Exemplo n.º 1
 public function index()
     $selected_id = Input::get("selected_id");
     if (!isset($selected_id)) {
         $selected_id = null;
     return CheckIfAuthenticated('members.bookkit', ['selected_menu' => 'main-menu-book', 'selected_id' => $selected_id], 'home.index', [], false);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function findKit($bookingID)
     $branch = Branches::find(Session::get('branch'));
     // If the session is not set, default to the IT depot
     if (!isset($branch)) {
         $branch = Branches::find(0);
     // Get Kits to be received
     $data = DB::select('SELECT
                           K.ID AS KitID, K.KitType, K.Name AS KitName, K.AtBranch, K.KitState, K.BarcodeNumber, K.Specialized,  K.SpecializedName,
                           B.ID as BookingID, B.ForBranch, B.StartDate, B.EndDate, B.ShadowStartDate, B.ShadowEndDate, B.Purpose,
                           KT.Name AS KitTypeName, KT.TypeDescription as KitTypeDesc
                           FROM Booking AS B
                             INNER JOIN Kits as K ON (K.ID = B.KitID)
                               INNER JOIN KitTypes AS KT ON (KT.ID = K.KitType)
                               INNER JOIN KitSTate AS KS ON (KS.ID = K.KitState)
                          WHERE now() BETWEEN DATE_ADD(B.ShadowStartDate, INTERVAL -1 DAY) AND B.ShadowEndDate
                                AND B.ForBranch = ?
                                AND B.ForBranch <> K.AtBranch
                                ORDER BY BookingID
                                ', array($branch->ID));
     // Get Kits to be sent out
     $data2 = DB::select('SELECT
                           K.ID AS KitID, K.KitType, K.Name AS KitName, K.AtBranch, K.KitState, K.BarcodeNumber, K.Specialized,  K.SpecializedName,
                           B.ID as BookingID, B.ForBranch, B.StartDate, B.EndDate, B.ShadowStartDate, B.ShadowEndDate, B.Purpose,
                           KT.Name AS KitTypeName, KT.TypeDescription as KitTypeDesc
                           FROM Booking AS B
                             INNER JOIN Kits as K ON (K.ID = B.KitID)
                               INNER JOIN KitTypes AS KT ON (KT.ID = K.KitType)
                               INNER JOIN KitSTate AS KS ON (KS.ID = K.KitState)
                          WHERE now() BETWEEN DATE_ADD(B.ShadowStartDate, INTERVAL -1 DAY) AND B.ShadowEndDate
                                AND K.AtBranch = ?
                                AND B.ForBranch <> K.AtBranch
                                ORDER BY BookingID
                                ', array($branch->ID));
     $theBooking = Booking::findOrFail($bookingID);
     $theBookID = $theBooking->ID;
     return CheckIfAuthenticated('members.receiveKitManagement', ['mode' => 'receive', 'branch' => $branch, 'selected_menu' => 'main-menu-receive', 'receiveKits' => $data, 'sendKits' => $data2, 'findBookID' => $theBookID, 'kitTypes' => KitTypes::all()], 'home.index', [], false);
Exemplo n.º 3
    function index()
        $data = DB::select('SELECT
                                K.ID AS KitID,
                                KT.Name AS KitType,
                                KT.TypeDescription as TypeDescription,
                                K.Name AS KitName,
                                K.KitDesc as KitDescription,
                                B.BranchID AS BranchID,
                                B.Name AS BranchName,
                                B.PhoneNumber AS BranchPhone,
                                B.EPLAddress AS BranchAddress,
                                KS.StateName AS KitState,
                                BK.ID AS BookingID,
                                B2.BranchID AS ForBranchID,
                                B2.Name AS ForBranchName,
                                B2.PhoneNumber AS ForBranchPhone,
                                U.id AS UserID,
                                U.realname AS UserName,
                                U.email AS UserEmail,
                                count(BK3.ID) AS BookingCount
                              FROM Kits AS K
                                INNER JOIN KitTypes AS KT ON (KT.ID = K.KitType)
                                INNER JOIN Branches AS B ON (B.ID = K.AtBranch)
                                INNER JOIN KitState AS KS ON (KS.ID = K.KitState)
                                LEFT JOIN  Booking AS BK ON (BK.ID = (SELECT BK2.ID FROM Booking AS BK2 WHERE BK2.StartDate > now() AND BK2.KitID = K.ID ORDER BY BK2.StartDate LIMIT 1))
                                    LEFT JOIN Branches AS B2 ON (B2.ID = BK.ForBranch)
                                    LEFT JOIN BookingDetails AS BD ON (BD.BookingID = BK.ID AND BD.Booker = TRUE)
                                        LEFT JOIN users AS U ON (U.id = BD.UserID)
                                LEFT JOIN  Booking AS BK3 ON (BK3.KitID = K.ID AND BK3.StartDate > now())

                              WHERE K.Available = true
                              GROUP BY K.ID, KT.Name,KT.typeDescription, K.Name, K.KitDesc, B.Name, B.BranchID
                              ORDER BY KT.Name, K.Name, BK.StartDate
        return CheckIfAuthenticated('members.overviewkit', ['selected_menu' => 'main-menu-overview', 'data' => $data], 'home.index', [], false);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function show2($LogKey1 = NULL, $LogKey2 = NULL)
     $clause = "LogKey1 = " . $LogKey1;
     $filters = array();
     if (Input::get('FILTERS-ALL') != "T") {
         $filters = $this->ArrayOfFilters(Input::all());
         $clause = $this->GetFilterClause($filters) . "LogKey1 = " . $LogKey1;
     } else {
         foreach (LogType::all() as $logType) {
             array_unshift($filters, $logType->ID);
     if ($LogKey2) {
         $clause = $clause . " and LogKey2 = " . $LogKey2;
     $logs = Logs::whereraw($clause)->get();
     $kTyp = KitTypes::find($LogKey1);
     $kit = Kits::find($LogKey2);
     $title = "Log for " . $kTyp->Name . " -> " . $kit->Name;
     if ((int) $kit->Specialized == 1) {
         $title = $title . ' + ' . $kit->SecializedName;
     return CheckIfAuthenticated('Logs.show', ['ID' => $LogKey2, 'logs' => $logs, 'logTitle' => $title, 'logTypes' => LogType::all(), 'filters' => $filters], 'home.index', [], true);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function contents($kitID)
     return CheckIfAuthenticated('kit.kitContents', ['kitContents' => Kits::find($kitID)->contents], 'home.index', [], true);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function index()
     return CheckIfAuthenticated('kit.kitTypeManagment', ['selected_menu' => 'main-menu-administration', 'selected_admin_menu' => 'admin-menu-manage-kit-types', 'kitTypes' => KitTypes::all()], 'home.index', [], true);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function index()
     return CheckIfAuthenticated('administrator.branchsManagment', ['selected_menu' => 'main-menu-administration', 'selected_admin_menu' => 'admin-menu-manage-branches'], 'home.index', [], true);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function index()
     return CheckIfAuthenticated('users.userManagment', ['selected_menu' => 'main-menu-administration', 'selected_admin_menu' => 'admin-menu-manage-users', 'users' => User::all(), 'branches' => Branches::all()], 'home.index', [], true);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function index()
     return CheckIfAuthenticated('administrator.logs', ['selected_menu' => 'main-menu-administration', 'selected_admin_menu' => 'admin-menu-logs'], 'home.index', [], true);