Exemplo n.º 1
                if (ASKFORPASSWORD && $userpassword && !$canlogin) {
                    print LoginPage($id, $userid, $emailcheck);
                $success = (require 'admin/subscribelib2.php');
                if ($success != 3) {
                    print PreferencesPage($id, $userid);
            case 'forward':
                print ForwardPage($id);
            case 'confirm':
                print ConfirmPage($id);
                #0013076: Blacklisting posibility for unknown users
            #0013076: Blacklisting posibility for unknown users
            case 'donotsend':
            case 'blacklist':
            case 'unsubscribe':
                print UnsubscribePage($id);
    } else {
} else {
Exemplo n.º 2
 function selectPage($id)
     if (!$id) {
         return '<!-- no subscribe page defined -->';
     $html = '';
     #    if (preg_match("/(\w+)/",$_GET["p"],$regs)) {
     switch ($_GET["p"]) {
         case "preferences":
             if (!$_GET["id"]) {
                 $_GET["id"] = $id;
             require $this->coderoot() . "/subscribelib2.php";
             $html = PreferencesPage($id, $userid);
         case "confirm":
             $html = ConfirmPage($id);
         case "unsubscribe":
             $html = UnsubscribePage($id);
         case "subscribe":
             require $this->coderoot() . "/subscribelib2.php";
             $html = SubscribePage($id);
     return $html;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * The screen to delete a weblog..
function main_blog_delete()
    global $Weblogs, $Pivot_Vars;
    // Did the user confirm that he wants to delete?
    if ($Pivot_Vars['confirmed'] != 1) {
        // Not confirmed, show the confirmation option..
        // Keep the (internal) name urlencoded since it is stored in the weblogs
        // array with an urlencoded key.
        $internal_name = urlencode($Pivot_Vars['name']);
        $vars = array('name', $internal_name, 'blog_delete', 1);
        $msg = lang('weblog_config', 'confirm_delete');
        $msg = str_replace("%1", $Weblogs[$internal_name]['name'], $msg);
        ConfirmPage(lang('ufield_main', 'del_title'), $vars, $msg);
    } else {
        // Confirmed, so delete the weblog.
        // check against unauthorised direct access.
        $name = $Pivot_Vars['name'];
        save_serialize('pv_cfg_weblogs.php', $Weblogs);
        $msg = lang('weblog_config', 'deleted');
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Display the screen with entries.
 * @param string $message
function entries_screen($message = "")
    global $config_array, $Pivot_Vars, $Cfg, $absmax;
    PageHeader(lang('userbar', 'entries'), 1);
    PageAnkeiler(lang('userbar', 'entries') . ' &raquo; ' . lang('userbar', 'entries_title'));
    // display a message, if there is one..
    if ($message != "") {
        echo "<p><b>{$message}</b></p>";
    // if there is an 'action' to do
    if (isset($Pivot_Vars['doaction']) && $Pivot_Vars['action'] != "") {
        if ($Pivot_Vars['action'] == "delete" && $Pivot_Vars['confirmed'] != 1) {
            $vars = array("action", $Pivot_Vars['action'], "check", serialize($Pivot_Vars['check']), "doaction", "1");
            if (count($Pivot_Vars['check']) == 1) {
                ConfirmPage("hmm ho hum", $vars, lang('entries', 'delete_one_confirm'));
            } else {
                ConfirmPage("hmm ho hum", $vars, lang('entries', 'delete_multiple_confirm'));
        entries_action($Pivot_Vars['action'], $Pivot_Vars['check']);
    $db = new db();
    if (!isset($Cfg['overview_entriesperpage'])) {
        $Cfg['overview_entriesperpage'] = 20;
    $absmax = $db->get_entries_count();
    $show = isset($Pivot_Vars['show']) ? $Pivot_Vars['show'] : $Cfg['overview_entriesperpage'];
    $offset = isset($Pivot_Vars['offset']) ? $Pivot_Vars['offset'] : 0;
    if (isset($Pivot_Vars['first'])) {
        $offset = $absmax - $show;
    $myurl = sprintf("index.php?session=%s&amp;menu=entries", $Pivot_Vars['session']);
    //Sort entries change
    //set initial values for sort values
    $entry_sort = "";
    //goes in query string
    $sort = "date";
    //goes in the getlist method call
    if (isset($Pivot_Vars['sort'])) {
        $entry_sort = "&amp;sort=" . $Pivot_Vars['sort'];
        $sort = $Pivot_Vars['sort'];
        if (isset($Pivot_Vars['reverse'])) {
            $sort_order = TRUE;
            $entry_sort .= "&amp;reverse";
        } else {
            $sort_order = FALSE;
            $myurl .= "&amp;reverse";
    if (isset($Pivot_Vars['filtercat'])) {
        $overview_arr = $db->getlist(-$show, $offset, "", array($Pivot_Vars['filtercat']), $sort_order, $sort);
        $filter = "&amp;filtercat=" . $Pivot_Vars['filtercat'];
        $filtertitle = str_replace('%name%', $Pivot_Vars['filtercat'], lang('entries', 'filteron'));
    } else {
        if (isset($Pivot_Vars['filteruser'])) {
            $overview_arr = $db->getlist(-$show, $offset, $Pivot_Vars['filteruser'], "", $sort_order, $sort);
            $filter = "&amp;filteruser="******"modules/module_search.php";
                $overview_arr = search_entries($Pivot_Vars['search']);
                $filtertitle = str_replace('%name%', '&hellip;', lang('entries', 'filteron'));
                $offset = 0;
                $absmax = $show = 1;
            } else {
                $overview_arr = $db->getlist(-$show, $offset, "", "", $sort_order, $sort);
                $filter = "";
                $filtertitle = str_replace('%name%', '&hellip;', lang('entries', 'filteron'));
    if ($offset < $absmax - $show) {
        $prev = $offset + $show;
        $prevlink = sprintf('<a href="%s&amp;offset=%s&amp;show=%s%s%s">&laquo; ' . lang('entries', 'first') . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;', $myurl, $absmax - $show, $show, $filter, $entry_sort);
        $prevlink .= sprintf('<a href="%s&amp;offset=%s&amp;show=%s%s%s">&lsaquo; ' . lang('entries', 'previous') . ' %s</a>', $myurl, $prev, $show, $filter, $entry_sort, $show);
    } else {
        $prevlink = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    if ($offset > 0) {
        $next = max(0, $offset - $show);
        $nextlink = sprintf('<a href="%s&amp;offset=%s&amp;show=%s%s%s">&rsaquo; ' . lang('entries', 'next') . ' %s</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;', $myurl, $next, $show, $filter, $entry_sort, $show);
        $nextlink .= sprintf('<a href="%s&amp;show=%s%s%s">&raquo; ' . lang('entries', 'last') . '</a>', $myurl, $show, $filter, $entry_sort);
    } else {
        $nextlink = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    // make the html for the paginator..
    $numofpages = (int) ceil($absmax / abs($show));
    if ($numofpages > 1) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numofpages; $i++) {
            $init = $i * abs($show);
            $pages_arr[] = sprintf("<option value=\"%s%s&amp;show=%s%s&amp;offset=%s\">%s</option>", $myurl, $entry_sort, abs($show), $filter, $init, $i + 1);
        $title = str_replace('%num%', ceil($offset / abs($show)) + 1, lang('entries', 'jumptopage'));
        $pages = "<select name='selectedPage' onchange='changePage(this.form.selectedPage)' \tclass='input'>";
        $pages .= sprintf("<option value='' selected='selected'>%s</option>", $title);
        $pages .= implode("\n", $pages_arr);
        $pages .= "</select>";
    // make the HTML for the filter box
    if (isset($Pivot_Vars['filtercat']) || isset($Pivot_Vars['filteruser'])) {
        $pages_arr = array(sprintf("<option value=\"%s%s&amp;show=%s\">%s</option>", $myurl, $entry_sort, abs($show), lang('entries', 'filteroff')));
    } else {
        $pages_arr = array();
    $cats = cfg_cats();
    $pages_arr[] = "<option value=''>" . lang('entries', 'category') . "</option>";
    foreach ($cats as $cat) {
        $pages_arr[] = sprintf("<option value=\"%s%s&amp;show=%s&amp;filtercat=%s\"> - %s</option>", $myurl, $entry_sort, abs($show), $cat['name'], $cat['name']);
    $users = explode("|", $Cfg['users']);
    $pages_arr[] = "<option value=''>" . lang('entries', 'author') . "</option>";
    foreach ($users as $user) {
        $pages_arr[] = sprintf("<option value=\"%s%s&amp;show=%s&amp;filteruser=%s\"> - %s</option>", $myurl, $entry_sort, abs($show), $user, $user);
    $pages .= "<select name='selectedFilter' onchange='changePage(this.form.selectedFilter)' class='input'>";
    $pages .= sprintf("<option value='' selected='selected'>%s</option>", $filtertitle);
    $pages .= implode("\n", $pages_arr);
    $pages .= "</select>";
    $searchval = isset($Pivot_Vars['search']) ? $Pivot_Vars['search'] : 'search';
    $pages .= "<input type='text' name='search' value='" . $searchval . "' class='input' style='padding: 2px; height: 19px; width: 90px;' onfocus='this.select();' />";
    // Some JS for the paginator and filter menus
    echo "<scr" . "ipt language='JavaScript' type='text/JavaScript'>\nfun" . "ction changePage(newLoc)\n{\nnextPage = newLoc.options[newLoc.selectedIndex].value;\nif (nextPage != '') { document.location.href = nextPage; } }</scr" . "ipt>";
    printf("<form name='form1' method='post' action='%s&amp;doaction=1'>\n<table cellspacing='0' class='tabular_border' border='0'>\n", $myurl);
    echo "<tr class='tabular_nav'><td colspan='8'>\n";
    echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="tabular_border" style="border:0px;" border="0" width="100%"><tr>';
    printf('<td>%s&nbsp;</td>', $prevlink);
    printf('<td align="center">%s</td>', $pages);
    printf('<td align="right" class="tabular_nav">&nbsp;%s</td></tr></table>', $nextlink);
    echo "\n</td></tr><tr class='tabular_header'><td>&nbsp;</td>";
    echo '<td><a href="' . $myurl . '&amp;sort=status">' . lang('entries', 'status') . '</a></td>';
    echo '<td><a href="' . $myurl . '&amp;sort=title">' . lang('entries', 'title') . '</a></td>';
    echo '<td><a href="' . $myurl . '&amp;sort=category">' . lang('entries', 'category') . '</a></td>';
    echo '<td><a href="' . $myurl . '&amp;sort=user">' . lang('entries', 'author') . '</a></td>';
    echo '<td><a href="' . $myurl . '&amp;sort=date">' . lang('entries', 'date') . '</a></td>';
    echo '<td><a href="' . $myurl . '&amp;sort=commcount">' . lang('entries', 'comm') . '</a></td>';
    echo '<td><a href="' . $myurl . '&amp;sort=trackcount">' . lang('entries', 'track') . '</a></td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    //End Sort Entry Changes
    foreach ($overview_arr as $overview_line) {
    echo '<tr class="tabular_header"><td colspan="8"><img src="pics/arrow_ltr.gif" width="29" height="14" border="0" alt="" />';
    echo '<a href="#" onclick=\'setCheckboxes("form1", true); return false;\'>' . lang('forms', 'c_all') . '</a> / ';
    echo '<a href="#" onclick=\'setCheckboxes("form1", false); return false;\'>' . lang('forms', 'c_none') . '</a>';
    echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp;' . lang('forms', 'with_checked_entries');
    echo '<select name="action" class="input">
	<option value="" selected="selected">' . lang('forms', 'choose') . '</option>
	<option value="publish">' . lang('forms', 'publish') . '</option>
	<option value="hold" >' . lang('forms', 'hold') . '</option>
	<option value="delete">' . lang('forms', 'delete') . '</option>
	<option value="generate">' . lang('forms', 'generate') . '</option>
    echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="' . lang('go') . '" class="button" /></td></tr>';
    echo '</table></form>';
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Saves the user settings.
 * @param int $admin
function libsave_change_user($admin = 0)
    global $Pivot_Vars, $Users, $Cfg, $Paths;
    // Sanitize passed variables to prevent people from inserting characters that
    // could be interpreted as dividers.
    foreach ($Pivot_Vars as $key => $val) {
        $Pivot_Vars[$key] = preg_replace("/[!|\n]/i", "", $Pivot_Vars[$key]);
    $userfields = get_userfields($admin);
    $ufields = GetUserFields();
    if ($admin == 1) {
        $theuser = $Pivot_Vars['username'];
    } else {
        $theuser = $Pivot_Vars['user'];
    if ($Pivot_Vars['delete_user'] == 1 && $Users[$Pivot_Vars['user']]['userlevel'] >= 3) {
        if ($Pivot_Vars['confirmed'] == 1) {
            //delete him from the config file, nothing else.
            $tmp_arr = explode("|", $Cfg['users']);
            foreach ($tmp_arr as $candidate) {
                if ($candidate != $Pivot_Vars['username']) {
                    $tmp_arr2[] = $candidate;
            $Cfg['users'] = implode("|", $tmp_arr2);
            unset($Cfg['user-' . $Pivot_Vars['username']]);
        } else {
            $vars = array('username', $Pivot_Vars['username'], 'delete_user', 1);
            ConfirmPage(lang('ufield_main', 'del_title'), $vars, sprintf(lang('config', 'delete_user_confirm'), $Pivot_Vars['username']));
    } else {
        foreach ($ufields as $keyname => $intarr) {
            // Skipping fields that we aren't allowed to change
            if ($admin != 1 && $Users[$theuser]['userlevel'] < $ufields[$keyname]['minlevel']) {
            array_push($userfields, array($keyname, $ufields[$keyname]['disp'], '', $ufields[$keyname]['type'], $Users[$theuser][$keyname], $ufields[$keyname]['size'], $maxl));
            if ($ufields[$keyname]['filter'] != '' && strlen($Pivot_Vars[$keyname]) > 0) {
                $tfunk = 'is' . $ufields[$keyname]['filter'];
                if (!$tfunk($Pivot_Vars[$keyname])) {
                    $userfields[count($userfields) - 1][2] = 'hey, that input doesn\'t go along with the filter in place';
        $arraycount = Count($userfields);
        if (strlen($Pivot_Vars['pass1']) + strlen($Pivot_Vars['pass2']) >= 1) {
            if (trim($Pivot_Vars['pass1']) != trim($Pivot_Vars['pass2'])) {
                $userfields[2][2] = lang('userinfo', 'pass_dont_match');
            if (strlen($Pivot_Vars['pass1']) < 4) {
                $userfields[1][2] = lang('userinfo', 'pass_too_short');
            if ($Pivot_Vars['pass1'] == $Pivot_Vars['username']) {
                $userfields[1][2] = lang('userinfo', 'pass_equal_name');
        if ($Piverr == 0) {
            // make sure the superadmin doesn't demote himsef/herself..
            if ($Users[$theuser]['userlevel'] == 4) {
                $Pivot_Vars['userlevel'] = 4;
            // get confirmation if user gets admin rights
            if ($Pivot_Vars['userlevel'] == 3 && $Users[$theuser]['userlevel'] < 3 && $Pivot_Vars['confirmed'] != 1) {
                $vars = array();
                $arraycount = Count($userfields);
                for ($i = 0; $i < $arraycount; $i++) {
                    array_push($vars, $userfields[$i][0], $Pivot_Vars[$userfields[$i][0]]);
                ConfirmPage(lang('userinfo', 'c_admin_title'), $vars, sprintf(lang('userinfo', 'c_admin_message'), $theuser));
            } else {
                //it's all good.
                if (strlen($Pivot_Vars['pass1']) >= 6) {
                    $Users[$theuser]['pass'] = md5($Pivot_Vars['pass1']);
                    if ($_COOKIE['mode'] == 'stayloggedin' && $Pivot_Vars['user'] == $theuser) {
                        setcookie('pass', md5($Pivot_Vars['pass1']), time() + $Cfg['cookie_length'], $Paths['cookie_url']);
                    //change the session key too..
                    $Cfg['tempsessions'][$Pivot_Vars['session']][1] = md5($Pivot_Vars['pass1']);
                for ($i = 0; $i < $arraycount; $i++) {
                    if ($userfields[$i][0] != 'heading' && $userfields[$i][0] != 'pass1' && $userfields[$i][0] != 'pass2') {
                        $Users[$theuser][$userfields[$i][0]] = $Pivot_Vars[$userfields[$i][0]];
                // set the categories..
                if ($Users[$Pivot_Vars['user']]['userlevel'] > 2) {
                    foreach (explode("|", $Cfg['cats']) as $category) {
                        $allowed_users = explode("|", $Cfg['cat-' . $category]);
                        if (isset($Pivot_Vars['allowed'][urlencode($category)])) {
                            // add the user..
                            if (!in_array($theuser, $allowed_users)) {
                                $allowed_users[] = $theuser;
                        } else {
                            // remove the user..
                            if (in_array($theuser, $allowed_users)) {
                                foreach ($allowed_users as $key => $user) {
                                    if ($user == $theuser) {
                        $Cfg['cat-' . $category] = implode("|", $allowed_users);
                 * Rather crude check to prevent corrupting the file:
                 * if $Users[$theuser]['username'] is empty, we refuse to save.
                if ($Users[$theuser]['username'] != "") {
                    debug("changes saved for " . $theuser);
                } else {
                    // not right..
                    debug("Changes not saved..");
                //so we can reload the languages and such
                if ($admin == 1) {
                    redirect('index.php?session=' . $Pivot_Vars['session'] . '&amp;menu=admin&amp;func=admin&do=seeusers');
                } else {
                    redirect('index.php?session=' . $Pivot_Vars['session'] . '&amp;menu=userinfo&amp;func=u_settings');
        } else {
            //reshow the spage
            $Pivot_Vars['edituser'] = $Pivot_Vars['username'];
            //regroup the old settings.
            for ($i = 0; $i < $arraycount; $i++) {
                if ($userfields[$i][3] == 0) {
                    $userfields[$i][4] = $Pivot_Vars[$userfields[$i][0]];
                } elseif ($userfields[$i][3] == 3) {
                    $userfields[$i][6] = $Pivot_Vars[$userfields[$i][0]];
        if ($Users[$theuser]['userlevel'] > 3) {
            $unf[0] = $userfields[4][6];
            $unf[1] = 'disabled';
            $userfields[4][6] = $unf;
        if ($admin == 1) {
            change_user(1, $userfields);
        } else {
            u_settings_screen(1, $userfields);