Exemplo n.º 1
function DateTimeRows2sql($field, $cnt, &$s_sql)
    global $db;
    $tmp2 = "";
    $allempty = FALSE;
    $time_field = array("mysqli" => ":", "mysql" => ":", "mssql" => ":");
    $minsec = array(">=" => "00", "<=" => "59");
    if ($cnt >= 1 && count($field) == 0) {
        return 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
        $tmp = "";
        if (isset($field[$i]) && $field[$i][1] != " " && $field[$i][1] != "") {
            //echo "entrando $i\n";
            $op = $field[$i][1];
            $t = "";
            /* Build the SQL string when >, >=, <, <= operator is used */
            if ($op != "=") {
                /* date */
                if ($field[$i][4] != " ") {
                    /* create the date string */
                    $t = $field[$i][4];
                    /* year */
                    if ($field[$i][2] != " ") {
                        $t = $t . "-" . $field[$i][2];
                        /* month */
                        //echo "<!-- \n\n\n\n\n\n\n dia: -" . $field[$i][3] . "- -->\n\n\n\n\n\n";
                        if ($field[$i][3] != "") {
                            $t = $t . "-" . FormatTimeDigit($field[$i][3]);
                        } else {
                            $t = $i == 0 ? $t . "-01" : ($t = $t . "-31");
                    } else {
                        $t = $t . "-01-01";
                /* time */
                // For MSSQL, you must have colons in the time fields.
                // Otherwise, the DATEDIFF function will return Arithmetic Overflow
                if ($field[$i][5] != "") {
                    $t = $t . " " . FormatTimeDigit($field[$i][5]);
                    /* hour */
                    if ($field[$i][6] != "") {
                        $t = $t . $time_field[$db->DB_type] . FormatTimeDigit($field[$i][6]);
                        /* minute */
                        if ($field[$i][7] != "") {
                            $t = $t . $time_field[$db->DB_type] . FormatTimeDigit($field[$i][7]);
                        } else {
                            $t = $t . $time_field[$db->DB_type] . $minsec[$op];
                    } else {
                        $t = $t . $time_field[$db->DB_type] . $minsec[$op] . $time_field[$db->DB_type] . $minsec[$op];
                } else {
                    if ($op == ">" && $field[$i][4] != " ") {
                        $t = $t . " 23:59:59";
                    } else {
                        if ($op == "<=" && $field[$i][4] != " ") {
                            $t = $t . " 23:59:59";
                /* neither date or time */
                if ($field[$i][4] == " " && $field[$i][5] == "") {
                    ErrorMessage("<B>" . gettext("Criteria warning:") . "</B> " . gettext("An operator of") . " '" . $field[$i][1] . "' " . gettext("was selected indicating that some date/time criteria should be matched, but no value was specified."));
                } else {
                    if ($field[$i][4] != " " && $field[$i][5] != "" || $field[$i][4] != " ") {
                        if ($db->DB_type == "oci8") {
                            $tmp = $field[$i][0] . " timestamp " . $op . "to_date( '{$t}', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24MISS' )" . $field[$i][8] . ' ' . $field[$i][9];
                        } else {
                            if (count($field) > 1) {
                                // Better fix for bug #1199128
                                // Number of values in each criteria line
                                $count = array_count_values_multidim($field[$i]);
                                // Number of empty values
                                $empty = $count[""];
                                // Total number of values in the criteria line (empty or filled)
                                $array_count = count($count);
                                // Check to see if any fields were left empty
                                // If the number of empty fields is greater than (impossible) or equal to (possible) the number of values in the array, then they must all be empty
                                //if ($empty >= $array_count)
                                //$allempty = TRUE;
                                // Trim off white space
                                $field[$i][9] = trim($field[$i][9]);
                                // And if the certain line was empty, then we dont care to process it
                                if ($allempty) {
                                    // So move on
                                } else {
                                    // Otherwise process it
                                    if ($i < $cnt - 1) {
                                        $tmp = $field[$i][0] . " timestamp " . $op . "'{$t}'" . $field[$i][8] . ' ' . CleanVariable($field[$i][9], VAR_ALPHA);
                                    } else {
                                        $tmp = $field[$i][0] . " timestamp " . $op . "'{$t}'" . $field[$i][8];
                            } else {
                                // If we just have one criteria line, then do with it what we must
                                if ($i < $cnt - 1) {
                                    $tmp = $field[$i][0] . " timestamp " . $op . "'{$t}'" . $field[$i][8] . ' ' . CleanVariable($field[$i][9], VAR_ALPHA);
                                } else {
                                    $tmp = $field[$i][0] . " timestamp " . $op . "'{$t}'" . $field[$i][8];
                    } else {
                        if ($field[$i][5] != " " && $field[$i][5] != "") {
                            ErrorMessage("<B>" . gettext("Criteria warning:") . "</B> " . gettext("(Invalid Hour) No date criteria were entered with the specified time."));
            } else {
                $query_str = "";
                $query_str = $field[$i][4] . "-";
                $query_str .= $field[$i][2] . "-";
                $query_str .= $field[$i][3] . " ";
                $query_str .= $field[$i][5] . ":";
                $query_str .= $field[$i][6] . ":";
                $query_str .= $field[$i][7] . "";
                $query_str = preg_replace("/\\s*\\:+\\s*\$/", "", $query_str);
                addSQLItem($tmp, "timestamp like \"{$query_str}%\"");
                /* neither date or time */
                if ($tmp == "") {
                    ErrorMessage("<B>" . gettext("Criteria warning:") . "</B> " . gettext("An operator of") . " '" . $field[$i][1] . "' " . gettext("was selected indicating that some date/time criteria should be matched, but no value was specified."));
                } else {
                    if ($i < $cnt - 1) {
                        $tmp = $field[$i][0] . $tmp . ') ' . $field[$i][8] . CleanVariable($field[$i][9], VAR_ALPHA);
                    } else {
                        $tmp = $field[$i][0] . $tmp . ') ' . $field[$i][8];
        } else {
            if (isset($field[$i])) {
                if (($field[$i][2] != "" || $field[$i][3] != "" || $field[$i][4] != "") && $field[$i][1] == "") {
                    ErrorMessage("<B>" . gettext("Criteria warning:") . "</B> " . gettext("A date/time value of") . " '" . $field[$i][2] . "-" . $field[$i][3] . "-" . $field[$i][4] . " " . $field[$i][5] . ":" . $field[6] . ":" . $field[7] . "' " . gettext("was entered but no operator was selected."));
        if ($i > 0 && $field[$i - 1][9] == ' ' && $field[$i - 1][4] != " ") {
            ErrorMessage("<B>" . gettext("Criteria warning:") . "</B> " . gettext("Multiple Date/Time criteria entered without a boolean operator (e.g. AND, OR) between them."));
        $tmp2 = preg_match("/\\s+(AND|OR)\\s*\$/", $tmp2) || $i == 0 ? $tmp2 . $tmp : $tmp2 . " AND " . $tmp;
    $tmp2 = trim(preg_replace("/(\\s*(AND|OR)\\s*)+\$/", "", $tmp2));
    if ($tmp2 != "" && $tmp2 != "AND" && $tmp2 != "OR") {
        $s_sql = $s_sql . " AND ( " . $tmp2 . " ) ";
        return 1;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
function GetTimeDataSet(&$xdata, $chart_type, $data_source, $min_threshold, $criteria)
    global $db, $debug_mode;
    // if ($debug_mode > 0) {
    // echo "chart_type = $chart_type<BR>
    // data_source = $data_source<BR>";
    // }
    $sql = "SELECT min(timestamp), max(timestamp) FROM acid_event " . $criteria[0] . " WHERE " . $criteria[1];
    $result = $db->baseExecute($sql);
    $myrow = $result->baseFetchRow();
    $start_time = $myrow[0];
    $stop_time = $myrow[1];
    $year_start = date("Y", strtotime($start_time));
    $month_start = date("m", strtotime($start_time));
    $day_start = date("d", strtotime($start_time));
    $hour_start = date("H", strtotime($start_time));
    $year_end = date("Y", strtotime($stop_time));
    $month_end = date("m", strtotime($stop_time));
    $day_end = date("d", strtotime($stop_time));
    $hour_end = date("H", strtotime($stop_time));
    // using the settings from begin_xyz and end_xyz
    // minutes are not supported actually
    // begin
    global $chart_begin_year;
    global $chart_begin_month;
    global $chart_begin_day;
    global $chart_begin_hour;
    if (strcmp($chart_begin_year, " ") and $year_start < $chart_begin_year) {
        $year_start = $chart_begin_year;
        $month_start = "01";
        $day_start = "01";
        $hour_start = "00";
    if (strcmp($chart_begin_month, " ") and $month_start < $chart_begin_month) {
        $month_start = $chart_begin_month;
        $day_start = "01";
        $hour_start = "00";
    if (strcmp($chart_begin_day, " ") and $day_start < $chart_begin_day) {
        $day_start = $chart_begin_day;
        $hour_start = "00";
    if (strcmp($chart_begin_hour, " ") and $hour_start < $chart_begin_hour) {
        $hour_start = $chart_begin_hour;
    global $chart_end_year;
    global $chart_end_month;
    global $chart_end_day;
    global $chart_end_hour;
    if (strcmp($chart_end_year, " ") and $year_end < $chart_end_year) {
        $year_end = $chart_end_year;
        $month_end = "01";
        $day_end = "01";
        $hour_end = "00";
    if (strcmp($chart_end_month, " ") and $month_end < $chart_end_month) {
        $month_end = $chart_end_month;
        $day_end = "01";
        $hour_end = "00";
    if (strcmp($chart_end_day, " ") and $day_end < $chart_end_day) {
        $day_end = $chart_end_day;
        $hour_end = "00";
    if (strcmp($chart_end_hour, " ") and $hour_end < $chart_end_hour) {
        $hour_end = $chart_end_hour;
    switch ($chart_type) {
        case 1:
            // if ($debug_mode > 0) {
            // print "chart_begin_hour = \"$chart_begin_hour\", hour_start = \"$hour_start\"<BR>\n";
            // print "chart_end_hour = \"$chart_end_hour\", hour_end = \"$hour_end\"<BR>\n";
            // }
            if (!strcmp($chart_end_hour, " ") || $chart_end_hour == "") {
                // hour_start = -1 is NOT possible, because with chart_type == 1
                // each hour is to be queried. We want bars hour by hour.
                $hour_end = 23;
        case 2:
            $hour_start = -1;
        case 4:
            $day_start = -1;
            $hour_start = -1;
    // if ($debug_mode > 0) {
    // echo '<TABLE BORDER="1">
    // <TR>
    // <TD>year_start<TD>year_end<TD>month_start<TD>month_end
    // <TD>day_start<TD>day_end<TD>hour_start<TD>hour_end
    // <TR>
    // <TD>' . $year_start . '<TD>' . $year_end . '<TD>' . $month_start . '<TD>' . $month_end . '<TD>' . $day_start . '<TD>' . $day_end . '<TD>' . $hour_start . '<TD>' . $hour_end . '</TABLE>';
    // }
    $cnt = 0;
    $ag = $criteria[0];
    $ag_criteria = $criteria[1];
    for ($i_year = $year_start; $i_year <= $year_end; $i_year++) {
        // removed AND below
        // !!! AVN !!!
        // to_date() must used!
        $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM acid_event " . $ag . " WHERE {$ag_criteria} AND " . $db->baseSQL_YEAR("timestamp", "=", $i_year);
        if ($month_start != -1) {
            if ($i_year == $year_start) {
                $month_start2 = $month_start;
            } else {
                $month_start2 = 1;
            if ($i_year == $year_end) {
                $month_end2 = $month_end;
            } else {
                $month_end2 = 12;
            for ($i_month = $month_start2; $i_month <= $month_end2; $i_month++) {
                $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM acid_event {$ag} WHERE {$ag_criteria} AND" . $db->baseSQL_YEAR("timestamp", "=", $i_year) . " AND " . $db->baseSQL_MONTH("timestamp", "=", FormatTimeDigit($i_month));
                if ($day_start != -1) {
                    if ($i_month == $month_start) {
                        $day_start2 = $day_start;
                    } else {
                        $day_start2 = 1;
                    if ($i_month == $month_end) {
                        $day_end2 = $day_end;
                    } else {
                        $day_end2 = 31;
                    for ($i_day = $day_start2; $i_day <= $day_end2; $i_day++) {
                        if (checkdate($i_month, $i_day, $i_year)) {
                            $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM acid_event {$ag} WHERE {$ag_criteria} AND " . $db->baseSQL_YEAR("timestamp", "=", $i_year) . " AND " . $db->baseSQL_MONTH("timestamp", "=", FormatTimeDigit($i_month)) . " AND " . $db->baseSQL_DAY("timestamp", "=", FormatTimeDigit($i_day));
                            if ($hour_start != -1) {
                                // jl: The condition "i_hour <= hour_end"
                                // is correct ONLY if the first day is equal
                                // to the last day of the query.
                                // Otherwise we want 24 hours of
                                // all the days preceding the last day of the query.
                                // Analogously for hour_start.
                                if ($i_day == $day_start2) {
                                    $hour_start2 = $hour_start;
                                } else {
                                    $hour_start2 = 0;
                                if ($i_day == $day_end2) {
                                    $hour_end2 = $hour_end;
                                } else {
                                    $hour_end2 = 23;
                                for ($i_hour = $hour_start2; $i_hour <= $hour_end2; $i_hour++) {
                                    //if($i_hour < 10 && strlen($i_hour) == 1)
                                    //   $i_hour = "0".$i_hour;
                                    $i_hour = FormatTimeDigit($i_hour);
                                    $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM acid_event {$ag} WHERE {$ag_criteria} AND " . $db->baseSQL_YEAR("timestamp", "=", $i_year) . " AND " . $db->baseSQL_MONTH("timestamp", "=", FormatTimeDigit($i_month)) . " AND " . $db->baseSQL_DAY("timestamp", "=", FormatTimeDigit($i_day)) . " AND " . $db->baseSQL_HOUR("timestamp", "=", $i_hour);
                                    StoreAlertNum($sql, FormatTimeDigit($i_month) . "/" . FormatTimeDigit($i_day) . "/" . $i_year . " " . $i_hour . ":00:00 - " . $i_hour . ":59:59", $xdata, $cnt, $min_threshold);
                                // end hour
                            } else {
                                StoreAlertNum($sql, FormatTimeDigit($i_month) . "/" . FormatTimeDigit($i_day) . "/" . $i_year, $xdata, $cnt, $min_threshold);
                    // end day
                } else {
                    StoreAlertNum($sql, FormatTimeDigit($i_month) . "/" . $i_year, $xdata, $cnt, $min_threshold);
            // end month
        } else {
            StoreAlertNum($sql, $i_year, $xdata, $cnt, $min_threshold);
    // end year
    return $cnt;