Exemplo n.º 1
  * @param integer sid 资源ID,如分享小名片就是对应用户的用户ID,分享微博就是微博的ID
  * @param string stable 资源所在的表,如小名片就是contact表,微博就是feed表
  * @param string appname 资源所在的应用
  * @param integer nums 该资源被分享的次数
  * @param string initHTML 默认的内容 
 public function render($data)
     $var = array();
     $var['appname'] = 'public';
     $var['cancomment'] = intval(CheckPermission('core_normal', 'feed_comment'));
     $var['feed_type'] = 'repost';
     is_array($data) && ($var = array_merge($var, $data));
     // 获取资源是否被删除
     switch ($data['appname']) {
         case 'weiba':
             $wInfo = D('WeibaPost', 'weiba')->where('post_id=' . $var['sid'])->find();
             $sInfo = model('Feed')->getFeedInfo($sInfo['feed_id']);
             $sInfo = model('Feed')->getFeedInfo($var['sid']);
     $var['s_is_del'] = $sInfo['is_del'];
     extract($var, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
     if ($nums > 0) {
         $showNums = " ({$nums})";
     } else {
         $showNums = "";
     if ($s_is_del == 1) {
         return "<span>" . L('PUBLIC_SHARE_STREAM') . $showNums . "</span>";
     } else {
         return "<a event-node=\"share\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" event-args='sid={$sid}&stable={$stable}&curtable={$current_table}&curid={$current_id}&initHTML={$initHTML}&appname={$appname}&cancomment={$cancomment}&feedtype={$feed_type}&is_repost={$is_repost}'>" . L('PUBLIC_SHARE_STREAM') . $showNums . "</a>";
     //    //渲染模版
     //    $content = $this->renderFile(dirname(__FILE__)."/Share.html",$var);
     // unset($var,$data);
     //       //输出数据
     // return $content;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function CheckPermission()
     $Content = $this->_Sender->Data('Content');
     if (CheckPermission('Candy.Page.Edit') || IsContentOwner($Content) && CheckPermission('Candy.Page.Add')) {
         return True;
 public function ToString()
     $Session = Gdn::Session();
     $Controller = Gdn::Controller();
     $UserID = $Controller->User->UserID;
     $MemberOptions = array();
     $ProfileOptions = array();
     $Controller->EventArguments['UserID'] = $UserID;
     $Controller->EventArguments['ProfileOptions'] =& $ProfileOptions;
     $Controller->EventArguments['MemberOptions'] =& $MemberOptions;
     if ($Controller->EditMode) {
         return '<div class="ProfileOptions">' . Anchor(T('Back to Profile'), UserUrl($Controller->User), array('class' => 'ProfileButtons')) . '</div>';
         //         $ProfileOptions[] = array('Text' => T('Back to Profile'), 'Url' => UserUrl($Controller->User), 'CssClass' => 'BackToProfile');
     } else {
         // Profile Editing
         if (hasEditProfile($Controller->User->UserID)) {
             $ProfileOptions[] = array('Text' => Sprite('SpEditProfile') . ' ' . T('Edit Profile'), 'Url' => UserUrl($Controller->User, '', 'edit'));
         // Ban/Unban
         $MayBan = CheckPermission('Garden.Moderation.Manage') || CheckPermission('Garden.Users.Edit') || CheckPermission('Moderation.Users.Ban');
         if ($MayBan && $UserID != $Session->UserID) {
             if ($Controller->User->Banned) {
                 $ProfileOptions[] = array('Text' => Sprite('SpBan') . ' ' . T('Unban'), 'Url' => "/user/ban?userid={$UserID}&unban=1", 'CssClass' => 'Popup');
             } elseif (!$Controller->User->Admin) {
                 $ProfileOptions[] = array('Text' => Sprite('SpBan') . ' ' . T('Ban'), 'Url' => "/user/ban?userid={$UserID}", 'CssClass' => 'Popup');
         // Delete content.
         if (CheckPermission('Garden.Moderation.Manage')) {
             $ProfileOptions[] = array('Text' => Sprite('SpDelete') . ' ' . T('Delete Content'), 'Url' => "/user/deletecontent?userid={$UserID}", 'CssClass' => 'Popup');
     return parent::ToString();
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Show NoIndex meta tag on discussions list.
 public function Base_BeforeDiscussionMeta_Handler($Sender, $Args)
     $NoIndex = GetValue('NoIndex', GetValue('Discussion', $Args));
     if (CheckPermission(array('Garden.Moderation.Manage', 'Garden.Curation.Manage'), FALSE) && $NoIndex) {
         echo ' <span class="Tag Tag-NoIndex">' . T('NoIndex') . '</span> ';
 public function __construct($Sender = '')
     if (!CheckPermission('Conversations.Conversations.Add')) {
         throw PermissionException();
     $Session = Gdn::Session();
     if (property_exists($Sender, 'Conversation')) {
         $this->Conversation = $Sender->Conversation;
     $this->Form = Gdn::Factory('Form', 'AddPeople');
     // $this->Form->Action = $Sender->SelfUrl;
     // If the form was posted back, check for people to add to the conversation
     if ($this->Form->AuthenticatedPostBack()) {
         $NewRecipientUserIDs = array();
         $NewRecipients = explode(',', $this->Form->GetFormValue('AddPeople', ''));
         $UserModel = Gdn::Factory("UserModel");
         foreach ($NewRecipients as $Name) {
             if (trim($Name) != '') {
                 $User = $UserModel->GetByUsername(trim($Name));
                 if (is_object($User)) {
                     $NewRecipientUserIDs[] = $User->UserID;
         $Sender->ConversationModel->AddUserToConversation($this->Conversation->ConversationID, $NewRecipientUserIDs);
         // if ($Sender->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL)
         //    Redirect('/messages/'.$this->Conversation->ConversationID);
         $Sender->InformMessage(T('Your changes were saved.'));
         $Sender->RedirectUrl = Url('/messages/' . $this->Conversation->ConversationID);
     $this->_ApplicationFolder = $Sender->Application;
     $this->_ThemeFolder = $Sender->Theme;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * 分享控制
  * @return void
 public function index()
     $shareInfo['sid'] = intval($_GET['sid']);
     $shareInfo['stable'] = t($_GET['stable']);
     $shareInfo['initHTML'] = h($_GET['initHTML']);
     $shareInfo['curid'] = t($_GET['curid']);
     $shareInfo['curtable'] = t($_GET['curtable']);
     $shareInfo['appname'] = t($_GET['appname']);
     $shareInfo['cancomment'] = intval($_GET['cancomment']);
     $shareInfo['is_repost'] = intval($_GET['is_repost']);
     if (empty($shareInfo['stable']) || empty($shareInfo['sid'])) {
         echo L('PUBLIC_TYPE_NOEMPTY');
     if (!($oldInfo = model('Source')->getSourceInfo($shareInfo['stable'], $shareInfo['sid'], false, $shareInfo['appname']))) {
     empty($shareInfo['appname']) && ($shareInfo['appname'] = $oldInfo['app']);
     if ($shareInfo['appname'] != '' && $shareInfo['appname'] != 'public') {
     if (empty($shareInfo['initHTML']) && !empty($shareInfo['curid'])) {
         if ($shareInfo['curid'] != $shareInfo['sid'] && $shareInfo['is_repost'] == 1) {
             $app = $curtable == $shareInfo['stable'] ? $shareInfo['appname'] : 'public';
             $curInfo = model('Source')->getSourceInfo($shareInfo['curtable'], $shareInfo['curid'], false, $app);
             $userInfo = $curInfo['source_user_info'];
             // if($userInfo['uid'] != $this->mid){	//分享其他人的分享,非自己的
             $shareInfo['initHTML'] = ' //@' . $userInfo['uname'] . ':' . $curInfo['source_content'];
             // }
             $shareInfo['initHTML'] = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), array('', ''), $shareInfo['initHTML']);
     if (!CheckPermission('core_normal', 'feed_comment')) {
         $shareInfo['cancomment'] = 0;
     if ($shareInfo['sid'] != $shareInfo['curid']) {
         $source = model('Feed')->get($shareInfo['sid']);
         if ($this->mid != $source['uid']) {
             $userPrivacy = model('UserPrivacy')->getPrivacy($this->mid, $source['uid']);
             if ($userPrivacy['comment_weibo'] == 1) {
                 $shareInfo['cancomment'] = 0;
             } else {
                 $shareInfo['cancomment'] = 1;
     $shareInfo['shareHtml'] = !empty($oldInfo['shareHtml']) ? $oldInfo['shareHtml'] : '';
     $weiboSet = model('Xdata')->get('admin_Config:feed');
     $canShareFeed = in_array('repost', $weiboSet['weibo_premission']) ? 1 : '0';
     $this->assign('canShareFeed', $canShareFeed);
     $this->assign('initNums', $weiboSet['weibo_nums']);
     $this->assign('shareInfo', $shareInfo);
     $this->assign('oldInfo', $oldInfo);
 public function delLZLReply($id)
     $lzl = D('ForumLzlReply')->where('id=' . $id)->find();
     $data['is_del'] = 1;
     CheckPermission(array($lzl['uid'])) && ($res = $this->where('id=' . $id)->save($data));
     D('ForumPost')->where(array('id' => $lzl['post_id']))->setDec('reply_count');
     S('post_replylist_' . $lzl['post_id'], null);
     S('post_replylzllist_' . $lzl['to_f_reply_id'], null);
     return $res;
 public function LoadData()
     $UserID = Gdn::Controller()->Data('Profile.UserID', Gdn::Session()->UserID);
     $this->User = Gdn::UserModel()->GetID($UserID);
     $this->Roles = Gdn::UserModel()->GetRoles($UserID)->ResultArray();
     // Hide personal info roles
     if (!CheckPermission('Garden.PersonalInfo.View')) {
         $this->Roles = array_filter($this->Roles, 'RoleModel::FilterPersonalInfo');
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Render the module.
  * @return string Rendered HTML.
 public function ToString()
     // Simplify our permission logic
     $ConversationExists = is_object($this->Conversation) && $this->Conversation->ConversationID > 0;
     $CanAddUsers = $this->AddUserAllowed && CheckPermission('Conversations.Conversations.Add');
     if ($ConversationExists && $CanAddUsers) {
         return parent::ToString();
     return '';
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Show alternate locale options in Foot.
 public function Base_Render_Before($Sender)
     // Not in Dashboard
     // Block guests until guest sessions are restored
     if ($Sender->MasterView == 'admin' || !CheckPermission('Garden.SignIn.Allow')) {
     // Add a simple style
     $Sender->AddAsset('Head', '<style>.LocaleOption { padding-left: 10px; } .LocaleOptions { padding: 10px; } .Dashboard .LocaleOptions { display: none; }</style>');
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function PluginController_MembersListEnh_Create($Sender)
     $Session = Gdn::Session();
     if ($Sender->Menu && (CheckPermission('Plugins.MembersListEnh.GenView') || CheckPermission('Plugins.MembersListEnh.IPEmailView'))) {
         $Sender->MasterView = 'default';
         $Sender->Render('memtable', '', 'plugins/MembersListEnh');
     } else {
         echo Wrap(Anchor(Img('/plugins/MembersListEnh/design/AccessDenied.png', array('width' => '100%'), array('title' => T('You Have No Permission To View This Page Go Back'))), '/discussions', array('target' => '_self')), 'h1');
Exemplo n.º 12
  * @param integer sid 资源ID,如分享小名片就是对应用户的用户ID,分享微博就是微博的ID
  * @param string stable 资源所在的表,如小名片就是contact表,微博就是feed表
  * @param string appname 资源所在的应用
  * @param integer nums 该资源被分享的次数
  * @param string initHTML 默认的内容 
 public function render($data)
     $var = array();
     $var['appname'] = 'public';
     $var['cancomment'] = intval(CheckPermission('core_normal', 'feed_comment'));
     $var['feed_type'] = 'repost';
     is_array($data) && ($var = array_merge($var, $data));
     $content = $this->renderFile(dirname(__FILE__) . "/Share.html", $var);
     unset($var, $data);
     return $content;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Output user agent information.
 protected function AttachInfo($Sender, $Attributes)
     if (!CheckPermission('Garden.Moderation.Manage')) {
     $Info = '';
     if ($Value = GetValue('Browser', $Attributes)) {
         $Info .= Wrap('Browser', 'dt') . ' ' . Wrap($Value, 'dd');
     if ($Value = GetValue('Platform', $Attributes)) {
         $Info .= Wrap('OS', 'dt') . ' ' . Wrap($Value, 'dd');
     echo Wrap($Info, 'dl', array('class' => "About UserAgentInfo"));
  * Set DateLastComment to null & sink & close if this is an insert and 'Show as Page' was selected.
 public function discussionModel_beforeSaveDiscussion_handler($sender, &$args)
     if (CheckPermission('Garden.Community.Manage') || CheckPermission('Garden.Settings.Manage')) {
         if ($args['Insert'] && $args['FormPostValues']['Page'] == 1) {
             $args['FormPostValues']['DateLastComment'] = NULL;
             $args['FormPostValues']['Sink'] = 1;
             $args['FormPostValues']['Closed'] = 1;
             $args['FormPostValues']['Type'] = 'SimplePage';
             if (StringIsNullOrEmpty($args['FormPostValues']['ForeignID'])) {
                 $sender->Validation->AddValidationResult('ForeignID', 'URL Slug required for pages.');
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Allow mods to bump via discussion options.
 public function Base_DiscussionOptions_Handler($Sender, $Args)
     $Discussion = $Args['Discussion'];
     if (CheckPermission('Garden.Moderation.Manage')) {
         $Label = T('Bump');
         $Url = "/discussion/bump?discussionid={$Discussion->DiscussionID}";
         // Deal with inconsistencies in how options are passed
         if (isset($Sender->Options)) {
             $Sender->Options .= Wrap(Anchor($Label, $Url, 'Bump'), 'li');
         } else {
             $Args['DiscussionOptions']['Bump'] = array('Label' => $Label, 'Url' => $Url, 'Class' => 'Bump');
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function doLogin()
     $login = model('Passport')->adminLogin();
     if ($login) {
         if (CheckPermission('core_admin', 'admin_login')) {
         } else {
             $this->assign('jumpUrl', SITE_URL);
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 17
  * 用户管理爆料列表
  * @param integer user_id 用户UID
  * @param integer count 每页显示条数
  * @param integer page 显示第几页
  * @param integer order 排序(1:时间,2:评论,3:奖金)
  * @return array 微吧列表
 function get_tipofflistbyuidmanage()
     $this->user_id = empty($this->user_id) ? $this->mid : $this->user_id;
     if (!$this->user_id) {
         return false;
     if (!(model('UserGroup')->isAdmin($this->user_id) || CheckPermission('tipoff_admin', 'tipoff_setStatus'))) {
         return false;
     $data = D('Tipoff', 'tipoff')->get_tipofflist_forapi($this->since_id, $this->max_id, $this->count, $this->page, $this->data['order'], $this->user_id, 3);
     if ($data) {
         return $data;
     } else {
         return array();
Exemplo n.º 18
 public function check()
     if (APP_NAME == 'admin' || APP_NAME == 'w3g' || CheckPermission('core_admin', 'admin_login')) {
     if (self::$checked) {
     self::$checked = true;
     $uid = intval($_SESSION['mid']);
     $uniqid = t(cookie('_testrand'));
     if (!$uniqid) {
         $uniqid = uniqid();
         cookie('_testrand', $uniqid, 86400 * 365);
     if (!empty($_SESSION['InviteTest'])) {
         $invitecode = $_SESSION['InviteTest'];
     } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['invitecode'])) {
         $invitecode = t($_REQUEST['invitecode']);
         cookie('invitetest', $invitecode, 86400 * 365);
     $model = $this->model('InviteTest');
     if (!empty($invitecode)) {
         if (!$model->check($invitecode, $uid, $uniqid)) {
             $this->assign('errorMsg', $model->getError());
             $_SESSION['InviteTest'] = null;
         } else {
             $_SESSION['InviteTest'] = $invitecode;
         $this->assign('invitecode', $invitecode);
     } else {
         $this->assign('invitecode', cookie('invitetest'));
     if (empty($_SESSION['InviteTest'])) {
         $this->assign('config', $model->getConfig());
Exemplo n.º 19
 public function delPostReply($id)
     $reply = D('ForumPostReply')->where('id=' . $id)->find();
     $data['status'] = 0;
     CheckPermission(array($reply['uid'])) && ($res = $this->where('id=' . $id)->save($data));
     if ($res) {
         $lzlReply_idlist = D('ForumLzlReply')->where('is_del=0 and to_f_reply_id=' . $id)->field('id')->select();
         $info['is_del'] = 1;
         foreach ($lzlReply_idlist as $val) {
             D('ForumLzlReply')->where('id=' . $val['id'])->save($info);
             D('ForumPost')->where(array('id' => $reply['post_id']))->setDec('reply_count');
     D('ForumPost')->where(array('id' => $reply['post_id']))->setDec('reply_count');
     S('post_replylist_' . $reply['post_id'], null);
     return $res;
Exemplo n.º 20
  * @param integer sid 资源ID,如分享小名片就是对应用户的用户ID,分享分享就是分享的ID
  * @param string stable 资源所在的表,如小名片就是contact表,分享就是feed表
  * @param string appname 资源所在的应用
  * @param integer nums 该资源被分享的次数
  * @param string initHTML 默认的内容 
 public function render($data)
     $var = array();
     $var['appname'] = 'public';
     $var['cancomment'] = intval(CheckPermission('core_normal', 'feed_comment'));
     $var['feed_type'] = 'repost';
     is_array($data) && ($var = array_merge($var, $data));
     // 获取资源是否被删除
     switch ($data['appname']) {
         case 'weiba':
             $wInfo = D('WeibaPost', 'weiba')->where('post_id=' . $var['sid'])->find();
             $sInfo = model('Feed')->getFeedInfo($sInfo['feed_id']);
         case 'event':
             $eInfo = D('event')->where('id=' . $var['sid'])->find();
             $sInfo = model('Feed')->getFeedInfo($eInfo['feed_id']);
         case 'blog':
             $bInfo = D('blog')->where('id=' . $var['sid'])->find();
             $sInfo = model('Feed')->getFeedInfo($bInfo['feed_id']);
         case 'vote':
             $vInfo = D('vote')->where('id=' . $var['sid'])->find();
             $sInfo = model('Feed')->getFeedInfo($vInfo['feed_id']);
         case 'photo':
             $pInfo = D('photo_album')->where('id=' . $var['sid'])->find();
             $sInfo = model('Feed')->getFeedInfo($pInfo['feed_id']);
             $sInfo = model('Feed')->getFeedInfo($var['sid']);
     extract($var, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
     if ($nums > 0) {
         $showNums = "&nbsp;({$nums})";
     } else {
         $showNums = "";
     if ($s_is_del == 1) {
         return "<span>" . L('PUBLIC_SHARE_STREAM') . $showNums . "</span>";
     } elseif ($var['tpl'] == 'share_repost') {
         return "<a event-node=\"share\" class=\"repost\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" event-args='sid={$sid}&stable={$stable}&curtable={$current_table}&curid={$current_id}&initHTML={$initHTML}&appname={$appname}&cancomment={$cancomment}&feedtype={$feed_type}&is_repost={$is_repost}'>我的主页</a>";
     } else {
         return "<a event-node=\"" . ($var['enode'] ? $var['enode'] : 'share') . "\"" . ($var['class'] ? ' class="' . $var['class'] . '"' : '') . ($var['title'] ? ' title="' . $var['title'] . '"' : '') . " href=\"javascript:void(0);\" event-args='sid={$sid}&stable={$stable}&curtable={$current_table}&curid={$current_id}&initHTML={$initHTML}&appname={$appname}&cancomment={$cancomment}&feedtype={$feed_type}&is_repost={$is_repost}'>" . ($var['text'] ? $var['text'] : L('PUBLIC_SHARE_STREAM') . $showNums) . "</a>";
Exemplo n.º 21
 public function doLogin()
     if (md5(strtoupper($_POST['verify'])) != $_SESSION['verify']) {
     $login = model('Passport')->adminLogin();
     if ($login) {
         if (CheckPermission('core_admin', 'admin_login')) {
         } else {
             $this->assign('jumpUrl', SITE_URL);
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Renders a list of available actions that also contains the current count of
  * reactions an item has received if allowed
  * @param int $ID
  * @param string $Type 'discussion', 'activity', or 'comment'
  * @param bool $Echo Should it be echoed?
  * @return mixed String if $Echo is false, TRUE otherwise
 function RenderReactionList($ID, $Type, $Echo = TRUE)
     $Reactions = Yaga::ReactionModel()->GetList($ID, $Type);
     $ShowCount = Gdn::Session()->CheckPermission('Yaga.Reactions.View');
     $ActionsString = '';
     foreach ($Reactions as $Action) {
         if (CheckPermission($Action->Permission)) {
             $CountString = $ShowCount && $Action->Count ? $Action->Count : '';
             $ActionsString .= Anchor(Wrap('&nbsp;', 'span', array('class' => 'ReactSprite React-' . $Action->ActionID . ' ' . $Action->CssClass)) . WrapIf($CountString, 'span', array('class' => 'Count')) . Wrap($Action->Name, 'span', array('class' => 'ReactLabel')), 'react/' . $Type . '/' . $ID . '/' . $Action->ActionID, array('class' => 'Hijack ReactButton', 'title' => $Action->Tooltip));
     $AllActionsString = Wrap($ActionsString, 'span', array('class' => 'ReactMenu'));
     if ($Echo) {
         echo $AllActionsString;
         return true;
     } else {
         return $AllActionsString;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function Gdn_Form_UploadBox_Create($Form)
     $FieldName =& $Form->EventArguments[0];
     $Attributes =& $Form->EventArguments[1];
     $Result = $Form->TextBox($FieldName, $Attributes);
     $Folder = GetValue('Folder', $Attributes, '', True);
     $AddYear = GetValue('AddYear', $Attributes, '', True);
     $AddMonth = GetValue('AddMonth', $Attributes, '', True);
     if (!$Folder) {
         $Folder = GetValue('UploadTo', $Attributes, '', True);
         if (Debug() && $Folder) {
             trigger_error("You should use 'Folder' instead of 'UploadTo'.", E_USER_DEPRECATED);
     if (CheckPermission('Plugins.Morf.Upload.Allow')) {
         $Data = compact('Folder', 'AddYear', 'AddMonth');
         $Result .= $Form->Hidden($FieldName . 'UploadBox', array('value' => json_encode($Data)));
     return $Result;
 public function delPostReply($id)
     $reply = M('ForumPostReply')->where('id=' . $id)->find();
     $data['status'] = -1;
     CheckPermission(array($reply['uid'])) && ($res = $this->where('id=' . $id)->save($data));
     if ($res) {
         $lzlReply_idlist = M('ForumLzlReply')->where('is_del=0 and to_f_reply_id=' . $id)->field('id')->select();
         $info['is_del'] = 1;
         foreach ($lzlReply_idlist as $val) {
             M('ForumLzlReply')->where('id=' . $val['id'])->save($info);
     $reply_list = M('ForumPostReply')->where(array('post_id' => $reply['post_id']))->field('id')->select();
     $reply_count = count($reply_list);
     $reply_list = array_column($reply_list, 'id');
     $reply_count += M('ForumLzlReply')->where(array('id' => array('in', $reply_list)))->count();
     M('ForumPost')->where(array('id' => $reply['post_id']))->setField('reply_count', $reply_count);
     S('post_replylist_' . $reply['post_id'], null);
     return $res;
Exemplo n.º 25
  * [ 获取评论的评论列表]
  * @return [type] [description]
 public function reply_commentList()
     if (!CheckPermission('weiba_normal', 'weiba_reply')) {
         return false;
     $var = $_POST;
     $var['initNums'] = model('Xdata')->getConfig('weibo_nums', 'feed');
     $var['commentInfo'] = model('Comment')->getCommentInfo($var['comment_id'], false);
     $var['canrepost'] = $var['commentInfo']['table'] == 'feed' ? 1 : 0;
     $var['cancomment'] = 1;
     // 获取原作者信息
     $rowData = model('Feed')->get(intval($var['commentInfo']['row_id']));
     $appRowData = model('Feed')->get($rowData['app_row_id']);
     $var['user_info'] = $appRowData['user_info'];
     // 微博类型
     $var['feedtype'] = $rowData['type'];
     // $var['cancomment_old'] = ($var['commentInfo']['uid'] != $var['commentInfo']['app_uid'] && $var['commentInfo']['app_uid'] != $this->uid) ? 1 : 0;
     if ($var['flag'] != 1) {
         $var['initHtml'] = L('PUBLIC_STREAM_REPLY') . '@' . $var['commentInfo']['user_info']['uname'] . ' :';
     $commentList = D('weiba_reply')->where('is_del = 0 and to_reply_id=' . $var['to_reply_id'])->order('ctime')->select();
     foreach ($commentList as $k => $v) {
         $commentList[$k]['content'] = parse_html(h(htmlspecialchars($v['content'])));
     $this->assign('commentList', $commentList);
     $uids = getSubByKey($commentList, 'uid');
     $this->assign('reply_id', $var['to_reply_id']);
     $this->assign('var', $var);
     if ($var[type] == 2) {
         $con = $this->fetch('reply_commentList1');
     } else {
         $con = $this->fetch();
     echo $con;
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Renders a chunk of text
  * @param mixed $Identify ChunckID.
  * @param mixed $Options type of chunk (Textarea [default], Text)
  * @return mixed $Result.
 function Chunk($Identify, $Options = False)
     static $ChunkModel;
     if (is_null($ChunkModel)) {
         $ChunkModel = new ChunkModel();
     static $PermissionChunksEdit;
     if (is_null($PermissionChunksEdit)) {
         $PermissionChunksEdit = CheckPermission('Candy.Chunks.Edit');
     $Data = $ChunkModel->GetID($Identify);
     if ($Data != False) {
         $String = Gdn_Format::To($Data->Body, $Data->Format);
         $Type = ArrayValueI('type', $Options, 'Textarea');
         $Class = ArrayValueI('class', $Options, '');
         if ($Type) {
             if ($PermissionChunksEdit) {
                 $Class .= ' Editable Editable' . $Type;
             $String = Wrap($String, 'div', array('class' => trim($Class), 'id' => 'Chunk' . $Data->ChunkID));
         return $String;
Exemplo n.º 27
  * 渲染评论页面 在addcomment方法中调用
 public function parseComment($data)
     $data['userInfo'] = model('User')->getUserInfo($GLOBALS['ts']['uid']);
     // 获取用户组信息
     $data['userInfo']['groupData'] = model('UserGroupLink')->getUserGroupData($GLOBALS['ts']['uid']);
     $data['content'] = preg_html($data['content']);
     $data['content'] = parse_html($data['content']);
     $data['iscommentdel'] = CheckPermission('core_normal', 'comment_del');
     return $this->renderFile(dirname(__FILE__) . "/_parseComment.html", $data);
Exemplo n.º 28
  * 根据关键字进行搜索
  * @return void
 public function index()
     if (!CheckPermission('core_normal', 'search_info')) {
     $this->setTitle('搜索' . $this->key);
     $this->setKeywords('搜索' . $this->key);
     $this->setDescription('搜索' . $this->key);
     if ($this->curType == 2) {
         if ($this->key != "") {
             if (t($_GET['Stime']) && t($_GET['Etime'])) {
                 $Stime = strtotime(t($_GET['Stime']));
                 $Etime = strtotime(t($_GET['Etime']));
                 $this->assign('Stime', t($_GET['Stime']));
                 $this->assign('Etime', t($_GET['Etime']));
             //关键字匹配 采用搜索引擎兼容函数搜索 后期可能会扩展为搜索引擎
             $feed_type = !empty($_GET['feed_type']) ? t($_GET['feed_type']) : '';
             $list = model('Feed')->searchFeeds($this->key, $feed_type, 20, $Stime, $Etime);
             $feed_ids = getSubByKey($list['data'], 'feed_id');
             $diggArr = model('FeedDigg')->checkIsDigg($feed_ids, $GLOBALS['ts']['mid']);
             $this->assign('diggArr', $diggArr);
             $this->assign('feed_type', $feed_type);
             $this->assign('searchResult', $list);
             $weiboSet = model('Xdata')->get('admin_Config:feed');
             $this->assign('weibo_premission', $weiboSet['weibo_premission']);
     } else {
         if ($this->key != "") {
             if ($this->curType == 3) {
                 $data['name'] = $this->key;
                 $tagid = D('tag')->where($data)->getField('tag_id');
                 $maps['app'] = 'public';
                 $maps['table'] = 'user';
                 $maps['tag_id'] = $tagid;
                 $user_ids = getSubByKey(D('app_tag')->where($maps)->field('row_id as uid')->order('row_id desc')->findAll(), 'uid');
                 $map['uid'] = array('in', $user_ids);
                 $map['is_active'] = 1;
                 $map['is_audit'] = 1;
                 $map['is_init'] = 1;
                 $userlist = D('user')->where($map)->field('uid')->findpage(10);
                 foreach ($userlist['data'] as &$v) {
                     $v = model('User')->getUserInfo($v['uid']);
             } else {
                 $userlist = model('User')->searchUser($this->key, 0, 100, '', '', 0, 10);
             $uids = getSubByKey($userlist['data'], 'uid');
             $usercounts = model('UserData')->getUserDataByUids($uids);
             $userGids = model('UserGroupLink')->getUserGroup($uids);
             $followstatus = model('Follow')->getFollowStateByFids($this->mid, $uids);
             foreach ($userlist['data'] as $k => $v) {
                 $userlist['data'][$k]['usercount'] = $usercounts[$v['uid']];
                 $userlist['data'][$k]['userTag'] = model('Tag')->setAppName('User')->setAppTable('user')->getAppTags($v['uid']);
                 // 获取用户用户组信息
                 // 					$userGids = model('UserGroupLink')->getUserGroup($v['uid']);
                 $userGroupData = model('UserGroup')->getUserGroupByGids($userGids[$v['uid']]);
                 foreach ($userGroupData as $key => $value) {
                     if ($value['user_group_icon'] == -1) {
                     $userGroupData[$key]['user_group_icon_url'] = THEME_PUBLIC_URL . '/image/usergroup/' . $value['user_group_icon'];
                 $userlist['data'][$k]['userGroupData'] = $userGroupData;
                 // 获取用户积分信息
                 //$userlist['data'][$k]['userCredit'] = model('Credit')->getUserCredit($this->uid);
                 $userlist['data'][$k]['follow_state'] = $followstatus[$v['uid']];
             $this->assign('searchResult', $userlist);
Exemplo n.º 29
  * 添加评论操作
  * @param array $data 评论数据
  * @param boolean $forApi 是否用于API,默认为false
  * @param boolean $notCount 是否统计到未读评论
  * @param array $lessUids 除去@用户ID
  * @return boolean 是否添加评论成功 
 public function addComment($data, $forApi = false, $notCount = false, $lessUids = null)
     // 判断用户是否登录
     if (!$GLOBALS['ts']['mid']) {
         $this->error = L('PUBLIC_REGISTER_REQUIRED');
         // 请先登录
         return false;
     if (isSubmitLocked()) {
         $this->error = '发布内容过于频繁,请稍后再试!';
         return false;
     /* # 将Emoji编码 */
     $data['content'] = formatEmoji(true, $data['content']);
     // 检测数据安全性
     $add = $this->_escapeData($data);
     if ($add['content'] === '') {
         $this->error = L('PUBLIC_COMMENT_CONTENT_REQUIRED');
         // 评论内容不可为空
         return false;
     $add['is_del'] = 0;
     $filterStatus = filter_words($add['content']);
     $weiboSet = model('Xdata')->get('admin_Config:feed');
     $weibo_premission = $weiboSet['weibo_premission'];
     if (in_array('audit', $weibo_premission) || CheckPermission('core_normal', 'feed_audit') || $filterStatus['type'] == 2) {
         $add['is_audit'] = 0;
     } else {
         $add['is_audit'] = 1;
     $add['client_ip'] = get_client_ip();
     $add['client_port'] = get_client_port();
     if ($res = $this->add($add)) {
         //添加楼层信息 弃用 20130607
         /*             $storeyCount = $this->where("table='".$add['table']."' and row_id=".$data['row_id'].' and comment_id<'.$res)->count();
                     $this->where('comment_id='.$res)->setField('storey',$storeyCount+1); */
         if (!$add['is_audit']) {
             $touid = D('user_group_link')->where('user_group_id=1')->field('uid')->findAll();
             $touidArr = getSubByKey($touid, 'uid');
             model('Notify')->sendNotify($touidArr, 'comment_audit');
         // 获取排除@用户ID
         $lessUids[] = intval($data['app_uid']);
         !empty($data['to_uid']) && ($lessUids[] = intval($data['to_uid']));
         // 获取用户发送的内容,仅仅以//进行分割
         $scream = explode('//', $data['content']);
         model('Atme')->setAppName('Public')->setAppTable('comment')->addAtme(trim($scream[0]), $res, null, $lessUids);
         // 被评论内容的“评论统计数”加1,同时可检测出app,table,row_id的有效性
         $pk = D($add['table'])->getPk();
         $where = "`{$pk}`={$add['row_id']}";
         D($add['table'])->setInc('comment_count', $where);
         //            D($add['table'])->setInc('commentCount', $where);
         //            D($add['table'])->setInc('comment_all_count', $where);
         D($add['app'])->setInc('commentCount', $where);
         D($add['app'])->setInc('comment_all_count', $where);
         M($add['app'])->where('feed_id=' . $add['row_id'])->setField('rTime', time());
         // 给应用UID添加一个未读的评论数 原作者
         if ($GLOBALS['ts']['mid'] != $add['app_uid'] && $add['app_uid'] != '' && $add['app_uid'] != $add['to_uid']) {
             !$notCount && model('UserData')->updateKey('unread_comment', 1, true, $add['app_uid']);
         // 回复发送提示信息
         if (!empty($add['to_uid']) && $add['to_uid'] != $GLOBALS['ts']['mid']) {
             !$notCount && model('UserData')->updateKey('unread_comment', 1, true, $add['to_uid']);
         // 加积分操作
         if ($add['table'] == 'feed') {
             model('Credit')->setUserCredit($GLOBALS['ts']['mid'], 'comment_weibo');
             model('Credit')->setUserCredit($data['app_uid'], 'commented_weibo');
         // 发邮件
         if ($add['to_uid'] != $GLOBALS['ts']['mid'] || $add['app_uid'] != $GLOBALS['ts']['mid'] && $add['app_uid'] != '') {
             $author = model('User')->getUserInfo($GLOBALS['ts']['mid']);
             $config['name'] = $author['uname'];
             $config['space_url'] = $author['space_url'];
             $config['face'] = $author['avatar_small'];
             $sourceInfo = model('Source')->getCommentSource($add, $forApi);
             $config['content'] = parse_html($add['content']);
             $config['ctime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
             $config['sourceurl'] = $sourceInfo['source_url'];
             $config['source_content'] = parse_html($sourceInfo['source_content']);
             $config['source_ctime'] = isset($sourceInfo['ctime']) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $sourceInfo['ctime']) : date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             if (!empty($add['to_uid'])) {
                 // 回复
                 $config['comment_type'] = '回复 我 的评论:';
                 model('Notify')->sendNotify($add['to_uid'], 'comment', $config);
             } else {
                 // 评论
                 $config['comment_type'] = '评论 我 的分享:';
                 if (!empty($add['app_uid'])) {
                     model('Notify')->sendNotify($add['app_uid'], 'comment', $config);
     $this->error = $res ? L('PUBLIC_CONCENT_IS_OK') : L('PUBLIC_CONCENT_IS_ERROR');
     // 评论成功,评论失败
     return $res;
Exemplo n.º 30

$ajaxPage = true;
if ($_GET["key"] != $loguser["token"]) {
$pid = (int) $_GET["id"];
$post = Fetch(Query("SELECT * FROM {posts} WHERE id = {0}", $pid));
if (!$post) {
    die("Unknown post");
if ($post["user"] == $loguserid) {
$thread = Fetch(Query("SELECT * FROM {threads} WHERE id = {0}", $post["thread"]));
if (!$thread) {
    die("Unknown thread");
if (!HasPermission('forum.viewforum', $thread['forum'])) {
    die('Nice try hacker kid, but no.');
if ($thread["closed"]) {
    die(__("Thread is closed"));
$vote = Fetch(Query("SELECT * FROM {postplusones} WHERE post = {0} AND user = {1}", $pid, $loguserid));
if (!$vote) {
    Query("UPDATE {posts} SET postplusones = postplusones+1 WHERE id = {0} LIMIT 1", $pid);
    Query("UPDATE {users} SET postplusones = postplusones+1 WHERE id = {0} LIMIT 1", $post["user"]);
    Query("UPDATE {users} SET postplusonesgiven = postplusonesgiven+1 WHERE id = {0} LIMIT 1", $loguserid);
    Query("INSERT INTO {postplusones} (user, post) VALUES ({0}, {1})", $loguserid, $pid);