function main_moduleversions($eventData)
    global $gEnv, $gLocale, $gXml_def, $gPage_title, $gToolbars;
    $ac_remote = new AmpCentralRemoteServer($gEnv['root']['db'], $eventData['id']);
    $avail_reps = $ac_remote->ListAvailableRepositories(isset($eventData['refresh']) ? true : false);
    $avail_mods = $ac_remote->ListAvailableModules($eventData['repid'], isset($eventData['refresh']) ? true : false);
    $mod_versions = $ac_remote->ListAvailableModuleVersions($eventData['repid'], $eventData['moduleid'], isset($eventData['refresh']) ? true : false);
    $x_account = new XmlRpcAccount($gEnv['root']['db'], $ac_remote->mAccountId);
    $headers[0]['label'] = $gLocale->GetStr('version.header');
    $headers[1]['label'] = $gLocale->GetStr('dependencies.header');
    $headers[2]['label'] = $gLocale->GetStr('installed_version.header');
    $gXml_def = '<vertgroup><name>modules</name>
        <label type="encoded">' . urlencode($x_account->mName . ' - ' . $avail_reps[$eventData['repid']]['name'] . ' - ' . $avail_mods[$eventData['moduleid']]['modid']) . '</label>
        <headers type="array">' . huixml_encode($headers) . '</headers>
        <pagenumber>' . (isset($eventData['pagenumber']) ? $eventData['pagenumber'] : '') . '</pagenumber>
        <sessionobjectusername>' . $eventData['id'] . '-' . $eventData['repid'] . '-' . $eventData['moduleid'] . '</sessionobjectusername>
    $row = 0;
    $mod_query =& $gEnv['root']['db']->Execute('SELECT modversion ' . 'FROM modules ' . 'WHERE modid=' . $gEnv['root']['db']->Format_Text($avail_mods[$eventData['moduleid']]['modid']));
    while (list($version, $data) = each($mod_versions)) {
        if (strlen($data['dependencies'])) {
            $mod_deps = new ModuleDep($gEnv['root']['db']);
            $dep_check = $mod_deps->CheckModuleDeps(0, '', $mod_deps->ExplodeDeps($data['dependencies']));
        } else {
            $dep_check = false;
        if ($mod_query->NumRows()) {
            $current_version = $mod_query->Fields('modversion');
        } else {
            $current_version = $gLocale->GetStr('none_version.label');
        if ($dep_check == false) {
            $mod_installable = true;
            $missing_deps = '';
            if ($mod_query->NumRows()) {
                switch (CompareVersionNumbers($version, $current_version)) {
                    case AMPOLIROS_VERSIONCOMPARE_EQUAL:
                        $label = $gLocale->GetStr('reinstall_module.button');
                        $icon = 'reload';
                    case AMPOLIROS_VERSIONCOMPARE_MORE:
                        $label = $gLocale->GetStr('update_module.button');
                        $icon = 'folder_new';
                    case AMPOLIROS_VERSIONCOMPARE_LESS:
                        $label = $gLocale->GetStr('downgrade_module.button');
                        $icon = 'down';
            } else {
                $label = $gLocale->GetStr('install_module.button');
                $icon = 'folder';
        } else {
            $mod_installable = false;
            $missing_deps = '<br><strong>' . $gLocale->GetStr('missing_deps.label') . '</strong>';
            while (list(, $dep) = each($dep_check)) {
                $missing_deps .= '<br>' . $dep;
        $toolbars = array();
        if ($mod_installable) {
            $toolbars['main']['install'] = array('label' => $label, 'themeimage' => $icon, 'horiz' => 'true', 'action' => build_events_call_string('', array(array('main', 'repositorymodules', array('id' => $eventData['id'], 'repid' => $eventData['repid'])), array('action', 'installmodule', array('id' => $eventData['id'], 'repid' => $eventData['repid'], 'moduleid' => $eventData['moduleid'], 'version' => $version)))));
        $gXml_def .= '<label row="' . $row . '" col="0"><name>version</name>
    <label type="encoded">' . urlencode($version) . '</label>

<label row="' . $row . '" col="1"><name>dependencies</name>
    <label type="encoded">' . urlencode(str_replace(',', '<br>', $data['dependencies']) . (strlen($data['suggestions']) ? '<br><br><strong>' . $gLocale->GetStr('suggestions.label') . '</strong><br>' . str_replace(',', '<br>', $data['suggestions']) . '<br>' : '') . $missing_deps) . '</label>

<label row="' . $row . '" col="2"><name>current</name>
    <label type="encoded">' . urlencode($current_version) . '</label>

<amptoolbar row="' . $row . '" col="3"><name>tb</name>
    <toolbars type="array">' . huixml_encode($toolbars) . '</toolbars>
    $gXml_def .= '      </children>
    $gToolbars['reptools'] = array('refresh' => array('label' => $gLocale->GetStr('refresh.button'), 'themeimage' => 'reload', 'horiz' => 'true', 'action' => build_events_call_string('', array(array('main', 'moduleversions', array('id' => $eventData['id'], 'repid' => $eventData['repid'], 'moduleid' => $eventData['moduleid'], 'refresh' => '1'))))));
    $gPage_title .= ' - ' . $gLocale->GetStr('moduleversions.title');
function CheckUserLogin($username, $password)
    global $content;
    // Check if LDAP Auth has to be used!
    if (GetConfigSetting("UserDBAuthMode", USERDB_AUTH_INTERNAL) == USERDB_AUTH_LDAP) {
        // perform user auth using LDAP, will add user record to loganalyzer DB if necessary
        $myrow = CheckLDAPUserLogin($username, $password);
    } else {
        // TODO: SessionTime and AccessLevel check
        $md5pass = md5(DB_RemoveBadChars($password));
        /* DB_RemoveBadChars() needs to be done here to maintain backwards compatibility even if it is not needed here*/
        $sqlquery = "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_USERS . "` WHERE username = '******' and password = '******'";
        $result = DB_Query($sqlquery);
        $myrow = DB_GetSingleRow($result, true);
    // The admin field must be set!
    if (isset($myrow['is_admin'])) {
        $_SESSION['SESSION_LOGGEDIN'] = true;
        $_SESSION['SESSION_USERNAME'] = $username;
        $_SESSION['SESSION_USERID'] = $myrow['ID'];
        $_SESSION['SESSION_ISADMIN'] = $myrow['is_admin'];
        // Check Readonly setting
        if ($content['database_installedversion'] > 8) {
            $_SESSION['SESSION_ISREADONLY'] = $myrow['is_readonly'];
        } else {
            $_SESSION['SESSION_ISREADONLY'] = false;
        // --- Read Groupmember ship for the user!
        $sqlquery = "SELECT " . DB_GROUPMEMBERS . ".groupid, " . DB_GROUPMEMBERS . ".is_member " . "FROM `" . DB_GROUPMEMBERS . "` WHERE userid = " . $content['SESSION_USERID'] . " AND `" . DB_GROUPMEMBERS . "`.is_member = 1";
        $result = DB_Query($sqlquery);
        $myrows = DB_GetAllRows($result, true);
        if (isset($myrows) && count($myrows) > 0) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($myrows); $i++) {
                if (isset($content['SESSION_GROUPIDS'])) {
                    $content['SESSION_GROUPIDS'] .= ", " . $myrows[$i]['groupid'];
                } else {
                    $content['SESSION_GROUPIDS'] = $myrows[$i]['groupid'];
        // Copy into session as well
        // ---
        // ---Set LASTLOGIN Time!
        $result = DB_Query("UPDATE `" . DB_USERS . "` SET last_login = "******" WHERE ID = " . $content['SESSION_USERID']);
        // ---
        // --- Extracheck for available database updates!
        if (isset($content['database_forcedatabaseupdate']) && $content['database_forcedatabaseupdate'] == "yes" && !defined('IS_UPRGADEPAGE')) {
        // ---
        // --- Now we check for an PhpLogCon Update
        $iProxyLen = strlen(GetConfigSetting("UseProxyServerForRemoteQueries", ""));
        if ($iProxyLen > 0) {
            // Proxy Server configured, create a context with proxy option!
            $opts = array('http' => array('proxy' => 'tcp://' . GetConfigSetting("UseProxyServerForRemoteQueries", ""), 'request_fulluri' => true));
            $context = stream_context_create($opts);
            // Create handle with my context!
            $myHandle = @fopen($content['UPDATEURL'], "r", false, $context);
        } else {
            $myHandle = @fopen($content['UPDATEURL'], "r");
        if ($myHandle) {
            $myBuffer = "";
            while (!feof($myHandle)) {
                $myBuffer .= fgets($myHandle, 4096);
            $myLines = explode("\n", $myBuffer);
            // Compare Version numbers!
            if (CompareVersionNumbers($content['BUILDNUMBER'], $myLines[0])) {
                // True means new version available!
                $_SESSION['UPDATEAVAILABLE'] = true;
                $_SESSION['UPDATEVERSION'] = $myLines[0];
                if (isset($myLines[1])) {
                    $_SESSION['UPDATELINK'] = $myLines[1];
                } else {
                    $_SESSION['UPDATELINK'] = "";
        // ---
        // Success !
        return true;
    } else {
        if (isset($myrow) && is_numeric($myrow) ) 
        	//return error code!
        	return $myrow;
        if (GetConfigSetting("DebugUserLogin", 0) == 1) {
            DieWithFriendlyErrorMsg("Debug Error: Could not find user '" . $username . "' <br><br><B>Sessionarray</B> <pre>" . var_export($_SESSION, true) . "</pre>");
        // Default return false
        return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function isInstalled($modId)
     if (!empty($modId)) {
         $exploded_module_string = $this->ExplodeSingleDep($modId);
         $mod_id = $exploded_module_string['modid'];
         $mod_version = $exploded_module_string['modversion'];
         $module_check = $this->mrAmpDb->Execute('SELECT id,modversion,onlyextension FROM modules WHERE modid=' . $this->mrAmpDb->Format_Text($mod_id));
         if ($mod_id == 'php') {
             $module_check->resultrows = 1;
             $module_check->currfields['id'] = '0';
             $module_check->currfields['modversion'] = PHP_VERSION;
             $module_check->currfields['onlyextension'] = $this->mrAmpDb->fmtfalse;
         } else {
             if (strpos($mod_id, '.extension')) {
                 $mod_id = substr($mod_id, 0, strpos($mod_id, '.extension'));
                 if (extension_loaded($mod_id)) {
                     $module_check->resultrows = 1;
                     $module_check->currfields['id'] = '0';
                     $module_check->currfields['modversion'] = PHP_VERSION;
                     $module_check->currfields['onlyextension'] = $this->mrAmpDb->fmtfalse;
         if ($module_check->NumRows()) {
             if (CompareVersionNumbers($module_check->Fields('modversion'), $mod_version) != AMPOLIROS_VERSIONCOMPARE_LESS) {
                 return $module_check;
     } else {
         $log = new Logger(AMP_LOG);
         $log->LogEvent('ampoliros.modules_library.moddeps_class.isinstalled', 'Empty module id', LOGGER_ERROR);
     return false;