat_id', $cat_id); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type_org', $order_type); $order_type = $order_type == "asc" ? "desc" : "asc"; $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type', $order_type); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('keyword', $keyword); } elseif ($method == "edit") { $record = $db->record($setting['db']['pre_sub'] . "news_show", "*", array("news_id", "n=", $news_id)); if (!$record) { $tpl->Set_Variable('main', showInfo($setting['language']['admin_art_content_error'], 0)); $mystep->show($tpl); $mystep->pageEnd(false); } HtmlTrans(&$record); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($record, "record"); $cat_id = $record['cat_id']; $setop = (int) $record['setop']; foreach ($top_list as $key => $value) { $key = (int) $key; $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('setop', array("key" => $key, "value" => $value, "checked" => ($setop & $key) == $key ? "checked" : "")); if (($setop & $key) == $key) { $setop -= $key; } } $setop /= 1024; foreach ($top_mode_list as $key => $value) { $key = (int) $key; $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('setop_mode', array("key" => $key, "value" => $value, "checked" => $setop == $key ? "checked" : "")); } $theStyle = explode(",", $record['style']); $max_count = count($theStyle); for ($i = 0; $i < $max_count; $i++) { if ($theStyle[$i] == "i") { $check_i = "checked"; } elseif ($theStyle[$i] == "b") { $check_b = "checked"; } else { $check_c = $theStyle[$i]; } } $content = array(); $db->select($setting['db']['pre_sub'] . "news_detail", "*", array("news_id", "n=", $news_id), array("order" => "page")); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { $record['content'] = str_replace("&", "&", $record['content']); HtmlTrans(&$record); $record['content'] = "<span class=\"mceSubtitle\">" . $record['sub_title'] . "</span>\n" . $record['content']; $content[] = $record['content']; } $Max_size = round(GetFileSize(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')) / 1024 / 1024, 2); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('MaxSize', $Max_size); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('record_content', implode("\n<p><img src=\"../script/tinymce/plugins/pagebreak/img/trans.gif\" class=\"mcePageBreak mceItemNoResize\" /></p>\n", $content)); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['admin_art_content_edit']); } else { $checked = "checked"; foreach ($top_mode_list as $key => $value) { $key = (int) $key; $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('setop_mode', array("key" => $key, "value" => $value, "checked" => $checked)); $checked = ""; } foreach ($top_list as $key => $value) { $key = (int) $key; $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('setop', array("key" => $key, "value" => $value, "checked" => "")); } $record = array(); $record['news_id'] = 0; $record['cat_id'] = $cat_id; $record['web_id'] = $web_id; $record['subject'] = ""; $record['style'] = ""; $record['describe'] = ""; $record['original'] = ""; $record['link'] = ""; $record['tag'] = ""; $record['image'] = ""; $record['content'] = ""; $record['pages'] = 1; $record['order'] = 0; if (!empty($cat_id) && ($cat_info = getParaInfo("news_cat", "cat_id", $cat_id))) { $record['view_lvl'] = $cat_info['view_lvl']; $record['notice'] = $cat_info['notice']; } else { $record['view_lvl'] = 0; $record['notice'] = ""; } $Max_size = round(GetFileSize(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')) / 1024 / 1024, 2); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('MaxSize', $Max_size); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($record, "record"); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['admin_art_content_add']); } //news image $condition = array(); if (!empty($web_id)) { $condition = array("web_id", "n=", $web_id); } $db->select($setting['db']['pre'] . "news_image", "*", $condition, array("order" => "id asc")); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { HtmlTrans(&$record); $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('news_image', $record); } //catalog select if (empty($web_id)) { $web_id = 1; } $max_count = count($news_cat); for ($i = 0; $i < $max_count; $i++) { if (($method != "add" || $setting['info']['web']['web_id'] != 1) && $news_cat[$i]['web_id'] != $web_id) { continue; } //if(!empty($news_cat[$i]['cat_link'])) continue; $news_cat[$i]['cat_name'] = (isset($news_cat[$i + 1]) && $news_cat[$i + 1]['cat_layer'] == $news_cat[$i]['cat_layer'] ? "©À " : "©¸ ") . $news_cat[$i]['cat_name']; for ($j = 1; $j < $news_cat[$i]['cat_layer']; $j++) { $news_cat[$i]['cat_name'] = " " . $news_cat[$i]['cat_name']; } $news_cat[$i] = preg_replace("/^©À /", "", preg_replace("/^©¸ /", "", $news_cat[$i])); $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('catalog', array('cat_id' => $news_cat[$i]['cat_id'], 'web_id' => $news_cat[$i]['web_id'], 'cat_name' => $news_cat[$i]['cat_name'], 'view_lvl' => $news_cat[$i]['view_lvl'], 'selected' => $cat_id == $news_cat[$i]['cat_id'] ? "selected" : "")); $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('cat_sub', array('cat_id' => $news_cat[$i]['cat_id'], 'cat_sub' => $news_cat[$i]['cat_sub'])); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('check_b', $check_b); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('check_i', $check_i); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('check_c', $check_c); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('get_remote_file', $setting['content']['get_remote_img'] ? "checked" : ""); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('method', $method); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('web_id', $web_id); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('cat_id', $cat_id); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('news_id', $news_id); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('back_url', $req->getServer("HTTP_REFERER")); $max_count = count($GLOBALS['website']); for ($i = 0; $i < $max_count; $i++) { $GLOBALS['website'][$i]['selected'] = $GLOBALS['website'][$i]['web_id'] == $web_id ? "selected" : ""; $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop("website", $GLOBALS['website'][$i]); } $db->Free(); $tpl->Set_Variable('main', $tpl_tmp->Get_Content('$db, $setting')); unset($tpl_tmp); $mystep->show($tpl); return; }
function GetLatestChangePageList() { $astrList = GetPageList(); arsort($astrList); return $astrList; }
function build_page($method) { global $mystep, $req, $db, $setting, $id, $sql_list; $tpl_info = array("idx" => $method != "list" && $method != "view" ? "input" : $method, "style" => "../plugin/" . basename(realpath(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/tpl/", "path" => ROOT_PATH . "/" . $setting['path']['template']); $tpl = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); if ($method == "view") { $the_sql = $sql_list[$id]; $fields = explode(",", $the_sql['fields']); $max_count = count($fields); for ($i = 0; $i < $max_count; $i++) { $tpl->Set_Loop('fields', array("name" => $fields[$i])); } $page = $req->getGet("page"); if (empty($page)) { $page = 1; } $counter = $db->GetSingleResult("select count(*) from (" . $the_sql['sql'] . ") a"); list($page_arr, $page_start, $page_size) = GetPageList($counter, "?method=view&id=" . $id, $page); $tpl->Set_Variables($page_arr); $the_sql['sql'] .= " limit {$page_start}, {$page_size}"; $db->Query($the_sql['sql']); $max_count = count($fields); $n = 1 + ($page - 1) * $page_size; while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { HtmlTrans(&$record); $record = array_values($record); $record['no'] = $n++; $record['data'] = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $max_count; $i++) { $record['data'] .= "<td class=\"row\">" . $record[$i] . "</td>\n"; } $tpl->Set_Loop('record', $record); } $setting['web']['title'] = $the_sql['name'] . " - " . $setting['language']['plugin_custom_sql_title']; $tpl->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['plugin_custom_sql_title']); $tpl->Set_Variable('title_2', $the_sql['name']); $tpl->Set_Variable('id', $id); } elseif ($method == "list") { $max_count = count($sql_list); for ($i = 0; $i < $max_count; $i++) { $sql_list[$i]['id'] = $i; $sql_list[$i]['idx'] = $i + 1; $tpl->Set_Loop('record', $sql_list[$i]); } $tpl->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['plugin_custom_sql_title']); } else { if ($method == "edit") { $record = $sql_list[$id]; $record['id'] = $id; HtmlTrans(&$record); } else { $record = array(); $record['id'] = 0; $record['name'] = ""; $record['sql'] = ""; } $tpl->Set_Variables($record); $tpl->Set_Variable('title', $method == 'add' ? $setting['language']['plugin_custom_sql_add'] : $setting['language']['plugin_custom_sql_edit']); $tpl->Set_Variable('method', $method); $tpl->Set_Variable('back_url', $req->getServer("HTTP_REFERER")); } $tpl->Set_Variable('path_admin', $setting['path']['admin']); $db->Free(); $mystep->show($tpl); return; }
function build_page($method) { global $mystep, $req, $db, $setting, $id, $idx, $ticket_list; $tpl_info = array("idx" => "main", "style" => "../plugin/" . basename(realpath(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/tpl/", "path" => ROOT_PATH . "/" . $setting['path']['template']); $tpl = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); if ($method == "add" || $method == "edit") { $tpl_info['idx'] = "input"; } else { $tpl_info['idx'] = $method; } $tpl_tmp = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); if ($method == "list") { $order = $req->getGet("order"); $order_type = $req->getGet("order_type"); if (empty($order_type)) { $order_type = "desc"; } $condition = array(); if (!empty($idx)) { $condition[] = array("idx", "=", $idx); } $counter = $db->result($setting['db']['pre'] . "ticket", "count(*)", $condition); $page = $req->getGet("page"); list($page_arr, $page_start, $page_size) = GetPageList($counter, "?method=list&order=" . $order . "&order_type={$order_type}", $page); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($page_arr); if (empty($order)) { $order = "id"; } $db->select($setting['db']['pre'] . "ticket", "*", $condition, array("order" => "{$order} {$order_type}", "limit" => "{$page_start}, {$page_size}")); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { $record['add_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $record['add_date']); $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('record', $record); } $db->Free(); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type_org', $order_type); if ($order_type == "desc") { $order_type = "asc"; } else { $order_type = "desc"; } for ($i = 0, $m = count($ticket_list); $i < $m; $i++) { if ($idx == $ticket_list[$i]['idx']) { $ticket_list[$i]['selected'] = "selected"; } $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('topic', $ticket_list[$i]); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order', $order); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type', $order_type); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['plugin_ticket_title']); } elseif ($method == "topic") { for ($i = 0, $m = count($ticket_list); $i < $m; $i++) { if ($ticket_list[$i]['lastpost'] == 0) { $ticket_list[$i]['lastpost'] = ""; } else { $ticket_list[$i]['lastpost'] = date("Y-m-d", $ticket_list[$i]['lastpost']); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('record', $ticket_list[$i]); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['plugin_ticket_title']); } elseif ($method == "check") { $record = $db->record($setting['db']['pre'] . "ticket", "*", array("id", "n=", $id)); if ($record === false) { $tpl->Set_Variable('main', showInfo($setting['language']['admin_art_content_error'], 0)); $mystep->show($tpl); $mystep->pageEnd(false); } HtmlTrans(&$record); for ($i = 0, $m = count($ticket_list); $i < $m; $i++) { if ($ticket_list[$i]['idx'] == $record['idx']) { $record['topic'] = $ticket_list[$i]['topic']; break; } } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($record); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['plugin_ticket_title']); } else { $record = array(); if ($method == "edit") { for ($i = 0, $m = count($ticket_list); $i < $m; $i++) { if ($ticket_list[$i]['idx'] == $idx) { $record = $ticket_list[$i]; $record['type'] = implode("\n", $record['type']); $record['disabled'] = "readonly"; break; } } } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($record); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('method', $method); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['plugin_ticket_title']); } $tpl->Set_Variable('path_admin', $setting['path']['admin']); $tpl->Set_Variable('main', $tpl_tmp->Get_Content('$setting')); unset($tpl_tmp); $mystep->show($tpl); return; }
function build_page($method) { global $mystep, $req, $db, $setting, $id, $rules, $info_snatch, $info_import; $tpl_info = array("idx" => "main", "style" => "../plugin/" . basename(realpath(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/tpl/", "path" => ROOT_PATH . "/" . $setting['path']['template']); $tpl = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); if ($method == "rule_add" || $method == "rule_edit") { $tpl_info['idx'] = "rule_input"; } else { $tpl_info['idx'] = $method; } $tpl_tmp = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); if ($method == "rule") { $i = 1; foreach ($rules as $key => $value) { $value['no'] = $i++; $value['id'] = $key; $value['counter'] = $db->result($setting['db']['pre'] . "news_snatch", "count(*)", array("idx", "=", $value['idx'])); $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('record', $value); } } elseif ($method == "rule_add") { //no script } elseif ($method == "rule_edit") { $rule = array(); $rule['id'] = $id; $rule['name'] = $rules[$id]['name']; $rule['url'] = $rules[$id]['url']; $rule['notes'] = $rules[$id]['notes']; if (empty($rules[$id]['para'])) { $rule['para'] = ""; } else { $rule['para'] = var_export($rules[$id]['para'], true); } $rule['rule_snatch'] = htmlspecialchars(GetFile("rule/" . $rules[$id]['idx'] . "_snatch.php")); $rule['rule_import'] = htmlspecialchars(GetFile("rule/" . $rules[$id]['idx'] . "_import.php")); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($rule); } elseif ($method == "news") { $page = $req->getGet("page"); $keyword = $req->getGet("keyword"); $order = $req->getGet("order"); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order', $order); $order_type = $req->getGet("order_type"); if (empty($order_type)) { $order_type = "desc"; } $condition = array(); if (!empty($keyword)) { $condition[] = array("subject", "like", $keyword); } $counter = $db->result($setting['db']['pre'] . "news_snatch", "count(*)", $condition); list($page_arr, $page_start, $page_size) = GetPageList($counter, "?method=news&keyword={$keyword}&order={$order}&order_type={$order_type}", $page); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($page_arr); if ($counter > 0) { if (empty($order)) { $order = "id"; } $the_order = array(); $the_order[] = "{$order} {$order_type}"; if ($order != "id") { $the_order[] = "id desc"; } $db->select($setting['db']['pre'] . "news_snatch", "id, idx, url, original, subject", $condition, array("order" => $the_order, "limit" => "{$page_start}, {$page_size}")); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { HtmlTrans(&$record); $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('record', $record); } } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('keyword', $keyword); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type_org', $order_type); $order_type = $order_type == "asc" ? "desc" : "asc"; $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type', $order_type); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('keyword', $keyword); } elseif ($method == "news_edit") { $record = $db->record($setting['db']['pre'] . "news_snatch", "*", array("id", "n=", $id)); if ($record === false) { $tpl->Set_Variable('main', showInfo($setting['language']['admin_art_content_error'], 0)); echo $tpl->Read_Cache(); return; } HtmlTrans(&$record); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($record, "record"); } elseif ($method == "snatch") { $refresh = 600; if (isset($rules[$id]['para']['refresh'])) { $refresh = $rules[$id]['para']['refresh']; } if (false && file_exists($info_snatch) && time() - filemtime($info_snatch) < $refresh && $req->getReq("f") == "") { $show = $setting['language']['plugin_news_snatch_interrupt']; } else { $show = ""; if (file_exists($info_snatch)) { unlink($info_snatch); } } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('id', $id); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('refresh', $refresh); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('info_file', $info_snatch); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('show', addslashes($show)); } elseif ($method == "import") { $idx = $req->getReq("idx"); $para = array(); for ($i = 0, $m = count($rules); $i < $m; $i++) { if ($rules[$i]['idx'] == $idx) { $para = $rules[$i]['para']; break; } } $refresh = 600; if (isset($para['refresh'])) { $refresh = $para['refresh']; } if (false && file_exists($info_import) && time() - filemtime($info_import) < $refresh && $req->getReq("f") == "") { $show = $setting['language']['plugin_news_import_interrupt']; } else { $show = ""; if (file_exists($info_import)) { unlink($info_import); } } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('id', $id); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('idx', $idx); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('refresh', $refresh); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('info_file', $info_import); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('show', addslashes($show)); } elseif ($method == "upload") { global $script; $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('script', $script); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('self', $setting['info']['self']); $Max_size = ini_get('upload_max_filesize'); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('Max_size', $Max_size); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('MaxSize', GetFileSize($Max_size)); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['plugin_news_snatch_title_' . $method]); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('id', $id); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('method', $method); $tpl->Set_Variable('path_admin', $setting['path']['admin']); $tpl->Set_Variable('main', $tpl_tmp->Get_Content('$setting')); $db->Free(); unset($tpl_tmp); $mystep->show($tpl); return; }
function GetList($aid, $page = 1, $re = false) { global $gDB, $pagesize, $n, $x, $G; $pagesize = 10; $totalcount = $gDB->getCount(' select count(*) as count from cmt where aid = ' . $aid . ' and status = 1 '); $lou = empty($row['dd']) ? 0 : $totalcount; $startNum = $pagesize * ($page - 1); if ($startNum > $totalcount) { //echo "参数错误!"; //return $totalcount; if ($page == 1) { return ''; } return; } $aList = $gDB->select(' select * from cmt where aid = ' . $aid . ' and status = 1 order by ctime desc limit ' . $startNum . ', ' . $pagesize); $sStr = ''; foreach ($aList as $n => $a) { $a['cont'] = preg_replace('/\\[em(\\d{2})\\]/i', '<img src="/i/e/e1$1.gif" />', $a['cont']); $a['cont'] = preg_replace('/\\[em(\\d+)\\]/i', '<img src="/i/e/e$1.gif" />', $a['cont']); $n = $lou--; $curpage = empty($page) ? 1 : intval($page); $x = $n - ($curpage - 1) * $pagesize; $sStr .= '<p class="ps"><i' . ($a['good'] > 0 ? ' class="g"' : '') . '>' . date('m-d H:i', $a['ctime']) . '</i>' . (abs($x) + 1) . ' 楼 <em>' . (preg_match('/360/', $a['name']) || empty($a['name']) ? '游客' : $a['name']) . '</em><s>' . $a['cont'] . '</s></p>'; } $sStr .= GetPageList($page, $pagesize, $totalcount); return $sStr; if (!file_exists(DROOT . $G['xyx_cmt'])) { mkdir(DROOT . $G['xyx_cmt'], '0777'); } file_put_contents(DROOT . $G['xyx_cmt'] . $aid . '_' . $page . '.htm', $sStr); if (!file_exists(DROOT . $G['xyx_cmt'] . $aid . '_' . $page . '.htm')) { echo DROOT . $G['xyx_cmt'] . $aid . '_' . $page . '.htm' . ' - nofile<br />'; } if ($page == 1 && $re) { return $sStr; } $allpage = ceil($totalcount / $pagesize); if ($page < $allpage) { $page++; GetList($aid, $page); } }
."where tid='{$v['tid']}' order by a.aid desc limit {$eachArc}"; $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute(); while($row = $dsql->getArray()) $v['arc'][] = $row; } // 获取标签总数 $query = "select count(distinct a.tid) as `count` from `#@__taglist` a " ."left join `#@__tagindex` b on = a.tid " ."left join `#@__tagindex_ex` c on = a.tid " ."where c.arctype_id='{$arctype_id}'"; $tags_count = $dsql->GetOne($query); $tags_count = isset($tags_count['count']) ? (int)$tags_count['count'] : 0; $page_html = GetPageList('list_'.$arctype_id.'_{page}.html', $page, $tags_count, $each, 5); // 创建栏目目录 $true_typedir = str_replace("{cmspath}",$cfg_cmspath,$arctype['typedir']); $true_typedir = ereg_replace("/{1,}","/",$true_typedir); if(!CreateDir($true_typedir)) { ShowMsg("创建目录 {$true_typedir} 失败,请检查你的路径是否存在问题!","-1"); exit(); } // 生成静态页面文件 $output = $cfg_basedir.str_replace('{cmspath}', $cfg_cmspath, $arctype['typedir']).'/list_'.$arctype_id.'_'.$page.'.html'; // 写死了 $tpl_file = $cfg_basedir.$cfg_templets_dir.'/tmcms/tag.htm'; $pv = new PartView(); $pv->SetTemplet($tpl_file);
public function index() { $NumPerPage = 10; $page = ForceIntFrom('p', 1); $search = ForceStringFrom('s'); $groupid = ForceStringFrom('g'); if (IsGet('s')) { $search = urldecode($search); } $start = $NumPerPage * ($page - 1); SubMenu('留言列表', array(array('留言列表', 'comments', 1))); TableHeader('搜索及快速删除'); TableRow('<center><form method="post" action="' . BURL('comments') . '" name="searchcomments" style="display:inline-block;*display:inline;"><label>关键字:</label> <input type="text" name="s" size="18"> <label>状态:</label> <select name="g"><option value="0">全部</option><option value="1" ' . Iif($groupid == '1', 'SELECTED') . ' class=red>未读</option><option value="2" ' . Iif($groupid == '2', 'SELECTED') . '>已读</option></select> <input type="submit" value="搜索留言" class="cancel"></form> <form method="post" action="' . BURL('comments/fastdelete') . '" name="fastdelete" style="display:inline-block;margin-left:80px;*display:inline;"><label>快速删除留言:</label> <select name="days"><option value="0">请选择 ...</option><option value="360">12个月前的已读留言</option><option value="180"> 6 个月前的已读留言</option><option value="90"> 3 个月前的已读留言</option><option value="30"> 1 个月前的已读留言</option></select> <input type="submit" value="快速删除" class="save" onclick="var _me=$(this);showDialog(\'确定删除所选留言吗?\', \'确认操作\', function(){_me.closest(\'form\').submit();});return false;"></form></center>'); TableFooter(); if ($search) { if (preg_match("/^[1-9][0-9]*\$/", $search)) { $s = ForceInt($search); $searchsql = " WHERE cid = '{$s}' OR gid = '{$s}' OR phone LIKE '%{$s}%' "; //按ID搜索 $title = "搜索数字为: <span class=note>{$s}</span> 的留言"; } else { $searchsql = " WHERE (fullname LIKE '%{$search}%' OR email LIKE '%{$search}%' OR content LIKE '%{$search}%') "; $title = "搜索: <span class=note>{$search}</span> 的留言列表"; } if ($groupid) { if ($groupid == 1 or $groupid == 2) { $searchsql .= " AND readed = " . Iif($groupid == 1, 0, 1) . " "; $title = "在 <span class=note>" . Iif($groupid == 1, '未读留言', '已读留言') . "</span> 中, " . $title; } } } else { if ($groupid) { if ($groupid == 1 or $groupid == 2) { $searchsql .= " WHERE readed = " . Iif($groupid == 1, 0, 1) . " "; $title = "全部 <span class=note>" . Iif($groupid == 1, '未读留言', '已读留言') . "</span> 列表"; } } else { $searchsql = ''; $title = '全部留言列表'; } } $getcomments = APP::$DB->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "comment " . $searchsql . " ORDER BY readed ASC, cid DESC LIMIT {$start},{$NumPerPage}"); $maxrows = APP::$DB->getOne("SELECT COUNT(cid) AS value FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "comment " . $searchsql); echo '<form method="post" action="' . BURL('comments/updatecomments') . '" name="commentsform"> <input type="hidden" name="p" value="' . $page . '">'; TableHeader($title . '(' . $maxrows['value'] . '个)'); TableRow(array('ID', '状态', '姓名', 'Email', '电话', '留言内容', '<input type="checkbox" id="checkAll2" for="updatecids[]"> <label for="checkAll2">标记已读</label>', 'IP', '留言时间', '<input type="checkbox" id="checkAll" for="deletecids[]"> <label for="checkAll">删除</label>'), 'tr0'); if ($maxrows['value'] < 1) { TableRow('<center><BR><font class=redb>未搜索到任何留言!</font><BR><BR></center>'); } else { while ($comm = APP::$DB->fetch($getcomments)) { TableRow(array($comm['cid'], Iif($comm['readed'], '<font class=grey>已读</font>', '<font class=red>未读</font>'), Iif($comm['gid'], '<a title="编辑" href="' . BURL('guests/edit?gid=' . $comm['gid']) . '">' . "{$comm['fullname']}</a>", $comm['fullname']), Iif($comm['email'], '<a href="mailto:' . $comm['email'] . '">' . $comm['email'] . '</a>'), $comm['phone'], nl2br($comm['content']), Iif(!$comm['readed'], '<input type="checkbox" name="updatecids[]" value="' . $comm['cid'] . '">'), $comm['ip'], DisplayDate($comm['time'], '', 1), '<input type="checkbox" name="deletecids[]" value="' . $comm['cid'] . '">')); } $totalpages = ceil($maxrows['value'] / $NumPerPage); if ($totalpages > 1) { TableRow(GetPageList(BURL('comments'), $totalpages, $page, 10, 's', urlencode($search), 'g', $groupid)); } } TableFooter(); echo '<div class="submit"><input type="submit" name="updatecomms" value="标记已读" class="cancel" style="margin-right:28px"><input type="submit" name="deletecomms" value="删除留言" class="save" onclick="var _me=$(this);showDialog(\'确定删除所选留言吗?\', \'确认操作\', function(){_me.closest(\'form\').submit();});return false;"></div></form>'; }
function ConvertData() { global $C, $DB, $from_shell; $errors = array(); if (!is_dir($_REQUEST['directory'])) { $errors[] = "The directory " . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['directory']) . " does not exist on your server"; return DisplayMain($errors); } if (!is_file("{$_REQUEST['directory']}/")) { $errors[] = "The file could not be found in the " . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['directory']) . " directory; make sure you have version 3.0.0 or newer installed"; return DisplayMain($errors); } if (!is_readable("{$_REQUEST['directory']}/")) { $errors[] = "The file in the " . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['directory']) . " directory could not be opened for reading"; return DisplayMain($errors); } // Check version $version_file_contents = file_get_contents("{$_REQUEST['directory']}/"); if (preg_match('~\\$VERSION\\s+=\\s+\'(.*?)\'~', $version_file_contents, $matches)) { list($a, $b, $c) = explode('.', $matches[1]); $c = str_replace('-SS', '', $c); if ($a < 3) { $errors[] = "Your AutoGallery Pro installation is outdated ({$matches[1]}); please upgrade to version 3.0.0+"; return DisplayMain($errors); } } else { $errors[] = "Unable to extract version information from; your version of AutoGallery Pro is likely too old"; return DisplayMain($errors); } // Extract variables $var_file_contents = file_get_contents("{$_REQUEST['directory']}/data/variables"); if ($var_file_contents === FALSE) { $errors[] = "Unable to read contents of the variables file"; return DisplayMain($errors); } $vars = array(); if (preg_match_all('~^\\$([a-z0-9_]+)\\s+=\\s+\'(.*?)\';$~msi', $var_file_contents, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $vars[$match[1]] = $match[2]; } } if (!isset($vars['ADMIN_EMAIL'])) { $errors[] = "Unable to extract variable data from the AutoGallery Pro variables file"; return DisplayMain($errors); } if (!is_writable($C['font_dir'])) { $errors[] = "Change the permissions on the TGPX fonts directory to 777"; return DisplayMain($errors); } if ($C['preview_dir'] == $vars['THUMB_DIR']) { $errors[] = "The TGPX Thumbnail URL cannot be the same as the AutoGallery Pro Thumbnail URL"; return DisplayMain($errors); } if (!$from_shell) { echo "<pre>"; } // Copy fonts for validation codes FileAppend("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/convert.log", "Copying font files for verification codes...\n"); echo "Copying font files for verification codes...\n"; flush(); $fonts =& DirRead($vars['FONT_DIR'], '^[^.]'); foreach ($fonts as $font) { @copy("{$vars['FONT_DIR']}/{$font}", "{$C['font_dir']}/{$font}"); } // Copy thumbnail previews FileAppend("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/convert.log", "Copying thumbnail preview images...\n"); echo "Copying thumbnail preview images...\n"; flush(); $thumbs =& DirRead($vars['THUMB_DIR'], '\\.jpg$'); foreach ($thumbs as $thumb) { @copy("{$vars['THUMB_DIR']}/{$thumb}", "{$C['preview_dir']}/t_{$thumb}"); @chmod("{$C['preview_dir']}/t_{$thumb}", 0666); } // // Dump e-mail log FileAppend("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/convert.log", "Converting e-mail log...\n"); echo "Converting e-mail log...\n"; flush(); $emails = file("{$_REQUEST['directory']}/data/emails"); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_email_log`'); foreach ($emails as $email) { $email = trim($email); if (empty($email)) { continue; } $DB->Update('REPLACE INTO `tx_email_log` VALUES (?)', array($email)); } // // Dump blacklist FileAppend("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/convert.log", "Converting blacklist...\n"); echo "Converting blacklist...\n"; flush(); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_blacklist`'); $types = array('submit_ip' => 'submitip', 'email' => 'email', 'url' => 'domain', 'domain_ip' => 'domainip', 'word' => 'word', 'html' => 'html', 'dns' => 'dns'); foreach ($types as $new_type => $old_type) { $blist_items = file("{$_REQUEST['directory']}/data/blacklist/{$old_type}"); foreach ($blist_items as $html) { $html = trim($html); if (empty($html)) { continue; } $regex = 0; if (strpos($html, '*') !== FALSE) { $regex = 1; $html = preg_quote($html); $html = str_replace('\\*', '.*?', $html); } $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_blacklist` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', array(null, $new_type, $regex, $html, '')); } } // // Dump whitelist FileAppend("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/convert.log", "Converting whitelist...\n"); echo "Converting whitelist...\n"; flush(); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_whitelist`'); $wlist_items = file("{$_REQUEST['directory']}/data/blacklist/whitelist"); foreach ($wlist_items as $html) { $html = trim($html); if (empty($html)) { continue; } $regex = 0; if (strpos($html, '*') !== FALSE) { $regex = 1; $html = preg_quote($html); $html = str_replace('\\*', '.*?', $html); } $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_whitelist` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', array(null, 'url', $regex, $html, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)); } // // Dump reciprocal links FileAppend("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/convert.log", "Converting reciprocal link settings...\n"); echo "Converting reciprocal link settings...\n"; flush(); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_reciprocals`'); IniParse("{$_REQUEST['directory']}/data/generalrecips", TRUE, $recips); IniParse("{$_REQUEST['directory']}/data/trustedrecips", TRUE, $recips); foreach ($recips as $identifier => $html) { $regex = 0; if (strpos($html, '*') !== FALSE) { $regex = 1; $html = preg_quote($html); $html = str_replace('\\*', '.*?', $html); } $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_reciprocals` VALUES (?,?,?,?)', array(null, $identifier, trim($html), $regex)); } // // Dump icons FileAppend("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/convert.log", "Converting icons...\n"); echo "Converting icons...\n"; flush(); $icons = array(); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_icons`'); IniParse("{$_REQUEST['directory']}/data/icons", TRUE, $icons_ini); foreach ($icons_ini as $identifier => $html) { $identifier = trim($identifier); $html = trim($html); if (empty($identifier) || empty($html)) { continue; } $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_icons` VALUES (?,?,?)', array(null, $identifier, trim($html))); $icons[$identifier] = $DB->InsertID(); } // // Dump categories FileAppend("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/convert.log", "Converting categories...\n"); echo "Converting categories...\n"; flush(); $cat_format = array('Name', 'Type', 'Ext_Pictures', 'Ext_Movies', 'Min_Pictures', 'Min_Movies', 'Max_Pictures', 'Max_Movies', 'Size_Pictures', 'Size_Movies'); $categories = array(); $category_ids = array(); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_categories`'); $lines = file("{$_REQUEST['directory']}/data/dbs/categories"); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); if (empty($line)) { continue; } $category = explode('|', $line); foreach ($cat_format as $index => $key) { $category[$key] = $category[$index]; } $tag = CreateCategoryTag($category['Name']); $categories[$category['Name']] = $tag; $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_categories` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', array(null, $category['Name'], $tag, $category['Type'] != 'Movies' ? 1 : 0, $category['Ext_Pictures'], $category['Min_Pictures'], $category['Max_Pictures'], $category['Size_Pictures'], "{$vars['THUMB_WIDTH']}x{$vars['THUMB_HEIGHT']}", 1, null, $category['Type'] != 'Pictures' ? 1 : 0, $category['Ext_Movies'], $category['Min_Movies'], $category['Max_Movies'], $category['Size_Movies'], "{$vars['THUMB_WIDTH']}x{$vars['THUMB_HEIGHT']}", 1, null, -1, 0, null, null, null)); $category_ids[$category['Name']] = $DB->InsertID(); } // // Dump gallery data FileAppend("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/convert.log", "Converting gallery data...\n"); echo "Converting gallery data...\n"; flush(); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_galleries`'); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_gallery_fields`'); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_gallery_icons`'); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_gallery_previews`'); $DB->Update('ALTER TABLE `tx_galleries` AUTO_INCREMENT=0'); $DB->Update('ALTER TABLE `tx_gallery_previews` AUTO_INCREMENT=0'); $gal_format = array('Gallery_ID', 'Email', 'Gallery_URL', 'Description', 'Thumbnails', 'Category', 'Nickname', 'Submit_Date', 'Approve_Date', 'Display_Date', 'Display_Stamp', 'Confirm_ID', 'Account_ID', 'CPanel_ID', 'Submit_IP', 'Gallery_IP', 'Scanned', 'Links', 'Has_Recip', 'Page_Bytes', 'Icons'); $gal_dbs = array('unconfirmed' => 'unconfirmed', 'pending' => 'pending', 'approved' => 'used', 'archived' => 'used'); foreach (array_keys($categories) as $cat_name) { $gal_dbs[preg_replace('~[^a-z0-9]~i', '', strtolower($cat_name))] = 'used'; } foreach ($gal_dbs as $db => $status) { $db_file = "{$_REQUEST['directory']}/data/dbs/{$db}"; if (is_file($db_file)) { $lines = file($db_file); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); if (empty($line)) { continue; } $gallery = explode('|', $line); foreach ($gal_format as $index => $key) { $gallery[$key] = $gallery[$index]; } if (!preg_match('!^http(s)?://[\\w-]+\\.[\\w-]+(\\S+)?$!i', $gallery['Gallery_URL'])) { continue; } $has_thumb = is_file("{$vars['THUMB_DIR']}/{$gallery['Gallery_ID']}.jpg"); $DB->Update("INSERT INTO `tx_galleries` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", array(null, $gallery['Gallery_URL'], $gallery['Description'], null, $gallery['Thumbnails'], $gallery['Email'], $gallery['Nickname'], $C['gallery_weight'], 0, $gallery['Submit_IP'], $gallery['Gallery_IP'], null, 'submitted', FMT_PICTURES, $status, null, "{$gallery['Submit_Date']} 12:00:00", "{$gallery['Submit_Date']} 12:00:00", empty($gallery['Approve_Date']) ? null : "{$gallery['Approve_Date']} 12:00:00", null, empty($gallery['Display_Date']) ? null : "{$gallery['Display_Date']} 12:00:00", null, $gallery['Account_ID'], $gallery['CPanel_ID'], null, null, $gallery['Has_Recip'], $has_thumb ? 1 : 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, null, MIXED_CATEGORY . " " . $categories[$gallery['Category']])); $gallery_id = $DB->InsertID(); $gallery_info = array('gallery_id' => $gallery_id); $insert = CreateUserInsert('tx_gallery_fields', $gallery_info); $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_gallery_fields` VALUES (' . $insert['bind_list'] . ')', $insert['binds']); foreach (explode(',', $gallery['Icons']) as $icon_id) { if (isset($icons[$icon_id])) { $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_gallery_icons` VALUES (?,?)', array($gallery_id, $icons[$icon_id])); } } if (!empty($has_thumb)) { $dimensions = $vars['THUMB_WIDTH'] . 'x' . $vars['THUMB_HEIGHT']; $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_gallery_previews` VALUES (?,?,?,?)', array(null, $gallery_id, '', $dimensions)); $preview_id = $DB->InsertID(); $gallery['Thumbnail_URL'] = "{$C['preview_url']}/{$preview_id}.jpg"; $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_gallery_previews` SET `preview_url`=? WHERE `preview_id`=?', array($gallery['Thumbnail_URL'], $preview_id)); @rename("{$C['preview_dir']}/t_{$gallery['Gallery_ID']}.jpg", "{$C['preview_dir']}/{$preview_id}.jpg"); } } } } // // Convert permanent gallery data $perm_format = array('Permanent_ID', 'Gallery_URL', 'Category', 'Thumbnails', 'Description', 'Nickname', 'Location', 'Thumbnail_URL', 'Start_Date', 'Expire_Date'); $lines = file("{$_REQUEST['directory']}/data/dbs/permanent"); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); if (empty($line)) { continue; } $gallery = explode('|', $line); foreach ($perm_format as $index => $key) { $gallery[$key] = $gallery[$index]; } if (!preg_match('!^http(s)?://[\\w-]+\\.[\\w-]+(\\S+)?$!i', $gallery['Gallery_URL'])) { continue; } $has_thumb = is_file("{$vars['THUMB_DIR']}/p{$gallery['Permanent_ID']}.jpg"); $DB->Update("INSERT INTO `tx_galleries` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", array(null, $gallery['Gallery_URL'], $gallery['Description'], null, $gallery['Thumbnails'], $C['from_email'], $gallery['Nickname'], $C['gallery_weight'], 0, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], null, null, 'permanent', FMT_PICTURES, 'approved', null, MYSQL_NOW, MYSQL_NOW, MYSQL_NOW, null, null, null, null, 'AGP Import', null, null, 0, $has_thumb ? 1 : 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, null, MIXED_CATEGORY . " " . $categories[$gallery['Category']])); $gallery_id = $DB->InsertID(); $gallery_info = array('gallery_id' => $gallery_id); $insert = CreateUserInsert('tx_gallery_fields', $gallery_info); $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_gallery_fields` VALUES (' . $insert['bind_list'] . ')', $insert['binds']); foreach (explode(',', $gallery['Icons']) as $icon_id) { if (isset($icons[$icon_id])) { $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_gallery_icons` VALUES (?,?)', array($gallery_id, $icons[$icon_id])); } } if (!empty($has_thumb)) { $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_gallery_previews` VALUES (?,?,?,?)', array(null, $gallery_id, '', $vars['THUMB_WIDTH'] . 'x' . $vars['THUMB_HEIGHT'])); $preview_id = $DB->InsertID(); $gallery['Thumbnail_URL'] = "{$C['preview_url']}/{$preview_id}.jpg"; $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_gallery_previews` SET `preview_url`=? WHERE `preview_id`=?', array($gallery['Thumbnail_URL'], $preview_id)); @rename("{$C['preview_dir']}/t_p{$gallery['Permanent_ID']}.jpg", "{$C['preview_dir']}/{$preview_id}.jpg"); } } // // Dump partner data FileAppend("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/convert.log", "Converting partner accounts...\n"); echo "Converting partner accounts...\n"; flush(); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_partners`'); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_partner_fields`'); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_partner_icons`'); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_partner_confirms`'); $acct_format = array('Account_ID', 'Password', 'Email', 'Allowed', 'Auto_Approve', 'Recip', 'Blacklist', 'HTML', 'Icons'); $lines = file("{$_REQUEST['directory']}/data/dbs/accounts"); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); if (empty($line)) { continue; } $partner = explode('|', $line); foreach ($acct_format as $index => $key) { $partner[$key] = $partner[$index]; } $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_partners` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', array($partner['Account_ID'], sha1($partner['Password']), '', $partner['Email'], null, MYSQL_NOW, null, null, null, $partner['Allowed'], $C['gallery_weight'], null, 0, null, 0, 0, 0, 'active', null, null, 0, $partner['Recip'] ? 0 : 1, $partner['Auto_Approve'], 1, $partner['Blacklist'] ? 0 : 1)); $partner_info = array('username' => $partner['Account_ID']); $insert = CreateUserInsert('tx_partner_fields', $partner_info); $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_partner_fields` VALUES (' . $insert['bind_list'] . ')', $insert['binds']); foreach (explode(',', $partner['Icons']) as $icon_id) { if (isset($icons[$icon_id])) { $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_partner_icons` VALUES (?,?)', array($partner['Account_ID'], $icons[$icon_id])); } } } // Update the stored thumbnail preview sizes UpdateThumbSizes($vars['THUMB_WIDTH'] . 'x' . $vars['THUMB_HEIGHT']); // // Dump TGP page data FileAppend("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/convert.log", "Converting TGP pages...\n"); echo "Converting TGP pages...\n"; flush(); $build_order = 1; $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tx_pages`'); $DB->Update('ALTER TABLE `tx_pages` AUTO_INCREMENT=0'); $pages = GetPageList($vars, $categories); foreach ($pages as $page) { $template = file_get_contents($page['template']); $template = trim(ConvertTemplate($template, $page['arch'])); $compiled = ''; $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_pages` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', array(null, $page['file'], $page['url'], $page['category'] == 'Mixed' ? null : $category_ids[$page['category']], $build_order++, 0, null, $template, $compiled)); } FileAppend("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/data/convert.log", "\nData conversion complete!"); echo "\nData conversion complete!\n"; if (!$from_shell) { echo "</pre>"; } }
function build_page($method) { global $mystep, $req, $db, $mydb, $setting, $id; $tpl_info = array("idx" => "main", "style" => "../plugin/" . basename(realpath(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/tpl/", "path" => ROOT_PATH . "/" . $setting['path']['template']); $tpl = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); if ($method == "add" || $method == "edit") { $tpl_info['idx'] = "input"; } else { $tpl_info['idx'] = "list"; } $tpl_tmp = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); if ($method == "list") { $page = $req->getGet("page"); $order = $req->getGet("order"); $order_type = $req->getGet("order_type"); if (empty($order_type)) { $order_type = "desc"; } $counter = $db->result($setting['db']['pre'] . "survey", "count(*)"); list($page_arr, $page_start, $page_size) = GetPageList($counter, "?order={$order}&order_type={$order_type}", $page); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($page_arr); if ($counter > 0) { if (empty($order)) { $order = "id"; } $the_order = array(); $the_order[] = "{$order} {$order_type}"; if ($order != "id") { $the_order[] = "id desc"; } $db->select($setting['db']['pre'] . "survey", "*", "", array("order" => $the_order, "limit" => "{$page_start}, {$page_size}")); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { HtmlTrans(&$record); switch ($record['max_select']) { case 0: $record['max_select'] = $setting['language']['plugin_survey_select_0']; break; case 1: $record['max_select'] = $setting['language']['plugin_survey_select_1']; break; default: $record['max_select'] = sprintf($setting['language']['plugin_survey_select_2'], $record['max_select']); } $record['link'] = getUrl("survey", $record['id']); $record['add_date'] = date("Y-m-d", $record['add_date']); $record['expire'] = ceil((int) $record['expire'] / (60 * 60 * 24)); $record['expire'] = $record['expire'] == 0 ? $setting['language']['plugin_survey_expire_1'] : $record['expire'] . $setting['language']['plugin_survey_expire_2']; $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('record', $record); } } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type_org', $order_type); $order_type = $order_type == "asc" ? "desc" : "asc"; $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type', $order_type); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['plugin_survey_title']); } else { if ($method == "edit") { $record = $db->record($setting['db']['pre'] . "survey", "*", array("id", "n=", $id)); if ($record === false) { $tpl->Set_Variable('main', showInfo($setting['language']['plugin_survey_error'], 0)); $mystep->show($tpl); return; } HtmlTrans(&$record); $record['expire'] = ceil((int) $record['expire'] / (60 * 60 * 24)); $record['expire'] = $record['expire'] == 0 ? "<option value=\"0\">" . $setting['language']['plugin_survey_expire_1'] . "</option>" : "<option value=\"{$record['expire']}\">" . $record['expire'] . $setting['language']['plugin_survey_expire_2'] . "</option>"; $mydb->resetDB("survey_{$id}"); $item_list = $mydb->queryAll(); if ($item_list !== false) { for ($i = 0, $m = count($item_list); $i < $m; $i++) { $item_list[$i]['no'] = $i + 1; } } else { $item_list = array(); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('item_list', $item_list, true); $mydb->closeTBL(); } else { $record['user_lvl'] = 0; $record['max_select'] = 1; } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($record, "record"); $tpl_tmp->judge_list['edit'] = $method == "edit"; $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $method == "add" ? $setting['language']['plugin_survey_add'] : $setting['language']['plugin_survey_edit']); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('show_item', $method == "add" ? "none" : "block"); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('method', $method); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('max_size', ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); $tpl->Set_Variable('path_admin', $setting['path']['admin']); $tpl->Set_Variable('main', $tpl_tmp->Get_Content('$setting')); $db->Free(); unset($tpl_tmp); $mystep->show($tpl); return; }
function build_page($method) { global $mystep, $req, $db, $setting, $idx, $agent; $tpl_info = array("idx" => "main", "style" => "../plugin/" . basename(realpath(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/tpl/", "path" => ROOT_PATH . "/" . $setting['path']['template']); $tpl = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); $tpl_info['idx'] = $method == "add" || $method == "edit" ? "input" : $method; $tpl_tmp = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); if ($method == "list") { foreach ($agent as $key => $value) { $record = array(); $record['idx'] = $key; $record['counter'] = $db->result($setting['db']['pre'] . "se_detect", "count(*)", array("idx", "=", $key)); $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('record', $record); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['plugin_se_detect_title']); } elseif ($method == "view") { $counter = $db->result($setting['db']['pre'] . "se_count", "count(*)"); $tpl_tmp->Set_If('empty', $counter == 0); $page = $req->getGet("page"); list($page_arr, $page_start, $page_size) = GetPageList($counter, "?method=view", $page); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($page_arr); $fields = $db->GetTabFields($setting['db']['name'], $setting['db']['pre'] . "se_count"); for ($i = 1, $m = count($fields); $i < $m; $i++) { $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('se', array('idx' => $fields[$i])); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable("field_count", $m); $db->select($setting['db']['pre'] . "se_count", "*", "", array("order" => "date desc", "limit" => "{$page_start}, {$page_size}")); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { $detail = ""; foreach ($record as $key => $value) { if ($key == "date") { continue; } $detail .= "<td class=\"row\">" . $record[$key] . "</td>\n"; } $record['detail'] = $detail; $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('record', $record); } $db->Free(); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['plugin_se_detect_title']); } else { $record = array(); $record['idx'] = ''; $record['idx_org'] = ''; $record['keyword'] = ""; $record['ip'] = ""; if ($method == "edit") { $record['idx'] = $idx; $record['idx_org'] = $idx; $record['keyword'] = $agent[$idx]; $db->select($setting['db']['pre'] . "se_detect", "ip", array("idx", "=", $idx)); while ($tmp = $db->GetRS()) { $record['ip'] .= $tmp['ip'] . "\n"; } $db->Free(); HtmlTrans(&$record); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($record); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $method == 'add' ? $setting['language']['plugin_se_detect_add'] : $setting['language']['plugin_se_detect_edit']); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('method', $method); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('back_url', $req->getServer("HTTP_REFERER")); } $tpl->Set_Variable('path_admin', $setting['path']['admin']); $tpl->Set_Variable('main', $tpl_tmp->Get_Content('$setting')); unset($tpl_tmp); $mystep->show($tpl); return; }
public function index() { $NumPerPage = 10; $page = ForceIntFrom('p', 1); $search = ForceStringFrom('s'); $groupid = ForceStringFrom('g'); if (IsGet('s')) { $search = urldecode($search); } $start = $NumPerPage * ($page - 1); $admins = array(); $getadmins = APP::$DB->query("SELECT aid, fullname FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "admin"); while ($a = APP::$DB->fetch($getadmins)) { $admins[$a['aid']] = $a['fullname']; } SubMenu('常用短语列表', array(array('常用短语列表', 'phrases', 1), array('添加常用短语', 'phrases/add'))); TableHeader('搜索常用短语'); TableRow('<center><form method="post" action="' . BURL('phrases') . '" name="searchphrases" style="display:inline-block;"><label>客服ID、关键字:</label> <input type="text" name="s" size="18"> <label>状态:</label> <select name="g"><option value="0">全部</option><option value="1" ' . Iif($groupid == '1', 'SELECTED') . '>可用</option><option value="2" ' . Iif($groupid == '2', 'SELECTED') . ' class=red>已禁用</option></select> <input type="submit" value="搜索常用短语" class="cancel"></form></center>'); TableFooter(); if ($search) { if (preg_match("/^[1-9][0-9]*\$/", $search)) { $s = ForceInt($search); $searchsql = " WHERE aid = '{$s}' "; //按ID搜索 $title = "搜索ID号为: <span class=note>{$s}</span> 的常用短语"; } else { $searchsql = " WHERE (msg LIKE '%{$search}%' OR msg_en LIKE '%{$search}%') "; $title = "搜索: <span class=note>{$search}</span> 的常用短语列表"; } if ($groupid) { if ($groupid == 1 or $groupid == 2) { $searchsql .= " AND activated = " . Iif($groupid == 1, 1, 0) . " "; $title = "在 <span class=note>" . Iif($groupid == 1, '可用的常用短语', '已禁用的常用短语') . "</span> 中, " . $title; } } } else { if ($groupid) { if ($groupid == 1 or $groupid == 2) { $searchsql .= " WHERE activated = " . Iif($groupid == 1, 1, 0) . " "; $title = "全部 <span class=note>" . Iif($groupid == 1, '可用的常用短语', '已禁用的常用短语') . "</span> 列表"; } } else { $searchsql = ''; $title = '全部常用短语列表'; } } $getphrases = APP::$DB->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "phrase " . $searchsql . " ORDER BY aid DESC, sort DESC LIMIT {$start},{$NumPerPage}"); $maxrows = APP::$DB->getOne("SELECT COUNT(pid) AS value FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "phrase " . $searchsql); echo '<form method="post" action="' . BURL('phrases/updatephrases') . '" name="phrasesform"> <input type="hidden" name="p" value="' . $page . '">'; TableHeader($title . '(' . $maxrows['value'] . '个)'); TableRow(array('所属客服', '排序', '状态', '短语 (中)', '短语 (英)', '<input type="checkbox" id="checkAll" for="deletepids[]"> <label for="checkAll">删除</label>'), 'tr0'); if ($maxrows['value'] < 1) { TableRow('<center><BR><font class=redb>未搜索到任何常用短语!</font><BR><BR></center>'); } else { while ($phrase = APP::$DB->fetch($getphrases)) { TableRow(array('<input type="hidden" name="pids[]" value="' . $phrase['pid'] . '"><a title="编辑" href="' . BURL('users/edit?aid=' . $phrase['aid']) . '">' . $admins[$phrase['aid']] . ' (ID: ' . $phrase['aid'] . ')</a>', '<input type="text" name="sorts[]" value="' . $phrase['sort'] . '" size="4">', '<select name="activateds[]"' . Iif(!$phrase['activated'], ' class=red') . '><option value="1">可用</option><option class="red" value="0" ' . Iif(!$phrase['activated'], 'SELECTED') . '>禁用</option></select>', '<input type="text" name="msgs[]" value="' . $phrase['msg'] . '" size="60">', '<input type="text" name="msg_ens[]" value="' . $phrase['msg_en'] . '" size="60">', '<input type="checkbox" name="deletepids[]" value="' . $phrase['pid'] . '">')); } $totalpages = ceil($maxrows['value'] / $NumPerPage); if ($totalpages > 1) { TableRow(GetPageList(BURL('phrases'), $totalpages, $page, 10, 's', urlencode($search), 'g', $groupid)); } } TableFooter(); echo '<div class="submit"><input type="submit" name="updatephrases" value="保存更新" class="cancel" style="margin-right:28px"><input type="submit" name="deletephrases" value="删除常用短语" class="save" onclick="var _me=$(this);showDialog(\'确定删除所选常用短语吗?\', \'确认操作\', function(){_me.closest(\'form\').submit();});return false;"></div></form>'; }
public function index() { $NumPerPage = 10; $page = ForceIntFrom('p', 1); $start = $NumPerPage * ($page - 1); SubMenu('客服列表', array(array('客服列表', 'users', 1), array('添加客服', 'users/add'))); $getusers = APP::$DB->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "admin ORDER BY activated ASC, aid DESC LIMIT {$start},{$NumPerPage}"); $maxrows = APP::$DB->getOne("SELECT COUNT(aid) AS value FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "admin"); echo '<form method="post" action="' . BURL('users/updateusers') . '" name="usersform"> <input type="hidden" name="p" value="' . $page . '">'; TableHeader('共有 ' . $maxrows['value'] . ' 位客服人员'); TableRow(array('ID', '用户名', '类型', '状态', 'Email', '登录', '昵称 (中)', '职位 (中)', '昵称 (EN)', '职位 (EN)', '注册日期', '最后登陆 (IP)', '<input type="checkbox" id="checkAll" for="deleteaids[]"> <label for="checkAll">删除</label>'), 'tr0'); while ($user = APP::$DB->fetch($getusers)) { TableRow(array($user['aid'], '<a title="编辑" href="' . BURL('users/edit?aid=' . $user['aid']) . '"><img src="' . GetAvatar($user['aid']) . '" class="avatar wh30">' . Iif($user['activated'] == 1, $user['username'], "<font class=red><s>{$user['username']}</s></font>") . '</a>', Iif($user['type'], '<font class=red>管理员</font>', '客服人员'), Iif($user['activated'], '正常', '<font class=red>已禁止</font>'), Iif($user['aid'] == $this->admin['aid'], $user['email'], '<a href="mailto:' . $user['email'] . '">' . $user['email'] . '</a>'), $user['logins'], $user['fullname'], $user['post'], $user['fullname_en'], $user['post_en'], DisplayDate($user['first']), Iif($user['last'] == 0, '<span class="red">从未登陆</span>', DisplayDate($user['last'], '', 1) . " ({$user['lastip']})"), Iif($user['aid'] != $this->admin['aid'], '<input type="checkbox" name="deleteaids[]" value="' . $user['aid'] . '">'))); } $totalpages = ceil($maxrows['value'] / $NumPerPage); if ($totalpages > 1) { TableRow(GetPageList(BURL('users'), $totalpages, $page)); } TableFooter(); PrintSubmit('删除客服', '', 1, '确定删除所选客服吗?'); }
<?php //"<h2>{$title}<span>{$date} {$time}</span></h2>\n"; $Pagetext = ""; $Data = GetPageList(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($Data); $i++) { $InData = GetPage($Data[$i]); if ($InData["priority"] !== "system") { $Sort[$i] = $Data[$i]; } } rsort($Sort); for ($i = 0; $i < count($Sort); $i++) { $InData = GetPage($Sort[$i]); if ($InData["priority"] == "high") { $Sorted[] = $Sort[$i]; } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($Sort); $i++) { $InData = GetPage($Sort[$i]); if ($InData["priority"] == "standard") { $Sorted[] = $Sort[$i]; } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($Sorted); $i++) { $InData = GetPage($Sorted[$i]); $Pagetext .= "<h2>{$InData["title"]}<span>{$InData["date"]} {$InData["time"]}</span></h2>\n"; $Line = explode("\n", rtrim(file_get_contents("page/{$Sorted[$i]}/{$InData["filename"]}"), "\n")); if (count($Line) < 5) { $cnt = count($Line); } else {
public function index() { $NumPerPage = 10; $page = ForceIntFrom('p', 1); $letter = ForceStringFrom('key'); $search = ForceStringFrom('s'); $groupid = ForceStringFrom('g'); if (IsGet('s')) { $search = urldecode($search); } $start = $NumPerPage * ($page - 1); $admins = array(); $getadmins = APP::$DB->query("SELECT aid, fullname FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "admin"); while ($a = APP::$DB->fetch($getadmins)) { $admins[$a['aid']] = $a['fullname']; } SubMenu('客人列表', array(array('客人列表', 'guests', 1))); TableHeader('快速查找客人'); for ($alphabet = 'a'; $alphabet != 'aa'; $alphabet++) { $alphabetlinks .= '<a href="' . BURL('guests?key=' . $alphabet) . '" title="' . strtoupper($alphabet) . '开头的客人">' . strtoupper($alphabet) . '</a> '; } TableRow('<center><b><a href="' . BURL('guests') . '">[全部客人]</a> <a href="' . BURL('guests?key=Other') . '">[中文名]</a> ' . $alphabetlinks . '</b></center>'); TableFooter(); TableHeader('搜索及快速删除'); TableRow('<center><form method="post" action="' . BURL('guests') . '" name="searchguests" style="display:inline-block;*display:inline;"><label>关键字:</label> <input type="text" name="s" size="18"> <label>语言或意向:</label> <select name="g"><option value="0">全部</option><option value="cn" ' . Iif($groupid == 'cn', 'SELECTED') . ' class=blue>中文 (语言)</option><option value="en" ' . Iif($groupid == 'en', 'SELECTED') . ' class=red>EN (语言)</option><option value="5" ' . Iif($groupid == '5', 'SELECTED') . '>5分 (意向)</option><option value="4" ' . Iif($groupid == '4', 'SELECTED') . '>4分 (意向)</option><option value="3" ' . Iif($groupid == '3', 'SELECTED') . '>3分 (意向)</option><option value="2" ' . Iif($groupid == '2', 'SELECTED') . '>2分 (意向)</option><option value="1" ' . Iif($groupid == '1', 'SELECTED') . '>1分 (意向)</option></select> <input type="submit" value="搜索客人" class="cancel"></form> <form method="post" action="' . BURL('guests/fastdelete') . '" name="fastdelete" style="display:inline-block;margin-left:80px;*display:inline;"><label>快速删除客人:</label> <select name="days"><option value="0">请选择 ...</option><option value="360">12个月前登录的客人</option><option value="180"> 6 个月前登录的客人</option><option value="90"> 3 个月前登录的客人</option><option value="30"> 1 个月前登录的客人</option></select> <input type="submit" value="快速删除" class="save" onclick="var _me=$(this);showDialog(\'确定删除所选客人吗?<br>注: 客人的对话记录将同时被删除.\', \'确认操作\', function(){_me.closest(\'form\').submit();});return false;"></form></center>'); TableFooter(); if ($letter) { if ($letter == 'Other') { $searchsql = " WHERE fullname <> '' AND fullname NOT REGEXP(\"^[a-zA-Z]\") "; $title = '<span class=note>中文姓名</span> 的客人列表'; } else { $searchsql = " WHERE fullname LIKE '{$letter}%' "; $title = '<span class=note>' . strtoupper($letter) . '</span> 字母开头的客人列表'; } } else { if ($search) { if (preg_match("/^[1-9][0-9]*\$/", $search)) { $s = ForceInt($search); $searchsql = " WHERE gid = '{$s}' OR aid = '{$s}' OR phone LIKE '{$s}' "; //按ID搜索 $title = "搜索数字为: <span class=note>{$s}</span> 的客人"; } else { $searchsql = " WHERE (fullname LIKE '%{$search}%' OR address LIKE '%{$search}%' OR browser LIKE '%{$search}%' OR email LIKE '%{$search}%' OR ipzone LIKE '%{$search}%' OR remark LIKE '%{$search}%') "; $title = "搜索: <span class=note>{$search}</span> 的客人列表"; } if ($groupid) { if ($groupid == 'cn' or $groupid == 'en') { $searchsql .= " AND lang = " . Iif($groupid == 'cn', 1, 0) . " "; $title = "在 <span class=note>" . Iif($groupid == 'cn', '中文客人', '英文客人') . "</span> 中, " . $title; } else { $searchsql .= " AND grade = '{$groupid}' "; $title = "在 <span class=note>意向为: " . $groupid . "分</span> 中, " . $title; } } } else { if ($groupid) { if ($groupid == 'cn' or $groupid == 'en') { $searchsql .= " WHERE lang = " . Iif($groupid == 'cn', 1, 0) . " "; $title = "全部 <span class=note>" . Iif($groupid == 'cn', '中文客人', '英文客人') . "</span> 列表"; } else { $searchsql .= " WHERE grade = '{$groupid}' "; $title = "<span class=note>意向为: " . $groupid . " 分</span> 的客人列表"; } } else { $searchsql = ''; $title = '全部客人列表'; } } } $getguests = APP::$DB->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "guest " . $searchsql . " ORDER BY last DESC LIMIT {$start},{$NumPerPage}"); $maxrows = APP::$DB->getOne("SELECT COUNT(gid) AS value FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "guest " . $searchsql); echo '<form method="post" action="' . BURL('guests/updateguests') . '" name="guestsform"> <input type="hidden" name="p" value="' . $page . '">'; TableHeader($title . '(' . $maxrows['value'] . '个)'); TableRow(array('ID', '姓名', '意向分', '语言', '登录', '踢出 (次)', '最后服务', '浏览器', '来自页面', 'Email', '电话', '地址', '备注', '归属地 (IP)', '最后登陆', '<input type="checkbox" id="checkAll" for="deletegids[]"> <label for="checkAll">删除</label>'), 'tr0'); if ($maxrows['value'] < 1) { TableRow('<center><BR><font class=redb>未搜索到任何客人!</font><BR><BR></center>'); } else { while ($user = APP::$DB->fetch($getguests)) { TableRow(array($user['gid'], '<a title="编辑" href="' . BURL('guests/edit?gid=' . $user['gid']) . '">' . Iif($user['fullname'], $user['fullname'], '<font class=grey>' . Iif($user['lang'], '无名', 'None') . '</font>') . '</a>', $user['grade'], Iif($user['lang'], '中文', 'EN'), $user['logins'], $user['banned'], $admins[$user['aid']], $user['browser'], "<a href=\"{$user['fromurl']}\" target=\"_blank\">" . ShortTitle($user['fromurl'], 36) . "</a>", Iif($user['email'], '<a href="mailto:' . $user['email'] . '">' . $user['email'] . '</a>'), $user['phone'], $user['address'], ShortTitle($user['remark'], 48), $user['ipzone'] . " ({$user['lastip']})", DisplayDate($user['last'], '', 1), '<input type="checkbox" name="deletegids[]" value="' . $user['gid'] . '">')); } $totalpages = ceil($maxrows['value'] / $NumPerPage); if ($totalpages > 1) { TableRow(GetPageList(BURL('guests'), $totalpages, $page, 10, 'key', $letter, 's', urlencode($search), 'g', $groupid)); } } TableFooter(); PrintSubmit('删除客人', '', 1, '确定删除所选客人吗?<br>注: 客人的对话记录将同时被删除.'); }
$tpl_info['idx'] = "user_online"; $tpl_tmp = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); $order = $req->getGet("order"); $order_type = $req->getGet("order_type"); if (empty($order_type)) { $order_type = "desc"; } $keyword = $req->getGet("keyword"); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('keyword', $keyword); $condition = array(); if (!empty($keyword)) { $condition[] = array("username", "like", $keyword); } $counter = $db->result($setting['db']['pre'] . "user_online", "count(*)", $condition); $page = $req->getGet("page"); list($page_arr, $page_start, $page_size) = GetPageList($counter, "?keyword={$keyword}&order={$order}&order_type={$order_type}", $page); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($page_arr); if (empty($order)) { $order = "reflash"; } $db->select($setting['db']['pre'] . "user_online", "*", $condition, array("order" => "{$order} {$order_type}", "limit" => "{$page_start}, {$page_size}")); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type_org', $order_type); if ($order_type == "desc") { $order_type = "asc"; } else { $order_type = "desc"; } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order', $order); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type', $order_type); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { $record['userinfo'] = unserialize($record['userinfo']);
$markup = ""; foreach ($tracked_functions as $fn) { if ($check_count) { $check_string = "checked"; $check_count--; } else { $check_string = ""; } $markup .= "<div>"; $markup .= "<input type=checkbox id={$fn} {$check_string}/>"; $markup .= "<label for={$fn}>{$fn}</label>"; $markup .= "</div>"; } echo $markup; } GetPageList($server_cfg, $game_cfg); ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>zPerfmon: CTO Dashboard</title> </head> <body> <div class="container" id="tab-cto"> <div class="menu-wrapper"> <ul class="menu"> <li class="button"><a class="menu-item-0 current" href=#>Page Delivery Time</a></li> <li class="button"><a class="menu-item-1" href=#>Tracked Functions</a></li> <!--<li class="button"><a id="select-period-btn" href="#">Jul 1, 2011 - Jul 31, 2011</a></li>-->
function build_page($method) { global $mystep, $req, $db, $mydb, $setting, $topic_id; $tpl_info = array("idx" => "main", "style" => "../plugin/" . basename(realpath(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/tpl/", "path" => ROOT_PATH . "/" . $setting['path']['template']); $tpl = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); if ($method == "add" || $method == "edit") { $tpl_info['idx'] = "input"; } else { $tpl_info['idx'] = $method; } $tpl_tmp = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); if ($method == "list") { $order = $req->getGet("order"); $order_type = $req->getGet("order_type"); if (empty($order_type)) { $order_type = "desc"; } $keyword = $req->getGet("keyword"); $page = $req->getGet("page"); $condition = array(); if (!empty($keyword)) { $condition[] = array("topic_name", "like", $keyword); } $counter = $db->result($setting['db']['pre'] . "topic", "count(*)", $condition); list($page_arr, $page_start, $page_size) = GetPageList($counter, "?keyword={$keyword}&order={$order}&order_type={$order_type}", $page); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($page_arr); $the_order = array(); if (empty($order)) { $order = "topic_id"; } $the_order[] = "{$order} {$order_type}"; if ($order != "topic_id") { $the_order[] = "topic_id {$order_type}"; } $db->select($setting['db']['pre'] . "topic", "*", $condition, array("order" => $the_order, "limit" => "{$page_start}, {$page_size}")); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { if (empty($record['topic_link'])) { $record['topic_link'] = getUrl("topic", $record['topic_idx']); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('record', $record); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type_org', $order_type); if ($order_type == "desc") { $order_type = "asc"; } else { $order_type = "desc"; } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('keyword', $keyword); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order', $order); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type', $order_type); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['plugin_topic_title']); } else { $record = array(); if ($method == "edit") { $record = $db->record($setting['db']['pre'] . "topic", "*", array("topic_id", "n=", $topic_id)); if ($record === false) { $tpl->Set_Variable('main', showInfo($setting['language']['plugin_topic_error'], 0)); $mystep->show($tpl); return; } $record['topic_tpl'] = GetFile("topic/" . $topic_id . ".tpl"); HtmlTrans(&$record); $style_list = explode(",", $record['topic_cat']); $max_count = count($style_list); for ($i = 0; $i < $max_count; $i++) { $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('style_list', array("index" => $i, "style" => $style_list[$i])); } $n = 1; $db->select($setting['db']['pre'] . "topic_link", "*", array("topic_id", "n=", $topic_id), array("order" => "link_order desc,id desc")); while ($links = $db->GetRS()) { HtmlTrans(&$links); $links['idx'] = $n++; $links['link_cat'] = $style_list[$links['link_cat']]; if (empty($links['link_url'])) { $links['link_url'] = "/read.php?id=" . $links['news_id']; } $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('link_list', $links); } } else { $record = array(); $record['topic_id'] = 0; } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($record); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('show_link', $method == "edit" ? "" : "none"); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['plugin_topic_' . $method]); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('method', $method); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('max_size', ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('path_admin', $setting['path']['admin']); $tpl->Set_Variable('path_admin', $setting['path']['admin']); $tpl->Set_Variable('main', $tpl_tmp->Get_Content('$setting')); $db->Free(); unset($tpl_tmp); $mystep->show($tpl); return; }
function build_page($method) { global $mystep, $req, $db, $tpl, $tpl_info, $setting, $id, $idx, $web_id; $tpl_info['idx'] = "func_link_" . ($method == "list" ? "list" : "input"); $tpl_tmp = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); if ($method == "list") { $condition = array(); if (!empty($idx)) { $condition[] = array("idx", "=", $idx); } if (!empty($web_id)) { $condition[] = array("web_id", "n=", $web_id); } $counter = $db->result($setting['db']['pre'] . "links", "count(*)", $condition); $page = $req->getGet("page"); list($page_arr, $page_start, $page_size) = GetPageList($counter, "?order={$order}&order_type={$order_type}", $page); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($page_arr); $order = $req->getGet("order"); $order_type = $req->getGet("order_type"); if (empty($order_type)) { $order_type = "desc"; } if (empty($order)) { $order = "id"; } $the_order = array(); $the_order[] = "{$order} {$order_type}"; if ($order != "id") { $the_order[] = "id desc"; } $db->select($setting['db']['pre'] . "links", "*", $condition, array("order" => $the_order, "limit" => "{$page_start}, {$page_size}")); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type_org', $order_type); if ($order_type == "desc") { $order_type = "asc"; } else { $order_type = "desc"; } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order', $order); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type', $order_type); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { HtmlTrans(&$record); if (!empty($record['image'])) { $record['image'] = "<img width='88' height='31' src='" . $record['image'] . "' />"; } else { $record['image'] = " "; } $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('record', $record); } $db->Free(); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['admin_func_link_title']); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('idx', $idx); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('web_id', $web_id); } else { if ($method == "edit") { $record = $db->record($setting['db']['pre'] . "links", "*", array("id", "n=", $id)); if ($record === false) { $tpl->Set_Variable('main', showInfo($setting['language']['admin_func_link_error'], 0)); $mystep->show($tpl); $mystep->pageEnd(false); } $web_id = $record['web_id']; $idx = $record['idx']; HtmlTrans(&$record); } else { $record['id'] = "0"; $record['web_id'] = $web_id; $record['idx'] = ""; $record['link_name'] = ""; $record['link_url'] = "http://"; $record['level'] = "1"; $record['image'] = ""; } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($record); $tpl_tmp->judge_list['edit'] = $method == "edit"; $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $method == "add" ? $setting['language']['admin_func_link_add'] : $setting['language']['admin_func_link_edit']); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('method', $method); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('back_url', $req->getServer("HTTP_REFERER")); } for ($i = 0, $m = count($GLOBALS['website']); $i < $m; $i++) { $GLOBALS['website'][$i]['selected'] = $GLOBALS['website'][$i]['web_id'] == $web_id ? "selected" : ""; $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop("website", $GLOBALS['website'][$i]); } $db->select($setting['db']['pre'] . "links", "distinct idx"); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { $record['selected'] = $record['idx'] == $idx ? "selected" : ""; $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('idx', $record); } $db->Free(); $tpl->Set_Variable('main', $tpl_tmp->Get_Content('$db, $setting')); unset($tpl_tmp); $mystep->show($tpl); return; }
echo '<tr><td colspan="6"><center><span class=red>暂无任何记录!</span></center></td></tr></tbody></table></form>'; } else { while ($comment = $DB->fetch($getcomments)) { if ($comment['type']) { $from = $users[$comment['fromid']]; $to = $guests[$comment['toid']]; } else { $from = $guests[$comment['fromid']]; $to = $users[$comment['toid']]; } echo '<tr> <td>' . $from . '</td> <td>' . $to . '</td> <td>' . nl2br($comment['msg']) . '</a></td> <td>' . DisplayDate($comment['created'], 0, 1) . '</td> <td><input type="checkbox" name="deletecommentids[]" value="' . $comment['msgid'] . '" checkme="group"></td> </tr>'; } $totalpages = ceil($maxrows['value'] / $NumPerPage); if ($totalpages > 1) { echo '<tr><th colspan="6" class="last">' . GetPageList('admin.comments.php', $totalpages, $page, 10, 'u', $uid) . '</th></tr>'; } echo '</tbody> </table> <div style="margin-top:20px;text-align:center;"> <input type="submit" onclick="return confirm(\'确定删除所选记录吗?\');" value=" 删除记录 " /> </div> </form>'; } } PrintFooter();
</thead> <tbody>'; if ($maxrows['value'] < 1) { echo '<tr><td colspan="5"><center><span class=red>暂无任何短语!</span></center></td></tr></tbody></table></form>'; } else { while ($message = $DB->fetch($getmessages)) { echo '<tr> <td><input type="hidden" name="msgids[]" value="' . $message['msgid'] . '" /><input type="text" name="ordernums[]" value="' . $message['ordernum'] . '" size="4" /></td> <td><select name="activateds[]"><option value="1">显示</option><option style="color:red;" value="0" ' . Iif(!$message['activated'], 'SELECTED', '') . '>隐藏</option></select></td> <td><textarea name="msgs[]" style="height:32px;width:360px;">' . $message['msg'] . '</textarea></td> <td><a href="admin.automsg.php?action=editmsg&msgid=' . $message['msgid'] . '">' . Iif($message['activated'], '编辑', '<span class=red>编辑</span>') . '</a></td> <td><input type="checkbox" name="deletemsgids[]" value="' . $message['msgid'] . '" checkme="group"></td> </tr>'; } $totalpages = ceil($maxrows['value'] / $NumPerPage); if ($totalpages > 1) { echo '<tr><th colspan="5" class="last">' . GetPageList('admin.automsg.php', $totalpages, $page, 10, 's', urlencode($search)) . '</th></tr>'; } echo '</tbody> </table> <div style="margin-top:20px;text-align:center;"> <input type="submit" name="updatemsgs" value=" 保存更新 " /> <input type="submit" name="deletemsgs" onclick="return confirm(\'确定删除所选短语吗?\');" value=" 删除短语 " /> </div> </form>'; } } PrintFooter(); ?>
public function index() { $NumPerPage = 10; $page = ForceIntFrom('p', 1); $search = ForceStringFrom('s'); $groupid = ForceStringFrom('g'); if (IsGet('s')) { $search = urldecode($search); } $start = $NumPerPage * ($page - 1); SubMenu('记录列表', array(array('记录列表', 'messages', 1))); TableHeader('搜索及快速删除'); TableRow('<center><form method="post" action="' . BURL('messages') . '" name="searchmessages" style="display:inline-block;*display:inline;"><label>关键字:</label> <input type="text" name="s" size="18"> <label>分类:</label> <select name="g"><option value="0">全部</option><option value="1" ' . Iif($groupid == '1', 'SELECTED') . ' class=red>客人的发言</option><option value="2" ' . Iif($groupid == '2', 'SELECTED') . '>客服的发言</option></select> <input type="submit" value="搜索记录" class="cancel"></form> <form method="post" action="' . BURL('messages/fastdelete') . '" name="fastdelete" style="display:inline-block;margin-left:80px;*display:inline;"><label>快速删除记录:</label> <select name="days"><option value="0">请选择 ...</option><option value="360">12个月前的对话记录</option><option value="180"> 6 个月前的对话记录</option><option value="90"> 3 个月前的对话记录</option><option value="30"> 1 个月前的对话记录</option></select> <input type="submit" value="快速删除" class="save" onclick="var _me=$(this);showDialog(\'确定删除所选记录吗?\', \'确认操作\', function(){_me.closest(\'form\').submit();});return false;"></form></center>'); TableFooter(); if ($search) { if (preg_match("/^[1-9][0-9]*\$/", $search)) { $s = ForceInt($search); $searchsql = " WHERE mid = '{$s}' OR fromid = '{$s}' OR toid = '{$s}' "; //按ID搜索 $title = "搜索ID号为: <span class=note>{$s}</span> 的记录"; } else { $searchsql = " WHERE (fromname LIKE '%{$search}%' OR toname LIKE '%{$search}%' OR msg LIKE '%{$search}%') "; $title = "搜索: <span class=note>{$search}</span> 的记录列表"; } if ($groupid) { if ($groupid == 1 or $groupid == 2) { $searchsql .= " AND type = " . Iif($groupid == 1, 0, 1) . " "; $title = "在 <span class=note>" . Iif($groupid == 1, '客人的发言', '客服的发言') . "</span> 中, " . $title; } } } else { if ($groupid) { if ($groupid == 1 or $groupid == 2) { $searchsql .= " WHERE type = " . Iif($groupid == 1, 0, 1) . " "; $title = "全部 <span class=note>" . Iif($groupid == 1, '客人的发言', '客服的发言') . "</span> 列表"; } } else { $searchsql = ''; $title = '全部记录列表'; } } $getmessages = APP::$DB->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "msg " . $searchsql . " ORDER BY mid DESC LIMIT {$start},{$NumPerPage}"); $maxrows = APP::$DB->getOne("SELECT COUNT(mid) AS value FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "msg " . $searchsql); echo '<form method="post" action="' . BURL('messages/updatemessages') . '" name="messagesform"> <input type="hidden" name="p" value="' . $page . '">'; TableHeader($title . '(' . $maxrows['value'] . '个)'); TableRow(array('ID', '发送人', '对话内容', '接收人', '记录时间', '<input type="checkbox" id="checkAll" for="deletemids[]"> <label for="checkAll">删除</label>'), 'tr0'); if ($maxrows['value'] < 1) { TableRow('<center><BR><font class=redb>未搜索到任何记录!</font><BR><BR></center>'); } else { while ($msg = APP::$DB->fetch($getmessages)) { TableRow(array($msg['mid'], "<a title=\"编辑\" href=\"" . Iif($msg['type'], BURL('users/edit?aid=' . $msg['fromid']), BURL('guests/edit?gid=' . $msg['fromid'])) . "\">{$msg['fromname']}</a>", getSmile($msg['msg']), "<a title=\"编辑\" href=\"" . Iif($msg['type'], BURL('guests/edit?gid=' . $msg['toid']), BURL('users/edit?aid=' . $msg['toid'])) . "\">{$msg['toname']}</a>", DisplayDate($msg['time'], '', 1), '<input type="checkbox" name="deletemids[]" value="' . $msg['mid'] . '">')); } $totalpages = ceil($maxrows['value'] / $NumPerPage); if ($totalpages > 1) { TableRow(GetPageList(BURL('messages'), $totalpages, $page, 10, 's', urlencode($search), 'g', $groupid)); } } TableFooter(); PrintSubmit('删除记录', '', 1, '确定删除所选记录吗?'); }
function build_page($method) { global $mystep, $req, $db, $tpl, $user_id, $user_group, $user_type, $tpl_info, $setting; $tpl_info['idx'] = "user_" . ($method == "list" ? "list" : "input"); $tpl_tmp = $mystep->getInstance("MyTpl", $tpl_info); if ($method == "list") { //navigation $order = $req->getGet("order"); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order', $order); $order_type = $req->getGet("order_type"); if (empty($order_type)) { $order_type = "desc"; } $keyword = $req->getGet("keyword"); $group_id = $req->getGet("group_id"); $type_id = $req->getGet("type_id"); $condition = array(); if (!empty($keyword)) { $condition[] = array("username", "like", $keyword); } if (!empty($group_id)) { $condition[] = array("group_id", "n=", $group_id); } if (!empty($type_id)) { $condition[] = array("type_id", "n=", $type_id); } $counter = $db->result($setting['db']['pre'] . "users", "count(*)", $condition); $page = $req->getGet("page"); list($page_arr, $page_start, $page_size) = GetPageList($counter, "?keyword={$keyword}&group_id={$group_id}&type_id={$type_id}&order={$order}&order_type={$order_type}", $page); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($page_arr); if (empty($order)) { $order = "user_id"; } $the_order = array(); $the_order[] = "{$order} {$order_type}"; if ($order != "user_id") { $the_order[] = "user_id desc"; } $db->select($setting['db']['pre'] . "users", "*", $condition, array("order" => $the_order, "limit" => "{$page_start}, {$page_size}")); $tpl_tmp->para_list['record'] = array(); while ($record = $db->GetRS()) { HtmlTrans(&$record); $record['regdate'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $record['regdate']); $type_info = getParaInfo("user_type", "type_id", $record['type_id']); $record['group_name'] = $type_info['type_name']; if ($group_info = getParaInfo("user_group", "group_id", $record['group_id'])) { $record['group_name'] .= " ги" . $group_info['group_name'] . "гй"; } $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('record', $record); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['admin_user_detail_title']); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type_org', $order_type); if ($order_type == "asc") { $order_type = "desc"; } else { $order_type = "asc"; } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('order_type', $order_type); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('group_id', $group_id); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('type_id', $type_id); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('keyword', $keyword); } elseif ($method == "edit") { $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['admin_user_detail_edit']); $record = $db->record($setting['db']['pre'] . "users", "*", array("user_id", "n=", $user_id)); if ($record !== false) { $tpl->Set_Variable('main', showInfo($setting['language']['admin_user_detail_error'], 0)); $mystep->show($tpl); $mystep->pageEnd(false); } $group_id = $record['group_id']; $type_id = $record['type_id']; $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($record); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('back_url', $req->getServer("HTTP_REFERER")); } else { $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('title', $setting['language']['admin_user_detail_add']); $group_id = 0; $type_id = 1; $record['user_id'] = 0; $record['username'] = ""; $record['email'] = ""; $tpl_tmp->Set_Variables($record); } $max_count = count($user_group); for ($i = 0; $i < $max_count; $i++) { $user_group[$i]["selected"] = $user_group[$i]['group_id'] == $group_id ? "selected" : ""; $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('user_group', $user_group[$i]); } $max_count = count($user_type); for ($i = 0; $i < $max_count; $i++) { $user_type[$i]["selected"] = $user_type[$i]['type_id'] == $type_id ? "selected" : ""; $tpl_tmp->Set_Loop('user_type', $user_type[$i]); } $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('back_url', $req->getServer("HTTP_REFERER")); $tpl_tmp->Set_Variable('method', $method); $tpl->Set_Variable('main', $tpl_tmp->Get_Content('$db, $setting')); unset($tpl_tmp); $db->Free(); $mystep->show($tpl); return; }