Exemplo n.º 1
 private function add_bug(&$p_email, $p_overwrite_project_id = FALSE)
     $this->show_memory_usage('Start add bug');
     //Merge References and In-Reply-To headers into one array
     $t_references = $p_email['References'];
     $t_references[] = $p_email['In-Reply-To'];
     if ($this->_mail_add_bugnotes) {
         $t_bug_id = $this->mail_is_a_bugnote($p_email['Subject'], $t_references);
     } else {
         $t_bug_id = FALSE;
     if ($t_bug_id !== FALSE && !bug_is_readonly($t_bug_id)) {
         // @TODO@ Disabled for now until we find a good solution on how to handle the reporters possible lack of access permissions
         //			access_ensure_bug_level( config_get( 'add_bugnote_threshold' ), $f_bug_id );
         $t_description = $p_email['X-Mantis-Body'];
         $t_description = $this->identify_replies($t_description);
         $t_description = $this->strip_signature($t_description);
         $t_description = $this->add_additional_info('note', $p_email, $t_description);
         $t_project_id = bug_get_field($t_bug_id, 'project_id');
         ERP_set_temporary_overwrite('project_override', $t_project_id);
         # Event integration
         # Core mantis event already exists within bugnote_add function
         $t_description = event_signal('EVENT_ERP_BUGNOTE_DATA', $t_description, $t_bug_id);
         if (bug_is_resolved($t_bug_id)) {
             # Reopen issue and add a bug note
             bug_reopen($t_bug_id, $t_description);
         } elseif (!is_blank($t_description)) {
             # Add a bug note
             bugnote_add($t_bug_id, $t_description);
     } elseif ($this->_mail_add_bug_reports) {
         // @TODO@ Disabled for now until we find a good solution on how to handle the reporters possible lack of access permissions
         //			access_ensure_project_level( config_get('report_bug_threshold' ) );
         $f_master_bug_id = $t_bug_id !== FALSE && bug_is_readonly($t_bug_id) ? $t_bug_id : 0;
         $t_project_id = $p_overwrite_project_id === FALSE ? $this->_mailbox['project_id'] : $p_overwrite_project_id;
         ERP_set_temporary_overwrite('project_override', $t_project_id);
         $t_bug_data = new BugData();
         $t_bug_data->build = '';
         $t_bug_data->platform = '';
         $t_bug_data->os = '';
         $t_bug_data->os_build = '';
         $t_bug_data->version = '';
         $t_bug_data->profile_id = 0;
         $t_bug_data->handler_id = 0;
         $t_bug_data->view_state = (int) config_get('default_bug_view_status');
         $t_bug_data->category_id = (int) $this->_mailbox['global_category_id'];
         $t_bug_data->reproducibility = (int) config_get('default_bug_reproducibility');
         $t_bug_data->severity = (int) config_get('default_bug_severity');
         $t_bug_data->priority = (int) ($this->_mail_use_bug_priority ? $p_email['Priority'] : config_get('default_bug_priority'));
         $t_bug_data->projection = (int) config_get('default_bug_projection');
         $t_bug_data->eta = (int) config_get('default_bug_eta');
         $t_bug_data->resolution = config_get('default_bug_resolution');
         $t_bug_data->status = config_get('bug_submit_status');
         $t_bug_data->summary = $p_email['Subject'];
         $t_description = $p_email['X-Mantis-Body'];
         $t_description = $this->strip_signature($t_description);
         $t_description = $this->add_additional_info('issue', $p_email, $t_description);
         $t_bug_data->description = $t_description;
         $t_bug_data->steps_to_reproduce = config_get('default_bug_steps_to_reproduce');
         $t_bug_data->additional_information = config_get('default_bug_additional_info');
         $t_bug_data->due_date = date_get_null();
         $t_bug_data->project_id = $t_project_id;
         $t_bug_data->reporter_id = $p_email['Reporter_id'];
         // This function might do stuff that EmailReporting cannot handle. Disabled
         //helper_call_custom_function( 'issue_create_validate', array( $t_bug_data ) );
         // @TODO@ Disabled for now but possibly needed for other future features
         # Validate the custom fields before adding the bug.
         /*			$t_related_custom_field_ids = custom_field_get_linked_ids( $t_bug_data->project_id );
         			foreach( $t_related_custom_field_ids as $t_id )
         				$t_def = custom_field_get_definition( $t_id );
         				# Produce an error if the field is required but wasn't posted
         				if ( !gpc_isset_custom_field( $t_id, $t_def['type'] ) &&
         					( $t_def['require_report'] ||
         						$t_def['type'] == CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPE_ENUM ||
         						$t_def['type'] == CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPE_LIST ||
         						$t_def['type'] == CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPE_MULTILIST ||
         						$t_def['type'] == CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPE_RADIO ) ) {
         					error_parameters( lang_get_defaulted( custom_field_get_field( $t_id, 'name' ) ) );
         					trigger_error( ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR );
         				if ( !custom_field_validate( $t_id, gpc_get_custom_field( "custom_field_$t_id", $t_def['type'], NULL ) ) )
         					error_parameters( lang_get_defaulted( custom_field_get_field( $t_id, 'name' ) ) );
         					trigger_error( ERROR_CUSTOM_FIELD_INVALID_VALUE, ERROR );
         # Allow plugins to pre-process bug data
         $t_bug_data = event_signal('EVENT_REPORT_BUG_DATA', $t_bug_data);
         $t_bug_data = event_signal('EVENT_ERP_REPORT_BUG_DATA', $t_bug_data);
         # Create the bug
         $t_bug_id = $t_bug_data->create();
         // @TODO@ Disabled for now but possibly needed for other future features
         # Handle custom field submission
         /*			foreach( $t_related_custom_field_ids as $t_id )
         				# Do not set custom field value if user has no write access.
         				if( !custom_field_has_write_access( $t_id, $t_bug_id ) )
         				$t_def = custom_field_get_definition( $t_id );
         				if( !custom_field_set_value( $t_id, $t_bug_id, gpc_get_custom_field( "custom_field_$t_id", $t_def['type'], '' ), false ) ) {
         					error_parameters( lang_get_defaulted( custom_field_get_field( $t_id, 'name' ) ) );
         					trigger_error( ERROR_CUSTOM_FIELD_INVALID_VALUE, ERROR );
         // Lets link a readonly already existing bug to the newly created one
         if ($f_master_bug_id > 0) {
             $f_rel_type = BUG_RELATED;
             # update master bug last updated
             # Add the relationship
             relationship_add($t_bug_id, $f_master_bug_id, $f_rel_type);
             # Add log line to the history (both issues)
             history_log_event_special($f_master_bug_id, BUG_ADD_RELATIONSHIP, relationship_get_complementary_type($f_rel_type), $t_bug_id);
             history_log_event_special($t_bug_id, BUG_ADD_RELATIONSHIP, $f_rel_type, $f_master_bug_id);
             # Send the email notification
             email_relationship_added($f_master_bug_id, $t_bug_id, relationship_get_complementary_type($f_rel_type));
         helper_call_custom_function('issue_create_notify', array($t_bug_id));
         # Allow plugins to post-process bug data with the new bug ID
         event_signal('EVENT_REPORT_BUG', array($t_bug_data, $t_bug_id));
     } else {
         // Not allowed to add issues and not allowed / able to add notes. Need to stop processing
         $this->custom_error('Not allowed to create a new issue. Email ignored');
     $this->custom_error('Reporter: ' . $p_email['Reporter_id'] . ' - ' . $p_email['From_parsed']['email'] . ' --> Issue ID: #' . $t_bug_id, FALSE);
     $this->show_memory_usage('Finished add bug');
     $this->show_memory_usage('Start processing attachments');
     # Add files
     if ($this->_allow_file_upload) {
         if (count($p_email['X-Mantis-Parts']) > 0) {
             $t_rejected_files = NULL;
             while ($t_part = array_shift($p_email['X-Mantis-Parts'])) {
                 $t_file_rejected = $this->add_file($t_bug_id, $t_part);
                 if ($t_file_rejected !== TRUE) {
                     $t_rejected_files .= $t_file_rejected;
             if ($t_rejected_files !== NULL) {
                 $t_part = array('name' => 'Rejected files.txt', 'ctype' => 'text/plain', 'body' => 'List of rejected files' . "\n\n" . $t_rejected_files);
                 $t_reject_rejected_files = $this->add_file($t_bug_id, $t_part);
                 if ($t_reject_rejected_files !== TRUE) {
                     $t_part['body'] .= $t_reject_rejected_files;
                     $this->custom_error('Failed to add "' . $t_part['name'] . '" to the issue. See below for all errors.' . "\n" . $t_part['body']);
     //Add the users in Cc and To list in mail header
     $this->add_monitors($t_bug_id, $p_email);
     //Add the message-id to the database
     $this->add_msg_id($t_bug_id, $p_email['Message-ID']);
     ERP_set_temporary_overwrite('project_override', NULL);
     $this->show_memory_usage('Finished processing attachments');
Exemplo n.º 2
function ERP_custom_function_print_global_category_option_list($p_sel_value)
    // Need to disable allow_no_category for a moment
    ERP_set_temporary_overwrite('allow_no_category', OFF);
    // Need to disable inherit projects for one moment.
    ERP_set_temporary_overwrite('subprojects_inherit_categories', OFF);
    $t_sel_value = (array) $p_sel_value;
    print_category_option_list($t_sel_value, ALL_PROJECTS);
    $t_all_projects = project_get_all_rows();
    $t_projects_info = array();
    foreach ($t_all_projects as $t_project) {
        $t_projects_info[$t_project['id']] = $t_project['name'];
    foreach ($t_projects_info as $t_project_id => $t_project_name) {
        echo '<optgroup label="' . string_attribute($t_project_name) . '">';
        print_category_option_list($t_sel_value, (int) $t_project_id);
        echo '</optgroup>';
Exemplo n.º 3
    echo "bug_report_mail.php is not allowed to run through the webserver.\n";
ini_set('memory_limit', -1);
if (ini_get('safe_mode') == 0) {
if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') {
    echo '<pre>';
$GLOBALS['t_mailboxes'] = plugin_config_get('mailboxes');
$t_mail_mantisbt_url_fix = plugin_config_get('mail_mantisbt_url_fix', '');
if (isset($GLOBALS['t_dir_emailreporting_adjust']) && !is_blank($t_mail_mantisbt_url_fix)) {
    ERP_set_temporary_overwrite('path', $t_mail_mantisbt_url_fix);
// Register the user that is currently running this script
$t_job_users = plugin_config_get('job_users');
$t_username = ERP_get_current_os_user();
if (!isset($t_job_users[php_sapi_name()]) || $t_job_users[php_sapi_name()] !== $t_username) {
    $t_job_users[php_sapi_name()] = (string) $t_username;
    plugin_config_set('job_users', $t_job_users);
echo 'Start checking all mailboxes: ' . date('l jS \\of F Y H:i:s') . "\n\n";
$t_mailbox_api_index = ERP_get_mailbox_api_name();
$GLOBALS[$t_mailbox_api_index] = new ERP_mailbox_api();
foreach ($GLOBALS['t_mailboxes'] as $t_mailbox) {
echo "\n\n" . 'Done checking all mailboxes' . "\n";
Exemplo n.º 4
 function ERP_update_check()
     $t_config_version = plugin_config_get('config_version');
     if ($t_config_version === 0) {
         $t_username = plugin_config_get('mail_reporter', '');
         if (strlen($t_username) > 0) {
             $t_user_id = user_get_id_by_name($t_username);
             if ($t_user_id !== FALSE) {
                 $t_user_email = user_get_email($t_user_id);
                 if ($t_user_email === 'nomail') {
                     # We need to allow blank emails for a sec
                     ERP_set_temporary_overwrite('allow_blank_email', ON);
                     user_set_email($t_user_id, '');
         $t_schema = plugin_config_get('schema');
         $t_reset_schema = plugin_config_get('reset_schema');
         if ($t_schema !== -1 && $t_reset_schema === 0) {
             plugin_config_set('schema', -1);
             plugin_config_set('reset_schema', 1);
         plugin_config_set('config_version', 1);
     if ($t_config_version <= 1) {
         $t_mail_reporter = plugin_config_get('mail_reporter', '');
         if (strlen($t_mail_reporter) > 0) {
             $t_mail_reporter_id = user_get_id_by_name($t_mail_reporter);
             plugin_config_set('mail_reporter_id', $t_mail_reporter_id);
         plugin_config_set('config_version', 2);
     if ($t_config_version <= 2) {
         plugin_config_set('config_version', 3);
     if ($t_config_version <= 3) {
         $t_mailboxes = plugin_config_get('mailboxes', array());
         $t_indexes = array('mailbox_project' => 'mailbox_project_id', 'mailbox_global_category' => 'mailbox_global_category_id');
         foreach ($t_mailboxes as $t_key => $t_array) {
             if (isset($t_array['mailbox_hostname'])) {
                 # Correct the hostname if it is stored in an older format
                 $t_hostname = $t_array['mailbox_hostname'];
                 if (!is_array($t_hostname)) {
                     // ipv6 also uses : so we need to work around that
                     if (substr_count($t_hostname, ':') === 1) {
                         $t_hostname = explode(':', $t_hostname, 2);
                     } else {
                         $t_hostname = array($t_hostname);
                     $t_hostname = array('hostname' => $t_hostname[0], 'port' => isset($t_hostname[1]) ? $t_hostname[1] : '');
                     $t_array['mailbox_hostname'] = $t_hostname;
             $t_mailboxes[$t_key] = $this->ERP_update_indexes($t_array, $t_indexes);
         plugin_config_set('mailboxes', $t_mailboxes);
         plugin_config_set('config_version', 4);
     if ($t_config_version <= 4) {
         $t_mail_remove_mantis_email = plugin_config_get('mail_remove_mantis_email', -1);
         $t_mail_identify_reply = plugin_config_get('mail_identify_reply', $t_mail_remove_mantis_email);
         if ($t_mail_remove_mantis_email !== -1 && $t_mail_identify_reply !== $t_mail_remove_mantis_email) {
             plugin_config_set('mail_remove_mantis_email', $t_mail_identify_reply);
         plugin_config_set('config_version', 5);
     if ($t_config_version <= 5) {
         plugin_config_set('config_version', 6);
     if ($t_config_version <= 6) {
         $t_mailboxes = plugin_config_get('mailboxes', array());
         $t_indexes = array('mailbox_enabled' => 'enabled', 'mailbox_description' => 'description', 'mailbox_type' => 'type', 'mailbox_hostname' => 'hostname', 'mailbox_encryption' => 'encryption', 'mailbox_username' => 'username', 'mailbox_password' => 'password', 'mailbox_auth_method' => 'auth_method', 'mailbox_project_id' => 'project_id', 'mailbox_global_category_id' => 'global_category_id', 'mailbox_basefolder' => 'basefolder', 'mailbox_createfolderstructure' => 'createfolderstructure');
         foreach ($t_mailboxes as $t_key => $t_array) {
             $t_mailboxes[$t_key] = $this->ERP_update_indexes($t_array, $t_indexes);
         plugin_config_set('mailboxes', $t_mailboxes);
         plugin_config_set('config_version', 7);
     if ($t_config_version <= 7) {
         $t_mailboxes = plugin_config_get('mailboxes', array());
         foreach ($t_mailboxes as $t_key => $t_array) {
             if (isset($t_array['hostname'])) {
                 $t_hostname = $t_array['hostname'];
                 if (is_array($t_hostname)) {
                     $t_array['hostname'] = $t_hostname['hostname'];
                     $t_array['port'] = $t_hostname['port'];
                 $t_mailboxes[$t_key] = $t_array;
         plugin_config_set('mailboxes', $t_mailboxes);
         plugin_config_set('config_version', 8);
     if ($t_config_version <= 8) {
         plugin_config_set('config_version', 9);
     if ($t_config_version <= 9) {
         $t_mailboxes = plugin_config_get('mailboxes', array());
         $t_indexes = array('type' => 'mailbox_type', 'basefolder' => 'imap_basefolder', 'createfolderstructure' => 'imap_createfolderstructure');
         foreach ($t_mailboxes as $t_key => $t_array) {
             $t_mailboxes[$t_key] = $this->ERP_update_indexes($t_array, $t_indexes);
         plugin_config_set('mailboxes', $t_mailboxes);
         plugin_config_set('config_version', 10);
     if ($t_config_version <= 10) {
         plugin_config_set('config_version', 11);
     if ($t_config_version <= 11) {
         $t_mailboxes = plugin_config_get('mailboxes', array());
         $t_indexes = array('username' => 'erp_username', 'password' => 'erp_password');
         foreach ($t_mailboxes as $t_key => $t_array) {
             $t_mailboxes[$t_key] = $this->ERP_update_indexes($t_array, $t_indexes);
         plugin_config_set('mailboxes', $t_mailboxes);
         plugin_config_set('config_version', 12);
     if ($t_config_version <= 12) {
         plugin_config_set('reset_schema', 1);
         plugin_config_set('config_version', 13);
     if ($t_config_version <= 13) {
         plugin_config_set('config_version', 14);
     if ($t_config_version <= 14) {
         $t_mail_reporter_id = plugin_config_get('mail_reporter_id', 'Mail');
         $t_report_bug_threshold = config_get_global('report_bug_threshold');
         if ($t_mail_reporter_id !== 'Mail' && user_exists($t_mail_reporter_id)) {
             if (!access_has_global_level($t_report_bug_threshold, $t_mail_reporter_id)) {
                 user_set_field($t_mail_reporter_id, 'access_level', $t_report_bug_threshold);
         plugin_config_set('config_version', 15);