Exemplo n.º 1
    echo "emulab_status={$status}\n";
# Required arguments
$reqargs = RequiredPageArguments("IP", PAGEARG_STRING, "privkey", PAGEARG_STRING);
$optargs = OptionalPageArguments("hostname", PAGEARG_STRING);
# Must use https,
if (!isset($_SERVER["SSL_PROTOCOL"])) {
if (!preg_match('/^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}$/', $IP) || !preg_match('/^[\\w]+$/', $privkey) || isset($hostname) && !preg_match('/^[-\\w\\.]+$/', $hostname)) {
# Make sure this is a valid privkey before we invoke the backend.
$query_result = DBQueryFatal("select IP from widearea_nodeinfo where privkey='{$privkey}'");
if (!mysql_num_rows($query_result)) {
# Invoke the backend and return the status. We send the IP since cause we
# have to deal with nodes with dynamic IP addresses.
$retval = SUEXEC("nobody", $TBADMINGROUP, "webwanodecheckin " . (isset($hostname) ? "-h {$hostname} " : "") . "{$privkey} {$IP}", SUEXEC_ACTION_IGNORE);
if ($retval) {
Exemplo n.º 2
 function TemplateLookupByName($template, $name)
     $metadata_name = addslashes($name);
     $template_guid = $template->guid();
     $template_vers = $template->vers();
     $query_result = DBQueryFatal("select i.guid,i.vers " . "    from experiment_template_metadata as m " . "left join experiment_template_metadata_items as i on " . "     i.guid=m.metadata_guid and i.vers=m.metadata_vers " . "where m.parent_guid='{$template_guid}' and " . "      m.parent_vers='{$template_vers}' and " . "      i.name='{$metadata_name}'");
     if (!mysql_num_rows($query_result)) {
         return null;
     $row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result);
     $metadata_guid = $row['guid'];
     $metadata_vers = $row['vers'];
     $foo = new TemplateMetadata($metadata_guid, $metadata_vers);
     if (!$foo->IsValid()) {
         return null;
     $foo->template = $template;
     return $foo;
Exemplo n.º 3
 header("Pragma: no-cache");
 if (!$isadmin) {
     echo "unauthorized\n";
 # check args
 if (!isset($resource)) {
     echo "no resource specified\n";
 if (!in_array($resource, $resources)) {
     echo "invalid resource\n";
 # grab the data
 $qres = DBQueryFatal($queries[$resource]);
 if (mysql_num_rows($qres) == 0) {
     echo "no data\n";
 # print column headers
 echo "{$resource}";
 foreach ($fields[$resource] as $f => $finfo) {
     echo "\t{$f}(" . $finfo["type"] . ")(" . $finfo["data"] . ")";
 echo "\n";
 # print data
 while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($qres)) {
     echo $row[$resource];
     foreach ($fields[$resource] as $f => $finfo) {
         echo "\t" . $row[$f] . "";
Exemplo n.º 4
                $manifest = $mrow["manifest"];
                $stuff = GeneratePopupDiv("manifest{$idx}", $manifest);
                $popups[] = $stuff;
                $tablerow["manifest"] = "<a href='#' title='' " . "onclick='PopUpWindowFromDiv(\"manifest{$idx}\");'" . ">manifest</a>\n";
            } else {
                $tablerow["Manifest"] = "Unknown";
            $rows[] = $tablerow;
            $myindex = $idx;
        list($html, $button) = TableRender($table, $rows);
        echo $html;
        foreach ($popups as $i => $popup) {
            echo "{$popup}\n";
        $query_result = DBQueryFatal("select count(*) from aggregate_history as a " . "where `type`='Aggregate' and a.idx<{$myindex} {$clause} ", $dblink);
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result);
        $remaining = $row[0];
        if ($remaining) {
            $opts = "";
            if ($ch) {
                $opts .= "&ch={$ch}";
            if (isset($search)) {
                $opts .= "&search=yes&searchfor=" . rawurlencode($searchfor);
            echo "<center>" . "<a href='genihistory.php?index={$myindex}{$opts}'>" . "More Entries</a></center><br>\n";
Exemplo n.º 5
        } else {
            $row["manifest"] = "Unknown";
        $rows[] = $row;
    list($html, $button) = TableRender($table, $rows);
    echo $html;
foreach ($popups as $i => $popup) {
    echo "{$popup}\n";
# Find all logs associated with this slice.
$query_result = DBQueryFatal("select m.logidx,l.logid,l.date_created,m2.metaval " . "  from logfile_metadata as m " . "left join logfiles as l on l.logidx=m.logidx " . "left join logfile_metadata as m2 on " . "      m2.logidx=m.logidx and m2.metakey='Method' " . "where m.metakey='slice_idx' and m.metaval='{$slice_idx}' " . "order by l.date_created asc");
if ($query_result && mysql_num_rows($query_result)) {
    $table = array('#id' => 'logfiles', '#title' => "Log Files", '#headings' => array("idx" => "ID", "method" => "Op", "created" => "Created", "log" => "Link"));
    $rows = array();
    $img = "<img border='0' src='greenball.gif' />";
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result)) {
        $logidx = $row["logidx"];
        $logid = $row["logid"];
        $op = $row["metaval"];
        $date = $row["date_created"];
        $url = CreateURL("spewlogfile", "logfile", $logid);
        $row = array("idx" => $logidx, "method" => $op, "created" => $date, "log" => "<a href='{$url}'>{$img}</a>");
        $rows[] = $row;
    list($html, $button) = TableRender($table, $rows);
    echo $html;
Exemplo n.º 6
$fields = array();
# Search either templates, instances, or runs.
$fields['searchwhat'] = array('#type' => 'radio', '#label' => 'Search which template versions', '#required' => TRUE, '#radios' => array('Template' => array('#label' => 'This Version', '#return_value' => "this"), 'Instance' => array('#label' => 'All Versions', '#return_value' => "all")), '#checkslot' => "/^(this|all)\$/");
$fields['searchwhich'] = array('#type' => 'radio', '#label' => 'What do you want to search', '#required' => TRUE, '#radios' => array('Template' => array('#label' => 'Templates', '#return_value' => "template"), 'Instance' => array('#label' => 'Instances', '#return_value' => "instance"), 'Run' => array('#label' => 'Runs', '#return_value' => "run")), '#checkslot' => "/^(template|instance|run)\$/");
$fields['matchif'] = array('#type' => 'radio', '#label' => 'Match on', '#description' => 'all clauses match or any clause matches', '#required' => TRUE, '#radios' => array('Any' => array('#label' => 'Any', '#return_value' => "any"), 'All' => array('#label' => 'All', '#return_value' => "all")), '#checkslot' => "/^(any|all)\$/");
# User is given the option to save this search for later.
$fields['save'] = array('#type' => 'list', '#label' => 'Save this search', '#elements' => array('savesearch' => array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#label' => 'Yes', '#return_value' => 1), 'savename' => array('#type' => 'textfield', '#label' => 'Save Name', '#size' => 20, '#maxlength' => 64)));
# Grab a list of all parameters across all the templates and create
# a list of input boxes.
$query_result = DBQueryFatal("select distinct name from experiment_template_parameters " . "where parent_guid='{$guid}' " . "order by name");
$index = 1;
$paramselection = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result)) {
    $paramselection[$index++] = $row['name'];
# Start with a single clause.
$fields['clause1'] = array('#type' => 'list', '#label' => 'Clause 1', '#elements' => array('parameter1' => array('#type' => 'select', '#default' => 'Parameter', '#which' => 1, '#checkslot' => 'CheckParameter', '#options' => $paramselection), 'condition1' => array('#type' => 'select', '#default' => 'Cond', '#which' => 1, '#checkslot' => 'CheckCondition', '#options' => $clauseselection), 'value1' => array('#type' => 'textfield', '#which' => 1, '#checkslot' => 'CheckValue', '#size' => 30)));
$fields['clausecount'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#required' => TRUE, '#value' => "1");
# Spit the form out using the array of data.
function SPITFORM($formfields, $errors)
Exemplo n.º 7
 function DeleteNodeLog($log_id)
     $node_id = $this->node_id();
     $safe_id = addslashes($log_id);
     DBQueryFatal("delete from nodelog where " . "node_id='{$node_id}' and log_id={$safe_id}");
     return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
# Standard Testbed Header
PAGEHEADER("USRP Preorder List");
# Only known and logged in users allowed.
$this_user = CheckLoginOrDie();
$uid = $this_user->uid();
$isadmin = ISADMIN();
if (!$isadmin) {
    USERERROR("You do not have permission to view the USRP preorder list!", 1);
# Get the list. Date order, most recent first.
$query_result = DBQueryFatal("select * from usrp_orders " . "order by order_date desc");
if (($count = mysql_num_rows($query_result)) == 0) {
    USERERROR("There are no USRP preorders!", 1);
# Grab some totals for the top of the page.
$total_mobos = 0;
$total_dboards = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result)) {
    $num_mobos = $row["num_mobos"];
    $num_dboards = $row["num_dboards"];
    $total_mobos += $num_mobos;
    $total_dboards += $num_dboards;
mysql_data_seek($query_result, 0);
Exemplo n.º 9
 function ShowExperiments($user)
     global $TBOPSPID;
     global $TB_EXPT_READINFO;
     $uid = $user->uid();
     $pid = $this->pid();
     $osname = $this->osname();
     # Due to the funny way we handle 'global' images in the emulab-ops
     # project, we have to treat its images specially - namely, we
     # have to make sure there is not an osname in that project, which
     # takes priority over the global ones.
     if ($pid == $TBOPSPID) {
         $query_result = DBQueryFatal("select distinct v.pid, v.eid, e.state " . "     from virt_nodes as v " . "left join os_info as o on " . "     v.osname=o.osname and v.pid=o.pid " . "left join experiments as e on v.pid=e.pid and " . "     v.eid=e.eid " . "where v.osname='{$osname}' and o.osname is NULL " . "order by v.pid, v.eid, e.state");
     } else {
         $query_result = DBQueryFatal("select distinct v.pid, v.eid, e.state " . "  from virt_nodes as v " . "left join experiments as e " . "     on v.pid=e.pid and v.eid=e.eid " . "where v.pid='{$pid}' and v.osname='{$osname}' " . "order by v.pid, v.eid, e.state");
     if (mysql_num_rows($query_result) == 0) {
         echo "<h4 align='center'>No experiments are using this OS</h3>";
     } else {
         $other_exps = 0;
         echo "<h3 align='center'>Experiments using this OS</h3>\n";
         echo "<table align=center border=1>\n";
         echo "  <tr> \n\t\t        <th>PID</th>\n   \t\t        <th>EID</th>\n\t\t        <th>State</th>\n\t\t    </tr>\n";
         while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result)) {
             $pid = $row[0];
             $eid = $row[1];
             $state = $row[2];
             # Gotta make sure that the user actually has the right to
             # see this experiment - summarize all the experiments that
             # he/she cannot see at the bottom
             if (!($experiment = Experiment::LookupByPidEid($pid, $eid))) {
             if (!$experiment->AccessCheck($user, $TB_EXPT_READINFO)) {
             $showexp_url = CreateURL("showexp", $experiment);
             echo "<tr>\n";
             echo "  <td>{$pid}</td>\n";
             echo "  <td><a href='{$showexp_url}'>{$eid}</td>\n";
             echo "  <td>{$state}</td>\n";
             echo "</tr>\n";
         if ($other_exps) {
             echo "<tr><td colspan=3>\n                        {$other_exps} experiments in other projects</td></tr>\n";
         echo "</table>\n";
Exemplo n.º 10
 function ExperimentList($listify = 1)
     $pid = $this->pid();
     $gid = $this->gid();
     $query_result = DBQueryFatal("select idx from experiments " . "where pid='{$pid}' and gid='{$gid}'");
     if (!$listify) {
         return mysql_num_rows($query_result);
     # Else, create a list of the groups.
     $result = array();
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result)) {
         $idx = $row["idx"];
         if (!($experiment = Experiment::Lookup($idx))) {
             TBERROR("Group::ExperimentList: " . "Could not load experiment {$idx}!", 1);
         $result[] = $experiment;
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 11
function find_free_id($prefix)
    global $ELABINELAB, $TBADMINGROUP, $interfaces;
    # When inside an inner emulab, we have to ask the outer emulab for
    # our nodeid; we cannot just pick one out of a hat, at least not yet.
    if ($ELABINELAB) {
        $arghash = array();
        $arghash["mac"] = $interfaces[0]["mac"];
        $results = XMLRPC("nobody", $TBADMINGROUP, "elabinelab.newnode_info", $arghash);
        if (!$results || !isset($results['nodeid'])) {
            echo "Could not get nodeid from XMLRPC server; quitting.\n";
        } elseif (preg_match("/^(.*[^\\d])(\\d+)\$/", $results['nodeid'], $matches)) {
            $base = $matches[1];
            $number = $matches[2];
            return array($base, intval($number));
        } else {
            $nodeid = $results['nodeid'];
            echo "Improper nodeid ({$nodeid}) from XMLRPC server; quitting.\n";
    # First, check to see if there's a recent entry in new_nodes we can name
    # this node after
    $query_result = DBQueryFatal("select node_id from new_nodes " . "order by created desc limit 1");
    if (mysql_num_rows($query_result)) {
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result);
        $old_node_id = $row[0];
        # Try to figure out if this is in some format we can increment
        if (preg_match("/^(.*[^\\d])(\\d+)\$/", $old_node_id, $matches)) {
            echo "Matches pcXXX format";
            # pcXXX format
            $base = $matches[1];
            $number = $matches[2];
            $potential_name = $base . ($number + 1);
            if (!check_node_exists($potential_name)) {
                return array($base, $number + 1);
        } elseif (preg_match("/^(.*)-([a-zA-Z])\$/", $old_node_id, $matches)) {
            # Something like WAIL's (type-rack-A) format
            $base = $matches[1];
            $lastchar = $matches[2];
            $newchar = chr(ord($lastchar) + 1);
            $potential_name = $base . '-' . $newchar;
            if (!check_node_exists($potential_name)) {
                return array($base . '-', $newchar);
    # Okay, that didn't work.
    # Just go through the nodes and new_nodes tables looking for one that
    # hasn't been used yet - put in a silly little guard to prevent an
    # infinite loop in case of bugs.
    $node_number = 0;
    while ($node_number < 10000) {
        $potential_name = $prefix . $node_number;
        if (!check_node_exists($potential_name)) {
    return array($prefix, $node_number);
Exemplo n.º 12
include "defs.php3";
# No Pageheader since we spit out a redirection below.
$this_user = CheckLoginOrDie();
$uid = $this_user->uid();
$isadmin = ISADMIN();
PAGEHEADER("Portal Login");
    USERERROR("Not a Portal", 1);
# Verify page arguments. project_title is the project to zap to.
$reqargs = RequiredPageArguments("peer", PAGEARG_STRING);
$optargs = OptionalPageArguments("user", PAGEARG_USER);
$safe_peer = addslashes($peer);
$query_result = DBQueryFatal("select * from emulab_peers " . "where name='{$safe_peer}' or urn='{$safe_peer}'");
if (!mysql_num_rows($query_result)) {
    USERERROR("Unknown peer: {$peer}", 1);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result);
$urn = $row['urn'];
$url = $row['weburl'];
# Allow admin to xlogin as another user.
if (isset($user) && !$this_user->SameUser($user)) {
    if ($isadmin) {
        $uid = $user->uid();
    } else {
        USERERROR("Not allowed to login as another user", 1);
Exemplo n.º 13
$query_result = DBQueryFatal("select phys_nodeid,count(phys_nodeid) as vcount " . "  from reserved as r " . "left join nodes as n on n.node_id=r.node_id " . "where n.node_id!=n.phys_nodeid and " . "      r.sharing_mode is not null " . "group by phys_nodeid");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result)) {
    $node_id = $row["phys_nodeid"];
    $count = $row["vcount"];
    $counts[$node_id] = $count;
# Get the distinct set of nodes using the shared nodes.
$query_result = DBQueryFatal("select r.node_id from reserved as r " . "left join nodes as n on n.node_id=r.node_id " . "left join reserved as r2 on r2.node_id=n.phys_nodeid " . "where n.node_id!=n.phys_nodeid and " . "      r.sharing_mode is not null and " . "      r2.pid='{$pid}' and " . "      (r2.eid='{$eid}' or r2.eid='shared-pcpg') " . "order by node_id");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result)) {
    $node_id = $row["node_id"];
    $nodes[$node_id] = $node_id;
$query_result = DBQueryFatal("select ru.*,r.node_id,n.type,n.def_boot_osid,o.osname, " . " ns.status as nodestatus, " . " date_format(rsrv_time,\"%Y-%m-%d&nbsp;%T\") as rsrvtime " . "from reserved as r " . "left join nodes as n on n.node_id=r.node_id " . "left join node_types as nt on nt.type=n.type " . "left join node_status as ns on ns.node_id=r.node_id " . "left join node_rusage as ru on ru.node_id=r.node_id " . "left join os_info as o on o.osid=n.def_boot_osid " . "where r.pid='{$pid}' and (r.eid='{$eid}' or r.eid='shared-pcpg') " . "order BY rsrvtime");
$url = CreateURL("showexp", $experiment);
echo "These are the nodes in the <a href='{$url}'>shared pool</a>. ";
echo "Please see the <a href='{$WIKIDOCURL}/SharedNodes'>documentation</a> ";
echo "on how to use shared nodes in your experiment.<br>";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=2 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=2 \n       id='pooltable' align='center'>\n";
echo "<thead class='sort'>";
echo "<tr>\n          <th>NodeID</th>\n\t  <th>Type</th>\n          <th>Reserved</th>\n          <th>Default OSID</th>\n          <th>Count</th>\n          <th>Node<br>Status</th>\n          <th>Load Avg<br>1min/5min</th>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</thead>\n";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result)) {
    $node_id = $row["node_id"];
    $rsrvtime = $row["rsrvtime"];
    $type = $row["type"];
    $status = $row["nodestatus"];
    $osname = $row["osname"];
Exemplo n.º 14
} else {
    $clauses = array();
    $clause = "";
    if ($tag) {
        $clauses[] = "tag='{$tag}'";
    if ($datetime) {
        $clauses[] = "allocated>" . strtotime($datetime);
    if ($record) {
        $clauses[] = "history_id>{$record}";
    if (count($clauses)) {
        $clause = "where " . join(" and ", $clauses);
    $query_result = DBQueryFatal("select v.*,s.pid,s.eid, " . "   from_unixtime(allocated) as allocated, " . "   from_unixtime(released) as released " . " from vlantag_history as v " . "left join experiment_stats as s on s.exptidx=v.exptidx " . "{$clause} " . "order by history_id limit {$count}");
if (mysql_num_rows($query_result)) {
    $num_records = mysql_num_rows($query_result);
    # Keep track of history record bounds, for paging through.
    $max_history_id = 0;
    # Build up table contents.
    $html = "";
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result)) {
        $thistag = $row["tag"];
        $exptidx = $row["exptidx"];
        $pid = $row["pid"];
        $eid = $row["eid"];
        $alloc = $row["allocated"];
        $id = 0;
        $slice = "--";
Exemplo n.º 15
 function NSFile()
     $input_data_idx = $this->input_data_idx();
     if (!$input_data_idx) {
         return null;
     $query_result = DBQueryFatal("select input from experiment_input_data " . "where idx='{$input_data_idx}'");
     if (!mysql_num_rows($query_result)) {
         return null;
     $row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result);
     return $row["input"];
Exemplo n.º 16
if (!isset($sortby)) {
    $sortby = "created";
$sortclause = "";
if ($sortby == "created") {
    $sortclause = "order by created";
} elseif ($sortby == "urn") {
    $sortclause = "order by urn";
} elseif ($sortby == "commonname") {
    $sortclause = "order by commonname";
} elseif ($sortby == "buildinfo") {
    $sortclause = "order by buildinfo";
} elseif ($sortby == "updated") {
    $sortclause = "order by updated";
$sites_result = DBQueryFatal("SELECT * from emulab_sites {$sortclause}");
echo "<table width='100%' border=2 id='sitelist'\n             cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 align=center>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo " <th><a href='showsite_list.php?sortby=urn'>URN</a></th>\n";
echo " <th><a href='showsite_list.php?sortby=created'>Created</a></th>\n";
echo " <th><a href='showsite_list.php?sortby=buildinfo'>Last Build</a></th>\n";
echo " <th>OS Vers</th>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo " <th><a href='showsite_list.php?sortby=commonname'>Boss Name</a></th>\n";
echo " <th><a href='showsite_list.php?sortby=updated'>Updated</a></th>\n";
echo " <th>Commit Hash</th>\n";
echo " <th>Perl Vers</th>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sites_result)) {
    $urn = substr($row["urn"], strlen("urn:publicid:IDN+"));
Exemplo n.º 17
 function DoesXen($does)
     $imageid = $this->imageid();
     if ($does) {
         $parentosinfo = OSinfo::LookupByName("emulab-ops", "XEN41-64-STD");
         if (!$parentosinfo) {
             return -1;
         $parentosid = $parentosinfo->osid();
         DBQueryFatal("update os_info set def_parentosid='{$parentosid}' " . "where osid='{$imageid}'");
         DBQueryFatal("replace into os_submap set " . "  osid='{$imageid}', parent_osid='{$parentosid}'");
         DBQueryFatal("replace into osidtoimageid set " . " osid='{$imageid}', type='pcvm', imageid='{$imageid}'");
     } else {
         DBQueryFatal("delete from osidtoimageid " . "where osid='{$imageid}' and type='pcvm'");
         DBQueryFatal("delete from os_submap " . "where osid='{$imageid}'");
         DBQueryFatal("update os_info set def_parentosid=NULL " . "where osid='{$imageid}'");
     return 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
function GetPubs($where_clause, $deleted_clause = '!`deleted`')
    return DBQueryFatal("select p.*,m.month_name,if(category = '',1,0) as category_sort  from emulab_pubs as p natural join emulab_pubs_month_map as m where {$where_clause} and {$deleted_clause} order by category_sort,category,year desc,month desc,title");
Exemplo n.º 19
if (!count($match_targets)) {
    if ($check) {
    } else {
} else {
    if ($check) {
# Now, for each target matched, grab the file-to-send info, and pack them up.
# We just grab everything cause it's cheap and there's no better way.
$qres = DBQueryFatal("select of.type as type,of.path as path," . "    of.dest as dest,of.file_idx as file_idx" . "  from osconfig_targets as ot" . " left join osconfig_files as of" . "   on ot.target_file_idx=of.file_idx" . " where ot.target_apply='" . addslashes($env) . "'" . " group by of.file_idx" . " order by of.prio desc");
$done = array();
$files = array();
$manifest_str = "";
$i = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($qres)) {
    if (in_array($row['file_idx'], $match_targets) && !in_array($row['file_idx'], $done)) {
        $files[$i++] = $row["path"];
        $manifest_str .= $row["path"] . "\t" . $row["type"] . "\t" . $row["dest"] . "\n";
        array_push($done, $row['file_idx']);
# make a random dir for tar use.
while (TRUE) {
    $randdir = "/tmp/osconfig." . rand(100, 10000);
    if (mkdir($randdir)) {
Exemplo n.º 20
# Check the login table for the user, and see if the key is really
# the md5 of the login hash. If so, do a login.
$target_uid = $user->uid();
$safe_key = addslashes($key);
$query_result = DBQueryFatal("select * from login " . "where uid='{$target_uid}' and hashhash='{$safe_key}' and " . "      timeout > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now())");
if (!mysql_num_rows($query_result)) {
    # Short delay.
    PAGEERROR("Invalid peer login request");
# Delete the entry so it cannot be reused, even on failure.
DBQueryFatal("delete from login " . "where uid='{$target_uid}' and hashhash='{$safe_key}'");
# Now do the login, which can still fail.
$dologin_status = DOLOGIN($user->uid(), "", 0, 1);
if ($dologin_status == DOLOGIN_STATUS_WEBFREEZE) {
    # Short delay.
    echo "<h3>\n              Your account has been frozen due to earlier login attempt\n              failures. You must contact {$TBMAILADDR} to have your account\n              restored. <br> <br>\n              Please do not attempt to login again; it will not work!\n              </h3>\n";
} else {
    if ($dologin_status != DOLOGIN_STATUS_OKAY) {
        # Short delay.
Exemplo n.º 21
 function SliverList($slice)
     $result = array();
     $dblink = GetDBLink("sa");
     $slice_idx = $slice->idx();
     if (!$dblink) {
         return null;
     $query_result = DBQueryFatal("select idx from client_slivers " . "where slice_idx='{$slice_idx}'", $dblink);
     if (!($query_result && mysql_num_rows($query_result))) {
         return null;
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result)) {
         $idx = $row["idx"];
         if (!($sliver = ClientSliver::Lookup($idx))) {
             TBERROR("ClientSliver::SliverList: " . "Could not load client sliver {$idx}!", 1);
         $result[] = $sliver;
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 22
$this_user = CheckLoginOrDie();
$uid = $this_user->uid();
$isadmin = ISADMIN();
if (!$isadmin && !STUDLY()) {
    USERERROR("You are not allowed to view this page!", 1);
# Verify page arguments.
$optargs = OptionalPageArguments("type", PAGEARG_STRING);
# Standard Testbed Header
PAGEHEADER("Node Control Center");
$query_result = DBQueryFatal("select n.inception,util.*, " . "  UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now())-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(n.inception) as age " . "  from node_utilization as util " . "left join nodes as n on n.node_id=util.node_id " . "left join node_types as t on t.type=n.type " . "where n.inception is not null and t.class='pc' and " . "      role='testnode'" . "order BY priority");
if (mysql_num_rows($query_result) == 0) {
    echo "<center>Oops, no nodes to show you!</center>";
echo "<center>\n      <table id='nodetable' align=center cellpadding=2 border=1>\n      <thead class='sort'>\n        <tr>\n         <th>Node ID</th>\n         <th>Inception Date</th>\n         <th align=center>Age<br>(seconds)</th>\n         <th align=center>Free<br>(seconds)</th>\n         <th align=center>Free<br>(percent)</th>\n         <th align=center>Alloc<br>(seconds)</th>\n         <th align=center>Alloc<br>(percent)</th>\n         <th align=center>Down<br>(seconds)</th>\n         <th align=center>Down<br>(percent)</th>\n        </tr>\n      </thead>\n";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result)) {
    $node_id = $row["node_id"];
    $inception = $row["inception"];
    $age = $row["age"];
    $alloctime = $row["allocated"];
    $downtime = $row["down"];
    $freetime = $age - ($alloctime + $downtime);
    $allocpercent = sprintf("%.3f", $alloctime / $age * 100);
    $freepercent = sprintf("%.3f", $freetime / $age * 100);
Exemplo n.º 23
include "table_defs.php";
# Only known and logged in users allowed.
$this_user = CheckLoginOrDie();
$uid = $this_user->uid();
$isadmin = ISADMIN();
# Standard Testbed Header
PAGEHEADER("Node Type List");
# Get the list.
$query_result = DBQueryFatal("select * from node_types order by class,type");
if ($isadmin) {
    SUBMENUSTART("More Options");
    WRITESUBMENUBUTTON("Create a PC type", "editnodetype.php3?new_type=1&node_class=pc");
    WRITESUBMENUBUTTON("Create a Switch type", "editnodetype.php3?new_type=1&node_class=switch");
    WRITESUBMENUBUTTON("Create a device type", "editnodetype.php3?new_type=1&node_class=device");
echo "<br>";
echo "Note that many types in this list are not accessible to most users";
if ($isadmin) {
if (mysql_num_rows($query_result)) {
    $table = array('#id' => 'nodetypelist', '#title' => "Node Type List", '#sortable' => "yes", '#headings' => array("class" => "Class", "type" => "Type", "isvirt" => "IsVirt", "isrem" => "IsRem", "isdyn" => "IsDyn", "isfed" => "IsFed", "issw" => "IsSwch", "isjail" => "IsJail", "issub" => "IsSub"));
Exemplo n.º 24
 function WebCamAllowed()
     $uid_idx = $this->uid_idx();
     $query_result = DBQueryFatal("select distinct class from group_membership as g " . "left join nodetypeXpid_permissions as p on " . "     g.pid=p.pid " . "left join node_types as nt on nt.type=p.type " . "where g.uid_idx='{$uid_idx}' and class='robot'");
     return mysql_num_rows($query_result);
Exemplo n.º 25
} else {
    $update_list = array("last_edit = now()", "`last_edit_by` = {$uid_idx}");
    $update_start = count($update_list);
    if (!isset($formfields['deleted'])) {
        $formfields['deleted'] = false;
    # determine what changed
    foreach ($dbfields as $f) {
        if (isset($formfields[$f]) && $defaults[$f] != $formfields[$f]) {
            $dbname = $f;
            $value = @$formfields[$f];
            array_push($update_list, "`" . $dbname . "` = \"" . mysql_escape_string($value) . '"');
    if (count($update_list) > $update_start) {
        DBQueryFatal("update emulab_pubs set " . implode(",", $update_list) . " where idx = {$idx}");
        if (!$formfields['deleted']) {
            echo "<p>The following publication was Updated:</p>\n";
        } else {
            echo "<p>The following publication was deleted.  ";
            echo "To undelete simply edit it again and unclick \"Mark As Deleted\"</p>\n";
    } else {
        echo "<p>Nothing has changed for the following pub:</p>";
Exemplo n.º 26
 function ShowStats()
     $pid_idx = $this->pid_idx();
     $query_result = DBQueryFatal("select * from project_stats " . "where pid_idx='{$pid_idx}'");
     if (!mysql_num_rows($query_result)) {
     $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_result);
     # Not pretty printed yet.
     echo "<table align=center border=1>\n";
     foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
         echo "<tr>\n                      <td>{$key}:</td>\n                      <td>{$value}</td>\n                  </tr>\n";
     echo "</table>\n";