$var = "Setupstep{$setupstepn}"; if ($setupstepn == 1) { $next = lang('general', 'go'); } else { SaveSettings(); redirect('index.php'); } $selfurl = $Paths['pivot_url'] . 'selfreg.php'; if (isset($_GET['w']) && !empty($_GET['w'])) { $selfurl .= '?w=' . $_GET['w']; } // Printing out the form - not using the StartForm function // since we need this file as the action URL. echo "<h2>" . lang('userinfo', 'selfreg') . "</h2>\n"; echo '<form method="post" action="' . $selfurl . '" class="nopadding">' . "\n"; GenSetting('step', '', '', 7, $setupstepn); StartTable($caption); DisplaySettings(${$var}); EndForm($next, 1); $form = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $db = new db(); // Use the extra template for the current weblog if (isset($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['extra_template']) && $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['extra_template'] != "") { $template_html = load_template($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['extra_template']); } else { $template_html = load_template($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['archive_template']); } // Match and replace the [[weblog]] tags for the form output if (preg_match_all('/\\[\\[(sub)?weblog:(.*)?(:[0-9]*)?\\]\\]/siU', $template_html, $match)) { if (count($match[1]) == 1) {
/** * Upload a file * */ function uploadfile() { global $Cfg, $Paths, $Users, $Pivot_Vars, $qual, $local; MinLevel(2); include_once 'includes/fileupload-class.php'; $lang = str_replace("_utf8", "", $Users[$Pivot_Vars['user']]['language']); $my_uploader = new uploader($lang); // OPTIONAL: set the max filesize of uploadable files in bytes $my_uploader->max_filesize($Cfg['max_filesize']); // UPLOAD the file if ($my_uploader->upload('userfile', $Cfg['upload_accept'], $Cfg['upload_extension'])) { debug($my_uploader->file['name']); $success = $my_uploader->save_file($Paths['upload_path'], $Cfg['upload_save_mode'], 1); } if ($success) { error_reporting(E_ALL); include_once "modules/module_imagefunctions.php"; PageHeader(lang('userbar', 'main'), 1); PageAnkeiler(lang('userbar', 'files') . ' » ' . lang('userbar', 'uploaded_success')); printf('<script type="text/javascript">function pop(a){ window.open("modules/module_image.php?image="+a,"", "toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=940,height=570"); self.location="index.php?menu=files";} </script>'); echo '<tr><td align="center" colspan="2">'; $fullentry = $Paths['upload_url'] . $my_uploader->file['name']; echo '<img src="' . $fullentry . '" border="0" alt="new image">'; echo '</td></tr><tr><td align="right" width="48%"><br /><br />'; if (auto_thumbnail($my_uploader->file['name'])) { echo "<p><b>Thumbnail:</b><br>"; $thumbfilename = $Paths['upload_url'] . make_thumbname(basename($my_uploader->file['name'])); printf('<p><img src="%s" />', $thumbfilename); printf('<p><a href="javascript:pop(\'%s\')">' . lang('upload', 'edit_thumbnail') . '</a></td>', $my_uploader->file['name']); } else { printf('<p><a href="javascript:pop(\'%s\');">' . lang('upload', 'create_thumb') . '</a></td>', $my_uploader->file['name']); } GenSetting('', lang('upload', 'thisfile'), '', 8, '', 6); StartForm('file_upload', 0, 'enctype="multipart/form-data"'); printf('<input name="%s" type="file" class="input"><br />', $Cfg['upload_file_name']); printf('<input type="submit" value="%s" class="button" /></form>', lang('upload', 'button')); PageFooter(); } else { if ($my_uploader->errors) { files_main($my_uploader->errors); } } }
/** * Shows image preview. */ function show_image_preview($fileArray, $thumbArray) { global $Cfg, $Pivot_Vars, $Paths; printf("\n\n<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>\nfunction pop(a){\r\n\twindow.open('modules/module_image.php?image='+a,'','toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=940,height=570');\n}\n</script>\n\n"); $myurl = sprintf("index.php?session=%s&menu=files&doaction=1", $Pivot_Vars['session']); printf("<form name='form1' method='post' action='%s'>", $myurl); echo "\n\n<div style='margin:0px; padding:0px;'>\n\n"; foreach ($fileArray as $file) { $ext = getextension(strtolower($file['name'])); if ($ext != "gif" && $ext != "jpg" && $ext != "jpeg" && $ext != "png" && $ext != "swf") { continue; } $thumb = checkThumbAvailable($file['name']); $fullentry = fixpath(sprintf('%s../%s%s', $Paths['pivot_url'], $Cfg['upload_path'], $file['name'])); $thumbententry = urldecode(fixpath(sprintf('%s../%s%s', $Paths['pivot_url'], $Cfg['upload_path'], $thumb))); list($thumbwidth, $thumbheight) = getimagesize(urldecode("../" . $Cfg['upload_path'] . $thumb)); // Calculate rescaling factor for // showing thumbnail in table/div // for wide thumbnails, take two 'cells', otherwise one.. if ($thumbwidth / $thumbheight < 2) { $mw = 130; } else { $mw = 268; // * 2 , + 8 } $mh = 80; $scalew = $thumbwidth / $mw; $scaleh = $thumbheight / $mh; $factor = max($scalew, $scaleh); $dw = $thumbwidth / $factor; $dh = $thumbheight / $factor; // get the image's witdh and height list($file['width'], $file['height']) = getimagesize(urldecode(sprintf('../%s%s', $Cfg['upload_path'], $file['name']))); // if filesize is bigger than 9999 KB // then filesize comment is changed, this // is just for not f*****g up the tables/divs if (strlen($file['size']) > 4) { // see!? no more than 4 chars, // please change size of file $fs = 'BIGASS'; } else { // show actual filesize + string KB $fs = $file['size'] . 'KB'; } echo "\n<div style='float:left; border:1px solid #2D5A5A; margin:3px;'>\n"; printf('<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="%d" border="0">', $mw); printf("\n\n<tr>\n<td align='center' valign='middle' bgcolor='#BBBBBB' height='%d' colspan='2'>", $mh); // make the 'view' link $url = sprintf($Paths['pivot_url'] . "includes/photo.php?img=%s&w=%s&h=%s&t=%s", urlencode(base64_encode($fullentry)), $file['width'], $file['height'], $file['name']); $view_html = sprintf("\n<a href='%s' onclick=\"window.open('%s', 'imagewindow', 'width=%s, height=%s, directories=no, location=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, status=no, toolbar=no, resizable=no');return false\" target='_self' title='%s (%s)'>", urldecode($fullentry), $url, $file['width'], $file['height'], $file['name'], $fs); if ($thumbententry != $file['name']) { printf("\n%s<img src='%s' width='%d' height='%d' border='0' alt='%s' /></a>\n", $view_html, $thumbententry, $dw, $dh, $file['name']); } else { printf("\n%s<small>%s <br /><br />(No Thumbnail)</small></a>\n", $view_html, wordwrap(urldecode($file['name']), 14, ' ', 1)); } echo "</td>\n</tr>\n\n<tr>\n<td bgcolor='#B6CCCC'>\n"; printf("<input type='checkbox' name='check[%s]' /></td>", $file['name']); printf('<td align="center" bgcolor="#B6CCCC" height="17">%sview</a> / ', $view_html); if ($thumb != $file['name']) { printf('<a href="javascript:pop(\'%s\');">edit</a></td>', $file['name']); } else { printf('<a href="javascript:pop(\'%s\');">create</a></td>', $file['name']); } echo '</tr></table></div>'; } echo "\n</div>\n<br clear='all' />\n\n"; printf("<table cellpadding='2'><tr><td bgcolor='#B6CCCC'>"); echo '<a href="#" onclick=\'setCheckboxes("form1", true); return false;\'>' . lang('forms', 'c_all') . '</a> / '; echo '<a href="#" onclick=\'setCheckboxes("form1", false); return false;\'>' . lang('forms', 'c_none') . '</a>'; echo ' - ' . lang('forms', 'with_checked_files'); echo '<select name="action" class="input"><option value="" selected="selected">' . lang('forms', 'choose') . '</option><option value="delete">' . lang('forms', 'delete') . '</option></select>'; echo ' <input type="submit" value="' . lang('go') . '" class="button" />'; printf("</td></tr></table></form>"); flush(); StartForm('file_upload', 0, 'enctype="multipart/form-data"'); echo "<br /><table border='0'>"; GenSetting('', lang('upload', 'thisfile'), '', 8, '', 6); printf('<tr><td><input name="%s" type="file" class="input" /></td><td>', $Cfg['upload_file_name']); printf('<input type="submit" value="%s" class="button" /></td></tr></table>', lang('go')); PageFooter(); }
/** * Display the spam log. */ function view_spamlog() { PageHeader(lang('adminbar', 'viewspamlog_title'), 1); PageAnkeiler(lang('userbar', 'admin') . ' » ' . lang('adminbar', 'viewspamlog_title')); $log = get_spamlog(); if (empty($log)) { echo "<p>" . lang('spam', 'empty_log') . "<p>\n"; } else { echo $log; StartForm('reset_spamlog', 1); StartTable(); GenSetting('heading', lang('spam', 'reset_log'), '', 8, '', '2', 'yes'); GenSetting('reset_spamlog', '', '', 7, ''); EndForm(lang('go'), 1); } PageFooter(); }
function DisplaySettings($settingsArray, $cfgVar = 'Cfg', $pertytable = 0) { if (is_array($settingsArray)) { $arraycount = count($settingsArray); for ($i = 0; $i < $arraycount; $i++) { /* echo '<b>' . $settingsArray[$i][2] . '</b>'; */ GenSetting($settingsArray[$i][0], $settingsArray[$i][1], $settingsArray[$i][2], $settingsArray[$i][3], $settingsArray[$i][4], $settingsArray[$i][5], $settingsArray[$i][6], $cfgVar); } } else { //my god you are an idiot for not sending an array. } }