Exemplo n.º 1
function MyCarpConfReset($set = 'default')
    global $carpconf;
    // Override any settings you wish to change here
    // Modifications have been made to carpinc.php that provided functionality
    // for displaying authors and dates.
    $carpconf['clinktarget'] = "_blank";
    $carpconf['clinkstyle'] = "font-size: 100%;";
    $carpconf['acb'] = "<hr />";
    $carpconf['bitems'] = "<table>";
    $carpconf['bi'] = "<tr><td>";
    $carpconf['ilinktarget'] = "_blank";
    $carpconf['ilinkstyle'] = "font-size: 100%;";
    $carpconf['bauthor'] = "<em> by <strong>";
    $carpconf['aauthor'] = "</strong></em>";
    $carpconf['idateformat'] = "D, M j G:i:s T Y";
    $carpconf['bdate'] = "<em> on ";
    $carpconf['adate'] = "</em>";
    $carpconf['bidesc'] = "<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ";
    $carpconf['aidesc'] = "<br /><br />";
    $carpconf['ai'] = "</td></tr>";
    $carpconf['aitems'] = "</table>";
    $carpconf['poweredby'] = "";
    $carpconf['cacheinterval'] = 10;
    $carpconf['cacheinterval'] = 10;
    global $cfg;
    $carpconf['cachepath'] = $cfg[uploaddir] . "/RSScache/";
    $carpconf['cacherelative'] = FALSE;
    // Create alternative configuration sets here
    if ($set == 'default') {
    } else {
        if ($set == 'rss_titles') {
            CarpConf('cborder', 'link');
            $carpconf['clinktarget'] = "_blank";
            $carpconf['clinkstyle'] = "font-size: 9px%;";
            $carpconf['acb'] = "\n<div style='border-bottom: 1px solid gray'></div>";
            $carpconf['iorder'] = "link";
            $carpconf['ilinktarget'] = "_blank";
            $carpconf['ilinkstyle'] = "font-size: 9px;";
            $carpconf['maxititle'] = 50;
            $carpconf['maxitems'] = 10;
        } else {
            if ($set == 'rss_contentblock') {
                CarpConf('cborder', 'link');
                $carpconf['iorder'] = "link,desc,author,date";
                $carpconf['clinktarget'] = "_blank";
                $carpconf['clinkstyle'] = "font-size: 100%;";
                $carpconf['actitle'] = " (RSS)";
                $carpconf['acb'] = "\n<div class='hr'><hr /></div>";
                $carpconf['bitems'] = "\n<table width='100%'>";
                $carpconf['bi'] = "\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t";
                $carpconf['ilinktarget'] = "_blank";
                $carpconf['ilinkstyle'] = "font-size: 100%; font-weight: bold;";
                $carpconf['bidesc'] = " ";
                $carpconf['aidesc'] = "\n\t\t\t<div class='contentinfo' align='right'>";
                $carpconf['ai'] = "\n\t\t</td>\n\t</tr>";
                $carpconf['aitems'] = "\n</table>";
                $carpconf['bauthor'] = "\n\t\t\t\tby ";
                $carpconf['aauthor'] = " via RSS";
                $carpconf['idateformat'] = "n/j/Y g:i A";
                $carpconf['bdate'] = "\n\t\t\t\t on ";
                $carpconf['adate'] = "\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='hr'><hr /></div>";
                $carpconf['poweredby'] = "";
                $carpconf['cacheinterval'] = 10;
                $carpconf['cacheinterval'] = 10;
                $carpconf['maxititle'] = 100;
                $carpconf['maxitems'] = 10;
Exemplo n.º 2
   Installation & Configuration Manual: http://www.mouken.com/rss/manual/
   (c) 2004      XT - Commerce; www.xt-commerce.com

    Released under the GNU General Public License
$carpversion = '2.7.5';
function CarpConfReset()
    global $carpconf, $carpoptions;
    $carpconf = array('cachepath' => DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'cache/rss', 'cacheinterval' => 60, 'cacheerrorwait' => 30, 'cachetime' => '', 'descriptiontags' => 'b|/b|i|/i|br|p|/p|hr|span|/span|font|/font|img|/images|a|/a', 'proxyauth' => '', 'basicauth' => '', 'filterin' => '', 'filterout' => '', 'linktarget' => 0, 'showdesc' => 0, 'maxdesc' => 0, 'posttruncdesc' => '<i>... continues</i>', 'maxitems' => 15, 'maxtitle' => 80, 'defaulttitle' => '(no title)', 'preitem' => '', 'postitem' => HTML_BR, 'preitems' => '', 'postitems' => '', 'linkclass' => '', 'linkstyle' => '', 'linkdiv' => '', 'showctitle' => 0, 'showclink' => 0, 'showcdesc' => 0, 'maxctitle' => 80, 'cclass' => '', 'cstyle' => '', 'cdiv' => '', 'encodingin' => '', 'encodingout' => '', 'linktitles' => 1, 'maxredir' => 10, 'timeout' => 15, 'sendhost' => 1, 'removebadtags' => 1, 'outputformat' => 0, 'poweredby' => '<br/><i><a href="http://www.mouken.com/rss/" target="_blank">Newsfeed display by CaRP</a></i>', 'newwindow' => 0);
    $carpoptions = '|';
    while (list($k, $v) = each($carpconf)) {
        $carpoptions .= "{$k}|";
function CarpConf($n, $v)
    global $carpconf, $carpoptions;
    $n = explode('|', strtolower(preg_replace("/ /", '', $n)));
    for ($i = count($n) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
        if (strpos($carpoptions, "|{$n[$i]}|") !== false) {
            $carpconf[$n[$i]] = $v;
        } else {
            CarpError("Unknown option ({$n[$i]}). Please check the spelling of the option name and that the version of CaRP you are using supports this option.", 0);
function CarpOutput($t)
    global $carpconf, $carpoutput;