function Comments_adminDelete() { $id = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; dbQuery('delete from comments where id=' . $id); Core_cacheClear('comments'); return array('status' => 1, 'id' => $id); }
/** * save a panel * * @return null */ function Panels_adminSave() { $id = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; $widgets = addslashes($_REQUEST['data']); dbQuery("update panels set body='{$widgets}' where id={$id}"); Core_cacheClear('panels'); Core_cacheClear('pages'); }
/** * mark a meeting as complete * * @return null */ function Meetings_complete() { if (!isset($_SESSION['userdata'])) { return; } $id = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; dbQuery('update meetings set is_complete=1 where id=' . $id); Core_cacheClear('meetings'); }
/** * retrieve the search page, or create one if it doesn't exist * * @return object search page */ function Search_getPage() { if (isset($_GET['s'])) { $_GET['search'] = $_GET['s']; } $p = Page::getInstanceByType(5); if (!$p || !isset($p->id)) { dbQuery('insert into pages set cdate=now(),edate=now(),name="__search",' . 'alias="__search",body="",type=5,special=2,ord=5000'); Core_cacheClear('pages', 'page_by_type_5'); $p = Page::getInstanceByType(5); } return $p->id; }
static function deleteByAdminId($name, $id = false) { $adminId = ''; if ($id !== false) { if ($id < 0) { $adminId = ' and admin_id>0'; } else { $adminId = ' and admin_id=' . $id; } } dbQuery('delete from admin_vars where varname="' . addslashes($name) . '"' . $adminId); Core_cacheClear('admin_vars'); }
/** * Update the comments table * * @return null */ function Comments_update() { $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $comment = $_REQUEST['comment']; $allowed = in_array($id, $_SESSION['comment_ids']); if (!$allowed) { die('You do not have permission to do this'); } if (!is_numeric($id)) { Core_quit('Invalid id'); } dbQuery('update comments set comment = "' . addslashes($comment) . '" where id = ' . (int) $id); Core_cacheClear('comments'); return array('status' => 1, 'id' => $id, 'comment' => $comment); }
<?php require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/ww.incs/basics.php'; if (!Core_isAdmin()) { die(__('access denied')); } if (isset($_REQUEST['id']) && isset($_REQUEST['vis']) && isset($_REQUEST['hid'])) { $id = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; $vis = '[' . addslashes($_REQUEST['vis']) . ']'; $hid = '[' . addslashes($_REQUEST['hid']) . ']'; dbQuery("update panels set visibility='{$vis}',hidden='{$hid}' where id={$id}"); Core_cacheClear('panels'); }
function OnlineStoreEbay_adminImportOrders() { require_once 'eBaySession.php'; error_reporting(E_ALL); $rs = dbAll('select * from online_store_vars where name like "ebay%"'); $vs = array(); foreach ($rs as $r) { $vs[$r['name']] = $r['val']; } $production = (int) $vs['ebay_status']; if ($production) { $devID = $vs['ebay_devid']; $appID = $vs['ebay_appid']; $certID = $vs['ebay_certid']; $serverUrl = ''; // server URL different for prod and sandbox $userToken = $vs['ebay_usertoken']; } else { $devID = $vs['ebay_sandbox_devid']; $appID = $vs['ebay_sandbox_appid']; $certID = $vs['ebay_sandbox_certid']; $serverUrl = ''; $userToken = $vs['ebay_sandbox_usertoken']; } $compatabilityLevel = 827; // eBay API version $siteToUseID = 205; $sess = new eBaySession($userToken, $devID, $appID, $certID, $serverUrl, $compatabilityLevel, $siteToUseID, 'GetOrders'); $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . '<GetOrdersRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">' . ' <RequesterCredentials>' . ' <eBayAuthToken>' . $userToken . '</eBayAuthToken>' . ' </RequesterCredentials>' . ' <NumberOfDays>10</NumberOfDays>' . ' <OrderRole>Seller</OrderRole>' . ' <OrderStatus>Completed</OrderStatus>' . ' <DetailLevel>ReturnAll</DetailLevel>' . ' <SortingOrder>Descending</SortingOrder>' . ' <WarningLevel>High</WarningLevel>' . '</GetOrdersRequest>'; $xmlstr = $sess->sendHttpRequest($xml); $reply = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr); if (isset($reply->Errors)) { return array('sent' => $xml, 'reply' => new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr), 'errors' => $reply->Errors); } $imported = 0; foreach ($reply->OrderArray->Order as $order) { $order = json_decode(json_encode($order)); $ebayOrderId = $order->OrderID; $r = dbOne('select id from online_store_orders where ebayOrderId="' . $ebayOrderId . '"' . ' limit 1', 'id'); if ($r) { continue; } $address = $order->ShippingAddress; if ($address->PostalCode == '') { $address->PostalCode = 'na'; } $form_vals = array('FirstName' => preg_replace('/ .*/', '', $address->Name), 'Surname' => preg_replace('/.*? /', '', $address->Name), 'Phone' => $address->Phone, 'Email' => '*****@*****.**', 'Street' => $address->Street1, 'Street2' => $address->Street2, 'Town' => $address->CityName, 'County' => $address->StateOrProvince, 'PostCode' => $address->PostalCode, 'Country' => $address->CountryName, 'CountryCode' => $address->Country); $form_vals = json_encode($form_vals); $total = (double) $order->Total; $date_created = date('Y-m-d h:i:s', strtotime($order->CreatedTime)); $transactions = array(); $tArr = $order->TransactionArray->Transaction; if (!is_array($tArr)) { $transactions = array($tArr); } else { $transactions = $tArr; } $items = array(); foreach ($transactions as $transaction) { $item = $transaction->Item; if (isset($item->ApplicationData)) { $appData = json_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode($item->ApplicationData)); $itemId = $appData->productId; } else { $itemId = dbOne('select id from products where link="' . addslashes($item->Title) . '"', 'id'); } $key = 'products_' . $itemId; if (!isset($items[$key])) { $items[$key] = array(); $r = dbRow('select * from products where id=' . $itemId . ' limit 1'); $items[$key] = array('short_desc' => $r['name'], 'id' => $itemId, 'amt' => 0); } $items[$key]['amt'] += $transaction->QuantityPurchased; } $jitems = json_encode($items); // { create the order entry dbQuery('insert into online_store_orders set total="' . $total . '"' . ', items="' . addslashes($jitems) . '"' . ', ebayOrderId="' . $ebayOrderId . '"' . ', form_vals="' . addslashes($form_vals) . '"' . ', date_created="' . addslashes($date_created) . '"' . ', status=1'); $id = dbLastInsertId(); // } dbQuery('update online_store_orders set invoice_num=id where id=' . $id); Core_cacheClear('online_store_orders'); OnlineStore_updateProductSales($id, $items, $date_created); $imported++; } return array('imported' => $imported, 'reply' => new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr)); }
/** * edit a single value of a user * * @return array status */ function Core_adminUserEditVal() { $id = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; $name = $_REQUEST['name']; $value = $_REQUEST['val']; $contact_fields = array('contact_name', 'business_phone', 'business_email', 'phone', 'website', 'mobile', 'skype', 'facebook', 'twitter', 'linkedin', 'blog'); if (in_array($name, array('name', 'email'))) { dbQuery('update user_accounts set ' . $name . '="' . addslashes($value) . '" where id=' . $id); } elseif (in_array($name, $contact_fields)) { $c = json_decode(dbOne('select contact from user_accounts where id=' . $id, 'contact'), true); $c[$name] = $value; dbQuery('update user_accounts set contact="' . addslashes(json_encode($c)) . '"' . ' where id=' . $id); } Core_cacheClear(); return array('ok' => 1); }
/** * save a mailing list * * @return status */ function Mailinglists_adminListSave() { $id = (int) $_REQUEST['vals']['id']; $sql = 'mailinglists_lists set ' . 'name="' . addslashes($_REQUEST['vals']['name']) . '",' . 'meta="' . addslashes(json_encode($_REQUEST['meta'])) . '"'; if ($id) { dbQuery('update ' . $sql . ' where id=' . $id); } else { dbQuery('insert into ' . $sql); } Core_cacheClear('mailinglists'); return array('ok' => 1); }
<?php /** * Deletes a comment * * PHP Version 5.3 * * @category CommentsPlugin * @package WebworksWebme * @subpackage CommentsPlugin * @author Belinda Hamilton <*****@*****.**> * @license GPL Version 2 * @link **/ require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/ww.incs/basics.php'; $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $allowed = Core_isAdmin() || in_array($id, $_SESSION['comment_ids']); if (!$allowed) { die('You do not have permission to delete this comment'); } if (!is_numeric($id)) { Core_quit('Invalid id'); } dbQuery('delete from comments where id = ' . $id); Core_cacheClear('comments'); if (dbOne('select id from comments where id = ' . $id, 'id')) { echo '{"status":0}'; } else { echo '{"status":1, "id":' . $id . '}'; }
function products_adminFixOrphanedCategories() { $rs = dbAll('select id,name,parent_id from products_categories'); foreach ($rs as $r) { if ($r['parent_id'] == '0') { continue; } $pid = dbOne('select id from products_categories where id=' . $r['parent_id'], 'id'); if (!$pid) { $sql = 'update products_categories set parent_id=0 where id=' . $r['id']; dbQuery($sql); echo $sql . "<br/>"; } else { echo 'product_category ' . $r['name'] . ' is okay.<br/>'; } } Core_cacheClear('products_categories'); exit; }
} } } $data = addslashes(json_encode($data)); $sql = "messaging_notifier set data='{$data}'"; if ($id) { $sql = "update {$sql} where id={$id}"; dbQuery($sql); } else { $sql = "insert into {$sql}"; dbQuery($sql); $id = dbOne('select last_insert_id() as id', 'id'); } $ret = array('id' => $id, 'id_was' => $id_was, 'datastr' => $_REQUEST['data'], 'dataobj' => $data); echo json_encode($ret); Core_cacheClear('messaging_notifier'); Core_quit(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $id = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; } else { $id = 0; } echo '<a href="javascript:;" id="messaging_notifier_editlink_' . $id . '" class="button messaging_notifier_editlink">view or edit feeds</a><br />'; // { show story title echo '<strong>hide story title</strong><br />' . '<select name="hide_story_title"><option value="0">No</option>' . '<option value="1"'; if (@$_REQUEST['hide_story_title'] == 1) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } echo '>Yes</option></select><br />'; // }
// { if theme fails check, remove temp dir and throw error $msg = ''; if (!$failure_message) { $msg = Theme_findErrors($theme_folder); } if ($msg || $failure_message) { shell_exec('rm -rf ' . $temp_dir); echo '<script>parent.themes_dialog("<em>installation failed: ' . $failure_message . $msg . '</em>");</script>'; Core_quit(); } // } // { get variant if (is_dir($theme_folder . '/cs')) { $variant = Theme_getFirstVariant($theme_folder . '/cs/'); } // } // { remove temp dir and extract to themes-personal shell_exec('rm -rf ' . $themes_personal . '/' . $name); rename($temp_dir . '/' . $name, $themes_personal . '/' . $name); shell_exec('rm -rf ' . $temp_dir); if (isset($_POST['install-theme'])) { $DBVARS['theme'] = $name; if (isset($variant)) { $DBVARS['theme_variant'] = $variant; } Core_configRewrite(); Core_cacheClear('pages'); $_SESSION['theme_selected'] = 1; } // } echo '<script>parent.document.location="step7.php";</script>';
/** * upload a new category image * * @return null */ function ClassifiedAds_adminCategoryUploadImage() { $id = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; if (!file_exists(USERBASE . '/f/classified-ads/categories/' . $id)) { mkdir(USERBASE . '/f/classified-ads/categories/' . $id, 0777, true); } $imgs = new DirectoryIterator(USERBASE . '/f/classified-ads/categories/' . $id); foreach ($imgs as $img) { if ($img->isDot()) { continue; } unlink($img->getPathname()); } $from = $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']; $ext = preg_replace('/.*\\./', '', $_FILES['Filedata']['name']); $url = '/classified-ads/categories/' . $id . '/icon.' . $ext; $to = USERBASE . '/f' . $url; move_uploaded_file($from, $to); dbQuery('update classifiedads_categories set' . ' icon="' . $url . '" where id=' . $id); Core_cacheClear(); echo $url; Core_quit(); }
<?php /** * create a new poll * * PHP version 5.2 * * @category None * @package None * @author Kae Verens <*****@*****.**> * @license GPL 2.0 * @link */ dbQuery("insert into poll set name='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['name']) . "'" . ",body='" . addslashes($_REQUEST['body']) . "'" . ",enabled=" . (int) $_REQUEST['enabled']); $id = dbOne('select last_insert_id() as id', 'id'); $answers = $_REQUEST['answers']; for ($i = 0; $i < count($answers); ++$i) { $answer = $answers[$i]; dbQuery("insert into poll_answer set poll_id={$id}" . ",num={$i},answer='" . addslashes($answer) . "'"); } echo '<em>Poll created</em>'; Core_cacheClear('polls');
$id = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; $id_was = $id; $directory = addslashes($_REQUEST['directory']); $trans_type = addslashes($_REQUEST['trans_type']); $pause = (int) $_REQUEST['pause']; $width = (int) $_REQUEST['width']; $height = (int) $_REQUEST['height']; $url = (int) $_REQUEST['url']; if (!$pause) { $pause = 3000; } $sql = 'image_transitions set directory="' . $directory . '",trans_type="' . $trans_type . '",pause="' . $pause . '",url="' . $url . '",width=' . $width . ',height=' . $height; if ($id && dbOne('select id from image_transitions where id=' . $id, 'id')) { $sql = "update {$sql} where id={$id}"; dbQuery($sql); } else { $sql = "insert into {$sql}"; dbQuery($sql); $id = dbOne('select last_insert_id() as id', 'id'); } $ret = array('id' => $id, 'id_was' => $id_was); echo json_encode($ret); Core_cacheClear('image-transitions'); Core_quit(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $id = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; } else { $id = 0; } echo '<a href="javascript:;" id="image_transition_editlink_' . $id . '" class="image_transition_editlink">' . __('view or edit image transition details') . '</a>';
$id_was = $id; $parent = (int) $_REQUEST['parent']; $direction = (int) $_REQUEST['direction']; $type = (int) $_REQUEST['type']; $background = addslashes($_REQUEST['background']); $opacity = (double) $_REQUEST['opacity']; $columns = (int) $_REQUEST['columns']; $style_from = (int) $_REQUEST['style_from']; $state = (int) $_REQUEST['state']; $cache = (int) $_REQUEST['cache']; $html_type = (int) $_REQUEST['html_type']; $sql = "menus set type='{$type}',parent='{$parent}',direction='{$direction}'," . "background='{$background}',opacity={$opacity},columns={$columns}" . ', cache=' . $cache . ",style_from={$style_from},state={$state}, html_type={$html_type}"; if ($id) { $sql = "update {$sql} where id={$id}"; dbQuery($sql); } else { $sql = "insert into {$sql}"; dbQuery($sql); $id = dbOne('select last_insert_id() as id', 'id'); } Core_cacheClear('menus'); $ret = array('id' => $id, 'id_was' => $id_was); echo json_encode($ret); Core_quit(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $id = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; } else { $id = 0; } echo '<a href="javascript:;" id="menu_editlink_' . $id . '" ' . 'class="menu_editlink">' . __('view or edit menu') . '</a>';
$errors = array(); if (!isset($_REQUEST['name']) || $_REQUEST['name'] == '') { $errors[] = 'You must fill in the <strong>Name</strong>.'; } if (count($errors)) { echo '<em>' . join('<br />', $errors) . '</em>'; } else { $sql = 'set name="' . addslashes($_REQUEST['name']) . '",one_way=' . (int) $_REQUEST['one_way']; if ($id) { dbQuery("update products_relation_types {$sql} where id={$id}"); } else { dbQuery("insert into products_relation_types {$sql}"); $id = dbOne('select last_insert_id() as id', 'id'); } echo '<em>Relation Type saved</em>'; Core_cacheClear('products/relation-types'); } } if ($id) { $sql = 'select * from products_relation_types where id=' . $id; $tdata = dbRow($sql, 'products_relation_types'); if (!$tdata) { die('<em>No relation type with that ID exists.</em>'); } } else { $tdata = array('id' => 0, 'name' => '', 'one_way' => 0); } echo '<form action="' . $_url . '&id=' . $id . '" method="POST" enctype="multip' . 'art/form-data"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="save" />' . '<table><tr><th>Name</th><td><input class="not-empty" name="name" value="' . htmlspecialchars($tdata['name']) . '" /></td></tr><tr><th>One-Way</th><td>' . '<select name="one_way"><option value="0">No</option><option value="1"'; if ($tdata['one_way']) { echo ' selected="selected"'; }
$details = array(); foreach ($_REQUEST['details'] as $k => $n) { $details[$k] = $n; } $q = 'message="' . addslashes($_REQUEST['message']) . '",' . 'template="' . addslashes($_REQUEST['template']) . '",' . 'directory="' . addslashes($_REQUEST['directory']) . '",' . 'recipient_email="' . addslashes($_REQUEST['recipient_email']) . '",' . 'details="' . addslashes(json_encode($details)) . '"'; if ($id) { dbQuery("update protected_files set {$q} where id={$id}"); } else { dbQuery("insert into protected_files set {$q}"); $id = dbOne("select last_insert_id() as id", 'id'); } } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'delete') { dbQuery("delete from protected_files where id={$id}"); $id = 0; } Core_cacheClear('protected_files'); } $r = dbRow('select * from protected_files where id=' . $id); $details = json_decode($r['details'], true); switch (@$_REQUEST['view']) { case 'log': // { echo '<table><tr><th>Filename</th><th>Completed</th><th>Email</th><th>D' . 'ate/Time</th></tr>'; $fs = dbAll('select file,success,email,last_access from protected_files_log where' . ' pf_id=' . $id . ' order by last_access desc'); foreach ($fs as $f) { echo '<tr><td>' . htmlspecialchars($f['file']) . '</td><td>' . ($f['success'] ? 'yes' : 'no') . '</td><td><a href="mailto:' . $f['email'] . '">' . $f['email'] . '</a></td><td>' . $f['last_access'] . '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; break; // } // }
// currency $DBVARS['online_store_currency'] = 'EUR'; $version = 4; } if ($version == 4) { // callback /* allow a callback to be set in the database to be called when * a payment has been completed */ dbQuery('alter table online_store_orders add callback text'); $version = 5; } if ($version == 5) { // clear caches Core_cacheClear('pages'); Core_cacheClear('products'); $version = 6; } if ($version == 6) { // change _apply_vat to _vatfree $rs = dbAll('select id,online_store_fields from products'); if ($rs !== false) { foreach ($rs as $r) { $f = str_replace('"_apply_vat":"0"', '"_vatfree":"1"', $r['online_store_fields']); $f = str_replace('"_apply_vat":"1"', '"_vatfree":"0"', $f); dbQuery('update products set online_store_fields="' . addslashes($f) . '" where id=' . $r['id']); } } $version = 7; } if ($version == 7) {
static function clearCache() { self::$prodsByCid = array(); self::$catsByPid = array(); self::$activeCategories = false; Core_cacheClear('products_categories_products'); }
/** * rewrite the config file * * @return null */ function Core_configRewrite() { global $DBVARS; $tmparr = $DBVARS; $tmparr['plugins'] = join(',', $DBVARS['plugins']); $tmparr2 = array(); foreach ($tmparr as $name => $val) { $tmparr2[] = '\'' . addslashes($name) . '\'=>\'' . addslashes($val) . '\''; } $config = "<?php\n\$DBVARS=array(\n\t" . join(",\n\t", $tmparr2) . "\n);"; file_put_contents(CONFIG_FILE, $config); Core_cacheClear('core'); }
$sql = 'set html="' . addslashes($html) . '",name="' . addslashes($_POST['name']) . '",pages=' . (count($pages) ? 1 : 0); if ($id) { dbQuery("update banners_images {$sql} where id={$id}"); } else { dbQuery("insert into banners_images {$sql}"); $id = dbOne('select last_insert_id() as id', 'id'); $_REQUEST['id'] = $id; } dbQuery("delete from banners_pages where bannerid={$id}"); if (is_array($pages)) { foreach ($pages as $k => $v) { dbQuery('insert into banners_pages set pageid=' . (int) $v . ",bannerid={$id}"); } } $updated = 'Banner Saved'; Core_cacheClear('banner-images'); } if (isset($updated)) { echo '<em>' . $updated . '</em>'; } if (!is_dir(USERBASE . '/f/skin_files')) { mkdir(USERBASE . '/f/skin_files'); } if (!is_dir(USERBASE . '/f/skin_files/banner-image')) { mkdir(USERBASE . '/f/skin_files/banner-image'); } // { show left menu echo '<div class="sub-nav">'; $rs = dbAll('select id,name from banners_images'); foreach ($rs as $r) { echo '<a href="/ww.admin/plugin.php?_plugin=banner-image&id=' . $r['id'] . '&_page=index">' . htmlspecialchars($r['name']) . '</a>';
* @package None * @author Kae Verens <*****@*****.**> * @license GPL 2.0 * @link */ if ($version < 1) { // add table dbQuery('create table if not exists content_snippets(' . 'id int auto_increment not null primary key,' . 'html text' . ') default charset=utf8;'); $version = 1; } if ($version == '1') { // convert to accordion dbQuery('alter table content_snippets add accordion smallint default 0'); dbQuery('alter table content_snippets ' . 'add accordion_direction smallint default 0'); // 0 is horizontal $rs = dbAll('select * from content_snippets'); if (count($rs) && isset($rs[0]['html'])) { foreach ($rs as $r) { $arr = array(array('title' => '', 'html' => $r['html'])); dbQuery('update content_snippets set html="' . addslashes(json_encode($arr)) . '" where id=' . $r['id']); } Core_cacheClear('content_snippets'); } dbQuery('alter table content_snippets change html content text'); $version = 2; } if ($version == '2') { // add directory of images dbQuery('alter table content_snippets add images_directory text'); $version = 3; }
* PHP Version 5 * * @category None * @package None * @author Kae Verens <*****@*****.**> * @license GPL Version 2 * @link */ if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'Save') { // { online_store_vars foreach ($_REQUEST['ebayVals'] as $k => $v) { dbQuery('delete from online_store_vars where name="ebay_' . addslashes($k) . '"'); dbQuery('insert into online_store_vars set name="ebay_' . addslashes($k) . '"' . ', val="' . addslashes($v) . '"'); } // } Core_cacheClear('online-store'); echo '<em>Saved</em>'; } echo '<form method="post" action="' . $_url . '" />' . '<div class="accordion">'; // { main echo '<h2>' . __('Main Details') . '</h2><div><table>' . '<tr><th>What paypal address to use</th>' . '<td><input name="ebayVals[paypal_address]" value="' . htmlspecialchars(dbOne('select val from online_store_vars where name="ebay_paypal_address"', 'val')) . '"/></td></tr>' . '<tr><th>Status</th><td><select name="ebayVals[status]">' . '<option value="0">Sandbox</option>' . '<option value="1"' . (dbOne('select val from online_store_vars where name="ebay_status"', 'val') ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>Production</option>' . '</select></td></tr>' . '<tr><th>What country your products come from (2-letter code)</th>' . '<td><input name="ebayVals[country_from]" value="' . htmlspecialchars(dbOne('select val from online_store_vars where name="ebay_country_from"', 'val')) . '"/></td></tr>' . '<tr><th>What location in the country?</th>' . '<td><input name="ebayVals[location]" value="' . htmlspecialchars(dbOne('select val from online_store_vars where name="ebay_location"', 'val')) . '"/></td></tr>' . '<tr><th>How many days to dispatch</th>' . '<td><input name="ebayVals[dispatch_days]" value="' . htmlspecialchars(dbOne('select val from online_store_vars where name="ebay_dispatch_days"', 'val')) . '"/></td></tr>' . '</table></div>'; // } // { sandbox authentication echo '<h2>' . __('Sandbox Authentication') . '</h2><div>' . '<p>You must get a developer account from' . ' <a href="">eBay</a>.</p>' . '<table>' . '<tr><th>Dev ID</th><td><input name="ebayVals[sandbox_devid]" value="' . htmlspecialchars(dbOne('select val from online_store_vars where name="ebay_sandbox_devid"', 'val')) . '"/></td>' . '<th rowspan="3">User Token</th><td rowspan="3">' . '<textarea name="ebayVals[sandbox_usertoken]">' . htmlspecialchars(dbOne('select val from online_store_vars where name="ebay_sandbox_usertoken"', 'val')) . '</textarea></td></tr>' . '<tr><th>App ID</th><td><input name="ebayVals[sandbox_appid]" value="' . htmlspecialchars(dbOne('select val from online_store_vars where name="ebay_sandbox_appid"', 'val')) . '"/></td>' . '<tr><th>Cert ID</th><td><input name="ebayVals[sandbox_certid]" value="' . htmlspecialchars(dbOne('select val from online_store_vars where name="ebay_sandbox_certid"', 'val')) . '"/></td></tr>' . '</table></div>'; // } // { production authentication echo '<h2>' . __('Production Authentication') . '</h2><div>' . '<p>You must get a developer account from' . ' <a href="">eBay</a>.</p><table>' . '<tr><th>Dev ID</th><td><input name="ebayVals[devid]" value="' . htmlspecialchars(dbOne('select val from online_store_vars where name="ebay_devid"', 'val')) . '"/></td>' . '<th rowspan="3">User Token</th><td rowspan="3">' . '<textarea name="ebayVals[usertoken]">' . htmlspecialchars(dbOne('select val from online_store_vars where name="ebay_usertoken"', 'val')) . '</textarea></td></tr>' . '<tr><th>App ID</th><td><input name="ebayVals[appid]" value="' . htmlspecialchars(dbOne('select val from online_store_vars where name="ebay_appid"', 'val')) . '"/></td></tr>' . '<tr><th>Cert ID</th><td><input name="ebayVals[certid]" value="' . htmlspecialchars(dbOne('select val from online_store_vars where name="ebay_certid"', 'val')) . '"/></td></tr>' . '</table></div>'; // } // { description afterword echo '<h2>' . __('Description Afterword') . '</h2><div><table>' . '<tr><textarea name="ebayVals[description_afterword]">' . htmlspecialchars(dbOne('select val from online_store_vars where name="ebay_description_afterword"', 'val')) . '</textarea></td></tr>' . '</table></div>'; // }
$files = glob($newdir . '/logo-*'); foreach ($files as $f) { unlink($f); } CoreGraphics::convert($_FILES['site_logo']['tmp_name'], $newdir . '/logo.png'); } $pageLengthLimit = $_REQUEST['site_page_length_limit']; if (!empty($pageLengthLimit) && is_numeric($pageLengthLimit)) { $DBVARS['site_page_length_limit'] = $pageLengthLimit; } else { if (isset($DBVARS['site_page_length_limit'])) { unset($DBVARS['site_page_length_limit']); } } Core_configRewrite(); Core_cacheClear(); echo '<em>' . __('options updated') . '</em>'; } if ($action == 'remove_logo') { unlink(USERBASE . '/f/skin_files/logo.png'); } // } // { form echo '<form method="post" action="siteoptions.php?page=general" enctype="mu' . 'ltipart/form-data"><input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="999' . '9999" /><table>'; // { website title and subtitle echo '<tr><th>' . __('Website Title') . '</th><td><input name="site_title" value="' . htmlspecialchars($DBVARS['site_title']) . '" /></td></tr>' . '<tr><th>' . __('Website Subtitle') . '</th><td><input name="site_subtitle" value="' . htmlspecialchars($DBVARS['site_subtitle']) . '" /></td></tr>'; // } // { canonical domain name $canonical_name = @$DBVARS['canonical_name'] ? ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($DBVARS['canonical_name']) . '"' : ''; echo '<tr><th>' . __('Canonical Domain Name') . '</th><td><input name="canonical_name" ' . 'placeholder="' . __('leave blank to accept multiple domain names') . '"' . $canonical_name . ' /></td></tr>'; // }
} if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'save') { $id = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; $id_was = $id; $directory = addslashes($_REQUEST['directory']); $gallery_type = addslashes($_REQUEST['gallery_type']); $thumbsize = (int) $_REQUEST['thumbsize']; $image_size = (int) $_REQUEST['image_size']; $rows = (int) $_REQUEST['rows']; $columns = (int) $_REQUEST['columns']; $sql = 'image_gallery_widget set directory="' . $directory . '",gallery_type="' . $gallery_type . '",thumbsize="' . $thumbsize . '",image_size="' . $image_size . '", rows="' . $rows . '",columns="' . $columns . '"'; if ($id && dbOne('select id from image_gallery_widget where id=' . $id, 'id')) { $sql = "update {$sql} where id={$id}"; dbQuery($sql); } else { $sql = "insert into {$sql}"; dbQuery($sql); $id = dbOne('select last_insert_id() as id', 'id'); } $ret = array('id' => $id, 'id_was' => $id_was); echo json_encode($ret); Core_cacheClear('image-gallery'); Core_quit(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $id = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; } else { $id = 0; } echo '<a href="javascript:;" id="image_gallery_editlink_' . $id . '" class="image_gallery_editlink">' . 'view or edit image gallery details</a>';
/** * move a page * * @return array status of the move */ function Core_adminPageMove() { $id = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; $to = (int) $_REQUEST['parent_id']; $order = $_REQUEST['order']; dbQuery("update pages set parent={$to} where id={$id}"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($order); ++$i) { $pid = (int) $order[$i]; dbQuery("update pages set ord={$i} where id={$pid}"); } Core_cacheClear(); dbQuery('update page_summaries set rss=""'); return array('ok' => 1); }
/** * exports to file if the status is right * * @param int $id ID of the order * @param array $order details of the order * * @return null */ function OnlineStore_exportToFile($id) { $order = dbRow("SELECT * FROM online_store_orders WHERE id={$id}"); $sendAt = (int) dbOne('select val from online_store_vars where name="export_at_what_point"', 'val'); if ($sendAt == 0 && $order['status'] != '1') { return; } if ($sendAt == 1) { // never send return; } if ($sendAt == 2 && $order['status'] != '2') { return; } if ($sendAt == 3 && $order['status'] != '4') { return; } $form_vals = json_decode($order['form_vals']); $items = json_decode($order['items']); // { start export $export = dbOne('select val from online_store_vars where name="export_dir"', 'val'); // TODO: ability to edit these values in the admin $exportcsv = array('"Phone Number","Customer Name","Address 1","Address 2","Postcode",' . '"Email","Stock Number","Amt","Price","Item ID"'); // } // { handle item-specific stuff (vouchers, stock control) foreach ($items as $item_index => $item) { if (!$item->id) { continue; } $p = Product::getInstance($item->id); $exportcsv[] = '"' . str_replace('"', '""', @$form_vals->Billing_Phone) . '","' . str_replace('"', '""', @$form_vals->Billing_FirstName . ' ' . @$form_vals->Billing_Surname) . '","' . str_replace('"', '""', @$form_vals->Billing_Street) . '","' . str_replace('"', '""', @$form_vals->Billing_Street2) . '","' . str_replace('"', '""', @$form_vals->Billing_Postcode) . ' ' . str_replace('"', '""', @$form_vals->Billing_Town) . '","' . str_replace('"', '""', @$form_vals->Billing_Email) . '","' . str_replace('"', '""', @$p->Billing_stock_number) . '","' . $item->amt . '","' . $item->cost . '","' . $item->id . '"'; // } } // } Core_cacheClear('products'); if ($export && strpos($export, '..') === false) { $customer = dbOne('select val from online_store_vars where name="export_customers"', 'val'); if ($customer && strpos($customer, '..') === false) { $customer_filename = dbOne('select val from online_store_vars' . ' where name="export_customer_filename"', 'val'); if (!$customer_filename) { $customer_filename = 'customer-{{$Billing_Email}}.csv'; } $customer_filename = str_replace(array('/', '..'), '', $customer_filename); $bits = preg_match_all('/{{\\$([^}]*)}}/', $customer_filename, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $bit) { $customer_filename = str_replace('{{$' . $bit[1] . '}}', @$form_vals->{$bit[1]}, $customer_filename); } $customer_filename = str_replace(array('..', '/'), '', $customer_filename); @mkdir(USERBASE . '/' . $customer, 0777, true); $phone = preg_replace('/[^0-9\\(\\)\\+]/', '', @$form_vals->Billing_Phone); // TODO: must be able to edit values in the admin $fcontent = '"Name","Street","Street 2","Postcode","Email","Phone"' . "\n" . '"' . str_replace('"', '""', @$form_vals->Billing_FirstName . ' ' . @$form_vals->Billing_Surname) . '","' . str_replace('"', '""', @$form_vals->Billing_Street) . '","' . str_replace('"', '""', @$form_vals->Billing_Street2) . '","' . str_replace('"', '""', @$form_vals->Billing_Postcode) . '","' . str_replace('"', '""', @$form_vals->Billing_Email) . '","' . str_replace('"', '""', $form_vals->Billing_Phone) . '"'; file_put_contents(USERBASE . '/' . $customer . '/' . $customer_filename, "" . $fcontent); } @mkdir(USERBASE . '/' . $export, 0777, true); file_put_contents(USERBASE . '/' . $export . '/order' . $id . '.csv', "" . join("\r\n", $exportcsv)); } }