function Check(&$login, &$c_passwd) { global $db, $msg; try { $db = GetDBConnect(); } catch (Exception $e) { $msg = $e->getMessage(); return false; } if ($row = $db->Query_Fetch_Assoc("SELECT id, password FROM users " . "WHERE login='******' AND is_deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1")) { if (isset($_SESSION[S_ID . "_challenge"]["random"]) && md5($_SESSION[S_ID . "_challenge"]["random"] . $row["password"]) == $c_passwd) { session_destroy(); return $row["id"]; } } return false; }
function __construct($module_name, $menu_t_name) { $this->timestart = microtime(true); // формируем глобальный _GET if (isset($_SERVER["REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING"])) { $query_arr = explode("&", $_SERVER["REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING"]); foreach ($query_arr as $nv) { $nv_arr = explode("=", $nv); $_GET[$nv_arr[0]] = $nv_arr[1]; } } $this->db = GetDBConnect(); $this->sys_user = new System_User($this->db); $this->sys_user->Current(); $this->sys_user->UpdateLocation(); if (!($row = $this->db->Query_Fetch_Assoc("SELECT as menu_id " . "FROM modules LEFT JOIN menus ON " . "LEFT JOIN groups_menus ON " . "WHERE'" . $module_name . "' AND menus.translit_name='" . $menu_t_name . "' " . "AND (" . $this->sys_user->groups_SQL . ") " . "LIMIT 0,1"))) { throw new class404("нет элемента меню " . $menu_t_name . " для модуля - " . $module_name); } $menu_id =& $row["menu_id"]; $this->menu = new Menu($this->db, $this->sys_user, $menu_id); $this->module =& $this->menu->module; $this->template = new Template($this->sys_user, $this->menu); $this->goback = new goback_refrr(); // переменные окружения! include "global.php"; $db = $this->db; $sys_user = $this->sys_user; $path = "/" . $this->module->path; $inc_path = $this->module->path; $url_path = $module_name . "/" . $menu_t_name; // определение типа отображаемого скрипта if (ereg("xml\$", $this->menu->script)) { $this->type = 2; return; } if (ereg("^http:\\/\\/", $this->module->path) || ereg("htm[l]?\$", $this->menu->script) || ereg("^http:\\/\\/", $this->menu->script)) { $this->type = 1; return; } $this->type = 0; }
* (см. "Стандартную публичную лицензию GNU"). * * Вместе с данной программой вы должны были получить копию "Стандартной * публичной лицензии GNU"; если это не так, напишите в Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * Copyright (C) 2008 by Gleb Y. Averchuk <*****@*****.**> * Vedro System - Web CMS с удобными компонентами для работы с БД. */ require_once "config.php"; require_once "classes/db_mysql.php"; require_once "classes/system_user.php"; require_once "include/session.php"; require_once "include/functions.php"; if (session_is_registered(S_ID)) { $good = true; try { $db = GetDBConnect(); $sys_user = new System_User($db); $sys_user->Current(); $sys_user->Logout(); } catch (Exception $e) { ShowErrPage("Ошибочка", $e->GetMessage()); $good = false; } if ($good) { session_destroy(); header("Location: login.php"); exit; } }