function sendFile() { if (file_exists($this->path . $this->tmp_file_name)) { header('Location: ' . GetDownloadLink($this->tmp_file_name, $this->file_name, 2, 'force')); } else { throw new CalendarExportException(_('Die Export-Datei konnte nicht erstellt werden!')); } }
/** * Returns an overview of certain documents * * @param Array $documents Ids of the documents in question * @param mixed $open Array containing open states of documents * @return string Overview of documents as html, ready to be displayed */ function show_documents($documents, $open = null) { if (!is_array($documents)) { return; } if (!is_null($open) && !is_array($open)) { $open = null; } if (is_array($open)) { reset($open); $ank = key($open); } if (!empty($documents)) { $query = "SELECT {$GLOBALS['_fullname_sql']['full']} AS fullname, username, user_id,\n dokument_id, filename, filesize, downloads, protected, url, description,\n IF(IFNULL(name, '') = '', filename, name) AS t_name,\n GREATEST(a.chdate, a.mkdate) AS chdate\n FROM dokumente AS a\n LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 USING (user_id)\n LEFT JOIN user_info USING (user_id)\n WHERE dokument_id IN (?)\n ORDER BY a.chdate DESC"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($documents)); $documents = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } foreach ($documents as $index => $document) { $type = empty($document['url']) ? 0 : 6; $is_open = is_null($open) || $open[$document['dokument_id']] ? 'open' : 'close'; $extension = getFileExtension($document['filename']); // Create icon $icon = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', GetDownloadLink($document['dokument_id'], $document['filename'], $type), GetFileIcon($extension, true)->asImg()); // Create open/close link $link = $is_open === 'open' ? URLHelper::getLink('#dok_anker', array('close' => $document['dokument_id'])) : URLHelper::getLink('#dok_anker', array('open' => $document['dokument_id'])); // Create title including filesize and number of downloads $size = $document['filesize'] > 1024 * 1024 ? sprintf('%u MB', round($document['filesize'] / 1024 / 1024)) : sprintf('%u kB', round($document['filesize'] / 1024)); $downloads = $document['downloads'] == 1 ? '1 ' . _('Download') : $document['downloads'] . ' ' . _('Downloads'); $title = sprintf('<a href="%s"%s class="tree">%s</a> (%s / %s)', $link, $ank == $document['dokument_id'] ? ' name="dok_anker"' : '', htmlReady(mila($document['t_name'])), $size, $downloads); // Create additional information $addon = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a> %s', URLHelper::getLink('dispatch.php/profile', array('username' => $document['username'])), $document['fullname'], date('d.m.Y H:i', $document['chdate'])); if ($document['protected']) { $addon = tooltipicon(_('Diese Datei ist urheberrechtlich geschützt!')) . ' ' . $addon; } if (!empty($document['url'])) { $addon .= ' ' . Icon::create('link-extern', 'clickable', ['title' => _('Diese Datei wird von einem externen Server geladen!')])->asImg(16); } // Attach created variables to document $documents[$index]['addon'] = $addon; $documents[$index]['extension'] = $extension; $documents[$index]['icon'] = $icon; $documents[$index]['is_open'] = $is_open; $documents[$index]['link'] = $link; $documents[$index]['title'] = $title; $documents[$index]['type'] = $type; } $template = $GLOBALS['template_factory']->open('user_activities/files-details'); $template->documents = $documents; return $template->render(); }
function getNotificationObjects($course_id, $since, $user_id) { $items = array(); $type = get_object_type($course_id, array('sem', 'inst', 'fak')); if ($type == 'sem') { $query = 'SELECT dokumente.*, seminare.Name, ' . $GLOBALS['_fullname_sql']['full'] . ' as fullname FROM dokumente JOIN auth_user_md5 USING (user_id) JOIN user_info USING (user_id) JOIN seminar_user USING (Seminar_id) JOIN seminare USING (Seminar_id) WHERE seminar_user.user_id = ? AND Seminar_id = ? AND dokumente.chdate > ?'; } else { $query = 'SELECT dokumente.*, Institute.Name, ' . $GLOBALS['_fullname_sql']['full'] . ' as fullname FROM dokumente JOIN auth_user_md5 USING (user_id) JOIN user_info USING (user_id) JOIN user_inst ON (seminar_id = Institut_id) JOIN Institute USING (Institut_id) WHERE user_inst.user_id = ? AND Institut_id = ? AND dokumente.chdate > ?'; } $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $stmt->execute(array($user_id, $course_id, $since)); while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { $folder_tree = TreeAbstract::GetInstance('StudipDocumentTree', array('range_id' => $row['seminar_id'])); if ($folder_tree->isDownloadFolder($row['range_id'], $user_id)) { // use correct text depending on type of object if ($type == 'sem') { $summary = sprintf('%s hat im Dateibereich der Veranstaltung "%s" die Datei "%s" hochgeladen.', $row['fullname'], $row['Name'], $row['name']); } else { $summary = sprintf('%s hat im Dateibereich der Einrichtung "%s" die Datei "%s" hochgeladen.', $row['fullname'], $row['Name'], $row['name']); } // create ContentElement $items[] = new ContentElement(_('Datei') . ': ' . $row['name'], $summary, formatReady(GetDownloadLink($row['dokument_id'], $row['name'])), $row['user_id'], $row['fullname'], URLHelper::getLink('folder.php#anker', array('cid' => $row['seminar_id'], 'cmd' => 'tree', 'open' => $row['dokument_id'])), $row['chdate']); } } return $items; }
function get_flash_player ($document_id, $filename, $type) { global $auth; // width of image in pixels if (is_object($auth) && $auth->auth['xres']) { // 50% of x-resolution maximal $max_width = floor($auth->auth['xres'] / 4); } else { $max_width = 400; } $width = $max_width; $height = round($width * 0.75); if ($width > 200) { $flash_config = $GLOBALS['FLASHPLAYER_DEFAULT_CONFIG_MAX']; } else { $flash_config = $GLOBALS['FLASHPLAYER_DEFAULT_CONFIG_MIN']; } $cfg = Config::GetInstance(); $DOCUMENTS_EMBEDD_FLASH_MOVIES = $cfg->getValue('DOCUMENTS_EMBEDD_FLASH_MOVIES'); if ($DOCUMENTS_EMBEDD_FLASH_MOVIES == 'autoplay') { $flash_config .= '&autoplay=1&autoload=1'; } else if ($DOCUMENTS_EMBEDD_FLASH_MOVIES == 'autoload') { $flash_config .= '&autoload=1'; } // we need the absolute url if the player is delivered from a different base $movie_url = GetDownloadLink($document_id, $filename, $type, 'force'); $flash_object = "\n<object type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" id=\"FlashPlayer\" data=\"".Assets::url()."flash/player_flv.swf\" width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\">\n"; $flash_object .= "<param name=\"movie\" value=\"".Assets::url()."flash/player_flv.swf\">\n"; $flash_object .= '<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true">' . "\n"; $flash_object .= "<param name=\"FlashVars\" value=\"flv=" . urlencode($movie_url) . $flash_config . "\">\n"; $flash_object .= "<embed src=\"".Assets::url()."flash/player_flv.swf\" movie=\"{$movie_url}\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" FlashVars=\"flv=".urlencode($movie_url).$flash_config."\">\n"; $flash_object .= "</object>\n"; return array('player' => $flash_object, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height); }
$export_pagecontent .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"xslt_filename\" value=\"" . htmlReady($xslt_filename) . "\">"; $export_weiter_button = "<br><br><center>" . Button::create('<< ' . _('Zurück'), 'back') . "</center></form>"; $xml_printimage = '<a href="'. GetDownloadLink($xml_file_id, $xml_filename, 2) . '">'; $xml_printimage.= Icon::create($export_icon['xml'], 'clickable'); $xml_printimage.= '</a>'; $xml_printlink = '<a href="'. GetDownloadLink($xml_file_id, $xml_filename, 2). '" class="tree">' . htmlReady($xml_filename) . '</a>'; $xml_printdesc = _("XML-Daten"); $xml_printcontent = _("In dieser Datei sind die Daten als XML-Tags gespeichert. Diese Tags können mit einem XSLT-Script verarbeitet werden.") . "<br>"; } $infobox = array ( array ("kategorie" => _("Information:"), "eintrag" => array ( array ( "icon" => Icon::create('info', 'clickable'), "text" => $xml_export_text ) ) ) ); if ($object_counter > 0) { $link = '<a href="'. GetDownloadLink($xml_file_id, $xml_filename, 2) .' ">'; $infobox[1]["kategorie"] = _("Aktionen:"); $infobox[1]["eintrag"][] = array ( 'icon' => Icon::create('download', 'clickable'), "text" => sprintf(_("Um die XML-Datei jetzt herunterzuladen klicken Sie %s hier %s."), $link, "</a>") ); } }
$export_pagecontent = ""; $export_error = "<b>" . sprintf(_("Bei der Erzeugung der PDF-Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. <br>Fehlermeldung: %s <br>Datei: %s"), $out, $pdf_file) . "</b><br>"; $export_error_num ++; } $xml_printimage = ' <a href="'. GetDownloadLink($xml_file_id, $xml_filename, 2). '">'; $xml_printimage.= Icon::create($export_icon['xml'], 'clickable')->asImg(['class' => 'text-top']); $xml_printimage.= '</a>'; $xml_printlink = ' <a href="'. GetDownloadLink($xml_file_id, $xml_filename, 2) . '" class="tree"> ' . $xml_filename . '</a>'; $xml_printdesc = _("XML-Daten"); $xml_printcontent = _("In dieser Datei sind die Daten als XML-Tags gespeichert. Diese Tags können mit einem XSLT-Script verarbeitet werden.") . "<br>"; $xslt_printimage = '<a href="'. GetDownloadLink($result_file,$xslt_filename .'.'. $format,2) . '">'; $xslt_printimage.= Icon::create($export_icon[$format], 'clickable')->asImg(['class' => 'text-top']); $xslt_printimage.= '</a>'; $xslt_printlink = '<a href="'. GetDownloadLink($result_file,$xslt_filename .'.'. $format,2) . '" class="tree">' . $xslt_filename .'.'. $format . '</a>'; $xslt_printdesc = _("Formatting-Objects-Datei"); $xslt_printcontent = _("In dieser Datei sind die Formatting Objects zur Erzeugung der PDF-Datei gespeichert.") . "<br>"; $infobox = array ( array ("kategorie" => _("Information:"), "eintrag" => array ( array ( "icon" => Icon::create('info', 'clickable'), "text" => $xslt_info ) ) ) ); { $infobox[1]["kategorie"] = _("Aktionen:");
function getExportButton($item_id) { $content = LinkButton::create(_('Export'), GetDownloadLink('', $this->tree->tree_data[$item_id]['name'] . '.txt', 5, 'force', $this->tree->range_id, $item_id), array('title' => _('Export der Liste in EndNote kompatiblem Forma'))); $content .= ' '; return $content; }
/** * Return URL for downloading the file. * * @param string $id File identifier in database table 'dokumente'. * @return string Download link, NULL if file doesn't exist. */ public function url() { return \GetDownloadLink($this->studipDocument->getId(), $this->filename()); }
if (!$result['studienbereiche']=='') echo "<li><font size=-1><b>" . _("Bereich:") . " </b>".htmlReady($result['studienbereiche'])."</font></li>"; // doppelt haelt besser: noch mal die Extras if ($view == 1) { echo "<br><br><li><a href=\"". URLHelper::getLink("?dump_id=".$result['seminar_id']) ."\" target=_blank><font size=\"-1\">" . _("Übersicht der Veranstaltungsinhalte") . "</font></a></li>"; if (!$result['forumdump']=='') echo "<li><font size=\"-1\"><a href=\"". URLHelper::getLink("?forum_dump_id=".$result['seminar_id']) ."\" target=_blank>" . _("Beiträge des Forums") . "</a></font></li>"; if (!$result['wikidump']=='') echo "<li><font size=\"-1\"><a href=\"". URLHelper::getLink("?wiki_dump_id=".$result['seminar_id']) ."\" target=_blank>" . _("Wikiseiten") . "</a></font></li>"; if (!$result['archiv_file_id']=='') { echo '<li><font size="-1"><a href="' . URLHelper::getLink(GetDownloadLink($result['archiv_file_id'], $file_name, 1)) .'">' . _("Download der Dateisammlung") . '</a></font></li>'; } if ($result['archiv_protected_file_id'] && in_array(archiv_check_perm($result['seminar_id']), words("tutor dozent admin"))) { echo '<li><font size="-1"><a href="' . URLHelper::getLink(GetDownloadLink($result['archiv_protected_file_id'], _("Geschützte-") . $file_name, 1)) .'">' . _("Download der geschützten Dateisammlung") . '</a></font></li>'; } if (archiv_check_perm($result['seminar_id']) == "admin") echo "<li><a href=\"". URLHelper::getLink("?delete_id=".$result['seminar_id']) ."\"><font size=\"-1\">" . _("Diese Veranstaltung unwiderruflich aus dem Archiv entfernen") . "</font></a></li>"; if (archiv_check_perm($result['seminar_id']) == "admin") { if (!$_SESSION['archiv_data']["edit_grants"]) echo "<li><font size=\"-1\"><a href=\"". URLHelper::getLink("?show_grants=yes") ."#anker\">" . _("Zugriffsberechtigungen einblenden") . "</a></font></li>"; else echo "<li><font size=\"-1\"><a href=\"". URLHelper::getLink("?hide_grants=yes") ."#anker\">" . _("Zugriffsberechtigungen ausblenden") . "</a></font></li>"; } } else echo "<br><br><li><font size=\"-1\">" . _("Die Veranstaltungsinhalte, Beiträge im Forum und das Dateiarchiv sind nicht zugängig, da Sie an dieser Veranstaltung nicht teilgenommen haben.") . "</font></li>"; if ($_SESSION['archiv_data']["edit_grants"]) { echo "<br><br><hr><b><font size=\"-1\">" . _("Folgende Personen haben Zugriff auf die Daten der Veranstaltung (Übersicht, Beiträge und Dateiarchiv):") . "</font></b><br><br>"; $query = "SELECT {$_fullname_sql['full']} AS fullname, archiv_user.status, username, user_id
function getContent ($args = NULL, $raw = FALSE) { $error_message = ""; if (!$args) { $args = array(); } $content = array(); // check for valid range_id if(!$this->checkRangeId($this->config->range_id)) { $error_message = $GLOBALS['EXTERN_ERROR_MESSAGE']; } // if $args['seminar_id'] is given, check for free access if ($args['seminar_id']) { $seminar_id = $args['seminar_id']; $query = "SELECT Lesezugriff FROM seminare s LEFT JOIN seminar_inst si "; $query .= "USING(seminar_id) WHERE s.seminar_id = ? "; $query .= "AND si.institut_id = ?"; $params = array($seminar_id, $this->config->range_id); $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute($params); $row = $statement->fetchColumn(); if ($row !== false && $row == 0 ) { $error_message = $GLOBALS['EXTERN_ERROR_MESSAGE']; } } else { $seminar_id = $this->config->range_id; } $sort = (array) $this->config->getValue('Main', 'sort'); $query_order = ''; foreach ($sort as $key => $position) { if ($position > 0) { $query_order[$position] = $this->data_fields[$key]; } } if ($query_order) { ksort($query_order, SORT_NUMERIC); $query_order = ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $query_order) . ' DESC'; } if (!$nameformat = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'nameformat')) { $nameformat = 'no_title_short'; } // generic data fields $generic_datafields = $this->config->getValue('TemplateGeneric', 'genericdatafields'); $folder_tree = TreeAbstract::GetInstance('StudipDocumentTree', array('range_id' => $seminar_id)); $allowed_folders = $folder_tree->getReadableFolders('nobody'); $mrks = str_repeat('?,', count($allowed_folders) - 1) . '?'; $query = "SELECT dokument_id, name, description, filename, d.mkdate, d.chdate, filesize, "; $query .= $GLOBALS['_fullname_sql'][$nameformat]; $query .= "AS fullname, Vorname, Nachname, title_front, title_rear, username, aum.user_id, author_name FROM dokumente d LEFT JOIN user_info USING (user_id) "; $query .= "LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 aum USING (user_id) WHERE "; $query .= "seminar_id = ? AND range_id IN ($mrks)$query_order"; $parameters = $allowed_folders; $parameters[] = $seminar_id; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute($parameters); $row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ( !$row ) { $content['NO-FILES']['NO-FILES-TEXT'] = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'nodatatext'); } else { $i = 0; do { preg_match("/^.+\.([a-z1-9_-]+)$/i", $row['filename'], $file_suffix); $icon = ''; switch ($file_suffix[1]) { case 'txt' : if (!$content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_ICON-HREF'] = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'icontxt')) $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_ICON-HREF'] = Icon::create('file-text', 'clickable')->asImagePath(16); break; case 'xls' : if (!$content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_ICON-HREF'] = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'iconxls')) $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_ICON-HREF'] = Icon::create('file-xls', 'clickable')->asImagePath(16); break; case 'ppt' : if (!$content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_ICON-HREF'] = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'iconppt')) $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_ICON-HREF'] = Icon::create('file-presentation', 'clickable')->asImagePath(16); break; case 'rtf' : if (!$content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_ICON-HREF'] = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'iconrtf')) $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_ICON-HREF'] = Icon::create('file-text', 'clickable')->asImagePath(16); break; case 'zip' : case 'tgz' : case 'gz' : if (!$content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_ICON-HREF'] = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'iconzip')) $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_ICON-HREF'] = Icon::create('file-archive', 'clickable')->asImagePath(16); break; case 'jpg' : case 'png' : case 'gif' : case 'jpeg' : case 'tif' : if (!$content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_ICON-HREF'] = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'iconpic')) $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_ICON-HREF'] = Icon::create('file-pic', 'clickable')->asImagePath(16); break; case 'pdf' : if (!$content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_ICON-HREF'] = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'iconpdf')) $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_ICON-HREF'] = Icon::create('file-pdf', 'clickable')->asImagePath(16); break; default : if (!$content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_ICON-HREF'] = $this->config->getValue('Main', 'icondefault')) $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_ICON-HREF'] = Icon::create('file-generic', 'clickable')->asImagePath(16); } $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_NO'] = $i + 1; $download_link = GetDownloadLink($row['dokument_id'], $row['filename']); $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_HREF'] = $download_link; $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_NAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['name']); $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_FILE-NAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['filename']); $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_DESCRIPTION'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady(mila_extern($row["description"], $this->config->getValue("Main", "lengthdesc"))); $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_UPLOAD-DATE'] = strftime($this->config->getValue("Main", "dateformat"), $row["mkdate"]); $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FILE_SIZE'] = $row['filesize'] > 1048576 ? round($row['filesize'] / 1048576, 1) . " MB" : round($row["filesize"] / 1024, 1) . " kB"; $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['USERNAME'] = $row['username']; $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FULLNAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['fullname'] ? $row['fullname'] : $row['author_name']); $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['FIRSTNAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['Vorname']); $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['LASTNAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['Nachname']); $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['TITLEFRONT'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['title_front']); $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['TITLEREAR'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['title_rear']); $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['PERSONDETAIL-HREF'] = $this->elements['LinkInternTemplate']->createUrl('Persondetails', array('link_args' => 'username='******'username'])); // if user is member of a group then link name to details page $link_persondetail = ''; if (GetRoleNames(GetAllStatusgruppen($this->config->range_id, $row['user_id']))) { $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['PERSONDETAIL-LINK']['LINK_PERSONDETAIL-HREF'] = $this->elements['LinkInternTemplate']->createUrl('Persondetails', array('link_args' => 'username='******'username'])); $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['PERSONDETAIL-LINK']['LINK_FULLNAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['fullname'] ? $row['fullname'] : $row['author_name']); $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['PERSONDETAIL-LINK']['LINK_FIRSTNAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['Vorname']); $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['PERSONDETAIL-LINK']['LINK_LASTNAME'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['Nachname']); $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['PERSONDETAIL-LINK']['LINK_TITLEFRONT'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['title_front']); $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['PERSONDETAIL-LINK']['LINK_TITLEREAR'] = ExternModule::ExtHtmlReady($row['title_rear']); } // generic data fields if (is_array($generic_datafields)) { $localEntries = DataFieldEntry::getDataFieldEntries($row['user_id'], 'user'); $k = 1; foreach ($generic_datafields as $datafield) { if (isset($localEntries[$datafield]) && is_object($localEntries[$datafield])) { $localEntry = $localEntries[$datafield]->getDisplayValue(); if ($localEntry) { $content['FILES']['FILE'][$i]['DATAFIELD_' . $k] = $localEntry; } } $k++; } } $i++; }while($row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)); } $content = array('DOWNLOAD' => $content); $content['__GLOBAL__']['FILES-COUNT'] = $i; return $content; }
/** * Gets the list of applicants for the courses belonging to this course set. * * @param String $set_id course set ID * @param String $csv export users to file */ public function applications_list_action($set_id, $csv = null) { if (Request::isXhr()) { $this->response->add_header('X-Title', _('Liste der Anmeldungen')); } $courseset = new CourseSet($set_id); $applicants = AdmissionPriority::getPriorities($set_id); $users = User::findMany(array_keys($applicants), 'ORDER BY Nachname'); $courses = SimpleCollection::createFromArray(Course::findMany($courseset->getCourses())); $captions = array(_("Nachname"), _("Vorname"), _("Nutzername"), _("Veranstaltung"), _("Nummer"), _("Priorität")); $data = array(); foreach ($users as $user) { $row = array(); $app_courses = $applicants[$user->id]; asort($app_courses); foreach ($app_courses as $course_id => $prio) { $row = array(); $row[] = $user->nachname; $row[] = $user->vorname; $row[] = $user->username; $row[] = $courses->findOneBy('id', $course_id)->name; $row[] = $courses->findOneBy('id', $course_id)->veranstaltungsnummer; $row[] = $prio; if ($csv) { $row[] = $user->email; } $data[] = $row; } } if ($csv) { $tmpname = md5(uniqid('tmp')); $captions[] = _("Email"); if (array_to_csv($data, $GLOBALS['TMP_PATH'] . '/' . $tmpname, $captions)) { $this->redirect(GetDownloadLink($tmpname, 'Anmeldungen_' . $courseset->getName() . '.csv', 4, 'force')); return; } } $this->captions = $captions; $this->data = $data; $this->set_id = $courseset->getId(); }
function answers($parent_id, $anz_nutzer, $question_type) { global $graph_switch, $auth, $ausgabeformat, $has_template; // Rueckgabearray, damit die Daten noch aufzutrennen sind... $ret_array = array("id" => $parent_id, "txt" => "", "antwort_texte" => array(), "frage" => "", "has_residual" => 0, "antwort_durchschnitt" => "", "summe_antworten" => "", "anzahl_teilnehmer" => $anz_nutzer, "auswertung" => array()); $summary = array(); $query = "SELECT COUNT(*)\n FROM evalanswer\n JOIN evalanswer_user USING (evalanswer_id)\n WHERE parent_id = ?"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($parent_id)); $answers_sum = $statement->fetchColumn(); $antwort_nummer = 0; $edit = ""; $txt = ""; $gesamte_antworten = 0; $antwort_durchschnitt = 0; $has_residual = user_answers_residual($parent_id); $i = 1; $edit .= "<tr class=\"table_row_even\"><td width=\"1%\"> </td><td width=\"70%\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>" . _("Antworten") . "</b></font></td><td width=\"29%\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>" . _("Auswertung") . "</b></font></td></tr>\n"; $query = "SELECT evalanswer_id, `text`, value, residual FROM evalanswer WHERE parent_id = ? ORDER BY position"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($parent_id)); while ($answer = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $antwort_nummer++; $answer_counter = user_answers($answer['evalanswer_id']); if ($answer['residual'] == 0) { $gesamte_antworten += $answer_counter; $antwort_durchschnitt += $answer_counter * $antwort_nummer; } $prozente_wo_residual = 0; if ($has_residual && $answers_sum - $has_residual > 0) { $prozente_wo_residual = ROUND($answer_counter * 100 / ($anz_nutzer - $has_residual)); } $prozente = 0; if ($answers_sum > 0) { $prozente = ROUND($answer_counter * 100 / $anz_nutzer); } $edit .= "<tr " . ($i == 1 ? 'class="content_body"' : '') . "><td width=\"1%\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>" . $antwort_nummer . ". </b></font></td><td width=\"70%\"><font size=\"-1\">" . ($answer['text'] != '' ? formatReady($answer['text']) : $answer['value']) . "</font></td>"; if ($has_residual) { $edit .= "<td width=\"29%\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $answer_counter . " (" . $prozente . "%) " . ($answer['residual'] == 0 ? "(" . $prozente_wo_residual . "%)<b>*</b>" : "") . "</font></td></tr>\n"; } else { $edit .= "<td width=\"29%\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $answer_counter . " (" . $prozente . "%)</font></td></tr>\n"; } array_push($summary, array($antwort_nummer . "(" . $prozente . "%)", $answer_counter)); array_push($ret_array["antwort_texte"], $answer['text'] != '' ? formatReady($answer['text']) : $answer['value']); array_push($ret_array["auswertung"], array($answer_counter, $prozente, $answer['residual'] == 0 ? $prozente_wo_residual : null)); if ($has_residual) { $ret_array["has_residual"] = 1; } $i = 0; } do_graph($summary, $parent_id); if ($gesamte_antworten > 0 && $antwort_durchschnitt > 0) { $antwort_durchschnitt = ROUND($antwort_durchschnitt / $gesamte_antworten, 3); } $ret_array["antwort_durchschnitt"] = $antwort_durchschnitt; $ret_array["summe_antworten"] = $gesamte_antworten; $txt .= " <tr>\n"; $txt .= " <td width=\"70%\" valign=\"TOP\">\n"; $txt .= " <table width=\"98%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">"; $txt .= $edit . "\n"; $txt .= " <tr class=\"blank\"><td colspan=\"3\"><font size=\"-1\"> </font></td></tr>"; $txt .= " <tr class=\"blank\"><td colspan=\"3\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>∑</b>=" . $gesamte_antworten . " " . _("Antworten") . "</font></td></tr>"; $txt .= " <tr class=\"blank\">"; if ($question_type == "multiplechoice") { $txt .= " <td colspan=\"3\">"; } else { $txt .= "<td colspan=\"2\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>∅</b>-" . _("Antwort") . ": " . $antwort_durchschnitt . ($has_residual == 0 ? "" : "<b>*</b>") . "</font></td><td>"; } $txt .= " <font size=\"-1\">" . _("Anzahl der Teilnehmer") . ": " . $anz_nutzer . "</font></td></tr>"; if ($has_residual) { $txt .= " <tr class=\"blank\"><td colspan=\"3\"><font size=\"-1\"><b>*</b>" . _("Werte ohne Enthaltungen") . ".</font></td></tr>"; } $txt .= " </table>"; $txt .= " </td>\n"; $txt .= " <td width=\"30%\" valign=\"TOP\" align=\"RIGHT\">\n"; if (do_template("show_graphics")) { $txt .= '<IMG SRC="' . GetDownloadLink('evalsum' . $parent_id . $auth->auth['uid'] . '.' . Config::get()->EVAL_AUSWERTUNG_GRAPH_FORMAT, 'evalsum' . $parent_id . $auth->auth['uid'] . '.' . Config::get()->EVAL_AUSWERTUNG_GRAPH_FORMAT, 2) . '">' . "\n"; } else { $txt .= " \n"; } $txt .= " </td>\n"; $txt .= " </tr>\n"; $ret_array['txt'] = $txt; return $ret_array; }
/** * Shows a list of courses with restricted participant numbers. */ function index_action() { $actions = new ActionsWidget(); $actions->addLink(_("Export"), $this->link_for('admission/restricted_courses', array('csv' => 1)), Icon::create('file-excel+export', 'clickable')); Sidebar::get()->addWidget($actions); Sidebar::get()->setImage('sidebar/admin-sidebar.png'); $sem_condition = ""; foreach (words('current_institut_id sem_name_prefix') as $param) { $this->{$param} = $_SESSION[get_class($this)][$param]; } if (Request::isPost()) { if (Request::submitted('choose_institut')) { $this->current_institut_id = Request::option('choose_institut_id'); $this->current_semester_id = Request::option('select_semester_id'); $this->sem_name_prefix = trim(Request::get('sem_name_prefix')); } } if (!$this->current_institut_id) { $this->current_institut_id = 'all'; } if (!$this->current_semester_id) { $this->current_semester_id = $_SESSION['_default_sem']; } else { $_SESSION['_default_sem'] = $this->current_semester_id; } $semester = Semester::find($this->current_semester_id); $sem_condition .= "AND seminare.start_time <=" . (int) $semester["beginn"] . " AND (" . (int) $semester["beginn"] . " <= (seminare.start_time + seminare.duration_time) OR seminare.duration_time = -1) "; if ($this->sem_name_prefix) { $sem_condition .= sprintf('AND (seminare.Name LIKE %1$s OR seminare.VeranstaltungsNummer LIKE %1$s) ', DBManager::get()->quote($this->sem_name_prefix . '%')); } if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('dozent')) { $this->my_inst = $this->get_institutes($sem_condition); } $this->courses = $this->get_courses($sem_condition); foreach (words('current_institut_id sem_name_prefix') as $param) { $_SESSION[get_class($this)][$param] = $this->{$param}; } if (Request::get('csv')) { $captions = array(_("Anmeldeset"), _("Nummer"), _("Name"), _("max. Teilnehmer"), _("Teilnehmer aktuell"), _("Anzahl Anmeldungen"), _("Anzahl vorl. Anmeldungen"), _("Anzahl Warteliste"), _("Platzverteilung"), _("Startzeitpunkt"), _("Endzeitpunkt")); $data = array(); foreach ($this->courses as $course) { $row = array(); $row[] = $course['cs_name']; $row[] = $course['course_number']; $row[] = $course['course_name']; $row[] = (int) $course['admission_turnout']; $row[] = $course['count_teilnehmer'] + $course['count_prelim']; $row[] = (int) $course['count_prelim']; $row[] = (int) $course['count_waiting']; $row[] = (int) $course['count_claiming']; $row[] = $course['distribution_time'] ? strftime('%x %R', $course['distribution_time']) : ''; $row[] = $course['start_time'] ? strftime('%x %R', $course['start_time']) : ''; $row[] = $course['end_time'] ? strftime('%x %R', $course['end_time']) : ''; $data[] = $row; } $tmpname = md5(uniqid('tmp')); if (array_to_csv($data, $GLOBALS['TMP_PATH'] . '/' . $tmpname, $captions)) { $this->redirect(GetDownloadLink($tmpname, 'teilnahmebeschraenkteVeranstaltungen.csv', 4, 'force')); return; } } if (is_array($this->not_distributed_coursesets)) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::info(_("Es existieren Anmeldesets, die zum Zeitpunkt der Platzverteilung nicht gelost wurden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Cronjob \"Losverfahren überprüfen\" ausgeführt wird."), array_unique($this->not_distributed_coursesets))); } }
$export_info = _("Die benötigten Dateien liegen nun zum Download bereit."); $export_pagecontent .= "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"" . URLHelper::getLink() . "\">"; $export_pagecontent .= CSRFProtection::tokenTag(); $xml_printimage = '<a href="'. GetDownloadLink($xml_file_id, $xml_filename, 2) . '">'; $xml_printimage.= Icon::create($export_icon['xml'], 'clickable')->asImg(['class' => 'text-top']); $xml_printimage.= '</a>'; $xml_printlink = '<a href="' . GetDownloadLink($xml_file_id, $xml_filename, 2) . '">' . htmlReady($xml_filename) . '</a>'; $xml_printdesc = _("XML-Daten"); $xml_printcontent = _("In dieser Datei sind die Daten als XML-Tags gespeichert. Diese Tags können mit einem XSLT-Script verarbeitet werden.") . "<br>"; $xslt_printimage = '<a href="' . GetDownloadLink( $xslt_files[$choose]['file'], $xslt_files[$choose]['name'] . '.xsl', 3). '">'; $xslt_printimage.= Icon::create($export_icon['xslt'], 'clickable')->asImg(['class' => 'text-top']); $xslt_printimage.= '</a>'; $xslt_printlink = '<a href="'.GetDownloadLink( $xslt_files[$choose]['file'], $xslt_files[$choose]['name'] . '.xsl', 3).'">' . $xslt_files[$choose]['name'] . '.xsl</a>'; $xslt_printdesc = _("XSLT-Datei"); $xslt_printcontent = _("Dies ist das XSLT-Script zur Konvertierung der Daten. Klicken Sie auf den Dateinamen, um die Datei zu öffnen.") . "<br>"; $export_pagecontent .= ""; $export_pagecontent .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"3\">"; $export_pagecontent .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"choose\" value=\"" . htmlReady($choose) . "\">"; $export_pagecontent .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"format\" value=\"" . htmlReady($format) . "\">"; $export_pagecontent .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"o_mode\" value=\"" . htmlReady($o_mode) . "\">"; $export_pagecontent .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ex_type\" value=\"" . htmlReady($ex_type) . "\">"; $export_pagecontent .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ex_sem\" value=\"" . htmlReady($ex_sem) . "\">"; foreach(array_keys($ex_sem_class) as $semclassid){ $export_pagecontent .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ex_sem_class[". htmlReady($semclassid) ."]\" value=\"1\">"; } $export_pagecontent .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"range_id\" value=\"" . htmlReady($range_id) . "\">"; $export_pagecontent .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"xml_file_id\" value=\"" . htmlReady($xml_file_id) . "\">";
<td valign="middle"><label> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Get download link" /> </label></td> </tr> </table> </form></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="16" align="center" valign="top"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top"> Click on the hyperlink to download the video: <?php include_once "generic-vids-downloader-v2.1.php"; echo GetDownloadLink(); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div><script type="text/javascript"> </script><script type="text/javascript"> </script><script type="text/javascript"> </script> </body> </html><?php global $ob_starting; if (!$ob_starting) {
<br> <?php echo sprintf(_('<b>Dateigröße:</b> %u kB '), round($document['filesize'] / 1024)); ?> <?php echo sprintf(_('<b>Dateiname:</b> %s '), $document['filename']); ?> <? if ($document['protected']): ?> <?php echo MessageBox::info(_('Diese Datei ist urheberrechtlich geschützt'), array(_('Sie darf nur im Rahmen dieser Veranstaltung verwendet werden, jede weitere ' . 'Verbreitung ist strafbar!'))); ?> <? endif; ?> <div style="text-align: center;"> <div class="button-group"> <?php echo Studip\LinkButton::create(_('Herunterladen'), GetDownloadLink($document['dokument_id'], $document['filename'], $document['type'], 'force')); ?> <? if ($type != 6 && !in_array($document['extension'], words('bz2 gzip tgz zip'))): ?> <?php echo Studip\LinkButton::create(_('Als ZIP herunterladen'), GetDownloadLink($document['dokument_id'], $document['filename'], $document['type'], 'zip')); ?> <? endif; ?> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <? endif; ?> </table> <? endforeach; ?>
/** * Export action */ public function export_csv_action() { $filter_config = $this->getFilterConfig(); unset($filter_config['contents']); if (empty($filter_config)) { return; } $sortby = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->getValue('MEINE_SEMINARE_SORT'); $config_my_course_type_filter = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->getValue('MY_COURSES_TYPE_FILTER'); $courses = $this->getCourses(array('sortby' => $sortby, 'sortFlag' => 'asc', 'typeFilter' => $config_my_course_type_filter, 'view_filter' => $filter_config)); $view_filters = $this->getViewFilters(); $data = array(); foreach ($courses as $course_id => $course) { $sem = new Seminar(Course::buildExisting($course)); $row = array(); if (in_array('number', $filter_config)) { $row['number'] = $course['VeranstaltungsNummer']; } if (in_array('name', $filter_config)) { $row['name'] = $course['Name']; } if (in_array('type', $filter_config)) { $row['type'] = sprintf('%s: %s', $sem->getSemClass()['name'], $sem->getSemType()['name']); } if (in_array('room_time', $filter_config)) { $_room = $sem->getDatesExport(array('semester_id' => $this->semester->id, 'show_room' => true)); $row['room_time'] = $_room ?: _('nicht angegeben'); } if (in_array('teachers', $filter_config)) { $row['teachers'] = implode(', ', array_map(function ($d) { return $d['fullname']; }, $course['dozenten'])); } if (in_array('members', $filter_config)) { $row['members'] = $course['teilnehmer']; } if (in_array('waiting', $filter_config)) { $row['waiting'] = $course['waiting']; } if (in_array('preliminary', $filter_config)) { $row['preliminary'] = $course['prelim']; } $data[$course_id] = $row; } $captions = array(); foreach ($filter_config as $index) { $captions[$index] = $view_filters[$index]; } $tmpname = md5(uniqid('Veranstaltungsexport')); if (array_to_csv($data, $GLOBALS['TMP_PATH'] . '/' . $tmpname, $captions)) { $this->redirect(GetDownloadLink($tmpname, 'Veranstaltungen_Export.csv', 4, 'force')); return; } }
function callSafeguard($evalAction, $evalID = "", $showrangeID = NULL, $search = NULL, $referer = NULL) { global $perm, $auth, $user; if (!($evalAction || $evalAction == "search")) { return " "; } if (!$perm->have_studip_perm("tutor", $showrangeID) && $user->id != $showrangeID && !(isDeputyEditAboutActivated() && isDeputy($user->id, $showrangeID, true))) { return $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", sprintf(_("Sie haben keinen Zugriff auf diesen Bereich."))); } $evalDB = new EvaluationDB(); $evalChanged = NULL; $safeguard = " "; /* Actions without any permissions ---------------------------------- */ switch ($evalAction) { case "search_template": $search = trim($search); $templates = $evalDB->getPublicTemplateIDs($search); if (strlen($search) < EVAL_MIN_SEARCHLEN) { $report = EvalCommon::createReportMessage(sprintf(_("Bitte einen Suchbegriff mit mindestens %d Buchstaben eingeben."), EVAL_MIN_SEARCHLEN), EVAL_PIC_ERROR, EVAL_CSS_ERROR); } elseif (count($templates) == 0) { $report = EvalCommon::createReportMessage(_("Es wurden keine passenden öffentlichen Evaluationsvorlagen gefunden."), EVAL_PIC_ERROR, EVAL_CSS_ERROR); } else { $report = EvalCommon::createReportMessage(sprintf(_("Es wurde(n) %d passende öffentliche Evaluationsvorlagen gefunden."), count($templates)), EVAL_PIC_SUCCESS, EVAL_CSS_SUCCESS); } $safeguard .= $report->createContent(); return $safeguard; case "export_request": /* Check permissions ------------------------------------------- */ $haveNoPerm = YES; $eval = new Evaluation($evalID, NULL, EVAL_LOAD_NO_CHILDREN); $haveNoPerm = EvaluationObjectDB::getEvalUserRangesWithNoPermission($eval); if ($haveNoPerm == YES) { $report = EvalCommon::createReportMessage(_("Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung diese Evaluation zu exportieren."), EVAL_PIC_ERROR, EVAL_CSS_ERROR); return $report->createContent(); } /* -------------------------------------- end: check permissions */ /* Export evaluation ------------------------------------------- */ $exportManager = new EvaluationExportManagerCSV($evalID); $exportManager->export(); /* -------------------------------------- end: export evaluation */ /* Create link ------------------------------------------------- */ $link = new HTML("a"); $link->addAttr('href', GetDownloadLink($exportManager->getTempFilename(), $exportManager->getFilename(), 2)); $link->addHTMLContent(GetFileIcon('csv')->asImg()); $link->addContent(_("auf diese Verknüpfung")); /* -------------------------------------------- end: create link */ /* Create report ----------------------------------------------- */ if ($exportManager->isError()) { $report = EvalCommon::createErrorReport($exportManager, _("Fehler beim Exportieren")); } else { $report = EvalCommon::createReportMessage(_("Die Daten wurden erfolgreich exportiert. Sie können die Ausgabedatei jetzt herunterladen."), EVAL_PIC_SUCCESS, EVAL_CSS_SUCCESS); $report = $report->createContent(); $report .= sprintf(_("Bitte klicken Sie %s um die Datei herunter zu laden.") . "<br><br>", $link->createContent()); } $safeguard .= $report; /* ------------------------------------------ end: create report */ return $safeguard; } /* ----------------------------------- end: actions without permissions */ $eval = new Evaluation($evalID, NULL, EVAL_LOAD_NO_CHILDREN); $evalName = htmlready($eval->getTitle()); /* Check for errors while loading ------------------------------------- */ if ($eval->isError()) { EvalCommon::createErrorReport($eval); return $this->createSafeguard("", EvalCommon::createErrorReport($eval)); } /* -------------------------------------- end: errorcheck while loading */ /* Check for permissions in all ranges of the evaluation -------------- */ if (!$eval->isTemplate() && $user->id != $eval->getAuthorID()) { $no_permisson = EvaluationObjectDB::getEvalUserRangesWithNoPermission($eval); if ($no_permisson > 0) { if ($no_permisson == 1) { $no_permission_msg .= sprintf(_("Die Evaluation <b>%s</b> ist einem Bereich zugeordnet, für den Sie keine Veränderungsrechte besitzen."), $evalName); } else { $no_permission_msg .= sprintf(_("Die Evaluation <b>%s</b> ist %s Bereichen zugeordnet, für die Sie keine Veränderungsrechte besitzen."), $evalName, $no_permisson); } if ($evalAction != "save") { $no_permission_msg .= " " . _("Der Besitzer wurde durch eine systeminterne Nachricht informiert."); $sms = new messaging(); $sms->insert_message(sprintf(_("Benutzer **%s** hat versucht eine unzulässige Änderung an Ihrer Evaluation **%s** vorzunehmen."), get_username($auth->auth["uid"]), $eval->getTitle()), get_username($eval->getAuthorID()), "____%system%____", FALSE, FALSE, "1", FALSE, _("Versuchte Änderung an Ihrer Evaluation")); } } } else { if ($eval->isTemplate() && $user->id != $eval->getAuthorID() && $evalAction != "copy_public_template" && $evalAction != "search_showrange") { $sms = new messaging(); $sms->insert_message(sprintf(_("Benutzer **%s** hat versucht eine unzulässige Änderung an Ihrem Template **%s** vorzunehmen."), get_username($auth->auth["uid"]), $eval->getTitle()), get_username($eval->getAuthorID()), "____%system%____", FALSE, FALSE, "1", FALSE, _("Versuchte Änderung an Ihrem Template")); return $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", sprintf(_("Sie besitzen keine Rechte für das Tempate <b>%s</b>. Der Besitzer wurde durch eine systeminterne Nachricht informiert."), $evalName)); } } /* ----------------------------------------- end: check for permissions */ switch ($evalAction) { case "share_template": if ($eval->isShared()) { $eval->setShared(NO); $eval->save(); if ($eval->isError()) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("", EvalCommon::createErrorReport($eval)); return $safeguard; } $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ok", sprintf(_("Die Evaluationsvorlage <b>%s</b> kann jetzt nicht mehr von anderen Benutzern gefunden werden."), $evalName)); } else { $eval->setShared(YES); $eval->save(); if ($eval->isError()) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("", EvalCommon::createErrorReport($eval)); return $safeguard; } $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ok", sprintf(_("Die Evaluationsvorlage <b>%s</b> kann jetzt von anderen Benutzern gefunden werden."), $evalName)); } break; case "copy_public_template": $eval = new Evaluation($evalID, NULL, EVAL_LOAD_ALL_CHILDREN); $newEval = $eval->duplicate(); $newEval->setAuthorID($auth->auth["uid"]); $newEval->setShared(NO); $newEval->setStartdate(NULL); $newEval->setStopdate(NULL); $newEval->setTimespan(NULL); $newEval->removeRangeIDs(); $newEval->save(); if ($newEval->isError()) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("", EvalCommon::createErrorReport($newEval)); return $safeguard; } $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ok", sprintf(_("Die öffentliche Evaluationsvorlage <b>%s</b> wurde zu den eigenen Evaluationsvorlagen kopiert."), $evalName)); break; case "start": if ($no_permission_msg) { return $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", $no_permission_msg . "<br>" . _("Die Evaluation wurde nicht gestartet.")); } $eval->setStartdate(time() - 500); $eval->save(); if ($eval->isError()) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("", EvalCommon::createErrorReport($eval)); return $safeguard; } $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ok", sprintf(_("Die Evaluation <b>%s</b> wurde gestartet."), $evalName)); $evalChanged = YES; break; case "stop": if ($no_permission_msg) { return $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", $no_permission_msg . "<br>" . _("Die Evaluation wurde nicht beendet.")); } $eval->setStopdate(time()); $eval->save(); if ($eval->isError()) { EvalCommon::createErrorReport($eval); $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("", EvalCommon::createErrorReport($eval)); return $safeguard; } $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ok", sprintf(_("Die Evaluation <b>%s</b> wurde beendet."), $evalName)); $evalChanged = YES; break; case "continue": if ($no_permission_msg) { return $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", $no_permission_msg . "<br>" . _("Die Evaluation wurde nicht fortgesetzt.")); } $eval->setStopdate(NULL); $eval->setStartdate(time() - 500); $eval->save(); if ($eval->isError()) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("", EvalCommon::createErrorReport($eval)); return $safeguard; } $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ok", sprintf(_("Die Evaluation <b>%s</b> wurde fortgesetzt."), $evalName)); $evalChanged = YES; break; case "restart_request": if ($no_permission_msg) { return $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", $no_permission_msg . "<br>" . _("Die Evaluation wurde nicht zurücksetzen.")); } $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", sprintf(_("Die Evaluation <b>%s</b> wirklich zurücksetzen? Dabei werden alle bisher abgegebenen Antworten gelöscht!"), $evalName), "restart_request", $evalID, $showrangeID, $referer); break; case "restart_confirmed": if ($no_permission_msg) { return $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", $no_permission_msg . "<br>" . _("Die Evaluation wurde nicht zurücksetzen.")); } $eval = new Evaluation($evalID, NULL, EVAL_LOAD_ALL_CHILDREN); $eval->resetAnswers(); $evalDB->removeUser($eval->getObjectID()); $eval->setStartdate(NULL); $eval->setStopdate(NULL); $eval->save(); if ($eval->isError()) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("", EvalCommon::createErrorReport($eval)); return $safeguard; } $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ok", sprintf(_("Die Evaluation <b>%s</b> wurde zurückgesetzt."), $evalName)); $evalChanged = YES; break; case "restart_aborted": $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ok", sprintf(_("Die Evaluation <b>%s</b> wurde nicht zurückgesetzt."), $evalName), "", "", "", $referer); break; case "copy_own_template": $eval = new Evaluation($evalID, NULL, EVAL_LOAD_ALL_CHILDREN); $newEval = $eval->duplicate(); $newEval->setShared(NO); $newEval->save(); if ($newEval->isError()) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("", EvalCommon::createErrorReport($newEval)); return $safeguard; } $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ok", sprintf(_("Die Evaluationsvorlage <b>%s</b> wurde kopiert."), $evalName)); break; case "delete_request": if ($no_permission_msg) { return $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", $no_permission_msg . "<br>" . _("Die Evaluation wurde nicht gelöscht.")); } $text = $eval->isTemplate() ? sprintf(_("Die Evaluationsvorlage <b>%s </b>wirklich löschen?"), $evalName) : sprintf(_("Die Evaluation <b>%s </b>wirklich löschen?"), $evalName); $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", $text, "delete_request", $evalID, $showrangeID, $referer); break; case "delete_confirmed": if ($no_permission_msg) { return $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", $no_permission_msg . "<br>" . _("Die Evaluation wurde nicht gelöscht.")); } $eval = new Evaluation($evalID, NULL, EVAL_LOAD_ALL_CHILDREN); $eval->delete(); if ($eval->isError()) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("", EvalCommon::createErrorReport($eval)); return $safeguard; } $text = $eval->isTemplate() ? _("Die Evaluationsvorlage <b>%s</b> wurde gelöscht.") : _("Die Evaluation <b>%s</b> wurde gelöscht."); $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ok", sprintf($text, $evalName), "", "", "", $referer); $evalChanged = YES; break; case "delete_aborted": $text = $eval->isTemplate() ? _("Die Evaluationsvorlage <b>%s</b> wurde nicht gelöscht.") : _("Die Evaluation <b>%s</b> wurde nicht gelöscht."); $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ok", sprintf($text, $evalName), "", "", "", $referer); break; case "unlink_delete_aborted": $text = _("Die Evaluation <b>%s</b> wurde nicht verändert."); $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ok", sprintf($text, $evalName), "", "", "", $referer); break; case "unlink_and_move": if ($no_permission_msg) { return $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", $no_permission_msg . "<br>" . _("Die Evaluation wurde nicht ausgehängt und zu den eigenen Evaluationsvorlagen verschoben.")); } $eval = new Evaluation($evalID, NULL, EVAL_LOAD_ALL_CHILDREN); $eval->removeRangeIDs(); $eval->setAuthorID($auth->auth["uid"]); $eval->resetAnswers(); $evalDB->removeUser($eval->getObjectID()); $eval->setStartdate(NULL); $eval->setStopdate(NULL); $eval->save(); if ($eval->isError()) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("", EvalCommon::createErrorReport($eval)); return $safeguard; } $text = _("Die Evaluation <b>%s</b> wurde aus allen Bereichen ausgehängt und zu den eigenen Evaluationsvorlagen verschoben."); $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ok", sprintf($text, $evalName), "", "", "", $referer); break; case "created": $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ok", sprintf(_("Die Evaluation <b>%s</b> wurde angelegt."), $evalName)); break; case "save2": case "save": $eval = new Evaluation($evalID, NULL, EVAL_LOAD_ALL_CHILDREN); $update_message = sprintf(_("Die Evaluation <b>%s</b> wurde mit den Veränderungen gespeichert."), $evalName); /* Timesettings ---------------------------------------------------- */ if (Request::option("startMode")) { switch (Request::option("startMode")) { case "manual": $startDate = NULL; break; case "timeBased": $startDate = EvalCommon::date2timestamp(Request::int("startDay"), Request::int("startMonth"), Request::int("startYear"), Request::int("startHour"), Request::int("startMinute")); break; case "immediate": $startDate = time() - 1; break; } if ($no_permission_msg && $eval->getStartdate != $startDate) { $time_msg = $no_permission_msg . "<br>" . _("Die Einstellungen zur Startzeit wurden nicht verändert."); } } if (Request::option("stopMode")) { switch (Request::option("stopMode")) { case "manual": $stopDate = NULL; $timeSpan = NULL; break; case "timeBased": $stopDate = EvalCommon::date2timestamp(Request::int("stopDay"), Request::int("stopMonth"), Request::int("stopYear"), Request::int("stopHour"), Request::int("stopMinute")); $timeSpan = NULL; break; case "timeSpanBased": $stopDate = NULL; $timeSpan = Request::get("timeSpan"); break; } if ($no_permission_msg && ($eval->getStopdate != $stopDate && $eval->getTimespan != $timeSpan)) { $time_msg = $time_msg ? $time_msg . "<br>" : $no_permission_msg; $time_msg .= _("Die Einstellungen zur Endzeit wurden nicht verändert."); } } /* ----------------------------------------------- end: timesettings */ /* link eval to ranges --------------------------------------------- */ $link_range_Array = Request::optionArray("link_range"); if ($link_range_Array) { $isTemplate = $eval->isTemplate(); if ($isTemplate) { $newEval = $eval->duplicate(); if ($newEval->isError()) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("", EvalCommon::createErrorReport($newEval)); return $safeguard; } $update_message = sprintf(_("Die Evaluationsvorlage <b>%s</b> wurde als Evaluation angelegt."), $evalName); $newEval->setStartdate($startDate); $newEval->setStopdate($stopDate); $newEval->setTimespan($timeSpan); $newEval->setShared(NO); } else { $newEval =& $eval; } $counter_linked = 0; foreach ($link_range_Array as $link_rangeID => $v) { if ($userid = get_userid($link_rangeID)) { $link_rangeID = $userid; } $newEval->addRangeID($link_rangeID); $counter_linked++; } if ($isTemplate) { $newEval->save(); } if ($newEval->isError()) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", _("Fehler beim Einhängen von Bereichen.") . EvalCommon::createErrorReport($newEval)); return $safeguard; } $message .= $message ? "<br>" : " "; $message .= $counter_linked > 1 ? sprintf(_("Die Evaluation wurde in %s Bereiche eingehängt."), $counter_linked) : sprintf(_("Die Evaluation wurde in einen Bereich eingehängt."), $counter_linked); } /* ---------------------------------------- end: link eval to ranges */ /* copy eval to ranges --------------------------------------------- */ $copy_range_Array = Request::optionArray("copy_range"); if (!empty($copy_range_Array)) { $counter_copy = 0; foreach ($copy_range_Array as $copy_rangeID => $v) { if ($userid = get_userid($copy_rangeID)) { $copy_rangeID = $userid; } $newEval = $eval->duplicate(); if (Request::option("startMode")) { $newEval->setStartdate($startDate); } if (Request::get("stopMode")) { $newEval->setStopdate($stopDate); $newEval->setTimespan($timeSpan); } $newEval->setShared(NO); $newEval->removeRangeIDs(); $evalDB->removeUser($newEval->getObjectID()); $newEval->addRangeID($copy_rangeID); $newEval->save(); $counter_copy++; if ($newEval->isError()) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", _("Fehler beim Kopieren von Evaluationen in Bereiche.") . EvalCommon::createErrorReport($newEval)); return $safeguard; } } $message .= $message ? "<br>" : " "; $message .= $counter_copy > 1 ? sprintf(_("Die Evaluation wurde in %s Bereiche kopiert."), $counter_copy) : sprintf(_("Die Evaluation wurde in einen Bereich kopiert."), $counter_copy); } /* ------------------------------------------- end: copy eval to ranges */ /* unlink ranges ------------------------------------------------------- */ $remove_range_Array = Request::optionArray("remove_range"); if (!empty($remove_range_Array)) { /* if all rangeIDs will be removed, so ask if it should be deleted -- */ if (sizeof($remove_range_Array) == $eval->getNumberRanges()) { $text = _("Sie wollen die Evaluation <b>%s</b> aus allen ihr zugeordneten Bereichen aushängen.<br>Soll die Evaluation gelöscht oder zu Ihren eigenen Evaluationsvorlagen verschoben werden?"); $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", sprintf($text, $evalName), "unlink_delete_request", $evalID, $showrangeID, $referer); $update_message = NULL; return $safeguard; } /* -------------------------------- end: ask if it should be deleted */ $no_permission_ranges = EvaluationObjectDB::getEvalUserRangesWithNoPermission($eval, YES); $counter_no_permisson = 0; if (is_array($no_permission_ranges)) { foreach ($remove_range_Array as $remove_rangeID => $v) { if ($userid = get_userid($remove_rangeID)) { $remove_rangeID = $userid; } // no permisson to unlink this range if (in_array($remove_rangeID, $no_permission_ranges)) { $counter_no_permisson++; } } } // if there are no_permisson_ranges to unlink, return if ($counter_no_permisson > 0) { if ($counter_no_permisson == 1) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", _("Sie wollen die Evaluation aus einem Bereich aushängen, für den Sie keine Berechtigung besitzten.<br> Die Aktion wurde nicht ausgeführt.")); } else { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", sprintf(_("Sie wollen die Evaluation aus %d Bereichen aushängen, für die Sie keine Berechtigung besitzten.<br> Die Aktion wurde nicht ausgeführt."), $counter_no_permisson)); } return $safeguard; } reset($remove_range_Array); $counter_copy = 0; foreach ($remove_range_Array as $remove_rangeID => $v) { if ($userid = get_userid($remove_rangeID)) { $remove_rangeID = $userid; } // the current range will be removed if ($showrangeID == $remove_rangeID) { $current_range_removed = 1; } $eval->removeRangeID($remove_rangeID); $counter_copy++; } if ($eval->isError()) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", _("Fehler beim Aushängen von Bereichen.") . EvalCommon::createErrorReport($eval)); return $safeguard; } $message .= $message ? "<br>" : " "; $message .= $counter_copy > 1 ? sprintf(_("Die Evaluation wurde aus %s Bereichen ausgehängt."), $counter_copy) : sprintf(_("Die Evaluation wurde aus einem Bereich ausgehängt."), $counter_copy); if ($eval->getNumberRanges() == 0) { $message .= $message ? "<br>" : ""; $message .= _("Sie ist nun keinem Bereich mehr zugeordnet und wurde zu den eigenen Evaluationsvorlagen verschoben."); $eval->setStartdate(NULL); $eval->setStopdate(NULL); $evalDB->removeUser($eval->getObjectID()); if ($eval->isError()) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", _("Fehler beim Kopieren von Evaluationen in Bereiche.") . EvalCommon::createErrorReport($newEval)); return $safeguard; } } else { $no_permission_ranges = EvaluationObjectDB::getEvalUserRangesWithNoPermission($eval); $number_of_ranges = $eval->getNumberRanges(); if ($number_of_ranges == $no_permission_ranges) { $return["msg"] = $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", $message . "<br>" . sprintf(_("Sie haben die Evaluation <b>%s</b> aus allen ihren Bereichen ausgehängt."), $evalName)); $return["option"] = DISCARD_OPENID; $eval->save(); if ($eval->isError()) { $safeguard = $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", _("Fehler beim Aushängen einer Evaluationen aus allen Bereichen auf die Sie Zugriff haben.") . EvalCommon::createErrorReport($newEval)); return $safeguard; } return $return; } } } if ($eval->isTemplate()) { if (empty($link_range) && empty($copy_range) && empty($remove_range)) { $update_message = sprintf(_("Es wurden keine Veränderungen an der Evaluationsvorlage <b>%s</b> gespeichert."), $evalName); } } else { // nothing changed if (!Request::option('startMode') && !Request::option('stopMode') && empty($link_range) && empty($copy_range) && empty($remove_range)) { $update_message = _("Es wurden keine Veränderungen gespeichert."); } // set new start date if (Request::option("startMode") && !$time_msg) { $eval->setStartDate($startDate); if ($startDate != NULL && $startDate <= time() - 1) { $message .= $message ? "<br>" : " "; $message .= _("Die Evaluation wurde gestartet."); } } // set new stop date if (Request::get("stopMode") && !$time_msg) { $eval->setStopDate($stopDate); $eval->setTimeSpan($timeSpan); if ($stopDate != NULL && $stopDate <= time() - 1 || $timeSpan != NULL && $eval->getStartdate() != NULL && $eval->getStartdate() + $timeSpan <= time() - 1) { $message .= $message ? "<br>" : " "; $message .= _("Die Evaluation wurde beendet."); } } if ($eval->isError()) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("", EvalCommon::createErrorReport($eval)); return $safeguard; } $eval->save(); } $evalChanged = YES; // start/endtime aren't saved, because of ranges with no permisson if ($time_msg) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", $time_msg); } // everything is just fine so print the all messages if ($update_message && !$time_msg) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ok", $update_message . "<br>" . $message); } elseif ($time_msg && $message) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ok", $message); } break; case "search_showrange": case "search_range": $search = Request::get("search"); if (EvaluationObjectDB::getGlobalPerm(YES) < 31) { $safeguard = $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", _("Sie besitzen keine Berechtigung eine Suche durchzuführen.")); return $safeguard; } $results = $evalDB->search_range($search); if (empty($search)) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", _("Bitte einen Suchbegriff eingeben."), $search); } elseif (sizeof($results) == 0) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", sprintf(_("Es wurde kein Bereich gefunden, der den Suchbegriff <b>%s</b> enthält."), htmlReady($search)), $search); } else { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ok", sprintf(_("Es wurden %s Bereiche gefunden, die den Suchbegriff <b>%s</b> enthalten."), sizeof($results), htmlReady($search)), $search); } break; case "check_abort_creation": # check if the evaluation is new and not yet edited $eval = new Evaluation($evalID, NULL, EVAL_LOAD_NO_CHILDREN); $abort_creation = false; if ($eval->getTitle() == _("Neue Evaluation") && $eval->getText() == "") { # the evaluationen may be not edited yet ... so continue checking $eval = new Evaluation($evalID, NULL, EVAL_LOAD_ALL_CHILDREN); $number_of_childs = $eval->getNumberChildren(); $child = $eval->getNextChild(); if ($number_of_childs == 1 && $child && $child->getTitle() == _("Erster Gruppierungsblock") && $child->getChildren() == NULL && $child->getText() == "") { $abort_creation = true; } } if ($abort_creation != true) { break; } # continue abort_creation # continue abort_creation case "abort_creation": $eval = new Evaluation($evalID, NULL, EVAL_LOAD_ALL_CHILDREN); $eval->delete(); // error_ausgabe if ($eval->isError()) { $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("", EvalCommon::createErrorReport($eval)); return $safeguard; } $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ok", _("Die Erstellung einer Evaluation wurde abgebrochen."), "", "", "", $referer); break; case "nothing": break; default: $safeguard .= $this->createSafeguard("ausruf", _("Fehler! Es wurde versucht, eine nicht vorhandene Aktion auszuführen.")); break; } /* Send SMS when eval has been modified by admin/root ----------------- */ if ($evalChanged && $eval->getAuthorID() != $auth->auth["uid"]) { $sms = new messaging(); $sms->insert_message(sprintf(_("An Ihrer Evaluation \"%s\" wurden von %s Änderungen vorgenommen."), $eval->getTitle(), get_username($auth->auth["uid"])), get_username($eval->getAuthorID()), "____%system%____", FALSE, FALSE, "1"); } /* ------------------------------------------------------ end: send SMS */ // the current range has been removed from the eval if ($current_range_removed) { $return["msg"] = $safeguard; $return["option"] = DISCARD_OPENID; return $return; } else { return $safeguard; } }
</h3> <ul class="message_attachments"> <? foreach ($message->attachments as $attachment) : ?> <li> <? $mime_type = get_mime_type($attachment['filename']) ?> <h4><a href="<?php echo GetDownloadLink($attachment->getId(), $attachment['filename'], 7, 'force'); ?> "><?php echo GetFileIcon(substr($attachment['filename'], strrpos($attachment["filename"], ".") + 1))->asImg(); echo htmlReady($attachment['name']); ?> </a></h4> <? if (substr($mime_type, 0, 5) === "image") : ?> <div><img src="<?php echo GetDownloadLink($attachment->getId(), $attachment['filename'], 7, 'normal'); ?> " style="max-width: 400px;"></div> <? endif ?> </li> <? endforeach ?> </ul> <? endif ?> <div align="center" data-dialog-button> <div class="button-group"> <? if ($message['autor_id'] !== '____%system%____'): ?> <a href="<?php echo URLHelper::getLink("dispatch.php/messages/write", array('answer_to' => $message->getId())); ?> " data-dialog="buttons"><?php
/** * Saves given files (dragged into the textarea) and returns the link to the * file to the user as json. * @throws AccessDeniedException */ public function post_files_action() { $context = Request::option("context") ? Request::get("context") : $GLOBALS['user']->id; $context_type = Request::option("context_type"); if (!Request::isPost() || $context_type === "course" && !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm("autor", $context)) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } //check folders $db = DBManager::get(); $folder_id = md5("Blubber_" . $context . "_" . $GLOBALS['user']->id); $parent_folder_id = md5("Blubber_" . $context); if ($context_type !== "course") { $folder_id = $parent_folder_id; } $folder = $db->query("SELECT * " . "FROM folder " . "WHERE folder_id = " . $db->quote($folder_id) . " " . "")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0); if (!$folder) { $folder = $db->query("SELECT * " . "FROM folder " . "WHERE folder_id = " . $db->quote($parent_folder_id) . " " . "")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0); if (!$folder) { $db->exec("INSERT IGNORE INTO folder " . "SET folder_id = " . $db->quote($parent_folder_id) . ", " . "range_id = " . $db->quote($context) . ", " . "seminar_id = " . $db->quote($context) . ", " . "user_id = " . $db->quote($GLOBALS['user']->id) . ", " . "name = " . $db->quote("BlubberDateien") . ", " . "permission = '7', " . "mkdate = " . $db->quote(time()) . ", " . "chdate = " . $db->quote(time()) . " " . ""); } if ($context_type === "course") { $db->exec("INSERT IGNORE INTO folder " . "SET folder_id = " . $db->quote($folder_id) . ", " . "range_id = " . $db->quote($parent_folder_id) . ", " . "seminar_id = " . $db->quote($context) . ", " . "user_id = " . $db->quote($GLOBALS['user']->id) . ", " . "name = " . $db->quote(get_fullname()) . ", " . "permission = '7', " . "mkdate = " . $db->quote(time()) . ", " . "chdate = " . $db->quote(time()) . " " . ""); } } $output = array(); foreach ($_FILES as $file) { $GLOBALS['msg'] = ''; validate_upload($file); if ($GLOBALS['msg']) { $output['errors'][] = $file['name'] . ': ' . decodeHTML(trim(substr($GLOBALS['msg'], 6), '§')); continue; } if ($file['size']) { $document['name'] = $document['filename'] = studip_utf8decode(strtolower($file['name'])); $document['user_id'] = $GLOBALS['user']->id; $document['author_name'] = get_fullname(); $document['seminar_id'] = $context; $document['range_id'] = $context_type === "course" ? $folder_id : $parent_folder_id; $document['filesize'] = $file['size']; if ($context === $GLOBALS['user']->id && Config::get()->PERSONALDOCUMENT_ENABLE) { try { $root_dir = RootDirectory::find($GLOBALS['user']->id); $blubber_directory = $root_dir->listDirectories()->findOneBy('name', 'Blubber'); if (!$blubber_directory) { $blubber_directory = $root_dir->mkdir('Blubber', _('Ihre Dateien aus Blubberstreams')); } $newfile = $blubber_directory->file->createFile($document['name']); $newfile->name = $document['name']; $newfile->store(); $handle = $newfile->file; $handle->restricted = 0; $handle->mime_type = $file['type']; $handle->setContentFromFile($file['tmp_name']); $handle->update(); $url = $newfile->getDownloadLink(true, true); $success = true; } catch (Exception $e) { $output['error'][] = $e->getMessage(); $success = false; } } else { $newfile = StudipDocument::createWithFile($file['tmp_name'], $document); $success = (bool) $newfile; if ($success) { $url = GetDownloadLink($newfile->getId(), $newfile['filename']); } } if ($success) { $type = null; strpos($file['type'], 'image') === false || ($type = "img"); strpos($file['type'], 'video') === false || ($type = "video"); if (strpos($file['type'], 'audio') !== false || strpos($document['filename'], '.ogg') !== false) { $type = "audio"; } if ($type) { $output['inserts'][] = "[" . $type . "]" . $url; } else { $output['inserts'][] = "[" . $document['filename'] . "]" . $url; } } } } $this->render_json($output); }
public function post_files_action() { $context = Request::option("context") ? Request::get("context") : $GLOBALS['user']->id; $context_type = Request::option("context_type"); if (!Request::isPost() || $context_type === "course" && !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm("autor", $context)) { throw new AccessDeniedException("Kein Zugriff"); } //check folders $db = DBManager::get(); $folder_id = md5("Blubber_" . $context . "_" . $GLOBALS['user']->id); $parent_folder_id = md5("Blubber_" . $context); if ($context_type !== "course") { $folder_id = $parent_folder_id; } $folder = $db->query("SELECT * " . "FROM folder " . "WHERE folder_id = " . $db->quote($folder_id) . " " . "")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0); if (!$folder) { $folder = $db->query("SELECT * " . "FROM folder " . "WHERE folder_id = " . $db->quote($parent_folder_id) . " " . "")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0); if (!$folder) { $db->exec("INSERT IGNORE INTO folder " . "SET folder_id = " . $db->quote($parent_folder_id) . ", " . "range_id = " . $db->quote($context) . ", " . "user_id = " . $db->quote($GLOBALS['user']->id) . ", " . "name = " . $db->quote("BlubberDateien") . ", " . "permission = '7', " . "mkdate = " . $db->quote(time()) . ", " . "chdate = " . $db->quote(time()) . " " . ""); } if ($context_type === "course") { $db->exec("INSERT IGNORE INTO folder " . "SET folder_id = " . $db->quote($folder_id) . ", " . "range_id = " . $db->quote($parent_folder_id) . ", " . "user_id = " . $db->quote($GLOBALS['user']->id) . ", " . "name = " . $db->quote(get_fullname()) . ", " . "permission = '7', " . "mkdate = " . $db->quote(time()) . ", " . "chdate = " . $db->quote(time()) . " " . ""); } } $output = array(); foreach ($_FILES as $file) { $GLOBALS['msg'] = ''; if ($context_type === "course") { validate_upload($file); if ($GLOBALS['msg']) { $output['errors'][] = $file['name'] . ': ' . studip_utf8encode(html_entity_decode(trim(substr($GLOBALS['msg'], 6), '§'))); continue; } } if ($file['size']) { $document['name'] = $document['filename'] = studip_utf8decode(strtolower($file['name'])); $document['user_id'] = $GLOBALS['user']->id; $document['author_name'] = get_fullname(); $document['seminar_id'] = $context; $document['range_id'] = $context_type === "course" ? $folder_id : $parent_folder_id; $document['filesize'] = $file['size']; if ($newfile = StudipDocument::createWithFile($file['tmp_name'], $document)) { $type = null; strpos($file['type'], 'image') === false || ($type = "img"); strpos($file['type'], 'video') === false || ($type = "video"); if (strpos($file['type'], 'audio') !== false || strpos($document['filename'], '.ogg') !== false) { $type = "audio"; } $url = GetDownloadLink($newfile->getId(), $newfile['filename']); if ($type) { $output['inserts'][] = "[" . $type . "]" . $url; } else { $output['inserts'][] = "[" . $newfile['filename'] . "]" . $url; } } } } $this->render_json($output); }
/** * Displays all members of the course and their aux data * @return int fake return to stop after redirect; */ public function additional_action($format = null) { // Users get forwarded to aux_input if (!($this->is_dozent || $this->is_tutor)) { $this->redirect('course/members/additional_input'); return 0; } Navigation::activateItem('/course/members/additional'); // fetch course and aux data $course = new Course($_SESSION['SessionSeminar']); if (Request::submitted('save')) { foreach ($course->members->findBy('status', 'autor') as $member) { $course->aux->updateMember($member, Request::getArray($member->user_id)); } } if (Request::submitted('export')) { $aux = $course->aux->getCourseData($course, true); $tmp_name = uniqid(); array_to_csv($aux['rows'], $GLOBALS['TMP_PATH'] . '/' . $tmp_name, $aux['head']); $this->redirect(GetDownloadLink($tmp_name, _('Zusatzangaben') . '.csv', 4, 'force')); } else { $this->aux = $course->aux->getCourseData($course); } }
" target="_blank"> <?php echo Icon::create('forum', 'clickable', ['title' => _('Beiträge des Forums der Veranstaltung')])->asImg(20); ?> </a> <? else: ?> <?php echo Icon::create('forum', 'inactive')->asImg(20, ["style" => 'visibility: hidden;']); ?> <? endif; ?> <? if ($row['archiv_file_id']): $filename = _('Dateisammlung') . '-' . substr($row['name'], 0, 200) . '.zip'; ?> <a href="<?php echo URLHelper::getLink(GetDownloadLink($row['archiv_file_id'], $filename, 1)); ?> "> <?php echo Icon::create('download', 'clickable', ['title' => _('Dateisammlung der Veranstaltung herunterladen')])->asImg(20); ?> </a> <? else: ?> <?php echo Icon::create('download', 'inactive')->asImg(20, ["style" => 'visibility: hidden;']); ?> <? endif; ?> <? if ($row['wikidump']): ?> <a href="<?php echo URLHelper::getLink('archiv.php?wiki_dump_id=' . $row['seminar_id']);
//echo "<br>dailymotion"; include "dailymotion_v3.php"; $new_flv_path = downloadDailymotionFlvFile($url); } elseif ($parseUrl['host'] == "" || $parseUrl['host'] == "") { //echo "<br>dailymotion"; include "vimeo.php"; $video_url = $url; $id = getVimeoVideoId($video_url); $new_flv_path = vimeoid2url($id); //$new_flv_path=downloadDailymotionFlvFile($url); } elseif ($parseUrl['host'] == "") { //echo "<br>metacafe"; include "metacafe.php"; //Den brika AKOMA $video_url = $url; $video_link = GetDownloadLink($url); //getMetacafeVideoID($url); $new_flv_path = download($video_link); //$new_flv_path=downloadDailymotionFlvFile($url); } elseif ($parseUrl['host'] == "") { //echo "<br>dailymotion"; include "veoh_v2.php"; $video_id = getVeohVideoId($url); $xmlString = downloadVeoXml($video_id); $new_flv_path = getVeohVideoUrl($xmlString); //echo $new_flv_path; } $url = $new_flv_path; //require "include/FLVMetaData.class.php"; include "flv.php"; }
function toString ($args = NULL) { $error_message = ""; // check for valid range_id if(!$this->checkRangeId($this->config->range_id)) { $error_message = $GLOBALS["EXTERN_ERROR_MESSAGE"]; } // if $args['seminar_id'] is given, check for free access if ($args['seminar_id']) { $seminar_id = $args['seminar_id']; $query = "SELECT Lesezugriff FROM seminare s LEFT JOIN seminar_inst si "; $query .= "USING(seminar_id) WHERE s.seminar_id = ? "; $query .= "AND si.institut_id = ?"; $parameters = array($seminar_id, $this->config->range_id); $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute($parameters); $row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row === false && $row['Lesezugriff'] == 0) $error_message = $GLOBALS["EXTERN_ERROR_MESSAGE"]; } else { $seminar_id = $this->config->range_id; } $sort = $this->config->getValue("Main", "sort"); $query_order = ""; foreach ($sort as $key => $position) { if ($position > 0) { $query_order[$position] = $this->data_fields[$key]; } } if ($query_order) { ksort($query_order, SORT_NUMERIC); $query_order = " ORDER BY " . implode(",", $query_order) . " DESC"; } if (!$nameformat = $this->config->getValue("Main", "nameformat")) { $nameformat = "no_title_short"; } $folder_tree = TreeAbstract::GetInstance('StudipDocumentTree', array('range_id' => $seminar_id)); $allowed_folders = $folder_tree->getReadableFolders('nobody'); $query = "SELECT dokument_id, description, filename, d.mkdate, d.chdate, filesize, "; $query .= $GLOBALS["_fullname_sql"][$nameformat]; $query .= "AS fullname, username, aum.user_id, author_name FROM dokumente d LEFT JOIN user_info USING (user_id) "; $query .= "LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 aum USING (user_id) WHERE "; $query .= "seminar_id = ? AND range_id IN ('"; $query .= implode("','", $allowed_folders) . "')$query_order"; $parameters = array($seminar_id); $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute($parameters); $row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row === false) { $error_message = $this->config->getValue("Main", "nodatatext"); } $out = $this->elements["TableHeadrow"]->toString(); if ($error_message) { // use one column and set it visible to display error_message $this->config->setValue('Main', 'order', array('0')); $this->config->setValue('Main', 'visible', array('1')); $this->config->setValue('Main', 'width', array('100%')); $out = $this->elements['TableRow']->toString(array('content' => array('' => $error_message))); } else { $table_row_data["data_fields"] = $this->data_fields; do{ preg_match("/^.+\.([a-z1-9_-]+)$/i", $row['filename'], $file_suffix); $icon = ""; switch ($file_suffix[1]) { case "txt" : if (!$picture_file = $this->config->getValue("Main", "icontxt")) $icon = Icon::create("file-text", "clickable"); break; case "xls" : if (!$picture_file = $this->config->getValue("Main", "iconxls")) $icon = Icon::create("file-archive", "clickable"); break; case "ppt" : if (!$picture_file = $this->config->getValue("Main", "iconppt")) $icon = Icon::create("file-presentation", "clickable"); break; case "rtf" : if (!$picture_file = $this->config->getValue("Main", "iconrtf")) $icon = Icon::create("file-text", "clickable"); break; case "zip" : case "tgz" : case "gz" : if (!$picture_file = $this->config->getValue("Main", "iconzip")) $icon = Icon::create("file-archive", "clickable"); break; case "jpg" : case "png" : case "gif" : case "jpeg" : case "tif" : if (!$picture_file = $this->config->getValue("Main", "iconpic")) $icon = Icon::create("file-pic", "clickable"); break; case "pdf" : if (!$picture_file = $this->config->getValue("Main", "iconpdf")) $icon = Icon::create("file-pdf", "clickable"); break; default : if (!$picture_file = $this->config->getValue("Main", "icondefault")) $icon = Icon::create("file-generic", "clickable"); } if ($icon) { $picture_file = $icon; } $download_link = GetDownloadLink($row['dokument_id'], $row['filename']); // Aufbereiten der Daten $table_row_data["content"] = array( "icon" => sprintf("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", $download_link, is_string($picture_file) ? Assets::img($picture_file) : $picture_file->asImg()), "filename" => $this->elements["Link"]->toString(array("content" => htmlReady($row['filename']), "link" => $download_link)), "description" => htmlReady(mila_extern($row['description'], $this->config->getValue("Main", "lengthdesc"))), "mkdate" => strftime($this->config->getValue("Main", "dateformat"), $row['mkdate']), "filesize" => $row['filesize'] > 1048576 ? round($row['filesize'] / 1048576, 1) . " MB" : round($row['filesize'] / 1024, 1) . " kB", ); // if user is member of a group then link name to details page if (GetRoleNames(GetAllStatusgruppen($this->config->range_id, $row['user_id']))) { $table_row_data['content']['fullname'] = $this->elements['LinkIntern']->toString(array('content' => htmlReady($row['fullname']), 'module' => 'Persondetails', 'link_args' => 'username='******'username'])); } else { $table_row_data['content']['fullname'] = htmlReady($row['username'] ? $row['username'] : $row['author_name']); } $out .= $this->elements["TableRow"]->toString($table_row_data); }while($row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)); } return $this->elements["TableHeader"]->toString(array("content" => $out)); }
static function find_files($id, $user_id) { $db = \DBManager::get(); $query = " SELECT *\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM dokumente\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE seminar_id = '{$id}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY mkdate DESC\n\t\t\tLIMIT 0,30\n\t\t\t"; $result = $db->query($query); $files = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { // getLink $link = $row['url']; if ($row['url'] == "" or !$row['url']) { $link = GetDownloadLink($row['dokument_id'], $row['filename'], 0, 'force_download'); } // get file extension $path_parts = pathinfo($row['filename']); $extension = strtoupper($path_parts['extension']); //get extension icon switch ($extension) { case "PDF": $icon_link = "/public/images/icons/files32/pdf.png"; break; case "XLS": $icon_link = "/public/images/icons/files32/xls.png"; break; case "PPT": $icon_link = "/public/images/icons/files32/ppt.png"; break; case "ZIP": $icon_link = "/public/images/icons/files32/zip.png"; break; case "RTF": $icon_link = "/public/images/icons/files32/rtf.png"; break; case "TXT": $icon_link = "/public/images/icons/files32/txt.png"; break; case "TGZ": $icon_link = "/public/images/icons/files32/tgz.png"; break; default: $icon_link = "/public/images/icons/files32/_blank.png"; } //check access $file_object = \StudipDocument::find($row['dokument_id']); // Falls $file_oject vorhanden ab in den Array if (isset($file_object) && $file_object->checkAccess($user_id)) { $files[] = array('id' => $row['dokument_id'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'Seminar_id' => $row['seminar_id'], 'author' => $row['author_name'], 'author_id' => $row['user_id'], 'description' => $row['description'], 'mkdate' => $row['mkdate'], 'filesize' => $row['filesize'], 'link' => $link, 'filename' => $row['filename'], 'icon_link' => $icon_link, 'extension' => $extension); } } return $files; }